[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-08-13 Thread sleepysurf

Oops, just stumbled back upon this thread, and realized I never posted a

In a nutshell... tried the MF X-10, which indeed softened the highs,
albeit sounding syrupy, but it really muddied up the bass (at least
to my ears).  I returned it (one of the benefits of buying NEW from a
reputable dealer!)

I subsequently borrowed an Art Audio VPS DM tube pre, which was warmer,
but articulate in the mids and highs, yet still muddying up the bass
slightly (though less than the X-10).

Next up, I plan to finally try the Modwright SWL 9.0, a tube/SS hybrid
design, which supposedly retains tight bass output.  

Further mucking up my decision-making is the upcoming release of the
Transporter.  However, the ONE thing apparently lacking in the
Transporter (? fatal error) is a Home Theater bypass loop.  That
precludes truly using it as a preamp (at least in MY system).


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-08-13 Thread PhilNYC

sleepysurf Wrote: 
 The Blue Circle design looks interesting.  However, at that same price
 point, the Modwright SWL 9.0 has garnered rave reviews.  I was hunting
 for a used Modwright, but decided instead to order the Musical Fidelity
 X-10 v.3 (Music Direct offers a 30 day return policy).  I've got nothing
 to lose, and if it doesn't offer significant improvement, I'll step up
 to the Modwright.

If you do decide to go down the preamp path (which I would have
recommended over the tube buffer), the Modwright is definitely an
excellent piece to consider.  I'm a Blue Circle dealer and have
compared it to the Modwright...the Modwright definitely gives you more
of a tube sound, and the Blue Circle preamps give you a more
transparent/neutral presentation (not analytical at all, but relative
to the Modwright, it is not as tube-sounding).  Which you would prefer
is definitely a matter of taste...


Sonic Spirits Inc.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-18 Thread Horizons

I find it interesting how many people buy the Benchmark due to its razor
sharp resolution and then spend lots of cash to tame it down. I
auditioned several dacs and the Benchmark has a great transparency but
left me cold. I'm not sure that tubes will ultimately fix your problem
but a used X10D would be a cheap way to find out. You might also try
the Tubalizer.


Horizons's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2576
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-18 Thread sleepysurf

Actually, overall, I'm VERY pleased with the Squeezebox paired with the
Benchmark.  The Benchmarks razor sharp resolution was exactly what I
found lacking with the stock SB.  Together, they bring out the best in
95% of my collection.  However, the remaining 5% are older or poorly
recorded redbook CD's, with an exceptionally harsh digital sound. 
It's probably foolish to think the X-10 will make those 5% more
listenable without deleterious effects on the other 95%.  I'm looking
forward to an extended listening session this weekend, and will report


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-13 Thread sleepysurf

Darn, would've bought the A'gon deal with included PSU if I had seen it

At least I get a warranty, plus 30 day return option, with the NEW one.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-11 Thread sleepysurf

The Blue Circle design looks interesting.  However, at that same price
point, the Modwright SWL 9.0 has garnered rave reviews.  I was hunting
for a used Modwright, but decided instead to order the Musical Fidelity
X-10 v.3 (Music Direct offers a 30 day return policy).  I've got nothing
to lose, and if it doesn't offer significant improvement, I'll step up
to the Modwright.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-11 Thread Skunk


EDIT: a cheaper one yet;


Skunk's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2685
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-09 Thread davehg

I share your concern about portability of the Bolder/RWA upgrades, that
is one major reason I chose to do the digital only upgrade to the SB3
(cheap at $150), use my own separate DAC (an MF Tri-vista 21), and
spend the SB upgrade money on the Bolder PS, which should be portable
to the new SB4, if and when one comes out (it is portable to the SB2
and 3).

As far as the tube buffer goes, see my post above about the Tri-Vista.
Great, great DAC with the tubes in the output stage and with a killer
regulated interal PS, without the hassle/expense/loss of signal and
expense that may occur by having to add an extra set of RCA's.


davehg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2269
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-08 Thread davehg

If you have not upgraded your SB with the digital upgrades and power
supply (Bolder or Red Wine Audio), I would spend my money there first.
Bolder was my choice.

The digital upgrade ($150) was an easy and cheap way to remove some of
the digital glare from the stock unit. The power supply really moved
things into a whole different universe. Being a bit skeptical of how a
power supply upgrade could have such an effect, I had mine done in
stages, ultimately going from a basic upgrade (no longer offered) to a
deluxe upgrade. Cost was near what a tube buffer was.

Incredible performance; I have 2 SB3's, one left stock, so I could A/B
them. My experience (and more info on upgrades) can be read at

I have a MF Tri-Vista DAC, which is essentially using an X-10 type
output stage, but with a better regulated PS. Love it, but it didn't do
anything huge until I had the upgrades done.


davehg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2269
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-08 Thread sleepysurf

I'm sure the Bolder or Red Wine mods offer significant improvement. 
However, I prefer step-wise separates upgrades, thus when the SB4
eventually comes out, I can plug-and-play into my system.  Actually,
since adding the Benchmark, my systems digital glare is already much
improved.  Like most audiophiles though, I'm still seeking the holy
grail!  I don't REALLY need a Pre (from a source-switching standpoint),
thus the MF X-10 might be a cost-effective way to get that tube
sweetness.  Think I'll keep checking A'gon for a used one.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

sleepysurf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=23741

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