Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Video games are, arguably, the next major type of literature to hit the market. Over time, literature has, broadly speaking, become much more immersive. Speaking of immersion, we can define it as the belief in an absolute reality. When one believes, they live their life according to that belief. So when a gamer has entered that state of immersion, his mind set is completely in tune with the created world. Varying levels of imersion are possible depending on how long the gamer has been playing, the emotional investment put into the game, and the quality of the game's sensory elements (currently audio, pictures and limited haptic feedback (I.E. Force Feedback)). I have watched let's-play videos of horror games, where people were screaming in real terror due to the sense of immersion the game created for them.Now for the question: Is this possible if the player of the game is blind? I have yet to see an audio game provide that feeling of full immersion. Audio soundsc
 apes can be extremely detailed, but that is all that most audio games have ever provided. Some of them offer force feedback support if one uses a joystick. I haven't experienced this though. To those who have, does it increase the sense of immersion in a game, or is it feel more like a cheesy afterthought?The answer: I believe that if one could hook as thoroughly into another of the core  4 senses (if we assume sight is not one) as they have done in audio, there could be really progress. It is sad to say that most audio games do not take advantage of the sophisticated audio technology that is available. Only a few games use any kind of 3d sound, and very few can simulate the dynamics of various environments (I can really think of less than 5 games that do this). My first thought was smell. Smell is the most stimulating sense of the five that a person has. The power of smell to recall memories has been proven time and time again by science. However, smell needs a way
  to make itself seem believable, if it is to help, instead of hinder, the goal of immersion. I believe the only way to achieve the required level of immersion is through a mental link.What do you think? Is full immersion possible? Do you think that we can achieve immersion through sound alone? Do you believe that being born blind could allow one to be immersed more easily? Answer these and more below!


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Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Unless the player's environment could be sealed off from all outside influence, from a safety perspective, the player would want some level of awareness of their surroundings. At least I know I would.From my own experience playing video games, I've found that total immersion isn't even necessary. As I played a games, I would slowly tune out the world around me to the point that the game world was all that existed, and this was with just a standard wide screen monitor and a pair of stereo speakers.Granted, things like multiple monitors, each showing a different view, surround sound audio, force or haptic feedback, etc. would have made the game playing more immersive, but only from the beginning of the session. If you become focused on the game, your mind will provide all the immersion you'll need or want.Blindside was the first truely audio game I played, and I can tell you, it was a very immersive experience. For me, the only thing that mig
 ht have made it more immersive would have been surround sound, but I'm not sure that Blindside supports it, though I wouldn't be surprized if it does.I don't know what it's like today as it's been at least 15 years since I had my last force feedback gaming control, but back then, to me, it was more of a gimmick than a real attempt to simulate the feel of a real steering wheel or flight stick, and it felt like it, I usually ended up turning it off because I found it more of a distraction than anything else.Is it possible for a game to be completely immersive? Probably. Is it necessary? Probably not.


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Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

I found Swamp pretty immersive, before the range of speeds got distracting. I kinda forgot how well that worked until I found a copy of an old campaign client where it actually felt like I was running without having to deal with leveling.I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority, here, but I've found Swamp's soundscaping much, much more immersive than the games that try to do 3D sound. I think it's a mix of the uncanny valley with poor navigability--I don't care how high quality your HRTF and such are if I'm lost in vector land.That has always been my principal for video games--I don't care about hte realism so much as my ability to actually get into it. And, somehow, this seems to apply to Audio Games, too And, just as with video games, I seem to be in the minority in this regard. Boo. 


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Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Before I lost my vision, first person games were always my favorites because I could get so lost in them. Despite it being very short and only the first chapter of  story that doesn't appear that it will ever be completed, I still enjoyed Blindside very much because it did try to be realistic with its sound scapes. On the reverse, I tried Palalid of the Sky and uninstalled it in less than ten minutes. It used arbitrary sounds for things so it was so far from what it would really sound like that there was no way I could immerse myself in the game.I've been wanting to play games like Swamp and Shades of Doom, but have been holding off because I also have tinitus and wonder how much that might effect playing a real time game where being able to locate things bquickly by ear could mean the difference between being able to keep playing or being immediately killed, which could get frustrating, which is no fun.I don't need games to be amazingly real soun
 ding, but I do want them to be somewhat accurate. A game where walls are beeps, doors are baps, people are boops, and furnature is bops, just doesn't do it for me.


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Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

never mind the rest of the senses. There is so much that could be getting done with audio that isn't right now. The realtime use of high and low pass filters and reverb would make a huge difference to how an audio game sounds. We have the detailed audio down pat, swamp for example but we could be doing much more than just letting the dry sounds play when you press buttons.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Full emersion would be absolutely awesome, but we're technologically nowhere near the level of alterworld, ready player 1 or sword art online yet. For now what I personally find immersive is when I can let my mind wonder and get into the game. What it usually requires is either a very good, emotionally gripping story or very good sound design, or realistic gameplay. The last one is actually something that wasn't brought up before in this topic, but in many cases it's something that's somewhat lacking in many audio games. For example, in most platformers/side scrollers, the characters have no momentum at all, you immediately go full speed and if you hit the run key and stop on the spot when you release it. In the few retro mainstream platformers that I watched reviews of on Youtube that did something like this, it was frown up on by the  person reviewing it. Same can be said for jumping. It's a real shame perilous hearts never come out properly because
  that was one game that had elements like this


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

pitermach,Actually, total immersion is possible with today's technology and has been for several years. The reason you haven't seen it yet is because the cost to do it restricts it to well funded research labs.Before I lost my vision, I had a chance to experience some of what was possible. All I can say is that it was pretty darned amazing!For me, all I want is Jordi's visor and a holodeck! 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

@KeyIsFullI beleive the effect is referred to as the "Suspension of Disbelief", and generally the more coherent a game is in term's of presentation, the easier it is for a player to momentarily suspend their disbelief and be "drawn in". Some game are particularly good at it by creating plausible situations that blur the lines between fantasy and reality, at times with little more than just text.@GeneWarnerYou make an interesting point about the use of arbitrary sounds in Audiogames to represent things, and its something I think thats been an issue for a few developers and players a like. I can understand the interest and need for more sculped sounds, but it can be difficult for people who don't have the experience or tool's to create them, IE: synths, microphones, Foley Stage, sound insulation foam, software, etc. It might be beneficial to do some research on good sound production techniques and affordable equipment to h
 elp improve the quality in some games, or even to build a respository or post links of open source sounds for developers to draw from.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Yeah magurp. In fact, immersion and suspension of disbelief go hand in hand. Suspension of disbelief is required to emotionally immerse oneself in a game, while the more imersive a game is, the easier it is for one to suspend his or her disblief for longer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

2015-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Immersion: is it possible in an audio game?

Hi.I also find Swamp very immersive, because you are playing with other players online.[[wow]] KeyIsFull. What horror games are you talking about in the first post? I have watched the beginning of Silent hill for ps4, and this game is scary as hell. Some people might find muds immersive as well. I don't know.


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