Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread Phil Leigh

bhaagensen;379273 Wrote: 
 It requires an infinite summation. See:

It requires in a given time a minimum number of discrete, equally
spaced samples. The number of samples for perfect
interpolation/recovery is determined by the bandwidth of the signal to
be recovered. 44,100 samples per second are required to recover

The Sigma (sum) across +/-infinity refers to recovering information for
an infinitely long period of time... because the formula in question is
trying to recover a continuous result (the audio signal in this case).

bhaagensen;379273 Wrote: 
 Are you saying that sound is not continous? Please explain.

In the ear/brain interface the vibrations of air molecules are
bio-mechanically amplified and then transformed into a series of
discrete electrochemical PULSES (not a continuously changing voltage or
current!) - by the special inner hairs of the cochlea - which are
somehow interpreted by the brain as continuous sound... hmmm. That
sounds familiar! 

Recently digital cochlea implants have been developed that are
essentially ADC's - and they work very, very well. Nerve endings (10
per ear-hair in this case) are not analogue in design - they respond
to/generate a binary state change (on/off) not a continuously changing

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods)- Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters,
Kimber  Chord cables
Outdoors: Boombox+Creative Sub (If I remember to turn it on...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-05 Thread Themis

As Phil says, the low-freq steep is way too high (70Hz) and way too
steep to be a matter of cables and/or source/amplifier/speakers. It
looks more like a room acoustics/placement problem to me.
Perhaps your speakers are too near/too far from the surrounding walls ?


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread iPhone

JezA;379377 Wrote: 
 I wasn't especially meaning to focus on the 24/192 thing, just the
 concept of a displayless Transporter, either cheaper, or with
 fancier/better DACS upsampling whatever. Other products like the Linn
 Sneaky DS are now appearing at, in fact below, the Transporter price
 bracket with on the face of it higher spec DACs and performance, so I'm
 interested in whether the Transporter will evolve to meet this
 competition. Or is that it? Is it as much as we will get, since as one
 poster points out, it doesn't really fit the Logitech mould?

I see. So which would you really prefer, a more expensive TP that
pushes the power supply section and the DAC to the limits or a stripped
down TP that is much less expensive but with a DAC slightly better then
the Linn?

On the stripped down side, are you not really describing using a DUET
with whatever high dollar DAC has the sampling rates of your choice? I
mean, if it’s going to be used for the digital output and you want the
Controller with a processor without a display, isn't that the DUET in a
nutshell. Suggestion: Pair a DUET with a Dodson 263 Digital Processor.
Or push the limits with the Dodson 218 Digital Processor. I have a
Dodson DA-217 MK2-D Digital Processor that is about as close to Audio
Nirvana as I have been with my Transporter as its source. An SB3 or
Duet/SBR driving the Dodson DA-217 MK2-D Digital Processor sounds
excellent also. The killer combination that my ears have had the
pleasure to listen to was a Transporter driving the Dodson 218 Digital
Processor. Everything was present from the fullest bass through the
most accurate revealing midrange on to the clearest highs with the only
issue being the combined $10,000 price tag.


'Last.FM' (
Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's,
Vandersteen Quatro, VeraStarr 6.4SE 6-channel Amp, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope 2.35:1  

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: SB3, GFR-700HD, Thiel 2.3, Second Boom
Home Office: SB3, NAD C370, two VSM-1
Home Gym: SB3, Parasound Vamp v.3, Thiel PowerPoint 1.2
Mobile: SB3, Audioengine A5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread JezA

I wasn't especially meaning to focus on the 24/192 thing, just the
concept of a displayless Transporter, either cheaper, or with
fancier/better DACS upsampling whatever. Other products like the Linn
Sneaky DS are now appearing at, in fact below, the Transporter price
bracket with on the face of it higher spec DACs and performance, so I'm
interested in whether the Transporter will evolve to meet this
competition. Or is that it? Is it as much as we will get, since as one
poster points out, it doesn't really fit the Logitech mould?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread ghostrider

I like the displays and I certainly don't want a high-dollar Transport
with self contained amps (Boom excepted).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread slimkid

bhaagensen;379273 Wrote: 
 Are you saying that sound is not continous? Please explain.

This is something that's been bugging me for a while. Quite often,
example of western movie wagon wheels going backwards are used to
explain aliasing. Now, I have never heard a good explanation as to why
we can still see that phenomenon alive (on Calgary stampede for
example) if our visual senses are absolutely analog. To me, it looks
like there's some ADA conversion going on between our eyes and our
brain without very good filtering applied :)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread darrenyeats

The eyes see a fixed number of frames per second. The appearance of
continuity is an illusion, hence the wagon wheel effect. This is very
obvious when you swing an artificial light in the dark, you can
actually see the jumps.

I used to work in an office with a lot of CRT monitors and sometimes
when I coughed they would all appear squiggly for this reason I
believe. (Before anybody asks, no, I didn't do a blind test. :^] )


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Powered Speakers Recommendations

2009-01-05 Thread turbot fiend

Hi All.  

First post here..

I have recently replaced my MF XRay CD player BW CDN1T, Audio Lab 8000
pre/power combo and gone the SB/FLACS/Active speaker route.  That's my
calibration point.   I have also enjoyed NAIM of late and was so, so
close to going the SuperNait/BW 805s route, also  with Squeeze box. 
(only my wifes prudence,  and the thought of our two year old with
little cone crunching fingers prevented this)

All of a sudden running modestly priced active speakers with minimal
wiring/additional remotes/ancilary boxes, became far more appealing.

So instead I now run a Tranquil WHS feeding mixture of FLACs and 320s
to an SB classic into A2s in kitchen; and a SB Duet into A5s plus a new
Velodyne SPL 800 Ultra sub in my lounge.  Audiophile quality?   Depends
on your definition.  The sound is very pleasing to most who have
auditioned and praised in comparison with my previous set ups. I am
experimenting with A5 positioning, toe-in and tilt, but they punch and
charm well above their price band in my lounge with a mixture of music
genres.  The velodyne sub, with built in EQ has integrated very well
and 'disappeared' into the music at saem time really adding punch and
timbre when appropriate (this box is worth a post on it's own).   

But, I (plus wife) have been really enjoying listening to music again
and rediscovering loads of old stuff, plus new stuff too.  'No-Man'
Schoolyard Ghosts, stuns; Led Zepp rocks; Grieg soars; Sinatra croons.

Isn't that what it is about?  

For wife factor, the simple minimal installation of active speakers is
a winner - we have cable tidy Q stands, two white A5s, one power lead,
and that's it.  The Velodyne is sort of discreet, and all leads drop
down into celler below through floor boards.  

The A2s are as described elsewhere -actually very sweet sounding and
pleasing.  Exceptional value too.

Upgrade bug will doubtless call and the AVI 9is seem worth auditioning
as do the Dynaudio MC15 active speakers. I may experiment with other

Powered speakers are deffo not just for the near field listening
experience or computer games.  Audiophile or not, I think they can give
many 'true HiFi' component multi-box systems a very good run for the
money.  And for £200 the Audioengine A5s offer an amazing
price/performance proposition that the press reviews hinted at.

Thanks for reading.

turbot fiend

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 + Cambridge DacMagic ($400) Review

2009-01-05 Thread auronthas

yes, use digital output of SB3 either coaxial or toslink  s/pdif  to
the dac.



Tajima Power Conditioner #61614; Squeezebox 3 / Cambridge Audio 540C
V2 #61614; VDL The Source (CA) / AQ Copperhead (SB3) #61614; Krell
KAV-400xi #61614; Chord Carnival Silver Plus / VDL Goldwater (current)
#61614; Sonus Faber Concertino Domus #61614; Supra 2.5 LoRad power
cord (CA  Krell)

iMac 2.4 Ghz, 4GB DDR RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.6 - SC Official 7.3.1 Version:
24372 (23 Dec) - Firmware : 121

' A u r o n t h a s ' s   B l o g ' (

::My Recent Tracks Played::
' [image:] '

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 + Cambridge DacMagic ($400) Review

2009-01-05 Thread Phil Leigh

auronthas;379385 Wrote: 
 yes, use digital output of SB3 either coaxial or toslink  s/pdif  to
 the dac.

I'd recommend a 1.5m coax spdif cable between SB and DAC. cost is not a
factor but length is!

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods)- Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters,
Kimber  Chord cables
Outdoors: Boombox+Creative Sub (If I remember to turn it on...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread JJZolx

JezA;379238 Wrote: 
 How long will it be before the Transporter goes through the same
 evolution, and we get a Transporter 2, where the Transporter is in an
 adequate box, but has no fancy display and comes with the Duet remote.
 as well as perform better?





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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-05 Thread Phil Leigh

Themis;379419 Wrote: 
 As Phil says, the low-freq steep is way too high (70Hz) and way too
 steep to be a matter of cables and/or source/amplifier/speakers. It
 looks more like a room acoustics/placement problem to me.
 Perhaps your speakers are too near/too far from the surrounding walls ?

are there a lot of windows in the room? how big is the room and what
are its dimensions (height/width/depth)? What is the floor made of?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...SB3+Stontronics PSU - Altmann
JISCO/UPCI - TACT 2.2X (Linear PSU) + Good Vibrations S/W - MF
Triplethreat(Audiocom full mods)- Linn 5103 - Aktiv 5.1 system (6x
LK140's, ESPEK/TRIKAN/KATAN/SEIZMIK 10.5), Townsend Supertweeters,
Kimber  Chord cables
Outdoors: Boombox+Creative Sub (If I remember to turn it on...)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How best to upgrade by system

2009-01-05 Thread swarduk

Ok, I read lots of reviews which say that the AVR280 out-performs the
old AVR300 by a long way.  So I went ahead and now have a shiny new
AVR280.  Along with a new Cambridge DacMagic DAC for my SB3, the stereo
sound from this amp is much more musical than my old Denon AVR (which is
for sale if anyone would like it!).  I've got the new one bi-amped to my
KEFs using QED bi-wire cables, which made a good difference too (tried
it standard bi-wire first, and then bi-amped, and the bi-amped
definitely has better bass response).

I'm still intrigued about the Audiocom Digital Upgrade for SB's
advertised on eBay.  How can you upgrade te Digital side?  Surely all
the SB is doing is passing-through FLACs/WAVs to the external DAC,
which would always be bit-for-bit perfect?  Anyone tried this and knows
if it made a worthwhile difference?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread JezA

darren, the bulb is switching at 50Hz or 60Hz depending where you are in
the world, as are CRTS, hence the flicker. If you turn the bulb off and
swing it, no flicker. 

The frequency at which a flickering source is perceived as continuous
is called the flicker fusion frequency and starts to kick in around
16Hz though varies with brightness, fatigue and even the bit of retina
the image falls on, which is why some people can notice the flicker
from stataionary tvs when they are on the edge of their visual field.
The flicker is really there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread JezA

I have no strong feelings either way, I was just interested in whether
people think the Transporter will evolve, and if so to what, or whether
development is over. Perhaps things will go another way - there are now
applications available that let you drive a Linn DS from Squeezecenter,
so perhaps other high-quality networked DACs will appear along the same


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How best to upgrade by system

2009-01-05 Thread morsejeff


Did you upgrade the AVR280 and the DAC at the same time?  If not, can
you give us some details on how you feel each component separately
impacted the sound?  Also, in your opinion, which one made the biggest
difference in sound quality?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread funkstar

JezA;379377 Wrote: 
 Or is that it? Is it as much as we will get, since as one poster points
 out, it doesn't really fit the Logitech mould?
Open Source development doesn't fit with the Logitech mould either, but
we have that. I don't know if Logitech ever has beta development
programs, but we've had two here, the Controller which was discussed in
public and the Boom which was a private development until the official

So you could say the whole of the SlimDevices, or indeed the Streaming
Media Division is not part of the Logitech mould :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How best to upgrade by system

2009-01-05 Thread Themis

The AVR280 and the DacMagic use the same D/A converter chip. ;)


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread darrenyeats

JezA;379619 Wrote: 
 darren, the bulb is switching at 50Hz or 60Hz depending where you are in
 the world, as are CRTS, hence the flicker. If you turn the bulb off and
 swing it, no flicker. 
I can't remember where I saw this, it was some science museum or the
like using a DC powered light. As I said, we perceive discrete frames
and, as I said, this can be seen as the light appearing to jump in

Sorry my memory is fuzzy. I remember my surprise but not the details.


SB3 / Inguz - Krell KAV-300i (pre bypass) - PMC AB-1
Dell laptop - JVC UX-C30 mini system

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Stone Harley - new comedy team?

2009-01-05 Thread ralphpnj

RGibran;379245 Wrote: 
 From JA's Stereophile review of the Squeezebox...
 Comparing the original CD on the Ayre C-5xe disc player, its digital
 output driving the Levinson DAC via a 1m DH Labs AES/EBU link, with
 SlimServer feeding an Apple Lossless–encoded file to the Squeezebox
 with its digital output feeding the Levinson via the AudioQuest
 OptiLink-5, I was hard-pressed to hear much of a difference.

Thanks RG for answering my original question since I had (very
conveniently) forgotten about this part of JA's SqueezeBox review. Now
here's the catch: JA was listening to the playback of an Apple lossless
file which I pretty sure is decoded to a wav at the server and then
streamed to the SB3 rather than say a flac file which would be streamed
as a flac file to the SB3 and decoded to a wav file by the SB3. Would it
make any difference in the final sound quality? I would think not but
who knows.

Also note that he still seems to feel that somehow the SB3/Levinson DAC
combo is somehow unworthy of playback for serious listening even
though is his ears seem to be telling him otherwise. As I stated
earlier, if the $300 SB3 could do the same, or better, job than a $6K
CD transport then the high end audio house of cards might just come
tumbling down.


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Snatch - The Transporter -
Transporter 2

'' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter samplerate

2009-01-05 Thread JezA

darren, a torch or flashlight is a dc powered light. Pretty sure if you
wave it about in the dark it won't flicker.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread Themis

iPhone;379546 Wrote: 
 I see. So which would you really prefer, a more expensive TP that pushes
 the power supply section and the DAC to the limits or a stripped down TP
 that is much less expensive but with a DAC slightly better then the
Personally, I would prefer a killer digital transport. A dac is more of
a personal choice, imho.


SB3 - North Star dac 192 - Denon 3808 - Sonus Faber Grand Piano Domus

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] New Transporter in 2009?

2009-01-05 Thread adamslim

I can't see that there will be one.  There will be a lot of companies
joining the streaming devices bandwagon, and I suspect that Logitech
would make a lot more money by licensing the streaming tech to
audiophile companies than by making the hardware themselves - could
they really improve on the Transporter?

Oh and 24/192 is clearly a necessity, but for marketing purposes only,
and the dual display is better than the Duet (although not as good as
the dual display -plus -the Controller!)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, dCS Purcell, Ack Dac, Audion Quattro, Welborne DRD 300Bs, Lowther
Big Fun Horns with PM6As

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-05 Thread ErikM

I'll chime in with Phil on this. How big is the room? What are the
materials carpeted floor, or hard wood?  How are the speakers setup how
far off the back wall measured from the back of the speaker, how far
apart are they inside edge to edge? How far away are you sitting? Are
there lot's of windows are they covered, drapes or wood shutters? Also
things like coffee table in front of speakers or any hard surfaces near
the speakers?  I would also suggest as for placement try starting with
the speakers facing straight ahead no toe in. See if that helps, some
speakers will get brighter as you toe them in. Also your height
relative to the tweeters will change the tonality, also SF speakers
like a certin amount of rearward rake, try starting out with them level
then add a little rake as you go.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-05 Thread norman12

Phil, Themis,

The room is 4.5 x 5m, 2.3m high. There is 1 full height window about
1.5m wide in the centre of the longer wall. The speakers are placed 2m
apart in the centre of the shorter wall and 0.5m into the room. The
floor is joist suspended and fully underlaid and carpeted, walls are
lath and plaster (very old house). 2 large couches occupy the room
(with too many cushions for my liking) and heavy curtains around the
window. I think it's a pretty average room, not at all minimalist, but
it is rather square.
I've sent the room plot to my dealer for comment, no reply as yet. In
the meantime I'll attempt to set the speakers up in the back room which
has a similar floor area although much more rectangular.
I need to find out if it is the room or a problem with the kit,
although I can feel room correction coming on - Tact, Lyngdorf, inguz
Not so easy this Hi-Fi lark!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Help with sssssibilance

2009-01-05 Thread norman12

ErikM;379711 Wrote: 
 I'll chime in with Phil on this. How big is the room? What are the
 materials carpeted floor, or hard wood?  How are the speakers setup how
 far off the back wall measured from the back of the speaker, how far
 apart are they inside edge to edge? How far away are you sitting? Are
 there lot's of windows are they covered, drapes or wood shutters? Also
 things like coffee table in front of speakers or any hard surfaces near
 the speakers?  I would also suggest as for placement try starting with
 the speakers facing straight ahead no toe in. See if that helps, some
 speakers will get brighter as you toe them in. Also your height
 relative to the tweeters will change the tonality, also SF speakers
 like a certin amount of rearward rake, try starting out with them level
 then add a little rake as you go.

Erik, thanks,
Most of this is answered in my post to Phil and Themis. I sit about
3.5m away from the front of the speakers and they are, at the moment,
facing straight ahead but I have had them toed in. Sitting down I'm
about ear level between the tweeter and mid range and the speakers are
raked backwards.
Thanks for your suggestions - I'll have a fiddle tomorrow.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Bw 683?

2009-01-05 Thread androidtopp

Does anyone have listening experience or currently own the BW 683s? I
have a lot of experience with (someone else's, unfortunately) 804s, and
looking at paper specifications, the big difference between the two is
the top mounted tweeter, matrix braced cabinet, and Rohacell vs.
Aluminum/Kevlar/Paper bass drivers. Oh, yeah, and a ton of cash.

Anyway, I'm really impressed with the sound of the 804s, and while I
know it won't be the same, the 683s are in my price range, get good
reviews from everything I'm reading, and are the sort of large speaker
I'm looking for to fill a good sized, vaulted ceiling room. I have a
lot of flexibility in placement, so I can get them into/away from
corners, or close to/away from walls as needed. I listen to a wide
variety of music, from classical to 50s/60s jazz and on to popular
stuff like Radiohead, Sigur Ros, and Mogwai, if that helps with
comparison to what you bought yours for.

So, if anyone has owned these in the past, or listened to them in
compairson with some other similarly priced options, I'd be interested
to know why you did or didn't buy. I have not managed to get out to
listen yet, but it's on the list in the next week or so.

As an added bonus, while I'm not looking to upgrade the amp
immediately,(let's not get in to what I have right now, and focus on
what I intend to buy in the future) I'd love to hear what people use to
drive their 683s (or whatever they purchased instead.) I'm seeing some
attractive Rotel options around $1000, but there are obviously more
choices I'm not considering.

With luck, I'll be able to edit that signature line soon...


My SB3 is the most expensive part of my stereo. So I'm not going to brag
about it.
And my SBB as well...Is it wrong that my alarm clock is worth more than
most of my stereo components? I need to work on that.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How best to upgrade by system

2009-01-05 Thread konut

A significant upgrade of your system would be costly. Only small
incremental gains would be realized with getting a better AV receiver,
SB mod, DAC, etc. To raise the bar using a similar configuration, a
dedicated AV preamp with balanced outs to powered speakers would be


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How best to upgrade by system

2009-01-05 Thread whoosh

pfarrell;376983 Wrote: 
 Real Audiophiles have a two channel amp. Not five or seven, and not a
Some Real Audiophiles have two one channel amps. ;)


*Server*: Ubuntu 8.04 Server on Intel 1.66GHz Core Duo Mac Mini, 1GB
RAM, 72GB internal for OS, 750GB Maxtor One Touch Firewire for media.
SC 7.3.1~24372
*Main Audio*: SB Duet  Audio Research LS2B mkII  Audio Research VT100
mkII  Soliloquy 5.3
*Work Audio*: SB Duet  Jolida SJ801  NHT Super Zero's

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford DAC ... Who uses one and how good is it really ?

2009-01-05 Thread HectorHughMunro

I've got a 6/3.  Excellent.  As mentioned, ignore the earlier reviews. 
The new USB version looks quite exciting as that apparently includes
other upgrades like op amps etc.


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