Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-18 Thread dlite

Just My 2 cents. 

It is the cables electrical properties that should be looked at, do
these change in time, only to very small degree and for the distances
we talk about in consumer audio, any effect is likely to be minimal and
imperceivable. Funny thing is the electrical properties of top high end
cables are rarely significantly different from relatively cheap cables
like Belden and Mogami. 

I am obviously in the skeptics camp, I am happy to concede there are
small differences between cables, but differences are largely not price
reflective. Money spent on cables, can be much better directed to other
areas of the system, particularly speakers, room treatments, and


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Videodrome

Mark Lanctot;214080 Wrote: 
 Isn't that like going to a car dealership and asking the salesman if he
 recommends you should go with one of his vehicles or keep driving your
 '92 Ford Taurus?
 Replacing your cables every 1000 hours = a good strategy to ensure
 repeat/ongoing sales.  The audacity!  To sell this hideously overpriced
 stuff in the first place, then to GET THE CUSTOMER TO DO IT AGAIN IN A
 BTW oxidation tends to form its own barrier.  It will thoroughly coat
 the bare metal, then the rate of corrosion will slow as it tends to
 insulate the rest of the metal from the elements.  This is why copper
 roofing is still structurally sound long after it's turned green (it's
 good for many decades).  This is also why aluminum doesn't appear to
 suffer from oxidation - in reality the reaction is so fast that the
 aluminum is thoroughly coated with oxide as it is being cast.  After
 the entire surface is oxidized, the metal is insulated and further
 oxidation occurs much, much slower.
 Also look at the thickness of the corrosion versus the thickness of the
 metal.  Even heavily-oxidized copper wire contains a very thin layer of
 corrosion, at least in comparison to the metal thickness.  It is orders
 of magnitude thinner than the remaining copper.
 And finally, any cable with insulation that allows the copper inside to
 oxidize is poorly-designed or defective.  If you've done any home
 remodelling and stripped any older wire sealed with PVC, the wire
 inside is pristine.  It sure should be, oxidized home wiring is
 dangerous as it can arc.

I think you may be mixing a few posts together.  I think the original
post in the thread related to if cables have a burn-in period, then do
they have a life span? (1,000 hours was probably chosen randomly to
illustrate the point).  At no point did any person or company --
including DH Labs -- say you should replace cables every 1,000 hours.

So in answer to your question, DH labs' input is totally valid for this
discussion.  What's wrong with asking the experts?  I did not ask them
about THEIR cables nor did I ask if their cables need to be replaced
after x hours of use.  It was just a general question about the effects
of copper oxidation in audio cable.  I could have asked the same
question to any audio cable manufacturer.  So using the car analogy, it
was more like calling and asking about catalytic converters not the
strengths and weaknesses of specific make/models.

And FWIW, DH Labs is one of the few manufacturers out there that don't
try to rip people off with insanely priced cable (some of their cables
retail for as low as $1.00 per ft.).  They have a pretty big following
in the DIYer community for this reason and you can order most of their
products in bulk and terminate them yourself.


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Skunk

Mark Lanctot;214296 Wrote: 
 Someone on this board (Phil Leigh?  Pat Farell?) has repeatedly stated
 that merely unplugging and re-plugging cables/interconnects makes an
 audible difference and so does contact cleaners. 

It was P Floding, I believe. 

Since we're talking stranded wire, wouldn't the individual strands have
their own skin effect, resulting in perfect transmission even if the
outer strands are green?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Phil Leigh

Skunk;214301 Wrote: 
 It was P Floding, I believe. 
 Since we're talking stranded wire, wouldn't the individual strands have
 their own skin effect, resulting in perfect transmission even if the
 outer strands are green?

It was indeed Mr Floding...although I happen to agree with him - every
three months or so I unplug all my connections and clean the
phono's...every year I clean the mains pins.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;214296 Wrote: 
 But the skin effect is most pronounced at VHF and microwave frequencies.
 MHz or GHz, not kHz unless it's undersized.

Crack detection frequencies for eddy current skin effect tend to be in
the low to mid 100KHz, the lower the frequency, the deeper it goes.
There are a number of research papers around on this topic, but it
certainly doesn't need MHz to demonstrate voltage fluctuations with
cracks in materials due to flexing and manufacturing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Mark Lanctot

But still, at 100 kHz you're far from impacting audible frequencies. 
It's not like your speakers could even reproduce it, or that you could
even hear it (not even dogs can hear this high).

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread CardinalFang

Mark Lanctot;214328 Wrote: 
 But still, at 100 kHz you're far from impacting audible frequencies. 
 It's not like your speakers could even reproduce it, or that you could
 even hear it (not even dogs can hear this high).

The point is that the lower the frequency, the deeper the skin effect,
so a 10KHz signal exhibits a skin effect too, just a deeper skin. The
speaker might reproduce 100KHz too, just at a very low level dictated
by the response curve - it doesn't necessarily go to zero at very high
KHz frequencies.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Videodrome

Mark Lanctot;214296 Wrote: 
 Yeah but a stranded wire is pretty simple mechanically.  Just long
 pieces of metal.  No moving parts, no liquid components that can
 evaporate like capacitors.
 But the skin effect is most pronounced at VHF and microwave
 frequencies.  MHz or GHz, not kHz unless it's undersized.
 It's the connections that are critical.  These rely on contact and any
 oxidation here will directly affect the resistance of the connection.
 Someone on this board (Phil Leigh?  Pat Farell?) has repeatedly stated
 that merely unplugging and re-plugging cables/interconnects makes an
 audible difference and so does contact cleaners.  This makes sense.

True.  That's why there have been products like Cramolin, Tweak and
Caig to clean surface crud on the connectors.  Yes, it definitely
helps. And to some extent, puliing the connector on and off scrubs the
connection point a bit.

But getting back to our friend the oxidized cable, Would the connector
really tell the whole story? Could not oxidation affect resistance in
the cable itself? I think the integrity of the cable needs to be looked
at in its totality. Taken to it's logical conclusion, I could dig an
old, rusty coat hanger out of the backyard, stick it between two
connectors and, so long as it passed a signal, I'd have a cable just as
good as those designed specifically for audio applications.

I don't know what the exact frequency range is for skin effect. 
However, DH Labs also mentioned non-linearity, which I don't think is
the same animal.  That was identified as a culprit in the audible range
that would be compromised by oxidation.

Whew, anyone remember how we got started on this?  Anyway, I'm about
ready to power down for the weekend and head home.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and has a chance to listen to their


- VD


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-13 Thread Mark Lanctot

Videodrome, thanks for keeping it civil.  Too often threads like this
degenerate into flame wars.

Videodrome;214340 Wrote: 
 Taken to it's logical conclusion, I could dig an old, rusty coat hanger
 out of the backyard, stick it between two connectors and, so long as it
 passed a signal, I'd have a cable just as good as those designed
 specifically for audio applications.

Believe it or not, this has been suggested before, and tried I believe,
although the cable wasn't oxidized.

Still, as long as there is a sufficient effective gauge remaining,
there does not seem to be a clear physical mechanism explaining how
oxidized conductors could affect the sound.

I'm not an expert on the skin effect, so I'll let CardinalFang's
statements stand.  However it doesn't sound like a large-scale effect
to me.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-12 Thread AndyC_772

Lol :) I'm just waiting for someone to suggest that they degrade over
time and need replacing - and that they can't just replace the whole
chip because 'they don't make them like they used to'!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-12 Thread mswlogo

Videodrome;213715 Wrote: 
 I'm not sure that's an apples to apples comparison.  You're talking
 about delivering raw voltage -- it's either on or off.  
 Presuming of course you're in the camp that believes there are
 discernable differences between cables, would you agree that how
 various components of the cable may be perceived as affecting the
 sound, including, perhaps, the conditions of the metals within, are
 much more nuanced?

Aren't the 1's and 0's on or off too?

Actually High Tension wires are AC so it's actually not just on it's
up and down.

Or does oxidation make electricity flow slower or differently some how?


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-12 Thread Videodrome

But at any rate, the AC comparison was tough for me to buy into, because
I think a simple on/off test is not a particularly comparable test for
audio cable performance. 

The way I see it, so long as oxidation/corrosion to the copper in the
AC connection does not reach the point of total failure, the lights are
on.  What goes on in an audio cable is far more complex.

As I would not be the best person to explain what those complexities
are, and how they do or do not compare to AC power, I called DH Labs.
According to the technician I spoke with, oxidation would definitely
degrade audio performance.

For starters, the cables at the power station only carry a specific and
very limited frequency across the copper.  The cable diameter is also
much greater.  By comparison, audio cables carry wide frequency ranges,
and are much are thinner (thus succumbing to the effects of oxidation
much sooner).  

Once the oxidation infiltrated the copper in the cable, it would cause
the audio signals to flow in a non-linear fashion -- especially high
frequency information.  He said this can actually be shown on an

I did not ask how and when the listener would perceive this, but
suffice it to say, I've given up the idea of selling those old Monster
Cables on Audiogon.


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-12 Thread Mark Lanctot

Videodrome;214051 Wrote: 
 I called DH Labs.

Isn't that like going to a car dealership and asking the salesman if he
recommends you should go with one of his vehicles or keep driving your
'92 Ford Taurus?

Replacing your cables every 1000 hours = a good strategy to ensure
repeat/ongoing sales.  The audacity!  To sell this hideously overpriced
stuff in the first place, then to GET THE CUSTOMER TO DO IT AGAIN IN A

BTW oxidation tends to form its own barrier.  It will thoroughly coat
the bare metal, then the rate of corrosion will slow as it tends to
insulate the rest of the metal from the elements.  This is why copper
roofing is still structurally sound long after it's turned green (it's
good for many decades).  This is also why aluminum doesn't appear to
suffer from oxidation - in reality the reaction is so fast that the
aluminum is thoroughly coated with oxide as it is being cast.  After
the entire surface is oxidized, the metal is insulated and further
oxidation occurs much, much slower.

Also look at the thickness of the corrosion versus the thickness of the
metal.  Even heavily-oxidized copper wire contains a very thin layer of
corrosion, at least in comparison to the metal thickness.  It is orders
of magnitude thinner than the remaining copper.

And finally, any cable with insulation that allows the copper inside to
oxidize is poorly-designed or defective.  If you've done any home
remodelling and stripped any older wire sealed with PVC, the wire
inside is pristine.  It sure should be, oxidized home wiring is
dangerous as it can arc.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-12 Thread Mark Lanctot

I'm surprised no one's said this yet, but 1000 hours = 41 days.  I bet
the cable you buy every 4 weeks has sat on the shelf longer than

Also if you use the $100/ft stuff, that's a ridiculously huge ongoing
investment.  Even the cheap Home Depot stuff would sure add up if you
replaced it 8 times a year.

Mark Lanctot

'Sean Adams' Response-O-Matic checklist, patent pending!'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-11 Thread russj1975

Like everything audiophile there is a certain amount of placebo
effect going on.  Yes they say that cables need to break in, amps need
to warm up, etc, but in years of listening to audiophile kit in various
guises, i have to say that i now beleive that its a human syndrome - we
are made to beleive something sounds better if we do this or that, and
so we think it really does sound better.  IMO the only really audible
differences come from the source and the speakers.  Things like cables,
equipment stands, special power supplies and all the other upgrading
parephanalia doesnt have that much - if any effect on the sound.  But
thats just an opinion!

Leave your cables be!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-11 Thread Videodrome

mswlogo;213610 Wrote: 
 Do you think high tension wires from power stations have to clean the
 oxidation off the wires every so often?  

I'm not sure that's an apples to apples comparison.  You're talking
about delivering raw voltage -- it's either on or off.  

Presuming of course you're in the camp that believes there are
discernable differences between cables, would you agree that how
various components of the cable may be perceived as affecting the
sound, including, perhaps, the conditions of the metals within, are
much more nuanced?


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-11 Thread Videodrome

russj1975;213681 Wrote: 
 Like everything audiophile there is a certain amount of placebo
 effect going on.  Yes they say that cables need to break in, amps need
 to warm up, etc, but in years of listening to audiophile kit in various
 guises, i have to say that i now beleive that its a human syndrome - we
 are made to beleive something sounds better if we do this or that, and
 so we think it really does sound better.  IMO the only really audible
 differences come from the source and the speakers.  Things like cables,
 equipment stands, special power supplies and all the other upgrading
 parephanalia doesnt have that much - if any effect on the sound.  But
 thats just an opinion!
 Leave your cables be!

I guess I'm one of those hardcore believers, as I have witnessed time
and again chnages to my system based on what cables I have used.

Case in point: I recently swapped out the aforementioned Van den Hul
silvers from my Squeezebox -- Musiland MD10 and replaced them with a
comparably old pair of Audio Quest Lapis.  The Lapis sounds much, much
better.  The silver interconnect was just too fatiguing and strident on
the digital source.  And you could tell right away when the AQ were
slapped on that a huge digital edge was taken off the music and your
ears went ah.  Now, is that because the Van den Huls have
deteriorated, or there just not the best choice for that source (or is
it a combination of both)?  I don't know, but trust me it was an
immediate improvement.  And regarding the psychological influcence, it
was quite the opposite.  I really, really wanted the silver
interconnect to work there.  They are a very short pair that  will not
fit anywhere else in the system.  That coupled with the fact they they
were so pricey, has made it especially painful to put them back in a


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-10 Thread mswlogo

Unless the surface oxidation gets between the connector and the wire.
The Green won't do anything to the sound.

Do you think high tension wires from power stations have to clean the
oxidation off the wires every so often?


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-09 Thread Skunk

corbey;213145 Wrote: 
 Therefore, sooner or later, the cables will run out of electrons and
 you'll need new ones.

...Unless they're the type that use two AA batteries. 

What I want to know is when do I need to replace the circuit board
traces on my electronics?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-09 Thread Videodrome

Based on my own observations, I think there is a life span to these
products, but it does not have anything to do with how many hours a
signal has passed through them, but instead, relates to how long
they've been just sitting there -- whether in use, or not in use.

I have many pairs of cables that are closing in on the 20-year mark. 
Some still sound amazing, even compared to modern products.  On the
other hand, I have seen several cables (particularly old, 10 ga.
Monster Cable speaker wire) turn green with oxidation.  I'm not an
electrical engineer, but that has got to have deleterious effect on the

Similarly, I have a pair of Van den Hul silver interconnects that
started life with nice, translucent jackets, and clearly marked, red
lettering that now have turned a weird gold color and the lettering has
oozed together and a faded red band that is competely illegible.  You've
got to wonder what horrors lurk beneath the surface.  And frankly, I
don't think the cable sounds as good as it used to.  But they were so
damned expensive, I can't bear to throw them out.

Lastly, it's not uncommon that cables that have been unplugged /
plugged / bent / twisted / stepped on, etc. over a span of years can
begin to have problems where you have intermittent drops in signal
flow. I've certainly had that happen with a pair of Audio Quest
composite video cables -- sometimes the picture's there, sometimes it

Considering how fickle most audiophiles are, it's doubtful many of us
would keep the same cables for such extended periods of time.  But from
my own experience, they do suffer the effects of age and, eventually,
need to be tossed.

What we need is the Dorian Gray cable that never ages.  Instead, a
picture of the cable takes all the wear and tear.  Van den Hul, are you

- VD


Two-channel System:
SB3, into Musiland MD-10 DAC;
Outlaw 970 Pre/Pro;
McCormack DNA-125 amplifier;
Quad 11L speakers;
Sota Sapphire ttbl. w/ Grado Ref. Platinum Cart. into Rolls Bellari
VP-129 tube phono stage;
Marantz 10b;
Nakamichi RX505;
Cables Used: DH Labs, Van den Hul, Distech, Monster, many more.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-09 Thread JimC

Videodrome;213205 Wrote: 
 ...On the other hand, I have seen several cables (particularly old, 10
 ga. Monster Cable speaker wire) turn green with oxidation.  I'm not an
 electrical engineer, but that has got to have deleterious effect on the

Rule of thumb...

Green stuff growing in garden == GOOD
Green stuff growing on bread == BAD
Green stuff growing on Cu cables == BAD


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-09 Thread Phil Leigh

JimC;213217 Wrote: 
 Rule of thumb...
 Green stuff growing in garden == GOOD
 Green stuff growing on bread == BAD
 Green stuff growing on Cu cables == BAD

ummm - good rule, to which one might add
Green stuff growing in wallet == GOOD
Green stuff growing in shower == BAD

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-09 Thread WilCox

Here's what Nelson Pass has to say about his amplifiers wearing out:

In fifteen years the electrolytic power supply capacitors will get
old. Depending on usage, you will begin to have semiconductor and other
failures between 10 and 50 years after
date of manufacture. Later, the sun will cool to a white dwarf, and
after that the universe will experience heat death.

- from the Pass Aleph 30 Owner's Manual


SB3 - PS Audio Digital Link III - Dynaudio BM 6A Mk II

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread funkstar

Oh god! does this mean i have to re-wire my house every couple or years
so i can get optimum power out of my sockets?!?! ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread Ian_F

I guess you could argue the same for all components, not just cables.
Even more so for those with moving parts:- speakers, CD transports.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread Havoc

Start with changing your ears weekly...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread JimC

mswlogo;213047 Wrote: 
 It seems the experts believe break in is neccessary for cables and
 This implies things are constantly changing and wearing.
 If thats the case why not recommend replacement after so many hours.
 I don't know of anything in the physical world that wears when in
 operation and knows to stop wearing past its peak. How does the device
 know to stop wearing and when?

At one point in time, the experts thought the Earth was the center of
the solar system, that the Earth was flat, and various and sundry other
bits of absurdum.  As a general rule, when the experts argue
stridently to convince you they are correct, it is a pretty good
indicator they are neither.

-= Jim


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread Phil Leigh

Well it is certainly true that electrolytic capacitors need to form
when new...and then after a while (years) they start to die...just like
rechargeable batteries...

Not sure this applies to wires though - never seen one die except from
corrosion caused by exposure to moisture.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread slimkid

funkstar;213056 Wrote: 
 Oh god! does this mean i have to re-wire my house every couple or years
 so i can get optimum power out of my sockets?!?! ;)

As a matter of fact, you do. Every 50-ish years. With the change in
technology, power requirements change, as well as safety code. So it is
a good idea to do.

Oh, and BTW, those who decide to replace their cables after 1000 hrs,
should know  that there's very special procedure required to recycle
them properly . Otherwise, they may explode and blow into your face.
Also, that contributes a great deal to the global warming. However,
luckily for you, no reason to worry, I'll do it for you for a small



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread mswlogo

Havoc;213069 Wrote: 
 Start with changing your ears weekly...

If I rotate them daily do you think i could stretch to two weeks?

Of course I get the golden ears and they ain't cheap given they are
in short supply as everyone seems to have that model.


Thinkpad XP SS  Cat5  SB3  SPDIF-COAX  Meridian 861V4 (Trifield,
Room corrected, Upsampled)  DSP5500 Mains, DSP5500HC Center, DSP33

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Should I replace my cables every 1000 hours

2007-07-08 Thread corbey

Audiophile cables are usually marked with arrows to indicate
directionality. According to the laws of physics, this means that all
the electrons are flowing in one direction only. Therefore, sooner or
later, the cables will run out of electrons and you'll need new ones.


My two-channel system:
- SB-3 through a CIAudio VDA-2 DAC (and using Nokia  N800 as a remote)
- Sony SCD-1 CD/SACD player
- WyeTech Labs Jade tubed preamp
- Chord SPM 1200C power amp
- Basis 2001 turntable w/ Graham Arm  Lyra Helikon cartridge
- Klyne phono stage
- Proac 2.5 speakers

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