Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What is a Transporter SE?

2010-12-29 Thread peterw

andyg;598003 Wrote: 
 The SE version has no knob, because the knob part is no longer made I

So no knob-for-navigation vs. knob-for-volume debate here!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hard facts supporting the quality of Touch digital out.

2010-05-12 Thread peterw

pfarrell;546934 Wrote: 
  The SB3 is just a SB2 in a
 better looking case. Its an ancient design using ancient DAC chips.
 If the Touch was not a lot better, I'd be gobsmacked.

Even the digital outs? Sean made some serious claims about the SB2
digital out quality (jitter and all that). What's happened in the last
5 years to so dramatically improve *digital* outputs? I'm just honestly
curious. It's been 10 years since I've spent any time in boutique hifi
shops and while I can always DAC and analog improvements, it's hard to
imagine how there could be significant differences in the digital

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Tranporter Volume Concrol cant be deafeated?

2010-04-01 Thread peterw

It's a hacked workaround, but you might try installing my VolumeLock
plugin and locking the Transporter volume at 100%. I don't know if that
will work, and don't have a Transporter to test with.

Good luck.

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( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
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( 'SleepFade'
( 'StatusFirst'
( 'SyncOptions'
( 'VolumeLock'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Nakamichi Amp 1 any good?

2010-03-12 Thread peterw

I haven't looked at prices for the gear you mention, but I think you
should consider amps with rs232 or ethernet ports (and well-documented,
well-designed protocols -- Cambridge being one example of good physical
ports but IMO poor protocols). Newer gear like that from Denon makes it
easier to have the same sort of remote/computer control over your amp
that we're accustomed to having over our Squeezeboxes.

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( 'Auto Dim/AutoDisplay'
( 'BlankSaver'
( 'ContextMenu'
( 'DenonSerial'
'FuzzyTime' ( 'KidsPlay'
( 'KitchenTimer'
( 'PlayLog'
( 'SaverSwitcher'
( 'SleepFade'
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] just got new transporter, very disappointed with sound

2009-08-08 Thread peterw

earwaxer;446765 Wrote: 
 I tend to think that the programmers put a defeat button in because it
 offered something more than what you would get at %100.

One thing more that this option provides:  plugins like Chris' Denon
AVP TCP control and my Denon RS232 serial control can allow Squeezebox
Controller, IR, Web, and button control to affect the *amp* volume, and
have the Squeezebox displays (web, VFD, Controller) show the *amp*
volume while the Logitech gear is fixed at full output level.

I've been too lazy to test, but might it be that ReplayGain is handled
differently at fixed output? If fixed applied no RG, in most cases
that'd mean a number of dB of extra volume (negative RG not applied),
and louder always sounds better, right?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] just got new transporter, very disappointed with sound

2009-08-08 Thread peterw

earwaxer;447067 Wrote: 
 It would be cool if Sean could explain how the volume control still
 works when it is bypassed - the volume level changes on the player
 screen and in squeezecenter but it seems to be out of the circuit

See my post. I don't know if it was the intention, but this fictional
volume behavior makes it very nice for controlling the volume on amps
that feature RS232 or Ethernet/TCPIP control options. If you read the
Perl source, I believe the difference is merely that when output is
fixed, Squeezecenter doesn't send SlimProto volume commands to the
player when the volume changes. 

If the fictional volume bugs you, install my VolumeLock plugin and
lock the fictional volume at 100%.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] old gear, speaker level volume control - advice wanted

2009-05-13 Thread peterw

Thanks, Sean and mooblie. 

Good read on VR301 Sean -- indeed, that's at the edge of the circuit
board right by the balance knob. The only pots that look promising on
the board are the yellow 5k ohm VR305 and VR306. In the schematic, VR306
is to the right of the motor for the volume knob, in horizontal section
5. On the PCB and in the schematic, it looks like each of the
VR305/VR306 pots is part of a group of circuits that mirror each other.
On the schematic you can see these groupings anchored by the Bass EQ
switch. Obviously I figure that one group of circuits is for L and the
other is for R.

This has become somewhat academic as I picked up a new Denon AVR
receiver -- with an RS232 port that's just begging to be integrated with
SqueezeCenter. :-)

Since it's academic, I felt more comfortable fiddling with those pots
without waiting for any suggestions from folks like Sean who can
actually read schematics. 1/8 turn clockwise did nothing discernible (I
should pick up an SPL meter and rip that test LP, so I could quantify
this sort of work). 1/4 turn clockwise, still no significant change in
the volume knob behavior -- but I could feel that heat sink radiating
after only a minute or so at low volume. Not good. (Wish I'd had it
plugged in to the Kill-A-Watt to see if it was pulling more than the
customary ~23 watts.) So, counterclockwise. 1/8 turn, nothing. 1/4 turn,
seems like nothing. And that's as far counterclockwise as I could easily
turn VR306. So, a little bit of fun w/ screwdrivers, but not the outcome
I hoped for. :-/

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] old gear, speaker level volume control - advice wanted

2009-04-28 Thread peterw

mooblie;418860 Wrote: 
 4 out of 40?? :eek:
 Peter, that mis-match in levels is SO extreme, I'm wondering if you've
 got your SB3 plugged into the phono or cartridge or turntable
 inputs on your old Denon receiver?  
 Your SB3 should be connected to something labelled line or tape or

Nope, the phono input hosts an Audio Technica cartridge mounted on an
even older direct drive Denon DP-11F turntable. The SB3 is on a tape
input, running at about -5 dB to better match the output level of the
other sources. The receiver is a Denon DRA-435R, vintage 1992 or so.

I'm intrigued by the idea that there might be internal pots I could
tweak. I'll have to search for schematics -- few things are more
tedious than moving a receiver that has a lot of gear connected to it.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] old gear, speaker level volume control - advice wanted

2009-04-27 Thread peterw

My AV setup includes an SB3 as one of several sources. All sources are
analog, and one's a phonograph. The setup uses a 20-year-old low-end
Denon receiver that I'm pretty happy with, except for the volume
control. It's got a motor-driven knob that that's marked for volume
levels 0-40. I never have it higher than 10 or 12 (and that's *very*
rare -- only when nobody else is home, etc.), and usually don't get
past 4. Yes, 4 out of 40. One consequence of never turning the knob
much above minimum is that it's very difficult to get the volume just
right with the IR remote -- very low WAF. So I end up using the junky
speakers in the TV more often than I'd like. :-(

What I'd like to do is effectively recalibrate the volume so that my
normal listening volume would be much higher than 4 / 40.

Since the SB3 isn't the only source, I have to change volume on the
receiver. Since the receiver doesn't have preamp-out / main-in RCA
jacks, I can't do line-level attenuation. So I'm tempted to buy a
speaker-level volume control, maybe something like one of these from
Madisound  build an external volume control box.
(Descant 43dB impedance matching control, designed for in-wall,
multi-zone type setups):
I can solder big items (resistors, not IC chips), but I'm not at all
qualified to actually design circuits. Could I trust something like to help me design a fixed attenuator?

I know this isn't really an audiophile question, but I don't think it
belongs in General, either. I'd appreciate any advice. Will adding one
of these attenuators cause undue stress on my old receiver? How do you
all deal with gear whose volume curves are such that you can barely
turn the volume knob before it's entirely too loud? Do new low-/mid- fi
stereo receivers / integrated amps ($250-$600 USD, Denon, Yamaha, etc.)
have better volume curves? I just tried to figure out how much
attenuation I'd need by tweaking my SB3 volume. I had to drop the
volume about 70 steps (35 dB) before I could get anywhere near the
speaker volume I wanted. Sure, my speakers are old Polks rated at 4
ohms, but that shouldn't explain but a few dB. I expected I'd want
maybe 20 dB, so I'm pretty shocked that I really need my receiver 35+
dB quieter... does this really mean I oughta open up my receiver and
replace the caps or something?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] old gear, speaker level volume control - advice wanted

2009-04-27 Thread peterw

Goodsounds;418794 Wrote: 
 I would say you've gotten your money's worth out of it. Why screw around
 with a jury rigged, half-assed solution to try to continue using
 something that was inexpensive and low end 20 years ago?

Reduce, reuse, recycle. Seems a waste to let it go if the only problem
I have is adjusting the volume from the couch. 

 One judges volume with ears, not eyes, so the volume is what your ears
 tell you. Who cares what the knob says?

Believe me, I don't care what the knob says. The problem is that a very
brief tap on the IR remote can jump the volume from not loud enough to
way too loud.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Missing a positive pre-amp setting

2009-02-02 Thread peterw

jasell;391824 Wrote: 
 My setup is far from extreme, I'm using my old Denon reciever (10-15
 years old), with CD, Tape, RDS tuner and record player (all Denon). All
 separate units but bought at the same time.
 In another setup I use a Techics mid-size system, the integrated type
 with tape, CD, and tuner. (have the same problem here).
 Its just annoying when you forget to reduce the volume when switching
 back to the other inputs after listening to the Squeeze-source.
 Like when I set the wake up tuner on my technics (always late) and I
 have to switch to tuner to do this, then I have the radio blasting

Your Squeezebox should have about the same level of output as the other
sources when the Squeezebox volume is set around 90-100%. My Denon
receiver is older than yours, and I usually have it turned pretty low,
too. Anyway, if you're switching between inputs as you describe, you
want to keep the Squeezebox volume pretty high. For my gear, I switched
between my CD source and Squeezebox, playing the same music, and tweaked
the SB volume til it was just right; I think it was about 93 or so. I
then locked its output with my VolumeLock plugin, and I don't have to
worry about large volume changes when switching sources. I also can't
use the Squeezebox remote/Controller/web interfaces to change the
volume, but that's just how it is with a multiple-source audio setup.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Missing a positive pre-amp setting

2009-02-02 Thread peterw

jasell;391988 Wrote: 
 That is one way of doing it. But as you said the draw back is that you
 have a fixed SC volume.
 So far I apriciate the synchronized playing and ability to control the
 volume of all players from one location than I suffer from the radio
 blasting out too loud every now and then.
 For me, my problem should be solved if I could increase the volume with
 the pre-amp as well.

I don't know how well your preamp suggestion would work. If you had a
positive preamp gain, you'd run the risk of clipping. Preamp gain of
+12 dB + track peak of -3 dB + volume of 83 (-8.5 dB) = clipping, no
matter what the receiver volume is set at. If your receiver could be
precisely controlled (source, volume, etc.) over the network or by some
means within a plugin's control, then you might get your wish.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB3 Volume setting

2008-05-30 Thread peterw

chill;306841 Wrote: 
 Not as such, but there is a way to remap the remote keys so that the
 volume keys are ignored.  I've done that on my own setup to ensure that
 the volume going to the preamp is always 100%, and so that the volume
 can only be controlled via the preamp.  Regardless of sound quality
 issues, that seemed like a 'safe' option

Even with the remote control keys re-mapped, you could still change the
volume with the Web interface or a Squeezebox Controller (or a CLI-using
app like Moose). You might want to look at my VolumeLock plugin for an
(IMO) easier and more effective way at fixing the analog out level at
100, 91, or whatever level you desire. The web page is outdated, but
I'm still using and maintaining the plugin, and the alpha release
works well on SqueezeCenter 7.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] THIS is how to do a tube mod...

2008-01-08 Thread peterw

Now we know what Sean's been up to... 

...introducing Transporter v2, with no transistors...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Track/volume leveling

2007-09-15 Thread peterw

highknees69;227320 Wrote: 
 Thanks for the response.  This is where I was looking, but I don't see
 the option under the audio configuration for my player.  I downloaded
 6.5.4 and am going to install.  Maybe something is just screwy with my

You're not using a Squeezebox v1 or SliMP3, are you? ReplayGain
requires a Squeezebox2, Squeezebox v3, or Transporter, I believe.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-06-30 Thread peterw

flipflip;211357 Wrote: 
 the need for jumping forward and backward in a stream is critical to
 me. I listen to lots of podcasts (downloaded separately [1]) and audio
 books (e.g. language courses). And in this case I need to skip
 backwards a few seconds all the time to listen to a sentence I did not
 understand again. And here the FW/RW which is available is not
 So I wrote a small plugin that offers a function to skip forward or
 backward a certain amount of time [2] and mapped that function to
 buttons I don't need otherwise. This works great, apart from the
 playtime display which gets out of sync and the inaccuracy of the
 skipping, but that doesn't bother me.

Have you looked at the Song Scanner plugin? Like lanierb, I've been
using Song Scanner to move through longer recordings like podcasts and
radio shows. One reason I mention this is that Song Scanner doesn't
seem to cause problems with the playtime display.

I think your skip forward/back sounds really good. That's something
I've become accustomed to having for video recordings with my MythTV
setup, and I think it'd be nice on the Squeezebox.

While I've said before that I think the overloaded/modal button
behavior is problematic, I wonder about an intelligent all-software (no
map file edit) solution like a plugin that would provide two modes for
Fwd/Rew: jumping seconds forward/back within a track; and skipping
to the beginning/end of tracks (current behavior). Default behavior
would be that jumping would require you to press some button on the
remote like Now Playing and then within a second or so, press Fwd or
Rew to jump. Subsequent Fwd/Rew presses (within the 1 second of the
last Fwd/Rew/Now Playing press) would be interpreted as jump. The
plugin should allow users 
1) the ability to reverse the behavior (i.e, treat plain Fwd/Rew as
Jump, and require a Now Playing button press to get the Skip behavior
that the buttons have out-of-the-box now)
2) the ability to have the plugin always treat Fwd/Rew as Jump if
there's only one item in the playlist, since Skip only makes sense with
multiple items in the playlist (my typical podcast usage; probably not
as helpful for language lessons where you probably queue up multiple
3) the ability to specify how many seconds to jump, and allow
different Fwd and Rew timings (normally I'd expect Fwd to jump more
seconds than Rew)


P.S. I don't use the built-in podcast support, either. I've been much
happier setting up a third-party app to download selected podcasts to
my Slimserver music directory.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Nice feature on why modern music sounds bad

2007-06-30 Thread peterw

Mark Lanctot;211718 Wrote: 
 Besides, it would be better to get them to stop doing this stupid stuff
 in the first place.  If they won't stop that, why would they ever put
 RG correction data on the CD?

They would add RG values indicating that amplification was needed --
and still compress the dynamic range, because music with RG
amplification *and* compressed dynamics would sound louder (and, in
noisy environments, *better*) than music that only had RG
amplification. If CD players started reading  using RG data on audio
CDs, the problem would only get worse.

It would be much better for audio standards to include compression
recommendations. Record full-range tracks on the CD and use metadata to
indicate the recommended amount of dynamic range compression. And add
compression controls to music players that could be applied to music
that lacked compression metadata so they can make full-range music
sound better in worse listening environments. It's a shame that Sony 
Philips didn't build this into the audio CD standard from the get-go --
I don't know if they failed to foresee the problem, or if this seemed
unthinkably demanding on the 1980s era playback gear.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Sb4 ?

2007-06-10 Thread peterw

funkstar;207981 Wrote: 
 In fact while they are at it, why not include the ability to stream
 photos and perhaps videos to the screen? There are loads of digital
 photo frames out there that play MP3s and videos, but I've yet to see
 any network-able ones. So you still need to copy your photos a memory
 card before using them. 

I've seen some that will periodically poll the Internet for new
pictures, which would be fine for screenshow use, but not adequate for
having something like cover art that changes when music changes, or
when you scroll through Browse items or Search results. At this point,
that sort of tightly-coupled album art changes seems to require
building a custom digital pitcure frame from either an old laptop
(pretty common among hardware hackers) or building a solid state frame
from something like a Gumstix device and LCD screen.

It's worth noting that many people over the years have advanced the
position that VFD displays such as those used in the Squeezebox and
Transporter are much more readable than LCD displays in typical
across-the-room scenarios. My Squeezeboxes serve as audio and
information devices, and I'd rather have the current clear VFD than a
less readable LCD, even if the LCD could do more.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How does the volume control work ??

2007-05-24 Thread peterw

cliveb;204211 Wrote: 
 Since the SB/TP digital volume control operates at 24 bit accuracy, and
 is carefully configured to avoid any loss of digital bits (when the
 source is 16 bit) until the attenuation is greater than 30dB, the only
 downside to using it is the reduction in S/N ratio. But since the TP's
 starting S/N ratio is about 130dB, losing even as much as 30db or 40dB
 isn't going to be an issue for normal listening. Not sure what the SB's
 S/N ratio is, but it's probably pretty good.

More reading for the curious:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] How does the volume control work ??

2007-05-23 Thread peterw

matthijskoopmans;204097 Wrote: 
 So, if that is the case, then why is the volume set to a significantly
 lower level when you use IR-BLASTER? Is that necessary, and if not, can
 that be changed?

Why? I don't know.
Can that be changed? Yes.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Loony politicians want to ban linear PSU!

2007-05-20 Thread peterw

amcluesent;203259 Wrote:
 Australian politicians are planning to ban sales of external PSU unless
 they meet 'efficiency' targets that are only achievable with
 switched-mode devices.
 No doubt the EU will be jumping on the bandwagon, as they did with a
 timetable to ban sales in incandescent lights. Fools.

I believe the EU already has efficiency rules for power supplies and EU
supplies typically have much better Power Factor profiles than US
supplies for that reason. According to Wikipedia, the EU regulation
only applies to switching supplies. As I understand it, efficiency
isn't just good green (lower energy demand) design, it's also better
for the power utilities' gear. Given the same actual power demand, the
utilities would rather have a larger more efficient device on the grid
than a smaller, less effcient one.

With switchers being lighter, cheaper, and more efficient, I don't
expect any typical electronics vendors would bother with linear
supplies, so legislators could achieve 99.99% of their objectives by
leaving an exemption for power-hungry linear supplies.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Amplifier suggestions on low budget...

2007-05-16 Thread peterw

Ron1;202503 Wrote: 
 I've just sent an email off to Emotiva to see if the BPA-1 is available
 in the UK.  Hopefully there is somewhere I can go and listen to one.  It
 seems like just the thing I'm looking for.  
 Are there any other amplifiers similar to this that anybody can
 recommend?  Something that has one pair of dedicated inputs that can be
 used solely for the SB3...

Have you searched the forums? Many folks here are happy with Class T
amps, from the $30 USD Sonic Impact to the $130 USD Trend Audio TA-10
to more expensive models.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What's better?

2007-03-23 Thread peterw

325xi;189770 Wrote: 
 Why do you think merely having optical out guarantees quality of that
 mini sound card feeding that out?

Or the Airport Express, for that matter. This serious review of the
AEX digital out -- -- sounds upbeat,
but sections like the following seem a little disconcerting:

One operational glitch that didn't affect my system to any significant
extent but did do so for some readers was the fact that, as the AE
doesn't have a local clock circuit, when the incoming data is
interrupted, as it is when you change songs in iTunes, there is no
longer a digital output to feed the DAC, which loses lock as a result.
Both the Levinson and the Benchmark DACs that I use deal gracefully
with the lost lock ... I therefore missed the fact that with some other
DACs, the first seconds of a song might be cut off.

AE ... is limited to ... 16-bit data only. ... It is also important to
note that the AE functions only at a 44.1kHz sample rate. When you play
32kHz or 48kHz data, iTunes sample-rate-converts the data in real time
before sending it to the AE. (The SB handles 44.1 and 48; the
Transporter can also handle 96k. Both can handle 24-bit recordings,
according to

Since Apple doesn't prominently post the sort of technical detail that
you can get on Slim's hardware
(, I think you
should seek out such reviews. I get the feeling that Apple included the
digital output because of the prevalence of digital inputs in mid-fi AV
receivers -- not for high-end gear. Certainly Apple's marketing this as
hi-fi doesn't help their hi-fi credibility:

...but the widespread praise of the cheap T-amps makes it clear that
you shouldn't rule Apple's hardware out just because their gear is not
expensive enough!

Sonos: a quick search in these forums will turn up hours' worth of
reading. Here's one place you might start:


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