Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

hmm, my bosses perhaps x1, because all you do is jump and shoot, pipe 2's boss, which was fun for a bit, but then it became boring, like on higher modes where you jump for a long time and he keeps moving and you just go: "god! when is this idiot going to die!"manamon's master stadium, yes, i've thought on it for quite a while, and it just seems, i dono, too easy for me. i expected to be more of a fight for me, more taimers to face, traps to avoid, etc etc. it's just really simple. enter the room, fight, leave. enter the room, fight, leave. granted the masters wern't just a pushovers, but still, i really felt let down, because you know, you go through the game, you're goal to become a master, it builds up slowly, and then you enter master stadium and find out that there are only 3+ the master to face. i felt really let down/disappointed.perhaps the gray lady in the gate. really, aaron, if you want bosses to be hard and cha
 llenging, don't make them kill you in 1 hit, in sted give them a strategy. look at shadow line, for example, most bosses won't kill you in 1 hit. granted, for most you'd just walk up to them and spam spam spam you're CTRL key, but the bat and the final form of rudolf you don't.that's 3, right? 4th. rusty's second form in adventure at C. this guy has way, way, way way way too much hp on higher modes. i sware, it took me an hour to put him down on 50, or was it 100th mode.hmm, 5th. i really don't, we won't talk about battles zone, level 5. *coughs*. did someone forget to code the boss in?aah, treasure hunt guy, cant remember his name. all he does is just walk around and fire at you, and there's a weapon that protects you from his shots, so all you do is just spam space and move around to attack him, same thing can be said for Q9.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

That doesn't sound fun... and the challenge sounds like it comes from nothing but being overpowered on the part of the bosses. I tried the gate... and it just isn't the game for me. I personally feels it relies too much on sheer power, rather than complexity to make it a challenge.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Try the gate nightmare mode and I'm more than half certain you'll wanna cry even after beating three goblins and a couple rats in stage 1. Ghosts are 5+ hits to kill, and can instakill you...


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Both BK 2 and 3 had epic final stages, imo. The music put me on edge for sure... but it was the fast paste, blood pumping music I was hoping for... and I'm not sure which sounds specifically you're talking about being scary. Nothing specific comes to mind... I actually enjoyed Troopanum 2's boss somewhat. Shadow Line will still always be at my top in terms of boss variety, even though the same basic strategy works on most of them except for Rudolph's final swordsman form. Other than that, there aren't any bosses or final stages in games that particularly stood out to me for some reason.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

The bosses in Redsword, with the exception of the second-to-last level, all turned out pretty underwhelming compared to my intention. ... Well, I guess the Steel Guardian ((somewhere around halfway through?) wasn't so bad, but the lack of voices kinda ruins it.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Raygrote wrote:Those sounds are scary and rub me in an uncomfortable way for some reason. The music also set me on edge.The Mutant Human sounds freaked me out until I got use to them. Especially combined with their name, I'm just imagining it's horrifying. Also when the Megadragon grabs you, it just sounds brutal in a way the other sounds don't.When you say the music set you on edge... is that to say that it has appropriate amounts of tension and most music/fight combinations in audio games do not, or something else?


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Tdv... I had a very interesting situation. Saved just when blaze was sending an lts. Now whenever I load the game the lts is on it's way and I have no interseptor.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

hi.@raygrote I agree absolutely with you ... anyone wanna add Dark Blaze in TDV to those ... not necessarily hard ...but  interesting bosses at least. I haven't fought him myself so I wouldn't know, but people made a big deal of him at the time.Let's go through my list hmm:Oh yeah there's doctor Wabble from monkey  business. While not exactly the hardest guy to take down, interacting with the Environment was one of it's first kinds at that time. Usually you'd have to focus only on the boss but here it makes you pay attention to two things at the same time. Or does it? I've not played it in a long time, I Think I might do an audio walkthrough of it just because.oh yea I see Entombed in here ... I love that fight. It was one of the fights where it was just as hard as a melee char as it was with a caster.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Hmm. Bosses. A very interesting topic for me. It's funny, only a few bosses have given me a real adrenaline rush. Others were flat-out disappointing.First off all the boss fights in Super Liam I found disappointing. Wild Bot was the worst. Not to slag on the game too hard, after all it was the first of its kind and I was barely 12 when I played it, so something hard wouldn't have been good for me, but most of those fights were not hard for me. Laser Bot was hard until I figured out it was a matter of timing. X1 was also hard because I didn't know what sounds did what, but I was playing over cheap speakers and couldn't hear things clearly, and was too focused on jumping around to pay attention. After later cheating and listening to the game sounds, I pretty much instantly knew what to do and beat him within 5 minutes.I'd say about a year later I got introduced to the boss of Troop2. AT the time it was a nightmare, but I've gotten a bit bett
 er at it. Though it is disappointing in terms of firepower and mechanics, it still scares me to death because the bombs are pretty hard to hear. The sound they use isn't trimmed very well so the closer to the ground they are, the less audible they become. In higher difficulty levels such as normal, sometimes you only get a glimpse of the bomb locations and you just have to hope to get lucky. No way I'm trekking out in the middle of that barrage to chase down Vector, he can come to me, thanks. For the record I've beaten Baby Black Hole on insane, and it really is insane. Perhaps unfairly insane, and I can only do it about two thirds of the time. A lot of it is luck. Other missions I can barely beat on normal.Blast Chamber was a boss I was quite disappointed with. Hit enter, wait for a pause in his gunfire, try to arrow to him, shoot him a few times, rinse, wash, repeat. Now if the guy had been audibly running around and there were random bits of ammo scattered ar
 ound that either you or him could pick up, we'd be talking. Or if there was some environment to chase him through, or at least something else to get in your way... even better. But that boss fight had me shaking my head, after we paid iirc $35 for the game. Probably the hardest part of that boss is figuring out what you're supposed to do. Once you do, the challenge is gone. Time isn't even a threat to you anymore and only constitutes how many lives you have left.Alien Outback's boss I found mildly disappointing. I actually had to play the game twice to notice the roller bots, which behave as advertised in the manual but aren't much of a threat on easy. On normal, however, the game does get pretty hard. I can't remember if I made it to the boss on normal or not. I have a funny feeling I did but was killed, but then again I'm not sure. It's been so long. While I love the game's atmosphere and how it feels, I didn't like how repet
 itive and long it was.Q9's boss was also meh. If you have 3 or 4 shields and a few dozen slingshot ammo, you'll easily kill him. Now obviously if you don't have that, then there's a problem and he would present one hell of a fight. Fortunately I've never been in that situation, at least on normal, which was as far as I was willing to push myself. Though with my AAC and The Gate experience I could probably do a lot better now than I used to. Speaking of which...The AAC boss I found lackluster. Just run right, keep a safe distance, wait for him to drop down, make sure he's not about to fire something, and swoop in and smash him with weapons. The biggest threats are the obstacles he sends out, which if you're good at timing shouldn't be an issue, and after a while you can just feel the battle out. The first time I played it, I found it frustrating. I recently played through the game about 6 weeks ago and this time I just found it meh.
  The rest of the game is worth more than that battle.Now, imho The Gate got it right, at least as far as the boss battle is concerned. Hades has proper phases which clearly indicate progress. With that said it's pretty daunting to keep track of everything at once, which you need to do, as he can make short work of you in a matter of milliseconds. You have to be in the right mindset to fight him, and by the time you reach him, you'll be sick of staking vampires and killing enemies. You'll be bored or sick of a lot of the game in general, but the Hades battle is definitely not a disappointment. It's a proper challenge which had me rage quitting a number of times, but eventually beating. I only beat him on normal once. I haven't even thought of trying hard.The boss of Judgment Day is a little disappointing, as it feels more cacophonous and recycled than I feel it should. My favorite part honestly is the enemy build-up followed by the satellite. T

Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Hmm. Bosses. A very interesting topic for me. It's funny, only a few bosses have given me a real adrenaline rush. Others were flat-out disappointing.First off all the boss fights in Super Liam I found disappointing. Wild Bot was the worst. Not to slag on the game too hard, after all it was the first of its kind and I was barely 12 when I played it, so something hard wouldn't have been good for me, but most of those fights were not hard for me. Laser Bot was hard until I figured out it was a matter of timing. X1 was also hard because I didn't know what sounds did what, but I was playing over cheap speakers and couldn't hear things clearly, and was too focused on jumping around to pay attention. After later cheating and listening to the game sounds, I pretty much instantly knew what to do and beat him within 5 minutes.I'd say about a year later I got introduced to the boss of Troop2. AT the time it was a nightmare, but I've gotten a bit bett
 er at it. Though it is disappointing in terms of firepower and mechanics, it still scares me to death because the bombs are pretty hard to hear. The sound they use isn't trimmed very well so the closer to the ground they are, the less audible they become. In higher difficulty levels such as normal, sometimes you only get a glimpse of the bomb locations and you just have to hope to get lucky. No way I'm trekking out in the middle of that barrage to chase down Vector, he can come to me, thanks. For the record I've beaten Baby Black Hole on insane, and it really is insane. Perhaps unfairly insane, and I can only do it about two thirds of the time. A lot of it is luck. Other missions I can barely beat on normal.Blast Chamber was a boss I was quite disappointed with. Hit enter, wait for a pause in his gunfire, try to arrow to him, shoot him a few times, rinse, wash, repeat. Now if the guy had been audibly running around and there were random bits of ammo scattered ar
 ound that either you or him could pick up, we'd be talking. Or if there was some environment to chase him through, or at least something else to get in your way... even better. But that boss fight had me shaking my head, after we paid iirc $35 for the game. Probably the hardest part of that boss is figuring out what you're supposed to do. Once you do, the challenge is gone. Time isn't even a threat to you anymore and only constitutes how many lives you have left.Alien Outback's boss I found mildly disappointing. I actually had to play the game twice to notice the roller bots, which behave as advertised in the manual but aren't much of a threat on easy. On normal, however, the game does get pretty hard. I can't remember if I made it to the boss on normal or not. I have a funny feeling I did but was killed, but then again I'm not sure. It's been so long. While I love the game's atmosphere and how it feels, I didn't like how repet
 itive and long it was.Q9's boss was also meh. If you have 3 or 4 shields and a few dozen slingshot ammo, you'll easily kill him. Now obviously if you don't have that, then there's a problem and he would present one hell of a fight. Fortunately I've never been in that situation, at least on normal, which was as far as I was willing to push myself. Though with my AAC and The Gate experience I could probably do a lot better now than I used to. Speaking of which...The AAC boss I found lackluster. Just run right, keep a safe distance, wait for him to drop down, make sure he's not about to fire something, and swoop in and smash him with weapons. The biggest threats are the obstacles he sends out, which if you're good at timing shouldn't be an issue, and after a while you can just feel the battle out. The first time I played it, I found it frustrating. I recently played through the game about 6 weeks ago and this time I just found it meh.
  The rest of the game is worth more than that battle.Now, imho The Gate got it right, at least as far as the boss battle is concerned. Hades has proper phases which clearly indicate progress. With that said it's pretty daunting to keep track of everything at once, which you need to do, as he can make short work of you in a matter of milliseconds. You have to be in the right mindset to fight him, and by the time you reach him, you'll be sick of staking vampires and killing enemies. You'll be bored or sick of a lot of the game in general, but the Hades battle is definitely not a disappointment. It's a proper challenge which had me rage quitting a number of times, but eventually beating. I only beat him on normal once. I haven't even thought of trying hard.The boss of Judgment Day is a little disappointing, as it feels more cacophonous and recycled than I feel it should. My favorite part honestly is the enemy build-up followed by the satellite. T

Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

May be I should, actually.:p But death bot in bk1 is fun to beat.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

might as well be one... makes the fight way too easy, but yes it has been stated as intentional at the timeyou should, it's actually kinda fun


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I don't think it's a bug. I think it's intended. and I'm not gonna fight him close range...never:p


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

have fun fighting him close range though... I'd found that bug my first time through but I decided to do it honorablythose slashes do a hella lot of damage, and his speed doesn't help


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Oh, that explains it.:)Oh yeah, speaking of the most disappointing boss, I think I've found mine. Almost forgot how easy it was when fighting Yamizinn with bow. Just rain 5 arrows, jump, repeat, jump, repeat...he's a real nasty pain without bow though...not sure if it's just bow or  Pachinko works too. I should try and see.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I am Chinese. But I've studied Japanese for many years and work in a Japanese company.  My Japanese isn't perfect, but good enough for me to understand about 80% of what's happening without any translation aids of any kind. 


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Oh, I thought you were chinese...never mind.:p i'm not fluent at  japanese afterall.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

well finally I Think we're finally getting somewhere ... oh double Words I hate that or reusing a Word twice in short succession ... I can't really Think.I would rather see we focus on the best bosses, and what they did right so we can learn from that.@nocturnus rock dragon 31? Meh ... easy... lol


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

lol I speak Japanese, so I know what amaii means... and kurae means "Eat this!" And I'm pretty sure amaii in this context has a different meaning... because there's no connection with sweet and doing something like deceiving an opponent or outwitting them.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Answer to Assault freak's post 19, may be it's not "Kiirai", but "kurai" which I'm not sure what that means. I'm pretty sure there's this voice...when he throws an attack. I should play it again and see.And for "Amai", it means sweet, when you take advantage of someone. Japanese games have it a whole lot.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

The single most disappointing boss fight ever I got to was the mothership in Alien outback. I'd read about it's rowling robot things in the manual, I'd worked to get there (and really alien outback has some pretty nasty ships at higher levels, especially those that laser you), then I found the one spot, fired away and poof! down it went barely enough time to even attack me.In general even those bosses I've not particularly found difficult like x1 I enjoyed for audio atmosphere if nothing else, though if they go down too quickly that's a problem. Vector seems a cheap boss to me, with his instant kill nukes and the fact you can't actually hear the nukes fall, just when they hit. Admitedly, it's a matter of getting the pattern, but still a one hit kill boss in a game with so few lives isn't exactly on, Ather was at least doable. One thing I'd love to see in the next action game, is a boss with different sounds fo
 r it's bits. One of the problems with boss fights in audio is generally audio action games tend to just represent the boss with one movement or taunting sound, and with different attack sounds. It'd be really fun say if you were fighting a huge godzilla sized monster and had to use different attacks on different bits, eg, tramping feet, swooping claws that occasionally attacked you, the head tha spewed fire etc. Actually this was one aspect where I thought X1 felt a little off since while his taunts are great, him just sitting there while you walk up to him and blast him seemed not exactly a great tactic.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

boss tips and levels are a little OT here, but Ima do it anyways@jaydeI would suggest if you can to just pick up the official translation to support future development, it would also have the bonus of turning all sky racer speech into english, and remove the need to have a translation thing constantly on aside from the cutscenes that haven't been done yet@boyyokotanku's second form can either be really really bad, or kinda fun if you know what you're doingthe trick is to get the timing down for his different attacks, and learn to keep track of where that gun is, and remember if it locks it still can only hit you if you don't move, so unless you're in the middle of a projectile attack just move at least a single step and you'll be finecould always do a recording of it if necessary


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Oh, stage 25. The second part of 25-5 was so, can't even say how hard it was. And out of all the bokurano daibouken games, I think the Yokotanku in BK1 is the hardest, but that's just me. I can barely beat his first form. So the second battle. He charges for an earthquake. Sometimes it's the one that you can hear but it's rite after the charge sound, sometimes their's no sound at all, and sometimes it's a long time to wait after he charges. And then theirs that gun thing that never stops moving. So if I dodge one of the earthquakes, I get shot by the gun. I once managed to stay alive enough time to shoot him, then he activated this thing ware all my attacks bounced off him. I threw an iron ball at him, started shooting him with arrows, then got shot by the gun and lost the battle. For the third time. I think this boss is iether impossible, or I just need to level up. I have 365 hp.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Won't be getting there any time soon. I'm right stuck on stage 6, with all the flying. The version of BK3 I have, all the announcements are in Japanese, and I just keep dying.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

BK 3 has probably some of the coolest bosses I've seen in audiogames yet. the strategies are still pretty basic, but they all have different patterns of attack and unique qualities about each one. Just wait til some of the later ones... like stages 19 and 20. For story reasons, nothing is really that impressive after that until stage 25.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Oh ha, my bad. I didn't recognize that was Liam, because I wasn't reading who posted what. Usually when I'm skimming for info, I don't look at who posted. But yeah, okay, kinda renders my entire last post moot.Another boss that sorta jumps to mind is the one from Judgment Day. I like that it's mixing things up a little, but there's only so much you can do with a game like this.Some of the bosses in BK3 have been interesting (keep in mind I'm not even past 6.1 yet), but I think my favourite is that computer thing that keeps spitting out enemies. I really hated the demon in world 5. I basically hung around one of the earlier levels getting power-ups till I could just tank the thing. God, it hit so, so hard.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I simply refer to post 12.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

It's entirely possible Liam put in that secret spot for a reason. It's also just as possible that he goofed.Has anyone tested the way the laser works on the back edge of all platforms, not just that one? It might be a behaviour common to a specific square on a platform, in which case the likelihood seems a little higher that it was intentional.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

That may be true, but remember, games with difficulty levels have weakened bosses on easy difficulty by their very nature. Insane difficulty, for example, is when shit gets real.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I feel like that's a different question entirely. lol


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I could probably answer better, if the question was "what boss satisfies and give you sense of achievement the most?", cause if it's that then I'll have to say Yokotank of BK1 final, and Hades in the gate.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

Yeah. the secret spot amused me. BTW. That was definitely a bug. lol.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

I can't play X1 because I hit arrows so fast that I fly over the landing spot. Say thanks to adventure at C.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

@king gamer222: have you tried to play the savage gambit redemption? I've only managed to get to level five on that difficulty, that's insane. I'm really curious... has any one managed to finish the redemption?edit: at that level the opponent actually drops you in 3 or 4 hits if I remember right.


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

@king gamer222: have you tried to play the savage gambit redemption? I've only managed to get to level five on that difficulty, that's insane. I'm really curious... has any one managed to finish the redemption?


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Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Most Disappointing Audiogame Boss Fights

go play alter aeon and fight the rock dragon at level 31, then tell me you're disappointed.


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