Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RME ADI-2 - External DAC issue

2008-06-13 Thread Zardoz

Hi EricM, hi Nonreality,

thanks for mentioning other DAC candidates, I've read about them but
I'm not willing to spend the necessary 1000€s. Then I'd rather go with
the Transporter.
The RME-DAC was just a test to what extend a midprice external DAC can
contribute to the sound.

Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just adding more and more devices to take
part at the gearporn ratrace. Being honest, I'm pretty contend with what
I hear and am actually selling the RME.

Regards, Z.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RME ADI-2 - External DAC issue

2008-06-10 Thread Zardoz

Thanks for your explainations so far.
I just read a thread about the positive effect of cheap DACs Made in
China. Still I have a hard time believing that professional mastering
gear like the ADI-2 has ZERO effect on sound qualiy while some cheapish
100€ plastic boxes are praised for their performance.

My setup:
Squeezebox Duet
(Optical/Coax Connection via Oehlbach Digital Cable - RME ADI-2)
Solen Tigre Hybrid Amplifier (Valve Pre, Transistor Power Ampl.)
Silent Wire
Audio Physics Yara Evolution 

That way I can directly switch inputs with and without the external
Except for a small difference in volume there is NO audible difference
between both options. There's also no difference in Optical/Coax
digital connection quality.

Is it possible, that the speakers are too bad to hear the difference?

It's just because there's a lot of people euphoric about external DACs
and also some who don't see any differnce at all. As a former
scientist, maybe I'm looking for a measurable explanation... ;)

The reason why I'm still dealing with the issue is - should I keep the
DAC and check if a speaker update will make the improvement audible or
should I just quit thinking about external DACs for the time being?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RME ADI-2 - External DAC issue

2008-06-10 Thread Zardoz

Hi StigErik,

I heard about the importance of equal volume when comparing sound
I had expected to hear at least a little difference, a slight
coloration or something between both scenarios, but there is nothing.
This made me even think that I might have done something wrong. 

Maybe it's like you said, the quality of the internal Burr Browns and
the ADI-2 is on the same level. That said, there's really no use in
spending 600€ for this specific dac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Personal Introductions: Please Make This a Sticky!

2008-06-09 Thread Zardoz

Hi there,

since last weekend I enjoy playing around with my new favourite toy,
the Squeezebox Duet. I love everything about it, the sound quality, the
looks and the usability.

I'm routing it to my Solen Tigre hybrid amplifier, from there via
Silent Wire cabling to my Audiophysics Yara Evolution speakers. Right
now, I'm having a hard time in finding any improvement in sound quality
when using the RME ADI-2 as an external DAC. When I don't find any help
in this issue soon, the DAC has to go and I'll invest in better
speakers instead. ;)

Greetings from Hamburg, Germany,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RME ADI-2 - External DAC issue

2008-06-09 Thread Zardoz


since last weekend I'm the proud owner of a Squeezebox Duet.
I also bought a RME ADI-2 mastering quality DAC to improve audio
The funny thing is, to my ears there is no audible
difference/improvement when I compare its output to the Duets analog
jacks, neither with optical nor coax connection.

In the upper scenario I used the Squeezeboxes clock to slave the
external DAC. As far as I know, the ADI-2 can also be used as a master
clock for the Squeezebox. When I try to switch the DAC into the correct
mode (44.1khz) the sound is worsened by dropouts. 

Could anyone help me in this, because I'm about to sell the DAC and use
the Squeezebox without it. Is this behaviour the same with every other
DAC or is it related to the ADI?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] RME ADI-2 - External DAC issue

2008-06-09 Thread Zardoz

Thanks StigErik,

that's weird. I'd never thought that the squeezebox would actually
outperform a professional production level DAC 600€ worth! To be
honest, I'll give it another test run this evening.

I've learned that in order to make the ADI-2 the clock master, I'd have
to connect the ADIs digital out to the squeezeboxes digital in for clock
synchronizing. The regular Duet doesn't come with a digital in, so
there's no way of using the clock of an external dac as master. It
works with the transporter though. 

For 2000€ the transporter is not an option for me right now. As far as
I see it, there's no audible sound improvement by adding an external
DAC. At least in the price range under 1000€. Do you feel the same?

Hopefully this doesn't lead to flamewars, I'm just thinking about
rerouting the money I spent on the ADI-2 to something else if it
doesn't improve the sound.



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