Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Missing the oomph

2007-11-29 Thread david68

sosleepy;245532 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the suggestions so far.  I'll give the preamp suggestion a
 try when I get some free time in the next couple of days.  My CD source
 isn't anything to write home about- a Marantz DV7600 DVD/CD/SACD player.
 It has more oomph than the squeezebox, but I know it isn't top of the
 line either.  I use the squeezebox way more than the CD player, and
 generally use FLAC as my chosen source, though I don't discriminate
 against MP3.How would you describe the 'oomph', in terms of tonality? More
pronounced bottom end maybe? I'd suggest that the difference you are
hearing is almost certainly DAC related. 

I don't have any issues with the one built into the SB3, but choose to
use a Shek D1 NOS unit, as I prefer a warmer, more laid-back sound.
However, if I run it through my Beresford TC-7510 Mk6 DAC the combo
sounds almost indistinguishable to my Naim CDX2 (sounds hard to believe
but its true), which has been gathering dust since my SB3 arrived. 

I wouldn't view the SB3 as necessarily being the weak link in the
chain, despite its budget status. I'd say you just need to find a DAC
that offers the kind of presentation you like.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Distorted playback with 48khz file

2007-07-13 Thread david68

Hi, I've just noticed that I'm getting some weird sounding high pitched
distortion in the background when playing back a 48khz track. Its a
high pitched whine that has a kind of echo/vibrato effect with it. It
is present throughout the whole track, but seems to 'play along' with
the music ie. it's not there during silent gaps.

The same track has always played back fine before. Two things have
changed in my setup since I last listened to it - 1: a new router and
2: a new Shek D1 DAC.

Firstly I thought it might be linked to the router and so I tried
connecting through an ethernet cable rather than wirelessly, but that
made no difference. So my attention turned to the DAC and I tried using
the SB3's analog more distortion!

So what's going on?!? Doesn't the Shek D1 like 48khz sample rate? The
same track at 44.1khz plays fine through it. I was using a Meridian 203
DAC for a while, which behaved fine, and I'm pretty sure I would have
tried that track with it.

Any ideas?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Distorted playback with 48khz file

2007-07-13 Thread david68

The file was something that I downloaded, out of interest, from Linn
Records - one of their 96khz 'Studio Master' tracks. I converted to
both 44.1 and 48khz using dbpoweramp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Distorted playback with 48khz file

2007-07-13 Thread david68

Veggen;214280 Wrote: 
 Isn't the Shek on of those NOS type TDA1543 based dacs?
 In that case it is probably 16 bit 44.1kHz only.Thanks. Yes it is a NOS 
 TDA1543 model. So that means it will only be
capable of 44.1khz then?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply upgrade for Shek D1

2007-07-06 Thread david68

Hi, I've just taken delivery of a Shek D1 and was a little surprised at
how lightweight  cheap the power supply that is supplied with it

It's a variable output regulated / switched  model that came preset at

It may be great - I've got nothing else to compare it to - but in my
experience the better power supplies are usually more substantially

So, is the stock PS any good and if not can anyone recommend a suitable

NB: I'm in the UK, so maybe something that Maplins stock?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply upgrade for Shek D1

2007-07-06 Thread david68

darrenyeats;212757 Wrote: 
 If a linear, regulated supply is what you want check out CPC who stock
 Stontronics power supplies in the UK.
 I use the equivalent 5V supply for my SB3 which is 1.5A. I don't know
 if 1A is enough current for your Shek though.
 DarrenI must be stupid...I also bought that 5v Stontronics supply for my SB3
and didn't think to look on the CPC site again!! 

The PS that is supplied is 800ma so the 1000ma one should be fine. I've
just ordered one.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply upgrade for Shek D1

2007-07-06 Thread david68

zanash;212791 Wrote: 
 I've built about four of these for different people ...a decent linear
 will give great performance for the nosits the size of the
 transformer ie va rating thats important..look for about 30va as the
 best compromise between sound and size.  I tried a 300 va but it had
 little extra over the 30va 
 A good digital ic is also neededHmm the one I have for my SB3 says 7.5VA 
 on it. Now that's a 5V supply
so I don't know what the 12v one I've just ordered for my Shek D1 will
have as a VA rating.

I'm quite interested in what you say about having built some linear
power supplies for people before. If you fancy any more custom then
please PM me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Power supply upgrade for Shek D1

2007-07-06 Thread david68

Phil Leigh;212818 Wrote: 
 If you are only using the digital out of the SB into a DAC the basic
 Stontronics linear is just fine...
 IMHO it's only worth investigating more exotic supply solutions if you
 are using the analogue SB...and you'll need to disect the internal
 supplies to do so which is not trivial.Hi Phil. I already have a Stontronics 
 for my SB3 and it is feeding a
Shek D1 DAC. It's the DAC power supply that I'm referring to in this
thread. I've ordered a 12v linear Stontronics one, hoping that I will
hear an improvement over the 'budget' one that came supplied with the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAD 3020 variants

2007-06-30 Thread david68

swhite58;211519 Wrote: 
 I'm looking for a cheap used amp to replace my aging (and dying) Luxman
 L4.  I don't want to spend much money as I'm saving up to buy myself
 some more serious gear for my 50th birthday next year. I thought what
 about an old NAD?
 Currently, there are three different NAD 3020's for sale on eBay
 3020 series 20
 They'll probably sell for a similar price.
 Doesd anyone know whether there are any significant differences between
 them?Why don't you look at the 3130's as well. Very similar presentation to
the 3020, but with a little more power. I believe they were very highly
thought of too.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Hi, I've just ordered a SB3 and intend to copy my favourite CD's to my
PC so that I can stream them to my hifi. If I'm happy with the results
then it means my Naim CDX2 CDP should end up doing a little less work!

What I don't want to do is copy say a hundred CD's and then discover
that I could have done it better for optimum audio quality. So I could
do with some advice...

I currently use itunes to feed my ipod and have imported my CD's as
320kbps MP3's. However, it looks like Apple Lossless would be the best
way to go for streaming to my hifi. So, would you recommend
re-importing into itunes using Apple Lossless, or (given that I'm going
to have to import my CD collection again anyway) would you suggest
looking at using different software? I notice that a lot of people seem
to prefer EAC, which I think offers FLAC.

Also, do you audiophiles out there with ipods store two copies of each
CD, one in lossless for your hifi and one in a lossy format for your


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Yes Evert, that helps a lot, as that is what I was hoping would be
possible. Thank you!

So, to clarify just a bit, you can have more than one library in iTunes
7 and you have it setup so that your ipod only sees the library
containing your MP3's. Then, when you are streaming it is the other
library that is in use?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Audiotic;210714 Wrote: 
 That is certainly possible. Since I started this process before iTunes 7
 (so before more libraries were possible) I have created a Smart Playlist
 where the bitrate is  300, and my iPod is syncing with that playlist.
 For streaming I use the  300...Thanks. I've just upgraded my iTunes to 
 version 7 and can't see how to
setup separate libraries, but I'm sure I'll be able to work that out
sooner or later! Failing that, I'll just try the Smart Playlist method
that you describe.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Newbie looking for some advice

2007-06-24 Thread david68

Thanks Adam, you are right..I do take music reproduction pretty
seriously. I just don't want to over complicate matters if I don't
actually need to. However, if, as you say, iTunes doesn't necessarily
result in an accurate rip then I will need to look at alternatives.
I'll look further into EAC and try to get an idea of what settings I'd
need to be using.

By the way, I notice you are using a Shek D2 DAC. That's on my shopping
list now along with the D1. I already have a Meridian DAC, but don't
rate it as highly as some other do.


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