Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA Screenreader

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: NVDA Screenreader

I believe you have to use the object navigation commands to get to the generated text.  I've not tried this add-in, but I seem to recall that was the way of it when I read about it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

Hey guys, let's be gentle.  Kamochek states he is fifteen.  This is a teachable moment.   Let's not make it harder than it already is.Kamochek, girls and women are people who are complicated combinations of many things, of the story of their lives, of the people they grew up with, of the place they live and of their physical bodies.  There's nothing wrong with being attracted to particular types of women or girls; we are attracted to what we're attracted to and there is no shame in this.But please understand that many women have been treated badly by men who have seen them as nothing more than bodies for their pleasure.  There is so much more to love than what you're talking about.I am madly in love with the woman of my dreams, who happens to be my wife.  I said she happens to be, but really I meant that she and I have done a lot of work to make our relationship as nearly perfect as is possible. 
  We started dating a week after we met at a friend's birthday party.  I flirted with her shamelessly, though we began by discussing the horrors of divorce, which I'd just recently been through and she was in the midst of.  A week later, we were at a second party, and we kind of ignored everyone else to talk to one another and begin being physically close.  I was able to comfort her as she went through some rather horrific experiences with her ex, including attempted rape.  I could make her laugh.  She made my world infinitely better with her laughter, with her kindness, and yes, with the fire of the best sex either of us had ever had.  The sex was fantastic.  It was fantastic because we utterly gave ourselves to one another, trusted one another, found strength and peace and home in one another's company.  With that as a foundation, we were able to laugh together when the world conspired to be hard on us.  We were abl
 e to try new things, take risks and make and keep promises that made both of us grow into better people.That was over ten years ago.  We are in our forties.  My wife's body is aging in ways that would not make her seem beautiful to some people who have fixed ideas of what beauty is.  To me, she is the most beautiful person, let alone woman I have ever known and will ever know.  And that will be true if we live to be a hundred, if health problems make sex harder.  Her skin lights my nerve endings from head to toe with the merest touch.  Her kiss makes a terrible day doable.  Hearing her voice when she calls me at work just to say hi makes me smile.  I love sitting down with her and planning stupidly boring things, like how to spend our money for the next three months, and which house improvement to save up for.  I can't imagine raising our children without her.  I know that if she promises a thing, it will happen.&nbs
 p; I know that if I tell her something is important to me, she will honor it.  I know that she can even flirt with another man, but she's coming home with me.I know these things, because they are also true for me, and we've shown each other the truth of them time and time again.  We've been there through a miscarriage, through the births of two boys, through moving across the country, through dealing with her daughters from her previous marriage and their various problems, through unemployment and poverty and illness.  This is the woman I will die with or bury, however that turns out.You asked what love is?  That is love my young friend.  It is that gift I give her every day, and that she gives me of all of myself, the best and the worst, knowing that it is enough.  That is love.  It has lust as part of it.  It began with a crush.  And so, if my beloved does not have the most beautiful singing voice, (I
 've dated professional singers) or the most elegant body, (I dated a dancer too), still her voice thrills me and comforts me and brings tears to my eyes when she sings a lullaby to help settle a troubled child.  Still, her body sets mine on fire when she wraps her arms around me and kisses me.  I could wish for no more beautiful, or accomplished, or loving a woman than the one I happened to meet at my friend's birthday party.So, when you think about the woman you'd like to be close to, or the girl, think about how she makes you feel, how she makes you laugh, what she would do if you were crying, what you would do for her.  These are so very much more important than any detail of body shape or the sound of her voice.  Please think about this, you can be one of the good guys, or you can be one of those boys/men who make the rest of us all look bad.  You can be happy or you can always be unsatisfied, looking for perfection you'll neve
 r find.  And my, what you'd miss in the meantime.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

A few things from the discussion. First, there is nothing wrong with having lust for someone you find attractive.  (Ok, hmmm, that may not be true for you in your religious tradition; being a pagan, I am encouraged to scromp anything that gives consent, but it may be different for you.)  So let's say that it is perfectly natural for you to feel lust, and to me there is no shame in that.  If you meet someone who returns that feeling, there is nothing wrong with experimenting with those feelings, so long as she consents without any hint of threat or force on your part.  Have at it, be careful, use birth control, (you're not ready to be a dad, trust me on this one) and knock your socks, panties and anything else that gets in the way off.If you find this, do not treat her like a blow-up sex doll.  Do not make any claim over her that she has not specifically told you you may.  And do not expect it to last.  And do not mistake i
 t for love.  Not that love  couldn't start this way, but if you're more concerned with getting to touch her back than you are with how she's feeling, whether she's happy and what are her dreams, then accept it as lust, and move on.This is different from love, which is a lot harder, a lot scarier and to me a lot more rewarding.  But then I'm 46, not 15.  I can't orgasm twelve times in an hour anymore, and I don't get a hard-on when the breeze blows just right as once I did.  (btw, it's an untaught but valuable social skill to strategically deploy your backpack to avoid social embarrassment on a bus.)  My relationship with sex has changed from thirty years ago.As for the specifics of being a religious minority in a country that has a specifically religious identity (watch me sit on my hands and not tell you what I think of that) that's hard.  It may be that you will simply have to wait a whil
 e until you can get out into a wider world at university or other places where the pool of young women you can meet is larger.  I'm given to understand that Israel is a quite laid-back place where love and sex are concerned unless you are a member of one of the more observant social groups, so you are likely to be around the sort of woman you're seeking.  Give yourself time.  I didn't meet my soul mate until I was 36, though I sure had a good time looking, as well as going through a lot of emotional hell along the way.I don't know how your own religious community affects all this.  Is it a community where sex outside of marriage is a sin?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

Hmmm, well then you have a problem, since you seem to be wired for it.  Good luck.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

Ok, simmer down folks.  This discussion began about relationships, love/lust and flirting and has become a potentially divisive one about the validity of Kamochek's religion.  Speaking as one whom he probably believes is destined for Hell, (I believe that we are all God, I firmly support any consensual sex in or out of marriage, I have campaigned for and voted for same sex marriage, I have worshipped other gods than his, I've reverenced Pan whom some believe to be the model for the Christian Devil, shall I go on. . .?)  Anyway, as a full-fledged sinner, I'm all right with Kamochek believing that extramarital sex is a sin.  I respect his willingness to live by that belief.  I think it's hard to do that and be fifteen, in a fairly sexually liberated society as is most of Israeli society.  I hope he does not genuinely wish his father to die, because that would indicate a tragic family story.  But really, he wasn't ask
 ing us for our opinions on his religious beliefs, which I think came up in part because I asked, wanting to understand if he was looking to get laid or if this was part of the problem.  I get the sense he has not had any practice in dealing with girls, possibly as a result of his religious position, but that's only a guess.I think there is a tendency among many atheists, or even non-Christians to get all stompy when a Christian speaks strongly about his or her beliefs.  I get that; like I said, my co-religionists have been being burned, hanged, dispossessed and otherwise mistreated by Christians ever since the Council of Nicea and perhaps before that in direct opposition to the teachings of their founder philosopher Jeshua Ben Joseph.  (please pardon any misspellings Kamochek, I do not know Hebrew or its proper transliteration into English.)  But I've not heard Kamochek demanding that I renounce my own very different views on sex, only explaining
  his.  He does probably think I'm headed to Hell.  Yes, and. . . what of it?  So long as he treats me with respect, something I am trying to do with him, I have no quarrel, and I think it would be wise and kind to accept that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

And here we go off on a religion conversation again.  Kamochek doesn't find premarital sex within his moral values.  Cool, and good luck in dealing with that in a way he can be proud of.  In the meantime, if I can sum up 40+ responses, women are more than a set of attractive features.  Treat them respectfully, kindly, generously.  Show them a mirror that reflects your awe and appreciation of their beauty, kindness, wisdom and humanity, and you're likely to do fine.  The rest is just us wanking about with different philosophies of being, which is not relevant to your original question.  If you will accept a blessing from someone not of your faith, may you find that which you seek and go in joy.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What has this forum taught you?

2014-03-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: What has this forum taught you?

Aw, dammit you guys!  I saw this post headline and had a whole heaping helping of snark (1) all queued up to spew all over it.  Then I read all these nice messages, and, cranky as I am right now, I just don't have the heart to poop in the punch bowl.  See what y'all did?(1) for our non-native English speakers, snark = sarcasm with a dash of self-righteousness, self-importance and something of a nasty edge.  In order to be good snark, it has to be funny.eURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: question about christianity

One thing to remember about the early church is that it was a minority community that faced anything from benign neglect to outright state-sponsored persecution, and as such it tended to be rather inward focused.  As I look at Paul's letters to the various congregations, I see many small communities who were focussed on their own spiritual/religious development, as well as their physical well being.  Indeed, it is entirely possible to draw a nearly Communist, or at least Communitarian ideology from what we know of the early church.Such a structure was not viable once Church and state were wedded together by Constantine.  A church that was built on small, autonomous communities would hardly serve the needs of a large state such as the eastern Roman Empire, which would need a religious order that justified temporal rule.  The doctrine that priests were needed as intercessors for the faithful directly ties the people to a hierarchy, and since that hier
 archy was tied intimately to the state, it served as a focus for control.It is this requirement of a priesthood to receive God's grace that many rebelled against during the time of the Reformation, something Martin Luther never intended.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: question about christianity

Let me begin by reiterating that I am not a Christian, nor an apologist for Christianity.  That said, trying to analyze the Bible as one document and expecting it to hold up is an error.  We know that Bible has many authors and editors.  We know that the Gospel accounts were not written contemporaneously with the events they describe.  I believe the oldest one was written some fifty years after the time of the Crucifixion, and John, the newest is I think more than a hundred years following.  This being so, it is hardly surprising that the accounts differ, as each author was working from at best orally transmitted material through the filters of the communities they had access to.It's also important to remember that Paul was not Jesus, and that his teachings which have been given precedence in Christian doctrine, due to political decisions made 200 plus years after his life are not necessarily those of Jesus.  I am insufficiently acquainted
  with the Bible to know if Jesus ever specifically addresses slavery.  Paul does, and it's very possible that his texts were kept and made important because they supported the political agenda of those doing the selection.The Bible is poor as a guide for what Jesus actually said, (assuming the existence for the sake of argument of a Jewish itinerant preacher who taught that one should love his neighbor, and who may or may not have claimed to be the Son of God.)  The text we have received has been filtered through so much political maneuvering that it's difficult to know what the original narrative may have been.One can get a sense of things that were left out by reading the Apocrypha and the gnostic gospels, which were suppressed by early church politicians as heretical.  Arguably, history would have been quite different in the west if the gnostics had been allowed to flourish.  I've been to a Gnostic mass, and it's beautiful and
  powerful, filled with love and light and a reverence for all life around us.  Indeed as a pagan, Gnosticism is the form of Christianity I could be led to espouse, if any.The Gnostics were seen as a threat to the growing church, because they espoused the doctrine that each worshipper should seek revellation and unity with God, without the need for the intercession of a priestly caste.  Protestant sects would be bloodily suppressed many hundred years later for similar "errors of faith".  Kamochek, one answer to your second question is that Christianity has grown from something that was practiced by a few hundred, then a few thousand people to something that encompasses the entire world, even in areas with people most of whom follow other religions.  Instead of small, separate communities, there are huge, worldwide congregations which split and merge and split again along doctrinal lines.  For instance, here in the U.S. there is a contr
 oversy among Methodists (a Protestant so-called main-line sect) concerning same sex marriage.  A figure high in the hierarchy of the Methodist congregation just recently declared that he would no longer discipline pastors who chose to perform same sex weddings.  This started a fire storm among conservative Methodists who believe that homosexual people are at best sinners and probably abominations under God.  The Anglican church is in the midst of dealing with this same mess, and may also split along doctrinal lines.  Ordination of women has also split congregations.Christianity is so huge that it can no longer be a coherent, single thing.  In fact, it hasn't been that ever, but definitely since the Protestant Reformation, it has split into so many different sects that it is unfair to characterize Christians at all as a unit, except to say that generally they believe in the need for salvation from Original Sin and that this salvation is achieved t
 hrough Jesus Christ.  Look at the Bibles used by Methodists, Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses, and you will see at least three different books.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: question about christianity

But see, that's my point, there is no single God portrayed in the Bible.  There are as many gods as there are people who told stories about God that got swept up in this omnibus volume that today we call the Bible.  The God who told Abraham to sacrifice his son only to say "nah, just kidding" and swear a covenant of faith with him is not the same God who alternately punished the Hebrews and forgave them at the intercession of everyone from Moses to David, is not the same God "who so loved the world that he gave it his only begotten son," etc, etc.  One has to bear in mind that we are dealing with what are essentially written transcriptions of an oral legend for the Old Testament, and third plus hand accounts of the events of Jesus' life, all filtered through the political needs of third and fourth century greeks who, as humans do, altered or bent facts to fit their current ideological needs, much like American Evangelicals who claim our
  founders as theirs, even though we know them to have been at most Deists and certainly humanists.  Can't very well go claiming America is a Christian nation when your founders might well have been pagans or at best agnostic.The Old Testament seems to me to be the mythic history of a people, with a bunch of prescriptive texts thrown in to act as guides for a tribal society in that day in that place.  The New Testament feels very different.  It covers a much smaller time period, a few lives of men at most, and is less obviously historical in nature and more a hybrid biography of a man along with reflections on and the early history of the church of his followers.This is why "the Bible" is such a slippery guide for moral behavior, as it represents many different (often radically different) understandings of God, and of humanity's place in relation to God.  This is why the Catholic can find support for the need for an intercessory p
 riesthood, and John Calvin can find support for the doctrine that we're all doomed but for the Grace of God, why a 19th-century Southern planter could feel no prick of conscience at owning slaves, while an Abolitionist, citing the very same book could rail against the evils of slavery.  This is how Paul can in one verse urge the slave to obey his master, and in another tell a congregation that in the church each should look on the other as an equal fellow in Christ.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

Or to sum up Tward's excellent post, love is a verb, it's something you do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: girls and adolt women

I'm going to take a contrarian view for a moment.  Infatuation gets a bad rap because many people don't understand that what they are feeling in that first rush is infatuation and act as though it's love, often with sad or disastrous results.There is nothing wrong with pursuing an infatuation, so long as you remain self-aware enough to know that you are doing so.  There is nothing in life like that moment with your heart racing and your blood singing, with your dreams filled with the voice or smell of another human being, when you know that you would do anything to be closer to that person.  I'm not describing it well, but most of us have probably felt it.  That feeling often makes us stupid, but it also makes us braver than we might be normally.  If I know that is what I am feeling, I can protect myself and my enamorata from the worst aspects while putting forward the best.I met the woman who is now my wife on June 13, 20
 03 at the birthday party of my bestest friend ever.  She arrived in the company of another friend.  By the end of the evening, she and I were very deep in talk, about her impending divorce, (something I'd gone through) and everything else under the sun.  We exchanged emails over the next week..We then attended another party together at which the conversations became cuddling.  On July 4, we, er, consummated the relationship.  On September 18, we moved in together, along with her two daughters.  It was a whirlwind romance.  In the beginning, we were both clearly infatuated with one another. 
 ; It became love as we grew to know one another, to trust one another and in my case to become determined to do anything necessary, up to and including murder in order that my beloved should be safe and happy.  Without that initial spark, without the infatuation and our willingness to know what it was and to pursue it to see where it led, I'd not have the happiness in my life that is there.What I take from this story is that it is not infatuation that is the problem, it is not knowing the difference between infatuation and love.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vegetarianism- your views?

2014-03-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: vegetarianism- your views?

It is entirely possible to have good nutrition without eggs and dairy.  It does require some work to figure out how to get complete proteins, and there are issues with soy and male development, but it's no more work than figuring out how to avoid the unnecessary antibiotic exposure that one gets from industrial meat production for instance, or the growth hormones that come through dairy products.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] sound explorer player thing?

2014-03-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: sound explorer player thing?

BTW re: post 4, godwave is awesome.  I feel a game inspiration coming on.  Maybe I'll take a nap till it goes away.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I have no passion in life

2014-04-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I have no passion in life

Humor is an indispensable part of social lubrication.  I cannot count the number of times I have been able to make a joke out of something awkward that happened because of my blindness that removed any stigma that might have accrued.  It's also gotten me flirtatious and occasionally downright bawdy responses from women I was interacting with.  It's mildly awkward to have a lovely lady who is flashing the room decide that you need to participate and taking your hands place them squarely on her uncovered breasts, but that's another conversation for a different occasion.The situation you describe with the chair and the braille note is hella funny if you remove yourself from it.  It's a Jim Carey moment.  Embrace that, say something funny about it and it is no longer a black mark but lets people know that it is ok to be amused when something funny happens.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I have no passion in life

2014-04-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I have no passion in life

The usefulness of journalling is often looking back at a series of entries and spotting patterns that you miss while going through but become apparent when you can see many days together.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] simular series to the wheel of time

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: simular series to the wheel of time

I'll second the recommendation for the Mistborn series, which has a wonderfully realized world with off-kilter magic and amazing political complexity.  I'll also add to the praise for Game of Thrones et al.  There is magic, but its very different from most fantasy series and seems as we learn more and more about it that it always comes at a very high cost.I've just started reading Steven brust's Vlad Taltos novels, which I had heard good things about that I was happy when I found it on Audible.  It appears to do some interesting things around magic and politics, and I rather adore the main character, who reminds me of a far less whiny Harry Dresden.Oh and of course there's the Harry Dresden novels, which you must read in order to learn about Butcher's marvelous magical world, parts of which are revealed in each book.  While Harry himself is as I said sometimes rather whiny, he is also a snarky bastard and I admire tha
 t in a main character who is usually outnumbered and outgunned in most of the stories.  This one is excellent for the world-building more than the character, though many of the supporting characters are awesome.Another set of series like that are the Stephen R. Donaldson Chronicles of Thomas Covenant et all.  I think we're up to ten plus books, though I believe the last one was just released to the library of Congress.  Thomas Covenant starts out the series as a true shit heel, whiny biatch with the effectiveness of wet toilet paper, but gradually stumbles, then grows into some power.  The world and supporting cast are lovely, the villains truly awful, the allies independent, flawed and ultimately quite heroic each in their way.  This one's definitely a matter of taste, my wife would like to retroactively provide Donaldson's mother with more effective contraception to prevent the publication of "that pile of crap" as she calls
  the series.  Let's see, while it's not a series in the way that Wheel of Time is, the Newford Chronicles by Charles deLint are just about the best in modern urban fantasy.  If you like fairies with your urban landscapes, these are fantastic and can break your heart.It's not a series, but at something like 40 hours of narration, Neil Stephenson's Anathegm might as well be.  It's one of the only examples of the successful marriage of high fantasy and science fiction I can think of.  The version on also comes with a lovely score, which I just learned you can purchase an album of separately.  Hmmm, that sentence escaped containment, oh well, y'all hopefully know what I mean.The five novels in the Earthsea books are a fundamental part of any fantasy literature reader's basic literacy.  Ursula LeGuin creates a lovely world from Celtic and Norse tropes.  The original three novels were cl
 assified as young adult, but that doesn't really fit them, or at least there's rich material for teens and adults alike.  The fourth and fifth novels are definitely more adult in tone.  There aren't many books that leave me crying at the end, but the Other Side of the Wind, (the fifth book) did so.Well, that's about three years worth of reading.  Enjoy.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, well for those of you who were hoping for some miraculous revival of Lizzie, Bert's diary entry ends that hope.  She's dead.  Move on.  I was unsurprised, though it was affecting, as much for the acting in that scene as for the story.  I think that both Lizzie's and Datu's death were marvelously portrayed and well written, but I've seen her death coming since we found out she was pregnant.  Call it a hunch.And very nice build of suspense with Bert and Riley throughout this week's episode.  Interesting to see where that goes.  Brace yourselves for some truly awful things to happen with Scratch following the colony and nobody but Bert and Riley knowing about it with malfunctioning radios.I begin to wonder if there's going to be enough people left to recover, even if the series ends with the end of the outbreak.URL: http

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I have no passion in life

2014-04-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I have no passion in life

The glasses thing is a load of ass.  Anyone put off by whatever they see with you not wearing glasses has a very high likelihood of not being worth while.  I had to gently read a former boss the Riot Act when she sought to force me to wear sunglasses by asking her if she would be wearing miniskirts to work so as to conform to male stereotypes?  I would probably do it differently today being twenty years older, but it's still a load of ass.  Which is entirely different of course from wearing sunglasses due to light sensitivity issues.  That's medical, as opposed to attempting to pass for something you're not.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

To those asking why a single-payer system is impossible to achieve in the states at present, simply follow the money.  An entire industry, (spam?) would be rendered obsolete with the stroke of the Presidential pen that signed such a law into existence.  There be a lot of dollars in them thar offices and you can be damned sure that this money would be deployed in a reflexive effort to defend a status quo that enriches some folk quite a lot.Also, there is a conflation of financial success with moral rectitude.  Look up the term "prosperity gospel" and you'll se what i mean.  In short, there is an underlying cultural assumption that if you are poor, you probably deserve to be poor, and thus are worth less morally than a middle class or well-to-do person, who has obviously created their own wealth by the sweat of their brow.During the 2012 Presidential campaign, there was a bit of a furor over a comment that the President made.  He
  was talking about the liberal view of government's role in society.  He stated in essence that if you became wealthy that "you didn't build that," by which I think he actually meant to say "you didn't build that alone."  He meant in any case that your business relies on publicly financed roads, communications infrastructure, public transit for workers and the like and that it is a myth that you can create these things independently.  It's a cogent critique of radical Libertarianism, whose advocates always seem to forget the roads they drive into their offices to spout their drivel were financed by public spending, the very taxes they call oppressive.Anyway, the Conservatives and radicals here had a field day with Obama's comment, because it doesn't stroke egos as well as the American myth of utter self-determination and autonomy.  It feels better to be told that you did something all by your lonesome again
 st the odds and what a good boy or girl are you.  Hearing that you couldn't have done it without all those other people who aren't as brave or smart as you think you are just doesn't make you feel so very proud.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-10-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

Joseph, you deserve credit for presenting a moderate version of the argument some Republicans are making.  I will stipulate that I vehemently disagree with you about the effects of Obamacare as stated in your most recent post, but that is less the issue than the tactics they are using to turn a minority position in the government to the only acceptable one or they will blow things up.I do need to correct one mistake in your summation.  The debt ceiling increase does not in fact allow further borrowing, it simply allows the Treasury Department to pay the bills that already exist, bills incurred by Congress.  And let us be crystal clear about something.  Republicans do not give a tinker's damn about defficits, except as and when it is convenient for them to justify denying public programs on the basis of "financial responsibility."  GW Bush caused a huge swell in the defficit with his irresponsible war in Iraq, a defficit that Re
 publicans didn't even consider when doing the budgets, since war funding was taken out of the normal budgeting process.  Your credit card metaphor breaks down at several points.  We are not talking about the self-indulgent spending of an individual, but the spending of a complex entity, whose decision making lurches from party to party in cycles (particularly the two-year House cycles) that make it difficult to think farther ahead than the next election.Finally, I do not accept that the current fiasco is equally the fault of Democrats and Republicans.  Ever since Obama's election, Republicans have refused to work within the system because of the ideological hatred of extreme segments of the party who have utterly taken over the political process in that party.  Obama is open to negotiating changes in Obamacare, just not under threat, a position any of us can respect.  No, this is the Republicans' fault, full stop.  One might
  disagree over policy, there are plenty of things wrong with Obamacare and with Democratic policy in general, but the way to solve that is through negotiation and respect for actual facts on the ground.  This is no longer part of the Republican arsenal, and until the party is purged of the wing nuts, (in which number I do not include you Joseph) the people are ill served by their government.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Death Of ScreenReader Innovation an article by former FS employee

2013-11-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: The Death Of ScreenReader Innovation an article by former FS employee

If we take this narrative as accurate, something I am moved to be skeptical about, given the author's experiences, then this is nothing more than the story of a technology company going along its normal life cycle from innovator to coasting conservator to fossilized shell.  Apple did this, then got a reprieve.  Microsoft has arguably done this as well, going off on to side projects that weren't part of their core competency while their main market coasts along.  Google's innovation trajectory is beginning to flatten, though with the specifically visionary nature of its founders, it may be that the Goog will continue throwing moon shots into the innovation space, some of which may have legs.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Second Hobbit film, start your speculations!

2013-11-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Second Hobbit film, start your speculations!

Cirdan was indeed the ring holder before giving it to Gandalf.  And your math is a wee bit off as 3+7+9+1 is 20.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Second Hobbit film, start your speculations!

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Second Hobbit film, start your speculations!

Ah yes, the infamous Jack Black skit.  EEW!  I think it even makes an appearance on one of the subsidiary discs of the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

I have some thoughts re: this discussion.First.  @Tomato, while I actually agree with you that the right to choose to end one's life should be a fundamental human right, it is by definition the most extreme choice one can make.  I am not qualified to comment on the rightness of your exploration of this choice because I do not know anything of your circumstances.  (More on this later for general discussion.)  Rather than engaging in general recommendations, I am offering to be someone you can correspond with, as a friendly voice with no agenda other than being available to be a sounding board and to provide alternate perspectives.  I do not judge you, how could I presume, but if there are alternatives that you can envision, then perhaps they are worth investigating.  In any case, you can find me at  Anything you write to me will be held in confidence unless you give me specific permission to share it.Now, to my general commentary.  It is irresponsible to make general recommendations about the situation of someone you do not know well, whose circumstances you are unfamiliar with and who may be in a genuine crisis situation.  I understand that it is tempting to apply the usual culture of a forum for this sort of thing, but until we know otherwise, we need to take this situation as life or death for this person.  Dark, while I applaud your instinct to openness, I strongly recommend that, while the subject of suicide or the right to die, or religious angles on same is an appropriate discussion for this forum, that the discussion of an individual's decision to pursue that is one best left to individuals who are qualified by training and/or having a stake in this person's decision.  We've already seen some responses that are potentially damaging in this individual case, even though  I believe no harm or malice has been intended.  Fi
 nally Andy, yours is a particularly odious conception of the Christian mission, one that glories in self satisfaction, assuming that you have an individual relationship that is superior to those who do not share your vision of what that relationship should be.  I can only assume by your language that you are a recent convert and have not yet had time to learn true compassion in your faith.  I hope that you will pray deeply for this compassion from the God you claim to accept and love, for truly right now you are a voice of harm in the world.  Look to yourself before casting such harsh judgments on others.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Death Of ScreenReader Innovation an article by former FS employee

2013-11-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: The Death Of ScreenReader Innovation an article by former FS employee

Small quibble: I believe the manufacturing cost for an Iphone is about $220, but otherwise excellent analysis.  My point was simply that this is not news and happens in every sector of the tech business.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-11-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I suspect we're going to run into Bert and Riley somewhere along the way, complete with flashback sequence.I gotta say, I'm getting a bit confused about how Ink fits in with all of this.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] New ESpeak voices

2013-12-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: New ESpeak voices

Please add me in as well, atouchofrevere...@gmail.comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-12-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

Riffing off this for a moment, i was an adaptive tech teacher in a facility that worked with an unnamed state agency.  I was working with a particular client, including some in-home visits where I observed behavior from the client's significant other that set off alarm bells in my head concerning domestic abuse.  I had developed a sufficiently good rapport with that client that xe (gender-neutral pronoun) volunteered subsequently information that confirmed my suspicions.Proceeding with great caution, I went to my supervisor and posed the hypothetical question as to what my legal obligation was in this matter.  I was in a bit of a bind, because the disclosure had come with the information that the client feared retribution if it came out.  I was informed in no uncertain terms that I was mandated to report any such information.  I spoke with the client and explained my legal obligation, then the client and I went to the person responsible for suc
 h things in our organization and reported the conversation.I felt terrible, on the one hand because the abuse was happening, and on the other because i had been put in a position where I could not legally allow the client to make the decision about what would be told and what wouldn't.At the time I left that agency, no bad repercussions had come down, and I was able to maintain good rapport with the client in question.It shows you the complex position that people can get themselves into by being good listeners.  I am purposefully being very careful about any identifying information in this story; you don't need it and in fact i don't have the right to share it.  It makes for awkward language, but so be it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I believe the windmill is still up, but there were what sounded to me like alarm beeps, and then i think the pump shut down.  They had talked about burning through pumps, so i suspect the pump is toast, which along with the loss of Glen, is going to make CJ crazier than she already is.  Bad times for the colony on the way.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

The first thing you have to do when asking yourself this sort of question is to. . . well, formulate the question in a way that is susceptible of quantifiable interpretation.  Merely asking, does blindness training make a difference gives an answer that is at once trivial, (of course it does, you have training you wouldn't have) and unsatisfactory, since I think the question you're really asking is does blindness training make a statistically significant difference in employment outcome or financial status or something like that?  I have no large scale evidence to sustain or refute that hypothesis, only my own experience.Two of the jobs I've had came out of being a student or patron of a blindness organization, proving my skills to the staff and being subsequently offered a job.  I have observed this phenomenon frequently in both of those organizations, and honestly, this is not a bad method of evaluating an employee, especially if you're 
 getting funding from research grants or a state to do the evaluation.I think it's possible to acquire the skill set that blindness training offers for the most motivated people, especially those who go blind later in life, but the training does provide at least a basic skill set to a lot more people than would have it if we were left to our own devices or the tender and often less than competent mercies of our families.  I'm quite sure I would be far less employable if I had not had good training as a child and further as an adult.  That is anecdotal though and does not rigorously answer the question.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

On that one, I think you have to give CJ a bit of a break.  She spent quite a bit of part 2 of Chapter 40 telling us just how dire the water situation is.  It would make sense she might be willing to take more chances on getting a solution in place sooner rather than later, since the water issue is a life and death problem.  The wonder is that she's given Michael the freedom she has, though that might just be recognition that he would just do what he wants anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Actually, the landscape around healthcare in the U.S. has taken a big step in the right direction with the Affordable Care Act.  To hear the media talk about it, this has been an abject failure, and yet, aside from the gods-awful logistical SNAFU created by the deployment of the web site, it is actually possible for low-income folk to get healthcare in a way it was not before.  My wife, who was uninsurable before will now receive spam? we can afford to pay for as of January.  It's not a perfect solution, I'd rather we have a single-payer model like the UK and most other civilized nations, but given the political power of the spam? industry that's a pipe dream until we put a bunch of fat cats up against the wall, which is unlikely given the distractability of the American public.My experience, both as a consumer and a provider of blindness training services is that they are very much about what you want to get out of them.  I went in with v
 ery specific goals that I had formulated in advance, even before i met with a voc rehab counselor.  I got most of what i wanted.  Those who didn't come in with specific goals got lost wandering around in a system that doesn't measure outcomes very well.  I can't speak to the differences in training in other countries.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I think the significant line re: Bert and Riley is: "Once you go there, you can never go back."  I think this is meant to be a turning point for riley where she goes to the dark side, so to speak.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Let's remember that these people aren't living in a rational world anymore.  What is it, a year since the outbreak?  These are broken, traumatized people who have maintained some semblance of humanity through all this.  I think Riley has just reached her breaking point, and maybe Bert is just too tired to fight it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Let's really dig in to Tolkiin and Lord of the Rings,

2013-07-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Let's really dig in to Tolkiin and Lord of the Rings,

I'm not convinced that Sauron had a physical form after the drowning of Numenor in which it was destroyed.  Gollum was after all a very small creature in comparison to Sauron and the latter could easily have filled Gollum's mind with a form to over-awe and terrify him.  Remember that at the moment of the ring's destruction, Sauron is described as a shadow that rose up vast, but impotent and was swept away by the north wind down which the eagles rode.It seems more likely to me that the ring, holding a great portion of his power was the agent by which he hoped to reconstitute his physical form along with the domination of Middle Earth.I quite agree with the consensus forming about Elijah Wood's Frodo, the weakest casting in the films.  And like Dark, Ian Holm will always be my Frodo and William Nigh my Sam.  The BBC radio play got the relationship between servant and master exactly right, done elegantly and sparely with a few wel
 l-chosen scenes, the story scene before they sleep in Cirith Ungol, the recovery of Frodo in the tower by Sam and the entire Mount Doom sequence.That said, Jackson could not work with so elegant and sparing a pallette, not with a multi-hundred-million-dollar franchise depending on his success.  Sadly, American film audiences have been conditioned away from the sort of subtlety that the BBC could expect from its much more selective radio audience.One element we haven't touched on in the movies is the music.  Howard Shore has moments of stunning brilliance in both LotR and the first installment of the Hobbit; the elven song at evening in the Shire is breathtaking in its strange, ethereal beauty.  Theoden's leitmotiv perfectly conveys the rolling plains of Rohan, and the music within Khazad Dum accentuates the vastness, emptiness and strangeness of this darkened realm.  The fragment of the dwarves' song in the Hobbit sounds just right to
  me, though of course I wanted more  Other places Shore got lazy, just throwing vast gobs of chromaticity and loud brass at us to accentuate the terror of the Nazgul as an example.  But I am unashamed to admit that when Annie Lennox begins singing at the end of the RotK, I cry every single goddamn time.  I did in the theater, i do in my own living room.  What a beautiful evocation of the bitter sweet moment of Frodo and Sam's final farewell in Middle Earth.Christopher Tolkien has a dim view (to be polite) concerning what Jackson et al have done to his father's work.  Being in the position of J. R. R.'s literary executor, a position he seems to have occupied for quite a while even before John's death in 1973, I can well imagine his dismay that, to paraphrase from an interview I read, his father's vast and sweeping epic of history has been turned into a run-of-the-mill adventure film.  I'm fairly sure that John Ronald 
 must believe himself to be in a sort of hell, seeing the fruits of his labors of love turned into Hollywood smash hits.  I personally love the extended editions for what they are, works made in love and to honor the spirit of a literary classic.In judging the figure of Aragorn as portrayed in the movies, one has to ask the question, should we judge him on his own merits, or in comparison to the literary original?  If the latter, than it's clear that Jackson et al took gross liberties that a Tolkien purist would have to despise.  But then to judge the whole enterprise from the standpoint of purity is to me bootless as JRRT might have called it.  They are two different works, in vastly different media and times.  Judge the BBC production on its purity, for which I think you'd have to give it very high marks.  Judge Jackson's efforts, particularly in the director's cut versions on their own merits as representing an offering to t
 he spirit of the series.In this light, Aragorn is actually a major improvement over the rather archetypal and stiff original.  Tolkien meant Aragorn to be exceptional, as also was Faramir in that the lure of the ring would be resisted by them as by no other mortals.  But an Aragorn, all too aware of his own inadequacy against the Shadow in the East is to me a more interesting if perhaps less satisfying character.  And in the sense that, despite all his doubts, in the end he grows to fit the role prepared for him, he is actually more heroic, even as the Frodo who goes on without hope but for the love of his world and his given word is heroic.  While Tolkien would never have written a speech for Aragorn like that delivered before the final battle in the movie, there is something truly splendid about it that does strike me as heroic, acknowledging the imperfection of Men, but still opposing his will against the dissolution of his world.  It's a stan
 ce that a staunch Catholic as Tolkien was might well appreciate, even though it wouldn't fit his Icelandic conception of the hero of the saga, which is the source for Aragorn I think.I'm sure I have more to ad

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

2013-08-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: frustrated with companies that Provide products for the blind

This trend will only get worse as the specialized companies realize that software will be less and less profitable with perfectly usable alternatives like NVDA and VoiceOver, not to mention the world of phones rendering the $1,000 screen reader a dinosaur looking the asteroid right in the shockwave.  So the specialized hardware is going to have to soak up the profit margin while the screen readers become loss leaders.So do not expect any cheap specialized hardware from any of the established companies; look for a disruptive innovator like Aprone to break open the market, if Google or Apple doesn't take on the task themselves.  An Apple braille display would be slightly more expensive, but the machining would be flawless.  Of course it would only work with OSX and IOS, and you'd have to download updates from Itunes, which would of course be built in to the display.  An There would be nineteen Android displays, each of which would have overlays of
  extra functionality that the companies would put on to differentiate, so the Samsung display would be able to print out complex barista orders from verbal prompts, while the HTC display would do OCR, but only in Pig Latin, while the Nexus display would be clean, but in order to advance, you'd have to bring up three menus in series and tap six buttons in a prescribed order, any mistake in which would turn off bluetooth or phone the White House or something.  The Windows Phone displays would be blank.  Blackberry displays were available for about ten minutes, then were withdrawn because everybody said how lame they were.  Nokia's displays used actual stone tablts; they were rock solid, but unable to refresh in less than a geological age.Oh, and the NSA has a secret fingers exploit that intercepts all content that goes to your display and shows it to an analyst in eight-dot visual braille on their HD displays.  Trouble is that what with the sequeste
 r and all, funding for the braille classes for NSA analysts got the chop, so no one knows what we're reading.Oh, sorry, this was a serious discussion.  This is my brain on three days no sleep and suddenly having to buy a car.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

2013-08-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

Some thoughts.  A software company that doesn't recognize that, except in the enterprise world, the $0.99 app model is increasingly eating the market will be itself eaten and spit out within five to ten years.  Even ignoring the free apps that are all over the Android and IOS markets, I'm looking at a world where putting out a GPS solution for $99 caused an outcry ever hacker in Russia could hear, and where a $9.99 app is considered expensive.  In that world, the days of four-figure prices for any software that isn't super-specialized are numbered, and that number isn't huge.Next.  Tom Ward correctly points out the difference in disservice potential between closed and open architecture baked-in access.  If, Heavens forefend, Apple got lazy, it would be a damned sight harder to disrupt that market than it would on Android or other open markets.  Even Narrator starts out at a huge brand disadvantage, because until recently, it
  has had the approximate usefulness of lace diapers, and it takes quite a while for that kind of brand disloyalty to be overcome.  There is a thriving, open-source screen reader in the Windows world that has achieved parity with the big boys for the vast majority of users, and actually does better at some things.On a side note, please let's not call NVDA free.  In the sense that you don't have to pay for it, yes, but I would encourage every primary NVDA user to be contributing at least something, at least once a year.  Given your alternatives, take that $25/year or even $50/year that GW wants you to spend on the useless excrescence of SocialEyes and put it towards the development of something genuinely useful.  Oh yes, that's my review by the way, as a paying customer.I'm pretty sure that if Google ever decides to give over development of accessibility for Android and Chrome, that someone will take up the flag and carry it onward
 s with their blessing and assistance, something that you would have a much harder time doing in a closed bubble.  There are trade-offs, certainly right now, Android accessibility for example is about three quarters baked, with some basic tasks such as text editing requiring too much fiddling around, but every iteration does get better, and we're getting new iterations every four months or so.So poor old GW has stepped in the tar pit, right along with Freedom.  I give them credit for trying innovations that FS hasn't tried, like payment plans and stand-alone apps, but the asteroid is still coming for both of them.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Considering the aftershokz bluetooth headset, is it worth it?

2013-08-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Considering the aftershokz bluetooth headset, is it worth it?

I haven't noticed any degradation in quality for phone calls, though there are odd times when the volume changes in comparison to the phone volume.  I've not tried Skype or Hangouts to know how that is.  All in all, the music sound is not bad, given the non-standard sound path.My only issue with them is that after prolonged usage, they cause me some discomfort over the ears.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Google speech recognition addon for NVDA!

2013-08-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Google speech recognition addon for NVDA!

I am dictating with the ad on right now.  I was amused to discover that it won't let you swear.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-08-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, remind me who Amy was; I am just not remembering.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

2013-08-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

Both Open Office and Libre Office will save documents in office formats.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just started on we're alive

2013-09-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Just started on we're alive

re: 30, I think that "family" is being used in a less literal sense.  I'm pretty sure Angel isn't actually related to any of the Maller types, rather they inhabited the same world as Angel grew up, one which he apparently left behind when he joined up.  I don't have any textual support, other than an absence of specific mention of relation and the sense that Scratch is referring to a sub-culture rather than an actual family.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-09-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

CJ does not have the dispassion to be a proper leader and will probably get her followers all killed.  It's going to be hard for Michael to leave as i suspect Pegs will want to stay where she is; she's had enough action and needs time to recover.  Riley and Bert are going rogue after Scratch.Looks to me as though the story is about to major league fragment, following at least three threads.I think Dark has valid points over in the other WA thread that it's time for the character of the action to change, from defense/siege to something more proactive, and in order for that to happen, you need some time and peace for planning.  Those of you chomping at the bit for action, I am sure it will come, but it needs to simmer for a while first.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Nah, Riley is going rogue.  She's been breaking down since the beginning of Season 3, and this is a logical progression.  And Bert surely isn't going to hold her back any.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-09-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I suspect it's much more complex than race, or there'd be a bunch of brothers running around.  What is clear is that Saul and Tanya have some kind of immunity to the virus or agent or whatever is causing the outbreak, a mystery that, while it has been teased, no one has really gone after for some reason.  I'm not certain it has occurred even to Saul or Tanya themselves, for which I suppose one has to blame the chaos.Here's what we know about zombies so far.  Most people turn if they have been wounded by a zombie.  For some people, the turning comes on slower than others, possibly influenced by which variety wounded them.  A small number of people have some immunity.Zombies gather up their own dead and take them to at least one, possibly more central locations for unknown reasons.  One of these locations has been torched by the Mallers, (completely? I don't remember if they were successful.)  Another fo
 cus of activity was a particular hospital where Bert, Angel et al went to get the helicopter.  The description of the basement, of the mental hospital was horrific, indicating that some sort of experimentation was going on, probably on zombies, maybe on people turning?We suspect that there is a commander, a zombie who demonstrates sentience.  We know that they are evolving though whether this evolution is guided or some artifact of the change we don't yet know.  There is a disturbing growth of intelligence in some types, the numbered ones may even be acquiring the ability to speak.Oh, and there's that area that Saul and Victor explored with the cracks and whatever made it difficult for Victor to breathe that might have correlated with the start of the change.What I hope we will focus on this season is the mystery that until now we haven't had time to solve.  I will be disappointed if this is left as an imponderable; that would 
 be cheating.  This may mean several chapters heavy with exposition and less action, though I suspect the last three or so chapters will be filled with climactic scenes involving lots of big guns, sharp knives, and, let's see if I guess this right, Riley taking down Scratch and herself a la Kalani.  I am giving her long odds on surviving the season.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

Let's see if I can keep my homicidal urges under control long enough to 'splain.On October 1, the current budget stopgap measure expires, thus removing discretionary spending authority from the federal government.  What is supposed to happen is that the House of Representatives is supposed to submit a budget bill for the entire fiscal year (that for arcane reasons beyond my knowledge) starts on October 1 rather than January 1.  The Senate is then to take that bill, and either pass or modify it.  If they modify the bill, it returns to the House, where they pass the modified bill or amend it themselves.In practice, what is supposed to happen is that a joint committee is appointed by the House and Senate to resolve or "reconcile" the bills and come up with one bill that is passed by both houses, and, if the President signs it, that is the budgetary authority for the year.Well, our Congress has ceased to be a functional body, mos
 tly due to the partisan efforts of Republican party leadership, and an influx of inexperienced, doctrinaire bomb-throwing radicals who have the gall to call themselves Conservatives, the so-called "Tea Party" (though I preferred the original nameof "Tea-baggers.")  With the election of President Obama, the leadership of the Republican Party decided that, rather than actually govern, they would simply stop every bit of legislation put forward by the President or his party in Congress.  Now, the Democrats held control of both House and Senate in the aftermath of the 2008 election, but the Senate is a queer beast, with rules meant to force negotiation with the minority party.Basically, in order to bring a bill to a vote, its supporters must have 60 of 100 votes in order to stop debate.  This rule was meant to insure that the minority party would, except in rare circumstances have to contribute some votes in order to pass legislation, making neg
 otiation necessary.  In theory, this was meant to lead to compromise and working across the aisle which it was thought would create better legislation.  It also acted as a last resort for the minority to stop things they simply could not abide.In practice, the filibuster, (the tactic of stalling a bill by refusing to allow debate upon it) has been turned from a reason to compromise into a tactic to prevent the majority party from exercising any control over the legislative process.  Work has (for the most part) ground to a halt as Republicans, who currently hold 46 seats (5 more than the minimum to stop any bill) have made it their plan to kill every bit of legislation in a bid to make things bad and blame the Democrats for it.Now, enter the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare".  This is a sweeping reform of spam? and healthcare practices meant to provide spam? to the 46 million Americans who do not have employer-spon
 sored care (either because they don't have a job or because their employer doesn't offer spam?) and who cannot afford to purchase individual health spam? on the private market, where the prices are insane, unless you're Bill Gates.  using ideas drawn from Republican policy statements of ten years ago, and modeled in Massachusetts, then governed by Mitt Romney the recently defeated Republican candidate for President, Democrats in the Senate, in consultation with health spam? companies, medical professionals and a ton of lobbyists crafted a bill that Republicans should have jumped to sign.  Indeed there was a crew of six Senators, three Democrats and 3 Republicans who actually did much of the design for the bill.So the bill passed and was signed into law and everyone loved it!  Except of course that wasn't what happened.  The very Republican senators who had helped draft the bill walked away from it when it was time to vote.  In fact
 , the Dems had to use some rather shady parliamentary procedures (for which read arcane rules that were pretty badly twisted) to remove the Republicans' ability to kill the bill, something for which they were never forgiven.  All across the country, a movement of know-nothing, anti-intellectual, often racist political ideologues arose led by people of the brilliance of Sarah Palin and other intellectual giants, who flat out lied about what was in the bill, saying it would lead to the government killing your grandma to cut costs.  And our wonderful media, led by paragons of fairness and balance Fox News, (though that last word really needs to be in 72-point font quotes) poured fuel on the fire till our fine, informed citizenry rose up and in their infinite wisdom elected a class of anarchist egotists who thought it was their God-given mission (and I'm not actually exaggerating here) to repeal Obamacare.Fast forward to now.  The Republicans did take bac
 k control of the House of Representatives in 2010, and kept it in the last cycle, due to clever manipulation of the electoral districts, despite the fact that in t

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

A few thoughts.As I stated in post 5, the majority of the ideas for Obamacare are ones formerly put forward by Republicans, including the individual mandate that everyone have health spam? or pay a penalty.  It was only when these ideas were put forward by Obama that they suddenly became socialism that would kill Grandma and destroy our liberty.  So I'm afraid I don't buy the ideological argument, unless perhaps in the form that the Republicans have actually changed their ideology in the last ten years, which is a plausible argument.My point in emphasizing the Senate was that in the period 2009-10, the Dems had a lock on the House, and so it was in the Senate that the ACA had to be crafted, since Nancy Pelosi was able to pass anything that came from the Senate.  It was Mitch McConnoll, Republican Minority Leader in the Senate, who quite openly declared that the Republicans' number 1 priority would be to make sure Obama was a one term pre
 sident, and to that end vowed to kill everything that came through.  This environment forced Harry Reed, the Democratic Majority Leader to bend the Senate rules out of recognition to pass the bill, which in turn energized the Tea Party nitwits in the 2010 election.Now the center of gravity is in fact the House, where a group of eighty or so GOP radicals have put House Speaker John Boehner in the difficult position of having to either go to Democrats to pass even a temporary budget, or follow their demand to defund Obamacare or allow the government's spending authority to expire.  It's pretty clear to me that if Boehner goes to Democrats, he will have to make concessions to their agenda (what a shocking thing) that would cause full on civil war in the GOP.As for what a shutdown would mean, most of us would not feel the effects right away, except for the LoC/NLS etc.  Air traffic controllers will still guide aircraft, meat inspectors will still a
 ccept bribes to declare ground up lizard to be grade A beef, soldiers will go on being soldiers.  Those who receive disability-related benefits will be unaffected.As of October 17 however, the situation gets a bit more dire.  Alone among major nations, the United States has a debt ceiling that must be raised each time the government reaches the limit.  Until recently, this debt ceiling raise has been done quietly with no hassle, since it simply allows the government to pay the bills it has already incurred.  However in 2011, and now again, the extremists in the Republican party have seen this as a place of maximum leverage, where in exchange for their vote to raise the debt limit, they could force their agenda on the nation.Why is this a leverage point?  Because if the debt ceiling isn't raised, then the Treasury Department can no longer borrow new funds to pay for the programs that Congress has already approved.  This includes the ma
 ndatory spending such as benefits, military paychecks and the like that are exempt from the smaller governmental shutdown coming on October 1.  Let me say that again, if you receive benefits from the Federal government, that is Social Security, SSI, SSDI, veterans' benefits, even unemployment spam?, than if the debt ceiling isn't raised, those benefits may cease.In 2011, after much drama, including John Boehner having a hissy fit and walking out of negotiations that it appears Obama mishandled, everyone agreed to a Rube Goldberg device of a plan, whereby six Senators would get together and negotiate a grand bargain that would include tax code reform, defficit cutting measures and the most difficult thing, changing the way mandatory spending programs like Medicare (medical spam? for the elderly and disabled), Medicaid (spam? for the poor) Social Security (retirement benefits for senior citizens) and others would work.  A mechanism was built in to the agreem
 ent that if no agreement could be made by January 1 of 2013, automatic cuts across the board would automatically be triggered.  It was thought that these cuts, which affected programs that both parties prized, would be so awful that they would act as an incentive to bring about a deal.The so-called Gang of Six failed to reach a deal.  There are arguments from both sides about why, but I think it got caught up in electoral politics.  Republicans truly believed they would take the White House and the Senate and be able to have their way.  Democrats, I'm not sure why they were unwilling to compromise.  Anyway, the whole thing got put off until after the November 2012 election, when everyone figured that the people would decide.Well, of course the people did decide, and in our usual, muddled fashion, we returned just about everyone to square 1.  The President was re-elected by a substantial, though not decisive majority.  That was ar
 guably as much about Mitt Romney's utter incompetence as a candidate as it was about supporting the President's policies.  The Democrats actually gain

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

We know that they were setting traps even as far back as season 2.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

@fastfinge, at risk of derailing an otherwise interesting topic to discuss something that should probably go in its own topic, why does this get in your shorts so hard?  Sure, it's mildly annoying to have worked really hard to craft a great post, only to have an anonymous spam filter change your text, though I can only speak theoretically, since it's never happened to me, but really, I mean this is a games forum, not the place where you submit your dissertation to be graded pass or be executed.  Is there a reason that you are going on about this so long, with unnecessary personal attacks and not seeing Dark's perspective?  And is there a reason this needs to be discussed in a topic about. . . what in Hades' name were we talking about anyway?  I don't mean to minimize your responses, so please reserve your flames to roast chestnuts, but I don't get it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

Aikido, like any mature martial art contains every element of combat, though some of them are more hidden than others.  Reacting to strikes is a part of the core curriculum, but there are many ways to skin this cat for someone with little or no vision.  For instance, in the beginning your partner could begin in contact with you, so that it's easier to learn to feel the timing and location of the strike.  Or, your partner could signal with breath or another noise that he/she is coming to attack.  As you progress, you will likely discover that you learn to sense the attack with a combination of hearing and something that's difficult to describe for someone who's not had the experience of training without vision.  You will also learn to know where your partner/opponent is and to move in ways to limit the location and timing of attacks, even strikes.  At advanced levels, you will confront multiple opponents attacking freely and be expected,
  through movement and awareness to deflect, slip and blend with each attack or to move so that opponents get in one another's way.As for grappling, the kata in Aikido, or the basic forms do not show it in detail.  In principle you should never be seeking a strength v. strength contest as an aikidoka, but moving to take your opponent off balance, either by extending the attack beyond the point of balance, or undermining his stance.  Aikido does contain very effective pinning techniques that will work in many situations.  It also contains throws, though the one described in the previous post is usually classified as a control, rather than a throw, since you generally stay in contact with your partner and move to a pinning position.Here's one thing to consider.  Aikido is a martial art.  Brazilian Jujitsu is a sport with martial arts-like characteristics.  They are not directly comparable.  BJJ has a different wheelhouse so to 
 speak, concentrating on traditional grappling and ground-fighting.  In some situations, it is devastatingly effective, as the string of BJJ champions in UFC championships showed, but it's important to remember that these were sporting contests.  It is of course possible that BJJ can be taught with a philosophical layer.  In Aikido, the philosophy is baked into the very movements and if the teacher is worth his/her salt, you are getting it right from the beginning.Please assure your dad that it is possible to train safely and effectively in Aikido without vision, at least if the school and teacher are worth while.  Any teacher who does not look on teaching you as a challenge is not worth having.  I won't go so far as to say that Aikido is better than BJJ, because that's a meaningless statement without knowing what you are seeking out of training?URL: http://for

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

I've actually pitched a local church on teaching Aikido there as part of their youth program, emphasizing the aspects of learning to work cooperatively, to respect others, to find ways of defusing aggression that don't necessarily involve being aggressive right back and the sense of connection to other people that it gives.  I didn't hear horror in their response, and we're still negotiating to see if it can happen.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

No, not a Christian at all, but I attend a church, because when you live in a village of 900 people, you probably have to in order to be connected to the community, at least here in God-fearing west Michigan, and they are really nice folks actually.  My interest in Christianity is almost purely theoretically as well as musical, since, whatever one may think of the doctrine, the love of God and Christ has surely inspired some of the most sublime music created in western civilization's history.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Don't be so certain that Datu, Saul and Tanya are doomed.  I'm not sure we aren't working towards some sort of solution that saves them.  It's possible we're just drawing out the deaths for dramatic license, but Datu gives Tanya an excuse and a way to do research that applies to Saul and herself as well without having to reveal their condition.  i wonder if this isn't setting up something to allow at least some of them to live.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I am scared

Most likely, if you were going to experience a reaction, you would have it in the first twelve hours.  Ten minutes in the microwave from frozen is almost certainly enough to kill off anything toxic or interestingly biological.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Do not expect Scratch to be dead.  Killing her off screen, or even in a flashback, when you know that at least Bert survives would be anticlimactic in the extreme, and if there's one thing the creators of this show are good at, it's doing climax right.  (Get your minds out of the sewers and back up into the gutter where they belong.)  No, if Scratch is going to die, it has to be raw, on stage, and probably Pegs who does her in the end, or convinces her that violence isn't the way, which would make a nice twist.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I am scared

2014-01-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: I am scared

Don't feel too bad anyway.  About twenty years ago or so, (that is before the availability of all the nifty keen gadgets for product identification,) I got out some tuna and made an excellent tuna salad for sandwiches.  I ate some and was puzzled by the odd texture of the tuna.  I washed out the cans and put them on the counter to recycle later.  My then sweetheart came home about this time and asked me why there were four empty cans of cat food on the counter?  i was so very sad.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Lessons from someone who, despite being oddly shy in high school was only single for about six months out of the four years:1.  Don't look for a girl friend.  Make friends, some of whom are girls.  Do this long enough and well enough and one of them will strike a spark.2.  No matter whether your objective in having a girl friend is, whether to exchange bad love poetry, to hold hands while walking down the hall, or to get laid early and often, do not push for this.  I cannot tell you how many women get exasperated about men/boys whose only thoughts are getting some.  It's not that girls/women aren't just as horny as you are, but between the screwed up culture of the virgin whore and the very real risks associated with having sex for a woman/girl, do not assume that acting like a male dog around a female dog in heat is going to be attractive.3.  Remember, high school age girls are just as insane as high school age 
 boys.  They don't know what they're doing any more than you do.  Some portion of the girls who aren't talking to you are just as afraid as you are of looking bad, screwing up or otherwise humiliating themselves.4.  And, because it should go without saying, no means goddam no!  I'm tired of my gender being undercut by assholes who forget that women/girls get to own their bodies just as much as men/boys do.  I'm looking at you Steubenville!5.  Relax!  I know this is hard.  I know that between having to fight through the social morass of a blind person in a sighted world, and raging hormones and that feeling that people don't take you seriously, it feels very lonely and hard.  But here's the actual secret.  Women/girls want someone to treat them with respect, to laugh at their jokes, to comfort them when they're sad, to treat them as human beings not Barbie dolls, to listen to their 
 ideas, to assume that they have something of value to contribute, to feel that you recognize their true worth.  In other words, they just want you to treat them like humans and friends.  Some of them will want you to do other things with them and in these areas the same secret applies, listen, ask, value, give of yourself and ye shall receive.It's really not as hard as people make it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Oh college is harder than high school in the sense that in high school you're all in one place for long periods of time, whereas in college the group of people you associate with changes every term and for every class.  There's a lot less opportunity for casual chatting in and between classes; you have to actually invite her for coffee or be part of a regular study group or whatever.  The girl friends I had in college i met through other arenas, such as the Ann Arbor Medieval Festival, where i was part of the troop of itinerant entertainers who kept people near the stage while the real plays were setting up.  The girl in question sprained her ankle that summer, so she and I set up an alliance, i'd help her up and down the hill and she'd guide me while we were at it.  That relationship lasted eight years and is the second best in my life, behind that with my wife whom i met at a friend's birthday party when she came with another man and 
 left with me.  yeah, it was kind of like that and I don't recommend this manner of meeting women to anyone, but I'm not regretting the results, even the two children.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Hmmm, I suppose if you live on campus it's different.  I never did live in a dorm, so I missed that particular social experience.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Aw Goddess wept, *never* lead with the disability.  That's saying that the most important thing about you is that you can't see.  There is a species of girl/woman who will get off on that.  The extreme version of this is called being a devotee.  Go ahead and look that up and be creeped out by it if you like, but the short version is people who find disability sexually arousing in and of itself.  I dated a devotee once, though I did not know it at the time; it ended poorly.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Can't say I'll particularly miss the soldiers, they weren't developed nearly as well as other characters.  I also feel like the pacing of this episode was a bit off: nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, cliff-hanger with doom and destruction.  yes, ok lots of character development, especially once Bert/Riley are back, but I don't know.  Maybe I'd feel different if I were doing what Dark does and listen to an hour at a time.  Still, I will be anxiously awaiting next Monday.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Amin, there is a distinction between sensory deprivation, which can be kinky and fun, and a full-on obsession about the disability itself rather than the person who carries it, which may float someone else's boat, but leaves me about as turned on as a wet noodle.  I have had partners who wanted to engage in the former to gain an understanding of my experiences.  While of course it didn't convey my actual perspective, it was fun and definitely allows for kinds of play that, given a trusting relationship and a trustworthy partner are extremely enjoyable as a spice.  I'm not talking about that when I speak of devotees.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

One interesting question, do you think Ink is experimenting to figure out how to create or cure?  It's not clear to me which.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] WinWizard, nUtils like new addon for NVDA is here!

2014-02-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: WinWizard, nUtils like new addon for NVDA is here!

I'm also not seeing the window list: win 7/64, latest NVDA.URL:

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