[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where is the incredible sound?

2006-02-17 Thread dwsomers

Upgrade the server to version 6.2.2. That made a huge difference for me
in terms of analogue output. Upgrading PS to regulated Linear supply,
using decent interconnects all helps to improving the sound as well.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-13 Thread dwsomers

My CPC has arrived and I have plugged it in. Connected a snap on ferrite
suppressor and WOW what a difference. My amp hasn't even warmed up yet
and there definitely is a difference. Bass is tighter and richer sound.
I find that I don't have to turn the volume up as much to get full
sound. Seems like the PSU is giving the SB3 what it needs.
I am really impressed, highly recommend it. 
I think that these Linear PSU should be shipped as stock with SB3.
What's the point of packaging a superior product with an inferior ps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-10 Thread dwsomers

Is this CPC/Farnell unit a Linear PS? 
Does it improve sound like the others talked about here?
I'm sorry but I don't know what a transformer is.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Recommended inexpensive Linear PSU Wallwart for SB3?

2006-02-10 Thread dwsomers

afblaster wrote:
I wouldn't have thought it was worth risking it.
Not withstanding M3Rocket's comment, the Squeezebox smps wall-wart is
rated at 2Amps (10VA), but the CPC 1.5Amp (7.5VA) linear supply works
well with the three players I know of. In comparison with the 1Amp
(5VA) Power Pax, the size and weight of the CPC unit is substantial,
and it's too large and heavy to use as a wall-wart if it had been
constructed like that. This suggests to me that the Power Pax
transformer may be a tad undersized and working at the limits of its
spec, if needs to supply 1Amp continuously to the player(?)

With regards to the Powermax model, wouldn't the next model up part no:
PAR-0530 from http://www.powerpax.co.uk/ac_dc.htm
be sufficient? It has output voltage of 5v and ampage is 300 (mA). SB3
would only take what it needs, that is my understanding. Does anyone
think this is advisable? I'm UK based and I am contemplating between
this one and the CPC\Farnell model  http://tinyurl.com/btdhh
to upgrade my SB3 psu. This powerpax seems to be a Linear PSU, but
there isn't 100% confirmation whether the CPC\Farnell one is Linear. If
it is, then which one would be more suitable. Any ideas anyone?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Recommended inexpensive Linear PSU Wallwart for SB3?

2006-02-10 Thread dwsomers

Thanks afblaster,
You seem to know what you are talking about, so I will settle for the
CPC psu. Since people are confirming its success, and your confirmation
about it being Linear is good enough for me.
I'm pleased that there is an out of the box solution for UK SB3
owners who don't own a soldering iron.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-10 Thread dwsomers

Just had confirmation from afblaster that the CPC\Farnell ps is
definitely Linear. 


So I am going for that option instead. 
Can't wait to see if I can hear the results.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-09 Thread dwsomers

Robin Bowes quote
I spy a business opprtunity ... :)

How much would folk be prepared to pay for a plug and play linear

What sort of box would you like (will affect the cost) ?

Well Robin, I'm certainly interested. It would be good if you could
throw a few options our way in terms of choice. 
I for one would be happy to buy one, as long as certain conditions were
met. Ie: Cost was reasonable, some sort of warranty\guarantee perhaps,
oh and that you knew what you were doing of course. Like this was the
hundredth time you did this and were an expert. I'm sure you understand
how much we value our SB3.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-09 Thread dwsomers

Define reasonable.

A warranty would push up the price. Of course, I would warrant that it
would work, but if you want 12 months or something it would be
in the price.

As for knowing what I'm doing, I have been doing electronics for 
years and have a degree in ElectroAcoustics (electronics + acoustics).
So, I'm reasonable confident that I know what I'm doing!


Ok, well to be honest I don't really know much about this so I will
assume that reasonable is say a price based on the cost of a plug and
play linear psu model Elpac WM075-1950-760 Allied US version which is
priced at $38.950 plus shipping. 
I understand that this may be too cheap for custom make. But I really
don't know. Give me some quotes, say like your cheapest with warranty,
and then maybe quote a slightly better make with warranty. Obviously
your expertise and recommendation is valued.

By the way are you US based?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-08 Thread dwsomers

Ok so it has been established that the specification should be to:
5V DC, 1.2A+, linear PS.
But, can anyone direct me as to where or whom I should specify this to.
I take it that Maplins is out of the question?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-08 Thread dwsomers

Oh come on guys!, I just want something I can buy and take out from the
box and plug in. I don't know how to do all that electronic stuff, and
I'll probably make a right pigs ear of it. Can't someone make one for
my SB3 and I'll pay them?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-07 Thread dwsomers

Hi there,
Can anyone advise me where is the best place to buy a cheap and safe
power supply upgrade for the SB3. I've read all the reviews in how it
improves the sound and I'm interested. All I know is something like it
has to be regulated 5 volts at 1.5 amps. I don't want to have to do any
extra soldering, and definitely don't want to damage my new SB3.
Straight out of the box would be nice, especially if can be bought
reasonably cheap.
I'm quite new to all this and I'm UK based, so go easy on me.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Upgrading the Power Supply

2006-02-07 Thread dwsomers

Thanks Nelamvr6,
Looks good, do you know if I could get it with the UK type three pin
plug from this place?. 
I'm currently searching for a UK supplier, which would have the correct
plug type.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog output is very weak,

2006-01-23 Thread dwsomers

Hi there,
I just purchased the new SB3 and although I am impressed with the
Digital output, the analog output sound is very dull and weak in
comparison. I am running the analog signal to a Cyrus 5 Integrated amp.
Is there something I can do to improve the analog output
My other problem is because I don't have enough TOS inputs on my Yamaha
digital amp, I share the cables by way of a TOS splitter\joiner that
shares my DVD player and SB3 digital outputs. But when I ever want to
hear by DVD player, I have to physically pull out the power cable to
the SB3 so I can hear audio from the DVD player. SB3 seems to remain
on, even when it is not connected to any slimserver. Is there a way of
disabling, turning off the Digital output on the SB3 when you shutdown
your slimserver, other than physically having to remove the cables? 


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Analog output is very weak,

2006-01-23 Thread dwsomers

Hi Ceejay,
The output from the analog is very poor to the degree that I think
there is a problem. If I was to turn off my digital amp, then the
analog sound which is going through Cyrus 5 amp through Cable talk talk
cables into Mission speakers, would not even be to any mid range
standard at all. I really have to crank the volume up to hear any
reasonable volume of sound, and it sounds bright and echoey - very
strange. Do I need an external DAC or something?
I'll try the update that Peter mentioned, then go from there.  
As for the Dig outputs, yes I will be voting for this bug fix, it's
definitely worth having if you have different audio sources sharing
same DAC.
Hi Peter,
I think I will try the update to 6.2.2 first to see if there is any
improvement. My sb3 automatically upgraded the firmware when I first
succesfully connected to my network. I think I have the latest.
Thanks guys for all your input, very much appreciated.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Analog output is very weak,

2006-01-23 Thread dwsomers

Hey guys,
Guess what? I patched with the latest slimserver version 6.2.2 and big
improvement. The improvement was so noticeable, even my wife noticed
it. Now I'm starting to hear some life in my missions again. I think
this patch should be applied when rolling out this product because it
could put people off buying it. This is a major bug fix. I can't
believe it was that all along. Thanks ceejay and seanadams for your
responses, I think we were all worried then.
I'm going to stay glued to those patches for new bugs. Wow I'm so
impressed with the sound now. I'm off to rip some more of my cds.


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