Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

No. We told you. AHC has typical RPG turn-based combat.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Does the game also have arcade-style combat, like in Blind Gladiator, for example?


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Strongly doubt any of that will happen.However, for twenty bucks, this game does a lot of things right and is very much worth its price. Sound design is meticulous, map complexity is wonderful, and while the combat and story are a bit meh in places, it's still a fun game to muck around with. Manamon is double the price, and started out with far, far fewer bugs, and has more customization options overall, but it's, a lot simpler, sound-wise, let's just put it that way. I suspect that far more hours went into AHC overall than into manamon, especially given the quality of each final product. My verdict: for twenty bucks, you can't go wrong. A playthrough will take between seven and twenty hours, depending on how quickly you catch on to the movement style and how easy you find the quests. I've beaten the game without doing all the quests in under five hours just by doing the minimum required, and that's not even pure speedrunning; I'm sure I could get it even lower than that, if I cared enough. But your average player will get happily lost in this one. Worth it, for sure.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Honestly there are so many ways they could use the original game as a base to make an iinteresting story. But I agree. A small post game where you play as Adranas trying to fight Ulcano, poison the tree and defeat the guardian, etc. Like not fully meant as an entirely new game, but just as a little postgame.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@29, I'd like to see them do a thing where you can play as the final boss and discover exactly what led him to make the choices he did


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheEvilChocolateCookie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Now, having played with my copy a little, I would recommend it. I didn't want to buy it because of the no demo thing. I didn't see the point of buying a game on faith that it was supposed to be excellent and then end up hating it later. I always like to try games out first if possible. I won the copy I have now, but I would definitely buy something similar.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

To be fair, Shadow Line is full voice and free... lol.AHC is definitely worth it for what it is. I loved being on the beta team for it. Was it as hype as everyone thought? No, and there are a lot of things I would've liked done better... but as others have said, there's no other western game up to that standard right now. It is most certainly not a text game, either.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

The thing I really like about AHC is that it is fully voiced, at least as far as all the other characters are concerned. Honestly, I was very surprised to find that this was fully voiced and being sold at as low a price as it was. It is because of games like this that my favorite types of games to play are RPG's. That was a particular genre that I never believed I'd be able to play, but that is now possible.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

When you consider Manamon is just 20 Dollars shy of Mortal Kombat this seems like a much better deal to me. It has excellent sound, voice acting, while not perfect, does add an extra layer for us Engliish speakers, the side quests are challenging, but not to the point where its annoying, its filled with some rather querky characters who move around in an organic way, and actuallhy change depending, unlike Manamon where people mostly stay the same for the entire game, and its affordable for an adiiogame. Sure, its not as good as the best from Japan, but its still something special as Simba, one of the best from the west.@12, IMO I find Manamon 2 overrated. Not manamon 1, 2. I'm not quite in the mood to go into why I think so, because I've expressed my views on the matter previously. But its still a decent game, just a bt overpriced for what it iis, and compared to this. Mind you its a good game, but for a 4 year Hiatius Manamon 2 should have been more revolutionary instead of just feeling like a long over due update to manamon. I'm sure many people will dsagree with me on that though.Also, I think it may be the OP's English skills buzzing with him, but you seem to really have stuff mixed up. This isn't a text game. Its a realtime/turnbased First Person sorta open world RPG. Not a text game. The most text yule find is in the diologues and the books, but still its not a text game. And that's another thing that AHC has over manamon or other games. It does a good job at adding little easter eggs and world building. Liike, honestly while I was playing I wwas thinking about a poossible sequel that goes more over the history of the game. Possibly playing as a soldier in the Goblen wars lmao. So yeah, I'd possibly get it. What's 2 months without a paid game? 2 months is close to christmas anyways, so you could save and have money for another audiogame, and ask your parents to get an audiogame for free.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

When you consider Manamon is just 20 Dollars shy of Mortal Kombat this seems like a much better deal to me. It has excellent sound, voice acting, while not perfect, does add an extra layer for us Engliish speakers, the side quests are challenging, but not to the point where its annoying, its filled with some rather querky characters who move around in an organic way, and actuallhy change depending, unlike Manamon where people mostly stay the same for the entire game, and its affordable for an adiiogame. Sure, its not as good as the best from Japan, but its still something special as Simba, one of the best from the west.@12, IMO I find Manamon 2 overrated. Not manamon 1, 2. I'm not quite in the mood to go into why I think so, because I've expressed my views on the matter previously. But its still a decent deal.Also, I think it may be the OP's English skills buzzing with him, but you seem to really have stuff mixed up. This isn't a text game. Its a realtime/turnbased First Person sorta open world RPG. Not a text game. The most text yule find is in the diologues and the books, but still its not a text game. And that's another thing that AHC has over manamon or other games. It does a good job at adding little easter eggs and world building. Liike, honestly while I was playing I wwas thinking about a poossible sequel that goes more over the history of the game. Possibly playing as a soldier in the Goblen wars lmao. So yeah, I'd possibly get it. What's 2 months without a paid game? 2 months is close to christmas anyways, so you could save and have money for another audiogame, and ask your parents to get an audiogame for free.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@Connor142Yeah, mostly I was comparing it to pricing of the more simplistic Indi RPG's, but maybe this market is different enough to where that isn't really valid.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@24 that's not really the point of ahc's existence though. It was meant to fill a gap in the audio gaming scene that had existed for years. Sure, We had dungeon crawlers and muds and so on, but not anything like a propper (mostly) open world rpg with a plot, but also side quests and the like. The game just suffered from a hopeless case of overhype, because people were taking what the devs were saying and turning it into something like a "new era of audio games" or "this will change the face of accessible gaming forever". While Ahc did a good job riding the hype train until its release, and for a good while after (look at all the giveaways and streams), it failed to deliver on some promisses. These include graphics and a steam release, which is very unfortunate. The point here is, beyond those features, Ahc never promised to be anything it isn't today. People were told they'd receive a detailed rpg game that, while not as huge as what the mainstream is used to, does have plenty of content to keep the player busy for a good chunk of their time, and that's what they got. The devs themselves never claimed they wanted to "revolutionise audio gaming" or anything of the sort, at least iirc.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@24 that's not really the point of ahc's existence though. It was meant to fill a gap in the audio gaming scene that had existed for years. Sure, We had dungeon crawlers and muds and so on, but not anything like a propper (mostly) open world rpg with a plot, but also side quests and the like. The game just suffered from a hopeless case of overhype, because people were taking what the devs were saying and turning it into something like a "new era of audio games" or "this will change the face of accessible gaming forever". While Ahc did a good job riding the hype train until its release, and for a good while after (look at all the giveaways and streams), it failed to deliver on some promisses. These include graphics and a steam release, which is very unfortunate.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@DeucalionI wouldn't say there is a ton of strategy in this game.  Yes choosing how to train your characters so that they all fill a useful roll in your team, deciding who to take with you for certain boss battles or quests, balancing armor VS speed and magic reduction, or weapon power VS parrying ability, choosing when and how to use buffs in dangerous fights or how to use your gold most effectively, which story branch to focus on first and when to attempt certain bosses.But in general, you can kinda just smash your way through fights and no one ever dies for real.  Playing on hard mode and artificially limiting your self like I mentioned does make decisions significantly more important though.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@AccmanI disagree with that actually, this game is very limited in length and complexity even compared to many late 90s RPG's, and while the audio is fantastic, it has no graphics.And you can often find games which were incredibly popular less than a decade ago in the mainstream for a tenth of their original cost.From an audio gaming point of view though, it was quite cheap as compared to things like Entombed, Manamon, or Paladin of the Sky.But that was for a good reason, the Kickstarter made 2.5 times it's goal and the game was full of bugs on launch and didn't ship with some promised features.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

# 18 I apologize, I didn’t express myself well. I don't like games where you have to make predetermined choices. But the strategy ones test your thinking because you have more chances to lose and when you do, you feel much more involved because you made that strategy that turned out to be unfortunate. I hope that makes sense.I listened to Liam's first video where he talks about A Heros, but for some reason he didn't get the key, or anything like that, and he couldn't play. Then I started with the second video. I also jumped here several times until I saw a kind of fight in turn and I said to ask better on the forum.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@AccmanI disagree with that actually, this game is very limited in length and complexity even compared to many late 90s RPG's, and while the audio is fantastic, it has no graphics.And you can often find games which were incredibly popular less than a decade ago in the mainstream for a tenth of their cost.From an audio gaming point of view though, it was quite cheap as compared to things like Entombed, Manamon, or Paladin of the Sky.But that was for a good reason, the Kickstarter made 2.5 times it's goal and the game was full of bugs on launch and didn't ship with some promised features.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

@AccmanI disagree with that actually, this game is incredibly limited in length and complexity even compared to many late 90s RPG's, and while the audio is fantastic, it has no graphics.And you can often find games which were incredibly popular less than a decade ago in the mainstream for a tenth of their cost.From an audio gaming point of view though, it was quite cheap as compared to things like Entombed, Manamon, or Paladin of the Sky.But that was for a good reason, the Kickstarter made 2.5 times it's goal and the game was full of bugs on launch and didn't ship with some promised features.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

It's definitely worth the price in my opinion.And you can get many hours from it by playing the game again on hard or trying out a dual class character.  I've even played a game without looting from any corpses or steeling any items for the challenge of it, and you can always see how low level you can go and still beat the final boss.It's not perfect, the quests are often pretty stereotypical, the voice acting isn't all what I'd consider professional quality, I wish their were more branching story paths, some small bugs still exist, and a few areas are a bit sparse on music, but over all the production is much better than nearly every other audio game we have.It's one of those games that, while without a ton of replay value, is compelling and enjoyable enough for me to pick it up a couple times a year just to experience it again.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

This game is most certainly worth the cost, especially when you consider that a similar game in most cases would be likely to sell for somewhere between $40-$50. A Hero's Call offers a lot for one game and all that for about half the price. I love this game, and would highly recommend it.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

It's definitely worth the price in my opinion.And you can get many hours from it by playing the game again on hard or trying out a dual class character.  I've even played a game without looting from any corpses for the challenge of it, and you can always see how low level you can go and still beat the final boss.It's not perfect, the quests are often pretty stereotypical, the voice acting isn't all what I'd consider professional quality, I wish their were more branching story paths, some small bugs still exist, and a few areas are a bit sparse on music, but over all the production is much better than nearly every other audio game we have.It's one of those games that, while without a ton of replay value, is compelling and enjoyable enough for me to pick it up a couple times a year just to experience it again.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Rich_Beardsley wrote:And @2, I think the reason a lot of people dislike text based games is because they have very little sound if anyWell yes, obviously. They are, after all, text-based.So what?Text-based games are designed to be enjoyable without needing sound. They can keep your attention with a good story, vivid descriptions, challenging puzzles, unique gameplay mechanics, etc.Imagine if you showed your favorite audiogame to a sighted player, and they said they didn't like it. Not because of the content, the gameplay, but just because it didn't have graphics.And speaking of sighted gamers, they can at least argue they are too lazy to read all those words (as silly as that is). We blindies can just have the screen reader read them to us. A bit less enjoyable than braille, but faster.But hey, if you really need sounds that much, there are text based games that have them. There are MUDs with soundpacks, such as Alter Aeon and CLOK, and there are text adventures with sounds too, like Code 7 and Tingalan (and, with the current accessibility mods, Slay the Spire).And of course, if you count games like AHC as text-based somehow ... But while I enjoy good sound design as much as anyone else, it is also incredibly fun to use your own imagination sometimes. Variety is great, is it not?


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ManiaCs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

You can get at least 20 hours of this game.For me right now playing for the second time i have 25 hours.And i play a lot.The secrets the quest the voice acting.I recommend to buy it but that just my opinion.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rich_Beardsley via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Hi.Yeah @OP five minutes of the stream doesn't even scratch the surface. I bought it and really liked it. What are you looking for exactly? Self voicing? Not many RPG's are like that.And @2, I think the reason a lot of people dislike text based games is because they have very little sound if any


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

At 15 dude, do you even know yourself what you like or don't? Firstly you don't like text games, but then you like strategy games, which are mostly text based?And 5 minutes of listening into a stream isn't enough, go read the database entry or listen to other demos and reviews.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zargonbr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

well, as the dollar is expensive here in Brazil, 39.99 is equal to 211 reais, I prefer to pay at ahc than pay 211 at manamon2, let's face it, for that I use the crystal Pokémon


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

ahc is overraded?nah, i dont think so my friendtell me an other game that offers so many side-quests and verry detailed combat engine


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

But I like strategy games.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

At 12 bold statement, without any further explanations?I also throw my hat into the ring for yes. It's one of the best western audiogames we have on the market and depending on how long you take exploring everything and anything, it can entertain you for a few good dozen hours.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

But warsim is truely text-based, isn't it? So, probably not something OP would want to play.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

But warsim is truely text-based, isn't it?


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Ahc is overrated


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

My personal opinion? Don't get it.Not because its bad, quite the opposite.If you say you won't be able to buy games for 2 whole months if you get this, I don't think it will last you very long.I recommend getting the BK3 translation dictionary if you don't have it already, or maybe get warsim.Those games are much cheaper, and you'll get a lot more content which will keep you busy for longer.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Nope, 5 minutes is definitely not enough. As others have said, a turn based battle system doesn't make something text based. If you hate these systems so much, you probably shouldn't buy this. But I personally still prefer a challenging and strategic turn based system instead of  bop it style here and react. I'd say the game has a lot of good things going for it. There's a good amount of side content, little secrets you can find, lots of variation when it comes to equipment and enemies, and great sound design especially in combat. The story is full of tropes, pretty much like most typical rpgs out there, but I can gloss over that, considering the game's other strongpoints. When playing Ahc, you can tell that there was a lot of passion behind this project. If nothing else, ahc has accomplished one thing. It has proven that if you're dedicated enough to a project, and you pour your heart and soul into it, you can achieve almost any goal you set yourself. The creators of the game wanted an rpg with lots of quests, exploration, and atmosphere, and they made one. That's what counts, imo.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Lol, 5 minutes is like the first combat until the tavern explorations. That doesn't explain anything. No equipments, no stores, no quests, nothing.Edit: Wel it explains about combat and movement but such a short time wouldn't make you understand them completelyI say the same socheat says, watch the stream a bit ferther.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wilson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

Lol, 5 minutes is like the first combat until the tavern explorations. That doesn't explain anything. No equipments, no stores, no quests, nothing. I say the same socheat says, watch the stream a bit ferther.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

You just listen only 5 minutes. That's not enough to evaluate a game. Give it a listen a little more, do some research. There are a lot of topic like this in the forum. Doing a little search would get you the topic. Don't just go round and create topics just to increase your rank. I'm sorry, and I hope you take no offence from this. Each opinion is different, and some people have different gameplay preference.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

But ... but that's not text-based ... That just means it has turn-based combat. Which, yes, it does. It's an RPG, that's generally what they do.But yeah, if you don't like that, then I guess it won't be for you. Neither will be Entombed, Slay The Spire, anything of the Pokemon style, etc.


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Deucalion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

By text games I also mean games with a Paladin-like combat system from VG Storm. If A heros is like that, I'm sorry, but I won't buy it.When you explore are you given clues about maps, or do they let you walk and discover?


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ManiaCs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

I recomend it!


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

A Hero's Call? Text-based?What exactly does text-based mean to you? Because to me, it means MUDS, interactive fiction, visual novels, choose your stories, and the like. Things where you read text, then make your choice either by typing it in, or by choosing between a few options.I love text-based games. They are generally the strongest when it comes to storytelling, can be enjoyed even if you don't have fast reflexes, and helped me a lot when learning English. I really don't know why the majority of people on this forum dislike them so much.But AHC is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a text-based game. There are sounds, music, voice acting. You walk around in first-person, explore different environments. The sound design for combat is absolutely epic. Yes, obviously there are text menus -- you won't find an RPG without them -- but that doesn't make it text-based.Is it worth buying? I definitely don't regret doing so. It doesn't offer the same value as mainstream games can, of course, but compared to the sometimes quite unreasonable pricing of audio games (looking at you, VGStorm), I'd say it's quite fair. Sounds aren't cheap, and voice acting isn't, either!It depends on what you're interested in, though. If you enjoy RPGs -- turn-based fighting, leveling up your party members, deciding on which skills to give them, comparing equipment, completing quests -- then yes, you'll like this. If you enjoy great sound design, you'll have it. If you're into exploration, AHC's navigation system makes it fun enough once you get the hang of it.If you want a super strong and well thought out story, that's not quite what you'll get. But it is decent, and there are some nice character interactions and good laughs to be had. It's also not the most challenging game around, but judging by your previous topic, that is a bonus.It is, in my opinion, one of the best audio games we have. There is nothing *just* as good that I can think of. The closest is Entombed, which is abandonware now, but that is already a different style of game, and while amazing, can be quite buggy on newer computers.But you can't always rely on other people to answer your questions. Do your own research, think about the pros and cons, and then decide. The database is right here, after all ...


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Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

+1 for 2, i completely agree with mayanatext based games really helped me improve my english and imagination at the same time, wish i stumbled on to them earlieras for AHC, i recommend buying it if your in to turn based battlesthe sound design for combat is pretty epic, i'M sure only fiew audiogames have a detailed sound system like AHC


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

I fully agree with Mayana. It's one if not the best audio game when it comes to the soundscape and first-person exploration, but the story is not its strongest point. While it is not bad, it's still very predictable, but it does its job.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How is A hero's call? Is it worth buying?

A Hero's Call? Text-based?What exactly does text-based mean to you? Because to me, it means MUDS, interactive fiction, visual novels, choose your stories, and the like. Things where you read text, then make your choice either by typing it in, or by choosing between a few options.I love text-based games. They are generally the strongest when it comes to storytelling, can be enjoyed even if you don't have fast reflexes, and helped me a lot when learning English. I really don't know why the majority of people on this forum dislike them so much.But AHC is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a text-based game. There are sounds, music, voice acting. You walk around in first-person, explore different environments. The sound design for combat is absolutely epic. Yes, obviously there are text menus -- you won't find an RPG without them -- but that doesn't make it text-based.Is it worth buying? I definitely don't regret doing so. It doesn't offer the same value as mainstream games can, of course, but compared to the sometimes quite unreasonable pricing of audio games (looking at you, VGtorm), I'd say it's quite fair. Sounds aren't cheap, and voice acting isn't, either!It depends on what you're interested in, though. If you enjoy RPGs -- turn-based fighting, leveling up your party members, deciding on which skills to give them, comparing equipment, completing quests -- then yes, you'll like this. If you enjoy great sound design, you'll have it. If you're into exploration, AHC's navigation system makes it fun enough once you get the hang of it.If you want a super strong and well thought out story, that's not quite what you'll get. But it is decent, and there are some nice character interactions and good laughs to be had. It's also not the most challenging game around, but judging by your previous topic, that is a bonus.It is, in my opinion, one of the best audio games we have. There is nothing *just* as good that I can think of. The closest is Entombed, which is abandonware now, but that is already a different style of game, and while amazing, can be quite buggy on newer computers.But you can't always rely on other people to answer your questions. Do your own research, think about the pros and cons, and then decide. The database is right here, after all ...


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