Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : StormProductions via Audiogames-reflector


Playroom, ban for no reason

Hello.Looks like I got again banned for no reason on  account StormProductions. Here's the error:You have been banned from the server for the following reason: . This ban ends in 19364 days, 2 hours and 7 minutes.As you might've noticed, no reason for this ban. Isn't this unfair?Tell me your thoughts guys.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Well. This discussion has been brought up many times before. If the admins bans people without telling them the reason for doing so, there is nothing to do about it, accept for contacting the developers through the contact page on the website. So, what others here on the forum think about this doesn't make much difference.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Not just that, but the admins have been known to be most unhelpful with this kind of thing. It's like talking to a brick wall.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Come on, no need to believe in every topic on here. It is pretty easy to say hey i'm banned for no reason, but just the name storm productions makes me remember all the possible eloquence crashwords he used.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Let us be factual.1.  If you go and talk to anyone on QCG, you run the risk of getting banned by the simple fact that you're interacting with someone else who might take offense to something you do.  That holds true on any game/server/platform; take your pick.2.  If you talk to someone who isn't a friend of yours the risk is even higher.3.  if you talk to someone who has had beaf with you in the past the risk is even higher.4.  If 1, 2 and 3 are true, and the person in question happens to be a friend of the developer or an admin for the service, your risk is even higher.5.  If your table is not private and you're not there specifically to use the service as it should be used, IE, gaming, the risk is even higher.6.  If your intent in the past has been malicious by any means and you recreate, people are likely to care, making your rrisk even higher.7.  If by reading this post you still cannot find a reason without having to have it spoon fed to you, perhaps because you sincerely don't respect that the creator of a game has the right to ban whoever they choose, or because you personally feel that you are above bans, or because you feel that facts 1 through 6 do not apply to you for some other insane reason, your risk is even higher.8.  If you feel the need to report such a thing on a website that has previously said it cannot handle bans concerning other games, your risk is even higher.9.  the question, and I quote, "Isn't this unfair?" suggests there is a need to agree with the topic's creator.  To not agree might result in an argument which could if unchecked by a moderator lead to a flamewar and insult hurling that is entirely unnecessary and definitely not productive to the forum.  If this kind of attitude was carried out and or was in any way present on QCG, which I believe to be true based on the fact that the topic's creator was so hesitant to give any other piece of information other than supposedly just being banned for no reason, the risk is even higher.10.  One plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 plus 5 plus 6 plus 7plus 8 plus 9 plus seeking sympathy puts your risk at highest.Let us please be logical and sensible when handling a discussion of this nature.  It's one thing to want to discuss an issue like this, another to simply want to make devs and their admin teams look bad.  it may be that the admins cannot speak your language and don't have time to be dealing with minor trivialities, or that you said something they misred and misinterpreted.  IN any case, rousing a forum full of gamers who deal with their platform to stand up against them and asking for thoughts on a subject that has been brought up countless times by many other individuals is quite pointless and a waste of everyone's time because there's nothing at all anyone outside of the circle of people in charge of the gameroom can do about it, regardless of oppinion.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Well, I am on play room for alot of time now and on redspot and in alot of games and I am ok.Why alot of people get banned and some people not?I am not a friend of the developer and I do not know the admins but I am ok cause I am not using crash words and I am not ofensive in talking, just saying hi there and there and in rest just playing.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

To clear things up: You should, at first understand that the developer of QC is French, and in the entire administration team has 2 more friends who at the time didn't have very good English. This does not mean the PR has only 3 admins, as each language has their own helper team, with English at the time of this writing having only 3, though to be fair 1 or 2 can be considered active. So, Aminiel who is on here can speak reasonably good English, and 3 English helpers obviously. If you get banned, the policies were quite different a year ago and things have changed. Noone spoke about that, but the administration team of the playroom got a huge, huge improvement from how it was let's say a year or 2 ago. Usually, your first ban is not for 2 or 3 days. This does not however mean that you can send a crashword on f4 and say hey but I did it for the first time, I should get banned for just 2 days. This applies only to someone reporting you and in unclear cases. Since you got banned for 19000 days which in PR terms essentially means a forever ban, there is not that much to do. You can go to the contact page and try to defend your case, but do it only if you are apsolutely sure you weren't immature and did what I am sure you did. Writing on here wont help you much, as the only staff member on here is Aminiel, the main developer and he himself isn't really that responsible for such things.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Well, judging by the way you act many other places, like a *CENSORED* and a *EVEN MORE CENSORED, and especially a *WE COULDN'T SHOW THIS TO YOU EVEN IF WE WANTED TO BECAUSE ITS JUST THAT BAD*. Well, it doesn't surprise me. Also, you're in violation of the thing about the stuff about not bitching about bans and stuff, so, maybe you'll get banned from here too, aww, only a dream I'm afraid, the mods are too nice for that, they'll give you a warning most likely.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : oussamabengatrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

at Posts:  4.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : StormProductions via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Hello.Wish I know what you mean, @oussamabengatrane.@nidza07, this time I did really nothing bad. I just played 1000 miles with a friend when boom, got banned for no displayed reason.@ironcross, the same goes to you. I've done nothing bad this time.@Angel, I'm not the only one that reports this problem. There are, or at least were, a lot of topics on playroom's forum about that, and the admins simply won't care.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

There are reasons why they don't and should not care. If you think that saying hey look i got banned but I really didn't do anything is enough, then you're very wrong. By the way, it doesn't mean that in the moment when you get banned you did something bad.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

contact with in pr forum or post in the staffs in the bottom pagethey will look


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Oh yeah, and when you do contact them you should probably be transparent about your activity history, in other words, saying I got banned but didn't do nothing isn't gonna help your cause nor anyone else's. @Nocturnus pretty much summed up everything you shouldn't do when crying over a ban.ironcross32 wrote:Also, you're in violation of the thing about the stuff about not bitching about bans and stuff, so, maybe you'll get banned from here too, aww, only a dream I'm afraid, the mods are too nice for that, they'll give you a warning most likely.I'd have to respectfully disagree with that one Brandon. Even given Storm productions's track record, anything he does on an online game has nothing to do with what he does on here. What I mean is whether or not he caused havoc on online games has nothing to do with his activity on the forum, as long as he isn't doing the same things here. that said, the rule about not posting about an online game ban is a rule, but it's not like they're gonna ban him oriutght for it. Well, maybe so if he came out and hurled insults at the devs and anyone who stood in his way, but in his defense I don't see any of that here. He expresses irritation, sure. But this thread is honestly pretty mid compared to others we've seen. And without Abdul who used to be a recurring character i this particular game, there won't be any false accusations thrown around anymore. So as long as you keep it civil on here and when contacting Aminiel, things should be fine.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Just like that topic flaming Sam Tupy, I think topics like this should be banned too. To me it just looks like somebody flaming a game developer because they got banned from the developer's game. Posting a topic about it here accomplishes nothing, except maybe to start a flame war. And no, I don't believe that the topic starter got banned for no reason, I think the developer feels that he will know why he was banned so there is no reason to post the reason.Now, I have said all I'm going to say on the subject and will gladly go back to ignoring this thread.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Orko, I must humbly disagree with you on your statement regarding "creating flamewars". As long as a topic is done in a respectful and professional manner I think it's actually important to bring developer faults to the table so that gamers know what games to play or rather what they should expect if they choose to play it. I don't think this topic was professional, it was just a simple statement without any "evidence" (as much evidence you can have in these situations). They shall be judged on a case to case bases. But I do support the idea of letting people know if a developer is full of shit.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

I agree, but there in lies the problem. With most, if not all of these "I've been banned for no reason" threads, no proof is ever given or offered that the story we are being fed is the truth with nothing left out. Nor is there any way to know for certain what to believe or not to believe, unless the developer in question comes on here to explain his side of the story.I could easily create a thread saying I've been banned from some game, and unless who I am known as on that game is known, there is no way to verify or disprove my story.And unless somebody invites the developer to come on here to tell his side of the story, all we ever get is the complainer's side.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Like I said, this topic is not of a productive kind, so I agree with you on that point. But I will stand by my idea that for example my complaints to Redspot admins and Sam Tupy were only informative in letting people know what they can expect, and my proof was in ... well the developer himself confirming my story but we had disagreements + there were lots of other factors involved that he did not consider.What we can determine here is that Storm Productions was banned, else why would he create a topic with that title if he wasn't. We don't know why or anything else other than he was banned. He'll have to give us more background info before we can start weeding out ... well actually that won't happen and nothing good will come from it anyway.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Well.When I managed a forum/ chatroom online, I mostly banned people because of flames, spam posts, and the like they were usually perminant banns and even if I was asked to unbann them I never kept backups of my bann lists I just killed them.Now, the reason I did bann for no reason was that with all the spam bots there was just to many to handle,.I could run a day and get away with banning a few trouble makers, but leave it for a couple months and I and the rest of the team were banning for 6 hours straight.That forum is no more mainly because traffic was really low on it but still.On that note, I don't run playroom a lot, as to what storm is saying I kind of believe him, I have never been banned.But say, I start 1000 miles, sometimes I win and or I play easy then suddenly hard sometimes my oponents will rise to the challenge and we have a good game language excluded.Other times I will get on the room, and play as I usually do and the guy I am with suddenly decides to rage quit.I never talk as such to them though.I have on occasion got into a team of people and its been good.I have never come into conflict with anyome, but if you have issues rsgames may be the way to go with some stuff.I was kicked from a game in playroom once because aparently I wasn't playing by some stupid guy's rules but I am not a serious gamer.They didn't speak or understand english, they they were stupid people and I couldn't be bothered.If you have this issue you play it far to much to be honest.Their admins like some others suck but thats life I guess.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

I would just like to not see this kind of thing at the top of every page all the time, that'd be nice, nah mean?


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

I'm with ya, but this is a Bureaucracy; if this were my forum... I'm sure you can see where I'm going with that so I won't say much more.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Moderation! while Storm productions has at least remained civil in this topic, it is! actually a rule not to discuss bans from other games on here for precisely the reason highlighted in this thread, namely it tends   to cause a lot of drama and doesn't really help the situation at all. In the end a game admin is in charge of their game, and what they do is up to them, there isn't anything either I, nor this forum, nor most of the people on it can do, even if the game admin is a forum member themselves.So this topic is being closed since I don't believe there is any productive avenue of discussion here, and things are likely just to get worse. To those who think we're being too lenient about this matter, I will remind them that yes, we have banned at  least one member for repeated complaints about being banned from other games and are prepared to do it again if necessary to keep the peace. Hopefully it won't be necessary, but it the option is definitely not closed.


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Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

2017-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Playroom, ban for no reason

Moderation! while Storm productions has at least remained civil in this topic, it is! actually a rule not to discuss bans from other games on here for precisely the reason highlighted in this thread, namely it tends   to cause a lot of drama and doesn't really help the situation at all. In the end a game admin is in charge of their game, and what they do is up to them, there isn't anything either I, nor the staff of this forum, nor most of the people on it can do, even if the game admin is a forum member themselves.So this topic is being closed since I don't believe there is any productive avenue of discussion here, and things are likely just to get worse. To those who think we're being too lenient about this matter, I will remind them that yes, we have banned at  least one member for repeated complaints about being banned from other games and are prepared to do it again if necessary to keep the peace. Hopefully it won't be necessary, but the option is definitely not closed.


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