Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-30 Thread Forum — New releases room: Ruhan

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Thank you.But my problem was to copy what came on the game screen to a notepad. Have found a file called ctips.txt inside the game folder with tips command that told me how to do this.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-30 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

I rather like mix and matchwith the classes, albeit some skill groups like the theif shadow stuff or offensive mage or necro spells Ive just not bothered with. I also like things I can experiment with which is why I intend to try bruing and maybe some of the druid things eventually, indeed Im tempted to try switching mage and druid around in class order, heck I enjoy my necro minians even though necro is my third class. That is one thing I like in alter, your not locked out of trying different things by your class,URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: Socheat

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Hello,@DentinYeah, Ive been asking for that quest.@RuhanYou could instant translate to translate the text.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Do you mean the quest to kill Ahpuch? If you go to the waypoint in the stony field, then head east, youll find a cave. Enter the cave and explore it. About halfway through the cave system (its pretty big) youll find Ahpuch. Kill him and get the key, then keep going through the cave until you reach the trash heap and the chest. Unlock and get the staff from the chest, and take it back to whelan.Or did you mean something else?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: Ruhan

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

I started to play a little while ago and I am with a level 12 (mage) and 5 (druid) character. I was thinking in improve only this two class, being mage the primary. But from what ive read in site, the better is evolve all classesThen, my question is: If I train two/three classes, my character would be weaker in relation to someone what train all classes? One more question, Im brazilian and Im still improving my english, then when the screen reader read the informations like chat lists, I can not understand all.Has some way to transform this in text?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Socheat

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Youre welcome. Im still learning to play it. Im at level 5 necromancer right now. But anyways, the sound effects in the game is really awesome! I hope you continue to develop this awesome project.Good luck with your project!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Well socheet, to be exactly correct the sounds come from Oriol Gomez MushZ soundpack, though Dentin has configured the mud to output lots of handy triggers which MushZ can then use as well as cutting down on non essential text from the mud and including some very handy map substitutes in text.Of course things like good game balance, interesting zones and fun things on the mud to do are all the responsability of Dentin and the other builders of the game, while cool background music and some nice functions in MushZ such as the in built trigger keys like alt x to show experience.Alteraeon would be a fun mud either way, but MushZ just makes it that much better. the only thing Im sorry about is that I never got into using MushZ or playing alter earlier than I did, and even when I enquired about playing methods back in around 2005 all I was told about were jaws scripts for Mushclient, (nobody told me there 
 was a sapi option).Never mind, at least it is all documentated now and I can make up for time. Indeed while I admit I did get a little frustrated with having to go through the same areas of arkase again and again and again to try and build experience, all the new areas are making things much more fun!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Well socheet, to be exactly correct the sounds come from Oriol Gomez MushZ soundpack, though Dentin has configured the mud to output lots of handy triggers which MushZ can then use as well as cutting down on non essential text from the mud and including some very handy map substitutes in text.Of course things like good game balance, interesting zones and fun things on the mud to do are all the responsability of Dentin and the other builders of the game, while cool background music and some nice functions in MushZ such as the in built trigger keys like alt x to show experience.Alteraeon would be a fun mud either way, but MushZ just makes it that much better. the only thing Im sorry about is that I never got into using MushZ or playing alter earlier than I did, and even when I enquired about playing methods back in around 2005 all I was told about were jaws scripts for Mushclient, (nobody told me there 
 was a sapi option).Never mind, at least it is all documentated now and I can make up for time. Indeed while I admit I did get a little frustrated with having to go through the same areas of arkase again and again and again to try and build experience, all the new areas are great and giving me quests and exploring to do which is awsome. Also, I think the some of the recent tweaks to warrior are making my battling much better, sinse warrior is my second class.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

The upper levels on Archais are a known problem area, where we pretty clearly dont have enough areas to really keep people busy without some grinding (or heading to the mainland early.) Ive personally got a half dozen projects on archais, with builders working on them when they get time, but its just going to take a while. Hopefully we can get most of those, and a few others, out by the end of this year.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Rory

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Yo dentin, i said that because i didnt know if i would be aloud back on. I was sure i was still banned, but if im not, love ya man! Just also, can i use your channels?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Socheat

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Hi,Hmm a question: how do I find the guy to train my magic spells ang thing?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-26 Thread Forum — New releases room: Socheat

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Finally, I managed to find them. But Ive stuck on the quest to kill the obich. when I got those three items. what can I do with them? please help.thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Rory

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Yo dentin, still havent been able to get on, please unban me, so i can join in the fun! I will make a new char, and i will stop the spamming crap. Please, your awesome dentin, well your game is, i havent actualy met you, lol. Thanks, see you on the game. RoryURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Socheat

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Hi,Im a new player. I dont no much about. but I think the game is great! keep up the good work!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Rory - the ban wore off a long time ago. I dont know why you cant connect, but its not a server problem.Socheat - thanks! Im really glad you like it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-17 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

All I can say is [[wow]], what an aditude. While I myself havent played in quite a while I may look to getting back on at some point.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-16 Thread Forum — New releases room: Victorious

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Please keep him banned, he is an annoying pest and refused to stop spamming, going through the trouble of creating extra chars to circumvent ignore or channel bans so that he can continue.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-16 Thread Forum — New releases room: Rory

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Shut up! You werent asked to speak! Screw you!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-16 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Rory, that kind of behavior is exactly why you were banned in the first place. Its not allowed on Alter Aeon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: Rory

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Yo dentin, please unban me, i was darren or one of those other chars. I want to be in your glory, so let me on dude! Also, i finily learned what spamming is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-04-02 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

A quick note, thanks to all the players who tested our april fools day quest yesterday. The deed should now be unhidden and counts toward your leaderboard totals!Alter Aeon MUDhttp://www.alteraeon.comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-03-31 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Hi.[[wow]], keep up the awesome work!May I ask: At which level are players not counted as a newbie anymore? Im asking because players which I wouldnt count as newbies are shown on the newbie list. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-03-31 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

The new player tag is for players below level 30 or younger than six months. Once youve hit 30 and have been around for more than half a year, you get switched to the active list.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-03-31 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Alter Aeon March Update

Interesting. Thanks for your reply.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon March Update

2014-03-29 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Alter Aeon March Update

A lots happened on Alter Aeon since our 19th anniversary in January! Heres a list of just the major things weve been doing since then.There are three new areas:- The Island of Hakahaka, by Kagome. This is a level 33 area in the southeast ocean.- The Ralnoth Fen, by Draak. This is a level 30 area southeast of Ralnoth.- The Sashala Fortress, by Shadowfax. This is a level 34 area south of the Dust Sea.There are three updated areas:- The Cathedral, level 32, updated by Bloodlust- Castle Avalon, level 33, updated by Bloodlust- The Haunted Crypts, level 16, updated by SatirusThere are six new articles:- Defensive Spells, by Lexie- Utility Spells for Druids, by Shadowfax- Druid Runecraft, by Shadowfax- Druid Salves and Tinctures, by Shadowfax- 2013 Year In Review, by Athlon- 2013 Year In Review, by DentinSee our articles page at for links.Code changes:- Lots of improvements to the new druid class, including brew analyze, more animal skills, carving, and spellstaffs.- Add a bunch of new achievements.- Various improvements to the pk system, for those who like to pk.- Lots of blind friendly updates.- Reorganize and clean up low level cleric spells.- Improvements to boat sailing, allowing them to more easily reach ports and landing spots.- Low level players in groups now have a chance of being rescued by the gods instead of dying.- Add quality indicators to items, showing which ones can be more heavily enchanted and improving reforged items.- High level areas are now listed by total levels instead of primary level.For new players, we have added equipment shops on the new player islands, with lots of good equipment for each class at various levels.The Mush-Z client has als
 o received a pile of updates in the last couple of months. This includes bug fixes, a new and improved config system, new sounds, new updaters, and support for testing beta versions.New players are of course welcome. Wed love to see you there!Alter Aeon MUDhttp://www.alteraeon.comURL:

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