Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Hi everyone,Great to see some of the ideas and suggestions which have come in. I’m currently busy working away on new additions to Sable, at some point over the next few weeks I’ll post a list of some of the new additions which I’ve added. I think one thing to bear in mind with Sable, is it is a prototype, this is really just a proof of concept to see if this type of tool is something the community wants. If the prototype is successful  then the plan is to create the second generation of Sable in another programming language. The advantage of writing a prototype first, not only do you get to find out what works, what doesn’t, what people like and what they don’t, but you also get to experience some of the pitfalls and problems first hand, then can improve on that in the second version. writing a prototype has been a great experience for me and I’ve learnt a lot, there’s a ton of stuff I’d do differently in a new version, plus a ton of additions I’d add too, but I don’t want to get caught up in what might or might not make it into a second generation of sable though, since at the moment the focus is on the prototype. I’m not often on the forum,  so I can’t promise to answer all questions that come in on this topic, but I can answer a couple which have come in so far below: 1.    There will definitely be more detailed documentation when Sable is released which will include information on stats and mechanics etc.  there weren’t any plans to release a public alpha of Sable, it was only due to the state of lock down across the world  at the time, that we decided to offer  a publicly available version to do our part as a thank you to the community for all the support. However, since the public alpha wasn’t planned it meant we had no official documentation written, so just had to create something pretty quick (whilst also preparing sable for the release), so thats why the documentation didn’t contain everything and wasn’t’ a full documentation.2.    The class creation is something I get asked about a lot, I completely agree that an RPG creation tool needs to be able to have more than just four default classes. This was always planned to be in Sable, but just wasn’t there in the public alpha  as mentioned previously we hadn’t planned to make a public release. this is however something I’m  actually starting to work on at the moment, so there will be a way of people creating new class’s in Sable.3.    Someone mentioned not being able to create rooms in buildings. This is possible. I often make buildings which have various rooms in them, it would be a pretty boring building otherwise   As an example of rooms in buildings, check out the YouTube video below, this is scarlets project she made over the 3 week public alpha, she was the winner of our competition we ran to see who could create the best project using sable over the three week public alpha, the video is a walkthrough of her project, it’s a great demonstration of what can be created using Sable, but it’s also an example of rooms in buildings too since her game starts off in a tower with various rooms, there’s an intro I do at the start which lasts about a minute and a half or so, but then it gets straight into her playthrough and her starting the game and it starts in the tower. for anyone who wants to stay up to date on news and updates, you can always follow us on social media (the links are in my signature). As ever thanks for all the positive comments, again I can’t promise I’ll be able to answer questions which come in here, since I’m pretty non stop coding sable at present  and not often on the forum, but even if I don’t have the time to reply, I’ll be sure to check the topic out from time to time  to see what ideas and suggestions come up here.Paul LemmEbon Sky Studiosemail: i...@ebonskystudios.comFacebook: @ebonskystudios


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

@16 that's not what the guys from Sable said though when asked about scripting. Scripting was a *very* popular feature request in the original topic, but it was always rebuffed, and very clearly so. They didn't say "yeah, we can't get this done right now but we'll look into it", or even "we can't finish something like that in time for the first release but will add it in a future release". Nope, they always said "no, we will not add any scripting functionality", because they thought it would make things too complicated. For anyone that's played around with tactical battle when it was at its prime, they'll know it most certainly wasn't. On top of that, tb didn't have any menu driven interfaces or thousands of yes/no prompts like Sable did, but you could still quickly make maps and campaigns by creating simple txt files and no coding knowledge. All you had to know was the proper syntax to type things in. Some experience with simple code helped of course, but definitely wasn't required. The point is though, even if you had zero idea how its scripting engine worked, you could still make campaigns. The presence of a scripting language in tb alone didn't make things too complicated for people.Now as for the pokemon stuff, It's not impossible. It would, however, probably require a special mode or expansion to be added. A pokemon module is a great example of a script-based project the more coding-oriented community could work on, and the finished module could be easily installed and added in by any sable creator, again, with no coding knowledge. As it stands now, the devs will just have to add the following themselves I guess:*A way to get rid of certain party members at a decided location and retrieve them later.*Functionality to cap the amount of abilities a party member could have to 5, with the options to go to a trainer and switch out your abilities for others in the party member's class. A separate class would have to be created for every pokemon.*A way to limit party size to 6 members.That's the very basics down, here come the headaches.*An item flag you can assign that makes it so you can use the item on enemies, with a random chance that the enemy will switch sides to your party permanently.*A thing that lets party members change into new and improved party members by leveling up, having an item used on them, etc.*A way for creators to create a new game section, let's just call it a lore section for now. For classic rpgs, it would allow the creator to put information about items, monsters, the world, etc. Into their game. For the pokemon creators though, they could have a menu of their very own, called... the pokedex!There's probably lots of shit I haven't thought of, but with what you have now, plus what I've said you need, you could at least recreate the gen1 games.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dungeon Diver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

I'd like for the public alpha version to be put back up so I can just tinker around with it 


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : singing butterfly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Actually, I thought it was a thing that some game dev products made a big deal about being designed to making game design easy. Some "easy" dev tools have given rise to some great games from what I've heard. As for me, I promised I tried the scripting bit with BGT and BGT refused to accept my input even though it felt like I was doing everything the documentation told me to. Also, for me anyway, it was impossible to create game state functions for some reason, probably because I was too dense to grasp the fundamentals of functions in the first place. I just think it's kind of awesome there are programs out there for people who can't get their heads around coding, that's all.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

I would like to see it rewritten in something that isn't bloody BGT.I was really excited to try Sable: A program that let me design stuff without having to worry about coding, because I can code fine on my own. Create mindless games, and enjoy myself. I continued to feel that way right up until Windows Defender started kicking off, and I read the manual.I'm sorry, in 2021, it's beyond belief that the first instruction for a piece of software needs to be "Add an antivirus exception".Sorry Sable team: I love the premise, but the implementation leaves much to be desired.Also I agree with scripting. If all goes to plan though, inspired by Sable, I'll hav ea game creation tool that will allow scripting, and 3d audio (via Synthizer), so woop woop for me! 


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Thing is, people would give them all the time to work on the bugs and stuff, if they didn't specifically say scripting won't be included. That way, you are severely limited. For those who are like, scripting is complicated, well, first of all game design isn't supposed to be a piece of cake, but second and more important, if you feel like you aren't limited, stick to the menu based interface and don't use it.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

For the Pokémon stuff, that's not going tohappen.If it did, it would most likely need to be an expantion.There is a sighted RPG maker program called; uncreatively enough; RPG Maker XP.For that program, there exists a series of plugin components called Pokémon ecentials that turns it into a Pokémon RPG Maker, as it has all the pokémon sprites; all fan-made; cries, attacks, abilities, status effects, items and what not.All the creator has to do is build unique maps and add in a story line, but yeah, sable would need to have something like that if a monster battling RPG were to be a thing.At this time, Sable is still in the alpha stages; soon to be beta; but any kind of plugins and what not would most likely need to be a consideration for Sable version 2; if and when that ever comes to pass.Platforming is most likely not going to be a thing, though a run button might work.I agree that all the stat stuff would need to be in the documentation, and renaming stats, elementle weeknesses, and making custom classes, I agree to that to.As for scripting, I get that all of you want an engine that can do anything, but Sable is stillin alpha stages and lots of work still needs to be done.The alpha we all got a hold of was designed to be functional, not practical.Give Paul and the Ebon Sky team time to iron out all the bugs and kincs, then start bellyaching about scripting.Later!


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Unpopular opinion alert.Still here?Are you sure?Alright then.I would like Sable to be completely scrapped and redesigned to be more script-oriented. Why not menus? I opened the engine, sat with it for 30 minutes, and promptly quit. Using it makes me feel as if the developers of the product think that we are mentally challenged. Regardless of it's interface, I would still call the project a failure in a long term. I have placed it in that category before it was even released, simply do to the fact that no scripting is currently allowed. This essentially limits us to the possibilities offered by the engine, which though numerous, will run dry up at some point. Hell, most of the mechanics have already been stretched to their limits.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Samuel Farrugia via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

From my end, I completely agree with the people suggesting to include custom classes, and stats. As for what I’d personally like to see added, I think that it would be sort of handy to include a mechanic for ammo in Sable. As it stands, the only weapons you can really realistically depict are close quarters weapons like swords, knifes ETC, which is great for a fantasy or medieval themed RPG. however if, like me, you were trying to do a modern/ post-apocalyptic set game, its kind of stupid to think that all these weapons like shotguns, automatic rifles and other stuff of that nature, have a magically unending amount of replenishing bullets. Also, if hypothetically a mechanic for ammo was introduced, it would be nice if you could have different weapons use different ammunition types, for example you could have a sniper rifle, and a machine gun which take 7.62mm rounds, whilst an assault rifle would have 5.56mm rounds. Something else that I found which was sort of limiting in the demo version, is that you couldn’t specify different zones within buildings, so for example I couldn’t create a house which had a living room, with a kitchenet area in one corner. When it comes to the placement of items within chests and things like that, I think that it would have been interesting if you could have had the ability to randomize the loot that the player would find. You could have a chest which could only have X amount of items in it at any given time, and the game could randomly choose items from a pre-set list, to place within the chest. Finally, I’d have liked it if you could change the view point of the player character, so instead of a top down view, you could have something more like a first person perspective.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

I'm putting my name in for the custom stats and classes too.  IMO even though great sounds and music can really set the scene and make a game memorable, story and Mechanics are truly what set RPG's apart from each other, and having a low amount of flexibility in the latter is just not sustainable as a usage model for a product like this.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jescat277 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

THe ability to add soemthing that is not combat related.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

i find my self agreeing a bit with post 8, just doing the same accept for sounds is a bit, urm, i think having the abilitie to control what happens if you go one way or another is great


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Scripting, creation of custom classes and the ability to customize stats. For example, a sci-fi RPG doesn't really need Mana, does it? So the ability to either rename the mana stat or remove it from characters would be nice.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pates via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Ok, so this is my list.Pokemon features, like balls, evolutions and more,custom classes,custom stats for classes,custom battle music for each map or room,jumping,running,multilanguaging.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

At the very least being able to code in if statements into your RPG I think would help set aside certain games. Like you could have siuations like the Quest in AHC with Mathius, or if you go one way yule encounter a different boss and the story changes. Or even another practical use would be if you spoke to x character for x times x will happen. Or if you interact with x person after x happened, x person will do x.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Agreed with the scripting peopple. We'll just see a bunch of Manamon AHC cheap knock offs the rate we're going at. I mean, there are some people who balanced out their creativity and made some unique stuff, however in the end it will be the same underneath. Same movement, same combat, same classes, same everything minus  sound, story and characters


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Yeah sable needs to be scripting. Otherwise most games  will be lookalikes except for sounds which is very sad


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

there is already a topic about this


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : singing butterfly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

Actually, what I'd like to see is something added to the documentation. I'm assuming that stats are very much mathematical in nature. For example, how much damage you deal in a given turn to an enemy is surely a function of things like attack power, defense power, strength, etc. I personally just want to know how to calculate those things. I don't know if I'm fully comfortable with scripting myself, but that's just my opinion.


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gamulation via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

A pokemon like battle system, but I know that will not happen, the dev have already sed so.maybe in the next release


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Re: sable, what do you want to see

2020-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sable, what do you want to see

scripting, scripting and more scripting. Without a way for users to add functionality into the game creator on their own, they will always have to go through the developers, and the devs will have to be the ones to code the features. This just isn't practical for something that's meant to create full games.


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