Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Gorila via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

This is one intresting topic.  I myself used to believe in god, and then I saw the true light.  I started questioning why things in da bible didn't make any sense.  For example the 3 creation stories they tried to rap up in to 1, the Hill people, god herself and or himself, and the story of Satan; and well satan himself and the powers that he or she holds.  First of all the books of Christianity and the books of  Islam came from the books of the Jews; clearly religions that spawned off Judaism.  All of those 3 religions books and manuals written  by man and  I mean old men who deemed themselves experts in what God wanted those lower then themselves such as the poor, rulers, merchants and--- well you get the picture; to believe, feel act, and do.  And what about your Privacy?  If god is watching you empty your bowels, shower, get dressed, eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, do your work, walk down the street, and well do the matrass mambo; doesn't that classify him as a stalker,and a perv?  And how about all these revisions?  If the books are god's word. why so many changes and inconsistencies?  I say I do me, and you do you.  Don't force your beliefs and shit if you are a follower of any organized religion upon others.  Nobody wants that crap, would you?  I could go on, but I won't.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I'm a relatively happy agnostic/atheist, depending on the day.I won't rule out the possibility of some sort of higher power. There are a lot of mind-blowing things to think about which science can't explain, and may never be able to. But one thing I am convinced of, heart and soul: none of the currently existing religions have got it right. Not even close. With the possible exception of Buddhism, and that's more a philosophy than a religion anyway in most ways.I can't buy into any of the doctrines that most major religions preach. I'm heartily sick of the "my god's better than your god" stuff I see on a daily basis. I don't like it when people use religion as a wedge, a weapon, a tool of fear or a means of exclusive moral guidance. There are good lessons in the canonical bodies of all religions - even things like spiritual Satanism - but as so often happens when a group in power has means by which to judge others, it all falls apart. There's just not nearly enough evidence for me to believe that the Christian God, or Allah, or the Hindu pantheon are real, in any sense that adherents would believe in.That said, I am relatively gentle in my atheism. I can debate fiercely, but I won't do so unless I feel someone else is seeking such a thing, or trying to inflict by force upon others what should be shown to them voluntarily and with much more care. Put another way: talk to me, don't push it down my throat, and I'll grant you the same out of respect.I say that I'm sometimes agnostic, however, because if there is some sort of higher power, and it makes itself known somehow, I will not turn away from it. I may not go running toward it, but I'm open-minded. The first step in learning is to admit that there is always more to know. The second is to admit that what you know might not be true. I'm down with both of those concepts.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muslima via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@joshknnd1982 Your explanation sounds interesting indeed, sounds a bit fantastic to me, thus some fantasy involved in it, although there's logic. Peace <3


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muslima via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

As a person who has passed through a few of the many popular religions, and has been an agnostic for a bit too, I can say that all religions are peaceful and are teaching peace. It's not the religion, it's the people who represent it that are the problem.I, as well am a Muslim and I'm an open-minded person although I'm religious. I know, these things might not work together but for me they work perfectly.  <3Peace onto you all.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : The coll gamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Not sure, in the early days when I was like 9 to 13 years old, I believed in god, prayed every day, but now I don't believe in god anymore, I don't believe in anything religious.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I was raised as a Christian, and while I definitely believe in a higher power of some sort, there are a lot of reasons why I wish I could let that belief go. As a side note, before I go any further, I've always been envious of atheists, because they usually come across as being a lot more well-versed on all angles and types of religions than many religious folks, who prefer to only comprehend the bits of their chosen religion which make it look favorable, even though they still have a wonderful way of striking terror into the hearts of all who don't see things exactly as they do. now, this isn't all religious people, mind you, but there are enough of them that this is a real concern.There are a lot of things about the Christian faith which don't sit well with me. First, there are denominations. Why are there so many? Even if we exclude the bitterness between Catholics and Protestants, which apparently is still a real thing, why should we nitpick over whether someone is Methodist, Lutheran, or whatever else? We're all reading the same Bible, or are we? How do you even know which Bible you should read, given all the translations there are now? Surely one of them has to be the true word of God, but there has never been any consensus on that. More to the point, what is the point of squabbling over minor differences between denominations when supposedly churches are open places where all are welcome? What is that supposed to accomplish, and who holds the trump card that grants them eternal life if all others are going to hell? It's a numbers game, and a rigged one at, as others have said, there's the fact that children are often frightened into believing things that are well beyond their comprehension. I won't go into detail about this on a public forum, but I bear some serious emotional scars from things that were done to me as a kid in regards to religion and demon possession. Even without that, I think I'd still have grown up to be uncomfortable with the idea of baptizing babies specifically. If one is complicit in their sin, how can they choose the path their life will follow if they can't even remember being saved? If someone wants to get baptized at any point where they can consent and understand what the process means, then more power to them, but I think it's very wrong to basically doom an innocent infant who can't even think for themselves yet.In that same vein, here's a scenario I've been turning over in my mind for quite some time, and I can't find a satisfactory answer for it. I've asked a friend of mine what she thought, but I left that conversation feeling even more distraught than when I went in, which I'll explain after I've finished laying out the scenario.Suppose a kid goes into a store and decides to steal a candy bar. Not out of any malicious intent, he simply lacked impulse control, saw something he was hungry for, and took it. Walking home, maybe feeling a bit smug, munching on his prize, he encounters a predator who kidnaps him and does unspeakable things to him which eventually leads to the death of the child. In a twist of fate, or karma, the predator also gets killed days later, let's say he gets hit by a car. Now, according to Christianity, both are going to be tortured eternally. Both stealing and murder are breaking the ten commandments, and even so, sin is sin or so I've been told. No sin is greater than another, it's all viewed the same in God's eyes. But let's pull back a second. Not only are we talking about someone who molested a child, which is one of the filthiest things a human can do, what if that child had a bad home life, and wasn't necessarily taught that stealing was wrong, or he was legitimately hungry? Even if the child doesn't have a sob story, he's still just a kid, and I can almost guarantee that we've all stolen some tiny trinket or other from a store at some point in our lives, or at least imagined it. And yet, all sin is created equal, and all sinners will be punished equally. Just thinking about it is making me nauseous.As for the conversation I had with my friend, she basically confirmed that in that situation, they would both go to hell, although she seemed to believe that if the child was taught that stealing was wrong and chose to do it anyway, his punishment would be just, while if he was raised in a faithless or otherwise bad home and/or community and didn't know better, he would be given a chance. Since this runs so painfully counter to anything the Bible teaches, I can only assume she wanted me to forget about the subject and sweep it under the rug. Up until that point, it had been an idle, though disturbing thought. With that dismissal, it became something I couldn't stop thinking about, like an awful song that plays on a loop in your head and won't go away no matter how hard you try to banish it.So, after all of this ranting, you'd think I would be an atheist, right? Wrong. You see, I do

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

and who knows. maybe it is something like it? regardless, i think there is some sort of boundary set up by the ultimate master being to keep our 3d reality safe and separate from higher-dimensional space, until he is ready for us to die so we can then live in the 10d or greater reality.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2019-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

joshknnd1982 wrote:I think if we could with our 3d senses perceive or try to perceive that extra dimensional space even for a few moments it would overwhelm us. we would not and could not understand it, it may even damage the very 3d reality we exist in due to its 5d or 10d or greater nature... so for our own good again, a dimensional barrier has been temporarily set up by the master intelligent being who is somehow being itself, master intelligence, person(s) with ability to reason for the good of all existances.That sounds scarily like the Boundary in BlazBlue.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Adel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Hello.@joshknnd1982,Although I don't agree with your religious beliefs, but I should say that your explanations about  God and his nature is unique and intresting, At list I haven't heard such an explanations from religious people before.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

a quick note regarding why i think some people are disabled based on my own experiences. first, my son is sighted, he is not disabled at all, not blind, not deaf, and so on. but because i am blind, and his mom is blind, he has opportunities to love us in ways he could not if we were sighted. he has to give more of his time for us, his talents for us for guiding us around sometimes, reading stuff and so on. this 3d space is like a testing ground. God or the master being says, if i permit this or that or the other thing to happen to you, in your life in this 3d space, will you still help others out when possible? and at all times due to us having free will we can say yes, no, not yet, maybe tomorrow. we can say no for 60 years and change our mind at the last moment and say yes just before we die. or we can go around hating and killing and torturing stuff hating even life itself and choose to not live in greater than 10d space and due to our selfishness maybe live in 1d reality possibly alone forever or so engrossed in our own selves we don't care. also we are in 3d space, the folks in the place some people may call heaven, the 5 or 10d or more space, is separated from us temporarily at least by some kind of transdimensional reality barrier set up by the master being for our own Good. I think if we could with our 3d senses perceive or try to perceive that extra dimensional space even for a few moments it would overwhelm us. we would not and could not understand it, it may even damage the very 3d reality we exist in due to its 5d or 10d or greater nature... so for our own good again, a dimensional barrier has been temporarily set up by the master intelligent being who is somehow being itself, master intelligence, person(s) with ability to reason for the good of all existances.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

to the other josh on here, the person who said something about burning in hell? think of god or the master being's love or his wil for the good of all humanity like an oven. an oven can be used to cook your food and prepare it propperly. that is a good thing, very good because we have to eat. in that way the heat from your oven and stove is very good for us. you experience the goodness of that heat by eating your delicious baked fish. but what if you stuffed yourself in the oven and turned it on from the inside somehow? not good at all! you burn up. who burnt you up? you did. yourself. same with god. the master being always loves you. hell can't be a material fire. it makes no sense. not consistent with how God works it would seem. you go to hell because you want to, because for whatever reason you prefer yourself over the 10 or more dimensional reality perfect good amazing place or reality of the master intelligence, being, existance, god after death. hell is just ultimate selfishness. it may be the ultimate _expression_ of selfishness and possibly may be in some form of 1d reality but the master intelligence may give the illusion of 3d space somehow to enhance the selfishness of the place. the worst part is you stay there forever. because you want to. because for whatever reason you hate the master intelligence who made all existances, all stuff(s), you made huge mistakes while on earth and did not make up for them or care to try and fix them, so you go there to the place humans call hell, yourself, because you want to, because you hate life, existance, you hate being, itself.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

at mayana, the god was not made. the being humans call god is the master being behind all realities. the master being was not created. like electricity. did the electricity in your house exist before you moved into it? probably did. intelligent beings called humans figured out how to do that. eventually as you climb so to speak the latter of beings with intelligence, you get to the top, which is a being who is the master intelligence, master mover of all matter, who always existed. and that master intelligence who can also reason and who is also person(s), distinct within it or himself... really really likes making stuff. some stuff is made of matter, some is not. some are beings of pure consciousness... some is light, some is not, stuff that is intelligent, stuff that is not, and interacting with that various stuffs, both proactively and permitting certain things to happpen to that stuff based on universal laws of physics, advanced programming of moralities that is in-built, into all intelligent beings that can reason, math, science, and other stuff we have not yet discovered.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I am catholic, myself... as for invisible being in the sky? post number4 or 5 or so? nope don't think so. the invisible being you speak of, and the only explanation of why Jesus could do all that stuff in the bible after he was raised and raised himself from the dead is because both he, and the source being, the one Christians call God the father or the master intelligence, source being behind all  possible existances... the being who put all particles of matter in motion... the ultimate one master being who made matter, time, space, all realities and existances even ones we have not discovered yet... well he is not in the sky. you could travel through outer space forever and not get to him because we are 3-dimensional beings. and God is a being of more than 3 dimensions. maybe 10, 15, 20? everything in this universe opperates in 3-dimensional space, length, width, height and being forced forward through time which may be half of another or fourth dimension. dimension being directions in which particles can travel. Let's say there is a universe of 2-dimensional completely flat beings, a whole universe of them. and that universe is represented by a piece of paper. one day a paper cube lands on the paper. the 2-dimensional beings would only see a cross-section of that cube. if the cube lifts off the paper even a millimeter or nanometer, then it is invisible to our universe of two-dimensional creatures. and the cube creature can in fact move up and down in its 3-dimensional space because it is a cube. the two-dimensional creatures who have no concept of height, up and down, can no longer see or even get access to the cube creature that is a centimeter above their flat 2d universe even with their most advanced 2d technologies because their whole universe is based on 2d-space, 2d-objects, 2d computers, and so on, while the 3d cube creature seems to have amazing magical powers when in fact the 3d reality gives it abilities beyond anything the 2d universe creatures can possibly imagine or invent. I believe God and science go together, you can't separate one from the other. So God made a 3d body for himself at a certain point in our space time continuum and lived as a human in our 3d universe, died, then was raised from the Dead and returned from death to life but this time demonstrating to us his abilities as a greater than 3d being. so that some day we could live with the master being most often called, or known as, God the master intelligence, master scientist, ultimate being, who somehow is also existance itself, inhabiting 5, 10, 20 or more dimensional reality. But that is also backwards-compatible with 3d-space. The bible is like a zip file on a computer. It gives a basic general overview often using symbolism and different writing styles to convey information about God, like if you open a zip file in notepad and try to read or interpret it yourself,  all you get is what seems like ascii jibberish. you need a propper zip unpacker. same with the bible. you need a source christian church that came or was established directly from the master being who came maybe from 20d space into our 3d space to instruct us in the best way to live for us to have the most freedom possible and do our best not to make errors against the master intelligence's directions,the being who somehow is existance, behind all existances establishing the organization that people who make lots of mistakes developed into the source christian church, that is now called catholic and is still in development, which spent the most anount of time unpacking all the stuff in the bible and relaying it for people to understand. the authors wanted a simple way to explain stuff to people of 2000 and 3000 years ago from 0AD back to maybe 3000 or so bc. Adam and eve or the first ever humans who the authors of those books named adam and eve, I don't think they ate a fruit from a tree. and paradise was more than a simple garden. it may have been our earth but with 5 or 6 dimensions. i think whatever they did was so bad and possibly destructive that it possibly and for our own good because God or the source being only cares about good for all humanity... through all history... so anyway it was so bad we were for our own good made to live in this 3d universe, which is a shaddow of the 10 or 20 or more dimensional reality we are really supposed to be living in, but which we currently are not. maybe adam and eve were in a 5 or 6d version of our reality. god let them make some big huge mistake or error against his directions for life and he allowed or permitted this because he said to himself... hey! I got this even greater plan! the being who instigated or who began the information beliefs, and data-war which causes the now 3d humans to still make errors against my directions for ultimate freedom i will permit the being of all errors chaos and mistakes the ones humans sometimes call the devil, demons, etcetera

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : joshknnd1982 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I am catholic, myself... as for invisible being in the sky? post number4 or 5 or so? nope don't think so. the invisible being you speak of, and the only explanation of why Jesus could do all that stuff in the bible after he was raised and raised himself from the dead is because both he, and the source being, the one Christians call God the father or the master intelligence, source being behind all  possible existances... the ultimate one master being who made matter, time, space, all realities and existances even ones we have not discovered yet... well he is not in the sky. you could travel through outer space forever and not get to him because we are 3-dimensional beings. and God is a being of more than 3 dimensions. maybe 10, 15, 20? everything in this universe opperates in 3-dimensional space, length, width, height and being forced forward through time which may be half of another or fourth dimension. dimension being directions in which particles can travel. Let's say there is a universe of 2-dimensional completely flat beings, a whole universe of them. and that universe is represented by a piece of paper. one day a paper cube lands on the paper. the 2-dimensional beings would only see a cross-section of that cube. if the cube lifts off the paper even a millimeter or nanometer, then it is invisible to our universe of two-dimensional creatures. and the cube creature can in fact move up and down in its 3-dimensional space because it is a cube. the two-dimensional creatures can no longer see or even get access to the cube creature that is a centimeter above their flat 2d universe even with their most advanced 2d technologies because their whole universe is based on 2d-space, 2d-objects, 2d computers, and so on, while the 3d cube creature seems to have amazing magical powers when in fact the 3d reality gives it abilities beyond anything the 2d universe creatures can possibly imagine or invent. I believe God and science go together, you can't separate one from the other. So God made a 3d body for himself at a certain point in our space time continuum and lived as a human in our 3d universe, died, then was raised from the Dead and returned from death to life but this time demonstrating to us his abilities as a greater than 3d being. so that some day we could live with the master being most often called, or known as, God the master intelligence, master scientist, ultimate being, who somehow is also existance itself, inhabiting 5, 10, 20 or more dimensional reality. But that is also backwards-compatible with 3d-space. The bible is like a zip file on a computer. It gives a basic general overview often using symbolism and different writing styles to convey information about God, the authors wanted a simple way to explain stuff to people of 2000 and 3000 years ago from 0AD back to maybe 3000 or so bc. Adam and eve or the first ever humans who the authors of those books named adam and eve, I don't think they ate a fruit from a tree. and paradise was more than a simple garden. it may have been our earth but with 5 or 6 dimensions. i think whatever they did was so bad and possibly destructive that it possibly and for our own good because God or the source being only cares about good for all humanity... through all history... so anyway it was so bad we were for our own good made to live in this 3d universe, which is a shaddow of the 10 or 20 or more dimensional reality we are really supposed to be living in, but which we currently are not. and no new-agers, or modern technology, or aliens, can get us beyond our 3d universe even if they claim they can. because if we were suddenly put into the extra-dimensional space, our 3d bodies as they are now could not handle it. as it stands now we are not made or designed for greater than 3d space. our atoms themselves would probably be ripped apart, we would literally disappear the only thing left existing what people have come to call a spirit, soul, or your consciousness without any physical matter attached to it. even our computers work on principals of 3d space. what would a 5d computer be like? or a 10d computer? what could it do? or what could we use it to do? cool amazing stuff. stuff we cannot even imagine. I could go on but i got other stuff to do because its new years eve here in the states.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

As I think I stated in an earlier topic, I think that no matter how long humanity survives, there will always be things that we don't know, and may never know for certain.Some people think we go on to another place when we die, others think we simply cease to exist. I don't know. I hope for something more after death, whatever it may be, but there's no proof one way or the other.I'm a live and let live kind of guy. As long as other people aren't trying to shove their religion/beliefs down my throat, I'm fine with them. I wouldn't mind talking about god/religion/spirituality with someone. I try to respect the beliefs of others as much as I can.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

As I think I stated in an earlier topic, I think that no matter how long humanity survives, there will always be things that we don't know, and may never know for certain.Some people think we go on to another place when we die, others think we simply cease to exist. I don't know. I'd like to think that there is something more after death, and hope there is, but there's no proof one way or the other.I'm a live and let live kind of guy. As long as other people aren't trying to shove their religion down my throat, I'm fine with them. I wouldn't mind talking about god/religion/spirituality with someone. I try to respect the beliefs of others as much as I can.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I'm just glad that this post hasn't gotten out of hand. Truth be told, I believe in a higher power, but I'm not religious. I was raised Catholic. However, I just choose not to participate in the associated religious activities. I still follow the Catholic faith to some extent though. Part of the reason why I still believe in a higher power is because certain events have taken place in my life that I just can't explain. I don't want to get too deep into them, but needless to say, the events of which I speak cannot be explained by science and such. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a person of science--I have studied Chemistry and Physics at advanced high levels such that a lot of the phenomenon on this Earth is beginning to make sense to me. However, there are just some things that I have tried my best to explain with logic and science that just cannot be explained. I'm not trying to persuade or convert, I'm just stating my beliefs. Nevertheless, I'm amazed at what humankind has been able to achieve thus far. This fact is certainly indisputable. But are we truly capable of unraveling all that is presented to us during our existence?


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mike-tan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

hi. first I want to greate you all guys with a islamic greating. assalamualaikum. may peace be upond you. first, if for the first post, which is the owner of this topic, or anyone, please if you can contact me we can set a time and date we discuss this issues. thank you. my skype: tan.mike.foongMy whatsapp: +60182384868. Wallahualam. god knows best.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

When I was younger, I used to say that I was an atheist. Eventually, though, I realized that I was only saying that because I hated being dragged to church by my parents.Now, I know myself to be agnostic.I don't believe that it's possible to prove or disprove, objectively and undeniably, the existence of one or more gods. Certainly not now, and probably not ever.One of the definitions of "faith" is "belief that is not based on proof", and that is a kind of belief that I'm not capable of.Even if the words of all the different holy books were given to the people by some god, directly or through a prophet, and even if the current versions are identical to the original written versions, there might have been a time when the words were passed down orally from generation to generation. In that time, the words may have been altered in the retelling, deliberately or otherwise.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Some people just use religion for their own personal gain. Not everyone, just some people.  People in mid evil Europe did it. People today do it.  Out of curiosity do you, or have you in the past, carry any traditional samoan beliefs,  and have any merged with the incoming religions?


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : saiahz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

HiI used to live in a country called Samoa.That was heavily influenced by christians   and caflics.The 2 religions became to be so mixt in to our culture that it sort of felt like you were beeing forced to be one or the other. Then I started to see stuff that i didn't like.I saw the leader of the church telling people the more money we give the more blessd we become from god.People in Samoa are not the brightest tools in the shed if you no what i mean.And in samoa they have verry big famlies.But anyway the people began to give all the money they had and still continue to do it to this day.What I want to no is why do we give one man lodes of money and he doesn't give back anything to our people that just continue to go even more poorer every day because of it.When we mooved to new zealand. I discovered jahova witness. I liked that religion because they believed that every day is holey not just sunday.But then I discovered muslims. I sort of liked them because of how mutch they believe in the brown mans fafe. But I resently just decided to stay away from all religion.I still believe that thier is a higher power. I just don't agree with how mutch lies come with religion.Sorry if i have hert anyone in anyway, ps sorry for mis spelling still werking on writen english


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

From what I understand, it's not so much being a slave as it is being a child. Parents expect their children to behave in certain ways and follow rules, and so do gods of various religions, Judaism and Christianity being examples of this. When a child disobeys a parent or breaks a rule, what does that parent do? They punish the child. If someone disobeys their god or breaks one of that god's rules, what does that god do? He punishes the follower. True, it's not the exact same thing, and a god's punishments are a bit extreme according to our standards, but the concepts are similar.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

47,again, i will quote from an other answer because my english isnt that good for that kind of stuff"We believe that for the guidance of man, God sent down several divine books, among which we may name: the Sohof given to Noah, the Law given to Moses, the Gospel given to Jesus Christ, and the Holy Qur’an given to Muhammad. Were these books not sent, human beings would have been led astray, falling afar off from the natural path of piety, ethics, and straight path of truth. Such divine books, like the clouds of mercy, have rained upon the plane of the hearts, bringing to fruit the seeds of knowledge, wisdom and virtues "The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in that which is revealed to him from his Lord, and so do men of faith. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His books, and in all His Messengers. They say: "We make no distinction between any of the prophets." They also say: "We hear the prophets and we obey our Lord!” “We beg Your forgiveness that to you end all the road." (Holy Qur’an, 2:285) Unfortunately through long elapse of time, many of the scriptures have been tampered with, and altered to some extent, by the interference of some ignorant and unauthorized people, resulting in the replacement of some wrong thoughts and immoral ideas. Among these an exception is the Glorious Holy Qur’an, which has remained unaltered and is exactly in the same way as it was when revealed by the Almighty; and it has always been shining like the bright sun, throughout the ages and the nations, alighting the hearts.Holy Qur’an, Is the Greatest of the Miracles Of The ProphetWe believe the Holy Qur’an is the greatest and the most important one, among the many miracles of the Prophet of Islam; not only for its eloquence, fluency, vividness and expressiveness, but rather for other important aspects and wide dimensions of the book, about which broad descriptions have been given by the experts in their books. We believe that no one can ever bring a book like the Holy Qur’an, even not a chapter comparable to it! This is because the Holy Qur’an frequently asks the doubtful to do it if they can, and all who have endeavored have failed!"Say: If the whole of mankind and Jinns gather together to make out a book like this Holy Qur’an, they could not do it even if they back up each other with help and support." (Holy Qur’an, 17:88)"If you are in doubt of what we have revealed to our servant (Muhammad), then produce only one chapter comparable to this book; and call your witnesses or helpers to help you, if there are any besides Allah to assist you; if what you say be true. But if you fail to do so, and certainly you will fail, then fear the Fire whose fuel is man and stones prepared for the unbelievers.” (Holy Qur’an, 2:23)We believe that age will not make the Holy Qur’an old and out of fashion; but rather its miraculous points and views shall appear more and more clearly, and its greatness shall become more evident to the world. We have a tradition narrated by Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s) that: "God has not made the Holy Qur’an to answer a certain age or distinct group of people. It shall always remain fresh, new and lively."Holy Qur’an is Not Altered At AllWe believe that this book, the Holy Qur’an which is now at the hands of the Muslims, is the exact and unaltered copy of that which was revealed to our prophet Muhammad nothing less and nothing more .A group of trustworthy scribes chosen by the prophet himself took note of the revelations from the very beginning up to the end, and Muslims had it a duty of must, to read and recite the verses by day and night. A large group of Muslims committed the book to memory and a group of them had it on the scrolls. Those who had the book in their memory and those who could recite it for the others, had always had a very respectful position among the believers. Such customs and else, prevented the least amount of changes or any alteration to take place in the book. Additionally God Himself has promised and guaranteed to look after His book and keep it safe and secure until the end: "We have without doubt, sent down the Qur’an, and We will assuredly guard it." (Holy Qur’an, 15:9) All the learned and researchers in Islam, whether Shia or Sunni, agree that even the slightest alteration has not been made to this Holy Book. Some literate persons, discuss some rare and obscure tradition (hadith) that may mean that some changes have taken place, but the highest majority of those who have the knowledge of Islam, reject that, taking it be false and the mistake of some unaware commentators. Such improvident who lack forethought, by such false ideas strike upon the validity of the most important Divine Book, in contrast to the belief of all the learned Muslims of different sects, which maintain that the Holy Qur’an is unaltered for the least word. These unwise friends, water the mills of the ene

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

post 46. Honestly, it does not clear up things. here's why.1) so you mentioned that Allah is the true creator. so does this mean the Christian, the Catholic, and the Juish gods are fake? After reading those quotes, that's how it would appear so.2) if I understand it right, Allah commands you how you should live your life. In other words, a form of slavery. if you don't obey the lord, he will punish you for it. 3) most importantly, all this is coming out of a book that was written thousands of years ago. how can we still rely on it? do gods never change their minds?


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

i normaly wont planned to write anything here but i want to give an answer to post 44.lets beginfirstly i bleave Allah and his Prophet Mohammed., peace be upon him,"It is also mentioned in the Qur’an that Allah is the Creator and He is the Best Creator.“Glory be to Allah, the best Creator.”(Al-Mu’minun: 14)But then the question comes why do pain and sufferings exist in the world. We find sickness, old age and death. We see things that are ugly, people who are insane and foolish. There are storms, earthquakes, floods, draught and famine. We also see people commit sins, show disloyalty, unfaithfulness, greed and insincerity. We see people commit rapes, murders; they fight and make wars. We know all these and many more problems. There are evils caused by human beings and there are natural disasters. There are suffering for individuals and there are those that involve a large number of people.But we also know that this is not the whole story. Besides all these negative things, we also see beauty, health, prosperity, life, birth, wisdom, intelligence, growth and progress. We also see goodness among people, faith, sincerity, charity, love and the spirit of sacrifice. We also see a lot of virtue and piety. It is wrong to see one side of the coin and not to see the other side. Any philosophy that concentrates on one aspect of the creation and denies or ignores the other side is partially true and partial truths are no truth at all.It is also the fact that the element of good is more in the creation than the element of evil. We all see that there are more people who are healthy than those who are sick. There are more that eat well than those who starve.There are more that lead decent life than those who commit crimes. Goodness is the rule and evil is the exception. Virtue is the norm and sin is the aberration. Generally trees bear fruits, the flowers bloom, the winds move smoothly.But then the question is why does Allah allow these exceptions to the rules?Let us ask this question to understand Allah’s ways in His creation. The Qur’an tells us that good, evil and whatever happens in this world happens by Allah’s Will (mashi’at Allah). Only Allah knows fully His Will. We finite beings cannot grasp fully His infinite Will and Wisdom. He runs His universe the way He deems fit. The Qur’an tells us that Allah is Wise and everything that Allah does is right, just, good and fair. We must submit and surrender to His Will. The Qur’an has not given us all the details about Allah’s Will, but it has enlightened us with the guidance that is useful and sufficient for us. There are several points that we should keep in our mind to understand this issue:1. First of all, Allah did not make this world a permanent world. This is a temporary world and everything here has a time limit. When its times comes it will die, come to an end and finish. Neither the good things of this world are forever, nor the bad things eternal. We are here for a short time and we are being tested. Those who will pass this test will find an eternal world that is perfect and permanent. Those who will fail this test shall see the evil consequences of their sins and corruption.2. Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur when one or more of these laws are broken. The physical law is based on cause and effect. Sickness comes if one does not take care of one’s health or is exposed to infections. A car accident occurs when one is not alert, or drives in a careless manner, or if the cars are not checked, roads and freeways are not made and kept in right shape, or the traffic laws are not right or not properly enforced. Study of causes and effects is very important to facilitate safeguards. Even here we should keep in mind that Allah often saves us and He does not let us suffer from every negligence. How many times it happens that we are not careful and still we reach safely to our destinations. The way people drive in some cities, it is a miracle that more accidents do not happen and more people do not suffer. Allah says:“(Allah) Most Gracious! It is He Who has taught the Qur’an. He has created man: He has taught him speech (and Intelligence). The sun and the moon follow courses (exactly) computed; and the herbs and the trees both (alike) bow in adoration. And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), in order that you may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance. It is He Who has spread out the earth for (His) creatures.”(Ar-Rahman:1-10)The way we exceed the measures set by Allah and violate His laws of cause and effect is incredible. It is really the mercy of Allah that we are saved. Strictly speaking, the question should not be why does Allah allow suffering, but how much Allah protects us and saves us all the time in spite of our violations and negligence. The Q

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

the pall that religion has cast over the world for so long is finally lifting up. more than 20% of the world's population is unaffiliated. that's a great achievement for our civilization. religion held back scientific development for many a millennia, because they feared that the curiosity, and out-of-box thinking, the sort of thinnking which leads to great discoveries and inventions may somehow bring the truth of their Lords in light and then how would they control the masses? how would they keep a grasp on the power bass they'd created in the name of God and other such bullshit?by the way, thumbs up to post 44. you exactly  summed up my beliefs, though in a sort of extremist way. I'm also an atheist. I call myself secular, though. because I respect others beliefs for what they are for them. but I completely believe in science. and there is nothing -- and I mean it, there is nothing which cannot be explained by the application of rational thought. sure, we might just have begun the explosion of advancements in many fields, but hey, it's been  only  300 years, after all. the futurist in me predicts that religion would disappear 99% in the next 1000 years, give or take.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

the pall that religion has cast over the world for so long is finally lifting up. more than 20% of the world's population is unaffiliated. that's a great achievement for our civilization. religion held back scientific development for many a millennia, because they feared that the curiosity, and out-of-box thinking, the sort of thinnking which leads to great discoveries and inventions may somehow bring the truth of their Lords in light and then how would they control the masses? how would they keep a grasp on the power bass they'd created in the name of God and other such bullshit?by the way, thumbs up to post 44. you exactly  summed up my beliefs, though in a sort of extremist way. I'm also an atheist. I call myself secular, though. because I respect others beliefs for what they are for them. but I believe in science, too. and there is nothing -- and I mean it, there is nothing which cannot be explained by the application of rational thought. sure, we might just have begun the explosion of advancements in many fields, but hey, it's been  only  300 years, after all. the futurist in me predicts that religion would disappear 99% in the next 1000 years, give or take.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

right, let's begin. I'll try to remain civilised but I might fail. I'm a happy and proud atheist. sure, I fucked up many times in life, we all have. perhaps I always will be a failure. but if there is one, just a single thing I will never regret, that is my atheism. let's see here. I have no sight. the lord had holy water. the lord had the power to give, or for that matter, take it away from me. he took it away. he also didn't give me holy water to drink, which could then return my sight. if there was a god, I wouldn't be this way. as for the claims of "oh but god has a plan for you.", that's bullshit. I'm sure he didn't plan terrorism attacks, stabs, knife, shotgun, rape, murder... does he sit up on his throne with a can of beer, watching as a teenager stabs another to death? does he then light up his firework and celebrate? where is he, why does he not prevent any of that shit? if he had the power that people claim he did, he would. here's something else. someone mentioned about there being the christian god. well hang on a second. isn't there only one god? what, are there multiple gods? better yet, does everyone believe that their god exists, and all the rest are made up?  even better, is the islam and the christian sitting up there, using us, as humans to blow up each other, kill each other? do they use us as toys? why is killing in the name of god even acceptable in the first place? god didn't command you to do it, god didn't make you do no crap. I'm not trying to point fingers at one religion being more known for explosions than another, as I don't want to generalise, nor I want to point fingers. I'm just simply using them as examples. so does it go like this? god 1: "I hate you! Here, here's this TNT, I'll go to an Ariana Grande Concert, like the one in Manchester 2017, and I will use it on your people." God 2: "oh no problem." 2 weeks later? god 2 does the same.See where I'm going with this? I personally never read the bible, or any sort of holy book, and I never will.  the point is, murder is not prevented. there are families that suffer as a result. suffer up to the point where they feel as if the only option is suicide. again, does the lord enjoy watching that? then what about permanently  disabled people, who are either permanently fixed to a wheel chair, paralised entirely, or those who have to be fed through tubes? is that really what's considered as some sort of decent life? religion, whether we like it or not, is a murderer. was never interested at history, (it links too much into religion) but even the 2 world wars/. even now, generalisation, and some politic arguments. religion is behind it. the most shop lifted book is the bible. I just can't see how the all mity lord could ever agree with that?then what about kids that are brain washed into it, and if they don't follow it, get abused by their parents? ? I'm failing to understand how that fits in with the lord. then there are those that do everything against their holy book, which they so called worship. Hell and Heaven. I'm sure scientists would have discovered that thing by now, Let's look at this biologically. It is impossible for any human body part to live for thousands of years. then not to mention that god had to appear from somewhere? I guess that's the answer I can give the believers. "so how did we involve?" the same way as the lord has. something had to made him, right?now on the other hand, I do believe in UFO's. I do believe that there is an afterlife after death. it would just make sense. my guess is that we all become ghosts after we die. your spirit leaves your body, and remains lingering at your favourite place. there has also been plenty of evidence, pictures, and stories of ghosts existing. Now just to clarify, I'm happy to believe that god has existed once upon a time. but not now. even if he does, what is he? humans can't live for that long, and nothing else has that kind of a brain. Also, and I'm pretty sure someone has touched up on this. If he exists, and he's looking over me, that means he's watching me taking a shower naked. he watches me taking a huge crap. if anyone else did that, they'd be arrested. so why is it acceptable for the lord? how can he even watch millions of us at once? I'm sorry, but I want to be free. I want to be myself, my own, independent, beliefs. I don't want my life to be dictated by a book written thousands of years ago.if something comes up proving anything what I said wrong, I'll happily accept it and conduct my research. but as it stands, these are my views. hopefully, I did not cross the line, but we'll have to see.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

right, let's begin. I'll try to remain civilised but I might fail. I'm a happy and proud atheist. sure, I fucked up many times in life, we all have. perhaps I always will be a failure. but if there is one, just a single thing I will never regret, that is my atheism. let's see here. I have no sight. the lord had holy water. the lord had the power to give, or for that matter, take it away from me. he took it away. he also didn't give me holy water to drink, which could then return my sight. if there was a god, I wouldn't be this way. as for the claims of "oh but god has a plan for you.", that's bullshit. I'm sure he didn't plan tarrorism attacks, stabs, knife, shotgun, rape, murder... does he sit up on his throne with a can of beer, watching as a teenager stabs another to death? does he then light up his firework and celebrate? where is he, why does he not prevent any of that shit? if he had the power that people claim he did, he would. here's something else. someone mentioned about there being the christian god. well hang on a second. isn't there only one god? what, are there multiple gods? better yet, does everyone believe that their god exists, and all the rest are made up?  even better, is the islam and the christian sitting up there, using us, as humans to blow up each other, kill each other? do they use us as toys? why is killing in the name of god even acceptable in the first place? god didn't command you to do it, god didn't make you do no crap. I'm not trying to point fingers at one religion being more known for explosions than another, as I don't want to generalise, nor I want to point fingers. I'm just simply using them as examples. so does it go like this? god 1: "I hate you! Here, here's this TNT, I'll go to an Ariana Grande Concert, like the one in Manchester 2017, and I will use it on your people." God 2: "oh no problem." 2 weeks later? god 2 does the same.See where I'm going with this? I personally never read the bible, or any sort of holy book, and I never will.  the point is, murder is not prevented. there are families that suffer as a result. suffer up to the point where they feel as if the only option is suicide. again, does the lord enjoy watching that? then what about permenantly disabled people, who are either permenantly fixed to a wheel chair, paralised entirely, or those who have to be fed through tubes? is that really what's considered as some sort of decent life? religion, whether we like it or not, is a murderer. was never interested at history, (it links too much into religion) but even the 2 world wars/. even now, generalisation, and some politic arguments. religion is behind it. the most shop lifted book is the bible. I just can't see how the all mity lord could ever agree with that?then what about kids that are brain washed into it, and if they don't follow it, get abused by their kids? I'm failing to understand how that fits in with the lord. then there are those that do everything against their holy book, which they so called worship. Hell and Heaven. I'm sure scientists would have discovered that thing by now, Let's look at this biologically. It is impossible for any human body part to live for thousands of years. then not to mention that god had to appear from somewhere? I guess that's the answer I can give the believers. "so how did we involve?" the same way as the lord has. something had to made him, right?now on the other hand, I do believe in UFO's. I do believe that there is an afterlife after death. it would just make sense. my guess is that we all become ghosts after we die. your spirit leaves your body, and remains lingering at your favourite place.there has also been plenty of evidence, pictures, and stories of ghosts existing. if something comes up proving anything what I said wrong, I'll happily accept it and conduct my research. but as it stands, these are my views. hopefully, I did not cross the line, but we'll have to see.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

That's... quite interesting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs … nglish.htmEnglish page  1 of 12 This is an insight into and brief Summary only, of the 278 page book The Testament of Truth This Testament is the living Word of God, being the "Correction of the Truth" on earth, it is God's Final message to humanity.All spirits (Souls) that inhabit the fleshly material bodies of this level of consciousness (world) are to undergo a swift spiritual cleansing within. Being the purging-out of the energy essence of their negative emotions (the sin) to a greater or lesser degree. During this process, all souls will have to face their past, and REAP what they SOWED, meaning, whatever pain we caused to others, will now be done to us.Souls will all show God by their DEEDS, as to their truth. During this time of separation, those that continue sinning (cause pain to others) will be confined to a cold dark place (Hell). Those who have heard the call to love and do not retaliate in any confrontation, thus following Jesus' call of PEACE, will go to heaven. All souls are to now be separated, the Just from the Wicked, each soul choosing its own individual destination through its deeds.GOD SAYS I will now intensify the outpouring of my Holy Spirit essence to more quickly draw out the negative energy essence of your sin. Each time you abuse others, you draw in this negativity, that enlarges your sin (negative emotions) and counteracts my cleansing of your soul.GOD SAYS During this time of inner cleansing, you will all Reap what you Sowed at a faster pace. Whatever pain you have caused others to suffer, will be felt by you, at the hands of others. In God's eyes, all are sister and brother, and what you have done and continue to do unto others, will return to you quicker and more frequently at the hands of others.GOD SAYSAny of you who continue to deny my call of Peace and Love will be confined in hell for a very long time. Bless all who abuse you, showing ME your forgiveness of THEM. NOW IS THE TIME to follow Jesus, and be prepared to die "as a Lamb," if confronted by destructive forces. Thus abiding in MY CALL of non-retaliation and thus, PASSING your test, in SHOWING ME your belief in My WORD.2 of 12GOD SAYS Any heeding this call will be cleansed of all inner sin, and as Jesus, will become a CHRISTED SOUL. Meaning, of inner evil free, and will return to ME at the time that your fleshly body becomes uninhabitable (death) in earthly sense. ALL who believe in ME must be prepared to help all who come to their door with food, shelter and love. (Care and God's wisdom)GOD SAYS To abide in MY Word, evil thoughts must be kept OUT of your mind. This is done by building the ARK of the MIND, that is a barrier of love between the negative emotions and the mind. ANY who do not build this barrier will become overpowered by demonic thoughts and thus you will become a puppet for the dark side, and used by them to destroy others, and thus as you die your spirit will FALL into the dark fearful destructive pit.GOD SAYS As your Sin rises up within your soul before it is cleared out by MY Grace, it shows its full power and becomes very strong for a time and it is of the UTMOST importance to fortify your minds before this happens with My WISDOM, and also, keep daily cleansing the mind of negative thoughts by calling on ME in building the ARK of the MIND. For when your emotions become very strong, it is THE TIME that invisible demonic forces can broach your mind easily. REMEMBER to be able to abide in MY Call of non-retaliation, and be Compassionate, Understanding, Forgiving and Merciful, you MUST try to keep evil thoughts OUT ! For if you heed evil thoughts you are LOST. GOD SAYS The ONLY WAY to fortify the mind and keep sane is by building the ARK of the MIND, daily, with LOVE that flows when saying the Morning Star prayer. It is activated, by saying or thinking the following:Jesus I see your shining Star Jesus be with meJesus please help me and save meThose who believe not, that Jesus was God's earthly messenger, may either say the above or:Creator of the heavens Mother of love (or father of love) I see your Star shining above please cleanse my mind with all your loveso I may heed your call of Peace from aboveGOD SAYS These prayers are to be said three times a day. MY Star shines for all, ALL are MY children.3 of 12 GOD SAYS The destination of each soul is at stake. YOU choose YOUR destiny, being your spiritual destination, by YOUR ACTIONS. Any who are arrogant, and who fail through not heeding, will fall into icy cold darkness for endless time. This intense cleansing of the soul only takes place once every million years and thus, the open window into heaven will be closed to those who fail for this time span.GOD SAYS IF you believe that MY WORD as brought to earth by Jesus and other brothers and sisters over time, as indeed THE REQUIREMENT BY ME, then you MUST SHOW ME of your belief through your

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bashue via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I believe in absolute pacifism and absolute submission unto the will of the light sovereign power Allah Jehovah God our mother/father. I believe in the singular command of the light sovereign power being only be loving, kind, compassionate, merciful and forgiving unto all, even those who are sinfully living. That means, any who live in a way contrary to the singular commandment of God. The commandment continues; to show absolute respect unto all, even unto those who disrespect you and those who you love and care about. One must also never harm anyone for any reason what so ever nor must one retaliate in the face of adversity no matter who does what to you or anyone you love and care about, even if they trespass against total strangers. I believe in the singular unchangeable immutable law of Allah Jehovah God being what so ever you do will be done unto you. I also believe that any negative action that you do unto another or yourself will result in you not only being subjected to the karmic eye for an eye law which is not only a mosaic law but it also results in you drawing in negative energy. If you do something out of anger, you will become more angry over all and it'll be easier for the anger to take you over the next time. Your overall disposition will also be darker and you'll be more angry in general. This goes for all negative sinful emotions such as fear, hatred, jealousy, pride, vanity etc.I believe that because we disobeyed the light sovereign power in the first place, we banished ourselves from heaven and we stepped out from his/her protection and we are now subjected to the punitive aspect of the karmic law. Is Jehovah all light and love? Absolutely not; the light and the dark are within his framework and both are infinite and inexhaustible. I believe that the light sovereign power and the dark sovereign power are one and the same and that Satan and Jehovah are 2 more names for the light/dark sovereign power. No matter what you call the sovereign power and regardless of what gender pronouns you use be it him or her, it's all one and the same. I believe that we are all telepathic instruments and we are all being telepathically subjugated by beings outside of our own consciousnesses because of the sin that we foolishly drew in. It isn't that Jehovah is unable to protect us from harm, it is that we willingly said unto him, 'we don't need you so we're doing things our way'. As a result, we listened to the dark serpent and were deceived by the dark sovereign power Jehovah because we deserve to be destroyed. Why is this so? Since the beginning of time, we sought to destroy one another and Jehovah hates anyone who hurts his children and yes we're all his children. That's why we're telepathically subjugated by him so that he can drag us into hell to be cleansed and released back into heaven. Not only does he subjugate us directly but he also uses other ignorant's to subjugate us and we're also being used to subjugate them. The dark sovereign power cannot and never will forgive anyone for any past wrong doing. Only in paying for our sins via non retaliation will the dark sovereign power let us go to return to heaven. Why so? The light sovereign power must cleanse us of our sins that we drew in and unlike the dark sovereign power, the light sovereign power always forgives us by empowering us with his goodness/light energy. The light/positive energy are the good emotions of kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, peace, tranquility, love, joy etc. I did say that the light and dark sovereign power are one and why then would the light forgive us? That's because the light sovereign power doesn't want us to suffer in any way and she has given us the star prayers to make it easier for us to comply with her command and call of peace to only be loving and to only love.The star prayers will not only allow us to more easily comply with the command of the light sovereign power but they also temporarily halt the negative thought intrusion into our mind and the compounding of our negative emotions from spirits who link into our minds using our negative emotions as channels or inroads to convey what they think and feel thus making us feel more disturbed and more insane. We were all created with %99.999 light and %0.001 dark energy and because of our own disobedience to Jehovah, the dark that surrounds our light cores has grown bigger and stronger while the light has shrunk and has become dimmer. If the dark becomes grater than the light then we lose the freedom of choice to be the light in action and we can no longer be good, kind and loving unto others even if we want to. The star prayers gives us back a little sanity, clarity and rationality and they invoke 2 sources of light to aid in this endeavour. One source being the core of light within the individual and the other being the infinite light that emanates from Jehovah himself. I say the star prayers at least

Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@shotgunshell: I honestly don't know for certain, if indeed every single prophacy has come to pass so far. As  it is, not all scholars agree about the prophacies in general.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : x0 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I would be in the agnostic corner, whether there is a god or not, whether the big bang was created by a god, another universe's black hole, or is a complete fabrication done by whatever deity/s to keep us from actually finding something out about them is not my thing to decide, nor is it that of any simple human being. I don't believe if what have been bastardized as ghosts. I do believe in some sort of spiritual form, call it the soul or whatever you like, that we possess. Remember that freak time when somebody died in a hospital on a scale and instantly lost 5 pounds? If that's not some news fabrication that's enough proof for me that some sort of inner-being, more than just a result of neuron firing and electrochemical machinery as a physical form is there. If I were to say there is a ruling being of any kind, it would be the science of probability, randomness, and entropy. You can say everything happens for a reason, and if you took the time to trace things happenings you would discover an almost infinite chain of cause and effect. So to the simple, finite mind yes, everything was caused by something else. As the marovingian said, causality is the one true law we are all bound by. But if someone were able to trace every little finite change through the cause and effect minefield back to some kind of origin they would discover that it was a purely random and unexplainable phenomenon. The line-up of cosmic particles, some quantum force, or a fucking misfired brain wave, there it is, just waiting to stare you in the face and say reason is a construct if you could only locate the invisible dot deep within the maze of the universe. Back to spirits, if you are dead you will leave this earth, so no ghosts, k? Whether you go to some reincarnation, btw memory is preserved in electrochemical brain waves so you can forget about oh this happened in my past life, go to live forever in some realm of spirits in another dimension, are put into a parallel universe to relive your life, or simply go poof and that's it, that is not within existing human understanding. Oh btw comets contain amino acids, a basic building block of the cellular structure, so if you really wanna say where the hell did life come from? From another space rock. So did water. So surely there is another form of life out there in some distant galaxy or just a different solar system that our primitive technology does not allow us to analyze from such a distance. Maybe there was alien interference that did something like, IDK, the pyramids? Or maybe we just lost a chunk of evolution in some kind of mass plague that nobody knows about. We wan to know, why things are the way they are, however we cannot know, what makes things the way they are, as we are, by definition, unable to grasp a plethora of information that size. There's a scene in Indiana Jones The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull where the Russian lady asks, share everything you know with me, to a being that the movie portrays as an alien that originated human thought. And it grabbed her, and it began to fill her head with all it knew, with all it had been watching, and her head promptly swelled and she disintegrated. Think about that for a second. If you're a religious figure, leader, and you really know all, you would have literally burst at the seams and gone to heaven yourself, sir. So promptly cut the I receive messages from god monkey business. I have lost any linearity within my thought and I'm not even gonna proofread this post because I'll go spiraling, so just have at me tomorrow. Peace out, and may the philosophies of goodness spread from your hearts to the world, whatever belief system they be encapsulated within


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kashmiri gamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

hello garet.i agree with you.this is what, that the islam says.but all the muslims have made their own religions in islam they blame each other.allah says, if you give only one dollar to any poor person, i will send you to heaven with this good means, if you are a good person, and do good things in the world, they will definetly go to the heaven.allah has also said, i feel  know joy to punish you!but you do certain things, that leeds me to punish you badly!i love you more then the 70 mothers.if you do only one good thing in the world, i will not punish you and sent you to heaven.i don't like that the muslims are blaming each other, they say that he will go to the hell, no i will not, he will go!so this is the bad thing.and always do good, you will have a good afterlife.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@Chris I agree with you to a certain extent, but I also disagree with you to a certain extent. The point of god is not to meat fictional characters and to be able to launch fire from your hands. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're looking at the Christian god as if he's the only god that exists in history. As I've said before, I don't believe in the Christian god because he's the kind that says that he's gonna burn people in hell if they don't believe in Christ or if they practice magic. I believe in a god that loves everyone and punishes only those who deserve the punishment, such as murderers and gang leaders. I must again ask, if there is no god, then how did the bible point out things that happened in the future so accurately?


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I am a satonist. I have a spot reserved for me in the devvil’s hall of fame when i go.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Josh, I completely agree. I've always been taught to question everything and to make my own decisions after looking at the information presented. What you're saying about children essentially being "brainwashed" at a young age is true. Those people may never learn to think for themselves and question what they've been told. I suppose it's fine if you want to live your life believing in it, but blind belief because of it constantly being drummed into you isn't healthy in my view. Neither is forcing people to attend church. I went to a church with someone back in August and quickly realized why I hadn't done it for years. I think the last time I did it was when I was 8 and I remember hating it.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Josh, I completely agree. I've always been tought to question everything and to make my own decisions after looking at the information presented. What you're saying about children essentially being "brainwashed" at a young age is true. Those people may never learn to think for themselves and question what they've been told. I suppose it's fine if you want to live your life believing in it, but blind belief because of it constantly being drummed into you isn't healthy in my view. Neither is forcing people to attend church. I went to a church with someone back in August and quickly realized why I hadn't done it for years. I think the last time I did it was when I was 8 and I remember hating it.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Josh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Okay, Jesus's sacrifice is another problem I have with the Bible. Let's assume for the sake of argument that everything in the Bible is true and Jesus sacrificed himself. Why was that necessary in the first place? Assuming God is all powerful, he could have just decided not to be such a dick, but no, the only thing that will satisfy him is to see his only begotten son tortured to death because humans aren't perfect. That imperfection, by the way, is by God's own design if you believe in the Bible. Acording to the Bible, Jesus rose from the dead three days later and was eventually taken into heaven, but that still doesn't answer the question of why his sacrifice was necessary.Jesus's sacrifice brings to mind the time when God tested Abraham. For anyone who may not be familiar with the story, God told Abraham to take his son Isaac and sacrifice him as an offering to the lord. Abraham was just about to kill him with a knife when the angel of God essentially said "hang on a minute, God just wanted to see if you'd do it." TO me, that doesn't sound like an all knowing, all powerful, benevolent deity. That sounds like a seriously insecure sociopath.With all that being said, I have no problem with people following whichever religion or belief system they choose. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, I say have at it. I do think telling children certain things should be discouraged, however. For example, scaring small children with hell and demons should not be allowed. Many children haven't developed the faculties to think critically about such issues, and they believe whatever they are told by the adults in their lives. I know a lot of people will say they're just teaching the children the faith, and they have only the best intentions. However, there's a very thin line between teaching them and using fear as a cudgel to get them to tell themselves they believe, even if they know deep down that none of it makes sense.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Have you guys read the thread about the gibberish after google translating stuff from language to language to language back to English? Well, between that and the original language itself changing, look at the arguments about the song, "Baby, it's Cold Outside," for just how fast things which had one meaning 80 years ago have completely different meanings now. Between those cultural influences, the influences of the Roman government, (I.e) early Christians believed in karma, reincarnation, and no such thing as the hell of today. It's amazing any of the positives of Christianity, or any religion is in its pure form.Organized religion inevitably leads to people having power over others saying what to believe. Being told by your priest, Buddhist monk, coven leader, or whoever what to believe is giving them power over you.However, it is my belief that there is something beyond what we know, whether it is cosmic force, God, Allah, or the sphere being alliance, life is too abundant on Earth, and I personally believe throughout the universe to be the result of randomness.I feel like people's relationship with that higher power is personal and if they want to believe in Christianity, praise Allah five times a day, or hug trees, be my guest. did not Jesus say, "Love God, Love each other?" To me, there's no real difference between the two.Oh, and the fact that God and the devil were placing bets on Job's faith, and that someone who is supposedly all-powerful is so insecure that they make this guy's life suck so much really makes one think that whoever that was, they were/are a complete ass.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Well... The point of following the Christian God isn't wielding elemental magic, heh. True, in the Bible he allowed a select few to do some rather amazing things, but it was never simply for the sake of doing so. There was always a purpose. It's funny in a way because the bible outlaws magic, but some of what was done in it sounds suspiciously like magic. I think the point is that you're not supposed to call on anyone but God.As for getting sent to hell for doing something God doesn't like, that's the whole point of Christ's sacrifice, providing you actually believe and accept it. Now that doesn't give christians a license to sin freely. They're still expected to do their best not to sin. But if they do sin, and we're all sinners by default anyway, they're still saved. That's probably one of the very few things I think I understand.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Well... The point of following the Christian God isn't wielding elemental magic, heh. True, in the Bible he allowed a select few to do some rather amazing things, but it was never simply for the sake of doing so. There was always a purpose. It's funny in a way because the bible outlaws magic, but some of what was done in it sounds suspiciously like magic. I think the point is that you're not supposed to call on anyone but God.As for getting sent to hell for doing something God doesn't like, that's the whole point of Christ's sacrifice, providing you actually believe and accept it. That's probably one of the very few things I think I understand.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Well... The point of following the Christian God isn't wielding elemental magic, heh. True, in the Bible he allowed a select few to do some rather amazing things, but it was never simply for the sake of doing so. There was always a purpose. It's funny in a way because the bible outlaws magic, but some of what was done in it sounds suspiciously like magic. I think the point is that you're not supposed to call on anyone but God.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Josh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Yeah, I like how the Bible says God loves us more than we could ever know or understand, but do one thing he doesn't like and he'll happily send us to burn for eternity. Thanks, but I'll take a hard pass on that.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

"But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death."Yeah, that sounds fantastic! Remind me why I'd want to follow something like that? Religion is a crock. I agree with the 10 commandments, but that's about it. I'll start believing in the lord when I can meet Skulduggery Pleasant and wield elemental magic.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs … le-verses/Unless I'm mistaken, it sure sounds like anyone who doesn't believe in God and accept Christ's sacrifice will end up in a lake of fire, or whatever form hell actually takes.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

For those who have requested evidence on whether or not a God exists, I do have it and would be willing to share it with you if you’re willing to read and listen to it. If you still don’t believe there is one, to each their own I guess. As I have said before, there are a lot of things in the Bible that I don’t believe or agree with. However, to it’s credit, I will say that it made predictions about things that would happen many years after it was written, and it ended up being correct on those assumptions. It predicted things like the holocaust, the Civil War, and the two world wars. How could those people predict things so accurately unless God told them that’s what was going to happen? There were some people pointing out that  if the universe cannot evolve from nothing, then God should not be able to evolve from nothing either. The thing about that is, God has no beginning or end. He has existed before time was even a concept. As human beings this is pretty much impossible for us to comprehend, but it’s just the way it is.  God does not follow real world logic, this is a fact that’s been set in stone for many years.I am kind of curious myself as to why human beings have so many flaws if God himself is infallible, but I suppose this is something will find out at some point. One thing I definitely know for sure though, if you guys don’t believe in God but you’re good people, it doesn’t mean you’re going to hell. That is just a scare tactic that people use to try to get others to fall in line with what they believe. I think God may talk to you about your lack of faith, but he’s not gonna send you to hell just because you don’t believe. Only bad people go to hell.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

It's not my place to make anyone go along with anything; I tell it as I see it and my job is done.  Beyond that, actions speak louder than words.  I donate my time, talents, services, patience and anything I personally feel I've been blessed with to benefit others in hopes of walking the walk as well as talking the talk.  Truth is, I'd rather hear about people's experiences before I decide what needs to be said.I'm not convinced that more harm has physically, mentally, emotionally or otherwise been done by Atheists than any organized religion as other Christians would have myself and others believe.  In many respects, I'm of a mind that the church's people are their own undoing more often than not and the greatest threat to the message a Christian would otherwise preach and teach.  The more I look at from the inside and the more I read about people who fell away from the faith, the more I see people, people who claim to love, to respect and to be devoted to other people, all at the center of pushing others away with the most trivial arguments they are more interested in winning rather than helping someone understand.I have seen both sides of the spectrum and been on both sides of it.  There are those who truly want to know God and those who want to play God.  Yes... I tried to play God.  I believed in myself, believed in my abilities, believed in my resourcefulness and my practicality being able to solve everything.  When I didn't believe in God, I did my best to understand Christians.   I wanted to be able to state truthfully that I was open-minded.  Beyond that, I made it clear through my listening preferences,  and my writing  (please read post 2 for clarification,) that I believed every religious nut was absolutely misguided at best.  Yes, that was me, 6 short years ago.What happened?  I lost my mind?  I went soft?  I let go of cynicism and skepticism?  I ran away from the hardship of facing reality because I needed comfort from something else I couldn't fabricate on my own?  I accept all of the above if those are truly what you wish to believe of me.  I don't want to wield them as weapons, don't want to wear them as shields.  I am who I am, hard as it is at times.  I look at my past self and think that I miss it all more than I can say, because seriously, who wouldn't want to be the hero of their own story!


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

You too @9? I'mm of the same mindset, though@Connor: Thanks, I scooped my brain off my desk thinking about that. Ow. My brain hurts now!@Nocturnus and post @25: It's also a double standard that there's a minority of religious people (I was going to say Christians but it's not just them) who decide to loudly preach about their religion and decry all other religions, then get into a hissy fit when people don't go along with it.My own view isAlright, I'm a Wiccan, I believe also that as long as you don't shove your religion down my, or other people's throats, you do you. Don't hammer on my door, and ask me to believe in a Christian God, and don't send a Jehovah's Witness back if I politely decline, don't stand on a screet corner and tell me being a Muslim is the only true religion because their god said so (I've heard all of the above). You do you, champ, but let me follow my own path in life, ya know/


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

It always amazes me, that the very people who say that those who believe in God are insulting by virtue of what they believe have no restraint or pause to think that it is an insult to call everyone who does believe in God deluded, narrow-minded, mentally challenged, self-serving, etc.  I could go on all day, but the point here is a rather interesting doublestandard.  It's an insult to believe in a creator that is objectively good and to tell the world; it is not an insult to bash someone and claim that such claims are beyond absurdity.  No... I neither demand an apology nor am I expecting one for beeing seen as less than rational, but it does hurt.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Josh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Ever since I let my family know that I don't believe in God, they have either been worried that I'll burn in hell or they think I'll magically change my mind one day for no reason. Many of them can't even comprehend a life without belief in God.Supposing for one second that I'm wrong and there is a benevolent and all knowing god out there, he/she/it would accept me as I am, having created me and everything. If it turns out there is a god and he/she/it is a flaming asshole who would subject his/her/its creations to an eternity of burning in a lake of fire for any reason whatsoever, I would never worship such a deity in the first place and screw the consequences. Speaking of eternal torture, I feel that sort of punishment is overkill, even for the worst of humanity.I tell people who ask that if I was presented evidence that there is a god, I would be willing to change my mind. However, I would have to see some damn solid evidence first. Many times, they come back with something along the lines of "Well, you can't prove that God doesn't exist." My reply to that is that it is not my responsibility to prove the nonexistence of God. The people making the claims are responsible for proving them, and I haven't seen any proof at all yet. Until the day comes where I am proven wrong or I die, I will happily live my life under the assumption that there is no god, nor has there ever been a god.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kashmiri gamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

i believe in islam.the most remembering thing about our religion is that if the science is proving somethings back from 200 or 300 years, but the quraan had these things about 1400 years ago!and quraan is the complete way of living the had discovered all the planets stars and other things in the sky very late, but in quran, it was already 1400 years ago!and it says, don't harm others or brake heart of also says, that look at all things around you!and think deeply that how could have all these things formed?if we will keep thinking we can not go further than the formation of this yunivers.every thing has a connection with every thing.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Organized religion is horrible. It's just people trying to control or influence others. You don't need a fancy building with a church service, donations, paid indulgences, etc to believe in God and religion.As for my thoughts on religion, I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Where is this benevolent all knowing lord? Why doesn't he/she/it show himself/herself/itself? What made this entity? If God is a benevolent being, it shouldn't matter if I believe or not. We are all born with free will. I will not burn in the lake of fire as people claim. I do not need saving. If God is truly benevolent, I will be accepted no matter what. I think people cling to these ideas because it makes them feel better. The truth is that we don't really know what happens after we die, or how we got here in the first place. For all we know, we could all be in a simulation run by a species of beings that are far more advanced than us. If that's true, who created God? Who created the beings that run the simulation?If people want to believe in this crap and it makes them feel better, they can go right ahead. Don't try to convince me it's true. Maybe I read too many fantasy books, but this all sounds like fantasy. Why has this all powerful being created us with so many flaws? Why can't we truly regenerate? If my retinas and other body parts could regenerate, I wouldn't be blind, I could grow new limbs, teeth, etc. If there is a God, I'm going to come with a bunch of complaints and suggestions for human version 2.0.I'll live my life and be happy. When I die, I'll either find out that there's another realm of existence, or I'll simply stop existing and won't know or care. In the meantime, I don't want to hear bullshit from different religions. By the way, each group thinks they're absolutely right and everyone else is wrong. I say it's all a bunch of bullshit. I'll start believing in it when someone proves the world of Skulduggery Pleasant is real and we can do all kinds of fantastic things.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Organized religion is horrible. It's just people trying to control or influence others. You don't need a fancy building with a church service, donations, paid indulgences, etc to believe in God and religion.As for my thoughts on religion, I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Where is this benevolent all knowing lord? Why doesn't he/she/it show himself/herself/itself? What made this entity? If God is a benevolent being, it shouldn't matter if I believe or not. We are all born with free will. I will not burn in the lake of fire as people claim. I do not need saving. If God is truly benevolent, I will be accepted no matter what. I think people cling to these ideas because it makes them feel better. The truth is that we don't really know what happens after we die, or how we got here in the first place. For all we know, we could all be in a simulation run by a species of beings that are far more advanced than us. If that's true, who created God? Who created the beings that run the simulation?If people want to believe in this crap and it makes them feel better, they can go right ahead. Don't try to convince me it's true. Maybe I read too many fantasy books, but this all sounds like fantasy. Why has this all powerful being created us with so many flaws? Why can't we truly regenerate? If my retinas and other body parts could regenerate, I wouldn't be blind, I could grow new limbs, teeth, etc. If there is a God, I'm going to come with a bunch of complaints and suggestions for human version 2.0.I'll live my life and be happy. When I die, I'll either find out that there's another realm of existence, or I'll simply stop existing and won't know or care. In the meantime, I don't want to hear bullshit from different religions. By the way, each group thinks they're absolutely right and everyone else is wrong. I say it's all a bunch of bullshit. I'll start believing in it when magic is real and we can do all kinds of fantastic things.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Organized religion is horrible. It's just people trying to control or influence others. You don't need a fancy building with a church service, donations, paid indulgences, etc to believe in God and religion.As for my thoughts on religion, I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Where is this benevolent all knowing lord? Why doesn't he/she/it show himself/herself/itself? What made this entity? If God is a benevolent being, it shouldn't matter if I believe. I will not burn in the lake of fire as people claim. I do not need saving. If God is truly benevolent, I will be accepted when I die no matter what. I think people cling to these ideas because it makes them feel better. The truth is that we don't really know what happens after we die, or how we got here in the first place. For all we know, we could all be in a simulation run by a species of beings that are far more advanced than us. If that's true, who created God? Who created the beings that run the simulation?If people want to believe in this crap and it makes them feel better, they can go right ahead. Don't try to convince me it's true. Maybe I read too many fantasy books, but this all sounds like fantasy. Why has this all powerful being created us with so many flaws? Why can't we truly regenerate? If my retinas and other body parts could regenerate, I wouldn't be blind, I could grow new limbs, teeth, etc. If there is a God, I'm going to come with a bunch of complaints and suggestions for human version 2.0.I'll live my life and be happy. When I die, I'll either find out that there's another realm of existence, or I'll simply stop existing and won't know or care. In the meantime, I don't want to hear bullshit from different religions. By the way, each group thinks they're absolutely right and everyone else is wrong. I say it's all a bunch of bullshit. I'll start believing in it when magic is real and we can do all kinds of fantastic things.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Organized religion is horrible. It's just people trying to control or influence others. You don't need a fancy building with a church service, donations, paid indulgences, etc to believe in God and religion.As for my thoughts on religion, I think it's a bunch of bullshit. Where is this benevolent all knowing lord? Why doesn't he/she/it show himself/herself/itself? What made this entity? If God is a benevolent being, it shouldn't matter if I believe. I will not burn in the lake of fire as people claim. I do not need saving. If God is truly benevolent, I will be accepted when I die no matter what. I think people cling to these ideas because it makes them feel better. The truth is that we don't really know what happens after we die, or how we got here in the first place. For all we know, we could all be in a simulation run by a species of beings that are far more advanced than us. If that's true, who created God? Who created the beings that run the simulation?If people want to believe in this crap and it makes them feel better, they can go right ahead. Don't try to convince me it's true. Maybe I read too many fantasy books, but this all sounds like fantasy. Why has this all powerful being created us with so many flaws? Why can't we truly regenerate? If my retinas and other body parts could regenerate, I wouldn't be blind, I could grow new limbs, teeth, etc. If there is a God, I'm going to come with a bunch of complaints and suggestions for human version 2.0.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mads via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@12Damn. You beat me to it. I was actually going to make a refrence to that verry same song.You nailed it.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

To a finite mind, eternity will never make any sense, any more than a 4 or 5 dimensional world could make sense to someone who's only lived in one with 3.  It's like asking a person born totally blind to describe color or a completely deaf person to detail a musical selection.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I believe in nothing an no one except that humans are by nature spiteful leeches, and that if you are not one than you are a happy anomaly. I do not care if anyone believes anything different, but I do care if you try to tell me I should believe what you believe as if it is the only correct answer. I think the "you can't create something from nothing" argument is a paradoxical one, with the reasoning that if the universe could not have been created from nothing, god could not have been created from nothing. Why do you think god is different than the universe? I believe that when you die, you simply do not exist anymore. This is a rather frightening thought because it means there will eventually be nothing left for us, but I don't believe in heaven and hell.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Wasn't trying to spark a debate. I apologize for any offense given.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I like to look at others beliefes and see what I can learn from them, example , some native american beliefes, and say, there respect for nature, or a  religions morals. My morals are my own, though. I will do what I think is right, not what some religion says I should do.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

From the moment we are born to the moment we die, questions of great importance all revolve around four topics, those being origin, meaning, morality and destiny.  How did we get here?  What are we doing here?  Why should I be good or bad?  Where am I going?  Ultimately, what, what is it all about?Whatever question you ask in an attempt to establish a lense through which you can see life will revolve around those four concepts.  When tied together, all of these will govern how you live life.  If all of this is untrue of you, you have my respect.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

We may never know the answer to that question. But things like the big bang happening by chance is just, well, do the math, all of it, then, look at the  odds.  How was this planet, with such perfect conditions to support life created, with many others being  uninhabitable balls of fire. It may make a person think. As for my  beliefes, I believe I fall under the category of agnostic. I don't trust most  organize religions, because they seek to control. But I respect others beliefes, rather you  practice Christianity, Islam,  or a form of voodoo, so long as you use none of these religions to try to harm people. That's where I draw the line.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

How was the god made, then? What's the probability of there being a god that would do all these things? And if such a god exists, are they truly worth worshiping? I'm sure they could've done a much better job ... 


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@12 I believe there is a god, simply because you can't make something out of nothing. The universe and the planets within had to be formed in some way, I mean what are the odds that a few specks of dirt could just form a planet and a bunch of tiny oval-shaped creatures typing on keyboards and peaces of glass? Mind you, we didn't exist at first, but you catch my drift? Also, I'm not sure if we're oval or not, but that's what I'm guessing.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Another atheist here. There was a line in one of Bo Burnham's songs that was something like "You shouldn't abstain from rape just because you think that I want you to. You shouldn't rape because rape's a fucked up thing to do." I love that line. I don't need any gods to figure out morality. I don't want any creep to be watching me all the time. I don't want anyone to suffer just for not believing in the same religion that I do. Do you know how fucked up that is? All these nice people around you, wonderful people, better than many of those who believe in your religion. All of them will suffer in hell. No one of us wants that ... right? If we have to make up a religion, can't it at least be a friendlier one?Anyway, enough of ranting. I'm an atheist, and will continue to not believe in gods until I get good proof that a god-like being exists. If I get good scientific proof of that, I'll believe. Not worship that being, mind you. But believe that they exist, at least.I understand that many people find a kind of safety in believing someone's watching out for them. Death's terrifying, so it makes sense they'd try to soften it up by believing that they'll never really die, just go someplace better. And our law system isn't perfect, so of course some primal side of us would want monsters to suffer for ever, however cruel that is. So believe, if you want. Believe for yourself, don't try to force those beliefs on anybody else, especially not children. Don't refuse some scientific progression just because your god/s wouldn't agree with it. Don't harm anybody. Don't tell someone that they shouldn't get medicine, and should allow you to heal them with holy water or your healing touch or whatever instead. Whatever you believe in, just be a good person, and we'll get along just fine.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Another atheist here. There was a line in one of Bo Burnham's songs that was something like "You shouldn't abstain from rape just because you think that I want you to. You shouldn't rape because rape's a fucked up thing to do." I love that line. I don't need any gods to figure out morality. I don't want any creep to be watching me all the time. I don't want anyone to suffer just for not believing in the same religion that I do. Do you know how fucked up that is? All these nice people around you, wonderful people, better than many of those who believe in your religion. All of them will suffer in hell. No one of us wants that ... right? If we have to make up a religion, can't it at least be a friendlier one?Anyway, enough of ranting. I'm an atheist, and will continue to not believe in gods until I get good proof that a god-like being exists. If I get good scientific proof of that, I'll believe. Not worship that being, mind you. But believe that they exist, at least.I understand that many people find a kind of safety in believing someone's watching out for them. Death's terrifying, so it makes sense they'd try to soften it up by believing that they'll never really die, just go someplace better. And our law system isn't perfect, so of course some primal side of us would want monsters to suffer for ever, however cruel that is. So believe, if you want. Believe for yourself, don't try to force those beliefs on anybody else. Don't refuse some scientific progression just because your god/s wouldn't agree with it. Don't harm anybody. Don't tell someone that they shouldn't get medicine, and should allow you to heal them with holy water or your healing touch or whatever instead. Whatever you believe in, just be a good person, and we'll get along just fine.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

@10 I find that particular topic to be a conflict of interest, because while yes I am Agnostic and not Christian, I do believe the Quenton C moderators were in the wrong and are constantly in the wrong for multiple reasons. However, that particular debate is far out of the scope of this topic, so I would prefer that if we do talk about it that we do so in another topic.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs … oderators/


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Hello. I'm a wiccan/druid. I believe tha nature provides and we're slowly hampering that . I'm no tree hugging hippy or anything and i do believe in ghosts and what not. magic can't be explained by science it's an entity all it's own. I also believe that we were visited by aliens in the past which helped to shape our mythology.   If you think i'm a crackpot so be it but you did ask lol. I don't let this run my life. also santan is not inherantly evil he's the voice of free will if he even exists. but i feel that satan is a christian entity so i'm not realy a fan. The christian and espcailly the catholic religion is a corrupt orginazation. maybe not as corrupt as it was when it first came into being but still corrupt.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I'm a Buddhist by heart, but I'm not like most Buddhists you probably know or heard of. I don't see Buddha beyond man. I believe in spirituality and the existence of all possibilities, even in parallel realities. But I don't focus on hell or heaven, for heaven and hell lies nowhere other than in my heart. Karma is a thing, but not a thing over hell or heaven. You do good, you know it. You do bad, you also know it. It's more of a sense of right and wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if I kill someone and they seek revenge upon me, because that's what I deserve for doing wrong to them. But of course I wouldn't do such thing.I don't follow monks or people after Buddha much. Like many said, religions can be ways to power and people tend to keep making things up or bend existed crap to dictate those under the same believes. I'm all for love and peace, and I follow what I find makes sense in Buddha's teachings. I have my own way of seeing my own religion.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Here's the thing about religion. A lot of the messages contained within most religious teachings are completely fine and I can see the point to them. I agree with things such as striving to help the poor, not harming other people, and not steeling what isn't yours. But I can't exactly subscribe to any of the organized religions currently in existence. Ever since I've started seriously thinking about things like these, organized religion especially the monotheistic ones stemming from Judaism simply look like an easy way to control the masses, e.g. In the middle ages the catholic church was able to effectively stop any scientific advances for a thousand years, at least those that didn't have anything to do with warfare, and if someone came up with a theory that didn't fit into their narrative, to the inquisition they went. Also you can't forget the church didn't translate their services or even the bible into other languages, so the people had to rely on priests to communicate how they were to live. I also can't get behind the classic view of an all knowing, all good and all powerful deity. Another example, if you ask a person who believes in the christian god why he would allow all the suffering currently taking place on the world, you usually get an answer along the lines of "Because of the fall of  Adam and Eve", or "Because it's required for god's great plan to be fulfilled". But if God is punishing mankind for the sins committed 6000 years ago, he can't be all good. Similarly if suffering must happen for god to reach his objective, he isn't all powerful, and if he can't figure out a way to complete his work without humans needing to suffer, he's not all knowing. This is why I can't follow these monotheistic religions. However, I also can't believe the universe, the earth, and intelligent life didn't evolve purely out of random chance. Sure, time has had 13.8 billion years to get to this point, and 1 monkeys on a typewriter will eventually rewrite the works of Shakespeare given infinite time. But if you look at a phenomenon like the big bang, I'm left asking "What the hell happened"? According to the theory the singularity that our universe must have been before suddenly expanded, and is today somehow still expanding at an accelerating rate. But the way I understand it, what happened was basically a giant explosion of matter, and explosions need at least two elements to react with each other. So why did this expansion of the singularity happen 13.8 billion years ago, why not 50 billion, or just 100? Something at that precise moment in time must have caused it. I'm not going to pretend I know what that was, whether it really was some ancient deity, a race of powerful aliens, or simple quantum randomness. But until I know what it was, I have no reason to worship it unless it shows itself and expresses such desires.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Hello folks! Well I do believe that there is/are powers that we can not understand and even name at work to keep balance. Religions are a way to name and try to approach said powers. I do believe in God, or Gods, the dungeon master that keeps the game running. I've studied and allowed myself to be part of many religions for about 14 years or so, and it surely taught me alot on what would be my personal beliefs."He lives in youHe lives in meHe watches overEverything we seeInto the waterInto the truthIn your reflectionHe lives in you"Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Josh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I was raised Christian, but I have been an atheist for many years now. Organized religion just seems like a way to keep people in line. That being said, I have no problem with people practicing whatever religion they want as long as they aren't causing harm to others or using religion from a position of power to manipulate people for their own personal gain.The idea that there is an invisible being in the sky who watches everything you do and keeps a checklist never really made sense to me. Once we die, my belief is that we simply cease to exist. There is no reward or punishment after death. I don't believe there is any purpose in life other than the purpose we give it ourselves.There is still so much we don't know, but humanity is making progress. I have hope that in the distant future, we will have a much better grasp on the way the universe works. Many formerly unexplainable phenomena have been explained through scientific study. Science isn't perfect, but it is our best shot if we want to truly understand how the universe operates. To me, religions take all the mysteries of the universe and say, with no evidence to back it up, that "(insert random deity here) did it" instead of saying "We don't know why it happened, but hopefully we will some day."


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

i believe in adriana chechik.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Yeah, to be honest i think it’s just a bunch of power hungry people trying to dictate how we think and live our lives. I’m not talking about people who follow religgons, only those that preach them. I suppose i’m more or less in agreement with shotgunshell.


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Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

I believe that there are a great many things we don't understand, and possibly will never understand. I also believe that most organized religion is humanity's attempt to both make sense of things and also control others to some degree.Is there a God? I don't know. Why are we here? I don't know that either. Do ghosts exist? Possibly. What about psychic abilities and magic? Again, possibly. Maybe quantum physics will explain that stuff someday.


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What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

2018-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


What is Everyone's Religious Beliefs

Hello.I'm very curious as to what you guys believe in and why. It gives me some additional insight into how people work and an excuse to tell people what I believe in.My beliefs are a bit complicated to talk about. They aren't something you can really define in one word, but if you were to attempt it I'd say the word I'm looking for is Agnostic. In case you're wondering, the general definition of Agnostic is A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. I'm not too sure if I fit under that term strictly. I believe that if you're a good person who's trying to do good things and contribute to society, then you will be going to heaven. I also believe there is a place for bad people to go. As for neutral people, the lines are a bit blurred for me.I believe in God, but I do not believe in the ways people interpret his rule in books, i.e., If you're gay or you have sexual relations with someone without going through a traditional wedding, you're going to hell!, or, Anybody who does not fall in line with the exact rulings and religious practices outlined in this book will either go to hell or will be terminated by someone who does follow these rulings/practices.. Yes, I am calling out both Christianity and radicalism, radicalism especially given the fact that it's a problem because of people taking the meaning of the books far too seriously and going far and beyond with their beliefs. But I think that anybody who's believing things based off the books has it all wrong, simply because the books are written by man. We can twist and turn things any way we like and sell it as the truth, so it's best not to believe things written in the books and instead go for believing that god wants us to be good people and simply acknowledge his existence rather than worship him at all times in all places under all situations, or thrust our beliefs in everybody's faces in an attempt to force them into a position of conversion or religious submissiveness.OK, I have now gone over my beliefs. I am now curious to know what everybody else thinks. Also, if I have mistaken something, please point it out to me., I am not a fan of misinforming others. The idea of this post was to tell people about my currant beliefs based off of information I think is accurate (which is why I've done hardly any research for this discussion), and to gain the opinions of others based off of the research that they may or may not have done so that I can learn something.Thanks for reading.


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