Re: Accessible reign for the blind isn't availible anymore.

2021-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible reign for the blind isn't availible anymore.

I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Even if a game appears to be totally lost to time, with no copies known to exist anywhere in the world, I believe the database entries for them should still be preserved somewhere, so there is at least a record that the game once existed, and whatever info is known about it.


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Re: Erjant! Mods please read this.

2021-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Erjant! Mods please read this.

Again for historical preservation purposes, what I'd tend to do is remove the download links, in so far as they're no longer able to be easily found. But for anyone who really, really, really wants the links, put them in the post, in such a way that it takes some work to get them. E.G. if the link were originally maybe turn it into https colon slash slash www dot example dot com slash game dot html, with plenty of BUYER BEWARE notices around it.


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Re: the blind sordsman is dead

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the blind sordsman is dead

@1: 403 can mean a few things. First, as you pointed out, it could mean you do not have access to the file for any number of reasons. However, it can also mean the web server does not have permission to read the file. On Unix-like systems, which are responsible for serving most Internet content, each file and directory has permissions associated with it, which determine who can read, write, and execute. If the web server process doesn't have the read permission on the file you want, or I assume the read and execute permissions on one of the folders it needs, or if a few other things aren't quite right, it will throw an error 403. There is nothing you can do about this, the webmaster, server administrator, or the user who has space on the server needs to correct the problem.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I agree with everything said here. While I tend to ignore topics I'm not interested in, I have seen a ton of Ultra Power topics recently. It also seems like spammers are surviving longer on this forum than they used to. I reported what appeared to me to be a purely spam topic a few days ago. No idea if it ever got nuked.Also, there have been several times when I've seen a seemingly good/interesting topic degenerate into flame wars over who stole whose code, who stole whose idea, etc. At those times, I've wanted to post something like:MODERATION!Okay, folks, this topic has gotten waaay out of hand. If this kind of thing continues, the topic will be closed. Users X, Y, and Z, you have each been given an official warning.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I think you're right on the money. If I were in your shoes, I'd tend to delete topics with no useful or amusing content in any of the posts, delete spam or other undesirable posts from topics, and leave other topics, closed where appropriate. In other words, a topic wouldn't be deleted, even if it had turned into an all out flamewar, if doing so would cause the loss of useful information.


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Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

2016-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I probably shouldn't be posting this

I saw the last few posts in the now deleted Ultra Power topic last night, in which the position is made quite clear. I was going to capture them for the record, but by the time I thought of that, the topic had been deleted and I'd already cleared my browser cache. In my opinion, if this conversation still exists anywhere, it should be posted somewhere for all the world to see, so Mason's official position on the matter is a matter of permanent record. That way, no user can accuse the moderators of just making up the fact that Mason said what he said on the matter. Like I said, by the time I thought to do that, the topic was already gone, and so was my browser's cache, so I no longer have a copy.Just my $0.02 worth.


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Re: Prolonged periods of downtime?

2016-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prolonged periods of downtime?

I have to agree here. I visit the forum at least once per day, usually several times per day. I have yet to see it down since the beginning of the year.


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Re: Connection error when visiting

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Connection error when visiting

I am having the same problem on two Windows 7 X64 machines running Firefox 52 ESR, as recommended by Freedom Scientific to forestall accessibility problems with the upcoming Firefox update. I'm posting this from Internet Explorer on one machine where Firefox can't access the site. Pasted below is the complete error page after it tries to connect for a few minutes. This is affecting the entire site.Note: The last two parts of my IP address have been redacted by | 502: Bad gatewayRetry for a live versionThis page ( currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keepchecking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by Cloudflare | Hide this AlertError 502 Ray ID: 3b4f785d058d555e • 2017-10-28 17:03:44 UTCBad gatewayYouBrowserWorkingChicagoCloudflareWorkingforum.audiogames.netHostErrorWhat happened?The web server reported a bad gateway error.What can I do?Please try again in a few minutes.Cloudflare Ray ID: 3b4f785d058d555e • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare


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Re: Connection error when visiting

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Connection error when visiting

Update! If I try to connect using HTTPS (secure connection) instead of HTTP (insecure connection) the error message says the origin web server timed out, instead of saying it returned a bad gateway error.


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Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

2018-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

Jumping in here, with an off-topic question which has suddenly become quite on-topic.Moderators, do you know if anyone's making regular backups of the site and database? Ideally such backups should be kept by multiple people, in multiple parts of the world, not in any way associated with the hosting company, and kept up to date. That way, you could still have big problems if a copyright takedown happened, but if the site went down for any other reason, and the hosting company lost or destroyed all your data, at worst all you'd lose is, say, a few days of posts, not well over a decade of irreplaceable history.


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Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

2018-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

That's probably just Cloudflare's servers though, not the actual web server behind it.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2018-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

One other thing I was sort of surprised not to see is a rule or part of a rule, probably rule 3 on personal attacks, talking about discrimination. E.G. you not only aren't allowed to personally attack specific people (You suck/Your game is stupid), but this also applies to discrimination/attacks based on the criteria many of us have heard over and over again, race, religion, sex, income status, sexual preferences or lack thereof, political views or lack thereof, etc. Also, respect everyone else's right to have their own opinions, even if those opinions are not to your liking, etc. I know this is common sense to most of us, but there's always somebody who will try to break the rules in any way they can. All of this should also apply to things specific to this forum. E.G. "Screen Reader X sucks!" is a perfectly valid opinion. "Anyone who uses Screen Reader X is obviously too stupid to…" in my opinion would be a personal attack against a group of people.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2018-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

I'm somewhere in the middle with regard to rule 10. The wording seems a bit odd to me, and it could definitely be abused by a moderation team hell bent on abusing it. But imho we do need a rule, guideline, or clarification which in effect says, "While the rules listed above are the main forum rules, common sense should prevail. If you are considering doing something which seems outright wrong or at odds with this forum, just because this specific case isn't listed in the rules doesn't make it okay." That wording is probably way off base, but you get the idea. Another thing rule 10 probably tries to get across is something I saw on a MOO once. It said something like, "If you test our limits, or if we think you are testing our limits, you risk being punished and that is your problem, not ours."


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Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

2018-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

Sorry to throw this off-topic so early on, but @JaceK, you really do need a new keyboard. Or should that be, Yoyu raelly ned aa neww jeyboaard. LOL!


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Re: Staff Listing.

2018-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Staff Listing.

Maybe Admins can't demote other Admins? That would make some sense I guess.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2018-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

I know this is a relatively old/inactive topic, but one thing I was surprised not to see is something about not posting game puzzle/plot/story spoilers without extremely clear warning that spoilers follow.


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Re: Removing Unavailable Games from the Database?

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Removing Unavailable Games from the Database?

I somewhat agree, however, in my opinion there needs to be some record kept somewhere of old games that are truly lost to time so the world knows they did exist at one time.


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Re: We're trying to be more accountable as staff

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We're trying to be more accountable as staff

I think this is a good idea.


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Re: We're trying to be more accountable as staff

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We're trying to be more accountable as staff

I disagree about posts being deleted when warnings, bans, etc. expire. Imho if we're going to create and keep this kind of record, it needs to note warnings and bans even after they've expired. We need to know our history.The only possible exception to this, imho again, would be when a user clearly has no regard for the forum rules, to the point that they've been permanently banned. In this case, it hardly matters what their first warning was about because they're gone and not coming back.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2019-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

The repeating of numbers like thirty-seven (37) is a legal thing. I don't know exactly what it's called, but I assume the purpose is to insure there can be no misunderstanding due to misprinted or misread numbers, so the number is first spelled out in English words, then written as digits within parentheses.


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Re: This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

I agree with this topic. Obviously we can't have people providing cracks or instructions for cracking, or anything like that.However, another example comes to mind. A few months ago there was talk in the Developers' room about developing a DRM system which could be applied to various games. As far as I know nothing ever came of it, but in such a topic, people must be able to talk freely about how such a system might be cracked. If you're developing a DRM system and you can't discuss how someone might go about cracking it and get others' input on the subject, you're probably not going to end up with anything useful. Any discussion of security must include information about how that security might be broken. If you don't think about how someone might break your security, it's probably not going to be very secure. Anyone can write a security system he himself cannot break, etc.


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Re: An important question related to topic deletion

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An important question related to topic deletion

My thought (without seeing the topic in question) is that people should not be able to get by with breaking rules, then wiping the evidence from the face of the Earth. I would have hoped that there is a way for moderators to see deleted content after the fact, or an extension could be installed whereby deleted topics are removed from public view but still maintained in the database so they can be accessed by moderators.So let's say you personally attack some people in a topic. The button to wipe all that off the planet is called "Delete." It's not called, "Delete this topic and cause everyone I personally attacked to forget I ever personally attacked them and cause the moderators never to see this topic so they can never take action based on the content therein so I can get by with murder." Life doesn't work like that, and neither should the forum or its rules.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An important question related to topic deletion

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An important question related to topic deletion

We have another possible rule violation to contend with. I say possible, because it could be a grey area. In the list of offenses which could lead to immediate banning, it says:Public sharing of personally identifiable information of any user without their express consent where that information is not otherwise available (suchas divulging real name, telephone number or physical address)I never read the topic in question and don't really care to, but the question is, does a Skype ID constitute such information. This leads to some other questions if so. Is that Skype ID publicly known or knowable? In other words, is it published somewhere (the now deleted topic not counting) or could a person who wanted to find that ID find it without resorting to questionable methods to obtain it? If not, did Mahdi-Abedi have permission to post that Skype ID, and if so, can such permission be proven?I know this is pretty much academic at this point, it's just something I wanted to point out.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

The official rules now in effect, if I'm not terribly mistaken, are to be found in post 1, which is edited as needed.


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Re: An important question related to topic deletion

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An important question related to topic deletion

I totally agree with the decision made here today. However, the moderation team needs to take the hard-learned lessons of this topic forward. If the forum allows for it, formalize the counting of warnings, bans, etc. and if it doesn't, maybe a private Dropbox folder shared by the moderation staff, an Email list, etc. where records of all prior warnings, bans, etc. handed down can be kept, and where the team knows such records will stay intact, etc. Also, people should not be allowed to get by with violating rules left and right, then deleting the offending topics and going on as if nothing ever happened. Life doesn't work like that.I also think the time has come to close this topic, and were I a moderator I'd probably do just that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

Over the past few days I've been thinking about the situation where Mahdi-Abedi posted someone else's Skype ID. That topic had been deleted before I ever knew it existed, which opened up a totally different can of worms.In these rules (post 1 of this topic), there's a list of things which could lead to punitive action, but which are not numbered rules in and of themselves. One of these items is the sharing of personal information of someone else without the permission of the person to whom the information is personal/private. Examples given are the real life name, street address, and phone number, but imho it needs to go further than that.Email addresses, for one. Once an Email address is published here, it can at least in theory be harvested by spammers and other unfriendlies. In the topic in question, a Skype ID was posted. This is all well and good if that ID is readily available to anyone who wants it I.E. in the owner's signature, on their website which is publicly viewable or well known, etc. But imho if you are the kind of person who only gives this kind of information to certain people, people you trust, etc. or you're the kind of person who likes to stay hidden so every average Jo can't find you, you should have the right to expect all other forum members to respect that, and not go blabbing it all over the place. Same goes for Facebook, Twitter, etc.I make no secret of the fact that my Twitter username is @jaybird110127 and anyone is welcome to follow me, mention me, etc. I might also have reason to put my Email address somewhere, knowing the risks I was taking. What I'd probably do is come up with a disguise which is easily reversible by humans, but will leave automated harvesting bots scratching their virtual heads in confusion. But if someone else outright posted my Email address out of the blue, I wouldn't be happy about it.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

I guess what made me think about this is, in the topic where this all came out, people were making a big deal about the personal attack as the rule violation being possibly stricken from existence by deleting the topic. In my opinion, the posting of that private Skype ID should be a violation right then and there, never mind the personal attacks that came afterward.Nobody can account for every possible violation in a set of rules. If you even tried, you'd have to say something like, "You shall not post any private or personal identifying information about anyone else such as real names, addresses, telephone numbers, Email addresses, Facebook IDs, Twitter usernames, Skype IDs, or any other type of identification for any network or service, of every kind or nature imaginable, online or offline, whether it exists at the time this rule is being written or not." You can do all that, and there'll still be somebody who either doesn't get it, or deliberately ignores it.


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Re: a few questions about moderator actions, please read

2019-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a few questions about moderator actions, please read

Imho there's another kind of bad faith, which we see around here from time to time. Asking a question that seems innocent enough at face value, when the question you really want answered is against forum rules, or against the wishes of the community, etc. Similar is asking a question and giving a reason to justify your question, when the real reason you want an answer, again, is contrary to that stated, and against forum rules, etc.Examples: Several days ago, Mahdi-Abedi asked, in general terms, "What can I do to prevent people from stealing my game sounds?" Several people responded, figuring what he really wanted to ask but couldn't was, "What can developers do to keep me from stealing sounds?" Or more to the point, "How can I steal sounds?" A similar thing might happen if someone writes something like, "I was developing a game and had a hard drive crash and lost everything. I had saved a compiled version along with its data files somewhere else, but I have no source code or sound files. How do I get that back?" Again, this could be a legitimate call for help, but it could also be an attempted grab for decryption/decompilation information so they can rip off other games.An example of asking the right question for the wrong reason might be if someone asked, "How and where is the authorization for A Hero's Call stored? I want to back it up to my external drive in case my main drive ever crashes." This is fair enough on the face of it, but perhaps what they really want to say but can't because of forum rules is, "I want to make a copy of my authorization and give it to a friend without having to pay for another license."


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a few questions about moderator actions, please read

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a few questions about moderator actions, please read

I think the clear cut answer is that warnings in effect have a set expiration time the instant they are created, and nothing can change that. Thus, if a change is to be made to the expiration time of warnings, even a warning which is given one microsecond prior to the instant the new rule goes into effect should have the old expiration time, and should expire at the end of that old time, even though newer warnings given since that time will have the new expiration time.In a community like this, you can't make an announcement like "At midnight on such and such a date, warnings will last for X amount of time." That's in effect also saying, "If you want to do stuff that's likely to get you a warning, you'd better do it and have us see it and issue you warnings before that time. Then again, we might just wait to issue all new warnings until the new rule takes effect."


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

I see both sides of this. Most likely, nothing would ever happen.But then there's this. Back in 2000 when Napster was the big thing, I'm pretty sure one of the things they attempted to use in their defense was the fact that they weren't actually hosting or storing any of the songs available through their platform on their own servers. They were just acting as sort of a search engine, an index, a directory, of what was hosted on individual user's computers. And yet they eventually stopped offering that service, and all the music pirates started using any number of P2P networks where there is no central server to threaten or shut down.It's much the same here. No, itself does not host any illegal content. But there are links to such content in the forum, some of which probably only exist here, on this forum. So no, they won't get in legal trouble for hosting content because they don't. But they do link to content they shouldn't, and while I don't know all the legal stuff around this, I have to think the laws have this situation covered, otherwise it would be happening all over the place.


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

I totally see both sides of this, as I've said before.If it's an all or nothing approach, and the rule is nothing, then there also goes Messapple. All that free/public domain Apple II software, and all that software I have personally been given permission to distribute, including BEX and Braille Edit from Raised Dot Computing, ProWords, ProTerm, and ProBraille from Microtalk, and Speaking Speller and The Talking Apple IIe by the American Printing House for the blind…rendered completely useless because I can't mention where to download a complete working emulator package, because there are these little ROMs for the Apple IIe, Disk II controller card, etc. which the letter of the law states I cannot distribute to anyone who doesn't already have the hardware. And without these ROMs, an emulated Apple IIe is about as useful as an audiogame without any sound.


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Discussing clones on the forum

2019-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Discussing clones on the forum

This is in reference to the "Sudden Attack is not a clone" topic in the General room. I finally got sick and tired of this topic and stopped following it.My main thought is, if we're not going to allow people to link to/announce clones on the forum (which I believe is the correct decision), why are we allowing people to talk about them? Even if no links are given, it still keeps these games on people's minds, when what I'm sure most of us would want here is for clones to be nowhere in sight. Not to mention that this particular clone was apparently made by somebody who was recently permanently banned from the forum, so in my opinion we shouldn't be giving him—or his cloned game—the time of day here.Some people just dont' seem to get it, no matter how many times someone reminds them that it doesn't matter how much you change or what you do, it's Still! Stolen! Code! And there's nothing you can do about it, unless you rewrite the game from scratch, using nobody else's code, or at least only others' code which was released under a license permitting use.


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Re: Discussing clones on the forum

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Discussing clones on the forum

I thought I'd make a few clarifications:1. I had no intention of stirring up another rats' nest like that other topic in the General room, now closed. But if that's what I've done here, so be it.2. My thought was about persistent discussion of clones, not occasional comparisons, etc. If someone is talking about some other game or something else and makes an offhand comment about some clone, a comparison, etc. the moderators shouldn't jump down their throat. But it's the persistent discussions of clones which I think needs to be controlled. It only draws attention to them, which is the last thing we want to do here.


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Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is it Time to Re-Discuss Copyright Rules on This Forum

As I see it, one of the big victims here is probably Messapple. I really, really, really need to update Messapple to use the latest MAME because there are improvements most folks are missing out on, like Echo speech more faithful to the original.The problem? ROMs. The emulator is free. Much of the software I have for the Apple IIe is free, or is software for which I've received permission for distribution. But every last piece of software which was ever written or will ever be written for the Apple IIe is rendered about as useful as an automobile without an engine if you can't include the ROMs in the package or direct people where to get them. Which you can't legally, because you can't legally own the ROMs unless you own the hardware being emulated.


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Re: new rank of staff member.

2019-07-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: new rank of staff member.

If we ever did have to start over, first of all I would hope that the existing forum could be kept around as a read-only archive because there's a ton of history here. But second, I've been looking at PHPBB, another web forum system, and apparently one of the more popular ones since it's the first Google result for PHP web forum. PHPBB does allow you to define various moderator roles, which means you could have, say, low-level moderators who could only, say, close and move topics, approve new users, possibly edit posts (to remove links to cracks/clones/etc.), but not do anything else. PHPBB also includes a mechanism for giving warnings to users, and a user feedback mechanism so staff can keep notes on troublesome users, etc. It also allows for forums (what we would call rooms) to be only visible to certain users or groups, so there could be an on-site staff discussion area that mortals couldn't get at.


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Re: Thoughts About Transfering AGNet to Another Web Master

2019-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Thoughts About Transfering AGNet to Another Web Master

If I understand correctly, it's not a matter of giving the admins source code, or some magical passwords, or anything like that. This forum uses a database, and that database is on a server owned or at least run by the current webmasters. Without access to copy that database to a new server, nobody could transfer the site to a new server without the current webmasters being involved in the transfer.


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

Unfortunately, the same argument can be made for certain types of cracked software. If a piece of software, when purchased legally, is so crippled by DRM that it's inconvenient to use, you have to contact the vendor many times for license resets, etc. and there's a crack which removes the DRM, then the cracked version is, without a doubt, the better product. Only problem is, it's illegal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

The reason emulators aren't illegal is that sure, you can have this nifty program that emulates all sorts of hardware, so it's as if you have all this cool, expensive hardware, and didn't have to pay a cent for it. Only problem is, all that fancy hardware isn't worth a hill of beans without the ROMs. Sure, in theory if you knew exactly what you were doing, you could write your own code to run on that hardware, but it wouldn't be compatible with the way everyone else uses that same hardware.This is really sad, because a lot of blind tech history depends on being able to run Apple II software. Oh sure, here's the MAME emulator, set up to emulate a top-of-the-line Apple IIe with 128K of RAM, two floppy drives, etc. But oh yeah, almost forgot, when you turn it on, it's not going to actually do anything because I didn't give you the ROMs for all that hardware because I can't legally. So that huge pile of floppy disks containing all those free/public domain games and programs you were hoping to run? Might as well not exist.


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Re: Link for obtaining a new password when you've forgotten the old one

2019-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Link for obtaining a new password when you've forgotten the old one

Actually what you set up is SPF and DKIM. SPF is set up on a domain, and specifies the IP addresses which are allowed to send Email claiming to be from that domain. DKIM is also set up on a domain, but there's a server component as well. When set up properly, the outgoing Email server signs every message with a private key which, in theory at least, only it has. Then, at the receiving end, the sending domain's public key is retrieved, and the signature is checked against the public key.DMARC, on the other hand, is an advisory feature where domain owners can specify how receiving Email servers should handle incoming Email from that sending domain which fails SPF and/or DKIM checks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Multiple Punishments Stemming from Last Week's Incident

2019-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Multiple Punishments Stemming from Last Week's Incident

I have to agree with the sentiment that if you're on watch, you probably know why, and if you don't, there's been a misunderstanding somewhere along the line, which probably means you have misunderstood or are misinterpreting the rules.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: game database games out of date

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: game database games out of date

Imho games that are no longer available from any source should probably stay in the database, but maybe be moved to an area for defunct games if that's possible. There may be instances, now or in the future, where this database will be the only record that a particular game ever existed. Of course if games and/or other programs are no longer available from their developers, but are present at the Audiogame Archive, those links should be provided. But in my opinion, if a game is truly lost to time, either because it's entirely server-based and the only server(s) are gone and there is no possibility of new servers, or there simply aren't any known copies extant, the game should remain, but be marked in some way as unavailable, possibly in some cases with a request that if anybody does have the game, please contact so and so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: We should be able to delete our own topics!

2020-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: We should be able to delete our own topics!

Clearly what needs to happen is that the community needs to migrate to a better maintained forum. The problems are:1. If we start anew, we need some way to preserve, and quickly access, all these years of posts.2. Someone would need to step up to the plate and start, run, and be responsible for the running of a new forum site. This would include hiring/choosing/electing admins, moderators, etc.3. If it's going to be used, it has to get traction. People have to actually use it in order for it to take off.That having been said, I've played with it a bit, and if my memory serves, PHPBB provides some features we could really use here. I'm pretty sure it allows topics to be deleted, where "deleted" actually means they're rendered invisible to the general public, but actually stay right where they are. Then, of course, moderators/admins/etc. can do a different kind of delete where that information is actually removed from the forum, so it's truly lost and gone forever. PHPBB also allows for multiple, customizable moderator/admin roles. So, for example, you could have one group who are allowed to, let's say, approve new members and move topics, but nothing else. Then you have another group with more moderator privileges, and your super duper admins who can add new moderators, etc.Just some thoughts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Down

2014-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Down

A few things here.First, who would hack a site used by blind people? Hackers, that's who. The harsh truth is, hackers don't know, and don't care, what they're hacking. If they find a site that has a particular vulnerability, they'll exploit it, not caring what's on the site or who it effects should they decide to have a little fun and delete everything in sight, or should the hosting provider catch wind of their activities and shut the site down. They just want to send out their spam or viruses, or launch more hacks from the compromised server. If they're really lucky, it might be a retail chain or even a bank, from which they could pilfer lots of hot, juicy customer information and sell it on the black market.Now, on to the site itself. Thank goodness good backups were being kept! I was seeing disaster scenarios where years of irreplaceable audio game information were lost in a second because of hackers or because the hosting provi
 der wiped everything. Thank goodness that hasn't happened.Now, about the real site. Is the domain and related subdomains registered with your web host? If not, and if the web host won't cooperate in whitelisting the site, the obvious thing to do is move the site to another provider, and redirect the domains there.Lastly, one possible strange situation. If they do whitelist the original site, the forum will probably suddenly be available to people, who may start posting, not knowing that this isn't the live forum. Then they may be confused when their posts suddenly disappear when this live forum is copied on top of the old one. For this reason, if possible, it might not be a bad idea to put sticky posts in every room with a subject of "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING HERE!" or something similar, with an explanation that this is not the most up to date forum, and when the proper files are copied, any posts you make here will have
  been lost, so don't post here as long as you can see this message! Just a thought.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Down

2014-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Down

A few things here.First, who would hack a site used by blind people? Hackers, that's who. The harsh truth is, hackers don't know, and don't care, what they're hacking. If they find a site that has a particular vulnerability, they'll exploit it, not caring what's on the site or who it effects should they decide to have a little fun and delete everything in sight, or should the hosting provider catch wind of their activities and shut the site down. They just want to send out their spam or viruses, or launch more hacks from the compromised server. If they're really lucky, it might be a retail chain or even a bank, from which they could pilfer lots of hot, juicy customer information and sell it on the black market.Now, on to the site itself. Thank goodness good backups were being kept! I was seeing disaster scenarios where years of irreplaceable audio game information were lost in a second because of hackers or because the hosting provi
 der wiped everything. Thank goodness that hasn't happened.Now, about the real site. Is the domain and related subdomains registered with your web host? If not, and if the web host won't cooperate in whitelisting the site, the obvious thing to do is move the site to another provider, and redirect the domains there.Lastly, one possible strange situation. If they do whitelist the original site, the forum will probably suddenly be available to people, who may start posting, not knowing that this isn't the live forum. Then they may be confused when their posts suddenly disappear when this live forum is copied on top of the old one. For this reason, if possible, it might not be a bad idea to put sticky posts in every room with a subject of "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING HERE!" or something similar, with an explanation that this is not the most up to date forum, and when the proper files are copied, any posts you make here will have
  been lost, so don't post here as long as you can see this message! Just a thought.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list