Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

my top 10 in no particular order:1. drone. might be hard as balls, but a historicly significant one.2. destination mars: the first text game made for the blind. AGAIN, really hard. 3. psico strike-a nice action packed strategy/platform/rpg hysrid. 4. super liam: first audio based platformer, and it shows. like ninja gaiden for nes, you might be able to brease through the first level, but the later ones will drive you to throw your computer off the Empire State Building. 5. pac-man (pcs games) and breakout (pcs games)-first audio vrersions of popular arcade games. they are faithful to source material. 6. star trek the battle begins-the first audio game based on a licenced property. plays like the mainstream star trek games of the interplay era. 7. treasure hunt-first audio game with stealth elements. munawar is like the audio game equivalent of solid snake. 8. pontes kickups-nintendos ball game and watch, on steroids
 . 9. hack-another unique game from the creator of drone. 10. adventures at c:-a nes hard audio platformer. really unfair at times.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history. is ok. everyone has their own tastes.and what is your opinion about the time of conflict?Other strategy game.greetings and thanks.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hello,I cant really think of a top 10, but Id definitely say that Swamp has a huge influence along with Entombed. Troopanum 2 was also very fun at the time. In a way, Judgment day has a bit of influence as it was the first windows audiogame to have achievements/trophies. The Japanese World of War then extended on that. Moving into iOS, Id say Papa Sangre, but also A Dark Room, the developer went so far to add access changes to that one, VoiceOver automatically speaking text was something I didnt expect and I was surprised about.I think I will mention the bk series but this time, specifically bk2, and not for the normal reason. Instead, I actually think the most influential thing about this installment was the amount of secrets in the game. I dont tink Ive seen an audiogame before it that had secret features or weapons, accept for cheats. In bk2 you had to actually find the weapons.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hello@Dark I appreciate the historical value of the game.I said only that I also have my favorite genres.Thanks for your coment aron.greetings.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@Fabi, its not really just a case of saying Well everyone has their own tastes after all if I made a space invaders game like dark destroyer today, then when people said it was too simple or that they already had many of that type of game to play just replied Oh everyone has their own tastes without taking on board any of the comments or cryticisms. Yes, with games, like with any art orm there is personal bias, but there need to be a little more going than that. That is why I say that while I dont personally like! racing games, Id never disagree topspeed is a great achievement and well put together, ditto with Sound rts.As regards time of conflict, it uses many revolutionary and intricate systems in its design and its ability to present complex information to the player, I particularly love the context sensative menus. Unfortunately though, with Time of conflict 2.0 there is soemthing of a learning curve problem b
 oth in terms of the basic game, and in terms of its campaign scripting and creation properties. If any game could really bennifit from some step by step basic tutorials, itd be Time of conflict. In a way this makes the game a little too complex for its own good despite some very unique design elements. On a personal level I do like the game but have had something of a struggle getting into version 2.0 in a major wway, despite all the units you can create and the ability to make entirely different types of map.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hi fabi g as far as the question of serwaying and putting the games in the correct order I think it is difficult for at least with me. well I like some games like sammy center run for your life shades of doom park boss beat star death and the road q99 ultra power RTR and little bit psycho strike. I havent played swamp so cannot give comment about that ThanksIshan


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Personally, I see undisputed top 3 positions.1. Swam, 2. Sound RTS and 3. Top Speed.@Dark I think the Sound RTS is a game to make much his mode online. I do not see as important the mode offline in this game.Greetings.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@Fabi, as I said, with Sound rts and topspeed it is that I recognize the games general importance, and have played both myself, but neither is particularly my thing as I personally find playing against others online in a stratogy far less interesting than trying to build up in a single player fashion, (hence for me why Castaways will always be much higher up my personal list than sound rts), also, I simply do not like racing games on average, single player or otherwise. I cant say why, maybe its being limited to going around the same track with no exploring, maybe its that as a fairly uncompetitive person the idea of a sport where the entire point is seeing who is fastest doesnt appeal to me, maybe it is just that I have zero interest in motor vehicles. However, its still possible to recognize that something has been very well designed and put together and it not be your personal thing, equally its possible to recognize the impact s
 omething has had over all but it not to be your thing either. Both of these I would apply to sound rts and swamp, heck if I were making a personal top 10 Im not even %100 sure if Id put swamp top at all,  awsome though it be.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

I agree about translations; Ive wanted to include them practically since I started programming, but since Instant Translate is newer than most of my games, I never got far with my own translations. (I did translate a chunk of one to Japanese for a class project, and there are bits and pieces of incomplete French and Spanish translations in DB:GU, but overall its been insane enough getting myself to finish anything in English.  )I dont think Ive played enough of the older games to really respond all that well to the original question, but I did find myself agreeing with most of Darks list. I would have included Bokurano Daibouken 3 (I understand why Dark didnt); Ive found myself thinkking before that Swamp has effectively solved FPS-style navigation, and Bokurano Daibouken 3 has more or less solved 2D platformers. (Being a game style I
 ve put a lot of thought into, I still want to innovate with it more, but BK3 seems to have handled things better than any of my attempts.) From what I understand, Masons 2D Platformer plays very similarly, minus the language barrier, and at this point I wouldnt expect any luck changing anything without a full-screen tactile display.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

That would be great!


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

That is exactly the sort of thing that obligates me to give you the full version of DLE, which I hope is easier to translate via the title bar (maybe I should add the clipboard if it gets updated again?). 


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@CAE_Jones I have Spanish translations of several of your games.If you want i will can send you.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

it is Ok.Super mario bross audio edition: … spanol.rarSonic: … /sonic.rartower in tones: … -tones.rarA simple mystery: … sterio.rarall are direct links.César Verastegui made all the translation of your games in to spanish.there is way to translate the JLA and the escape the dark legion?greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Ah Tom, fare enough on the dimentional aspect of monkey business, it is a very long time sinse i played the game because indeed of those navigational issues you mention (sinse with my spacial coordination I always found the thing a total confusion especially as compared to something like Sarah). I o recall you have to jump ontop of rocks and one level involves climbing ledges, but equally as shown by the 1D side scrollers such as Q9 where you still can jump and hit things in the air, its possible to simulate the y axis eveAh Tom, fare enough on the dimentional aspect of monkey business, it is a very long time sinse i played the game because indeed of those navigational issues you mention (sinse with my spacial coordination I always found the thing a total confusion especially as compared to something like Sarah). I o recall you have to jump ontop of rocks and one level involves climbing ledges, but equally as shown by the 1D side scrollers such as Q9 where you still ca
 n jump and hit things in the air, its possible to simulate the y axis by affectively having a timer toggle on the x axis, which is probably what is done in Monkey business as well, I just never really got far enough along to particularly get involved with jumping the acid pits or some of the later bits of the game.With the purpose of the top ten in this topic, I sort of assumed it was more about game historical significance with Fabis comments in the first post: FabiG94 wrote:Hello.I want everyone to comment here, what are the 10 best audiogames of histori.This is my top 10.I base to build it on several criteria like the plot, the story, the gameplay, the influence they have marked on the Market, quality, and also the time they were released, with the latter I mean if they were novel at the time, or if they made history in the world of audiogames.greetings.Admitedly there is a conflict here, sinse if I was thinking of plot and story games like A dark room and Paladin of the skies would definitely be in there, while if gameplay, that would be an utterly different list, which is why I went with the historical significance idea.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hello. What you said is correct Dark.I refer not to the history of the games.I was referring to the most important games in the history of the British audiogames.Your first top was spectacular Dark.greetings.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@Dark, regarding Monkey Business there is absolutely nothing 3d about the game. Im not sure why but a lot of VI gamers seem to make that mistake. I think a lot of them dont know the difference between 2d and 3d and frequently mistakenly label Monkey Business a 3d game when it is from start to finish 2d in design.That said, Ill agree one reason it fails is the navigation aids are horrible. They are functionally useful if one practices with them a while, but despite having purchased that game several years ago I havent played it more than a handful of times because I hate the navigation aids in the game. Game wise it is fun, an interesting little game, but it needs to be rewritten with a better navigation system and perhaps some better keyboard commands Particular with laptop keyboards that are lacking certain keys the game needs to play..As for the list of games I understood Fabian to mean what did we think were the 10 best games in history. I 
 didnt necessarily consider historical contribution when developing my list, but merely wrote up a list of some of the best games to play from my point of view. If historical significants is important Ill have to rethink my list.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Ah Tom, fare enough on the dimentional aspect of monkey business, it is a very long time sinse i played the game because indeed of those navigational issues you mention (sinse with my spacial coordination I always found the thing a total confusion especially as compared to something like Sarah). I o recall you have to jump ontop of rocks and one level involves climbing ledges, but equally as shown by the 1D side scrollers such as Q9 where you still can jump and hit things in the air, its possible to simulate the y axis by affectively having a timer toggle on the x axis, which is probably what is done in Monkey business as well, I just never really got far enough along to particularly get involved with jumping the acid pits or some of the later bits of the game.With the purpose of the top ten in this topic, I sort of assumed it was more about game historical significance with Fabis comments in the first post: FabiG94 wrote:Hello.I want everyone to comment here, what are the 10 best audiogames of histori.This is my top 10.I base to build it on several criteria like the plot, the story, the gameplay, the influence they have marked on the Market, quality, and also the time they were released, with the latter I mean if they were novel at the time, or if they made history in the world of audiogames.greetings.Admitedly there is a conflict here, sinse if I was thinking of plot and story games like A dark room and Paladin of the skies would definitely be in there, while if gameplay, that would be an utterly different list, which is why I went with the historical significance idea.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@Fabi, that was exactly what I thought yo meant and why I said historical significance though as a brief note all the games I mention and indeed all on this site are not British even though they use the English language. Some developers such as Somethinelse who make Pappasangre are like me based in Britain, however others are based in different English speaking countries, many like Jim Kitchin, Aprone and David Greenwood are American, while Jason Alan who developed Entombed and Ian Humphries with his spoonbill games are Australian. Many others come from countries where English is not the native language but develop games in English anyway, or develop games with different language options, both the Ticonblu team behind inquisitor and the Shard workshop people who developed Zero site are Italian, Vipgameszone are I believe based in Israil, while Jeanluc Pontico who made Sound Rts is french etc.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Well, there have been quite a number of audio games down through the years I have really liked for various reasons. However, rather than putting them into a definitive top 10 list Ill just name the games I really enjoy, and some explanation as to why I keep coming back to them again and again.To begin with one of my all time favorite audio games has got to be Lone Wolf. I have always been interested in navel/submarine warfare games like Silent Steel, Aces of the Deep, etc so when GMA came out with Lone Wolf in 1999 I obviously got it as soon as finances would allow. Ive never regretted the purchase of that game because I have spent many hours playing the stock missions as well as crafting my own missions. Plus currently there are several other user contributed missions available for the game so it remains one of the most replayable games I own.The second game on my list of favorites is also another title by GMA. That would of course be Shades of Doom. I c
 ame from a sighted gaming experience and did manage to play the original Doom, Jedi Knight, Quake, and a few other First-person shooters before losing my sight so Shades of Doom was something of a return to the games I had known and played as a teenager. While Shades of Doom is a bit dated now at the time it was developed it was hugely revolutionary.Third, I dont think any list of audio games would be complete without Entombed. It is a surprisingly decent audio version of a roguelike roll playing game, set in an underground dungeon, and while it has its issues I think it gets a lot of credit for being the first to do what it does in an accessible format. Few audio games have captured my attention for as long and as so completely as Entombed.In a slightly different direction I think Jim Kitchens renditions of popular board games such as Life, Monopoly, Shoots and Ladders, etc get an honorable mention as being great games to spend the time on a rainy day. Now
  that I am divorced, dont always have someone around to spend time with, I find myself more and more playing a few of Jims games like Monopoly or Life to pass the time. They are simple, entertaining, and fun.Another one of Jims games I enjoy is Football game. I am of course a fan of American Football so do enjoy playing his football game managing a team and trying to get them through the standard 16 game season, into the play-offs, and eventually winning the Super Bowl assuming I get that far. Thats pretty fun, but I find myself often as not into the game more during the football season than any other time of year.Although, I have not played Castaways in quite some time it is still a game I really enjoy. Not sure why I dont play it more, but I think it is also a first of its kind. As has been said before it is the closest a VI gamer can get to Dwarf Fortress and similar mainstream games and I think was well done. I have toiled away many ho
 urs playing that game when it came out, and probably will return to that game eventually.I suppose there are a number of other games I could mention, but Im not really up to writing a novel right now so will let this serve as a starting place. I can come back tot his thread and add more games to the above list as I think of them.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

I am 20 years, I imagine that in 2000 and 2001 when they were released the lone wolf and Shades of doom, They have been very revolutionary for the time.Monkey busines It is 2001, and has many interesting features, sure by the time it became very famous too.greetings.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

argh, this is hard! well I only have a select few of games that I could say. first off, is the bk seeries. while the story wasnt great in the first 2 titles, its the gameplay that counted for me. bk3 is my favorite, but now that I lost my save file Ill need to do it all over again! then, we have the choice of games games. I really enjoy playing them, and buy their games and hosted games as soon as they come out, though Ive unfortunately let my selection of games get a bit outdated. next theres alter aeon with the mush z pack. I really dont like playing muds with no sound at all, this is why I enjoy alter so much. also psycho strike, and while there isnt that much to do the game sertainly has potential and could be turned into something awesome.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Yea dark.I understand that English is the universal language.but I also think that commercial games should be able to be translated into other languages, that way the games have more sales.greetings and thanks.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@Tom, nice list, though to be honest part of the point in this topic I thought was rather more games that had historical or particular significance in audiogame development as opposed to personal favourites, indeed if it were personal favourites Id have included several other games such as Pinball Xtreme, King of Dragon pass, Audio defense, the Smugglers games, Both Dark room and The ensign, Fallthru, Core exiles, Castaways, gamebooks like the ffproject, project Aon and chronicles of arborell as well as choiceofgames, and likely paladin of the skies as well. I also probably would not have included Topspeed 2 or Sound rts, sinse while I recognize both as major developments in game design, racing is really not much of my thing, and I always found the lack of campaigns and single player strategical challenges with a story in sound rts a tad disappointing, sinse Im not really a fan of online competition.@Fabi, Im not sure on monkey business being that major, s
 inse while yes it was an attempt at a first person, indeed fully 3D in some places platformer, the navigation aides in the game were so very imprecise with the sonars etc that I know many people had extreme trouble with even basic parts of the game, particularly sinse a lot of very standard functions such as close object scanning and look ahead were either missing or tremendously inexact. This is likely why monkey business has slightly fallen off the map even more than some of Draconis other titles like Alien outback.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hmm.Well since I started at the end of the time when dos and windows were getting on stream I have a unique advantage since I saw the change.The first lot of games that came out were the ones by pcs games.I wont list a particular game but basically games if they had sound were pc speaker based.Yes there were a few that played on a sound card and while pcsgames used a wav player to play games over all cards including pc speaker the technology to do this was not new.However its fair to say at least for the pc user most games came from the speaker.The next in the list would have to be shades of doom or was it lonewolf or trek 2000 I am not sure.At any rate trek2k and lonewolf were ported from dos to windows.Shades of doom was one of the first to use directx technology.Next jim kitchens games.These were dos but some became part of windows, and used the sound card to play wavs and were one of the first lots of games on s
 tream.The next I guess would be superliam followed by mush z.And that leaves 5 places.I guess the next would be the rich destino games.True they are just console games with some sfx and came later in the piece but they are important because of the fact they were just dos before and not console apps.The next was just released this week and I am supprised not mentioned.based on daum dosbox the talking dosbox emulator can play quite a few games.So far I have been unsuccessfull with adventure game toolkits but I havnt tried anything else.The next is ren py.I know this has been out for a while and yes I am fully aware that anything before 2014 may or may not be accessable but it is accessable non the less.Out of this 2 authors of recent game series I wrote to based on access actually wanted to make changes one already has.Sadly another cant but thats ok.My next I guess would be a duel thing or is it
  a triple?game books, choiceofgames ffproject and chooseyourstory.ffproject for its engine that does all the dice roles for you.Choiceofgames for reasonable good quality and chooseyourstory for a general mmuck round.and that leaves 3.Um this is quite hard.I guess bsc games needs a mention because bar the few that brought the 70 dollar game and crack for it unless you trade stuff for it or something its unlikely anyone will play them again showed a more simple time before the good stuff came up.All in play next for there game whitch started all the multiplayer card games, we have clients by Quentin c and rsgames for example.The next would be deathmatch and deathmatch new beginning for being the first in their own right.deathmatch new beginning is the first audio based mud and deathmatch is one of the first to use true 3d sounds on 2d devices.However since I work for reality software I dont know if its fair to list the 
 game since I am clearly biased towards what I work for.I guess psychostrike is something to add to the list.Heck I didnt number this list so I may as well continue a bit over.Tactical battle would be my next changer though we had soundrts before it its still a good strategy game with moddability at its core.Then there is beatstar basically a bopit style game but you can basically emulate any machine with the right packs.I can play sonic2 and play as if I am at a sega unit.Or I can play a german pack or other pack.There is the entombed rpg to.Japanese games in general in fact audiogames in other languages making it onto the English scene even though people didnt speak the language they still want to play.It would be interesting to see what the history of Japanese audiogaming was because they clearly kicked our asses in the complex nature of the games and in some cases size of the games and all for free and all with goo
 d sound etc.Well there is my rambling list of sorts.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

My issue with putting any of the japanese games on a top ten list is simply the things are a pain in the arse to play. Few to nobody to my knolidge outside this site has played them, owing to having to run so many different bits of software, change region settings, copy all the text to the clipboard with every press then get a translation etc. I know lots of people here have, but equally how many here have had to ask a bunch of questions (even with the guides available), and get step by step assistance? Simply put if there was an easier way to play these, eg, if the translations were contained within the games code itself or if there was a one click run game translator, more people would play them, but until that happens I dont see them having a massive over all influence outside the group of people who play them already, but that is an arguement weve had elsewhere so I dont see the point having it again.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Darks list seems pretty good; Id just replace the number 4 spot, alteraeon, with bk3, then bump all the other games from 5 to 10 down a spot, so troop 2 would be number 11. BK3 was the first true 2d sidescroller. Yeah you can say something about tomb hunter but that never got off the ground, no pun intended. BK3 actually did. Jumping, climbing, falling, its all here. 100 stages of pure awesomeness. I know that Darks not played the japanese games and so hes really missed out on titles like this one.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hello. thanks for comment.@dark I think their top is fine elaborated and argued.I thought to my arguments and top, but not much to write English like you.I hope the rest of the community continue to give its opinion.greetings and thanks.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

When Brayllemon be released in its full version, I think it will be a spectacular and impresindible game for any gamer.the beta is Lovely.I am also anxious that is released the ThreeD velocity 2greetings and thanks.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

@sanslash332, the order I posted above was only a vague one at best, and while I did sort of try to rank the games by influence etc, I wasnt going for any sort of hard and fast rule. With Braillemon, I actually agree with FAbi here, yes, what is there is amazing particularly in how well it replicates nearly all aspects of the original gb game, however last I checked were still waiting on some version advances and developments. If the development continues Braillemon will doubtless indeed be major, but that hasnt exactly happened yet.


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

I think that the list is very good, having a good arguments for all the games.But, in my case, Ive to add Braillemon.Braillemon is the best audioport of a non audiogame in this world.The game isnt a bad adaptation like the Marios or the sonics. The game, is simply a audification of the reals RBY pokemon, including things of the new generation.And after of it, I dont can add anymore games. All of my selection currently are mentioned in this thread.And about putting them in order, I cant. Is hard compare games that their objectives and time context in that they where developed are not the same.You can compare two fps like Swamp or rtr, but compare... swamp with braillemon?Or Soundrts with Three D velocity... Nop.This is all :3


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

Hello.I think it is not difficult to play Japanese games.I lingered no more than 10 minutes to set everything in my pc to play these games.And that, I will translate it into Spanish.Are excellent games that no gamer can be honest, I understand more Japanese games translated to the complement Instant translate, as the English games that can not be translated by any means.I very much regret that most developers do not allow users of different communities their games translated into different languages.but also I understand that English is the universal language, but all video games are released today in many languages .I think commercially many developers would do well to internalize their games in different languages.Sorry for straying from the topic.greetings and thanks.


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