Thanks StigErik,

that's weird. I'd never thought that the squeezebox would actually
outperform a professional production level DAC 600€ worth! To be
honest, I'll give it another test run this evening.

I've learned that in order to make the ADI-2 the clock master, I'd have
to connect the ADIs digital out to the squeezeboxes digital in for clock
synchronizing. The regular Duet doesn't come with a digital in, so
there's no way of using the clock of an external dac as master. It
works with the transporter though. 

For 2000€ the transporter is not an option for me right now. As far as
I see it, there's no audible sound improvement by adding an external
DAC. At least in the price range under 1000€. Do you feel the same?

Hopefully this doesn't lead to flamewars, I'm just thinking about
rerouting the money I spent on the ADI-2 to something else if it
doesn't improve the sound.


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