Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

It's not out yet, but TauStation will be fully accessible at the beginning, and they tout the complex mission system.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Sadly, Sryth can't be played on IOS. I can't log in. When I tap on the text field, it won't let me type in anything. I was considering donating but now I don't think I would. I have been away from CE for so long now, so when I came back, it took 40 minutes to empty my ship. Hey dark, have you considered doing a review of it? Reading help's boring.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

I haven't spent tons of money on Sryth, and my character has never ever had any trouble going through any of the adventures. I think I've died maybe four times.that said, I do wish adventures themselves were more of a priority. They still do come out from time to time, but the focus on player vs. player has really put me off. I pop in there every now and again to see if the three or four best players are still sucking up most of the unique items. Yup, they are. But I also sometimes play quests that are new as well.I dislike that the wiki and the forum went down. It's now far far harder to look ahead to see different options, which I freely admit I used to do sometimes.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Well improbable island had it's moments, and for a game that started life as a logd variant it actually had a pretty good storyline not to mention writing. The problem though is for some odd reason instead of adding more to the story, the creator decided to go nuts adding lots of really odd auto programming options for dwellings instead, which was okay in principle, but in practice just let people create their own programmed houses which in game terms didn't really do anything. Logd actually did have it's moments, especially in some of the varients that added massively to the pool of forest fights, indeed I remember points when trading, searching dwellings and lots of other stuff got added to the point that most of your experience didnt' just come from random fights anyway. I'm not sure where logd is these days, though there are several varients still up and respected. othador was pretty good at one point provided you followed a l
 ot of the guides online, since with such a stingy turn rate exploring was difficult. What made the quests nice there was the need to wander around the actual map, though unfortunately quest text was rather lacking. Also I didn't like the way that a lot of things at the start which should have been given to you as default game abilities had to be earned, usually taking lots of turns in the horrendously slow turn rate. for example, you had to put a bunch of points into speed just to get a refresh rate for your character of one point every ten minutes and to hold enough points to make the default potions useful.Hmmm, I wonder where gothador is now? last I checked they had made the points options a little less draconian, or at least had relaxed slightly on subscription rates.I would actually love to find some sort of space colonization type game with more of a missions and quest feeling. Astro galaxy has a fantastic idea for a game, but unfortunately devolves pre
 tty quickly once you've passed the academy phase. In the same way space odyssey actually had a server specifically designed to fighting aliens and doing missions with no pvp, though the ship design in that game got extremely over complex, to the point that it was rather difficult to know how to progress. Similarly, unification wars was fantastic for it's missions, accept that the missions basicall would reset the world if complete, so once you'd passed the tutorial, if you tried to do any further missions you'd just get pounded on by everybody present,  or hell, maybe you just got pounded on by everyone present anyway.I'd actually love to see a game where you managed a space colony, perhaps colonizing different planets, but the aim was more about finding out what was around you, finding different things and fulfilling missions as you went than minimaxing faster than the other guy. to a great extent this was what happened in core exil
 es, though something with actual colonization and random stuff on alien planets to deal with would be nice.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Well improbable island had it's moments, and for a game that started life as a logd variant it actually had a pretty good storyline not to mention writing. The problem though is for some odd reason instead of adding more to the story, the creator decided to go nuts adding lots of really odd auto programming options for dwellings instead, which was okay in principle, but in practice just let people create their own programmed houses which in game terms didn't really do anything. Logd actually did have it's moments, especially in some of the varients that added massively to the pool of forest fights, indeed I remember points when trading, searching dwellings and lots of other stuff got added to the point that most of your experience didnt' just come from random fights anyway. I'm not sure where logd is these days, though there are several varients still up and respected. I would actually love to find some sort of space colonization 
 type game with more of a missions and quest feeling. Astro galaxy has a fantastic idea for a game, but unfortunately devolves pretty quickly once you've passed the academy phase. In the same way space odyssey actually had a server specifically designed to fighting aliens and doing missions with no pvp, though the ship design in that game got extremely over complex, to the point that it was rather difficult to know how to progress. Similarly, unification wars was fantastic for it's missions, accept that the missions basicall would reset the world if complete, so once you'd passed the tutorial, if you tried to do any further missions you'd just get pounded on by everybody present,  or hell, maybe you just got pounded on by everyone present anyway.I'd actually love to see a game where you managed a space colony, perhaps colonizing different planets, but the aim was more about finding out what was around you, finding different things and fulfil
 ling missions as you went than minimaxing faster than the other guy. to a great extent this was what happened in core exiles, though something with actual colonization and random stuff on alien planets to deal with would be nice.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

i'm now level#d.i  want to find swamp viper.where is it?


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

This makes me almost want to create a sryth reminiscing topic. In particular, I'm very disappointed that equipment and abilities really aren't earned through adventures anymore but instead through raffels and donation packages. I miss the days when the cape of the griffin was useful darn it!And just to keep this on topic. Uh. Bent Space Chronicles? Oh wait, it looks like that's dead. 12 Sands? Oops that one's gone too. um. I'll think of another game with quests, really I will.Oh hey, there's always Alter Ego. While it doesn't have quests exactly, it definitely has a playable storyline. Apparently there's an iPhone app too:


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

@Music097, as I remember dark grimoire had a pretty good  list on what to do at what level, for example sewers at level one, the planes and the gremlin tree at level 2 etc. I don't know how things are now, actually I probably ought to give dg a second go. I was actually checking out pelantas the other day again after recommending it, but again I was always putoff by the hole auto combat, sports management weekly matches thing. The questing looked cool, but actually getting to a point where you could send anyone out doing it seemed to be quite a pest and require lots of micro management, plus while the text on the quests was fairly good, you didn't seem to get as much choices about how things progressed. maybe if I came at the game a little more systemtically I could get to grips with it, though pvp really is not something that interests me much in most games.@David yep,I was playing an older gen character, however I've put so much time
  and adventurer tocans into her I didn't really want to restart, especially since at one time she had events in her journal that weren't around anymore. Maybe I'll try the game again at some point, I did used to enjoy all the adventures, and especially when interesting abilities and options came in like the phantom weapon or  shadow magic powers, Sryth was actually a game where you could grow from exploration, provided that the gm is actually  focusing on exploration and not creating one time only eventus and prizes only available to those who spend ridiculous amounts of money on the game.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

@Music097, as I remember dark grimoire had a pretty good  list on what to do at what level, for example sewers at level one, the planes and the gremlin tree at level 2 etc. I don't know how things are now, actually I probably ought to give dg a second go. @David yep,I was playing an older gen character, however I've put so much time and adventurer tocans into her I didn't really want to restart, especially since at one time she had events in her journal that weren't around anymore. Maybe I'll try the game again at some point, I did used to enjoy all the adventures, and especially when interesting abilities and options came in like the phantom weapon or  shadow magic powers, Sryth was actually a game where you could grow from exploration, provided that the gm is actually  focusing on exploration and not creating one time only eventus and prizes only available to those who spend ridiculous amounts of money on the game.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

well.dark grimoire is awesome, but where can i get experience?i mean, is there any good area for level 2?please.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Being a veteran player of sryth since back in 2002 or 2003, I can confidently say that if anything, the balance in most areas has only gotten worse.However, one place where it has improved is in the character creation system. That could very well have been your problem if you were playing a character rolled up under the very first iteration of character creation. Rolling a character now, it's much easier to get nearly perfect or perfect stats, including 32 melee rating and 36 stamina points. In the 2003 roller, you should count your blessings if you got 18 in a single stat and getting even two 20's was nearing impossible. I don't know what your initial stats looked like, but if you ever feel like giving the solo adventuring content of the game a try again for whatever reason you might consider rolling up a new character and trying for really good stats or playing a pregen if you don't feel like spending between 10 and 60 minutes clicking reroll.Me
 ntioning it in another topic reminded me of another game that has decent quests. Path to Pelantas has quests you can send your heroes on. They have some story including moderately well described battles and events. Not the best, but I've definitely seen worse.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

It also just occurred to me, you might want to check out age of fable. see here for the game  I'm not sure where the line between a gamebook like those on the fighting fantasy project stops, and where  browser rpgs begin, but this is definitely one that blurs  that line quite a lot, and if your going to count a game like Sryth, why not something like Age of fable, heck Sryth freely references gamebooks in it's history. Indeed, you might consider checking out more gamebooks if your looking for quests, but AGe of fable is probably the one that is most rpg like, although some of the longer  books might also be considered. Something to think about anyway.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Thanks for responses! I will try to finish as many quests in these games as possible


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Smoke-j is right on ce, though it's worth noting that most npc missions do have text about who your doing them for and why, they're not just "I want 50 barrels of oil taken  mars by 10 tomorrow" to Sryth, again I noticed the pvp thing as well. Very depressing saying that the game used to be all about the solo questing. I suppose the adventures thing is my own fault, since I was still plaing the character I started in 2004, however I did find that the gm's way of increasing difficulty by just throwing bigger stuff at you and then making the only way to progress through that stuff to buy weapons that cost real world money was definitely not fun. It's possible the balance got a tweak, mostly I think because some of the prices of those weapons in real world cash terms were getting stupid.  say that is one area where core exiles is also amazing, in that the stuff you can buy is generally not stuff that will the game or stuff you a
 ctually need for more than convenience.Ce also encouraged player gifting too, by giving players who have! bought an item the same item to gift to someone else, I used to run competitions from my settlement for new players to earn engines and fuel tickets and such.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Smoke-J via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Core-exiles doesn't have a bunch of quests by definition of a quest, but it is a game that will keep you busy for years, i created my account in 2009 and still have loads of stuff to do. by far my favorite game. you don't accept the quests per say, but there are NPC missions. however, the stuff you can do is very long term, years to complete.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Actually regarding sryth the adventures aren't my problem. It's the fact that the game has degenerated into 90% PVP competitions. These competitions are basically, log in every couple hours and roll a number, and whoever gets the highest roll wins a bunch of unique gear, exp, tokens and whatever else the GM feels like handing out. He spends most of his time coding raffels, competitions and the like instead of adventures. Perhaps we should be called gladiators or mercenaries rather than adventurers now.Having said that, every one of the adventures are doable without donating a cent. There's a guide for how to do a vast majority of them on the wiki and I can say from personal experience that I've taken several characters through the game without spending a dollar on them barring the subscription fee. Just takes a bit more strategy and some patience with the random number generator. Once you hit the last developed quest in the new runeskin saga stuff though
 , basically all that's left to do is explore random dungeons which gets tedious and participate in replayable scenarios or competitions.BVS capcha can be solved with WebVissum or any other capcha solver.As for Heroes of Ardania, I got fairly far into that game and don't remember much in the way of storyline, though there are definitely playable quests. I did forget about that one. The quests tend to just be a couple lines of text telling you what needs done and handing you a reward when you've accomplished said objective though.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

What are the missions that have story in CE? I'm not sure I've played them.Speaking of CE, Coops is working, or was working on, a new game that somebody was testing here. What is that? I assume testing is over now.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Shame about Sryth. I stopped playin in 2009 when it basically the hole thing degenerated into a plug shoot to get you to spend adventurer toacans, and most new quests just hurled ever stronger monsters at you which required stupidly high investments of cash to get through.Sorry to hear that hasn't changed, I used to love Sryth back in the days before the gm got greedy. billy vs snakemen I've heard good things about,  but it's got that annoying capcha system which is a shame. Monster breeder has a very ongoing story which actually functions more like a single player game and is worth a try (see the new releases room).core exiles has about 50 different missions which come with storyline and background, plus even the basic cargo quantities in the game are described, so while it's not quests in the traditional sense, it does have more than just basic mechanics. there is also Majesty, heroes of ardania which is heavily story dr
 iven, though the daily turn rate is stupidly low, and I do recall dark grimoire had a huge update not long ago. Dg was actually a pretty good game, if very slow, sort of like a mud played in a browser, and I'd be interested to see where things have gone. Btw, all of these have pages in thedatabase so feel free to check them out.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

but kingdom of loathing is down.what happened?


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

www.sryth.comThe early gameplay is massively quest and story related. There's several days worth of playable storylines here. Once you get to the end of that content though, the game degenerates into a massive money-spending competition. Playing from the beginning is still fun because it reminds me of the old days when large scale adventures were still being developed, but the game isn't really worth 20 dollars at all anymore, much less 20 dollars a year.Drakor has a playable set of storylines from what I've seen.www.drakor.comDomain of Heroes has a completely playable storyline.www.dohclassic.comPuppet Nightmares has a playable storyline split into episodes:www.puppetnightmares.comBilly Versus Snakeman has probably a hundred different activities to do, one of
  which is a playable line of missions. You get a limited amount of turns in most activities per day of Loathing has a playable line of quests. Limited turns per day.www.kingdomofloathing.comAs well as it's spinoffs:www.twilightheroes.comandwww.metroplexity.comThat's all I can think of at the moment.


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Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Browser games with most deep quest system?

Try out roboid.


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