Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

The asians are the best, they are smart. They can fix your technology if you just give them some rice to get their brains working!


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Lol Nocturnus, well according to the rules of prejudice, your now the only one allowed to say bad things about Mexicans, if you don't believe me check out This song all about prejudice and one of the most hurtful prejudicial and wrong words which has been used to oppress, injure, and castigate one group of people over the centuries.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Mexicans?  From the young to the old, they've all been screwy in some regard or another, the young ones going as far as saying they'd never have sex with a blind guy, the older ones showing pity and feeling sorry and whatnot on any and every occasion that presented itself, and that was only the politer crowd.  IN a way, it saddens me to say such things because, well, I'm Mexican.  Hahaha!


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

lol Funnily enough, I'm the one Mexi who doesn't get offended by all the stereotypes.  I make fun of them, too!  Don't get me wrong, some of the funnier ones that just make absolutely no friggin sense I try to educate against, but I do the same thing with being blind, honestly.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bitti via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

However if you Need things like racial differences or so, than you should travel back in time to the thirtys or furtys in Germany. This is realy nothing that belongs here or somewhere else.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I will say that while in high school (from which I just graduated last June) all, and I do mean all, of the Mexican girls I met treated me differently. Can't really explain it specifically, just got the impression they were very 'tip-toey' around me, with some just trying to avoid me altogether. The one or two times I was talking to one and made a joke, they didn't seem to get it and became very awkward and quiet. Not sure if it was a language/cultural thing, but all were very good in English and might even have been born in the US, so I find that unlikely. That being said, 99% of people seem to just become exponentially stupider when in the presence of a blind person, so yeah. I'm becoming more and more cynical about ever forming a romantic relationship because of this attitude except possibly with someone who is blind, and since I don't associate much with blind people outside of this forum because of the attitudes many seem to have, I'm not go
 ing to specifically look for blind people.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

@Wanderer, firstly, as has I think been said, high school is not a good place to look for relationships anyway for most people, try when you get to  university if your going, or with friends of an older age who share your interests and you will notice a lot of differences  with whatever race, people are much nicer, more accepting and your more likely to find people matching your interlect and interests. I'll also say don't rule any group out. I had reservations of ending up with a blind person for precisely the reasons you have said, and yet here I am now, madly in love with one. Admitedly, my lady says exactly the same thing herself, and has equal issues with the attitudes that certain blind people and institutions have as well, however everything with her is so right it is positively frightening! and though neither of us were particularly looking for the other person, things between  us just happened!


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

people from poor regions of the world often seem to be accustom to any disabled person not being able to provide for themselves, and needing lots of charitable assistance. For this reason, I'd suggest not actively seeking a partner in some of the poorer regions of the world. Having said that, many of the people in the west who are originally from a poorer region don't exhibit this tendancy. Therefore, the only useful racial discrimination you could do would be to limit yourself to those who are comfortable in the west, although that isn't even technically a racial discrimination.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Nocturnus wrote:So did I, and I found that I got along with white girls more than Mexican ones.  The white ones at least treated me like a human.How have mexican girls treated you?


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Grate feedback guys and for anyone who thought I was being mean I wasn't. Thanks for the feedback guys.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Theo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

hhurstseth405, how old are you, and where are you finding your romantic interests?


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

That is very good advice guitarman, indeed at one point I fell madly in love with a French Canadian girl.However, I'm still wondering about the vampires question.You see, I  am not a  speciest, and I naturally believe in the inherent goodness and decency of all sentient races, however I have to say judging from the vampires I've encountered they do seem prone to having something of a drink problem. Now, nothing is wrong with a drink occasionally, but generally when a relationship is just based on going out drinking every  night and when your dealing with a partner who will literally  go to pieces if they don't drink every day, and might well do you some serious injuries if you stayed at home over night drinking instead of going out, there might be a serious problem for any relationship.Equally though,I wouldn't want to suggest nagging, sinse constantly telling your partner to attend sanguinics anonymous meetings and
  sing those dreadful black ribbon songs is really not a good thing, sinse as we all know you can't really change the person your with,  well you can change them into bats, fog, rats, a large pile of dust etc, but you can't change the sort of person they are inside particularly easily, well not without pushing a large pointy stick into their insides anyway and that's probably not a step most relationships can go through sinse there is too much at stake for such drastic action if the relationship really isn't working.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Ah, glad to see someone got the point of my little tip about relationships, sinse it's well known that relationships with vampires can often end in heart ache.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Too stake.See what he did there?


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

And Dark wins the Internet for the morning, though: re: 22 I think, my vision of the Fair Folk is more the progenitor of Tolkien elves than the Wee Free Men, and they make vampires look like your pre-school teacher when annoyed.  Dating them tends to end badly for humans.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

@violinist, fairies are not the same as the fay, or elves for that matter, even Tolkien himself disliked the term "faery"and regretted using it in the Hobbit. Your Erl king type of fay are not the same as your tinkerbell style fairies, and indeed anyone who wants any kind of relationship with that group needs to be specific on differences, for example, as one tip, if your significant other is one of any sort of air folk, never offer to iron their clothes sinse misunderstandings tend to be fatal, also, as Shakespear reminds us, never make any reference to "making an ass of yourself"


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I might date a Middle-Eart Elf but not one of the elves as posited in Cristopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle. FOr one thin I eat meat. LOL. But they all seem extremely uptight and easily offended. That would get quite wearing.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Hi.@Brad and dark, that was so funny thank you both for that rofl!@Seth, girls behavior usually has nothing to do with the race they are. Some girls can just be mean or judgmental whether there mexican, black, white whatever the point is some people just have a bad attitude. You might meet a nice african american girl and fall in love but you didn't fall in love because she's african american.So whatever race a girl is find them and talk to them see what you have in common. Whether she's white, or japanese, or chinese if you hit it off it won't matter what race she is.Hth.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Hello.Dark that was great!I didn't expect to laugh when reading this forum and then suddenly I read your post. I agree vampires would make great partners. However you must watch out for those sparcly ones, although being blind that would kind of fall flat. "I have something I'd like to show you..." "Okay, let's go!" After walking up a hill and feeling like your legs are going to fall off; "Watch this!" silence... More silence... "Well?" "Well what?" "The sparcleyness, why aren't you liking the sparcleyness?" "Hmm, let's see, perhaps it's because... I, am, BLIND!" "Could that be it?" "ah shite..."


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Lol Brad, I'd forgotten about the sparcly, indeed actually as I'm watching Angel at the moment, the accompanying series to Buffy the vamrpire slayer "Sparkly" is the last word I'd associate withe them. However, one question. If vampires can fly, sparcle, cast glamour magic and have enchanting good looks, how do you tell the difference betweene them and fairies? . If you believe in vampires, clack your fangs! Now Fairies probably wouldn't be a good match if you were blind.Admitedly, all the tincling bells would make them very easy to follow wehn you were out together, but really could you honestly form a lasting relationship with a person you'd be in danger of squashing if you put your brailler down in the wrong place?Btw, I thought this topic could use a little humour, also I do confess when I saw "which race!
 " my first thought was fantasy rpg races sinse I tend to automatically assume that the term "race" applies to "the human race" ie, everyone! After all separating out culture, language, environment, religious and other beliefs, income, life style, appearence based on specific genetic groups and how that appearence affects how a person is treated is not an easy matter and often the word "race" just doesn't do it justice, and that's even before you start on individual uniqueness. Ie, My good childhood friend who was Jamaican, had very dark skin, but had been born and grown up in Britain and was a baptist with a fairly liberal outlook would be extremely different to someone who'd grown up in Jamaica.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

hello;You're standing in a room with beings all around you,the first being speaks; "I am a dwarf, I can mine and tell you stories of great adventures!"The second being speaks; "I am an elf. I am quick, good with a bow and can commune with the Forrest!"The third being speaks; "Me troll. Me bash. graaarg!"The forth being speaks. "I am... A vampire! I can... sparcle..."


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Any race you want.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

BryanP wrote:Any race you want.Vampires!  no really, think about it. Elves have the hole poncing around in the forest thing and trying to climb around on those tree bridges would be a right pain if you couldn't see. Dwarves do all the hammering, so you'd really have trouble getting around the caverns and hearing yourself think, plus I'm guessing dwarf parents would be pretty anti their child being with anyone who could potentially not see the difference between gold and silver. Goblins would be a possibility, owing to the hole lack of daylight thing, but if goblins want to date blind people they just pull the eyeballs out of whoever they're interested in, indeed I suspect that the lack of eyeball pulling would be a real damper for a relationship with a goblin owing to how important a part of goblin culture such things are. Trolls would do for the same reasons in te
 rms of sunlight, however trying to explain anything to a troll would be particularly difficult owing to the hole brains thing, plus of course there are major mobility problems with trolls owing to the fact that a race who really don't have to worry if they get hit by a car probably wouldn't be simpathetic to necessary road safety for a blind person.So, vampires! They like conversation, they dislike daylight, and when in bat form they're very sensative to sound. Obviously any blind person wanting to start dating vampires really needs to know how to dress, sinse vampires wouldn't be with anyone the least bit badly groomed, equally, a guide dog would probably be out owing to the hole werewolf antagonism,  then again if you ever felt you needed some protection on a date with a vampire,  well just sharpen the right end of your cane.So, after much careful consideration, I'd say vampires would be the perfect race to date as a blind person!


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

GeneWarner wrote:I don't know why, but it seems like most Cubans, Haitians, and Mexicans, seem to have a chip on their shoulders. So I tend to approach this group of people with a wary eye, so to speak.I remember a friend of mine at school was a girl from Iraq (her family had got out before things became really impossible over there, though this was in 2000 before the second gulf war). She once told me that she got really sick of people walking on tip toes around her. When I pointed out that she did have a tendency to be somewhat defensive and a little on the prickly side herself she was genuinely surprised, and then admited that she didn't respond well to people's wariness,  she indeed did complement me on being honest. So, while it's certainly true I've met people who use their membership in a perceived minority group as some sort of weapon to attack those around th
 em (I've also met women and disabled people who are equally guilty), I do wonder if there is some sort of mutually assured antagonism going on in some cases. Of course I could be wrong, I know in certain parts of the states the hole racial identity thing can be rather more exaggerated than it usually is in this country.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I don't know why, but it seems like most Cubans, Haitians, and Mexicans, seem to have a chip on their shoulders. So I tend to approach this group of people with a wary eye, so to speak.But I always try to approach everyone as a friend and let them proove to me that they are not my friend by their actions.Unfortunately, I've had family members do just that.One family member learned some of my secrets, I don't know how, and proceeded to tell them to the entire family. That was very embarrassing.And her husband, my brother, tried to extort money from me in exchange for a job when I was looking for and needed one. he wanted me to pay him one quarter of my income for as long as I held the job. If I refused, he wouldn't tell me where the job was so I could apply for it.I quietly, so as not to create a scene, avoid both of them now.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

If there is one, I can't really blame the Cubans, Haitians, and Mexicans, for the chip on their shoulders, people from those countries tend to be very poor, then they come to the US and see how much we have. I can easily imagine the feelings of resentment that can create.So by approaching them with a wary eye, I'm giving them space to work it out.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

That's quite an extremely, overly generalized statement. That's like...well I don't really know what that's like. I agree with post 3, because that statement actually touches me. Because I'll tell you, at least one "white" girl who is in my life, is amazing, understanding, and not in the least bit judgemental... but I wouldn't really take this too seriously. I think this guy wasn't thinking clearly when he made that statement. But I guess I'll give an answer rather than just venting my grievences. The best race to date, is whatever race the girl you fall in love with is. That could be white, black, asian, hispanic, anything. But the color of the skin does not matter. If you fall in love with her, she's the one to date, if she feels the same.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

hhurstseth405 wrote:I am wondering what race of girls is best for a blind person, because a lot of white girls are judgemental Sorry but seriously? As Bart Simpson would say, the ironing is delicious! To be honest I don't find this offensive, it just makes me laugh!I'll be keeping a watch on this topic, but really why would I close it and deny people the humour.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

hhurstseth405 wrote:I am wondering what race of girls is best for a blind person, because a lot of white girls are judgemental Sorry but seriously? As Bart Simpson would say, the ironing is overwhelming! To be honest I don't find this offensive, it just makes me laugh!I'll be keeping a watch on this topic, but really why would I close it and deny people the humour.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Personally, I find the entire premise of this question somewhat offensive. I think it's absurd to suggest that how a person interacts with someone who is blind has anything to do with their race. From very early in our relationship, I was astonished by how instinctively my wife was able to toe the balance one has to with a blind person - helping enough to be helpful, but not so much that it's stifling or insulting, and just understanding that balance. The truth is that I'm more comfortable accepting my blindness as part of who I am, and being okay with that, mostly because of her. Oh...and she's white. But I wouldn't say all white girls are like that, either. I don't see how race has anything to do with it.In fact, in a world that is full of subtle, and often unconscious racism when it comes to dating preferences and who we find attractive, I think blind people are in an advantaged position because a person's physical appearance isn't
  going to weigh as much on it. Nobody should care what race the person they're dating is, but blind people least of all.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Rarely to I voice this opinion, but I honestly believe this topic should be closed.  Not only is the question offensive and insulting, but discriminatory in so many regards.  We should never limit and or narrow our horizons for any reason just because others cast judgment upon us.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

hhurstseth405 wrote:I am wondering what race of girls is best for a blind person, because a lot of white girls are judgemental Sorry but seriously? oh, and no I shan't close this topic, or at least not yet, sinse frankly I can't take the above at all seriously.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Replace "race" with "culture", and you might have more meaningful trends. Especially since that let's us subdivide more. The stereotypical judgmental gaggle of high schoolers playing the game of thrones by finding something nasty to say about whoever isn't present at the time (or sometimes when they are present, if they dare to refuse to play along)? Ew, no... except sometimes people get swept up in subcultures like that out of a sense of preservation (I know because I've had two separate bullies tell me this... one as an apology, the other as a "friendly warning", but also, if you think about it, how many people are in this because they're judgmental jerks at heart, and how many got caught in the "join us or be crushed" incentive trap??). Does that culture have anything to do with race? Not really. It tries to devour everyone who gets near it, it s
 pawns in places where any nicer culture is either crushed or not allowed to grow (insert comparison between highschool and prison here).I can't tell if, in distinguishing "Spanish" from "white", you mean people from Spain or people from Latin America, but I guess it's worth noting that there's a lot more catholic influence at work in both than anywhere I've been. (I will add, though, that one of the people in my previous parenthetical was catholic... although I think he was more trying to get into Zen rather than being especially devout. Most Catholics I've met have been on the "more likable than average" side, whether it was the girl at the Math and Science school who was some manner of Taikwando champion trying to research treatments for MS, or the (former?) choirboy who was the only other person from my original school to go to the Math and Science school, or the German physics/astronomy teacher at the Math and sci--OK
 , maybe Catholicism isn't the biggest filter, here.)What you want is a filter. Those are hard to come by if you're stuck in someplace that's relatively "normal" (Whatever "normal" means). Standard suggestions are focusing on activities or groups you enjoy and could see a perspective partner enjoying--clubs, meetups, sports, dance, whatever. But we've had someone here get a pretty bad result there, too, so... add more, stronger filters, I guess.(Disclaimer: has no friends, might not be the best person to give advice.  )


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Hello;My first thought when reading the heading of the post was, what the...Then I thought about it and realized that this could be a great start to an interesting discussion.I know everyone is going to have an opinion on this, women will have opinions on men and men will have opinions on women, that's why I think this is a great question.What this hopefully will do is allow us to see in to the minds of every person who replies.Let me tell you what I know. I hope this helps.From what I've seen. the only Spanish woman I spoke to over Skype was loud and quite demanding. An example is if you told her something she didn't want to hear she'd keep saying something along the lines of, no, I'm not listening, I don't want to hear this or, just, no, no, no! no! But there are reasons why she did that, which I won't get in to on this post.Saying all that, when I really got to know her, I found a woman wh
 o was caring, had a loud tummy, quite easy to upset, and looking for the same thing we all are, love and acceptance.By the way, she as far as I know, has found that love and acceptance with a Mexican man.We don't talk anymore but that's because at the time, I was going to college and believed that us talking would be bad for my sleeping patterns.From what I know of Asian and or Indian women, they are nice, caring and smart.UK Black women? Well now, I personally at this time would say they have been the race I'd prefer to go out with. They seem smart, funny, very intelligent and can have a soft side too. That is the race, at this time, I'd choose to go out with. OH and the fact their body shape is the shape that I like doesn't hurt either.White women... Hmm, I don't actually know since I've not really as far as I know, hung around many of them and got to know there personality.With all that said, I'd ad
 vise going with what feels best for you. I, although I don't think it's possible at the moment, might find myself going out with a very white very British woman... How can I explain the   type I mean? When I say British I mean common, not posh. I personally find those kind of women not to be the type of women I like, I find them not to be smart and that's something I cannot stand, women who call themselves stupid and are proud of the fact.But as I said, I might find myself falling in love with that exact type. The truth is, we just don't know who we will fall for until it happens.As for this question being racist or offensive, I don't see how it is either of those things? These are just questions that we all want answers to. Remember, this person might be a teenager trying to find the best match for them and even if they're not, who's to say they're not just finding themselves. I mean, what makes them tick.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Maybe it's been his experience, that the white girls in his life are judgmental, thus the question.I would just say that if you get to know the heart of a person, the color of the person doesn't matter at all.  Treat each person with love and kindness, the way you want to be treated, andeventually that will win out.  Even if you've encountered judgmental girls in the past, it doesn't mean that every girl of a specific race is that way.  Ultimately, if you conduct yourself properly and pay attention to the hearts of people above all else, you will find the right girl for you, and that could be someone of any race.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I think using race or culture is a very poor way to judge a person because in both you'll find people that are truly wonderful people and people who  you wouldn't want to meet anywhere much less in a dark alley at night.If you have to judge someone, judge them by the way they act.For the most part, I've found most people of a variety of races and cultures to be very nice and considerate of other people, generally, unplesent, unfriendly, or judgemental people seem to be the exception.From my own experience I wouldn't want to deny myself of knowing some of my friends by choosing to shun a race or culture. I'd prefer to decide if I want to associate with someone based on the kind of person they show themselves to be.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Lol, I do agree with everyone here, @hhurstseth404. Really, if a girl's judgin you, it's got nothin to do with their race, it's just because they're a set-you-downer, so not the right one. The right one doesn't need to be of any race, but just needs to love you for who you are. And yes while it is true some! common white girls are judgemental, not all of them are. There are still plenty of nice girls out there *ask my friends*  that won't even think of setting you off just because you're blind.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stargate via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Everyone can be judgmental; and probably for good reason if the first thing you see about someone is their race. In fact, don't you think you're being a bit judgmental yourself? You're here on a forum asking for advice about which race of girls you should date, because you believe white people to be judgmental; so aren't you judging them?Damn, I used the word judgemental way too much in that post, but I think you get what I'm saying.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

Stargate, touche!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I suspect the "white girls in a sighted environment" hurstseth mentions in post 12 were in a school, and as Cae said, secondary school is a very nasty place. I've been in the sighted environment at a university and met lots of girls and found things %100 different in terms of acceptance and interests and everything else.I think Gean said it best, while Cae is right environment and culture and group dynamics are bad things, in terms of the pure ratial characteristics I've pretty much encountered a variety from everyone. If we're just talking about girls, some of the most violent, sadistic and down right nasty people I've ever encountered in my life were a combination of caucasian, west indian, and half east indian, and yet I've met ladies from all of these genetic groups subsequently and found wonderful examples of all of them.Actually, it has surprised me that I've ended up finding that my soul mate is a blind person, but again
  as Mirage said, when it works, it works, and there really isn't a way of explaining why. Indeed, if I've learnt anything from where I am now it is that the hole "Dating" malarchy is just as stupid and sexist and ridiculous as I always thought it was, and is no substitute for just forming friendships with people of your preferd gender and seeing what happens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

I don't belive that all white girls are I just came from a sighted invierment.


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Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

2015-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Race would it be good to date as a blind person

So did I, and I found that I got along with white girls more than Mexican ones.  The white ones at least treated me like a human.


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