Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

It's definitely a grindy type of game, but as long as you don't think of it as something you can spend hours upon hours playing each day it should treat you well.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

I've found the game to be a little grindy for my liking, but I've tried it a couple times and it is all right I suppose.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Your quest log can be found in the character tab. From there you can select one of the tutuorial quests.Yes the game works on multiple browsers, however some tend to work better than others.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Ok, i understand. So the game works on ios as well? I remember i could play on my phone, but i had to click on specific tabs. Also, i recently got a upgrade to my screen reader on my computer, so maybe i have better luck. Does the game work on multiple web browsers? I have microsoft edge and chrome.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

So...where would I even go to start quests? I loged in, picked Kamarr, and...I can click around on stuff, but...


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

The chat system isn't inaccessible, I and other screen reader users use it everyday without issue. It will be a little more difficult to chat on a mobile device, but it is still accessible. I personally dislike all chat platforms on a mobile device, so this isn't a big deal for me. There is also a letter system, but I wouldn't call it chatting, more of a way to communicate with those not online.Nolly


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Ok, i see. It is too bad that the chat is not accessible. I understand how you mean. Is there not another way to chat?


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

I'm not sure on the creation of a new chat room and how difficult it would be since certain things are linked like the consumption of beer.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Oh, that is sad. I am not that quick to read chat messages since i need my screen reader to read me the whole message. That was one of the reasons I left since i felt it was hard for me to chat. Could you not make a better chat platform?


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Hi, yes the game is accessible with voice over using an iPad or iPhone. However it is important to know that you can not use the swipe gesture to navigate  everything. For example when you go to your residence you will have to use your finger to slide around (or tap) until you find a specific link like meals, which should read to us as "Meals.PHP". If you try to click one of the other links without the .PHP it will not work. Using the headings, buttons and other router  functions will help a lot as well. Traveling will be a bit more difficult since I believe the overworld map does not display as it does on a laptop or desktop computers browser. This is just the map though and it is still possible to travel using the X and Y locations, which if you need a copy of notable locations I can either post them here or in game in a letter. I believe it is also still in the town hall in Camaar posted by our last Mayor Framer_Ted who was doing his best to make screen reader users feel comfortable.The Tavern chat sadly yes still does not stop scrolling even when you select auto scroll off. While this is an inconvenience it is still possible to sit in and chat, you just need to be a little quick when reading new messages. I find it's easiest to find the chat edit box and go up from there. As I understand the chat platform is not created by the developer and again sadly not much can be done for this issue. However sounds have been added that work across all browsers that you can customize for incoming and outgoing messages, incoming and outgoing players and other actions. This helps so you don't constantly have to check to see if someone wrote something new or if someone entered the room. I do not believe this will work on an iPhone or iPhone though, and it is very difficult regardless to chat using these devices even if the sound works.There are many shortcuts that can be done to navigate quickly with a reader using things like headings, buttons, visited links tables, so it's a good idea to learn the layout of the pages you go to the most.If all else fails send Lord Aro a letter, he will be more than happy to assist you if you need anything information wise.Nolly


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lord Arogandor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Hi all,It's great to see so much enthusiastic new Seekers in The Grail Lords! I also recognize  some old names who gave the game a tryout last year and are curious to see how we evolved. Hopefully the changes we made over the past year will help you find your way faster in the Realm.Thanks to the feedback of some valuable members of this community, I learned much about web accessibility and although not all problems are fixed yet, I'm happy to see that roughly 8% of the players in the Realm is using a screen reader of some kind to play the game.Hopefully, by the end of 2021, there will be no player, quitting the game due to issues directly related due to the lack of accessibility.As always, please feel free to contact me if you would have any questions about The Grail Lords Happy holidays!Lord Arogandor


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Blind angel 444 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Hi, thank you for this game and can I play this game with Voice over on my iPad?


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

I yplayed this game a while back, and i did enjoy it. The problem i had was reading messages in the tavern. When i wanted to read new messages, i could not do it since the messages auto scrolled. I tried turning off auto scroll, but that did not help.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

Yes making money is sometimes difficult in the beginning, however the game isn't designed to need much money nor is the primary goal to make lots of money right away. Raising a skill to help you support yourself should be your the first thing you set out to do.However if money making is your style of play, there are certain skills which are better at making money than others. Things like cooking, breeding, raising animals for goods and later on wood chopping. I would highly advise avoiding the crafting skills Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Alchemy and Carpentry as your primary skill to level, at least until you can raise another skill to support yourself. These four skills while important are not big money makers and are some of the harder skills to increase.I forgot to mention in my first post that the game has many generous established players who will gladly help out with items such  as beds, wood, nails, axes, journals and even money if asked. The best method to seek help is either through your town leader or to visit the tavern and ask if anyone is willing to give you anything they have to spare as you are a new player.As I mentioned the game is not one of those play for 8 hours and get a massive instant gratification experience. Fill it in with another game or two, and try to remember that making a ton of money sounds great, but it will only get you so far if you only seek to make silver to horde your earnings as I've seen some players in game do. There shouldn't really be very much you need right away, often times gaining what you need from quests or others around you to help you along.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

I'm hidwood on there, I had to restart because my account didn't appear to exist anymore.


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Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Grail Lords web browser game

I think my problem was, it's really difficult to make gold since the market is player-run, so if you unlucky, no one will buy your stuff and yeah.


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The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


The Grail Lords web browser game

Hi, a few of us have been playing Grail Lords now for nearly two years and I thought it would be a good time to post on it again. The game mainly revolves around crafting with some combat elements. It is a web browser based game that is designed to be played at a daily slow pace. It is best if played as a supplement to your daily game play, not meant for hard core hour after hour continual play like other games, so if you are looking for something to do everyday without the need to spend a lot of time managing multiple things, this might be a good game for you.The developer has been working ever since I began playing to make the game more accessible and while there are still a few things that need to be done to make quality of life easier, the game is fully accessible and constant changes are being made. It is a one man operation though, so please keep that in mind and be respectful if you do decide to play and want to send him suggestions.A few important things if you decide to take the plunge and give the game a try. The first is as I stated above the game is a slow paced game with your ability to perform actions capped by a daily limit. This limit does eventually go up, but it is definitely not going to happen within your first week in the game, think marathon rather than a sprint. The second and this is very important is that the game has currently four towns that you can live in. I'd like to say that all four are equal, but unfortunately starting in one of the newer towns will make life difficult for new players. You do have the option to move, however this is not advisable nor possible until you complete a few of the starter quests, so you will be temporarily rooted to your town after character creation.The four towns in no particular order are Camaar, Spero, Azetyth and Sarmiz. Camaar and Spero are the two largest poplulated and best suited for new players, as items are more readily available and there are more opportunities to make money on a daily basis. Azetyth and Sarmiz are the newer towns with a lower population rate and while there is absolutely nothing wrong with either town, I would highly advise starting in Camaar or Spero then moving later on to Azetyth or Sarmiz if you really are set on living in one of these two newer towns, so please choose wisely.I  live in Camaar and am one of the councilors, so if you do decide to begin in Camaar, I will do everything I can to help kick start your game experience, either by the town directly or by myself. This does not mean I will not help if possible, but I may not be able to help immediately if someone else in Camaar requires my help. I will however be able to get in contact with other town leaders to get you help if you need it.The game is completely free to pay and while it does have the option to buy grail tokens, it is not necessary to play the game. Grail tokens can be obtained by other means including quests and by using the in game currency easily enough. Tokens are more of a quality of life thing, and are meant to add to your experience, not help you "win".Here is the link to the website which also is my rferal link which I would appreciate it greatly if used. … erral=4871Regardless where you choose to start your adventure feel free to send me an in game letter (Nolly). I will do my best to respond when I get the chance.Lastly the game does have a in game tavern which is the games form of a chat room, so you can always pop in if you need assistance right away.


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The Grail Lords web browser game

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


The Grail Lords web browser game



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The Grail Lords

2019-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


The Grail Lords

Hi, I was going through old in game letters and was taking notes on who from this site still plays The Grail lords. If you still play please feel free to get in contact with me in game if you need any help. My player name is Nolly and I live in Camaar.The dev has been making numerous accessibility changes in the past 6 months since someone first posted information about this game in the new releases section, with more accessibility changes still to come.If you haven't checked out the game yet please use my referral link below. … erral=4871The game is a web browser game with crafting and combat, however it is meant to be a slower paced game requiring you to only log in once a day. If you are someone who likes to grind out hours and hours a day, this is not the game for you.Appreciate your time, Nolly


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