Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread Cliff

I have one of AP's modded Transporter units.  I had a stock unit that I
purchased previously.

I thought the stock Transporter sounded great until I got the modded
unit and did the A/B

modded unit had better/tighter bass, better dynamics, soundstage

I can tell you it has preregulation of the power supply at the digital
end, upgraded capacitors throughout, upgraded opamps to BB OPA627,
damping applied internally, upgraded connectors.

You can speculate and doubt whether there would be a difference or not
or do a direct comparison.

I liked Anthony's unit and bought it.  The guy knows what he is doing.

Just a happy customer of both Slim Devices and AP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread jhm731

tyler_durden;210301 Wrote: 
 Perhaps this can be considered evidence of the relative importance of
 the power supply in the overall sound of the equipment.  If the
 designers think an off-the-shelf supply is adequate, maybe, just maybe,
 it is.

If cheap off-the-shelf SMPS supplies are so adequate, why did Sean go
through all the trouble and expense of designing a linear PSU for the

Maybe, just maybe, some people think adequate just isn't good enough.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread ntang

I bought a Musical Fidelity XDACv3 external DAC to go with my SB3 and it
is supposed to support 24bit/192khz...not sure what that ultimately
means though. Is there a difference between supporting  192 sample
rates and 192 upsampling? Peraps the Musical Fidelity supports the


DCtoDaylight;209895 Wrote: 
 You're correct on both counts SuperQ,  
 The Transporter does not support 192K sample rates, and does not up
 FWIW, I'm not aware of any external DAC that supports 192K sample rates
 over SPDIF.  There may be some out there, but the spec doesn't allow for
 it.  There are some nearer versions of the HDMI spec that allow for
 sample rates that high, but that sort of bandwidth wasn't even dreamed
 of when the SPDIF spec was created.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrading the Power Supply

2007-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

darrenyeats;210267 Wrote: 
 I smiled when I read your message, especially the vinyl comment.
 No offence taken. It is difficult to tell what is better sometimes. I
 think it can depend on the rest of your system.
 In a nutshell, the SB3 sounds a tad more shouty and the Monarchy
 sounds a bit more dynamic. By dynamic I don't mean louder, in fact if
 anything it sounds subjectively quieter. The details are all there but
 presented at tad more subtly. Another way of expressing it is that the
 Monarchy sounds a bit darker, more laid back, but with all the detail.
 For me, that is more relaxing to listen to and sounds a bit more real.
 It could be that what I'm hearing is different frequency response,
 which reacts with the rest of my rig in a certain way. But I don't
 think so, I perceive that this quietness thing is about dynamics not
 BTW, as you would expect, either transport measures the same loudness
 on a sound meter with a test tone.
 The differences are small but I am an obsessive like many others on
 this forum - so small things are a big deal.

Darren - glad you appreciated the gentle humour!

So, this shouty business...sounds like jitter in/affecting the DAC to

I'm personally of the opinion that the transport can't actually change
things like dynamics, distortion, frequency response, l/r image
resolution - only the DAC can do that since prior to the DAC it's just
accurate (and accurately timed) bits and they don't have those
concepts. However, it is possible that different transports can cause
the same DAC to behave differently because of noise on the mains and
spdif which impair the DAC's analogue capabilities...and of course our
old friend jitter.

Can you try a TOSLINK connection? I'd be interested if that changed
things for you.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

The thing I don't understand/accept is simply this:
If I can't hear any difference regardless of whether my TACT is 
actually physically connected between my SB  DAC or can a
better power supply make the TACT sound better than not being there at
all? - I mean, when the TACT is in the loop it is still upsampling to
96kHz and then going back to 44.1 on output (that is the way I have
mine set up anyway) even when in bypass mode. The SPDIF stream from the
SB is obviously not being mangled in a way that affects audio quality by
the TACT processing, PSU and extra digital cabling.

I may not be expressing this very well - I could understand the
argument if I could hear insertion loss (of any sort) with the TACT
in...but I can't!


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread adamslim

Phil Leigh;210347 Wrote: 
 The thing I don't understand/accept is simply this:
 If I can't hear any difference regardless of whether my TACT is 
 actually physically connected between my SB  DAC or can a
 better power supply make the TACT sound better than not being there at
 all? - I mean, when the TACT is in the loop it is still upsampling to
 96kHz and then going back to 44.1 on output (that is the way I have
 mine set up anyway) even when in bypass mode. The SPDIF stream from the
 SB is obviously not being mangled in a way that affects audio quality by
 the TACT processing, PSU and extra digital cabling.
 I may not be expressing this very well - I could understand the
 argument if I could hear insertion loss (of any sort) with the TACT
 in...but I can't!

If you have it upsampling to 96, then it may theoretically be better to
have it output 48, as your DAC should handle this just fine.  Have you
tried this?

(Oh and I agree with your logic on the PSU impact on the Tact, btw. 
Doubtless some would argue that there is some deficiency somewhere that
is clouding the difference, but if you can't hear it, who cares?)



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Living Voice Auditorium II plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

The x-Dac v3 upsamples internally to 24/192 - it can only accept 24/108
in as with (any?) SPDIF based dac.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Disable wireless on Transporter

2007-06-22 Thread cliveb

nuhi;210231 Wrote: 
 I would bet that I heard the click when switching wired/wireless, not
 just on turning on, please confirm.
I agree. My Transporter doesn't click when it's powered up or down. The
only time I've ever heard the relay click is when switching between
wired and wireless networking.


Transporter - ATC SCM100A

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread ntang the Transporter accepts 24/96 only and does no upsampling

So technically, the xDac is a better spec'ed DAC?

Pardon me if that makes no trying to make sense of all the
various specs coming from multiple sources!

Phil Leigh;210349 Wrote: 
 The x-Dac v3 upsamples internally to 24/192 - it can only accept 24/108
 in as with (any?) SPDIF based dac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread Heuer

The Transporter accepts 96khz and digitally outputs 96khz. The SB3
accepts 96khz and outputs 48khz. Neither device upsamples.

My external DAC (AudioSynthesis DAX Discrete ) displays the input
sample rate so I can compare the file statistics with the actual input
signal. The DAX then upsamples the received signal (44.1, 48, 96 etc)
to 706khz!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread mswlogo

Cliff;210323 Wrote: 
 I have one of AP's modded Transporter units.  I had a stock unit that I
 purchased previously.
 I thought the stock Transporter sounded great until I got the modded
 unit and did the A/B
 modded unit had better/tighter bass, better dynamics, soundstage
 I can tell you it has preregulation of the power supply at the digital
 end, upgraded capacitors throughout, upgraded opamps to BB OPA627,
 damping applied internally, upgraded connectors.
 You can speculate and doubt whether there would be a difference or not
 or do a direct comparison.
 I liked Anthony's unit and bought it.  The guy knows what he is doing.
 Just a happy customer of both Slim Devices and AP.

How did you A/B it, you had two !! To me, A/B means I push a button
to compare instantly. If you mean you sent it in, waited a week or two
and then plugged in and said WOW then that really means nothing (to me

The brain just doesn't remember that well.

Look at it this way. Doesn't the same song sound great one day and just
ok another. Maybe you didn't sleep as well one day or another. Or maybe
you didn't have your coffee that day. How music impresses someone
CONSTANTLY changes. So there is no way you can compare something a week
a part. Sometimes it's not even a particular song, some days music just
does click as well on one day as another.

It's this variability that snake oil sale folks try to take advantage

And this doesn't even touch the whole aspect of the power of
suggestion. Unless you can critically blind test it, go back and forth
then it's just not a valid test.

Check out this radio show that covers the Placebo effect. It shows how
powerful the power of suggestion is.


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread AndyC_772

Actually the AK4396 DAC contains an 8x interpolating filter anyway, so
96kHz data is upsampled to 768kHz before being fed to the delta-sigma
modulator. The fact that it's being done within the DAC chip rather
than by a separate component in the Transporter really doesn't make any


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread mswlogo

jhm731;210337 Wrote: 
 If cheap off-the-shelf SMPS supplies are so adequate, why did Sean go
 through all the trouble and expense of designing a linear PSU for the
 Maybe, just maybe, some people think adequate just isn't good enough.

Because he looked at and redesigned the WHOLE power distribution.
Similar to a computer nobody put in faster CPU's to make there computer
faster. You need a faster buss, faster drives, faster memory. The system
needs to be scaled to the new speeds or the uadio case tolerances. Why
put a better supply if the first regulator will bring it back down to
the same level of tolerance.


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread Cliff

Yeah, I didn't have someone blindfold me and have both units connected
at the same time with a switch ready to go...

But I had my stock unit which I owned for several months when I heard
about AP's mods.  I believe he sent me a modded Transporter which he
had sent out to some shows to demo.

Anyways I listened to the modded unit, listened to my stock unit, made
up my mind, and sent back my stock unit to Anthony with some price
difference for the upgrades.  If I didn't like the modded unit I would
have just sent it back with no cost.

There's no good way to A/B sound and music and the best ears can maybe
discern barely 50% in reported previous blind tests.

But whether there's some placebo effect or not it doesn't matter if my
ears are happy every time I sit down in front of my rig and my wallet
is not complaining.  BTW, for the work put into the unit, I think it
was quite reasonable.  I know the Slim Devices CEO has berated modded
units and I respect the RD that went into the Squeezebox and
Transporter.  Both are awesome devices in and of themselves.  I do
think someone that knows what they are doing can get more performance
out of them, but to mass produce units like these with higher grade
opamps, etc. etc. would bring costs up to probably at least 2x what
they are selling for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread tomjtx


Were you using balanced or RCA cables. Is your amp balanced?

In my system , the TP sounds significantly different with balanced

Also , I would like to say I don't think my experience in any way
invalidates the differences you or anyone else might hear. It is just
one data point.

I do think it is important to level match when comparing since a volume
difference can be perceived as a qualitative difference.

In the final analysis:

All that realy mattters is if you think it was money well spent :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread tomjtx

great point mswlogo.

I had the modded tp 2 weeks and did numerous, blind , level matched
testing with some very experienced listeners(audio dealer, recording
engineer and several pro musicians who are also audiophiles.

We just couldn't hear a difference blind or sighted.

There was no dif in bass articulation, soundstaging, imaging, dynamics

The last few days I spent with the mod I tried my best to identify a

Anytime I thought I might hear a very subtle difference (not better,
just different)  I would inevitably find that my gueses as to which was
which were just that: gueses. I was wrong more times than I was right.

I left it with the conclusion that the stock TP, balanced outs is so
good that it would be hard to significantly improve it's performance.
This is nothing against modders, rather it is a compliment to the tp


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread Phil Leigh

adamslim;210353 Wrote: 
 If you have it upsampling to 96, then it may theoretically be better to
 have it output 48, as your DAC should handle this just fine.  Have you
 tried this?
 (Oh and I agree with your logic on the PSU impact on the Tact, btw. 
 Doubtless some would argue that there is some deficiency somewhere that
 is clouding the difference, but if you can't hear it, who cares?)

I would do, Adam, but my Altmann UPCI is hard-wired at 44.1 - so I'd
have to stop using it and I am rather attached to it.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread ModelCitizen

tomjtx;210398 Wrote: 
 In my system , the TP sounds significantly different with balanced
It does on mine too far too quiet.
Otherwise no difference.


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter  Bryston 4B ST  PMC OB1s
SB3  NAIM NAC 102  NAIM NAP 180  Shahinian Arcs

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread mswlogo

Cliff;210396 Wrote: 
 Yeah, I didn't have someone blindfold me and have both units connected
 at the same time with a switch ready to go...
 But I had my stock unit which I owned for several months when I heard
 about AP's mods.  I believe he sent me a modded Transporter which he
 had sent out to some shows to demo.
 Anyways I listened to the modded unit, listened to my stock unit, made
 up my mind, and sent back my stock unit to Anthony with some price
 difference for the upgrades.  If I didn't like the modded unit I would
 have just sent it back with no cost.
 There's no good way to A/B sound and music and the best ears can maybe
 discern barely 50% in reported previous blind tests.
 But whether there's some placebo effect or not it doesn't matter if my
 ears are happy every time I sit down in front of my rig and my wallet
 is not complaining.  BTW, for the work put into the unit, I think it
 was quite reasonable.  I know the Slim Devices CEO has berated modded
 units and I respect the RD that went into the Squeezebox and
 Transporter.  Both are awesome devices in and of themselves.  I do
 think someone that knows what they are doing can get more performance
 out of them, but to mass produce units like these with higher grade
 opamps, etc. etc. would bring costs up to probably at least 2x what
 they are selling for

I'm glad to hear you did a side by side test. I certainly value
anyone’s opinion as long as they make an effort to do somewhat of a
valid test. Step one is to do side by side A/B test. Step 2 is to blind
side by side test which is not always easy to do.

I have done what Tom describes above too many times to count. Got this
great nice new component, plug it in and go Oh my god this is great.
Then it turns into, oh shoot. Now that I matched levels and go back
forth one minute I think I hear a difference and next minute I don't.
It was on old favorite test album I had not listened to in 6 months
(what ever, it had no immediate reference). It was that hyped up
adrenalin on the first listen that made it sound great. Completely in
my head. It’s very hard to forget that first impression too and if you
know which system you’re on you’ll be biased forever. Can’t tell you
how many times this has happened. And how disappointed I was when I
more carefully tested things. It’s hard, very hard. Sometimes it’s
easier to assume the “more expensive” setup is better because “it
should be”.


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread ModelCitizen

mswlogo;210426 Wrote: 
 I'm glad to hear you did a side by side test. I certainly value anyone’s
 opinion as long as they make an effort to do somewhat of a valid test.
 Step one is to do side by side A/B test. Step 2 is to blind side by
 side test which is not always easy to do.
 I have done what Tom describes above too many times to count. Got this
 great nice new component, plug it in and go Oh my god this is great.
 Then it turns into, oh shoot. Now that I matched levels and go back
 forth one minute I think I hear a difference and next minute I don't.
 It was on old favorite test album I had not listened to in 6 months
 (what ever, it had no immediate reference). It was that hyped up
 adrenalin on the first listen that made it sound great. Completely in
 my head. It’s very hard to forget that first impression too and if you
 know which system you’re on you’ll be biased forever. Can’t tell you
 how many times this has happened. And how disappointed I was when I
 more carefully tested things. It’s hard, very hard. Sometimes it’s
 easier to assume the “more expensive” setup is better because “it
 should be”.

Have you tried marijuana? There's field of it growing wild outside my
house and after a small forage my friends all think my Dansette is the
coolest sounding thing they've ever heard.


It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist
in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

Transporter  Bryston 4B ST  PMC OB1s
SB3  NAIM NAC 102  NAIM NAP 180  Shahinian Arcs

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Has anyone heard the Jamo i300w 2.1 system?

2007-06-22 Thread James_B

Hi all
The title pretty much sums it up but I was wondering how the Jamos
compare with the Aegos and other powered systems people seem to like. 

Thanks in advance..


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Benchmark vs. CIAudio VDA-2

2007-06-22 Thread kphinney

We're going to pick up this little comparison this evening.  This time
using Geof's system.  More specs on that later (as I'm not exactly sure
what he has set up).  We'll be running Ron F's suggestions for testing
the sound floor and Geof's SlimServer selections of choice.  (If we get
really silly we may even listen to the same music through both DAC's as
the Awe-Inspiring JJZolx suggested.)

Feel free to chime in with anything you'd like to hear a report on.


CIAudio DVA-2
JoLida 102B 
Omega Grand 6's  BW 602 S2's

Zhaolu D2.5
AKG K501

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Favorite 6922 tube?

2007-06-22 Thread 9dk

Thank you for your suggestions.  I decided to try out some
ElectroHarmonix 6922 tubes along with a pair of Amperox orange globe
6922's that I was able to purchase from Brent for 65/pair.  

I've heard those Siemens CCAs (60's) and my oh my, they sounded so
sweet.  Currently on the lookout for a used pair on eBay.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread aberdeencomponents

mswlogo;210290 Wrote: 
 If you do some searches, Sean (one of (or the, not sure) squeezebox
 designers) says it's silly. It immediately hits two LINEAR regulators
 that dominate the quality of the voltage distributed internally. If your
 gonna bother you need to tap in after the regulators.
 Sorry, but I'd trust Bob at Meridian or Sean at SlimDevices before I'd
 ever trust AP.


Quite a few Merdian dealers purchase replacement Base power supplies
from me. They purchase these units to replace failed stock units. What
thier customers benefit from, is a high quality unit that lasts much
longer, and cost half the price.

No need to bash me or my work, or the people who enjoy my work. It
would be the same If I question your reasoning why you choose the gear
you use. I would never do that to anybody, BUT I may sugest something
to TRY.

I just dont get it..  There are many threads going on, that I have no
intrest in, or just may disagree in a belief...
should I enter that thread to disrupt it? 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread aberdeencomponents

mswlogo;210257 Wrote: 
 A good question to ask yourself, would be:
 Does the designer look at the WHOLE power solution?
 The power solution is staged and a good design takes the initial stage
 into consideration.
 If you bought a Porche would you pull the motor and put in a ferrari
 engine? Just because on paper it's a better engine. Of course not.
 The whole car is designed with the stock engine in mind (it's weight,
 it's power, it's torque curve).
 Unless you truly understand the design and where critical voltages
 really matter (and are probably reregulated where they need to be)
 you're just shooting in the dark throwing Better Power supplies at

The power supply is just a starting piont.
Key is to creat a synergy within the component.
Similiar to the way I would build a High performance motor.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread aberdeencomponents

mswlogo;210385 Wrote: 
 How did you A/B it, you had two !! To me, A/B means I push a button to
 compare instantly. If you mean you sent it in, waited a week or two and
 then plugged in and said WOW then that really means nothing (to me
 The brain just doesn't remember that well.
 Look at it this way. Doesn't the same song sound great one day and just
 ok another. Maybe you didn't sleep as well one day or another. Or maybe
 you didn't have your coffee that day. How music impresses someone
 CONSTANTLY changes. So there is no way you can compare something a week
 a part. Sometimes it's not even a particular song, some days music just
 doesn't click as well on one day as another. If it didn't change so
 much I'd just buy one album and enjoy it over and over. You brain is
 adpating changing every time you listen to it. Also it's a little like
 sex. The longer you wait the better it is :).
 It's this variability that snake oil sale folks try to take advantage
 And this doesn't even touch the whole aspect of the power of
 suggestion. Unless you can critically blind test it, go back and forth
 then it's just not a valid test.
 Check out this radio show that covers the Placebo effect. It shows how
 powerful the power of suggestion is.

A good question to you would be:
Why did you choose the gear you use?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread aberdeencomponents

tyler_durden;210301 Wrote: 
 Perhaps this can be considered evidence of the relative importance of
 the power supply in the overall sound of the equipment.  If the
 designers think an off-the-shelf supply is adequate, maybe, just maybe,
 it is.


BUT, I am SURE, YOU can make it better.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-06-22 Thread IvanSlade

Maybe be an existing answer somewhere which I cannot find.
Following problem.
CDs are 16bit 44.1KHz. The SB3 can handle 48KHz and a 16 or 24 bit
sample rate. Hence, I thought it would be easy to use Easy CD-DA
extractor to rip to flac. Then put it through Sound Forge 8 studio (as
a wav file) to increase depth to 24 bit, then resample to 48KHz and
play. Does not work. So I converted a track to 24 bit wav. Did not
work. So I tried a simple (unnormalized etc) resample to 48KHz does not
work. Burn these to a CD and they work with the player which will read
192KHz. My original idea was to upsample to 96KHz with the knowledge
that SB would down sample to 48KHz (also, obviously, did not work.
Any ideas?
System: Tact XP, 2175 power amp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stereophile review

2007-06-22 Thread mswlogo

aberdeencomponents;210450 Wrote: 
 A good question to you would be:
 Why did you choose the gear you use?

Read these papers.

A lot of high end companies are now implementing a lot of the same
ideas that Meridian has been doing for the last 15-20.

Regarding your other posts. We all have a right to state our opinions.
Especially when it's a sales person trying to drum up customers.


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-06-22 Thread SuperQ

IvanSlade;210453 Wrote: 
 Maybe be an existing answer somewhere which I cannot find.
 Following problem.
 CDs are 16bit 44.1KHz. The SB3 can handle 48KHz and a 16 or 24 bit
 sample rate. Hence, I thought it would be easy to use Easy CD-DA
 extractor to rip to flac. Then put it through Sound Forge 8 studio (as
 a wav file) to increase depth to 24 bit, then resample to 48KHz and
 play. Does not work. So I converted a track to 24 bit wav. Did not
 work. So I tried a simple (unnormalized etc) resample to 48KHz does not
 work. Burn these to a CD and they work with the player which will read
 192KHz. My original idea was to upsample to 96KHz with the knowledge
 that SB would down sample to 48KHz (also, obviously, did not work.
 Any ideas?
 System: Tact XP, 2175 power amp.

Why are you re-sampling rips from CD anyway?  That seems like a waste
of time.  You will get no improvement, and probably degrade the quality
going from 44.1khz to 48khz.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Wav - Flac? / Tools

2007-06-22 Thread krochat

rkeeney;209000 Wrote: 
 I have used Wave Corrector for several years and versions. It's the best
 $40 I ever spent on a piece of software! Best thing (IMO) for LPs and
 works great for cassettes too. I just wish it had a native FLAC output.
 For that I use FLAC Frontend.


Thanks for the recommendation for Wave Corrector. I just spent the
afternoon playing with it and I'm pretty impressed. What used to take
hours now takes a couple of minutes. 

I compared the click-and-pop reduction in Wave Corrector to Adobe
Audition's filters and didn't hear any significant difference (except
that it runs about 100 times faster).

I was also able to configure the external encoder to automatically run
flac and tag the output files using the same scheme as I have set up in
EAC for CDs. 

So, rather than worrying about 24-bit vs 16-bit support, what it really
boils down to is whether I'll ever get around to processing the albums
I've already recorded so that I can listen to them on the SB!

And, for whatever it's worth, Wave Corrector works fine with 48kHz WAV



SB3 (+linear) - Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2xS2150 - Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bit Rates and Sample Rates

2007-06-22 Thread DCtoDaylight

I'm not sure at what point things are going wrong, but I can confirm
that an SB3 will play a 48K 24 bit wav file without problems.  

And while the value in upsampling is open to debate, I think we can
agree that the SB3's down sampling from 96k to 48k isn't ideal.  It
wasn't designed with this in mind, and it's a bit unfair to expect it. 
If you wish to experiment with up sampling, I'd stick to 48k.

Cheers,  Dave


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Specs Clarification

2007-06-22 Thread DCtoDaylight

If you want to get technical, almost all DAC's use an oversampling
digital filter before feeding the actual converter...  
It's also a good idea not to get too hung up on reading (and guessing)
what technology should sound better.  At the end of the day, it's what
you hear that makes the real difference.  Get out there and listen to
whatever products you can!

Cheers, Dave


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Favorite 6922 tube?

2007-06-22 Thread 9dk

Brent is from  Great guy to deal with, feel
free to call him if you have any questions. is also a good site for tubes.

Hope this helps.



P.S  10???!! YIKES.  That is scary indeed!  What pre-amp is that?


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