Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

Very nice explained Thom. URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

@Frastlin, I always thought I was fairly complete when beta testing (and especially when alpha testing), however that is way nuts! . usually I dont try to make the game crash, I just try what is conceivably possible for a game. Ie trying all characters, going through all areas, getting all the items I can etc. I might try something in game that is loopy but conceivable say drinking a healing potion at full health or trying to fight the monster without equipping a weapon, but thats about as far as I go. I will add however this is also why i tend to be careful what I beta test. While I fully expect to be doing work, if Im spending a good while playing through a game which does not have a concept that interests me even if it is far from complete Im probably going to not really care much. With Entombed it was that I so wanted an rpg that e
 ven when i was just hacking my way through hoards of goblins with a single bronze sword, I could conceive of what would be in the game later. but even if I might try say a sportsor racing game once released even though theyre not my preferd genres, Id probably wouldnt have the impetus to beta test them. Indeed a recent game came up on the audeasy list that was like this, someone asking for beta testers for an arcade game. I thought the game sounded okay and I would like to try it when its finished, but I didnt fancy the concept enough to really feel I wanted to put the time in to a full scale test.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

this topic will not go very far. A developer will release a beta version if he/she wants to, not just because someone creates a topic asking for beta versions.If you really wanna help with beta testing, feel free to contact the developers directly.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

in that case, herry would be a boss?URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

I agree with you completely, slj. Thats the thing Id like to explain. And Thomas made a very good point.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

As someone who does a lot of beta testing for products that arent games, I have to say that it involves a lot of writing. This is why I only do Alfas if people ask me to, because the responsibility that comes with playing a beta or alfa means that I will do a lot of repeating things with different variables. Also, I cant get impatient if something is labeled as a beta and a bug is left that makes the world a horrible place when using that product.Now a solid release is a different story! I dare you to crash myFinal1(Well I can think of one way to crash it, but it involves going into the .sav file and removing the lovely code that is your progress. I should put some message to pop up saying you idiot, I dont know what else to call you... But I think having the game close instantly is message enough)That is the kind of quality I like to
  see in the games I buy and that are marked as version*. But I know Im kind of obsessive when it comes to quelling bugs as when I play a game, I tend to crash it first thing... (it makes testing my own games kind of annoying). And good beta testers are hard to come by and developers like beta testers who understand at least a little programming as well as those who can write clearly and thoroughly.For example, as a bug test for the above bug it would be a super short bug report as bug reports go, it would look something like:On a windows 7 64 bit, I opened the name.sav file in note-pad, hit ctrl a to select everything, hit delete, then typed fred. I hit save, opened the game, hit load, chose name from the list and hit enter. The game window vanished and I was in windows explorer again.You answer the questions:who? Me on a windows 7 64 bitwhat? I crashed the gamewhen? When I loaded a .sav filewhere? on the load
  screenwhy? Because I wanted to crash the game by loading a game with no info, as if I was someone who thought they could I went into the .sav file with note-pad, hit ctrl a and hit backspace, then typed fred. Then I tried to load it.If you think doing the above for every bug looks fun and if you can write the above properly in what ever language your developer speaks, please please contact your favorite developers and tell them that you would like to bug test for them!URL:

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games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

hi.i opened a topic in the development room, and tward told that the same subject i must open in this room and not there.there are some games which i want to beta test, and maybe not only i thought to open a topic, where we can ask developers to share us their games which are not redy for new release still.for example: i would like to test sarah 1.2, super liam 2 and the fishing game by, the developers can upload their games for us which are still not redy, and they will upload the compleate game in the new releases room.what do you think?kamochek.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : muhammad rifqi AL gifari via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

yeah.its goodURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

Hi, obviously, they are not ready for release, so they are not being released. If the developers feel ready, they will release the games. If they dont feel like it, nobody can forse them.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

Kamochek,My Sarah game is not ready for alpha or beta, and I am waiting for Shades of Doom version 2 beta before releasing the Sarah update to my beta team.Most developers have a dedicated beta team that fills out a form listing their system details so that the developer knows what versions of Windows their beta will work with.I have this for my Sarah game.Because of the update to the Orlando World of Harry Potter I am considering adding a London level to the game, but have not decided what things to add that would make it interesting beyond the idea of exploring Things I could add:Leaky Cauldron pub. number twelve Grimmauld PlaceOn Diagon Alley,Gringotts Bank, Ollivanders Wand Shop, Weasleys Wizard Wheezes Joke Shop, Borgin and Burkes, Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment, and Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlour.And of course,Minestry of Magic.UR

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

hi phil.couldnt you add also a level of the muggles world, where will be house number 4 in privat drive?and dont you have any audio so that ill heare which sounds this game like?and maybe the new levels so that i can listen to them?btw: kamochek is here on the fourum, but im the same shalva which writing the a question: you still didnt disided if you will use the voice for madam rosmerta which ive sent to you?and i thought here about another good idea: in the places like chamber of secrets, ministery of magic and places like that, why dont you will add an echo like in underground places, or caves or tunnels?kamochek.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

I dont think this is going to happen... there is a reason developers keep game betas to themselves or to small teams... betas are not always meant to be tested publically.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Phil via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

kamochek,I did post Sarah entering the wand shop.I have several people doing the voice of madam rosmerta and have not decided which one to use.I do like the idea of increasing the echo in some places. I thought I did it when you enter the Great Hall.It is possible as it is a variable already built into the game engine.As for Harrys home during the Summer Holiday.Hmm, lets see what would Harry do with a good looking teenage witch in his bedroom?I think that would turn the game to an x rated one!Smiles.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

Kamochek, as a developer let me just say that if a game is not ready for release it is not ready for release. there are reasons why a game may be unsuitable for public use, and releasing it too prematurely can cause endless aggravation both for the player and the developer. Asking a developer to release a game in an uncompleted state often times will not be something you would want to play in any case.Let me give you an example here. there is a major bug in Mysteries of the ancients I have not fixed yet, and since I know it is there it would be irresponsible for me to release it in that condition.However, lets assume for arguments sake you asked for that game, I gave it to you knowing that bug was in there, it doesnt take much imagination to figure out what would happen next. You would write me back about the bug I mentioned, ask me why you get that bug, and if I say I knew it was in there you would want to know why I didnt fix it etc. I would
  then have to go through the tedious task of explaining the obvious that you wanted the game as is, and you gave me no time to debug the game properly. Now, imagine how complex and frustrating that can get if 100 people download the game all wanting to know the same thing, and not understanding that I had my reasons for not releasing it in the first place but some people were impatient and wanted it right now finished or not.Moral of the story here is dont ask for games that are not complete. Yeah, you might get it early, yeah, you might have something to play. However, if a developer is holding back on a release you can be pretty sure they have a good reason for doing so, and trying to make them release it earlier than intended may result in a very buggy or untested version that will not work as you had expected. Moreover a developer may get a reputation as a sloppy or incompetent programmer because none of the normal rules of testing software apply when they jus
 t dump an untested version on the public like that.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

I will agree with Tom here. When developers want to post public beta versions of games they will do so themselves, indeed that was part of the purpose of the New releases room. Earlier versions than that such as alphas are actually often more of a chore than a pleasure to play, which is why early testing is more of a job than a way of getting the game for free. to give you an example, I alpha tested the very early version of entombed. In the first alpha there were no enemies, and all you did was walk around and open doors, also the wind sounds hadnt been sorted correctly and there was no way to tell where you ahad been, there was also no music in the game. In the second alpha there were goblins to fight, but only goblins, and only one weapon and one type of armor, also there were some hilarious bugs, for example i once fought a goblin whos hand I managed to sever with my sword yet who went on fighting me, and indeed in the next fight even after i k
 illed him I got a second attack message that hed hit me with his sword again . nEITHER Neither of those versions was even possible to complete, indeed the first version that had a vague completion message wasnt until the game went into beta and more than about 5 people had played it. While Entombed is a fantastic game now, those early alphas had some horrible bugs, fortunately I and the few other people testing the game told the developer and the bugs got fixed, and so werent in the versions the public played.URL:

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Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

2014-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kamochek via Audiogames-reflector

Re: games which are not redy for release, lets beta test or alpha test the

hi.first: i think entombed still have bugs.the game can crash at any moment, even in fight the enemy want to cast to you a spell, and the game close.secondly: well, harry can to do with sarah the following:you can turn this game to rpg, where the player can choose if he want to play as sarah, or as harry, like in entombed where you playing for 3 charachters.kamochek.URL:

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