Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Rotel RX-1052 SBD

2008-04-01 Thread LikeButtah

Though I have no experience with the airport express, I did sell the RX
for a couple of years.

Considering the Rotel has no digital inputs, your only option is to
connect the SB into a free input (Video 1, 2, 3) with a decent pair of
interconnects. If your material is good, there should be a noticeable
difference in sound quality from your Airport Express. As for
interface, the duet will absolutely blow the airport out of the water.
I've only used an SB3, but even the interface on that is amazingly
simple and effective. I listened to way more music once I got my SB,
even though before I had a pc connected that could stream via itunes
(in much the same way the airport does).

The remote control capability of the SB alone is incredible; the duet
takes that to whole new levels. I wholeheartedly recommend it. It'll
work well with your machine, and the awesomeness of the interface will
surely change the way you listen to music.


*2-Channel:* SB3  Rothwell Attenuators + AudioQuest Diamondback Cables
 Quad 303  Dynaudio Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
You gotta start somewhere I suppose...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is connected to your Transporter?

2007-12-09 Thread LikeButtah

Has anyone here paired the Transporter with Bryston and 800-series BW?
I'm wondering how that would sound in the end, because I love the
Bryston B-60 with the BW 805s when they are fed by a Rega Apollo, but I
wonder how the TP would compare?


*2-Channel:* SB3  Rothwell Attenuators  Quad 303  Dynaudio
Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] BW 805s

2007-11-14 Thread LikeButtah

So... I just started working at a new store. We sell 8-series BDubs. I
think I've fallen in love with the 805s, and may well have to bust out
the employee discount to buy them. The question is, what to be driving
them with?

At the store, all we have for upscale amps is Bryston, which has mucho
power, but I feel is too prominent at the top, particularly with BW.
I've heard good things about Naim, but it seems pricey! Or I could get
bryston for cheap, but I'd need something (preamp?) to smooth out the
top. Thoughts???


*2-Channel:* SB3  Rothwell Attenuators  Quad 303  Dynaudio
Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] BW 805s

2007-11-14 Thread LikeButtah

Cool. Thanks for the replies guys. I had in fact wondered about how a
tube preamp would resolve the Bryston problem. For budgetary reasons,
I'd rather stick to what I carry, but I know there's great value in
used electronics. I'll look into the old Classe amps, that sounds neat.

About tubes though, what were some of those preamps at around ~$1000?


*2-Channel:* SB3  Rothwell Attenuators  Quad 303  Dynaudio
Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Longevity and getting old stuff serviced

2007-04-21 Thread LikeButtah

I still roll with 25+ year old Quad gear, and I love it! Both my amp and
preamp really need to be rebuilt to some degree, but I'm a student, so I
can't complain for now. 

I hope to continue to use my SB3 for centuries to come, but, like all
things computer related obsolescence is probably more of a factor than
lifespan. That being said, if my SB lasts me 10 or so years I'll be
pretty happy.


*2-Channel:* SB3  Quad 33  Quad 303  Dynaudio Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Some advice - two different pairs of speakers

2007-03-29 Thread LikeButtah

Yeah, I think that's the way I'm leaning right now. I do really like
BW, especially their 600 series in terms of quality/price. But I think
for the tastes of my buddy, and at that price point the paradigms will
be a better fit.

Anyway, thanks for the help guys!


*2-Channel:* SB3  Quad 33  Quad 303  Dynaudio Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Some advice - two different pairs of speakers

2007-03-27 Thread LikeButtah


The Paradigms always have a sort of forward sound, if that makes
sense. They tend to jump out a little more, but without really being
aggressive. They create more of a wide stage, and disappear a little
more? Also more prominent in the bottom end. In general I don't have a
lot of complaints about what these do for the price, the only drawback
is maybe that they can be a little thin in the middle sometimes.

The BDubs sound a little more refined, less edgy, but more full in
the midrange. The bass is a little shy, but is present nonetheless.
They offer just as much detail up top, but without ever sounding overly
bright. I think sometimes though they almost sound a little too subdued,
not soft or overly warm or anything, but it seems like they lack the
ability to put themselves out there as much as the paradigm.

My reference amp and source for both listenings was a Rotel RA-1062 and

I hope that makes sense...


*2-Channel:* SB3  Quad 33  Quad 303  Dynaudio Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Some advice - two different pairs of speakers

2007-03-25 Thread LikeButtah

I have a buddy with an Arcam A65 integrated amp, and a modified Thorens
TD-145 turntable. 

I can get him a deal on either a pair of BW CM1s, or Paradigm Studio
20s (v4). I'm not overly familiar with Arcam, but have heard both pairs
of speakers and like them both for different reasons.

In all of ya'lls infinite wisdom and experience, which would be better
suited to the Arcam?

Thanks in advance!


*2-Channel:* SB3  Quad 33  Quad 303  Dynaudio Audience 52
*Home Theatre:* Yamaha DVD-S657  Yamaha RXV-557  Tannoy Fusion
Not bad for a student, eh?

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] CDs burned from FLAC not working properly

2006-12-16 Thread LikeButtah

Hey team,

I've been burning CDs from FLAC for use at work, and not all of them
seem to be working with a Rotel RCD-1072. I'm burning them with Nero at
the lowest speed possible (8x). Is there a better program I should be
using? What about using music cd-rs?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Looking for advice

2006-11-16 Thread LikeButtah


Your advice seems sound to me. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), I don't
live in the UK. I live in Canada, but the Rothwells are certainly still
an option. They wind up being something like $75 shipped, so pretty
reasonably priced. As far as servicing goes, I'll check with the guy I
bought the 303 from and see what he had done to it over the years. He's
a bit of a technician himself, so perhaps he's already had a go at a few
of the things you've mentionned.

Although servicing is not in the budget for the moment, it's something
I want to keep on the horizon for the next few months. I'm thinking of
having the DIN and the power plug jack changed for more conventional
stuff at the same time.

I'll order the Rothwells, have the cable made, and I'll be sure to let
you know how it goes.

Thanks for all the advice everyone!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Looking for advice

2006-11-15 Thread LikeButtah

Hey team,

I've just put together a new system, and am looking for the best way to
get good sound of my (unmodded) SB3.

At the moment I'm using a Quad 33 Preamp, and 303 Poweramp to a pair
Dynaudio Audience 52s. My speaker wire is some flavour of Ixos, and my
interconnects are complete garbage (i'm having a friend custom make
some good ones, having Quad stuff means DIN and that makes things

It seems to me that for at least the next sixth months, until I get a
turntable, the Squeezebox will be my only source. Should I run it
through the 33, or just go direct to the poweramp and use the SB volume
control for everything?

At present, I find myself using the SB volume control a lot anyway
because the Quad doesnt have a remote. Strangely, I find the whole
thing sounds better when the SB volume is lower (~50) and I increase
the volume on the Quad. Does that make sense?

Anyhow, I'm hoping you guys can offer some relatively inexpensive
advice, as I'm a student, and can't really afford much of anything.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Looking for advice

2006-11-15 Thread LikeButtah

Whoa, thanks for all the responses in such short time! You guys are

Skunk, that's exactly my problem, before reaching 1/4 on the 33 volume
control the level isnt even on balance between the two speakers. It
seems to click in at about that level. How could I check to see how
much attenuation is needed? (i'm pretty new to the technical side of
all this stuff). I know the specs of the 303 are listed here, but I'm
not quite sure which figure to use: . The speakers recommend
upwards of 25w for a small sized room, which is what I'm rolling with
for the moment.

Phil and Adam, your advice seems sound and it looks to me like that's
the direction I should be heading. I realize that the 33 isn't a great
piece of equipment, and it certainly is getting long in the tooth. I'm
fairly certain it has not been rebuilt ever, and I certainly am having
a few problems with the volume control, and the balance. 

The rothwells seem like a solid solution. I was reading up a bit on
them, and people suggest that you plug them in directly to the power
amp. Considering I've got 4 pin din and not RCA, would it be a
disadvantage to plug them into the squeezebox directly and then run a
custom rca - 4 pin from the SB to the 303? 

Attenuators definately seem like something promising, and would
certainly save me the effort of getting up to change the volume all the
time. I'm also going to look further into an Elpac power supply, and
perhaps a Bolder mod also.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ethernet or wireless; is there a difference in quality?

2006-09-01 Thread LikeButtah

Hey gang,

Long time listener, first time caller. I'm a budding audiophile
thinking of getting a squeezebox. My question is fairly
straightforward: if I was looking for the best possible sound quality,
how should I connect the box to my network? I know wireless isnt great
for audio streaming, but doesnt slimserver stream files THEN play them
on the box itself? 

Help please!


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