Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread Phil Leigh

Anne;204816 Wrote: 
 I would think a flat targeted response is not going to be nice to listen
 to. When you make a targeted curve I would suggest a rise in the bass
 under for instance 100 hz. With a flat targeted curve you will hear no
 bass at all.
 I would concentrate on the suckouts and peaks first
 Your curves are very flat over 160 hz, a bit unsual, how did you do
 this ?

Sorry Anne, I really don't understand that. With a flat response  at
your ears you will hear what the mastering engineer decided the music
should sound like.

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread inguz

Tony, can you say a bit more about your room and speakers?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread inguz

I'd recommend trying a few different selections on the Flatness menu. 
With flatness=10, the EQ target curve is whatever was selected when the
correction filters were built (generally flat-in-room, or near to it). 
With flatness=0, the EQ target curve is fairly close to the uncorrected
room response.  
So try a value in the range 3 thru 7, see whether it sounds more

With some types of speakers and room setups, room correction is not an
obvious improvement.  I heard a pair of Zu Definitions before and
after:  the after sounded fairly lifeless in comparison.  More
accurate in some ways, but ess lively.  Now I'd blame that the
speakers, but of course the before sound is really quite musical in
this case - even if it's far from flat.

Phil re: flat response: the problem here is that the reverberation tail
you hear from the room is usually tilted toward the higher frequencies. 
So optimizing for a flat direct (anechoic) response is ideal, but
depending on the dispersion pattern of the loudspeakers and the amount
of room reverb, this can sound awfully wrong.  Hence the target curves
such as BK, which roll off the top end of the direct sound a little.

One way to get a properly accurate balance between direct and
reverberant sound is to remove the reverberant sound:  completely
deaden the room, or to use highly directional loudspeakers (big horns,
for example).  Neither of these seemes to be a particularly popular
option nowadays...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Vanished

2007-05-27 Thread harmonic

In my experince the disapearing act have ALOT to do with the kvality of
the source.
The better the source the more 3d the sound will get and the
transporter is one hell of a source and because its so akurat  its also
very musical.

If the room is very bad roomcorrection is a indeed great tool and at
first it can be very impressing.

However I had lyngdorf tda2200 roomperfect amps and biamped
cornerloaded subwoffers that ar designed  for roomcorrection.

In my room wich wich have not good acoustics getting a better amp
greatly outpreformed roomperfect in all areas.
Thats why i sold the tda2200 amps and got the tact millennium

Roomcorrection makes the sound more hifi but less dynamic and musical
this can for some be great but not for me funnyly i thorugt the music
started to sound more borroring but i did hear more detajls wider
soundstage more focus and so one for but for me the WOW factor fades
over time .

Unless ofcause you are strougeling with xtremly bad acoustc problems.

Set up the speakers corrctly use time to experiment with location
proved to still be the way to go in my system and room and if you have
eq use that only to tame bass problems .



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread Phil Leigh

Inguz - Hi!
I actually use a TACT with a slightly rolled off top end response curve
(-1dB @14kHz gentle slope). This is for the reason you state. However,
my point was that I wouldn't want to go boosting the bass having gone
to considerable trouble to get it flat in-room. Most systems without RC
have a very strange (not flat at all) in-room response below 200Khz

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Vanished

2007-05-27 Thread Phil Leigh

RC does NOT make my system less dynamic...quite the opposite in fact. It
sounds limp and unappealing without it. I have a horrendous midrange
suckout in my room so by allowing the TACT to reduce the bass and
treble accordingly and then raising the overall level I get a pretty
flat response.  However, I do have to boost the overall level by about
3dB to overcome the insertion loss of the RC curve. Fortunately I have
plenty of power in reserve.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SlimServer - SlimDevice File Compatibility

2007-05-27 Thread PNCD

I have been trying to establish the reality of support for different
implementations (not version) of the SlimServer and different
SlimDevices (especially Transporter).  Can anyone help?

In the Thread on ASIO in Windows it is stated that the server streams a
file not an audio stream.  This is what I thought.  However, in an
earlier post I made about not being able to open WMA Lossless files on
SB3 using Infrant implementation of server, I was told that the Infrant
implementation did not support WMA Lossless.  Those two statements seem
contradictory to me.  Since I can test that SB3 cannot play WMA
Lossless files from an Infrant implementation I think that means that
something more is being done by the server than just send files over

I would also like someone to confirm, based on real experience, whether
Windows Vista or Infrant can serve up 24/96 WMA Lossless files to a
Transporter without any transcoding.

There seem to be many layers of interaction between files, server
serving and transcoding that make all this very confusing to me. 
Thanks to anyone who can be definitive based on real-world experience
not brochure statements.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread tonyptony

Hugh, arent't you supposed on vacation? (g)

My system is part well-known, part I picked it because it sounds
right, even if JA and RH don't think so. I will repeat that I have
quite a bit of exposure to live acoustic music; I know the sound of the
PSO like the back of my hand, and before that the NYP before I moved out
of New York. Not to mention over 20 years of live jazz performances
whenever I could squeeze them in. Source is a BOLDER modified SB3
(digital only) feeding a highly modified EAD DSP-7000 Mk.III D/A.
Preamp is Pass X1, amp is Van Alstine Ultra 550 (it used to be a
FetValve). Speakers are Shahinian Diapasons. Probably no one on this
board who's ever heard them besides me, but I've owned them for almost
18 years - and I still haven't found anything that sounds more like
real music for anywhere near the price.

Room is 14x26. The house is an open architecture design that has an
open flow from one room to the next, so there's actually more volume
than the room dimensions would suggest. Speakers are 3-1/2' from the
rear wall and approx. 5' from the side walls (even though one might
argue that there's not enough wall to constitute side walls).

I had not yet to this point tried the Flatness setting. Will be sure
to give it a try. Your point about flat response and higher frequencies
is well taken; that's consistent with what I think I'm hearing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread tonyptony

Phil Leigh;204892 Wrote: 
 Inguz - Hi!
 I actually use a TACT with a slightly rolled off top end response curve
 (-1dB @14kHz gentle slope). This is for the reason you state. However,
 my point was that I wouldn't want to go boosting the bass having gone
 to considerable trouble to get it flat in-room. Most systems without RC
 have a very strange (not flat at all) in-room response below 200Khz

Phil, I'm on board with that. And if you look at the red trace in my
first post you'll see a low end response that's right in line with what
you're saying.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread inguz

Tony, your measured impulse response does look consistent with
Stereophile's measurements
which is a really good sign.

Fascinating speakers...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Mark visits Bryston

2007-05-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

thomsens;204836 Wrote: BP26-DA was being built while you were there.  I could have
 had pictures of it actually being assembled!

They did have cards which identified each unit - you can see one at the
top (side) of the veteran as well as ones on most of the units on the
break-in bench.

Those cards probably identified the order and dealer, they probably
don't know who the owner is yet.  However Brian did show me a room full
of drawers with index cards on them identifying each and every unit ever
produced and its current owner.  There would be a card reserved for

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Vanished

2007-05-27 Thread harmonic

The tact system is a great tool to compensate suckout as you describe.

When i placed my speakers where the normaly would sound best and ran 
full roomperfect correction it would sound completly flat lifless and
without eny dynamics at all it 
it sounded like it was broken.

When i moved the speakers closer to the walls and ran roomperfect again
the sound became much better.

(This made me think twice about rc)

However the most satisfiring sound i got was with the speakers without
rc  in the best location in the given room.

But this is just my findings with roomperfect i do beleive in
roomcorrection but as littel active roomcorrection as possible if you
ask me.

You can with carefull setup of the speakers gain HUGE improvments   
in sound much more then roomcorrection in my experince.

The tact system is great because it can be used more passivly .

the roomperfect system is automatic and that is its downfall.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SlimServer - SlimDevice File Compatibility

2007-05-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

PNCD;204894 Wrote: 
 In the Thread on ASIO in Windows it is stated that the server streams a
 file not an audio stream.  This is what I thought.  However, in an
 earlier post I made about not being able to open WMA Lossless files on
 SB3 using Infrant implementation of server, I was told that the Infrant
 implementation did not support WMA Lossless.  Those two statements seem
 contradictory to me.  Since I can test that SB3 cannot play WMA
 Lossless files from an Infrant implementation I think that means that
 something more is being done by the server than just send files over

Those statements are not contradictory.  Instead it has to do with the
decoders in the SB/Transporter firmware.  If the decoder is not located
in the firmware, the software must transcode it to a format that the
player can decode.  There is no decoder in firmware for WMA Lossless
(there is for WMA Lossy) so the WMA Lossless file must be transcoded at
all times regardless of the server OS.  I'm not sure about this, but I
believe Microsoft never released a WMA Lossless codec, it's contained
in WMP and nowhere else (this doesn't explain how you can play WMA in
Linux, which is why I'm not sure about this statement.)

It appears that Infrant has not built in the appropriate codecs into
their SlimServer build so it can't transcode WMA Lossless at all.

Two things:

1.  There have been ongoing reports of poor performance with Infrant

2.  Why is transcoding so bad?  You lose FF/REW, but if you transcode
to WAV or FLAC you don't get any sound quality compromises.  Both WAV
and FLAC support 24/96.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread Phil Leigh

tonyptony;204896 Wrote: 
 Phil, I'm on board with that. And if you look at the red trace in my
 first post you'll see a low end response that's right in line with what
 you're saying.

Gosh you're right - I hadn't really studied that trace...I reckon that
trace is quite prototypical of what most (all?) non-RC systems
sound/measure like in real rooms.

The thing is, if you are using live music in a hall as a reference then
you need to factor in the acoustics of that hall. It will NOT be flat!.
So you may want to boost the bass (?) or whatever to get closer to that
sound, but if you are listening to recordings made in that hall then you
need to consider a couple of things:
1) the recording will probably have been eq'd in some way during
mastering. This may or may not be quite minor...
2) the mics will not have been hearing exactly what you were hearing
due to positioning etc

I do not believe that you can accurately recreate the acoustic space of
a large hall with any audio system. The simple physics is against you
(wavelengths etc). A good approximation might be possible.

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread tonyptony

Phil Leigh;204927 Wrote: 
 The thing is, if you are using live music in a hall as a reference then
 you need to factor in the acoustics of that hall. It will NOT be flat!.

I agree Phil. I should probably have clarified my statement. My long
term exposure to live music is something I use to judge the fundamental
tonal balance and correctness of reproduced sound, and less so the sense
of space. For example, with the normal_direct correction values I
initially used, cellos suddenly sounded more like violas, and violas
more like violins. Instruments that I have heard many many times just
did not have the right tonal balance.

Phil Leigh;204927 Wrote: 
 I do not believe that you can accurately recreate the acoustic space of
 a large hall with any audio system. The simple physics is against you
 (wavelengths etc). A good approximation might be possible.

No disagreement there!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread tonyptony

inguz;204898 Wrote: 
 Tony, your measured impulse response does look consistent with
 Stereophile's measurements
 which is a really good sign.
 Fascinating speakers...

I won't get on my soapbox about Shahinian speakers versus most others.
That would get us way OT.

I tried using Room EQ Wizard to measure speaker response. REQW is
pretty well regarded as another measurement tool that can be used to
calculate filter correction values, albeit for external correction
processors. I am attaching a comparison between its measured response
(green trace) and the Impulse Response Measured taken from the Inguz /
DRC method. A few observations:

1) The REQW trace, up to about 2.5KHz, seems to track the other one but
for a couple of differences. The REQW trace seems to be timed
differently; look at where the peaks and valleys are relative to the
Inguz response. I wonder if this has anything to do with Inguz taking
phase into account, which I don't think REQW does. The other difference
is that of the obvious disparity in amplitude between the two traces.

2) After 2.5Khz is where there is a fundamental discrepancy between the
two traces. At the extreme (near 20KHz) I attribute this to the
difference in microphone calibration files used by REQW and DRC. The
REQW curve is down 9dB at 20KHz, which seems unusual for a ECM8000 mic.
But apart from that I can't explain the difference after 2.5KHz.

|Filename: drc_plus_reqw1.jpg   |


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread mpie

Hi!  I am using Apple Lossless with iTunes and recently got a Squeezebox
3.  My receiver is a fairly old Yamaha with only three digital audio
inputs which I am already using.  Anyway, I've heard the Brown-Burr DAC
is supposed to be great, so am I losing much by just using the analog
inputs or will I see a substantial improvement in quality by using the
optical digital input?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread Anne

Its not the dac alone that decide sound quality, the analog stage after
decides also, and this is more important.
You must try both options and see what you like best.


Squeezebox 3  Stereovox XV2  Bryston B100-DA SST  Martin Logan Aeon I
 Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread KeithL

What have you to lose by trying the Yamaha dac and comparing it with the
sb3's dac? I find the BM Dac1 a massive improvement over the built-in
sb3 dac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] First shot at using Inguz

2007-05-27 Thread Anne

Let med just explain my opinion on this. I noticed a 60 hz suckout on
the red curve on the first measurement, apart from this I thought the
measurement was pretty good.
Suckouts and peaks can be caused by different placement for right/left
speaker and, more severe, room dependant acoutical interferrence. If
you ever tried placing a set of speakers in a dead square room you know
what I mean.
I dont know much of measuring, and I could be very wrong here, but my
thought is, if you measure a speaker outdoors you measure the speakers
true response, without any room gain.
If we take it inside you will get different measurements according to
where it is placed in the room, you are measuring the room more than
the speaker, exactly what room correction is all about.
If I measure a dead flat response to 20 hz you wont hear any bass at
all, my guess is you will be disappointed with the performance of your
Our ears do not respond well to flat sound at all.
A gently upwards slope from under 100 hz, app. 10-12 db up down to 20
hz will sound very good, at least to me. 
I will get back to you later, wife needs computer


Squeezebox 3  Stereovox XV2  Bryston B100-DA SST  Martin Logan Aeon I
 Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread AndyC_772

Try it for a while and see!

I have a Yamaha receiver (DSP-A1) and the difference between its DAC
and the Squeezebox is huge. Switch to the SB3's analogue outputs and
it's as though the band members all leave the stage and  stand in a
line just behind the speakers - the soundstage just collapses and
becomes completely flat. Switch back to the A1's DAC and they're back
in the room.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

AndyC_772;204973 Wrote: 
 I have a Yamaha receiver (DSP-A1) and the difference between its DAC and
 the Squeezebox is huge. Switch to the SB3's analogue outputs and it's as
 though the band members all leave the stage and  stand in a line just
 behind the speakers - the soundstage just collapses and becomes
 completely flat. Switch back to the A1's DAC and they're back in the

Note, as Anne mentions, that this is not only due to DAC differences
but also how receivers handle analog signals (often very poorly), see

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDTT Download Center

2007-05-27 Thread haunyack

Dvorak Symphony No. 9
I purchased all 4 movements and, after listening - deleted it from my



Transporter - BK Reference 200.2 - Vandersteen 3A Signature.
RWA (Analog) SB3 - Rotel RB 1070 - BW Matrix 805.
Fridgidare - Mirror Pond pale ale - easy chair w/remote - irritated

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Moko

Well after all of your wonderful advice I bought a NAD340C amp together
with a set of BW 601 series 2 speakers to run my Squeezbox 3 through.

The sound I am getting is such an improvement on any of the one box
systems I have had in the past but I was wondering what you guys would
recommend to take me up to the next level.

So what do you reckon bi-wiring speakers, filling speaker stands with
sand, buying a power amp or finally getting a better DAC (remembering
I'm on a budget) which will give the most improvement?

On the sound in side I have been upgrading all my files to 320mp3 so
hopefully this will give me a better starting block.

I look forward to hearing your advice


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

Moko;204993 Wrote: 
 On the sound in side I have been upgrading all my files to 320mp3 so
 hopefully this will give me a better starting block.

By re-ripping or by re-encoding existing MP3s?  If you're re-encoding,
you'll actually be losing sound quality.

Is there a reason you're not going lossless?  I know some people don't
find any difference between 320 kbps and FLAC, and that's fine, but if
you're going to the trouble of re-ripping...?

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Moko

I've tried both and I can't tell the difference between 320  FLAC, too
many years watching live bands play really loud!

I am ripping from CD's using LAME encoder to get higher bitrates as
previously they were ripped at 128 so hopefully 320 should be an


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDTT Download Center

2007-05-27 Thread adamslim

I've just listened to the Beethoven 5 and it's a great performance and a
stunning recording.  Never noticed any hiss.  If it sounds any better
downsampling to 48k outside of the SB then, well, [excuse me] h. 
Scuse me, distracted, £8 is a bargain :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Anne

Get the Beresford dac, or maybe the Moodlab dac..

Dont even think about biwire etc...waste of time, and money.


Squeezebox 3  Stereovox XV2  Bryston B100-DA SST  Martin Logan Aeon I
 Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Deaf Cat

Just a thought, if you are thinking of a better dac and power amps etc,
improving your system further may mean a slight improvement from 320 to
lossless may be heard in the future??

If your ripping again now, why not go for lossless just in case you
hear a difference in the future

Deaf Cat

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread tyler_durden



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread adamslim

tyler_durden;205031 Wrote:


Free though.  At least he's not still saying to put a piece of paper in
every book in your living room.  That would take me a while...



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Moko

The Beresford sounds interesting,any of you guys have real world
experience using one?

Loved the other tips, might have to buy some curtains just to see if
pinning one back improves the sound!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread JJZolx

Moko;204993 Wrote: 
 So what do you reckon bi-wiring speakers, filling speaker stands with
 sand, buying a power amp or finally getting a better DAC (remembering
 I'm on a budget) which will give the most improvement?
If your stands are sand-fillable, it's a very inexpensive tweak, so
little reason not to.  I would say as far as new/additional gear,
adding a subwoofer would probably be the most bang for the buck.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How good is the DAC in the Squeezebox 3?

2007-05-27 Thread blessingx

Coincidentally, at a Head-Fi mini-meet yesterday, I tested a SB3 analog
out against my Lavry DA10 and an Ori modified Zhaolu 2.5 DACs (pumped
into an Eddie Current ECSS headamp and Sennheiser HD600 headphones
using lossless files). While the Lavry and Zhaolu beat it in all
respects (most notably detail, resolution and placement), the SB3 was
no slouch and although the test was brief (and I've been fooled before
and it should be mention the SB3 PS was upgraded to linear), it didn't
seem an impossible downgrade. To be frank, I suspect I'd be quite happy
with the SB3 as a source. Even more so if bang for buck is at all a
consideration. I'll likely be ordering a white SB3 before the sale is
over, and be able to test further in the future with a better amp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Anne

Moko;205035 Wrote: 
 The Beresford sounds interesting,any of you guys have real world
 experience using one?
 Loved the other tips, might have to buy some curtains just to see if
 pinning one back improves the sound!

Use the brilliant search function my friend and jump in the threads you
find theremuch better.

Besides, dont worry about the funny guys here, soon you will have a
system where you will be able to hear the difference between whether
you have silk paper or copy paper under your feet !!


Squeezebox 3  Stereovox XV2  Bryston B100-DA SST  Martin Logan Aeon I
 Sennheiser HD580 Precision

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Olive Musica

2007-05-27 Thread Osamede

larsth;86868 Wrote: 
 I looked at the German version of Olive
 ( before
 deciding on SB. The showstopper for me regarding the Olive/Hifidelio is
 that you do not have free access to the music/data on the device. If you
 rip music on it, you cannot copy that to your own hard disk (wihtout
 hacking the box)! You even have to buy a back-up hard disk from them -
 you cannot connect a standard USB disk.
Does the remain the same today for these units (Musica/Symponhy?)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDTT Download Center

2007-05-27 Thread Timothy Stockman

haunyack;204992 Wrote: 
 Dvorak Symphony No. 9
 I purchased all 4 movements and, after listening - deleted it from my
 The hiss is distracting and intrusive.
 Harsh I know...sorry.

I've had a version of Dvorak's 9th in my library for many years by the
Czech Philharmonic conducted by the late Vaclav Newmann.  A good
performance, and though the CD is from the early days of digital, it is
much quieter.   Maybe a bit raspier than one would have with today's
technology, but still quite satisfying.  I've also got a nice recording
by the same orchestra and conductor of Ma Vlast.

Timothy Stockman

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Budget Sound System Improvement

2007-05-27 Thread Pat Farrell
JJZolx wrote:
 If your stands are sand-fillable, it's a very inexpensive tweak, so
 little reason not to. 

Of course, it will sound better if you fill them with lead shot
and spike them into your floors. Sand is so mass market.

Speaker placement, rugs, and furniture are the most cost effective changes.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] HDTT Download Center

2007-05-27 Thread haunyack

adamslim;205024 Wrote: 
 I've just listened to the Beethoven 5 and it's a great performance and a
 stunning recording.  Never noticed any hiss.  If it sounds any better
 downsampling to 48k outside of the SB then, well, [excuse me] h. 
 Scuse me, distracted, £8 is a bargain :)

I have the Beethoven 5th as well (HDTT) and as you say stunning
If your tempted to purchase the Dvorak 9th (one of his best in my
opinion) from HDTT - be prepared for the background noise.
The hiss spoils the beautiful quiet passages of this remarkable



Transporter - BK Reference 200.2 - Vandersteen 3A Signature.
RWA (Analog) SB3 - Rotel RB 1070 - BW Matrix 805.
Fridgidare - Mirror Pond pale ale - easy chair w/remote - irritated

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