Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sam Smith via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

all of these devices, i cannot buy them, and i don't have the opportunity to buy them, they are too expensive, i don't know why, i maybe because no one produces them except a few agencies.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Hmm, makes sense.Thanks for all the info


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Windows already has an X86 emulator for Arm distributions. See here.  Overall I'm not sure why this didn't get more coverage.  Mac probably has the same thing for their upcoming switch.  Old audiogames will probably mostly work fine, and I believe this can be tried now by anyone with an Arm laptop, but it's possible it's not on stable Windows yet.Arm is going to take a while to replace X86, and it won't fully, but it's got the phone market, it will have the low-end consumer market shortly, it's making significant inroads into the cloud computing market.  I wouldn't say that business installations will be the last to switch.  You take the cheapest hardware available.  Arm is headed in the cheapest hardware available direction.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@38 Do you know how games will be able to move over to ARM? Would it be x86 emulation as you described?Wonder how that'd work for our old accessible games


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@NevEd: Arm will probably end up fully replacing the general consumer market first before it ever replaces the business installations/power users, if it ever does. Most general consumers don't care what architecture is running, or sdk's, or what have you. But business installations probably aren't switching to Arm anytime soon.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Hey, I didn't know this existed, thanks for enlightening me! 


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

NevEd wrote:Now if we could just bring braille displays down in price, that'd be great. Or make it so that you can open your old brf files on a computer without paying some stuck in the past company hundreds of dollars that, lets just face it, nearly none of us have.its possible with orbit and other products that have came along, and also with a very robust piece of software called biblos you don't need a braille display to use it.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@34 Agree 100%. In regards to ARM though, do you really think it'll become mainstream to the point where it will replace x86 all together? I've kind of been laughing at the prospect ever since I heard of it so I'm not as informed about it as you or others may be.Do you think it will replace certain sections of the market where x86 is currently the standard now, with x86 still remaining for power users and enthusiasts like me, that still use a typical desktop for everything? Not to mention all the good and old programs that do their jobs just fine that a lot of us still use?


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@NevEd: I think even FS knows that JAWS is a dying breed in the consumer sector at least. That's why they're trying to branch out and get JAWS or derivative works of JAWS in other applications, such as JAWS Keyosc and the like. Once Windows 10 Arm hits, a lot of x86/64 applications will be dying out, some can certainly be redone when x86/64 emulation hits, but a screen reader would most definitely not fall under that category. Knowing how ancient the main codebase for the screen-reader is it would need a complete rewrite, and the team honestly is not up for that when they know they have a lot more to compete with than they did before. They might've thought they could dismiss NVDA as two guys in a garage, but they know it's kind of hard not to admit that Narrator is a pretty tough competition, and that it actually does indeed fit the bill for many users. Granted, so does NVDA, but it's harder to dismiss MS's efforts than it would be to turn a blind eye to open source.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@32 Thankfully the idea of specialised overpriced crap for people with disabilities, or at least blindness, is dying. JAWS is slowly dying. The business model gets more and more obsolete the better NVDA gets. I know there are some FS loyalists that will rip my throat out by saying that, when I honestly could care less if they use JAWS, or NVDA, or ASAP, whatever. But its just an objective fact.When it comes to secondary devices I've thought about getting myself an iPod classic 6g with Rockbox, for standalone music playback (I'm one of those weirdos that doesn't stream, owning music is a weird concept these days), not only for general music listening but also a ploace to put all my virtual crates of obscure old music and hook it up to my sampler to make beats. Its a distraction free, disconnected from the grid device that does one job well. All-in-ones are cool but if that all-in-one amazing high priced device takes a shit, you're S.O.L. and J.W.F.Now if we could just bring braille displays down in price, that'd be great. Or make it so that you can open your old brf files on a computer without paying some stuck in the past company hundreds of dollars that, lets just face it, nearly none of us have.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

hmm, I think i'll chime in. I don't agree with the high price tags that a lot of companies are putting on things, like JAWS, note takers, etc. I haven't had many humanware products, I only have one and its a Victor Reader Stream. I might use it mroe if the way of typing didn't annoy me, and the fact that where I got it from didn't come with braille instructions or  a CD/Flashdrive to listen to or read any instructions. I can understand the reason that you wanted to keep it compact and use the phonepad type of typing, but it just gets anoying once and awhile. And don't get me started on the other types of things like JAWS. I'll go check right now, the price for  a full JAWS license is exactly $1000, $1200 if you add in there remote desktop support. then another $250 or so for an SMA, wich lets you get 2, a full 2, version upgrades before it has to be renewed for the same price. And tahts only for 3 PC's, and i'm not sure if you can get those reset, so if you have multiple PC's, have to format, upgrade windows, ETC your out of luck. And some of them don't have the fully online activation service that lets you authorize and re-authorize devices before formats or if your running low on slots. So, for a full home license+SMA+remote desktop, thats around $1500. Compare that to NVDA. 4 yearly updates (usuallly 4 but i've seen a year with only 3) a free and easy to join beta testing program, add-on support including its own Remote add-on like JAWS Tandem, no license meaning there is no limit on how many computers, formats, VM;s, etc. that you can put it on. Thats all for free. And you even have Narrator that comes with windows, but its not as robust but still very usable and very well done for the built-in peace of software that it is, also free depending on how you get windows. That is one of my big gripes about (insert long name of every single company is in that huge company) that makes JAWS, Zoomtext, Fusion, etc. All of those from what i've seen and heard are overpriced. And as for the hole (what if your phone dies when your not by a charger) statement, your very right. What if my phoen dies while i'm listening to a book, in the woods hiking, or at a friends house and forgot a charger and an emergency happens to my family or belongings? That is when certain things like book readers, microwaves, amazon echo products, or any other 2nd non-phone device are useful. But they shouldn't be so over priced, and i agree we need to do some things about it.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

This reminds me of a few BN related bugs that never, never got fixed between my uses of the mpower and apex.When creating a new document, if you used backspace+enter+S to go to the calculater, when you returned back to the document, everything you had written in it previously would be deleted. You had to save it before you switched programs. But the problem with that, is that it couldn't open blank .doc files, it would return an exception.Also, the media player would glitch after a while of using it, and listening to a bunch of files at once, requiring a reset.Seriously? FUCKING SERIOUSLY?Anyone wanna remind me of other wonderful coding fuckups related to the BN line that I managed to forget about?Oh and did anyone else ever have issues with the usb ports on the mpower getting wiggly after a while, because they weren't recessed into the hardware?


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

While I agree with the sentiments given that HUmanware doesn't always make good on their promises, I do have to also second the points people have made that there are other forces at bay here. Here's one way they could lower the price, ditch Audible. But I know that people were shitting bricks and going hysterical when Audible tried to ditch HUmanware, and rightfully so considering they were forcing their drm even more so. But now who the hell knows how much Audible is taking out of Humanware's funds as far as royalties are concerned. And then there's acapela. For the love of all that's good they need to stop forcing high quality voices on us. I forget how much the yearly royalties for the Acapela sdk are but they are by no means cheap. When Pico was the default voice for Android, people had no problem buying Loquendo and Svox voices. Humanware could do the same thing, just sell Acapela. I would be totally content with a Stream that defaulted to free, open source speech. Then there's the GPS factor in the Trek's case. They didn't just pay for the maps and be done with it, they had to pay for a license from TomTom to actually go in and modify them, which Humanware does to make them more blind/pedestrian friendly. Once open street map surpasses the big map conglomerates, we may be able to get the price down drastically in commercial GPS solutions, look at nearby eplorer becoming free as a prime example. Open source specifications are really the way to go if the prices are to go down on these products. And until a remote control gets released that enables use of a victor reader soft app on mobile with the same controls, the phone apps simply can't compare. No matter what, no one's taking away those physical buttons. Lol.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Personally, I actually do. Or did at least, when apple stopped supporting fairly recent devices. They don't do this as much anymore as far as I know but still.It's fucking annoying when any device is no longer supported. The fact that we have to pay more for something that does less, gets fewer updates, and sold by people who make false advertising? I think I'd rather pay the company that's giving me the thing that does more, and gets far more updates to its software; even though they're admittedly just as shady.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

alright. Here's my two cents. Yeah, the phone es great, but what ever happened to it being a phone? Gps apps on both iOS and android all drain the crap out of the battery. Not only that but they all require data as well as gps to give directions accept with nearby explorer, but the point is it still requires data for most things. Then you have to deal with swiping around for things instead of pressing a button. As for radio on the trek, It's not happening. I was and am involved with beta and quality control with humanware, and back in late 2019 we had to come to a decision about weather it would be worth trying to program the snap draggon that the trek uses to allow the receiver to work as it's not in the instruction set for the CPU and they would have to create custom drivers as well. Anyway, I still believe it's a good device to have. As for devices not getting updates, you don't complain when apple drops support for older devices, it's the same principal.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@UltraLeetJ,I agree that this sort of business model needs to stop. If these devices would be put on lower-price tags, this could affect multiple areas of daily life, like employment and personal enjoyment. Employers could no longer make the excuse that this product costs too much, because it would be at the exact same price as that of products for sighted consumers. I feel that we need to continue to protest the business model of the Assistive Technology industry in a passionate but respectful way as is being doing now, that we need to become workers at these companies, so that we can, over time, change the direction that a company is going. If we don’t become bitter, and give up, if we continue to press on, defying all opposition, change will eventually happen. That being said, I will continue to cherish every positive experience I have with a company, regardless if I do not like the business model of things right now.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Lucas1853 wrote:For me, this is a case of not really caring for change for the sake of change. When my stream breaks, then I might start using my phone for this stuff. I respect the gripes people have with the products not doing things that are promised, or not doing them very well, but for everything I need the stream does fine.I think this would not have been that much of a problem if the price was not that high, but this sort of harsh criticism posted in this thread is too mild in comparison to what you see on really cheap products on amazon for example... in there sometimes I feel like telling people that they got what they payed for so complaining just amuses me. But in this case, the situation is totally different, and it has to stop, because it is! messing with peoples' expectations, with their trust in a so called company, and with the thought that a separate device and whatever is going to be much better and so on.True, there could be devices, or ways, or things that will really ease the use for those who are not as techy, but charging the exact same steep price and sometimes even more for what someone could build using much cheaper, better, more robust hardware and so on in the year 2020 is just like a dying dinosaur, and justifying this as a profitable sustainable business model that feeds us every day blahblahblah (artgen, anyone?) is pretty sad to begin with, its truly a lack of entrepreneurship, innovation, interest in their customers and so on. Lastly, if some device features are not going to work, then discontinue them and lower the price, but no, of course greed can always do way more.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@Nolan,Thanks for clarifying your point. Yes, I completely agree that if more people feel that changes should be made in the pricing of various products, especially those in the Assistive Technology industry, change will occur. I just want to make sure, all throughout this thread, that although we all may not agree with everything said here, opposing views are heard here and respected, from both sides of the issue. I like the respectful discussion that has gone on so far, and I do believe that in due time, the pricing of these products—like Braille Displays, and Note-takers—should be decreased significantly, and therefore can be purchased by more people, and therefore generating more feedback towards one side of an issue, or the other. Thank you for hearing me out, so to speak, and I look forward to continuing to contribute to this discussion.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Hey, fair enough. It's just why I'm not using them now. There are people who will want a separate device for things, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all. The main things that bother me about these companies are the price tags, and lack of updates; If it weren't for those I could see the appeal myself.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@22 To be clear, the extra device shouldn't cost more than a few hundred bucks at most. I'm not arguing that $1000 audio players and $1500 GPSs are a good thing. I'm just arguing for separate devices, not exorbitant pricetags.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

iPhone, plus extra battery, is as cheep as $1000, give or take a hundred or so. While the glass thing I'll grant you, I don't agree that these devices serve much of a purpose anymore for what they say they do. The VR trek costs nearly that much, maybe the same after taxes and shipping. I respect the want to have a separate device for these things, however I don't agree with it myself. I feel that these companies pray on mainly governments, which is how they get away with charging as much as they do. This makes it difficult for the average VI consumer to purchase, so I just am not supporting them with my money. I figure the more people show that they feel this way, the more likely change is to happen. Maybe.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@18 Agreed entirely. What I'm trying to say is that, in my experience, Humanware has a decades-long track record of ignoring actionable feedback, even if put respectfully. At the time, they had two blind developers specifically pointing out issues, complete with steps to reproduce and other hallmarks of a good bug report. I don't think anyone here is saying or has implied that a company should pay attention to disrespectful, profanity-ridden reports, and am not sure why that's a thing in this thread at all.  OP shouldn't have to spend money on an overpriced, dead-end blindness-specific product, and Humanware is unfortunately a regular producer of those.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

The Victor Reader does offline stuff extremely well. I'm more concerned with online, as that was the entire point of the refreshed model. However, they haven't done anything of significance since 2017. The features I'd like aren't groundbreaking and shouldn't require a ridiculous amount of processing power. As I said, it's mostly related to playing media off a local network, accessing additional Internet radio repositories, access to more dictionary sources than just Wiktionary, the ability to send audio output to a single Chromecast device or a configured group, better support for removable USB devices, USB keyboard support to make typing easier, etc. Oh well, it looks like the Stream is abandoned, just like the BrailleNote Apex and Touch. I wonder how many more years it'll be until the Trek meets the same fate? That thing hasn't really received any updates on the Stream side either. It's mostly been updates to the GPS.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

The Victor Reader does offline stuff extremely well. I'm more concerned with online, as that was the entire point of the refreshed model. However, they haven't done anything of significance since 2017. The features I'd like aren't groundbreaking and shouldn't require a ridiculous amount of processing power. As I said, it's mostly related to playing media off a local network, accessing additional Internet radio repositories, access to more dictionary sources than just Wictionary, the ability to send audio output to a single Chromecast device or a configured group, better support for removable USB devices, USB keyboard support to make typing easier, etc. Oh well, it looks like the Stream is abandoned, just like the BrailleNote Apex and Touch. I wonder how many more years it'll be until the Trek meets the same fate? That thing hasn't really received any updates on the Stream side either. It's mostly been updates to the GPS.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

The Victor Reader does offline stuff prety great. I'm more concerned with online, as that was the entire point of the refreshed model. However, they haven't done anything of significance since 2017. The features I'd like aren't groundbreaking and shouldn't require a ridiculous amount of processing power. As I said, it's mostly related to playing media off a local network, accessing additional Internet radio repositories, access to more dictionary sources than just Wictionary, the ability to send audio output to a single Chromecast device or a configured group, better support for removable USB devices, USB keyboard support to make typing easier, etc. Oh well, it looks like the Stream is abandoned, just like the BrailleNote Apex and Touch. I wonder how many more years it'll be until the Trek meets the same fate? That thing hasn't really received any updates on the Stream side either. It's mostly been updates to the GPS.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

In 2020, No one should feel that have to switch from what works for them, if you spend your own money on it. Some people just prefer a blindness device over an iPhone or something. As for funding, I can see an argument for the 3rd gen with wifi and such, but not for any of the earlier ones. I know people who use all the features of their stream but struggle with iPhones and computers so I don't think switching everyone to smartPhones works all that well for some people.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

No one should feel that have to switch from what works for them, if you spend your own money on it. Some people just prefer a blindness device over an iPhone or something.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@Nolan,I agree that every company needs to improve, HumanWare being no exception to this. To improve, though, I think that disgruntled users of a company always need to try and maintain a tone of respect, and if they are to become particularly passionate about a disagreement, to do so professionally, otherwise you’ll just be a voice in the wind, and that includes expressions of profanity. I also think that progress takes persuasion, patience, and willingness to step out of our comfort zones to try something again, if it is to tell someone how they can improve, or to build evidence why this company or that company is not reliable at all. If you disagree with what I say here, please say so. I appreciate the discussion of what is going on, and I definitely appreciate those who are bringing both sides to it.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@Nolan,I agree that every company needs to improve, HumanWare being no exception to this. To improve, though, I think that disgruntled users of a company always need to try and maintain a tone of respect, and if they are to become particularly passionate about a disagreement, to do so professionally, otherwise you’ll just be a voice in the wind, and that includes expressions of profanity. I also think that progress takes persuasion, patience, and willingness to step out of our comfort zones to try something again, if it is to tell someone how they can improve, or to build evidence why this company or that company is not reliable at all. If you disagree with what I say so, please say so. I appreciate the discussion of what is going on, and I definitely appreciate those who are bringing both sides to it.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

It's all well and good to say "my phone does everything, why would I want anything else?" Then, after a day of doing everything, your phone craps out when you want to read a book, or navigate to that new restaurant, or...I can see both sides, but to those of you saying your phones do everything, they don't let me physically read for 20 hours on a charge, then recharge again in a couple hours. Your phones aren't best in every situation.That said, my point in ranting about the Trekker was that Humanware generally does this crappily, and I wish someone in this market did it well. And to be clear, this is original Trekker, not the Breeze or Pro or whatever.  I'd pay good money for a solid, rugged accessible audio player that I could take camping and not worry about shattering a piece of glass or charging every five hours. Same for a waterproof accessible self-contained GPS that could survive a tumble on the rocks. Humanware certainly isn't making this, though. I wish someone was.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I agree with what Superb has said.I own a victor reader treck, as well as a second generation stream for backup purposes.Regarding the FM radio support, i'm not sure humanware can be entirely be blamed for this. The reason I say this is that I attended their presentation that they put together for the NFB convention. Supposedly, the reason that the treck does not yet have fm radio support is because they were working with a 3rd party company to get this done, and they have lost contact with the company.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@TheTechGuy,I think it depends on what you want to do, and how you wish to access the details. I, for example, respect the capability that the phone or computer can offer me, but I also want to appreciate the experience with Braille under my fingertips, and can use the resources available to me to get what I need. I understand that not everyone prefers this way of doing things, and appreciate the efficiency of a phone, or a computer, or both. That's why I consistently maintain the belief that a careful assessment of what a person wants to do, and how they should do it should be performed, so you make the right decisions that benefit you.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I don't really get why people buy this stuff. You can do the same thing on your phone or computer. Why waste your money?


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

For me, this is a case of not really caring for change for the sake of change. When my stream breaks, then I might start using my phone for this stuff. I respect the gripes people have with the products not doing things that are promised, or not doing them very well, but for everything I need the stream does fine.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

The only products I am now comfortable with purchasing/receiving from A T companies are braille displays, and talking scales/other helpful kitchen stuff. I find that I can do most things on my computer or phone anyways, so there isn't really a point in spending the extra money. I actually have a new stream, but haven't really done anything more than power the thing on in over two years. Powers on, connects to WiFi, checks for updates. No update found, powered off. I just dug up the thing again, and still no upgrades. I am amused.edited for spelling and screen reader pronunciation. Hopefully.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

The only products I am now comfortable with purchasing/receiving from AT companies are braille displays, and talking scales/other helpful kitchen stuff. I find most things I can do on my computer or phone anyways, so there isn't really a point in spending the extra money. I actually have a new stream, but haven't really done anything more than power the thing on in over two years. Powers on, connects to WiFi, checks for updates. No update found, powered off. I just dug up the thing again, and still no upgrades. aI am amused.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I know there has been a majority of negative posts toward companies like HumanWare in the Assistive Technology industry. I respect your opinions, but I hope you will also respect me when I say that I do not entirely share your views on these companies. I am currently the owner of a BrailleNote Touch+ from HumanWare, and I am proud to say that this product has helped me immensely in my academics, and my enjoyment of reading of books, articles, and periodicals in braille. I especially have appreciated the support that has been allocated towards the area of Science and Mathematics. In my experience with note-takers before this, owned by HIMS, they did not stand up to the amount of Academic excellence that this product has given to me. Right now, I am using it as a Braille display to type out this response, and can be assured that with my mild disability of Cerebral Palsy on the right side of my body, this technique of writing enables me to create a well-written error-free response. It is currently my understanding that the amount of programs that support accessible entry of Mathematics and other areas of the STEAM field are currently lacking for any of the desktop platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS, iOS, Google Android, or others. As a user of multiple languages other than English, I find that the BrailleNote Touch+ has given me the most authentic experience in accessing the text I need to succeed. If anyone believes that my claims that the amount of accessible math entry on the desktop and mobile platforms are inaccurate, I invite you to point me towards those specific resources, so I can educate myself on what is true. I also must say that those that produce blistering critiques of these companies do nothing, if all they do is talk, and do not do anything to reverse the trend they do not want. That is all I will say on this matter, unless we can continue to have an engaging discussion. Thank you.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I'm sorry, but this has to be said. Fuck Humanware! I'm sick of them coming out with products and then abandoning them when they've only reached half of their potential. I don't even want to know how many agencies and individuals have been ripped off by purchasing the original BrailleNote Touch. They stopped updating that one, and from what I can tell, the second one isn't much better. Android 8.1 is just going to get more and more obsolete as time goes by.I genuinely like the Stream product line, but the lack of updates pisses me off. They come out with a player with Wi-Fi, add a few services like NLS and Bookshare, and then call it a day? I know the hardware isn't super powerful, but come on! Most of the stuff I would have liked to have shouldn't require much in terms of resources. The unit already runs a variant of Linux, so how hard is it to add Chromecast support, a way to wirelessly transfer content to the device, a few additional radio repositories such as TuneIn and Broadcastify, the ability to tap into SMB network shares, etc? Don't even get me started on the Trek. Where's the promised FM radio support that's been missing for three years? I'm not purchasing anything from any of these companies anymore.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I'm sorry, but this has to be said. Fuck Humanware! I'm sick of them coming out with products and then abandoning them when they've only reached half of their potential. I don't even want to know how many agencies and individuals have been ripped off by purchasing the original BrailleNote Touch. They stopped updating that one, and from what I can tell, the second one isn't much better. Android 8.1 is just going to get more and more obsolete as time goes by.I genuinely like the Stream product line, but the lack of updates pisses me off. They come out with a player with Wi-Fi, add a few services like NLS and Bookshare, and then call it a day. I know the hardware isn't super powerful, but come on! Most of the stuff I would have liked to have shouldn't require much in terms of resources. The unit already runs a variant of Linux, so how hard is it to add Chromecast support, a way to wirelessly transfer content to the device, a few additional radio repositories such as TuneIn and Broadcastify, the ability to tap into SMB network shares, etc? Don't even get me started on the Trek. Where's the promised FM radio support that's been missing for three years? I'm not purchasing anything from any of these companies anymore.


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Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

yup, why do you feed these companies who charge you ten times the real cost of a product that half works? maybe your sympathy wants to cover what they spent on advertising, very sad. Nowadays cellphones can do triple the things these old pieces of weird plastic could do, and worse still they do it much better. We definitely need a documentary or something that highlights this rip off be honest, the only thing I would spend money on that is geared for the blind are more serious daily living appliances like scales or thermometers but a glorified audio file player with tons of glitches (remember free, no cost  software does it better) or whatever you want to call it is just not in my book.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

yup, why do you feed these companies who charge you ten times the real cost of a product that half works? maybe your sympathy wants to cover what they spent on advertising, very sad. Nowadays cellphones can do triple the things these old pieces of weird plastic could do, and worse still they do it much better. We definitely need a documentary or something that highlights this rip off industry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

its just wierd why people spend that much on hardware devices like thosepearl from fc, sucks go buy a ocr software , or hell use a free oneand this noeit doesnt make sense for me


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

I still have the old boring offline VRStream, not that I've really used it in about ten years LOL.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : marko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

@4 i know it's a good book player, but the wi-fi side sucks, especially the fact that almost half of the internet radio stations that work on my phone's ootunes app don't work on the stream. And also the thing with wikipedia and wictionary, which annoys me, is that the stream reads things like edit wiki text, or graphig Eminem performing in 2014. The offline side is good, but the online side is not very good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Ah, the Trecker/Maestro Pro.If only they allowed downloading stuff via the browser, and that sights with _javascript_ worked...And although I don't use it anymore, I do still have it at my moms.CD's too!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Not disagreeing with anybody's experience, but mine works fine. It does what it said it would do. It reads books. That's why I bought it. It seems odd to me that you presumably bought it knowing exactly what it could and couldn't do in one year, and then a few years later decided that it sucks because it can't do the extra stuff you think it should be able to do, but that's just me. Now the bugs and stuff, yeah, I can see being upset about that. But like I said, I bought mine to read books, and it does that. So I'm good.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nolan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

Par for the course for Humanware IME. I bought a Trekker from them back in 2006. Started out on version 2, which worked. Version 3 shipped with bugs that a) took me half an hour to find and b) broke use cases I depended on. Messages on the mailing list first brought out apologists and, when I expressed indignation that a $1500 product I bought was now less usable to me, anger from end users. How dare I criticize a product that made people's lives so much better?!?!?Anyhow, I pretty much won't buy a Humanware product anymore. Actually, the unit economics of these sorts of standalone hardware devices just doesn't make sense. There just isn't a benefit to them to upgrade the software, and they've lost lots of cost in building custom hardware. Far better to find, or write, a mobile app that does what you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

2020-07-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Victor reader Stream sucks after all

No idea. I've never had a single humanware product as far as i know, so i cant say any major things here if it comes to experience.I have a book player called orion, and a Polish version of it called orion ECE, distributed by ECE.I dont know if this device is distributed in US/other countries, i know it was made in china though.I've had a pretty good experience with it so far.


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