MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


MTG Studios older projects released

Hi all,Note that this is only an index in case I add something else to it. Enjoy!, there is a link on the main page. You may be surprised at what you see here.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Hi, all of the file names are strangely shortened. I can't understand some of them.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Those are simply the files that were on the MTG's old website, not the betas that Mason gave us in the beta team, he told us not to distribute them, I don't know if he'll continue working on the unreleased games that we got.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Well,I agreed with burak there, the filename is too short for me to understand. but anyways, good work that this old project is back up.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah there should be a download page instead of a link to the directory.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Hi.Nice to see those older rleases on a public website. Keep up the good work man.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

How are the names shortened? I can make perfect sense of them, as well as a few friends of mine as well.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Don't know. but it always says... at the end.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah Mason? Just because you and your "friends", who presumably you develop or talk about your projects with, understand the file names perfectly?Well we don't. So there. Now do something about it, or don't, your choice. That's just the case, simple.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I can understand the names perfectly my self, it consists of RMG: Random Mood Generator, PDA: personnal dialog assistant, SB and SBU which I really shouldn't explain, and I think that's it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah, but take a look at the following:scrolling_battles2op..>scrolling_battles_do..>scrolling battles_v9..>v9 what? v9.0, 9.5, or what? hmm?


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : roro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah that's really confusing.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

so why he doesn't just create a page with the download buttons on it is completely beyond me. ah well, it's none of my concern I suppose


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Careful steve, you're being a little impolite to him (post 16, "so there. Now do something. Or don't.). I doubt that will encourage him to make the names more explantory to you.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah whatever well he didn't have to post post 14, because sure him and some friends of his can understand it, but we can't. I was just stating that, and that was posted like 2 or so days ago, the heck if I know. That's all; it wasn't a personal attack, because I wasn't attacking him, it was meerly a harsh reidderation of what had already been said, so such a warning wasn't needed


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeah whatever well he didn't have to post post 14, because sure him and some friends of his can understand it, but we can't. I was just stating that, and that was posted like 2 or so days ago, the heck if I know. That's all; it wasn't a personal attack, because I wasn't attacking him, it was meerly a harsh reidderation of what had already been said, so such a warning wasn't needededit: and while I know you weren't accusing me of attacking him, you were warning me that I should be more polite to him, which in the case of post 16, which was a reply to post 14, that wasn't necesary.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

[[wow]] steven, you're one of the rudest people i've met on this community. From now on, anything you say in any of my topics, nice or not, will be disregarded.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

[[wow]] mason, I know you don't take it very well when I tell jokes. But funny thing is, that's all you are.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

And I better not get moterated for this, because because he flamed me as well.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Severestormsteve1, you seem to look for any excuses you can find, to take shots at people.  Calling Soundworx a joke was not necessary at all.  It's true that he might not get your "jokes", but that's probably because jokes are meant to be funny, and most of the seemingly rude things you say are not funny.  It's pretty easy to see why he took your rude comments as rude comments.  Flaming someone just because they flamed you first, is not a good excuse.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

well he didn't have to post that. No I don't take any chance to flame people, I state an opinion that certain people find offencive, then rant about it, then yes, I flame them after that. Sure it's not okay, but someone goes after me, then dang good and well I'm coming back after them.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

And, I appolagise for calling him a joke, that might've been pretty much too far, and I can delete the post if need be. zBut just [[wow]], I should be able to state my opinion, without having to start flame wars. You know that in the main stream community, people are told to go die, just because of how horrible some people think their games are? Who gives a crap that they're the "big cats", they're still people.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

And, I appolagise for calling him a joke, that might've been pretty much too far, and I can delete the post if need be. zBut just [[wow]], I should be able to state my opinion, without having to start flame wars. You know that in the main stream community, people are told to go die, just because of how horrible some people think their games are? Who gives a crap that they're the "big cats", they're still people.edit:Also, I think if anyone's flaming, it's the others in this community who seem not to think it matters what's said about, or directly to, the sighted developers, just because they're the big dogs, fat cats whatever you want to call them. This mentality disgusts me. Because those sighted "big cats" do a lot, lot more work then the people in this community, spend a lot, lot more money than us, and take way more resources. So for people to say bad things about them is almost worse than for people to say thi
 ngs about us. Because it takes us, what, 5 months at best to develop a working game, albeit a buggy or incomplete one. It takes main stream "fat cats" at least twice that amount of time.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

severestormsteve1 wrote:No I don't take any chance to flame people, I state an opinion that certain people find offencive, then rant about it, then yes, I flame them after that.Here is the problem.  You tend to state opinions in such a way that it does indeed offend people.  They complain about it and you respond by flaming them.  If you feel it is okay to flame someone when they write something you don't like, then why was it wrong for them to disagree with your original offensive opinion?  Shouldn't you hold yourself to the same expectations you are holding them to?severestormsteve1 wrote:But just [[wow]], I should be able to state my opinion, without having to start flame wars.Yes.  Yes you should be able to.  The thing is that you don't seem to be able to.  The problem is 
 not with every single other person.  When person after person seems to be offended by the things you write, you need to start looking at yourself instead of just getting defensive and lashing back at them.Imagine a man who says a joke at a bar.  Instead of laughing, the other people at the table throw their drinks in his face and walk away.  The next day he sits down with a new group of people and tells the same joke (which for whatever reason he thinks is funny), and again he ends up alone after drinks are thrown in his face.  This same thing happens the next day, and the next day, and the whole rest of the week.  The first time maybe the man legitimately thought he was saying something funny, and it was an honest mistake.  After a the results remained the same, anyone except a complete fool would realize that it was not funny, but was rather offensive.  Now since the man clearly knows he is saying something offensive to these people toward
  the end of the week, he flat out deserves whatever treatment he is receiving.  He has no more excuses.  The past has proven to him that his approach is wrong.  No "they shouldn't be offended because I'm not offended" excuses will work.  No "I didn't mean to offend them" excuses will work either.  After being presented with ample evidence and ignoring the opportunity to change tactics, the man is clearly just a huge dick.  I'll leave people to find the moral to this story.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

severestormsteve1 wrote:No I don't take any chance to flame people, I state an opinion that certain people find offencive, then rant about it, then yes, I flame them after that.Here is the problem.  You tend to state opinions in such a way that it does indeed offend people.  They complain about it and you respond by flaming them.  If you feel it is okay to flame someone when they write something you don't like, then why was it wrong for them to disagree with your original offensive opinion?  Shouldn't you hold yourself to the same expectations you are holding them to?severestormsteve1 wrote:But just [[wow]], I should be able to state my opinion, without having to start flame wars.Yes.  Yes you should be able to.  The thing is that you don't seem to be able to.  The problem is 
 not with every single other person.  When person after person seems to be offended by the things you write, you need to start looking at yourself instead of just getting defensive and lashing back at them.Imagine a man who says a joke at a bar.  Instead of laughing, the other people at the table throw their drinks in his face and walk away.  The next day he sits down with a new group of people and tells the same joke (which for whatever reason he thinks is funny), and again he ends up alone after drinks are thrown in his face.  This same thing happens the next day, and the next day, and the whole rest of the week.  The first time maybe the man legitimately thought he was saying something funny, and it was an honest mistake.  After the results remained the same, anyone except a complete fool would realize that it was not funny, but was rather offensive.  Now since the man clearly knows he is saying something offensive to these people toward t
 he end of the week, he flat out deserves whatever treatment he is receiving.  He has no more excuses.  The past has proven to him that his approach is wrong.  No "they shouldn't be offended because I'm not offended" excuses will work.  No "I didn't mean to offend them" excuses will work either.  After being presented with ample evidence and ignoring the opportunity to change tactics, the man is clearly just a huge dick.  I'll leave people to find the moral of this story.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Hey Aprone,I notice that you only quoted, and had something to say, about 2 sentences of my last post. Is that because you didn't read the rest? Or you did and realised it was right?Also, you're the 5th person out of the 400 or so members of this community who has got offended by what I've said. The ultrapower topic has received over 2000 views, not to mention the other topics I've posted to.And I sure well am offending them. But they don't seem to care when others are offended, hints the main streamers. Just because they aren't here doesn't mean they matter any less.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

You are right on your post though. But the reason for this is because my opinions are honist, unsugarcoded, raw thoughts of mine. If this is going to grow, people will have to accept, and move on with, opinions of mine rather than freaking out and getting offended


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

You are right on your post though. But the reason for this is because my opinions are honist, unsugarcoded, raw thoughts of mine. If this is going to grow, people will have to accept, and move on with, opinions of mine rather than freaking out and getting offended.also it seems you guys are stuck on the idea that I'm telling jokes, which is completely not true. that comments about mason not taking jokes was refering to when I tell him jokes personally, not what I'm posting here. this is real, hard (emphasis on the word hard) facts.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I had read the rest of what you said, but it had nothing to do with the message I was going to write.I disagree that people are going to have to just accept your opinions.  If you believe your opinions are pure gold, that's totally fine.  The problem here is that you believe that your presentation can be however you want it to be, and that is fine.  Sorry to say, it doesn't work that way.If some guy was on here posting his opinions in some foreign language, a gibberish language he invented himself, or English with such horrible grammar that your ears bled when your screen reader read it, you would not accept it with a smile and open arms.  So you've got this person who is posting his opinions in a way that just doesn't work for you, but if you ask him he'll confidently say that his opinions are amazing so you just have to accept the way he post them.  You know what, you'd tell him to go make sweet love to himself
  because his wise words aren't even worth your time.  You'd be right!  Basically all of us would do the same thing!It is insane for this hypothetical person to expect us to all abandon our own social preferences/requirements, and conform to his, just so we can hear what he has to say.  If he wants to share his thoughts, he has accepted the responsibility to present them in a way that caters to those he is speaking to.  If you are speaking to a group of English speaking people, post in English with word usage and grammar that they will understand.  If our hypothetical guy doesn't care if people understand what he is saying, then why bother saying it?  He is clearly so full of himself, that he just wants to spout gibberish and throw it at the internet in some effort to please himself.  It will serve no other purpose.Speaking the correct language is pretty obvious, but presentation is just as important.  You can post 
 the most insightful opinion anyone has ever heard, but if you offend the reader you have wasted your time.  You may as well have written it in a made up language because no one is going to give 2 rats about the good points you were making.  Even if you like the way you're presenting the information, as the author it is your job to conform to the preferences of the readers.  Believing that your opinions are so great that people need to just accept it being posted in an offensive manner, it just as ridiculous as our hypothetical man refusing to post in English.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I had read the rest of what you said, but it had nothing to do with the message I was going to write.I disagree that people are going to have to just accept your opinions.  If you believe your opinions are pure gold, that's totally fine.  The problem here is that you believe that your presentation can be however you want it to be.  Sorry to say, it doesn't work that way.If some guy was on here posting his opinions in some foreign language, a gibberish language he invented himself, or English with such horrible grammar that your ears bled when your screen reader read it, you would not accept it with a smile and open arms.  So you've got this person who is posting his opinions in a way that just doesn't work for you, but if you ask him he'll confidently say that his opinions are amazing so you just have to accept the way he post them.  You know what, you'd tell him to go make sweet love to himself because his wise 
 words aren't even worth your time.  You'd be right!  Basically all of us would do the same thing!It is insane for this hypothetical person to expect us to all abandon our own social preferences/requirements, and conform to his, just so we can hear what he has to say.  If he wants to share his thoughts, he has accepted the responsibility to present them in a way that caters to those he is speaking to.  If you are speaking to a group of English speaking people, post in English with word usage and grammar that they will understand.  If our hypothetical guy doesn't care if people understand what he is saying, then why bother saying it?  He is clearly so full of himself, that he just wants to spout gibberish and throw it at the internet in some effort to please himself.  It will serve no other purpose.Speaking the correct language is pretty obvious, but presentation is just as important.  You can post the most insightfu
 l opinion anyone has ever heard, but if you offend the reader you have wasted your time.  You may as well have written it in a made up language because no one is going to give 2 rats about the good points you were making.  Even if you like the way you're presenting the information, as the author it is your job to conform to the preferences of the readers.  Believing that your opinions are so great that people need to just accept it being posted in an offensive manner, it just as ridiculous as our hypothetical man refusing to post in English.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Actually I have the right to say what I want. Am I targeting anyone hear with threatening language or anything as such?no.And no aprone, I wouldn't accept that jibberish opinion that made my ears bled with smiles and open arms. If I didn't like it, I'd shrug, shake my head, maybe mutter something under my breath, and move about my day. But would I get all worked up about it like a crazed, fussy little totteler? Absolutely not.Heck, even if the opinion was something like "Steven, you have the absolute worsed spelling I've ever read," or something. In the event I had something to say to them, it would be just that, one thing, and I'd move on.But I've pretty much lost respects for a few people here. You, among a few others, actually seem to think what you accuse me of thinking, which is that I must conform to your opinions, because you are more than me.  And don't write to me something like "you'
 ;re putting words in my mouth" or "I didn't say that" because hopefully you know what the word "convey" means.  So. Go ahead and rant and rave and scream and shout, I won't read it anymore. This is my last visit to this rediculous, completely stupid conversation. If this returns to talk about mtg studios old projects and how they were released, I'll hit the down arrow key on a post more than just once.  Go read danny's post in that ultra power topic


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

severestormsteve1:People are being quiet, not because they properly agree with what you're saying, but don't find it worth the time to post any comments. I don't agree on most what you have said here, and sometimes I just shake my head and move on. I don't like the way you're talking to Mason and a few others, but why should I even waist my time to tell you that?Yes, you are right that you are allowed to write your oppinions, but you are not allowed to write in such a way so people feel offended.Well, I'm done here! Have an awesome weekend.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Thanks slj, you have an awesome weekend yourself.Your post is worth a thumbs up.That's what all of everyone should do. If my opinion offends you, be like SLJ! Decide it's not worth your time to post something ratical, causing me to flame you, and shake your head and agree to disagree with me!Sorry if my opinions offend you guys but they are what they are. This isn't a flame, but the truth, as I'm not going to insult anyone here. Just accept the opinion, shake your head, and move on without commenting like SLJ is doing


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Moderation! I appologise I've had a rather bad cold recently and am getting round to reading these topics a little later, however I do feel a spot of clarification is in order here.severestormsteve1 wrote:You're right, I haven't the right to say anything and everything here on this forum. For instance, I cannot say slanderous, profanity, racial, or anything explisit.What I can say is my opinion. Actually Steve you are directly incorrect here, go and read the faq, you can Find it here What the forum rules actually say is that you can say whatever you like as long as you don't do so in a way so as to offend others. Obviously racial, gender  etc slanders would be offensive, but that is by no means the only form of offensive behaviour at all. If I were to hold for example the opinion t
 hat I disliked a certain developer,  say David Greenwood for the sake of arguement, there is a major difference in me saying "I think David Greenwood is a worhtless developer and his games are a joke, he's just in it to extort money from the audio games community and he should stop developing" And me saying "I Am not certain David greenwood's latest releases have been up to scratch and I believe that his motives are questionable. Yes, you are correct that you are free to hold whatever opinion you wish, however it is the way your opinions are being expressed that is the issue here, rather than what your opinions actually are. This is part of the rules of intelligent debate, always respect the person with whom you are disagreeing and put your opinions in such a way as to show that respect, so that it is clear you are disagreeing with the other person's view, not simply insulting them. I will also add that the forum rules exist to 
 promote discussion, and not to act as a shield for insulting views, and saying "well I can say what I like, so there!" is not what the rules exist for either. As Aprone said it is the goal of the forum to promote a sense of community and shared discussion, not to give everyone their own personal soap box from which they can insult all and sundry. I suggest Steve you learn to express your opinion respectfully if you wish to participate in discussion forums such as this one. On one previous occasion myself and the other moderators did have to ban a forum member whoo expressed his opinions in a less than respectful or subtle fashion and caused considderable trouble because of it. We definitely do not want to have to do this again, but we will if it becomes necessary, so please take notice of this warning.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

As for the post that called Mason a joke, I deleted it because that was a moment of anger where I wasn't thinking correctly.As for the post on the other topic, I edited to say that I thought he was irresponsible and faulty sometimes, rather than he's unprofessional and faulty, where people might assume I meant all the time.Also I changed where I said I barely bather playing his games, and added "such as this one" to make it more obvious what I meant.  If this is how you guys view such posts, I won't post them anymore. However, what I post or don't post on this public forum will never change my private thoughts, just fyi.So hope this is resolved now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Moderation! Steve, it wasn't just that single joke comment, or those remarks you've edited, it is your general attitude and the way you address people in many of your posts. Just as one example, you shouldn't really be calling a developer anything! be that faulty, irrisponsable or whatever, sinse the subject under discussion is the developer's game, not the developer him/herself, furthermore buggy or not it is someone's  hard work at the end of the day. If I were reporting bugs in a new game, I would first list anything good I found in the game, whether sounds, gameplay or just the fact that the person had made it, I'd then say something like "I'm afraid I did find a great many bugs here, such as so and so and so and so, so you might considder having a look at those"I would in effect be saying "I would like to help you! make a better game by pointing these factors out" not "you
 r a bad person and have made a bad game" See the difference? It is the same when disagreeing with someone's opinions. Instead of saying "Your wrong and shouldn't think that"  in a very confrontational and potentially insulting fashion,  I would say "I think that opinion is incorrect because bla bla " ie, my focus would be the person's opinions, not the person themselves. This is one of the crytical techniques for reasonable discussion, making absolutely sure you are addressing the issues, and not directly insulting the person. Of course, everyone gets annoyed on occasion, but just the same way you wouldn't in real life terms walk into a shop because you were having a bad day and give the shop keeper a mouth full of abuse, taking your frustrations out on others on forums isn't a good idea either, indeed even if someone has annoyed you, there is a big difference between saying "that really irr
 itates me because" and "for goodness sake how could anyone be so stupid!"


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Moderation! Steve, it wasn't just that single joke comment, or those remarks you've edited, it is your general attitude and the way you address people in many of your posts. Just as one example, you shouldn't really be calling a developer anything! be that faulty, irrisponsable or whatever, sinse the subject under discussion is the developer's game, not the developer him/herself, furthermore buggy or not it is someone's  hard work at the end of the day. If I were reporting bugs in a new game, I would first list anything good I found in the game, whether sounds, gameplay or just the fact that the person had made it, I'd then say something like "I'm afraid I did find a great many bugs here, such as so and so and so and so, so you might considder having a look at those"I would in effect be saying "I would like to help you! make a better game by pointing these factors out" not "you
 r a bad person and have made a bad game" See the difference? It is the same when disagreeing with someone's opinions. Instead of saying "Your wrong and shouldn't think that"  in a very confrontational and potentially insulting fashion,  I would say "I think that opinion is incorrect because bla bla " ie, my focus would be the person's opinions, not the person themselves. This is one of the crytical techniques for reasonable discussion, making absolutely sure you are addressing the issues, and not directly insulting the person. Of course, everyone gets annoyed on occasion, but just the same way you wouldn't in real life terms walk into a shop because you were having a bad day and give the shop keeper a mouth full of abuse, taking your frustrations out on others on forums isn't a good idea either. Remember  everyone on this forum including those who develop games and those who play them
  is a real person with their own life and opinions just like you, they come on the forum because they like playing games, not because they want to have a huge verbal war.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Moderation! Steve, it wasn't just that single joke comment, or those remarks you've edited, it is your general attitude and the way you address people in many of your posts. Just as one example, you shouldn't really be calling a developer anything! be that faulty, irrisponsable or whatever, sinse the subject under discussion is the developer's game, not the developer him/herself, furthermore buggy or not it is someone's  hard work at the end of the day. If I were reporting bugs in a new game, I would first list anything good I found in the game, whether sounds, gameplay or just the fact that the person had made it, I'd then say something like "I'm afraid I did find a great many bugs here, such as so and so and so and so, so you might considder having a look at those"I would in effect be saying "I would like to help you! make a better game by pointing these things out so you can fix them&
 quot; not "your a bad person and have made a bad game" See the difference? It is the same when disagreeing with someone's opinions. Instead of saying "Your wrong and shouldn't think that"  in a very confrontational and potentially insulting fashion,  I would say "I think that opinion is incorrect because bla bla " ie, my focus would be the person's opinions, not the person themselves. This is one of the crytical techniques for reasonable discussion, making absolutely sure you are addressing the issues, and not directly insulting the person. Of course, everyone gets annoyed on occasion, but just the same way you wouldn't in real life terms walk into a shop because you were having a bad day and give the shop keeper a mouth full of abuse, taking your frustrations out on others on forums isn't a good idea either. Remember  everyone on this forum including those who develop games and 
 those who play them is a real person with their own life and opinions just like you, they come on the forum because they like playing games, not because they want to have a huge verbal war.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Moderation! Steve, it wasn't just that single joke comment, or those remarks you've edited, it is your general attitude and the way you address people in many of your posts. Just as one example, you shouldn't really be calling a developer anything! be that faulty, irrisponsable or whatever, sinse the subject under discussion is the developer's game, not the developer him/herself, furthermore buggy or not it is someone's  hard work at the end of the day. If I were reporting bugs in a new game, I would first list anything good I found in the game, whether sounds, gameplay or just the fact that the person had made it, I'd then say something like "I'm afraid I did find a great many bugs here, such as so and so and so and so, so you might considder having a look at those"I would in effect be saying "I would like to help you! make a better game by pointing these things out so you can fix them&
 quot; not "your a bad person and have made a bad game" See the difference? You don't of course have to like every new game, but there is a big difference between "I personally didn't enjoy this much I'm afraid because of so and so and so and so, and would really have liked to see more of so and so" and "this game is stupid! and you wasted your time on it and are a bad developer"It is the same when disagreeing with someone's opinions. Instead of saying "Your wrong and shouldn't think that"  in a very confrontational and potentially insulting fashion,  I would say "I think that opinion is incorrect because bla bla " ie, my focus would be the person's opinions, not the person themselves. This is one of the crytical techniques for reasonable discussion, making absolutely sure you are addressing the issues, and not directly insulting the person. Of course, everyone
  gets annoyed on occasion, but just the same way you wouldn't in real life terms walk into a shop because you were having a bad day and give the shop keeper a mouth full of abuse, taking your frustrations out on others on forums isn't a good idea either. Remember  everyone on this forum including those who develop games and those who play them is a real person with their own life and opinions just like you, they come on the forum because they like playing games, not because they want to have a huge verbal war.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Dark?Here's what I find lutacris about this whole, entire, situation.  For some reason you guys seem to have it in your head that I can't post my opinion the way I posted it, right? All because it offends others?So basically, you're denying me the right to post my opinion how I feel it needs to be posted, because of someone else's opinion of it? That's lutacris. Because getting offended over something is an opinion, because the fact that what I've been saying is "offencive" is the opinion of a few people here. To some, namely the ones who haven't posted here at all, this may not matter, or as SLJ said, isn't worth posting back to.  And again Dark, if this so offends you and others, why don't ya just delete all these postings, because as a moderator I know you can. Or, ignore it!  Act like I never typed anything, shrug, and move on with the discussion. That's the whole point.  Sure it was someone's work I was placing my harsh opinion on, and sure I stated it rather roodly, but it's still my opinion, at, the, end, of, the, day.  So Dark, I'd think it wrong to ban me for all of this, as it's really not worth it. Have you seen my postings in the other discussions on the forum? The people in those topics were reasonable, as was I in return.So if this really bothers you, and/or anyone else here on this forum, delete it, because clearly letting it go is not an option.I'm not cyber bullying Mason, I'm not harassing him, I'm not, or at least hopefully, making him feel endangered... and if I am then I'll shut up right now because that's not my intention.  My opinion is my own, and I'll express it. If you as a moderator don't like it, delete the post and/or tell me you completely disagree. And to the other users, report the darn post so it can be deleted or just ign
 ore it, period. It's that simple, and is done elseware.   And what I can't understand is why my opinion matters so, freaking, much! Why must you get offended over it, that makes no, freaking, since! I'm not your family, your closest friend, I'm not any of that! So why what I think about Mason is so condemning to you all is beyond me.This discussion should've, and could've ended a long, time ago. Sooo many things I said could've been avoided, if you'd just deleted the post, or shrugged it off as someone's absurdly rood opinion. So really, I don't want to hear it.And I'm not flaming you here dark, or anyone else. Just to summarize, if you don't like my posts, delete it or move on with it. I'm no dictator, as such you won't be lashed or in prisoned for ignoring or deleting my opinionated post because you don't like it. You don't conform to it? Good for you for having an opini
 on against mine!But all this "you're fixing to get banned because your posts are offending people and causing trouble" is beyond opinionated. It's pretty much saying, "People have a negative opinion about your opinion, so you're gonna get banned pretty soon if you don't stop sharing it"


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Steve, you seem to have completely missed the point I was trying to make. It is not "your opinion!" that is the problem, it is the way you express it. Not just in this topic but in several others I have seen, which is why I am attempting to explain to you the facts before your so called "expressing of opinions" crosses the line once too often.I repeat, it is not what you say, or what you think, it is how you say it that is the issue. And no, we will not delete people's posts, sinse the aim here is free intelligent discussion and sharing of opinions, which is a far cry from rudeness and disrespect.I suggest you reread my above explanation and consider carefully how you treat others and how you can express your opinion politely, sinse I'm afraid if you cannot understand this distinction I can see you running into serious trouble at some point in the future, indeed it is to prevent that from happening that I am attempting to explain this di
 stinction to you now.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

And how, exactly, did you expect me to say that? It is what it is. There's no sugarcoding any of it. That's what I think, that's what I said. I put it out point blank--no extra roodness than was necessary, no less. Just the pure, unchanged thought I had. Simple


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

And besides, there's no point in changing the way I say it. Because the thought will be the same, but put in to different, so called nicer words. It'll just offend people all over again.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Well, I tried.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KG4RDF via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Steve wrote: And besides, there's no point in changing the way I say it. Because the thought will be the same, but put in to different, so called nicer words. It'll just offend people all over again.The problem is that you should do exactly what you say you shouldn't. They aren't so-called nicer words, they are nicer words that won't offend people and they are in the English language for a reason. That reason is because, in places like this, they should be used. Remember that nobody is inside your head except you, so the only way for people to understand what you, Steve, are saying is to use those nicer words because these people don't know Steve. We won't even begin to talk about the fact that this is also text-based communication, but do consider that fact as well.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Ah I  can see your point here, about the text based communication thing. If I'd said that allowed it might've been perceived differently.  But I seriously don't know a nicer way I could've put what I said. All the same it'd still be calling him an irresponsible, faulty developer at times, so the same words would've had to be used.At any rate this discussion is getting rather old, repetitive, and frivolous, as there's a lot of contradiction going on, something I won't elaborate on unless completely and fully necessary. And the only way to make that necessary, is to receive 6 thumb ups on this post.No that's not a way to get extra carma, but that's something I've never seen happen before, and also something that would take forever, considering not many people are getting involved in this topic.As a result, I should have plenty of time to post on other topics here, with people who understand wh
 at I'm trying to say, and don't contradict themselves.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Lol, @moderators, I don't assume there's any way to separate all these totally irrelevant posts into a topic in the off-topic room and thereby strip this topic down to the posts relating to it? If not, that's too bad. This topic has gotten wy! out of hand! Rofl!


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Yeh indeed that should occur.But one of the main reasons I imposed that I get 6 thumbs up on that post is so I wouldn't have to post anything else harsh here. There were no thumbs ups on the post, something I'm rather thankful for. It's nice to just come on here and post on relevant topics. So yeah my part of the discussion here is over, and I'm glad of that. Hope to see everyone around on the forums in other topics and rooms.But Jayburd that's actually be pretty funny if the moderators did that. What would they call that topic? "Amusing fight, click here to get in some good laughs!"


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

severestormsteve1:First I was about to ask you how old you are, but that doesn't matter at all, because your english, and language in generel,  is more than good enough to be willing to understand what I'm saying. I think you're missing, or, hopefully about to understand the whole point we're trying  to say.There is a big, big difference when it comes to communicating in text or by spoken words. I mean, when speaking to someone, you can easily hear the tone in the persons voice, the way things are being said and the laugh afterwards. In other words, most things you are saying can easily be said to someone, because the person can hear how things are ment. But the trouble comes when such things are being written in text, because text can be understood in so freaking many ways. Especially, when it's read by a screenreader, which sets i
 ts own tone in the voice you're using. Smilies can be a good thing, but text can be understood in many ways. Just saying if you haven't given that a thought. 


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I doubt he wants to start another argument, SLJ. But getting back to the original topic, for some reason all the names are too long for the file display thing so it just trims them down. So steve, though he was rude about it, was right, that it's really really really hard to figure out what version is being shown unless you open the files to figure out what the full name is. Also, most of the other projects that you have are not up there, such as PDA, hyper hunt, crime hunter, etc.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I agree regarding to the filenames, but only Masen can change those, if he feel like doing it. 


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

@key yes you're right I don't feel like starting an argument.Also about the files, another good suggestion would be to hit save target as in the context menu and check the filename?I don't know, just an idea.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

What exactly happened to the MTG Studios Website and the Scrolling Battles repository with user created Content?And while we are at it, what is the Status of Crime Hunter, 2D Adventure and the 2D Platformer?Such games like Scrolling Battles and the 2D Platformer had integrated update checks which failed once the Primary MTG Studios site went down without any News in this Forum except for the users who also found the site gone with no Explanation.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

To answer your questions, the site went and expired and couldn't be renewed. And the status of those games are not determined at this time.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

I don't know how far you got with 2d Adventure or Crime hunter, since publicly available Versions were more like concept Demos than completed games.Thus I can't know how far you developed them since you published the early Versions.However, I'd like to see more of Crime Hunter, 2D Adventure or the 3D Platformer Project if possible.And finally I'd like to ask if you also could post the user created Content from the former Scrolling Battles repository, since it is impossible to tell if I got everything, since your original site is obviously down.I didn't check that place every day, so I might have missed some files there.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

It's quite unfortunate that: A. I no longer have the content but maybe I have an older version, and B. I didn't finish or add anything to the games in question.


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

how about basketball? Will you continue working on it?


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

how about basketball? Will you continue working on it?


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : soundworx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

Probably not. You want that up there as well? Open source or closed?


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Re: MTG Studios older projects released

2014-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MTG Studios older projects released

If you do plan on adding Basketball to the index, I think it would be pretty neat to see the source. Are you going to add MTG Pong as well?


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