Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

To those who play uossmud, is there a point where it actually becomes more interesting? All the missions I've done so far are literally, kill 80 types of these to advance the story. Okay, now go kill 50 of these to advance the story. Occasionally, some sort of boss mob. Granted I'm level 30 something, but yeah.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

@14, you do get notices if you don't RP "correctly". Notice the quotation marks, as CR has it's own definition of correct RP. Certain races are expected to act in some way, and playing a rebel from your race is heavily discouraged, which is not really interesting. The world, while being decent in writing is black and white, meaning that there's the good and the bad and nothing in the middle. Sorry kids, not how that works. CR also tends to majorly lack in community events, as in, a huge Vacus fortress shows up, gets blown up, the news raves about it, and nothing else is done. Excuse me while I go and promptly kill myself. If the SDL and MI (Thanks for the reminder) truly wanted to end the war they would have organized an invasion on the Vacus and the other races, but nope. We're content with sitting and repeating the same events over and over.Also, CR doesn't do a good job  of addressing what you can and can not reference. Let's take the Declaration of Independence. While an argument can be made that the document was lost as Earth went to hell, an opposing argument can be brought into existence which states that such an important document would have either a copy of itself somewhere online or somebody may know it by heart and could rewrite it if worse comes to worse. Finally, countless books contain the famous phrase "We're all created equal", and thus that phrase could stand through the ages.When somebody referenced Declaration of Independence (DOI) on chat, they promptly received a warning. I have spoken with the hosts on the matter and, while I understand why such an action could be taken, I disagree. Like I said, CR does not have a clear boundary of what survived and what was lost forever.Let me ask you this, what rank are you? If you're above 900, how'd you get to that point? If you were lucky, you found players to do volcano mining/star observation with. If you aren't, me, you were forced to star study for at least a day in real time. Can you imagine typing star cont/star fire over and over and over and over? Torture? Yes, it is, but I did it. I leveled to rank 1000, only to realize that I'm gonna do the same thing. Type in a command, wait, type in another command to fix something that broke, and repeat that 50 or so times. I managed to push to rank 1205 and said "I'm done". Sorry, not happening. I'm done grinding for hours in return for 10 or so ranks. Of course, the factor above was not the only thing that drove me off the game, it's broken to hell economy was another reason why I decided to take my leave for a while, but grinding was my biggest problem.As for playing CR again, I stopped actively playing about 4 months ago. I still log in on an occasion, so I know about the overhaul of mining and hunting, but those are level 1 and are just a small step in fixing the issues plaguing the mud.@15, with all do respect, I disagree. CR has RP jobs. Nothing else, nothing more. They're words that somebody wrote into the computer. The mud does not distinguish between a medic and a farmer if both of their skills are at equal levels, even though a medic would have a higher experience with treating an injury. So you saying that CR has pointless grinding is, at least to my eyes, inaccurate. It does, far too much as you clearly can see from my posts. Sure I can go and say that I'm mining this volcano for the good of the galaxy or that the planet will suffer if I don't clean the trash, but those two statements will be nothing but that, a set of letters that I tied into a string of words. Don't get me wrong, I love RP. What makes CR fall short is the lack of boundaries. I can be equally as good at fighting as a Sargent in the military even though I am a simple librarian, and I can treat the wounds equally if not better than the medic that has just arrived on the scene.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Oh, UOSSMud doesn't have that many quests but tons of missions which you can ask about.*shrug* I was on alter aeon for a few years and when I found UOSSMud, I never went back. I've also looked for another one since and I just can't get used to any like UOSSMud. IMO uossmud is the best. Best of luck finding something that is to your liking 


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

I mean, finding good RP on CR is hard to do. Most of the people that play there have no clue how to RP, so if you don't really want to get into that aspect of things, you don't technically have to, it's just if you want to use the radio, talk IC which isn't hard to do really.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Hi,@12 About farming in cosmic rage, I can't agree with you. To me, CR is the first mud that managed to allow grinding but by justifying in a RP point a view. You don't just repeat the same activity over and over, and when you do it, it's for a purpose, because it's your job for example, like a real job could be actually.Look at aardworlf for example. To me this is basic pointless grinding. Te game has other qualities though, but the xp part is not exactly facinating that's for sure.Best regard,Simon


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

hi 12.the world isnt about sdl or Mİ or, well the other one was jagthey keep openning  up new slots for the people to be envolved"CR tends to be a tad harsh on people if they don't do rp as well by handling out notices and then warnings, so there's that to consider. In addition, CR is heavily community driven, meaning that the community has it's own clicks and social classes."notices and warnings?duh, i'M playing this game for almost 3 years, never seen someone get warnings because they are not rpingthey get warned bye the hosts and the players alike if they talk out of character stuff over i  channels but other then that, no warnings or notices asside"At some points of the game group activities open up, which forces you to go and ask somebody or do the activity at a lower rank about 100 times to reach a new and mostly the same activity... star studying/moon harvesting/core harvesting anyone?"there are fiew group activities that forces you to do them with a group. those are, volcano mining star observation and componant hunting, aside from that, you can much solo evrything.the old borring activities are beeing changed, if you played a long time ago, you might want to try it again kind regards


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Hi,thanks for all the recommendations.I noticed that Uosmud has a rule against sharing questinfo, I really don't like that, since I want to be able to ask when I am stuck.The grinding part of Cosmic Rage doesn't sound like my cup of tea as well, but since it has another setting besides fantasy, I might give it a try, although the RP part doesn't sound like my thing.Clookmud seems pretty overwhealming to me right now, I wouldn't know where to start right now, even after reading stuff. And again, enforced RP which I don't like much, but I might give it a try at some point.From all the things which were suggested until now, I think Aardwolf is the easiest for me to at least get into and see how it goes, so I'll try that first I guess.Thanks again for suggesting all the games!GreetingsTikki


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

@5, Cosmic Rage is RP encouraged? More like Cosmic Rage forces RP upon a player. At some points of the game group activities open up, which forces you to go and ask somebody or do the activity at a lower rank about 100 times to reach a new and mostly the same activity... star studying/moon harvesting/core harvesting anyone?CR tends to be a tad harsh on people if they don't do rp as well by handling out notices and then warnings, so there's that to consider. In addition, CR is heavily community driven, meaning that the community has it's own clicks and social classes.Here's the basic breakdown:I won't remember all the names, but I will try and outline each group.Space Defense something, SDL for short. Defend space, the guys who get raved on about on the news.MI or MMI, it's been waay too long since I played the game, sorry: Same as the SDL except they deal with the attacks on the ground. They are the second when measured against the Space Defense, though they typically get the same publicity.Now that I think about it... that's pretty much it. There are other groups (I vaguely recall reading about a loyor association) but they are much less important than MiI or SDL.So, yeah. Go play CR if you enjoy constant and strict RP as well as following orders from the "Higher ups". Oh, and grinding, you can't forget grinding...


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

@5, Cosmic Rage is RP encouraged? More like Cosmic Rage forces RP upon a player. At some points of the game group activities open up, which forces you to go and ask somebody or do the activity at a lower rank about 100 times to reach a new and mostly the same activity... star studying/moon harvesting/core harvesting anyone?


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

You have to RP with people in the same room if you are interacting with them, i.e. let's say you all meet up at Shadgard commons. You can't be like Did you see the latest GoT? But there is a chat channel which is OOC. It's not RPI though, no real such thing as pose orders and so forth, and no snobbishness.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

I might give it a try. Do we have to always RP or can we be ooc?


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : MasterOfDeath via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Flame-Alchemist, yeah, it does, look at post 6.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Does clock mudd have a pack? I’m running the current  vip mudd.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Garr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

UOSS Mud (unofficial squaresoft mud) has a sound pack and is very blind friendly, they have a blind setting. You can change jobs at any time and can set a second command from any available job. I've been there for years. Also, the only agro mobs are in the deep dungeon unless you attack something and don't get to kill it.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

You'd like an accessible mud? if I were you my friend, I would definitely give clokmud a try. Absolutely no levels to speak of, there is roleplaying involved, but they're verry helpful about it and realize that not everyone is a roleplaying master, so they really try to gently steer you in the right direction. And all of the staggering amount of things to do in order to earn riln? the in world currency? my goodness! you don't really feel quite so much like okay, where am I going to go and repeatedly kill stuff over and over again to gain experience and money, you're more like hmmm, I wonder what I feel like doing today that'll be fun? and then you just go and do it. And yes indeed, clokmud has sound pacs for both vip mud and mush client. The connection information for clokmud is as follows. port 4000. Look me up on there, I'm known as duggin. Oh, and look on the web site which is the same as the connection info I just gave you without the port number, and read up on the information there and I think you'll be verry pleasantly surprised. The mud is extremely easy to step into and figure out and there are all sorts of wonderfully friendly people who will help you out. Let us know what you think of clokmud if you should decide to try it out. I'm sure interested to hear your opinions on it because it's actually my favorite mud out there.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

try cosmic rage if your feeling a science fantecy guy enoughfriendly people, hosts aer welcoming, constant new features, rp is encouraged, no rp


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

HiHaha no worries. Me too, but the random quest thing does more feel like a hunt to me. And the sad thing is, is that you have to gather 1000 questpoints to be able to get to superhero status, with a xp bonus for the server, or 800 questpoints when you want to become superhero without serverbonus.I also thought: "meh, nothing for me" but when i am on, i do a mobquest, and i sit around till a new one is available. I must admit i quite like the hunt through the aardwolf areas. It is also possible a quest must be given up, cause of lak of time, or cause the mob is behind an obstacle, players aren't mostly allowed to spoil quests. One Mayor downside in my oppinion.But all i described above, and every day a daily blessing and more of which i probably don't know, it makes the game worth it. But that's my oppinion, am very curious on how yours will be.Greetz mike


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

HiHaha no worries. Me too, but the random quest thing does more feel like a hunt to me. And the sad thing is, is that you have to gather 1000 to be able to get to superhero status, with a xp bonus for the server, or 800 when you want to become superhero without serverbonus.I also thought: "meh, nothing for me" but when i am on, i do a mobquest, and i sit around till a new one is available. I must admit i quite like the hunt through the aardwolf areas. It is also possible a quest must be given up, cause of lak of time, or cause the mob is behind an obstacle, players aren't mostly allowed to spoil quests. One Mayor downside in my oppinion.But all i described above, and every day a daily blessing and more of which i probably don't know, it makes the game worth it. But that's my oppinion, am very curious on how yours will be.Greetz mike


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Hi,thanks for the reply. I maybe should have written that at the start, but I'm not that fond of quests which tell you to kill a random mob and come back. I more like ones with a storyline and such, but the goals sound more like such a thing, so maybe I'll check it out.


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Hi@tikkieI have played aardwolf besides alter aeon quite a bit. Aardwolf is a fantasy themed mud, with a lot of grinding. A total of 200 levels after which you can get to level 201 and super hero status. After which you can remorth into a different class, your next class so to speak. My character is a barbarian psyonist. But with your second playthrough the experience requirements per level get slightly higher. Instead of 1000 xp per level, it will be 2000, after this one 3000 per level toward a total of 10.000 per level. There are random generated quests given by the questor. He basically tells you to kill a certain mob in a certain area. You also can get campaigns at the commander. This are quests which last around 7 days, and these tell you to kill several mobs in several area's. The rewards are higher of course. There are also goals and tasks for this goals to complete which mostly reward more unique items. When heading toward area's, you can use the runto command, which basically runs your character toward the entered area. This runto command works from the recall point.There is no official soundpack for it, but I have one which i build when i am online and find useful triggers. But it is no full blown soundpack, but morely created for my own needs. It is for vipmud 2.0, so when this isn't a problem, i can share it. About the size of the online players, think around between 100 and slightly over 300. So lots of peeps there. And standard there are some aski things enabled, but when you ask on the newbie channel, they're more then willing to tell you on how to get the game more accessible, such as which things to turn off and which to turn on. There are also global quests, a laser game, double xp periods, when someone reaches superhero status, double xp given out by the hosts. All in all, a very fun and rather unique game when you ask me.The connection info is:Host: aardwolf.orgport: 4000Website: http://www.aardwolf.comHope this helps Greetz mike


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Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

2019-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a good accessible mud to play besides Alter Aeon

Hi@tikkieI have played aardwolf besides alter aeon quite a bit. Aardwolf is a fantasy themed mud, with a lot of grinding. A total of 200 levels after which you can get to level 201 and super hero status. After which you can remorth into a different class, your next class so to speak. My character is a barbarian psyonist. But with your second playthrough the experience requirements per level get slightly higher. Instead of 1000 xp er level, it will be 2000, after this one 3000 per level toward a total of 10.000 per level. There are random generated quests given by the questor. He basically tells you to kill a certain mob in a certain area. You also can get campaigns at the commander. This are quests which last around 7 days, and these tell you to kill several mobs in several area's. The rewards are higher of course. There are also goals and tasks for this goals to complete which mostly reward more unique items. When heading toward area's, you can use the runto command, which basically runs your character toward the entered area. This runto command works from the recall point.There is no official soundpack for it, but I have one which i build when i am online and find useful triggers. But it is no full blown soundpack, but morely created for my own needs. It is for vipmud 2.0, so when this isn't a problem, i can share it. About the size of the online players, think around between 100 and slightly over 300. So lots of peeps there. And standard there are some aski things enabled, but when you ask on the newbie channel, they're more then willing to tell you on how to get the game more accessible, such as which things to turn off and which to turn on.The connection info is:Host: aardwolf.orgport: 4000Website: http://www.aardwolf.comHope this helps Greetz mike


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