Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AudioWizards via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

Thanks for the honest opinion! Most of us here in myTrueSound agree too that GoldGun was a rather disappointing product in the end. We don't consider it as a waste however as the feedback we got (both positive and, especially, not so positive) helped us refine AudioWizards as a much better game. We have also understood some of the flaws AudioWizards had and just like with GoldGun we will use it as a learning opportunity to better polish our next project. As a developer, keep the feedback and criticism coming! Sometimes it's hard to notice things that are wrong in your own creations but that's what well-thought feedback and community is for.  Thank you for that!


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

And to the earlier posters, the same thing posts 11 and 12 said were the same things I was trying to tell everyone


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

So much truth in that last post!It is possible to request higher quality and more challenging and immersive games, without making a complete ass of oneself.But you have to have one skill in order to do this, and that skill is the ability to communicate.You have to be able to write something, step back from it and look at it as if you were the audience reading it, then make changes based on what you believe the audience's perception of it might be.You can get so much done with civility and positivity.This is not to say that there aren't times when criticism is necessary. There are such times, but even they can be accomplished with eloquence and a bit of good manners thrown in.Unfortunately, in the last three years, I have seen this particular community go downhill so fast, it was unreal!So much negativity has come to this forum, so much bickering, so much complaining and accusing, and the result is a much less welcoming environment than the one I joined five years ago.I am still here, because there are great people with good game info.But I am here much less often, and I have heard many others say the same thing.The art of civil conversation is a beautiful thing.I hope to see it return someday, here, and online in general.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

I'm afraid the very fact that this topic has escalated so badly probably shows exactly what is wrong with this community, and indeed much of the online, and indeed offline world these days. Nobody can just have an opinion or make  arguement they're always "representing the community", or "debating minorities", or "bashing", or "demanding free speech", or something else. this isn't to say that having opinions, good, bad or indifferent are one thing, however it seems that for some reason a hole bunch of other debates get dragged into the discussion of any given opinion, then suddenly we're forming firing lines  everything has become this huge, dramatic emotional nuclear war. Personally, I'd like to go back to the days when we could just chat reasonably about games, players could say what they liked and didn't like, and developers could just make games without some sort of hidden motives. yes, there will always be arseholes, but frankly I preferd the days when the arseholes were the minority, and the majority just pretty much ignored them for being arseholes, rather than this modern tendency to have either the arseholes themselves be the focus, or some other group of almost equally arsholious arseholes claiming that its everyone's own fault the first group of arseholes are getting so much attention and how everyone should just do what the second group want and therefore avoid the arsehollary of the first group, all the while repudiating anyone who calls both groups arseholes. Hay, does anyone remember that strange ancient pastime called the art of civilized conversation?


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

And this is why we can't have nice things.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

LMAO.Cloverbit played this community like a damn fiddle, that much was obvious from long before the actual release date, when they shat out that low effort press demo.They put more effort into the fucking trailer than they did their shitty little game, knowing they could hype things up and that a community that is relatively starved for content would be all over it like flies on a corpse.Cloverbit knew they could hoist a half arsed pile of unfinished garbage onto everyone, because most of this community is just too afraid to speak out against the bullshit it is put through. I need only point to  Metalppop for a fantastic example of what I'm getting at.A few people contacted Metalppop to say nasty things, make demands and just act like dicks in general. Unfortunately; We live in this thing called reality and reality has it's fair share of dicks that you just can't get away from. No matter how hard you try.Metalppop responded by making a thinly veiled threat along the lines of:If you all don't STFU, we'll just stop developing accessibility for our idle games.A bit like that cliché seen of a mobster threatening someone's life/business/car, but with 0 mobsters and done entirely in text.Instead of sticking up for itself, pointing out that this was a total dick move and making all the noises about vocal minorities not representing a community; the community virtually fell over itself attempting to capitulate and apologize.Amidst a see of grovelling, I think I saw a single post that was super uncomfortable with being threatened and that was it.If we continue to let ourselves be so thoroughly spanked, Cloverbit will be back under a different name after a while. They had an easy time of it after all and they even got money.Fuck Cloverbit, they knew exactly what they were doing, fuck Metalppop for using the threat of no accessibility  to bludgeon this community into submission and finally... Fuck this community for being a bunch of pushovers with a tendency for self-flagellation.If we're all still playing immersive (TM) High quality (TM)  Three-Dimensional (TM) audio games powered by the Unicorn Semen engine in 30 years time and they turn out to be garbage. We'll have no one but ourselves to blame.I'll never settle for table scraps, you shouldn't settle for table scraps but unless this community grows some actual balls...It's Table scraps all the way.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

Again. I understand everyone's frustrations. Echoes was not worth the $22.99 price tag. However, it could have been improved a lot. And eventually, they could have done something good, but since nobody had anything good to say, the devs decided they were done with game development. Could they have improved? Of course. However, people should have chosen their words more carefully when reviewing Echoes. I'm not saying the criticisms are wrong, but the approaches that people take aren't. And going back to Post 2 and the magazine, when was this magazine released? Did people then not realize that although computers were more advanced than they had been in the past, there was only so much they could do. Gulch was one of the first types of game made in this way, and it was good for its time.Edit: The criticisms are right, but the approaches people take and the wording people use does not help the situation. Sorry about the typo


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

Again. I understand everyone's frustrations. Echoes was not worth the $22.99 price tag. However, it could have been improved a lot. And eventually, they could have done something good, but since nobody had anything good to say, the devs decided they were done with game development. Could they have improved? Of course. However, people should have chosen their words more carefully when reviewing Echoes. I'm not saying the criticisms are wrong, but the approaches that people take aren't. And going back to Post 2 and the magazine, when was this magazine released? Did people then not realize that although computers were more advanced than they had been in the past, there was only so much they could do. Gulch was one of the first types of game made in this way, and it was good for its time


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

The difference between echoes and gold gun is this:Gold gun did not try to falsely advertise itself as being a great game. The devs stated multiple times that what they had released was a pilot, that more complex systems were in the works, and if I recall correctly, that the other episodes would use better voiceacting and sounds. This is why I agree with you on the point that gold gun was very harshly put down.What I can't get behind though is pardenning echoes. Echoes is an audio game. This means, if you give out any information about your sound design and try to use it as a selling point, it'd better be correct. In the case of binaural audio, stereo cutscenes, and good voiceacting, it was not. They also claimed that echoes was an rpg. Again, it wasn't. In an rpg, you'd expect character development, leveling, and customisation, and you had none of these in the game. This is why i believe that (most) of the bashing echoes had received was justified. You payed $23 for something that clearly wasn't what the company said it was. It's disappointing that cloverbit didn't learn from their mistakes and try to publish something more in line with what they promissed, but if a dev's first reaction to lots of critisism is to leave the internet and take their project out of the app store, maybe those people shouldn't develop, full stop.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

@5 What don't you get? I'm not saying criticizing devs is wrong. What I'm saying is the way we go about it isn't right, and that's why we lose a lot of potentially good developers. If they'd worked at it more, Cloverbit possibly could have made a great project in the future. So please don't put words in my mouth. Thanks


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

Hi.Honestly I'm tired of this whole, we can't crittisize thing.Are we just supposed to sit there and gobble up everything the developers throw at us?Yes, senseless bashing is not the way we should go, but some of the people on this forum just seam to wait till someone says something bad about the game to just blurd out their completely stupid argument of scrol on if you don't like it.Noone will forbid me saying something bad about a game or product released to the public. I'm living in a free cuntry with the right of free speach. Some developers are awfully thin skinned and as soon someone crittisizes their work they instantly blaim the comunity, even though they released the same game we had a milion times before, without any new mechanics.Audio wizards has an interesting twist to the hear and react gameplay, and it's a fun little time waster, but there are defenitly games where you can't give them credid even for the slightest of things.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

But hopefully in seeing AudioWizards, it will make people understand that even with harsh feedback, developers can bounce back and do great things


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

Nice points there rwbeardjr, you might consider writing a more formal version of your reviews for preservation in the articles room. I also agree, though for me the hugely annoying thing in echoes of levia is that bloody marsh puzzle which I still! have not completed . Btw, hopefully you will enjoy the voice acting in Mytruesound's next game, since my lady has provided a good part of it, and I've done a little too, as well as giving a few tweaks to the script, though how much gets used in the final game  we will have to see.Oh, and one thing I personally enjoy in Audio wizards  is the atmosphere, world and characters, hence This story that I put together, and judging by the recent competition that is likely to be expanded in the future which would be awesome!


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Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

2019-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviewing AudioWizards, ranting, and who knows what else

I gave you a thumbs up for that, because I agree with that 100%. Unfortunately this isn’t the first time we’ve seen people criticize companies harshly; remember issue 29 of the Audyssey magazine? If people haven’t seen this issue of the magazine, allow me to enlighten you a little bit. This was around the time Bavisoft had released Grizzly Gulch, and so many people criticize the interface that it was staggering. A lot of people were apparently saying that the guy was insulting their intelligence by making the interface so simplistic, and that the game was a huge waste of money. I think James north also came under fire from a bunch of people as well. Point being, people have been harsh with audio game developers for as long as audio games have been around. Unfortunately this isn’t something that’s new in the community, which is sad. We live in a time where people can’t just be happy with the things they’re given. I honestly believe this is why we’ve lost so many developers.


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