[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New home for SB2!

2005-09-14 Thread Robin Bowes


My proposed new home for my SB2 arrived yesterday.

Some pictures here:


It's a dead Cambridge Audio DACMagic 1!

I've not powered it up yet but it apparently blows fuses when switched on.

I've not finalised my plans yet, but I'll probably do some or all of the 

 - replace front panel and mount SB2 VFD in centre
 - power the SB2 from one or more of the existing power supplies
 - replace the SB2 digital supply with a Super Regulator
 - Bypass the SB2 output stage (drive direct from DAC)
 - Use the DACMagic output stage, including balanced outputs
 - upgrade the DACmagic analogue stage (caps, opamps, etc.)
 - Power which ever analogue stage I use with a SuperReg
 - connect up the digital inputs to the SB2 DAC for use with other sources.
 - connect the pretty lights to the SB2 DAC some how :)

I'm waiting for a Service Manual for the DACMagic so I can work out how 
to hack the circuit but I've drawn a blank so far. If anyone's got one 
I'd appreciate a copy.

What do you think? Maybe slimdevices should consider making something in 
a box like this?



If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Purpose of the BigASS cap?

2005-09-14 Thread Andrew L . Weekes

 Purpose of the BigASS cap?

I thought it improved your bottom end :)


Andrew L. Weekes
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread Fabrice Rossi
seanadams a écrit :
 There isn't a simple answer to this. SB2 uses the PCM1748, but the DAC
 chip alone does not dictate the performance of the whole system - it
 can be somewhat better or much worse than the data-sheet specs
 depending on the design. Since the DAC chip is only one component of
 the whole clocking + power + DAC + amplification process, the only way
 to really do a head-to-head is to listen blind, or measure the complete
 systems under identical test environments. However, even then, there is
 no such thing as an exhaustive test.

Do you think that the SB2 could be improved by replacing (not as a mod,
for the SB3 for instance) the PCM1748 by a more expensive model from
Burr Brown? The PCM1748 is quite cheap, according to TI web site
(http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/pcm1748.html), so I guess
it's only a small part of the price of the SB2, even if you don't pay it
1.3$US ;-) (listed price for 1000 units). The PCM1792A
(http://focus.ti.com/docs/prod/folders/print/pcm1792a.html) has for
instance much better specs (on paper) than the PCM1748, but it costs 10
times more (less than 14$US for 1000 units). It is used in the Denon DVD
player DVD-A1XV, for instance. The PCM1794A seems also nice.

To say differently, according to your measurements, do you think that
going to this type of high end chips will be possible without a much
higher price and with a direct improvement, or do you think all the rest
of the SB2 should be improved to match the specs of the PCM1792A,
driving up the price (e.g., by including a PSU like Andrew's one)?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Purpose of the BigASS cap?

2005-09-14 Thread Robin Bowes

Andrew L.Weekes wrote:

Purpose of the BigASS cap?

I thought it improved your bottom end :)

Bum bum!

(Basil Brush, anyone?)


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread cbemoore

Still on the subject of dBu.

My power amp has a power-save function. If the input signal is less
that -74dBu, the power amp will automatically switch off after 5 mins.
If it detects a signal louder than -74dBu, it will automatically turn
back on.

My problem is that when I connect the SB2 directly to the power amp,
the power amp never turns off. This would seem to indicate that even
when the SB2 is turned off, its noise floor is louder than -74dBu.

Is this to be expected, or do I have a duff unit?


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread Robin Bowes

cbemoore wrote:

Still on the subject of dBu.

My power amp has a power-save function. If the input signal is less
that -74dBu, the power amp will automatically switch off after 5 mins.
If it detects a signal louder than -74dBu, it will automatically turn
back on.

My problem is that when I connect the SB2 directly to the power amp,
the power amp never turns off. This would seem to indicate that even
when the SB2 is turned off, its noise floor is louder than -74dBu.

Is this to be expected, or do I have a duff unit?

Sean can probably answer this better but 74dBu is approx. 150uV rms, 
i.e. not much so it's possible that there may be some residual noise 
that is keeping your amp switched on.


If a man speaks in a forest,
and his wife's not there,
is he still wrong?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread Vinnie R .


FWIW, I recently began replacing the stock PCM1748E with the PCM1748KE.
The KE version has 6dB improved Dynamic Range and SNR, as well as
improved THD and channel separation specs.  I now do this on all SB2s
that I mod (except for those who do not want to use the analog output).
I posted about it yesterday over here: 

I'm not sure if there are any other dac chips that can be used in place
of the 1748 w/o a board respin and/or SW changes.  Sean?


Vinnie R.

Vinnie Rossi
Red Wine Audio, Inc.
audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread seanadams

I haven't actually tested the KE - what I found was that the measured
performance of the E consistently exceeded the specs for both the E and
the KE. I'm guessing it's the same as CPUs, which can be marked with
different speed grades to address different price points even if they
all test the same.

As far as putting other DAC chips in there - it depends on the chip but
generally no, it is not really practical - may as well make/buy an
external DAC. A DAC with current outputs for example would probably
require a completely different power supply for both the DAC and the IV

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread seanadams

That is a really low threshold. I'd have to measure what the noise floor
is in absolute terms - I've only looked at it in the frequency domain
which isn't going to indicate an exact pk-pk figure needed to determine
if it's always below 150uV.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread Patrick Dixon

I'm using the KE.  I reckon I can hear the improved dynamic range, but
it's probably not worth doing unless you improve the PSU and the clock

I don't actually think there's that much wrong with the PCM1748 - cheap
or not!

Patrick Dixon

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread Pat Farrell
On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 10:08 -0700, seanadams wrote:
 I haven't actually tested the KE - what I found was that the measured
 performance of the E consistently exceeded the specs for both the E and
 the KE. I'm guessing it's the same as CPUs, which can be marked with
 different speed grades to address different price points even if they
 all test the same.

Most (many? all?) semiconductor devices are mass produced and then
measured and labeled. By engineering standards, the specs have to be
limits, minimum gain, maximum noise, maximum departure from ideal, etc.

Of course, the manufacturers won't tell you for sure.

The idea is that you can design a circuit and get at least
the specs, maybe better. This lets the designer (Sean and others
in this case) design the end-to-end performance. There is no
guarantee at all that removing one part, and replacing it with
another that is labeled better, will actually deliver an

I remember going through a bucket of transistors measuring the beta
(gain) and putting all below 100 in one bin, to be $0.25 each,
all over 100 in another bin to be $1.00 each, and all that measured
100 on the button in another bin for $10.00 each. It wasn't the 
beta value that made them more valuable, it was that they
were all the same.

The common example of this is CPUs, where the clock rate
determines price, and makes a huge difference, but
all the parts start out the same.

All you can be sure of is that the KE version meets
higher specs than the E version, and costs about ten
times as much. Not that any given KE is ten times better
than any given E.


audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread Davey


Actually the KE version is just a few pennies more than the E
version.  $2.93 vice $2.70 at Digikey.
However, your point is a good one.

Regarding the devices and how they meet specificationsand how they
are markedand which hopper they came fromand whether the
designs were slightly differentor whether they perform similarly in
the larger circuit...etc.  It all matters not when the evaluation method
is subjective only.  You can throw all the numbers or objective testing
right out the window.  :)



audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: What kind of Burr-Brown does SB2 have?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

is that it was built with audiophiles in mind. The Burr-Brown is 'good
enough' to get by on. The folks at SlimD gave us something workable
with the ability to port output to whatever DAC we want if the internal
DAC falls short in our system. I suppose that is an argument against
doing much more with the DAC if it keeps the price of the mechanism's
function to give an intuitive and sturdy presentation of internet radio
and hard drive music. I strongly sense that this device and ones like it
are the future of hi fidelity stereo. The SB is on a compatible track
for the MP3 masses who don't do hi fi. It is nice that it works as well
for them as it does for audiophiles.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread ron thigpen

seanadams wrote:

Hmmm looks like using 128x (instead of 64x) oversampling brings the
out-of-band noise way down, mostly under -115dBu all the way up to

wonder what are the pros/cons of using 128x all the time.  the noise is 
low level and out of band, but could be interacting with signal, no?  is 
the level still that much lower when processing signal?

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

WK446 Wrote: 
 I run the SB2 to a Monarchy Audio DIP Classic to an Audio Mirror D1 NOS
 DAC, all via digital coax.  I also own a Benchmark DAC-1, but I prefer
 the sound of the  non-oversampling DAC.
 I have also used (and owned) the following DACs with my setup as well:
 - Museatex Melior Bitstream
 - Channel Islands VDA-1 combo

I'm considering the Benchmark DAC-1. Why do you prefer the Audio Mirror
D1? As an owner of the D1, have you ever heard about the DAC-Ah
available from Poth Audio? It's supposedly essentially the same dac,
but at a much smaller price. I'd like to know if anyone has done an A/B
on the Audio Mirror and the DAC-Ah.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Initial Squeezebox2 sound impressions vs my luck and a NAD C 541

2005-09-14 Thread bludragon

So, finally got my squeezebox on Friday, after waiting 10 days for Dabs
to get them in and one to me.  Already had slimserver/softsqueeze up
and going.  Plugged it in, and seems I was unlucky at first. 
Everything worked except for the actual decoding of the audio.  I
connected to the server OK, could browse my music, add to the playlist
and set it playing.  At this point the spectrum analyzer would not show
any activity, nor once I'd enabled it via the server, did the time
counter increase.  After making sure I wasn't doing anything stupid, I
decided to post my problem on the slimdevices forum.  10 minutes later
I had a suggestion from Sean Adams, of Slim Devices, which had me up
and going in around 2 minutes.  Turns out somehow the FPGA programming
had become corrupt, and I needed to get the box to reprogram it.

Brilliant.  So, 2 minutes setup time assuming you've not been unlucky
enough to get one with a corrupt FPGA.  For the sake of completeness, I
should add that I did have another minor issue in that I couldn't enter
my full length WPA key with the supplied firmware (software for the
processor - different from program for the FPGA) - it wouldn't scroll
along once I reached the edge of the screen.  The latest firmware
almost fixed this - it now scrolls along, but if seems unhappy once I
enter the final character.  No matter, I'm sure shortening my key by
one digit won't be too insecure.

OK, so I'm up and running, I'm sat in my chair, and I'm quickly
thinking that having access to every CD I own via a remote control is
pretty much as revolutionary as going from cassettes to CD's.  Great,
brilliant, what could be better?  Well, it doesn't sound half bad
either, but I happen to have a pretty decent CD player, so lets see how
it sounds compared to that.

Initial test system (prices are retail - I don't think I managed to
pay quite this much for anything)

NAD C 541 CD player ~ 3yrs old (£330) + QED silver spiral ~5yrs old
(£90) - 0 Ohms measured resistance


Squeezebox2 (£190) + home made 3m network cable interconnect - 0.2 Ohms
measured resistance.

Both playing through a Musical Fidelity X-A2 ~5yrs old (£500), and some
BW DM601 speakers ~6yrs old (£200) biwired with some variety of QED
silver speaker cable (~£7/m).


Foo Fighters, in your honor, cd2

Play Squeezebox, play NAD, OK, the NAD is louder, going to have to try
to compensate for that.

back to Squeezebox and nudge the volume control is there a difference?
NAD (nudge volume) - I think this sounds better, 
Squeezebox (nudge volume so its definitely louder) - OK, the NAD has

To summarize, after struggling at first to make out a difference, the
NAD sounds smoother / fuller with vocals vs the sqeezebox which has a
sightly grainy character, and symbols seem to have more energy. 
There's possibly more dynamic range, with the symbols hitting you from
a quieter background.

In terms of bass, the NAD does have a fatness to it, which pretty much
always sounds good, but I suspect it may be adding a touch of
distortion here.

OK, possibly unfair to not check out the difference to the cables, give
the squeezebox the QED interconnect, the differences are still there. 
Compare cables on the NAD only.  Its very difficult to notice a
difference, exacerbate by the time it takes me to plug, unplug and
restart the track, but the QED might just have a slightly smoother mid
upper and more detailed, or simply louder treble.

This is all straight out the box for the squeezebox, so I left it
playing for a few days, having added every cd I own to the playlist. 
This is where I discover that after ~ 1 day of playing it stops, and I
need to go back to the network config, to get it to see my wireless
network connection.  DOH!  Have yet to investigate this properly, but
I'm on the best channel I can find, getting 70-80% signal strength.

2nd Test System

OK, 5 days on, lets have a listen through some headphones, specifically
some sennheiser HD650's (~£230) powered by a WNA (White noise audio)
MkII headphone amp, with a few tweaks (~165 for the DIY kit).  I've
only recently got this setup, but it turns out it was a mistake.  It
makes my musical fidelity amp, and BW speakers that once sounded
excellent, now sound far too much like a cheap ghetto blaster.  I
really don't want to spend 2k on a full size system to match the
quality offered by this headphone system.

NAD - oh wow, I really need to stop wasting my headphone system by
attaching it to my pc (but that's what I got it for).
Squeezebox - OK this is good too, but the step down from the NAD is now
more obvious (possibly because I know what I'm looking for), but
unchanged in character from previously.
Cheap liteon divx/dvd player - far worse than either of the above.  I
can't even begin to describe how its worse, its too far away to make
any sensible comparison.


Squeezebox concept is brilliant.  Going from cassette to cd meant you
could pick your track with ease.  This is the next 

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Initial Squeezebox2 sound impressions vs my luck and a NAD C 541

2005-09-14 Thread bludragon

Also posted this on headfi.  Hope it is of some use/interest.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread seanadams

fuzzyT Wrote: 
 seanadams wrote:
  Hmmm looks like using 128x (instead of 64x) oversampling brings the
  out-of-band noise way down, mostly under -115dBu all the way up to
 wonder what are the pros/cons of using 128x all the time.  the noise is
 low level and out of band, but could be interacting with signal, no? 
 the level still that much lower when processing signal?

well it does have a marginally higher noise level in the audio band.
here they are overlaid:


These jive with the data sheet (page 28) - note that their scale goes
all the way to 8 times fs and mine only goes to 2x.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread ron thigpen

seanadams wrote:

well it does have a marginally higher noise level in the audio band.
here they are overlaid:

promising.  for the few db in the audio band and for the potential 
harmonic interactions of the slightly higher band stuff.

hard to say what the ears will make of it, but we'd sure love to find out.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-14 Thread WK446


I am guessing that you are known as Im_all_ears on Audiogon.

Yes I have heard of the DAC-Ah. It is sold by a company in Hong Kong
called DIYclub. It is the same version as that being sold by Poth
Audio. The Audio Mirror DAC has a few internal and cosmetic changes.
There is an entire thread on this mystery on Audiogon - the thread was
removed from Audiogon after complaints by the creator of the Audio
Mirror DAC.

Audio is entirely based on subjective and internal preferences. I
suppose once you get a chance to listen to a number of DACs, you start
to identify pleasing sonic characteristics. It's like the tubes vs.
solid-state debate.


GreenMan Wrote: 
 I'm considering the Benchmark DAC-1. Why do you prefer the Audio Mirror
 D1? As an owner of the D1, have you ever heard about the DAC-Ah
 available from Poth Audio? It's supposedly essentially the same dac,
 but at a much smaller price. I'd like to know if anyone has done an A/B
 on the Audio Mirror and the DAC-Ah.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: New home for SB2!

2005-09-14 Thread mftech

Hi Robin,
this is a very good idea to re-cycle some of my DACMagic II !
I suggest you to replace all three transformer, they are not very
If you remove the tape around the tranfo you fill a little fuse or
thermistor, you may try to replace them but in my case I prefer to
replace them all.
One two of my unit I replace the all the 10 filtering capacitors.
Some of them was starting to leak.
I got the service manual if that help.
I'm leaving in Montreal,Canada.
I guess I could scan it.

audiophiles mailing list

[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: External DAC?

2005-09-14 Thread GreenMan

WK446 Wrote: 
 I am guessing that you are known as Im_all_ears on Audiogon.
 Yes I have heard of the DAC-Ah. It is sold by a company in Hong Kong
 called DIYclub. It is the same version as that being sold by Poth
 Audio. The Audio Mirror DAC has a few internal and cosmetic changes.
 There is an entire thread on this mystery on Audiogon - the thread was
 removed from Audiogon after complaints by the creator of the Audio
 Mirror DAC.
 Audio is entirely based on subjective and internal preferences. I
 suppose once you get a chance to listen to a number of DACs, you start
 to identify pleasing sonic characteristics. It's like the tubes vs.
 solid-state debate.

Yeah, I could understand the Audio Mirror guys being unhappy if what
I've read elsewhere is true, namely that the technology was copied
after a DAC was shipped to China. 

Since you've heard both, how do they compare sonically? Do they sound
comparable, or even the same, to one another? I've heard neither.

audiophiles mailing list