Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Use, h, t, t, p, s


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Just for information. I already posted this in another topic but here goes again. I put all the bgt files i could find onto a website of mine. It also includes an old 1.0 demo installer and the orchestral music pack.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

#28, ok I admit my comment was unfounded. but heres the thing. People need to know that the project is discontinued. That's why I told in #2 to move to python because BGT is technically non existent and unsupported. you can also make games in python. :-)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lawrence_McSu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Yes Cross. Realize that different cultures may deem something that’s normal in yours is disrespectful in othersDon’t be going around labeling people children that goes for people oldr than youI hope we could look back at this and forge a better relationships


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Probably because I don't feel that bad about it. I made an off hand comment that I will grant you was pretty low class, but I put virtually no thought into it at the time and moved on. It took me less than 5 seconds to type that out and I was already on my way.I'd like to think that posts I've made in other topics reflect the fact that I don't hate on gay people. This was a step back and I regret having made the comment, but I'm not going to be coming in here on my knees apologizing and begging for forgiveness when there are far more serious situations to reserve that kind of thing for. What I will do is be more careful in the future and put a better check on what I write.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@#19 Exercise caution when advertising this website, as they do give out cracked software/games.@#2 @#8@#12 Here’s the thing. He didn’t ask you for your opinion. He didn’t ask for your approval to use BGT. He doesn’t care if you think he should go learn an actual programing language, and he’s not listening to your post. Whether you only think you’re right or you are actually right is irrelevant. Let’s be clear, I agree with you, I don’t think people looking to make games that they intend to advertise to the public should use BGT, but at the end of the day he doesn’t care. He only wants you to give him the link, or he wants you to stay out of his topic and leave him alone. I’m not saying this to be harsh with you, I’m just stating the facts.@#22 Quite honestly, I’m disappointed. I’ve heard a lot of things you’ve said, but I’ve never heard you stoop this low. I thought you improved or that you were at least better than this. This isn’t a matter of “woops I’m sorry I slipped up”, this is pure bigotry at its finest. Seriously man, you got issues to work out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@27, I note that that's a huge amount of presumption on your part. And I distinctly remember you saying something about presumptions earlier...Also, before you presume about me holding the same mindset/prejudices that Ironcross holds (if he even does hold them) I can tell you that I do not. However, presuming that he holds such viewpoints because he said something in line with that viewpoint is very presumptive; he could b saying it for trolling and not actually hold that viewpoint at all. So I think your presumption is going a bit far.Was the expressed viewpoint going way beyond any kind of civil discourse? Yes, it most definitely was; I won't dispute that. The warning is well deserved. But do keep in mind that he may not actually be as prejudiced as you think he is and (to him) he thought it was funny. To us it isn't, but we don't know his thought processes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@27, I note that that's a huge amount of presumption on your part. And I distinctly remember you saying something about presumptions earlier...Also, before you presume about me holding the same mindset/prejudices that Ironcross holds (if he even does hold them) I can tell you that I do not. However, presuming that he holds such viewpoints because he said something in line with that viewpoint is very presumptive; he could b saying it for trolling and not actually hold that viewpoint at all. So I think your presumption is going a bit far.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@27, I note that that's a huge amount of presumption on your part. And I distinctly remember you saying something about presumptions earlier...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, straight, or any other persuasion, so long as it's not causing harm. There is, however, a lot wrong with bigotry and the persecution of people simply because of their life style. Interestingly, I note that Ironcross shows no degree of contrition for his casual slander and bigotry, he just chalks it up to a casually fired-off insult. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though. The same mindset which convinces him that he should be able to dictate how people code and what programming languages they should and shouldn't use is probably also indicative of various other forms of prejudices, hence his complete dismissal of the situation and the need to apologize for such an egregious trespass of propriety.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, straight, or any other persuasion, so long as it's not causing harm. There is, however, a lot wrong with bigotry and the persecution of people simply because of their life style. Interestingly, I note that Ironcross shows no degree of apology for his casual slander and bigotry, he just chalks it up to a casually fired-off insult. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, though. The same mindset which convinces him that he should be able to dictate how people code and what programming languages they should and shouldn't use is probably also indicative of various other forms of prejudices, hence his complete dismissal of the situation and the need to apologize for such an egregious trespass of propriety.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lawrence_McSu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Did he insinuate I’m gay? Where I come from that’s the most disrespectful thing you could say to a mailYou sir need to think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Fair enough. Truth to be told, I just fired off and moved onto the next topic without much thought going onto it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Moderation:22: Rule 2. Enough said. Making a disparaging remark as well as inferring someone's sexual orientation with said remark is not tolerated. You have been here long enough to know that. Consider this an official warning.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

In post 22: ironcross32 wrote:Yeah, you and Jaidon are tunnel buddies, we get it.This barb is so out of line. It implies that the targets of the insult are homosexual partners, but the negative connotation further implies that such a unity is undesireable -- it's a hate statement in so far as I'm understanding the message. These kinds of hateful and personal attacks should not be tollerated on a forum which is already subject to so much drama.If I may be pardoned, the poster is essentially saying "You're both a couple of faggets." I sincerely hope the moderation staff will address this kind of bigotry with due process, particularly since the individual in question has had various altercations on the forum before.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@18 Yeah, you and Jaidon are tunnel buddies, we get it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

This discussion is stupid. Ethin, why does it matter what Phillip says? He released the engine as freeware. People, will, use it. If he didn't want people to use it, he shouldn't have made it freeware. If he didn't want people to use it, hell, maybe he should've made his point clearer. I think you and Ironcross are taking this a little bit too seriously.


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Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I learned programming fundamentals with BGT. I never produced an audio game, but the knowledge I gained was transferable to other languages and lead to my overall interest in development. Just because a book is from years past doesn't mean it isn't valuable; 20 posts on a thread where someone is asking a simple question and everyone goes nuts? Yikes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I know Blind still has a copy, you could try looking there. I just simply searched BGT in the search box.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tunmi13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I know *** still has a copy, you could try looking there. I just simply searched BGT in the search box.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lawrence_McSu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

This like how Jaidon asked for examples and you slammed himYou can’t get a proper answer  from this forumIt’s his choiceI bet most of you travel in internal combustion vehicles everyday. That actually FX us but you maybe don’t have 8 dollars to buy a Tesla  long range editionIt’s a similar thing here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

The antivirus point would only apply if the person asking for BGT had said ... "Can someone get me the BGT Installer? I plan to learn the language so I can release the next big game for the audio gaming community". The OP only said, straight forward and without any professing that they had any goals, that they were interested in getting the BGT installer. This is like going to Walmart and asking where the bags of popcorn are, and being confronted with someone proselytizing about the evils of carbs for 2 hours straight. I don't care if someone wants to use BGT, Python, or even Applesoft BASIC, if they want it and you can provide it and are of a mind to do so, then let them have access to it at your will, but they certainly didn't come here asking for people to tell them over and over why they shouldn't use what they're asking for -- they just want it, no more, no less. I still think it's highly arrogant and disrespectful for people to be pulling this code shaming crap, and furthermore that it's such a persistent subject.Kai


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Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I don't necisarily agree with Ethon's points, but yes. the antivirus point is an absolutely massive consideration that has to be taken in to account.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

switch to vb6 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@13, phillip said "I think". True that. But that pretty much means "stop". He does not have to explicitly say "stop" to mean "stop". His post made it pretty clear that he would prefer if people didn't. That pretty much mean stop to me.Second, what I said does hold completely in reality. All of it applies to people wanting to making audio games. Can you prove such a claim -- that it doesn't apply to anyone making an audio game? Why would you not want to make a game by learning a programming language? That's probably the best way to learn! Plus, if your making an audio game, you might as well become a real programmer too.Finally, when did AutoIt executables start being flagged? Mind uploading an AU3 executable to virus total and providing the results? The only way I can imagine that happening is if particular AV programs are particularly touchy about scripting languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@13, phillip said "I think". True that. But that pretty much means "stop". He does not have to explicitly say "stop" to mean "stop". His post made it pretty clear that he would prefer if people didn't. That pretty much mean stop to me.Second, what I said does hold completely in reality. All of it applies to people wanting to making audio games. Can you prove such a claim -- that it doesn't apply to anyone making an audio game? Why would you not want to make a game by learning a programming language? That's probably the best way to learn!Finally, when did AutoIt executables start being flagged? Mind uploading an AU3 executable to virus total and providing the results? The only way I can imagine that happening is if particular AV programs are particularly touchy about scripting languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@13, phillip said "I think". True that. But that pretty much means "stop". He does not have to explicitly say "stop" to mean "stop". His post made it pretty clear that he would prefer if people didn't.Second, what I said does hold completely in reality. All of it applies to people wanting to making audio games. Can you prove such a claim -- that it doesn't apply to anyone making an audio game? Why would you not want to make a game by learning a programming language? That's probably the best way to learn!Finally, when did AutoIt executables start being flagged? Mind uploading an AU3 executable to virus total and providing the results? The only way I can imagine that happening is if particular AV programs are particularly touchy about scripting languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Only one problem Ethin. Unlike you, Philip said "I think". Not you must stop using BGT, not please stop using BGT, it is his opinion that BGT is no longer suitable. Most of the things you mention apply only to people who want to be great full time programmers, and in that case everything you said is a fact. However, in reality, none of it applies to people who only want to make audio games, or make a few games without learning an entire programming language. One thing that does apply is anti virus. However Ethin wrote:@11, And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game. So how do you explain that a lot of people are already doing that? It is definitely far from noone is going to do that. Besides, BGT is far from the only tool doing this. The same happens with Autoit. Yes, it's bad, but it's not terribly dangerous to just add one games folder to exceptions if you are downloading only audio games to it, since the likelyhood of running a virus from there is pretty low if not non existent. Finally, before I end this, what does this have to do with BGT installer? What annoys me the most is 3 word posts of move to Python in every topic having something to do with BGT. Stop being so annoying honestly. People know how to do their research, and if they are using BGT and can't do enough research about it's disadvantages, what makes you think they will be good at learning Python and researching how to make audio games with it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.This is not just limited to BGT, either. This very same thing is happening to the Python community. Various projects have been backed by Python 2 for years, even decades. NVDA is a great example of such a project. Various parts of desktop environments on Linux are also fine examples of this. Only now, when Python 2 is officially being deprecated in January of 2020, are people finally making the change to Python 3. They know that, to continue using Python 2, they would not only be losing the support of the PSF but everyone else that has moved on. I like your idealism: let people use what they want to use. But while that's a great idea in theory, it never holds in reality. If we all did that, the internet would be about a million times more dangerous than it is. (I guarantee that if we didn't practically force people to upgrade to something better in areas like the security industry we'd still have businesses using DES.)What this boils down to is simple: we get people to use better products -- newer ones, even -- because we not only want to help them, we want to be able to provide them with assistance and support when they come calling for it. If people remain on BGT, that ability goes away very, very fast, and before you know it, people will be asking questions about how to do X and Y in BGT and people won't be able to help them, or they'll only be able to help them by telling them to search the forum. Is that really something you want to happen?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.This is not just limited to BGT, either. This very same thing is happening to the Python community. Various projects have been backed by Python 2 for years, even decades. NVDA is a great example of such a project. Various parts of desktop environments on Linux are also fine examples of this. Only now, when Python 2 is officially being deprecated in January of 2020, are people finally making the change to Python 3. They know that, to continue using Python 2, they would not only be losing the support of the PSF but everyone else that has moved on. I like your idealism: let people use what they want to use. But while that's a great idea in theory, it never holds in reality. If we all did that, the world would be about a million times more dangerous than it is in the digital part. (I guarantee that if we didn't practically force people to upgrade to something better in areas like the security industry we'd still have businesses using DES.)What this boils down to is simple: we get people to use better products -- newer ones, even -- because we not only want to help them, we want to be able to provide them with assistance and support when they come calling for it. If people remain on BGT, that ability goes away very, very fast, and before you know it, people will be asking questions about how to do X and Y in BGT and people won't be able to help them, or they'll only be able to help them by telling them to search the forum. Is that really something you want to happen?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.This is not just limited to BGT, either. This very same thing is happening to the Python community. Various projects have been backed by Python 2 for years, even decades. NVDA is a great example of such a project. Various parts of desktop environments on Linux are also fine examples of this. Only now, when Python 2 is officially being deprecated in January of 2020, are people finally making the change to Python 3. They know that, to continue using Python 2, they would not only be losing the support of the PSF but everyone else that has moved on. I like your idealism: let people use what they want to use. But while that's a great idea in theory, it never holds in reality. If we all did that, the world would be about a million times more dangerous than it is in the digital part. (I guarantee that if we didn't practically force people to upgrade to something better in areas like the security industry we'd still have businesses using DES.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.This is not just limited to BGT, either. This very same thing is happening to the Python community. Various projects have been backed by Python 2 for years, even decades. NVDA is a great example of such a project. Various parts of desktop environments on Linux are also fine examples of this. Only now, when Python 2 is officially being deprecated in January of 2020, are people finally making the change to Python 3. They know that, to continue using Python 2, they would not only be losing the support of the PSF but everyone else that has moved on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.This is not just limited to BGT, either. This very same thing is happening to the Python community. Various projects have been backed by Python 2 for years, even decades. NVDA is a great example of such a project. Various parts of desktop environments on Linux are also fine examples of this. Only now, when Python 2 is officially being deprecated in January of 2020, are people finally making the change to Python 3. They know that, to continue using Python 2, they would not only be losing the support of the PSF but everyone else that has moved on.Of course, the security risk factor comes into play too. I don't know whether Apron still uses VB6 in his latest projects. Either way, software that goes unmaintained and unsupported tends to get security issues all over the place. Would you want to make a program in a language riddled with security holes and vulnerabilities just to hide away from the real world a bit longer?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.Xoren wrote:Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries.This is only true on a primitive level. Everyone has to deal with libraries and dependencies at some point. It is a truly inevitable thing. Ironcross32's statement is not presumptious whatsoever and I never got the impression that he expected anyone who wants to jump on the BGT bandwagon to 'make something great', as you put it. In fact, from his statement:Ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?I interpreted this as exactly what it means. If you want to make anything (i.e. a game even to tinker with) in any other programming language, you need to deal with dependencies and libraries. It is absolutely inevitable. If I want to play a sound in C I need to depend on the windows APIs and libraries. The same goes for quite literally any other language. Even PureBASIC (which hides a lot of that mess) forces you to depend on various libraries to get things done.Most people who use BGT want to make a game. Even if they're tinkering, even if they're just doing it for fun and have no reason to make something great, they'll still end up making some kind of game. By continuing to use BGT, you are deliberately ignoring the dependency and library area, which will significantly hinder you when you do decide that its time to move onto Python or any other language. By impressing onto people that they should use a mainstream programming language like Python, we are not only preparing them for that dependency and library issue, but we're also preparing them for the real world because they will be familiar with a language that is deployed literally everywhere. It also has an absolutely massive community. BGT has none of that, and as time goes on, less and less people will use BGT purely because the developer has publicly discontinued it (and AV software still marks it as malicious). So, the community will shrink until there are hardly any people using it all and it will be even harder to get help at that point.And, of course, I forgot until now that we're also preventing the AV issue too. No one will play a game if, when they download it and try running it, their AV program pops up and says "Hey, this is a virus!" No one is going to play a game if they have to go adding exceptions to their AV software just to play the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@11, um... Phillip did say to stop using BGT. I quote, from the very post:philip_bennefall wrote:After a lot of consideration, I have decided to remove a few things from that I no longer maintain and/or support. BGT has been officially removed, and so has the game Palace Punch-up. I know that a lot of you are still using BGT, and while I am flattered, I do think it is time to move on to other languages and frameworks in order to take audio games to the next level.That's pretty clear. The reason we have been pushing devs to move away from BGT is because most of us who were doing the pushing knew, years ago that this was going to happen.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@10, again, with the introduction of lucia, your point is moot. Lucia has provided pretty much everything you'd need to create an audiogame, and it even comes with some networking functions, though I haven't messed with those myself. I agree with 8, BGT was good for what it was.Besides, BGT will stop running on the latest versions of windows sooner or later, and what are you going to do then, remember, it's now unsupported.People need to move on, they really do. You want something simple? Do Python and lucia because like I said, with the introduction of the engine, developing audiogames in python is a hell of a lot simpler.Oh, and let's not go into the realms of bad habits with BGT. A lot of games just have variables thrown around everywhere, few classes, and no logical code separation. While Python does allow you to do the same, it makes it more difficult for you to just forget about it and go on your way (see the "global" keyword and read up on python namespaces). No language is totally secure, hell, you can develop some pretty shitty habits in python, but most languages will have some way of enforcing the preferred structure, or at least remind you that you're doing something really tedious and that there is a better way of accomplishing your goal. BGT doesn't. That's why a lot of people stick with it, honestly. The compiler is very very forgiving, which just cushions you until you get used to it and won't want to move on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I think it's highly arrogant to assume that you can demand, require, and otherwise force other people not to use whatever language they want, no matter how old or out of date, no matter how unsupported. If the developer hasn't himself said please stop using BGT because of reason X Y Z, then no one else has the right to do so either -- and in fact, to a certain degree, once the developer has freely released the language, even he has limited impact on who will or won't, can or can't use it.A lot of you guys complain that people won't leave BGT alone. Allow me to counter by complaining that you guys won't leave BGT bashing alone. Whether or not a person is getting a language to write hello world or to copy code, that's ultimately their prerogative. It only becomes an issue when the results of a coding effort makes a negative impact on the forum itself, such as through a clone rip-off. You're assuming BGT users are guilty before you even get to see what they're doing with a spade -- jumping to the conclusion that they're burying a dead body, when all they might be doing is planting a potato.The creator himself may indeed be done with BGT, but he has never expressly placed any injunctions upon using the product, even if he no longer wishes to support or distribute / host it. It seems rather high-handed, therefore, for a few voices to automatically jump to the conclusion that everyone must stop using it, as if BGT were some plague-ridden horse.I applaud those of you who love Python or whatever language you've embraced. That's great! But why can't you leave people alone when they want to go at it with BGT, even if only as a starting point? And maybe you would prefer a different starting point, that's fine, that's your preference, but you certainly aren't omnipotent enough that your preference should reflect everyone else's. Would you blithely move on to another language someone else was lauding simply because they said stop using Python! It's a piece of garbage!ironcross32 wrote:I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?This is like the most presumptuous of statements. You're already assuming that whoever is taking up a programming language has to do something great with it. Maybe they just want to tinker. Maybe they just want to dabble. These approaches are absolutely fine. You're treating their request to get BGT as if they're a potential game publisher, and you can't stand that they're going to be releasing said product in BGT. They've never intimated any such desires, they just want the damn installer for the language. I might turn around and say if you're not doing anything great with Python, then what are you in this for?Not everyone needs to learn about dependencies and libraries. Not everyone needs to get the third degree nerd book thrown at them just because they might want to play around with a few lines of code. I'm so unimpressed with this negative mindset in our community, making mountains out of molehills.In the end, why can't we all just live and let live? Why do you guys care so damn much what people want to code their projects in? Those projects most likely won't see the light of day -- they may not even be projects, just experiments!You guys are the elitist nut jobs standing in the doorways of grocery stores, tearing through people's grocery carts and criticizing their choices and telling them that what they've picked would never make a good banquet, when all they want is for you to shut the hell up so they can leave, go home, and make a dinner to feed their family, or heck, to put their TV dinner in the microwave just to feed themselves.Just let it be. The OP only asked for the BGT installer, no more, no less!Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Here's the thing @8. Some  people might just want to make games. For most things audiogame related, BGT will do it. That aside though, some people just like BGT. It's the same reason people like aprone still use vb6, which was last updated in I believe 2007.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Bgt latest version … taller.exe


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

There's also the fact that people just, will not, leave, BGT, the hell, alone. It's like they're addicted to it like a dude who gets hurt at work goes on pain killers is now addicted to opioids. It's like a drug that doesn't do anybody any good, but people just can, not, drop it.Yes the post was shitty, but when will people get a clue that BGT is done, stop using it. I mean, when the creator comes on here and removes the installer and says guys, it was a fun ride, but I'm done now, I won't be updating this; you would think people would take the hint, but nope. I feel like we need to start staging interventions.I don't consider myself much of a programmer, I'm beyond print("Hello World!") but I'm still probably a beginner at Python. But I can see the writing on the wall, and have for a number of years.BGT has done things very well in some regards. I like the way the manual was written. It was very good at taking you from an absolute beginner to wrapping your head around some of these concepts. I get that with other languages, you have more to deal with as far as package management and dependencies and so forth, but that's what programming is, and if you aren't going to step up and take this on, then why exactly are you doing this?BGT indirectly caused some issues within the community. I say indirectly because It wasn't the fault of the language itself, or Phillip. But the one thing it did do was lower the barrier of entry into programming significantly so that anyone could do it. Then when all this code got out, people just milked the gravy train for so long, just taking code from other places, and you know the rest.Now, if you're going to use BGT, be honest, are you going to start from absolute scratch, or at the very least, use the includes that have been made open source? Because if so, Ok, i get you. I don't agree with you but I get you and acknowledge that it's your right and your choice to use the language. However, if you think you should use BGT because you can just grab leaked code and change a few things around and make a new game, we don't want that, and we don't want you as a developer.Let me give you an alternative, if you are going to start from scratch with BGT, as in, write your own code either with or without use of public open source classes, then you seem like you're up to the challenge to step up to something better, so why not give Python a shot?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

5:Thanks for posting the link.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

BGT Installer. Can't swear it's the up to date installer, but I *think* it is.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

This isn't thread hijacking...Plus the rules say warnings/cautions are only given in cases when it's pretty obvious the poster knew what he was doing and deliberately continues.Don't get me wrong, his post was incredibly standoffish not to mention useless, but it doesn't deviate from the topic at hand.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

BGT Installer. Can swear it's the up to date installer, but I *think* it is.Kai


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

Agreed. if you're message is just going to consist of. Switch to (insert alternative language here), please just refrain from posting it. Please don't make us start to invoke the hijacking topics rule.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I really don't like when people just tell others with out any request what soever, to switch to a different programming language. We get it guys. BGT is discontinued and will never receive an update. But are we gonna just start pushing people away with 'oh just use Python' and not provide any resources to get started? If we're gonna start promoting the use of Python as heavily as some people do, start writing  up a topic with a list of resources for Python or whatever programming language you're into. I will say it... ready? This will come off as being dickish or whatever but here's the thing. A lot of people who sit on the forum's high horse and shove Python down someone's throat aren't even programmers themselves. Just because you wroteprint('hello world')does not make you a top of the line dev and should just go off and promote the use of Python, PHP, CPP, Swift or fucking hell, Brainfuck. Enough ranting. At OP, if I had the installer I would give it to you, but I deleted it I guess. Searching both my computers turns up nothing. Sorry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

I really don't like when people just tell others with out any request what soever, to switch to a different programming language. We get it guys. BGT is discontinued and will never receive an update. But are we gonna just start pushing people away with 'oh just use Python' and not provide any resources to get started? If we're gonna start promoting the use of Python as heavily as some people do, start writing  up a topic with a list of resources for Python ro whatever programming language you're into. I will say it... ready? This will come off as being dickish or whatever but here's the thing. A lot of people who sit on the forum's high horse and shove Python down someone's throat aren't even programmers themselves. Just because you wroteprint('hello world')does not make you a top of the line dev and should just go off and promote the use of Python, PHP, CPPP, Swift or fucking hell, Brainfuck. Enough ranting. At OP, if I had the installer I would give it to you, but I deleted it I guess. Searching both my computers turns up nothing. Sorry.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please send me bgt.exe

2019-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please send me bgt.exe

@1 just use python.


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