Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,@3: yes, WSL is rather a tool, than a full system for everyday use. Learning Linux with it is most likely not a good idea, like it wouldn't be a way to go to learn Windows with Wine.From my experience, using an OS is the best way to experience it, so if this is your goal, I can only recommend it.Ubuntu mate is a good start, and when you'll get familiar with it, you can try also other variants, like Debian or Arch.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

I also recommend Uriq Linux if you're looking for a fully FSF (Free Software Foundation) compliant Linux distro. In other words, Uriq only uses free software (think free speech, not free beer), which means you can't easily play MP3's or use Adobe Flash, and it may not work with your video card of choice since most video drivers are closed-source proprietary software. Solus also might be worth a look, and Linux Mint 20. IMHO, those are the best current Ubuntu-based distros out there, although there are many other flavors of Linux worth trying (Arch, Fedora, Etc). Have fun exploring the wonderful world of Linux!


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,@5: yes, there are many very interesting distributions of Linux.For example, KaliLinux is a Debian fork designed specially for hacking, with repos containing all the necessary software to attack all sorts of things, from encrypted archives, through hashed passwords to websites, databases and physical devices.Qubes OS is another project, which is focused primarily on security. User doesn't work in a single operating environment, but instead, as I understand it, creates a separate sandbox called qube for each activity he / she wants to do. I could for example have a qube for programming, a qube for school and theoretical study, a qube for visiting untrusted websites etc. Then, if I for example got a virus in the qube for untrusted websites, my documents would stay safe, as they're located in a different qube. Similarly, if I caught a virus in the programming qube, for example because of using a malicious dependency in one of my projects, it couldn't spy, as my e-mails for example are in a different qube, and even if it decided to delete all my files and I didn't have a backup, that would be pitty, but at least my documents and other data would stay untouched. Of course, backing up your data is always a good practice, I've used this only as an example.I didn't try it out yet, but I'm definitely planning to do so. I've found few informations about some accessibility efforts, I'm curious, what they've done already.LXDE is another interesting Linux thing. It's an environment, which is, according to descriptions, able to fit under 500 MB of ram usage.For comparison, Windows when doing nothing consumes about 2.2 to 2.5 GB on my machine.Why is this important, when we normally have computers with 8 or 16 GB of memory?Well, it's not just more efficient, but also for example LXDE is small enough to fit to a modern Smartphone and run along Android without bigger issues.I didn't try this yet from a blind user's perspective, but there are sighted people: … ne-765408/who seem to like doing it like this for programming and other activities, where a mobile system is... well, not quite enough.With additional 500 MB of ram usage, on my Samsung Galaxy A20E, where Android itself takes about 1.1 from 3 GB ram, I would still have about half of my random access memory available.For comparison, Windows with its memory usage doesn't even fit to it, neither does it with disk usage (as we all know, the C:\windows folder has a tendency to grow bigger and bigger over time), and even if one managed to push it there somehow, it wouldn't work anyway, as arm builds are still rather an experiment as far as I know.So, there is really a large field to explore. Starting out on a classical system like Ubuntu mate is a good idea in my opinion, as it will get one prepared for the environment. After taking this preparation, one can explore, explore and explore, enjoying all the possibilities.I'm feeling a bit like a Linux banner right now, heh, but it doesn't matter.When I was reading articles of type "why to choose Linux over Windows", for some reasons, all those I've read contained informations not really interesting for me. May be I'm just strange, but no need for restarts after installations somehow doesn't attract me (and it's even not true, although regular package updates don't require restarts, Ubuntu actually prompted me for restart one time, and when I was developing Chinfusor, the speech module for reading texts written in foreign alphabets, I've always needed to restart session after applying a new version).Thus I'm propagating things interesting for me, and there is quite lot of them. For example Linux interprocess communication, although that's rather a programming stuff.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

I have about 585MiB usage right now in memory in my Ubuntu Mate machine. I could get that down further if I killed the desktop and X. On Arch, I could get it down to just under 100 on the shell with no desktop.Dual booting has its drawbacks, I don't know if I'd recommend that as the path to go down for a first timer. Better start on a VM or come up with a cheap secondary machine.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

For my self, I can say I like linux very much indeed. In fakt, I am full out linux for almost two months now, and I don't really feel windows missing. Well, of course what's missing the most are some of the more advanced nvda features such as nvda ocr(I really could make use of that one sometimes), object nav(orca flat review is not a good enough replacement), something else I didn't find missing, orca is a surprisingly stable screen reader, even though abit too young. I'd like to implement those things I'm missing, like the nvda ocr and to make orca remote truely work as expected, but, sadly, I don't know enough about linux yet. In fakt, I don't really know what I need to know about, but I think that, maybe, in afew years or so I could do, orca API docs are pretty spars, not like the nvda add-on developer guide, where they actually guide you through building an actual addon while learning their API. If there's such a thing for orca, I don't know it yet and please give me a link if you have one.even electron apps work moderately well, as long as you remember to give them the --force-renderor-accessibility command line switch, otherwise it's more meaningless to a blind person than a photo or whatever, so do remember to pass that switch around for each electron app and you'll be fine.The firefox browser works incredibly well, I'd say even better than on windows, even though I used it exclusively back then as well.well, what else to say, I think everyone should be able to have a pick at linux, so go on, @1, I think you'll like it at least as much as I do if not more so.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

For the ram thing, I read once somewhere that the operating systems do that because it is much more faster to get information from the ram, so if the ram remains unutilized, the system would use it.As for the flavors, I think I should start with one, stick with it for few months, and once I am comfortable, I'll try the other flavors.Also, I think instead of asking about various virtual machines, I should try them for myself, and see which one works for me the best.I do hope that the specs of my laptop won't get in the way of this.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Linux does things that might not make sense for windows users, like using more RAM, but it also gets things out of the way and into the virtual memory when it needs to do so. It might use the RAM you have to help things run faster or start faster. It also doesn't move files around like on windows. If you move a file from one place to another, it just moves its pointer to the directory in question. Also, the everything is a file philosophy takes time to get used to, but you'll come to start seeing the great things about that the more you use linux.You can do things like read a file into an audio player, even if it's just binary data. type "which gcc" or "which python3" without the quotes and you'll get a path. It might be /bin/gcc or /usr/bin/gcc. For python it's probably /usr/bin/python3. Take that path and do this:cat  | aplay -r 8000You'll be hearing the binary ran through the DSP. the -r 8000 sets the sample rate. Changing that determines how fast or slow it's fed into the DSP.You can also generate audio on the fly with sox, even piping them together or piping something into sox like this:espeak -v en-us+m3 -s 100 -p 60 --stdout "This is just a small test of what I can do when I don't generate my own audio, but instead, write it to standard out." | sox -q -t raw -r 22k -b 16 -e signed -t alsaThen you have packages like Tizonia, which let you run Google Music, YouTube, Soundcloud and others from the command line. Moc for playing local music over the command line. You have tools like wget and curl to make fetching files easy. You also have Fenrir, a shel screen reader written in python, which seems to be more up to date than Speakup and it's kernel modules.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,@7: what's wrong with dual boot?I have my disk split to 5 partitions, 4 for operating systems and one for common data. Not all four are installed yet, I have currently Windows and Ubuntu mate, with the latter being the primary system.It works really nice, I can switch between the two systems at any time by pressing F12 and entering the boot menu.@8: There is OCRDesktop for Linux, which does the same as NVDA OCR. In fact, it is even more flexible, as you can configure various color filters for capturing the screen to optain the best possible results for given window.The engine behind it is Tesseract, although I'm not sure, whether the program uses the latest version with neural networks, or the olderone.Someone was also adding object navigation to Orca master recently, although I'm not sure, how far did the idea get.As for Orca internal structure documentation, yes, this is really quite horrible. There are some comments in source code, but there should rather be a centralized resource, which would point out the important informations directly, and one would just search for details in the code.This doesn't apply just for Orca, but also for linux accessibility stuff in general. How can we expect people to work on making things more accessible on Linux, when there is weak documentation even for what was already done?Teamwork is critical for open-source software, it is the only way to make things live even after the original author stops developing them. But any kind of teamwork requires communication in first place, and I don't see this happening here.I personally hate writing documentation, but currently, I feel like this is more important than adding any feature to Orca. I'm already looking into it, I'll see, whether I can actually do something about it.@9: if you decide to go with virtual machines, it's your decision, I just want to note, that for example on my laptop, the responsiveness in VM vs. the real thing was few times faster (in case of native install of course).I'm not trying to convince you, just to prevent considering what you'll get from VM to be the real Linux performance.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Yeah a VM will feel slower than on bare metal. I just don't like dual booting because it's nerve racking.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Instead of farting around with dual boot setups running from the same drive and all the potential headaches that come with doing so, I like using this 5.25" drive bay.It houses 4 2.5" drives, you can power the drives up and down individually and can swap in drives as needed. You just slot in your operating system drives of choice, toggle power to  the one you want to boot from and turn your machine on.Your primary OS drive is never touched this way so you can just go nuts testing as many different operating systems as you like. The limit is just how many spare drives you're willing to buy.Temple OS anyone? 


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Okay, got few questions :How the duel booting is in the terms of screen reader functionality?Also, what about the Linux installation process? Is there a way to enable speech during that?In future, I'm thinking of installing a copy of Linux on a USB hard drive, would the Duel booting would be possible from there?Apology if the questions sound childish or basic, this is a new ground for me.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,@14: After you set up things as you want them, the process is quite accessible.Uefi registers various boot sources available, what includes also partitions with installed systems.You need a sighted assistance to help you get them to order in which you want to have them. A small help on this is, that the lastone installed goes first, so if you're configuring your PC from scratch, you should be able to install in such an order, that you'll get desired result.On my laptop, I can view boot menu by repeatedly pressing F12 key after pressing the power button. When it shows up, I know, that according to my current order, Ubuntu mate is the first in list and is selected, while Windows is second.Thus if I want to boot into Windows, I can simply press down arrow key once and confirm with enter.It's not a completely accessible interface, but well, it works. As for installation and speech, yes, there usually is, at least for main-stream distributions.Checking your distro's accessibility page should tell you details, as these can varry from distribution to distribution.For example, Ubuntu activates Orca with alt+super+S while kaliLinux requires pressing just S key, if I remember right.Also, it's possible to boot from external hard-drive, with the benefit that if you set it before your current harddrive in the list, you'll have quite easy way of switching OS. Although having normal USBs connected while booting used to be a problem with bios, I'm not sure, whether it applies for Uefi as well.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

I've also build a custom manjaro image that uses mate. I've made it since manjaro's default iso doesn't have orca. You can get it at


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

To be honest, I am not sure about vm software.Vmware player 15 may work for you but not 16.Even with vmware installed, you do get a few accessibility issues.1.  when typing into fields like name virtual machine, path, etc you will get no feedback.Not exactly sure if I screwed something up by not checking enhanced keyboard on upgrade when I had that loaded but for me vmware workstation 16, managed to destroy the keyboard class and no keyboards would work.I managed to get with mouse support into advanced options and restore the system without reformatting but I was close to doing so and can no longer recommend vmware because it totally broke windows keyboard subsystem.I am unsure about virtualbox.From all the linux distributions that I doodled with, my favorites were ubuntu mate as well as linux mint.Arch is fine if you can get round the fucktun of commands and get them all working, I wouldn't recommend it to a beginner.For a beginner in a command shell or that wants full capabilities I would try the enormous debian distribution that can be scaled.Its got commandline disk images and a large desktop image set.But its rather large.If you can get it working slint could be a good point but I never did, it always screwed up during load.Jenux may work but the install script when I tried it was full of has most of the trials and tribulations with me and linux virtual machines.You need a system with virtualised hardware, even then its not a walk in the park there will be some slowness there always is.One thing you could try is cygwin though I never got it working well.The setup is a bit flakey but, if you want to fuck about then that may be the next best thing.If you just want to run program x y or z, chances are they are in windows or at least run in the windows console.Most linux things have windows ports at least the popular ones.Now if you don't mind using ancient software, you can use fedora 4 5 6 or 7 which did yhave the old espeak system installed.One thing to note, from experimenting, the blind can run lxqt,xfce and lxde though I have never succeeded.We can't aparently do kde and I know from experience that gnome3 is just a no go.So unity we can, gnome 2 now called gnome classic and gnome shell.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@17 Thanks for the VMWare 16 notice. I'm still on VMWare 15.The only time I tried the KDE desktop, is when choosing it with Debian. Jinux (which it's latest version can be found at, fixed that errors problem. Well, at least thing should work right finally.@16Ah, I'll check out this manjaro   OS Talking Spin ya made. I haven' played with Manjaro since the GNU/Sonar days.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@17 Thanks for the VMWare 16 notice. I'm still on VMWare 15.The only time I tried the KDE desktop, is when choosing it with Debian. Jinux (which it's latest version can be found at, fixed that errors problem. Well, at least thing should work right finally. I know that with Virtualbox it's accessible if you use the VBox commandline stuff, though (unless it's ben improoved), NVDA at least doesn't speak the interface too well while  machine is running. It does fine outside it though.@16Ah, I'll check out this manjaro   OS Talking Spin ya made. I haven' played with Manjaro since the GNU/Sonar days.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@18 Do you stil have some old sonar images? I am also reviving sonar. At this point most stuff is pretty much done except the installer. If someone would be willing to port an already existing installer or build a new one that'd be great. I just wanted these old sonar images for playing around with them, checking out how they worked and maybe take some things from it to the new sonar rebuild i'm making.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@19The last version of Sonar GNU/Linux can be found here, though they moved away from Manjaro at that point as you probably know: … t/downloadI am at the moment unable to find any Sonar Manjaro specific info, thus I'm still looking for it.I found plenty of info for the older GNOME release though, which may help in command keystroke structure at least, as Sonar was originally based on Ubuntu. The iSO links don't work sadly (since the older files were removed from Source Forge, however links to manus on the following page do work: … downloads/Again, I'll keep looking for older archive info, and shall report back.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@19The last version of Sonar GNU/Linux can be found here, though they moved away from Manjaro at that point as you probably know: … t/downloadI am at the moment unable to find any Sonar Manjaro specific info, thus I'm still looking for it.I found plenty of info for the older GNOME release though, which may help in command keystroke structure at least, as Sonar was originally based on Ubuntu. The iSO links don't work sadly (since the older files were removed from Source Forge, however links to manus on the following page do work: … downloads/I also found … chive.html, though I have a feeling that none of the downloads will work sadly.Again, I'll keep looking for older archive info, and shall report back.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@20 Thank you. If any of you is interested on looking how i managed to kinda rebuild sonar or just check out how its made, hed over to can also get beta releases of my sonar rebuild at


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

In the Vmware, after I created the virtual machine, I am getting the following error:Error while powering on: This host supports Intel VT-x, but Intel VT-x is disabled.Intel VT-x might be disabled if it has been disabled in the 810S/firmware settings or thehost has not been power-cycled since changing this setting.(1) Verify that the 810S/firmware settings enable Intel VT-x and disable 'trusted execution.'(2) Power-cycle the host if either of these 810S/firmware settings have been changed.(3) Power-cycle the host f you have not done since installing VMware Player.(4) Update the host's 810S/firmware to the latest version.This host does not support "Intel EPT" hardware assisted MMLI virtualization.VMware Player does not support the user level monitor on this host.Module 'MonitorMode' power on failed.Failed to start the virtual machine.note: if there is some odd text, then it is probably because of the OCR.From what I understand, I might have to dig through bios for fixing this problem. I would really prefer if any of you might know any other alternative solution, since screen readers do not work on bios, (At least I think they don't,) and for that I would have to get a hold of a sighted person.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@22 Are you using a motherboard and cpu that support intel VTX/inter virtualisation technologies? Also which os did you tried to boot and did you have success running any other vm's.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@22 Are you using a motherboard and cpu that support intel VTX/inter virtualisation technologies? Also which os did you tried to boot and did you have success running any other vm's.Edit: I see. You do have intel vtx, but you need to enable it in bios. Regarding screen reader support, bios unfortunately isn't accessible so you'll have to get a sighted person to help you. Unless its a completely different problem. Usually to enable virtualisation you enter your bios setup and look for something like virtualisation support, and check the enable virtualisation checkbox.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

I tried to boot the Ubuntu mate the most latest version, and no I have not tried any other virtual machines, this one was my first.I created the machine successfully, but the problem is that it won't power up, and would give me that error.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Try to run one of Jake Gross's virtual machines found at and see if they work.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

If your computer uses the Intel VTX technology, you do need to enable it first. Most modern hardware these day uses the technology.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

So a question, how is the accessibility on uefi? apparently windows 10 offers this functionality, so I was hoping that there would be at least something there.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Windows 10 does not.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@28:I realized after reading that post, that I wrote it wrong.What I meant to say was that windows 10 let's you boot into that, so I thought it might offer some functionality there.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

No, it didn't, unfortunately. Because from what I understand, when you're in UEFI configuration, it loaded its own tiny operating system which the manufacturer embedded to the hardware.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

No, it didn't, unfortunately. Because from what I understand, when you're in UEFI configuration, it loaded its own tiny operating system which the manufacturer embedded to the hardware. Which is, again, no accessibility.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

The only Linux distro I've only known that has a talking boot screen , is Open SUSE, by pressing F9 before the computer fully boots up.Sadly, the web site which had a recording with that in action, is long gone from the world.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

The only Linux distro I've only known that has a talking boot screen , is Open SUSE, by pressing F9 before the computer fully boots up.Sadly, the web site which had a recording with that in action, is long gone from the world.The person who created said recording can be found at


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

what does the boot screen let us do exactly


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

If I remember right, it is similar to how the Windows one looks.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Okay, some WSL questions:Do you really need the knowledge of linux before you can use WSL?how is the set-up process? Do I need to get some sighted help for that?And would screen readers already installed on my system would work with WSL? (for example, NVDA.)


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

you dont need sighted help. you just download a linux distobution from the windows store. open the app. and follow the instructions. and i would say yes you need to have linux knowledge


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : vablus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Keep  in mind that wsl  only runs the command line version of the distribution you're intending to run alongside Windows.Thus, you must have enough knowledge to actually use the command line, it can be done, but you need quite a bit of training.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

what can the opensuse boot menu let us do. is it a boot loader? like chose windows or linux? or what is it? i woudl like to know. and what is the best linux distro specificly made for the blind. ever herd of luwrain? its a distro with a custom(desktop)that lets us use lots of stuff. even get apps but i could never make it work.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

For working with WSL, a bit of knowledge of using the linux terminal would help.


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rings2006 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

just so you know wsl isnt the same as just strate up linux. i dont know what is difrent but i know its not the same


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

After a lot of trying, and chattering here, I am reporting that all those questions didn't go to waste, and I did managed to install a working copy of ubuntu mate.Now begins the learning process...


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Good luck in linux. I really like working with terminal stuff. 


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Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,well, first of all, let's ask honestly, what's your goal?What is the reason, why you want to start with Linux?If the answer is because programs x, y, z run on it, then my recommendation is to simply use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), instead of messing with a whole graphical environment, it will be much easier and much more practical for you.If the answer is, because I want to feel a new operating system, then the next question is, how serious are you about it?As for virtualization, I can recommend VirtualBox from my experience, it's very good. But the impression which you'll get from it will be similar to the difference between watching photos or films about particular country and actual travelling to that country and living there.This was at least my experience, while I was running Linux in VB, I've launched it just from time to time, and I didn't really get, what is going on there.So, my advice, if you want to truly feel the OS and get familiar with it, then go on. Make another partition on your disc, install ubuntu mate 20.04 on it (yes, that's probably the best version for beginners) and use it as your primary operating system for at least month or two.Living in the environment, if you're at least a bit curious person, you will slowly start to see the philosophy of the system, of the community, and of the way how things work on Linux.As for practical differences between Windows and Linux, this is rather about details than any major things. Like yes, some things work quite differently on Linux than on Windows, like installing software, but in the end, you're always doing the same thing like you'd do on another system, just differently.You can check out my starting recommendations: … ccessible/post #7, I have explained some of the differences there.The major difference between the two systems, Linux and Windows, is opensource vs. closed source, free vs. paid, community driven vs. companies driven. There are of course exceptions on both sides, but the two philosophies have somehow settled in the nature of both systems.As for programming, many programmers work on Linux. I was once on a robotics seminar, where a professor was presenting WhyCon, a library designed by few universities for realtime, very accurate visual tracking of special cyrcle marks through camera, independend on light conditions or camera noise.And despite the amount of people working on the project, in the final part of the seminar, where everyone could try it out on his laptop, I wasn't able to do anything, as there was no Windows port (I wasn't on Linux yet in those times).So yes, I would say, that the life is easier for a programmer on Linux, although building things can still be difficult due to missing dependencies.But even that is manageable better on the open-source platform, as Linux has predefined folder structures for C headers for example and libraries, it is possible to install various dependencies simply through apt, like any other program.And when you take in, that most of servers these days run on Linux, if you're working in a servers environment, having an actual Linux machine can be too a great advantage.Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kish via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

Hello,well, first of all, let's ask honestly, what's your goal?What is the reason, why you want to start with Linux?If the answer is because programs x, y, z run on it, then my recommendation is to simply use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux), instead of messing with a whole graphical environment, it will be much easier and much more practical for you.If the answer is, because I want to feel a new operating system, then the next question is, how serious are you about it?As for virtualization, I can recommend VirtualBox from my experience, it's very good. But the impression which you'll get from it will be similar to the difference between watching photos or films about particular country and actual travelling to that country and living there.This was at least my experience, while I was running Linux in VB, I've launched it just from time to time, and I didn't really get, what is going on there.So, my advice, if you want to truly feel the OS and get familiar with it, then go on. Make another partition on your drive, install ubuntu mate 20.04 on it (yes, that's probably the best version for beginners) and use it as your primary operating system for at least month or two.Living in the environment, if you're at least a bit curious person, you will slowly start to see the philosophy of the system, of the community, and of the way how things work on Linux.As for practical differences between Windows and Linux, this is rather about details than any major things. Like yes, some things work quite differently on Linux than on Windows, like installing software, but in the end, you're always doing the same thing like you'd do on another system, just differently.You can check out my starting recommendations: … ccessible/post #7, I have explained some of the differences there.The major difference between the two systems, Linux and Windows, is opensource vs. closed source, free vs. paid, community driven vs. companies driven. There are of course exceptions on both sides, but the two philosophies have somehow settled in the nature of both systems.As for programming, many programmers work on Linux. I was once on a robotics seminar, where a professor was presenting WhyCon, a library designed by few universities for realtime, very accurate visual tracking of special cyrcle marks through camera, independend on light conditions or camera noise.And despite the amount of people working on the project, in the final part of the seminar, where everyone could try it out on his laptop, I wasn't able to do anything, as there was no Windows port (I wasn't on Linux yet in those times).So yes, I would say, that the life is easier for a programmer on Linux, although building things can still be difficult due to missing dependencies.But even that is manageable better on the open-source platform, as Linux has predefined folder structures for C headers for example and libraries, it is possible to install various dependencies simply through apt, like any other program.And when you take in, that most of servers these days run on Linux, if you're working in a servers environment, having an actual Linux machine can be too a great advantage.Best regardsRastislav


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Starting in linux

2020-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Starting in linux

@2:You're right that I do want to feel out a new operating system, and I won't also lie that the easy availability of the tools of programming like compilers and libraries, did also attracted my attention.Also, I think it'll be a good experience for me over all.I actually thought earlier that the WSL would serve my needs nicely, but then I searched around and most of the people and articles stated that it is not really that great for learning linux.


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