Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

@drums61999: Thanks a lot. I thought it was very important to raise a zombie all the time. I have to experiment with the things I can create with the dragon teeth.Wow. I didn't knew the vampyre respawns.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Here's my setup when I play a necro.I have armor, detect invis, fly, and dread portent maintained, but recast works just fine. If you have demon teeth use that, or else make sure you harvest dragon teeth. the best place on the islands is the sea serpents in the viking area. Once you have teeth, just top up every now and then, but otherwise I use skeletal warriors only since I don't care if I replace them. I use clay men as tanks because well they're easy to recast. I use a ghoul at low levels, then a vampire at high level just because the vamp will respawn and I don't have to recreate.To make a ghoul or vampire, go kill something easy like a city guard or hey, a viking. Cast preservation, prepare corpse ghoul, then prepare corpse soulstone. I use pales it takes between three and five depending on your level. Also, summon a familiar, I use the ebony demon so it gives your minions hp regen.Getting a full set of minions takes me at level 36 about a minute, and I run with a clay man, vampire, ebony familiar, and as many skeletal warriors as I have control points for, I think I have three.Again, my setup is meant to be easily replaced without a hastle, and I only vary from that setup in certain cases where a better tank might be more efficient.Regarding druid, I just gather until I can make the tincture I want, then I make as much as I can in a bit. I'm not that great a druid though, so maybe others have better advice. I mostly use my druid for utility exp, I don't really like running mobs with it.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : alisson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

has anyone have any advice for druids? i'm a druid cleric, I've stop playing a while ago, but I want to return. I struggle generally with tinctures and salves 


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

I'm around level 23 I think.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

I can usually have nearly full necro clev gear by level 20-22 (so just before or just after I hit Seaside, in most cases). The thing is, you should have Dread Portend up all the time (or at least as soon as you've got Soulsteal), and you should be stealing souls as often as you can right from as soon as you get the skill. This is why necros love having a weightless container, because you're going to eventually have dozens or hundreds of soulstones.Soulforge is a little costly, but it's also great at consolidating what you have. And hey, nearly free exp, so that helps out as well. If all you ever do is collect red soulstones, then yeah, you'll need a bunch to animate a ghoul, and it's costly as hell, and you'll probably have to rest while you do it, and ugh. So upgrade them to greens or pale blues, use 3-5 on a corpse, and bang.At this point, my highest level necro is Kithri, level 34...but she's lost a ton of exp and I hardly ever play her now. If I popped on right now, I could have a ghoul+woad+a couple of skeletons up in, say, about three minutes. And as long as I wasn't going into a place where they were getting wrecked wholesale, they'd stay up and would rip stuff apart, the ghoul especially. I'm not saying this is the best long-term setup - some people by this level swear by vamps, for instance - but for just running around getting exp, this is probably the quickest and dirtiest way to play a necro.But yeah. Most necro/mage/cleric cast-level gear has some mana regen on it. Ideally you want a mix of both. I personally think that having a full clev set separate from a full mana regen set is...well, a little tiny bit (read: seriously) overkill. Just sleep an extra thirty seconds; it's not going to kill you. This is not a game where if you have even slightly sub-optimal gear, everyone is going to sneer at you. In fact, nobody's going to care. The only time it really starts to matter at all is once you get above level 30 and stuff can legitimately kill you in under five seconds if you're not careful. One of the main reasons I've largely stopped playing Alter Aeon is that I feel they've lost their way when it comes to balance and the overall game experience. I love quests, storylines, the idea of a cohesive plot of some kind, so I like the islands...but in a lot of ways, the islands are rather too easy. They're trying to work on this, but still...too easy. If I were to make a character now (especially a new necro, since that's my field of expertise) I would consider it a failure if it died before level 29 or the time when I finally left Archais for good. That's how easy those islands are, overall, at least for that sort of char. And then suddenly you hit the mainland, and there are some nice not-too-nasty areas right near Ralnoth...and no direction at all. Oh, you went too far east and now you got jumped by an aggro level 36 mob? your tank minion died, or you're not a minion-based char and you got three-shotted? Oops...guess you won't make that mistake again. West this time. Ah, here you go. A nice jungle full of monsters that appear to be at your--hey, wait a sec. You got backstabbed and killed in one hit through Sanc with 700HP by a mob you didn't even see? What. the. hell. Things like this, and worse, will happen to you. And all because the game has gone up its own arse over its crafting and color restrings and heaven knows what else, at the expense of a realistic level curve.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Wait, what level were you? I don't remember it taking that many soulstones to raise a single ghoul at low levels. And I can usually get a setup of 3 knights, two ghouls, a familiar and a woad in under a minute or two.Fun enough, a lot of necromancer gear doubles as mregen gear. Granted, a clay man or wode drains mana to maintain, so that might explain it.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

lol, checking this topic gave me very much nostalgia. I left alter in 2017 cause I had very little time to play games due to school, and i never played till then. wonder what things changed in my absence? also, slj , when I had anecro char I used to play, I would just run  lower mobs for pales or forge greens and yellows into blues. it should take you less tha na hour to prepare a minion, nonetheless. ghouls are, or were, the most powerful minion for a necro when I used to play. get one and just go kill things and soulsteal. making up a stock never hurts, and remember sm is always an option if you're feeling extra rich


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arceus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

lol, checking this topic gave me very much nostalgia. I left alter in 2017 cause I had very little time to play games due to school, and i never played till then. wonder what things chande in my absence? 


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Thanks for your advice. I'm still not sure on how to get my minion back in less than one hour. But it might just be a matter of practice.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

sm buy "color" -forceBut even so, running soulstones isn't as hard as all that.  Cheat if you have to, by which I mean, go for mobs lower in level than yourself to soulsteal.  Right now, for instance, there's a ton of these useful little trees roaming around because Christmas.  They practically do nothing in attacked.  Bloodmist them, then soulsteal to finish the battle.  This sets you up for two things.  First, you get a log you can turn into a woad.  Second, you get a red soulstone.  Reds are relatively cheap and easy to come by, but collectively they can be soulforged into blacks with patience.Seriously though, if anyone who reads this topic needs any specific stuff just, reply, PM me here or shoot Nocturnus a mudmail.  I will always try to help.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Vazbol wrote:Also I don't get the annoyance with setting up minions. It used to be a good quick 4-5 mill exp gathering materials and raising up minions to serve me. Unless y ou're going into an area heavy with aoes, ost zones really can't function well against a standard crew of necromancer or druid setups.Thanks for your comment. Okay, so have I just missed some of the basics? It takes very long time for me to get the soul stones. I need around 14 of them for each corpse. Or do you just go with the less powerful minions? How do you quickly get your minions back? I'll gladly learn what I'm doing wrong or what I have missed.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Other idea: Get a full set of Clevel gear and just 2-3 shot mobiles with spells doing hundreds of points of damage a cast with the general high mana such stuff has at times. pretty sure it's possible to have a full set of 16 mageclevel or necro clevel gear by the time you leave the second island, or maybe by the time you finish the Seaside stuff.Alternative; Go War/thiEf?cleric, use refresh and Warcry to maintain your mv while ending fights in short order with backstabbing, then groundstriking things into oblivion. by the time you get some mregen stuff or just a lot of mana, you can then add shadowstriking things into oblivion in a full set of thief sklevel gear to really end crap in short order.Also I don't get the annoyance with setting up minions. It used to be a good quick 4-5 mill exp gathering materials and raising up minions to serve me. Unless y ou're going into an area heavy with aoes, ost zones really can't function well against a standard crew of necromancer or druid setups.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Funnily enough, I've never felt the need or the desire to go NC for some odd reason.  Done NM and NW both successfully with my main char Nocturnus now closing in on level 37.  Keep in mind this is after messing around for nearly ten years, making a lot of mistakes and not being constantly logged in.  I'm more or less satisfied now, and with the new stuff being added in I think I'll be more or less satisfied for all time with whatever becomes of Nocturnus.  As I've said elsewhere though, it all really comes down to your personal preference and play style, thus I find the NM class rather versatile and flexible.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Hi.My character is Necromenser as the main class, and cleric as the second class. I have lost the motivation because I find it too difficult to get my minions back each time I wanna play. So I might create a new character and just start over once again. I'm just not sure about what combination would work for me. Maybe warrior cleric? I'm the kind of person who wanna log in for a few hours, complete a quest and then log out again.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Once upon a time I could have mapped out basically every area with good gear until at least level 30 without issue. Honestly best thing to do as others have said is try and ask around. I haven't seriously played in a good couple years now, but I have popped in from time to time to check out new gear etc. Faerieland on Archais had some seriously amazing stuff, so would definitely suggest doing the quests there. Those vampire hearts from that hidden Village near Gnomian are pretty insane for their level too. That bixy crown is a mregen 2.0 piece, you can find that in the forest east of indira. Basically you're looking for a clearing which takes you into a garden with bees. From there you're looking for a tree, up the top of which is the queen. There might be something better at your level honestly, I seem to remember some mregen 3.0 Tiara for lvl 20 ish cleric, that might be in the temple near Seaside with the Lich Priest? Its also entirely possible that like 8 new areas have come out since I've even logged on so... yeah I'm afraid I can't help you there too much.Honourable mentions go to those silver chain sleeves from the spirit of King ratheborn, as well as the two necklaces in that hidden room on the cliff on the Island near Naphtali (the one you sail the ship to).There's an item called silverleaf belt which is lvl 18 and mregen 2.5, though I forget if that's a druid piece or not.There's Shamanic Robes from Grundgi in the troll cave area west of dragontooth, lvl 25 and mregen 3 unless they've been changed.Foggy ring of the ether or whatever that thing is called from the centaur chief in Fort Magnesia, those are mregen 3 as well iirc. I can try log on over the next couple days or so and I'll help you grab some stuff. Feel free to send a mudmail to Riku and I'll see it when I log in.keep in mind, some of the pieces I've suggested are just older pieces I remember off the top of my head, so there may be newer stuff with both magecast and regen on it that's better. Faerieland I know is one such place where there's a lot of newer style gear. Traditionally, I've always made multiple sets for both regen and magecast because that's just how gears been structured for years.Spider Silk Robes are also a pretty sweet deal, though you might be slightly too low level for them? Total 80 ish, magecast 1, mregen 3.5 or there abouts? They load on Elton the Sorcerer in the drow caves beneath Azaroth Keep.Silk Gloves of the temptress are another decent piece, lvl 19 ish or there abouts? Forget if they're classed flagged or not though. They load on one of the keepers of the lifestones in Idlewood west of naphtali.There's probably more but hth.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

LOL so that was you, I wasn't sure.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

And, sorry for the doublepost, but I just wanted to say I replied to you, Defender.  I was schooling children on the proper use of soap and water among other things when you telled me on AA.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

@randomuser, I hate to break it to you, but your combo is the problem!Mage Clerik is a great combo, if all you're doing is blasting.  The problem is that when you solo, you're not just blasting; you have to fill in every position, and with some mobs and areas that can be really tricky.  this topic, this topic, and this topic, are all worth checking out if you want tons of advice.  You'll have to wade through a lot, but I promise you there's scores of wisdom in there from people like Jayde, Dark and others, better than myself, who have methods all tried, tested and true.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Hello, utterly random user.Yes, look at donation rooms and shops, and use the list switches to quicken your life. For example, you can enter 'list search +manaregen' and all kinds of mana regen gear will show up.Also, the fairy land at Archais is a good place for mana regen equipment, but you need to complete a quest chain so you can get access to there, I'm a fraid. All at seaside and Archais archipelago.Explore carefully, in case you already looked through shops and donations, and of course, got someone to carve if you can, as defender said.I can carve too, but I'm generally busy, and my main character is not a druid but a mage, but got druid as secondary class.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Hello, utterly random user.Yes, look at donation rooms and shops, and use the list switches to quicken your life. For example, you can enter 'list search +manaregen' and all kinds of mana regen gear will show up.Also, the fairy land at Archais is a good place for mana regen equipment, but you need to complete a quest chain so you can get access to there, I'm a fraid. All at seaside and Archais archipelago.Explore carefully, in case you already looked through shops and donations, and of course, got someone to carve if you can, as defender said.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Arthur via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Hello, utterly random user.Yes, look at donation rooms and shops, and use the list switches to quicken your life. For example, you can enter 'list search +manaregen' and all kinds of mana regen gear will show up.Also, the fairy land at Archais is a good place for mana regen equipment, but you need to complete a quest chain so you can get access to there, I'm a fraid. All at seaside and Archais archipelago.Explore carefully, in case you already looked through shops and donations.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Wow thanks, that is helpful. I'll try all that.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Regen gets better and worse in waves as you level. Mostly you just have to stick it out and find the best EQ you can, though a newbie friendly clan can help with finding it. Train stats as well.See if you can get a higher level Druid to carve your EQ, it might help.  If I'm on I can help with that. The name is Muffin.Find shops selling EQ for your class in each city and either buy, steel, or kill for the items that seem helpful.Remember to use search switches to make searching shops and donation rooms allot more convenient."list search +manaregen -wearable"will search a room for anything which has mana regen and that you can use at your level."list search +moveregen -feet +level 19 -level 26"will find anything which gives move regen, is warn on the feet, and is above level 19 but below level 26."list search +wis 1 -int 1 -finger -wearable"will get you anything you can wear on your fingers which has at least 1 wisdom and 1 intelligence that you can wear at your level.Use"help advanced list switchesfor a full breakdown.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Regen gets better and worse in waves. Mostly you just have to stick it out and find the best EQ you can. Train int and wis as well.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Oh sure those are good skills, and I'll use warcry when I get it and bloodsacrifice If I ever get necromancer, which is going to take a while. I make it a priority to look through all equipment but usually most if not all of it ispretty garbage. No matter, we'll roll with it.


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Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

2020-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any advice on how I can find decent regen items on Alter Eon

Warcry is a good skill for movement, as well as bloodsacrifice. Those are warrior and necromancer skills respectively. If you look in all the shops you find and in the donation rooms, you can also usually find equipment that gives regen to one thing or another.


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