Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-05-22 Thread darrenyeats

Here's an update. To recap I am comparing the SB3 and my Monarchy unit
being used as transports. I use an external DAC.

Loudness levels
I did buy the SPL meter from Radio Shack whilst I was in the States.

The SPLs via the SB3 and Monarchy transports were identical (using a
multi-tone signal, octave spacing from Stereophile Test CD 3). Not
surprising. So we can rule that out.

Mains supply

On the power supply side I have improved the mains filtering.
Subjectively I think it's helped the sound all round, but the gap
between the SB3 and Monarchy remains. Seems the jury's out on the power
supply issue (see JLM's last post and thread SB3 and external DAC -
views) and I don't have the time to go there without knowing it's
going to solve it.

Digital cable
I haven't tried a different digital cable yet. I've been reading
several other forum threads on this site and it seems the jitter
debate is very alive (see thread SB3 and external DAC - views). I'm
not confident enough that a new cable is going to help the SB3 with
jitter more than the Monarchy. I know my current cable is a decent one,
so although improvements might be possible I don't feel it will cancel
the gap in performance between the SB3 and Monarchy, which is my

To repeat, the differences are subtle:

I think the Monarchy allows the little details to just sit there and be
appreciated. The SB3 reproduces those little details when I listen -
it's just that I sometime don't notice them until I've first heard the
same passage on the Monarchy. The point is that instruments are better
separated in the soundstage, meaning the brain can recognise the
individual sounds with less effort. The Monarchy seems to have a
deeper, wider and less forward soundstage.

The Monarchy sounds darker, but this isn't just tone - it has a
cleaner, quieter and more dynamic feel, the canvass of little notes is
quieter allowing the transient louder notes to stand out more vividly.

The Monarchy's bass is more dynamic and has more low-end slam too.
(Ultimate frequency extension was measured as very slightly better
using the LF test tones.)

The Monarchy sounds better on transients - the leading edges of notes
sound crisper and more real.

In the end the differences are subtle. Each aspect of difference
stretches the capabilities of my ears - and more likely, the rest of
the hifi system - to characterise precisely in isolation. It would be
easy to go into subjective ravings which certain kinds of hifi
journalists seem to love, but I'm trying to be as careful as possible.

I am very sure that in a less resolving system the differences would be
lost, maybe entirely. On the other hand, in a more resolving system (and
I admit the newest component in my system is 10 years old - see previous
post) they would no doubt be a big problem.

I don't know the reason still, but perhaps it can be put down to
jitter. I believe Monarchy have some reputation around low jitter. 

Thanks, Darren


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-05-22 Thread opaqueice

Out of curiosity, have you tried this blind?  You may be quite surprised
by how what seemed like a very evident difference disappears once you no
longer know which source is playing.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-05-22 Thread darrenyeats

I am going to try that. However, I would point out that I WANT the SB3
to sound better. I've just spent money on it, and I've spent literally
weeks ripping my music to FLAC (still not finished). Nothing would make
me happier at the moment than for the SB3 to sound better :-)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-05-22 Thread opaqueice

darrenyeats;203783 Wrote: 
 I am going to try that. However, I would point out that I WANT the SB3
 to sound better. I've just spent money on it, and I've spent literally
 weeks ripping my music to FLAC (still not finished). Nothing would make
 me happier at the moment than for the SB3 to sound better :-)

Well, I know what you mean, but in my own personal experience when I've
fooled myself thinking I heard something, it often wasn't  correlated
with what I expected or wanted.

I think the only reliable approach is simply to eliminate any
possibility of bias, rather than attempt the very difficult task of
predicting how that bias might affect you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-17 Thread jlmatrat

jeffmeh;195361 Wrote: 
 The other thing you may wish to try is a linear, regulated power supply
 with the SB3.  Some claim to gain dramatic improvement with this, others
 claim no difference. 
 Best of luck.

My two cents on the power supply issue: they are different in USA and
overseas, like for me in France. I got a clue on that point because my
first SB was acquired used on eBay, from USA. I must say the original
wall wart was not much impressive. As it was not  a world wide
compatible model (100 to 240V) I had to replace it anyway. 
Later on, when I bought another unit from a local importer, it came
with a much larger and good looking power supply, and I feel it's not
only a matter of higher mains voltage.
So my opinion is that the possible improvement is also dependant of the
country where you live. As a matter of fact, I did some tests with a
linear workbench power supply, and found no difference. Your mileage
may vary!



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-16 Thread Anne

Kim Kruse;190984 Wrote: 
 This just to inform all of you, that a review/test of the Slimdevices
 Transporter is avaiable in the april number of High Fidelity.
 Unfurtuately on danish/swedish - but for some still readable!
 I think all of you will enjoy the review.
 Kim Kruse

Hej Kim

Yes, both High Fidelity and Stereophile has paved the way for
accepting streaming in quality audio.
High Fidelity started with a test of SB3, then had an article on
ripping and storing music. When High Fidelity says its good, then
people notice, and vice versa.
As an example of Stereophile´s testing, if you look at the Bryston
B-100 SST review in the April issue of stereophile you will see that
streaming wireless via SB3 was the main source.
Comparisons made with a Krell KRC-28 cd transport revealed no audible
difference in the digital ouput from the two transports.

But I do not quite understand darrenyeats test here, first he says
there was maybe an advantage to the SB3 as a transport in comparison to
the Monarchy, a bit further down he says the opposite...what exactly
caused this difference ? Nothing was changed in the set-up


Bryston B-100 SST, Squeezebox 3, Stax Signature II, Martin Logan Aeon I.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-16 Thread darrenyeats

Yes I use flac. As for sound pressure levels, I don't have a scientific
way of measuring it. I didn't change volume levels between comparisons
(they sounded pretty much equal although I perceive the Monarchy's tone
as darker in the mids and highs). I did my best on that score but in
the end this isn't a scientific test, it's one person's opinion...I
don't claim it is more.

If it helps the differences I've heard were apparent at middle and loud

You read it right, in that I did change my mind over time. My point is
that, at first, I wanted the SB to sound as good. But in the end, after
a more lengthy comparison, I've changed my opinion and now I feel the
Monarchy sounds better.

Let me explain what I am NOT saying. I am not saying the SBv3 as a
transport sounds bad. It doesn't! It's just that I hear the Monarchy
sounds better overall - but I should say the Monarchy has sounded
better than several other CD transports I tried at the time of purchase
and since. So, also, I am not saying anything about SBv3 versus CD
transports in general. I can only talk about my transport.

I don't know the reasons and I would be more than happy for advice on
tweaks or possible solutions to make the SBv3 sound better as a

Also, if anyone else has a different experience to me I would like to
hear it. I want to get the SBv3 sounding the best I can in my set up,
and I am open to all ideas no matter how crazy since I gave up long
ago trying to figure out why digital audio is such a black art.

More opinions are important since as you've pointed out there might be
a flaw in my test or some weirdness in my system which changes the
result. However, I have been quite honest about what I hear in my set

Thanks, Darren


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-16 Thread Anne

Well, dont know what is causing the difference, maybe your dac is
sensitive to jitter, and works better with the Monarchy.
As for cable, I can recommend this :


Bryston B-100 SST, Squeezebox 3, Stax Signature II, Martin Logan Aeon I.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-16 Thread darrenyeats

I am going to be away from home for a few days but when I get back I
will do some more testing. I will also consider the sound meter,
digital cable and power supply as advised.

Thanks, Darren


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-15 Thread darrenyeats

Very interesting (and long!) thread.

I've read the HFN review on the Transporter. I am a Squeezebox 3 owner
but I was interested to see what they said about the Transporter.

They seem to be saying that using network streaming is not as good as
the SPDIF input.

Some people on the thread can't accept this result as credible, but I
am a bit more open-minded. The more I know, the more I realise there is
yet to learn in hifi. I can imagine that streaming and SPDIF might use
different circuits, at some stage, within the Transporter player. This
might explain the difference. As I understand it, the slim devices
players use buffering so I don't see TCP/IP in itself as a problem. Or
it might be the reviewer is the problem. I don't know, and neither does
anyone else for sure. But I accept it is possible the SPDIF sounds

So on to personal observations...

I am lucky enough to have an outboard DAC in my existing set up so I
figured to use the Squeezebox as a transport using SPDIF. My set up
- Dedicated listening room approx 18x9.5 feet (loft room so end walls
are sloped, one with dormer window).
- Transports: Monarchy CLD-M401 and Squeezebox v3
- Outboard DAC: Sony DAS-703ES
- Integrated amp: Krell KAV-300i
- Speakers: PMC AB-1
- Interconnects: Precious Metals  throughout
- Isolation and room treatments: home-made

I've heard better and worse set ups, but this is good enough to
discover a few things which I report here.

First off, I compared the Squeezebox v3 as a player (using the analogue
outputs) and as a transport (using the SPDIF output into my outboard
DAC). Here the Squeezebox as a player seemed smooth in the treble, with
a friendly mid-range and warm bass. In a word, inoffensive (I mean that
as a compliment). Initial impression was good but after a short while
it was clear that, in my system, the outboard DAC provided more
impactful bass, clearer mid-range, more naturally extended treble, more
detail and a better sound-stage. Ok, no surprises, and Transporter
owners will have nothing to argue with there :-)

Then  came comparison between using Squeezebox v3 as a transport and
using the Monarchy CD transport, each passing 1s and 0s into the
outboard DAC. (I used the same SPDIF cable and SPDIF input in each

Here the differences seemed almost nil, with perhaps certain vocals
sounding more intelligible through the Squeezebox v3.  To be honest the
comparison was a bit hurried, using only three tracks, since I was
busting to get my new Squeezebox purchase in harness. I can't tell you
how pleased I was, since I am totally sold on the idea of having my
music collection on computer. I believe very strongly this is the way
of the future. In time, all music (all media) will be stored and
delivered this way. It is so much more accessible and convenient to do

I have been using this configuration for the last month and it's been

A couple of days ago, however, disaster struck. I was getting more
and more bothered with the sound of my system (this happens from time
to time!). I spent a day playing with the speaker positioning! This
culminated in listening to the opening track of Bare by Annie Lennox.
I just wasn't getting it, it sounded very clumsy and not in-the-room. I
was listening to the track for the very first time (the album belongs
to my wife). This is always a good test. It sounded a worse recording
than her previous album which spurred me into action.

In the end, I swapped out the Squeezebox v3 and put in the Monarchy
transport. Bang: some detail, sharpness and soundstage came back that
was missing before. The loudness of the vocals had more shading, not
just blared out but modulated at times. The recording suddenly wasn't
so suspect. Out came more and more discs, and each one proved better on
the Monarchy (same comments as for Annie Lennox), from big studio stuff
like A.R. Rahman to classics like Innervisions by Stevie Wonder and
Peter Gabriel's live Secret World concert.  I cannot tell you how sorry
I am, since I want to use the computer as a music source! And that
Monarchy transport is a pain - it's based on the old Philips laserdisc
players and it's big, heavy and a reliability problem waiting to
happen. Problem is, the Monarchy and Sony together sound great, and
they've beaten off a lot of competitors in my system... So many times I
have doubted this combo against newer opposition. But each time they
prove they can pull a lot of information out of a red book disc,
despite their age.

I have no explanation for it. Somewhere along the chain the networked
0s and 1s are not arriving at the SPDIF input of my outboard DAC
perfectly. Somehow the CD 0s and 1s, via the Monarchy player, are in
better shape. I can only guess the issue is around the SPDIF circuits.
HFN alluded to the lack of PLL circuitry within the Transporter.

So HFN. What I really wanted to see (from a selfish point of view) was
the Transporter being used as a TRANSPORT (the clue is in the name) and
not as 

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-04-15 Thread jeffmeh


You did not mention it, but is it safe to assume that you are streaming
from a WAV or lossless file, and that you matched sound pressure levels
for the comparison?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-29 Thread Mr_Sukebe

Another classic thread.
Someone posts a review of a product owned by a person on here, and the
magazine is clearly a rag, their testing is bad, the review sample was
off and the reviewer is clearly tone deaf.
What is it with some people on forums that they can't stand to have
their kit criticised in anyway, shape or form.

Frankly, who cares?  If you like what you've bought, smile, be happy
and stop making the rest of us wonder whether you're still suffering
from cognitive dissonance.


SB+, Behringer 2496DEQ, Bel Canto DAC2, Bel Canto Evo2i, Impulse Ta'us,
Coherent cables, Stillpoints

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-29 Thread Robin Bowes
Mr_Sukebe wrote:
 Another classic thread.
 Someone posts a review of a product owned by a person on here, and the
 magazine is clearly a rag, their testing is bad, the review sample was
 off and the reviewer is clearly tone deaf.
 What is it with some people on forums that they can't stand to have
 their kit criticised in anyway, shape or form.

There's criticism, and there's criticism.

In this case, there were clearly errors made by the reviewer.

Folk on here are just pointing that out.

 Frankly, who cares?  If you like what you've bought, smile, be happy
 and stop making the rest of us wonder whether you're still suffering
 from cognitive dissonance.

OK, so we care about accuracy of reviews; you care about our mental
well-being. That's very touching. :p


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-28 Thread Kim Kruse


This just to inform all of you, that a review/test of the Slimdevices
Transporter is avaiable in the april number of High Fidelity.

Unfurtuately on danish/swedish - but for some still readable!

I think all of you will enjoy the review.

Kim Kruse

Kim Kruse

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-28 Thread johann

Kim Kruse;190984 Wrote: 
 This just to inform all of you, that a review/test of the Slimdevices
 Transporter is avaiable in the april number of High Fidelity.
 Unfurtuately on danish/swedish - but for some still readable!
 I think all of you will enjoy the review.
 Kim Kruse

I haven't received mine yet. :(
Can you recap what they said?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread Jaco

seanadams;188912 Wrote: 
 Have you considered the possibility that it is complete nonsense?

Based on Sean's and other follow-up replies this seems to be the case,
as well as the fact that other reviews are much more similar in their
praise of the Transporter. Thank you for everybody's input and feedback
on my questions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread adamslim

Jaco;189186 Wrote: 
 Based on Sean's and other follow-up replies this seems to be the case,
 as well as the fact that other reviews are much more similar in their
 praise of the Transporter. Thank you for everybody's input and feedback
 on my questions.

You're really going to go with the CEO (or whatever, now!) of the
product company's opinion over one of an independent reviewer?  I have
no particular love for HFN, although I have long liked Townshend
equipment, and Max himself.  I have not heard his 565, but his earlier
multiplayer (747) was terrific, and I would be deeply surprised if it
were not comfortably better than the Transporter.

The review seemed to give the TP a good showing, and saying it's not as
good as a very different product at over twice the price is in no way a
damning review.  I agree that they may not have seemed to 'get' the
idea of the TP, but they do generally seem to have given it a chance to
shine, and I see no reason why they would have an axe to grind or other
reason for bias.

Also, it is never impressive when a CEO rubbishes a non-glowing review
publicly, even in a fairly informal forum run by his own company.  Sean
has suffered a few demerit points in my book here.



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread Skunk

adamslim;189389 Wrote: 
 You're really going to go with the CEO (or whatever, now!) of the
 product company's opinion over one of an independent reviewer?  

Regarding testing methods, yes (assuming the rebuttal is credible). 

Designers have a right to question the test method, hence the printing
of the (otherwise boring) test method in the review.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread seanadams

adamslim;189389 Wrote: 
 You're really going to go with the CEO (or whatever, now!) of the
 product company's opinion over one of an independent reviewer?
 Also, it is never impressive when a CEO rubbishes a non-glowing review
 publicly, even in a fairly informal forum run by his own company.  Sean
 has suffered a few demerit points in my book here.

Are you really viewing my position as my word against his? I depend
on no such credibility to support my arguments. 

I am speaking in terms of quantifiable, falsifiable statements that
anyone can test independently. This reviewer is not. 

I am happy to explain the science as best I can, and to answer
questions about my tests or any other statements I have made. This
reviewer is not.

I encourage people do use reasonable controls to eliminate well known
psychosomatic effects in their listening tests. This reviewer uses no
such controls, and expects you take the results of his listing test on

You may assign all the demerits you like to me, but it won't make this
review any more meaningful.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-21 Thread tomjtx

seanadams;189397 Wrote: 
 Are you really viewing my position as my word against his? I depend on
 no such credibility to support my arguments. 
 I am speaking in terms of quantifiable, falsifiable statements that
 anyone can test independently. This reviewer is not. 
 I am happy to explain the science as best I can, and to answer
 questions about my tests or any other statements I have made. This
 reviewer is not.
 I encourage people do use reasonable controls to eliminate well known
 psychosomatic effects in their listening tests. This reviewer uses no
 such controls, and expects you take the results of his listing test on
 You may assign all the demerits you like to me, but it won't make this
 review any more meaningful.

An excellent and cogent response.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-20 Thread CardinalFang

seanadams;188912 Wrote: 
 Have you considered the possibility that it is complete nonsense?

I have no time for reviewers most of the time, they are rarely
qualified and mostly self-elected experts, however they do hold a lot
of sway and a review like this damns the Transporter with faint praise.
I personally think that traditional HiFi company DACs with USB input
where the reviewers feel on safer ground will get better reviews. I
also think there is a time window where the Transporter can still make
a mark as a reference component.

Why not invite the reviewers to do the old double-blind test at Slim
HQ? Surely leaving things as they are simply cements the notion that
computer-based audio is still not true HiFi and is allowing the
reviewers to spread misinformed opinion on your products? Perhaps I
have it wrong and it is totally irrelevant to future sales.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-20 Thread opaqueice

CardinalFang;188962 Wrote: 
 Why not invite the reviewers to do the old double-blind test at Slim
 HQ? Surely leaving things as they are simply cements the notion that
 computer-based audio is still not true HiFi and is allowing the
 reviewers to spread misinformed opinion on your products? Perhaps I
 have it wrong and it is totally irrelevant to future sales.

Odds are they'd either refuse for fear of being exposed, or blame the
test conditions when they discover they can't hear the difference
between any digital sources.

I suppose you could ask them whether they can tell the difference
first, while sighted, record their answers, and then try it blind.  But
this has been done many times, and the results are always the same, and
it doesn't change anything... they just blame the stress of undergoing
a test for their failure, and go away with their heads still firmly
stuck in the sand (or elsewhere maybe...).

Anyway, as a company selling a high-end audiophile grade product, I'm
not really sure SD (or Logitech) has much to gain from this kind of
debunking, which would only alienate the audiophile community.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-19 Thread Jaco

Hi Sean,

Thank you for the informative reply regarding jitter in the
Transporter. Given that so much attention is given to the jitter in the
design of the Transporter and that the results measured by the Miller
test aren't really relevant, then the results of the Hifi News review
still begs the following questions:

1. What was the cause of the very noticeable difference between the
streaming and DAC modes? Qouted directly from the review: In
stand-alone DAC mode the Transporter sounded crisper and musically more
insightful and involving, whereas via the network connection leading
edges were fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became altogether less
gripping. Why this should be I can only speculate on but the difference
was plain to hear.

2. Why would there be such a remarkable difference in audio quality of
the Transporter vs. the Townshend Audio TA565 CD player? Quoted
directly from the review: The TA565 majors on being audio Windowlene,
clarifying telling microdynamic and acoustic details which many other
players smudge. As, indeed, does the Transporter. In fact the
comparison was not unlike that between the Transporter in streaming and
DAC modes. [...snip...] You could hear the difference in a split


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-19 Thread seanadams

Jaco;12 Wrote: 
 Hi Sean,
 Thank you for the informative reply regarding jitter in the
 Transporter. Given that so much attention is given to the jitter in the
 design of the Transporter and that the results measured by the Miller
 test aren't really relevant, then the results of the Hifi News review
 still begs the following questions:
 1. What was the cause of the very noticeable difference between the
 streaming and DAC modes? Qouted directly from the review: In
 stand-alone DAC mode the Transporter sounded crisper and musically more
 insightful and involving, whereas via the network connection leading
 edges were fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became altogether less
 gripping. Why this should be I can only speculate on but the difference
 was plain to hear.
 2. Why would there be such a remarkable difference in audio quality of
 the Transporter vs. the Townshend Audio TA565 CD player? Quoted
 directly from the review: The TA565 majors on being audio Windowlene,
 clarifying telling microdynamic and acoustic details which many other
 players smudge. As, indeed, does the Transporter. In fact the
 comparison was not unlike that between the Transporter in streaming and
 DAC modes. [...snip...] You could hear the difference in a split

Have you considered the possibility that it is complete nonsense?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-18 Thread Jaco

Whether you like the Hifi News review or not is irrelevant to the point,
which is, that the measured jitter figures showed a large discrepency
compared to the ones measured by Stereophile. This woul obviously
result in the lower audio quality picked up by the Hif News reviewer
relative to other high end players. I tried to find the official jitter
figures from the Transporter's datasheet, but all I could find is the

Clock signals in Transporter are handled not as ones and zeroes, but
as precision analog signals. Specialized crystal oscillators, careful
clock management, and linear-regulated logic supplies ensure the lowest
possible jitter throughout the system.

Whether that translates to a good jitter figure or not isn't clear.
Perhaps Slim Devices could tell us what the jitter figures SHOULD be,
and also what the manufacturing variance on that figure should be. A 4
to 1 ratio just doesn't sound right to me. If that is the case then
there are some serious issues with the jitter reuction in the
Transporteer's design.

So, would Slim Devices like to enlighten us please???


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-18 Thread RuefulR

Jaco;188391 Wrote: 
 The measured jitter results in the Stereophile test was in the region
 of 250psec - a third of what was measured in the UK version of the
 Transporter. For comparison purposes, really good DACS and CD players
 have jitter figures in the region of 20psec. 

Excellent points in this post.

But on Audioasylum lately, there've been exchanges about jitter
measurements in Stereophile.  Using the Miller analyzer, they've never
measured anything close to 20ps.  There's also suggestion that the
methodology may produce inexplicable measurement variations.  Though
the difference between the HiFi News and Stereophile measurements of
the Transporter does seem larger than the variations quoted.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-18 Thread Mark Lanctot

Jaco;188562 Wrote: 
 Perhaps Slim Devices could tell us what the jitter figures SHOULD be

Sean Adams measured this and published the results on this forum.

Unfortunately a search isn't turning up anything.

It was fairly close to Stereophile's measurements.

Mark Lanctot

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-17 Thread cliveb

Phil Leigh;188422 Wrote: 
 As an aside, I'd rather use a Black Sabbath album from 1970 than a
 modern over-compressed piece of nonsense t assess audio quality. They
 were recorded using good quality gear and good engineering/mastering
As a general principle, I agree. But Black Sabbath's first album was
recorded for just 600 quid, so the chances they were using a first
class studio seems unlikely. (Mind you, it does sound good - probably
because they did it so quick and avoided faffing about with loads of

And of course, if HiFi News were using the CD remaster of this album as
their source, then that has been quite heavily compressed. (Album
Replaygain for the remaster is -7.52dB).


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-16 Thread Jaco

Please people, before making such wildly speculative conclusions about
Hifi News reviews or British Hifi magazines in general, just go read
the darn review first! The Hifi News reviews are technically sound.
Their review process consists of two independent test tracks: one
performed by the reviewers by listening and comparing to other similar
equipment, and the other by thoroughly measuring the equipment. The
measurements are done by Miller Audio Reseach - you can download the
measurements for yourself from After all that's been done
the reviewers try to correlate what they heard through their listening
tests with the independently recorded measurement results. It's usually
quite amazing how well the listening tests correlate with the
measurement results! 

Here's an excerpt from the Miller Audio measurement results:

Measured via its fixed balanced outputs using both 48kHz an
96kHz/24-bit data, the Transporter emerges as an impressive and slick
design that offers an excellent technical performance (low THD and wide
S/N), only partially let down by a relatively weak jitter rejection.
Measured against this backdrop, the moderate 1000psec jitter is a tad
disappointing and, being largely data-induced in nature, looks to be a
by-product of the S/PDIF input receiver rather than the DAC itself...

After noting that the Townshend CDP sounded much better than the
Transporter the reviewer writes the following:

This outcome might seem surprising in light of the Transporter's
mostly exemplary measured performance, but the results of Paul Miller's
jitter test may hold the key. While data-induced jitter can make
reproduced music sound bland, in Paul's words, the jitter figures
recorded here are moderate, rather than debilitating

Then a paragraph later the reviewer writes:

But there is still a puzzle here, in that Stereophile's recent review
of the Transporter - published after I'd already begun my assessment -
elicited much lower jitter figures, despite using the same measurement
hardware, and reached more positive conclusions about its sound

This may suggest that our review sample wasn't in the rudest of health
but, until we test another, we have to assume that it is representative
of the 230V incarnation. However that pans out, the conclusion for now
has to be that the Transporter, despite its broad capability,
attractive design and fine perfomance on the test bench in most
respects, doesn't quite deliver on its promise of high-end sound
quality. It simply lacks the resolution to mix it with the best of
conventional audio.

For those that didn't read the Stereophile review of the Transporter,
they can find it here:

The measured jitter results in the Stereophile test was in the region
of 250psec - a third of what was measured in the UK version of the
Transporter. For comparison purposes, really good DACS and CD players
have jitter figures in the region of 20psec. 

So, in my mind the Hifi News review was objective and very honest -
that's something that can't be said of many other Hifi magazines!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-16 Thread crooner

That magazine has lost pretty much all credibility in recent years.
I have nothing against Black Sabbath but I can't imagine using this to
evaluate audio equipment.


SB3 with Custom Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC-60 Tube DAC
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-16 Thread crooner

That rag has lost all of their credibility in recent years.

slimkid;185303 Wrote: 
 The fact that somebody would use Black Sabbath to do any kind of audio
 comparison seriously undermines their credibility.


SB3 with Custom Linear Power Supply
Lite Audio DAC-60 Tube DAC
VPI Scout with Benz Micro Glider M2
Audio Research PH3, SP16L and VS110
Vandersteen 2Ce signatures, 2W subwoofer.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread Patrick Dixon

Phil Leigh;186049 Wrote: 
 No I get it now!
 The thing we need to hang onto here is that in studios, digital signals
 move all over the place between (digital desks, ADC's, DAC's,
 processors, computers / workstations etc etc.
 Generally these are using not plain SPDIF - but then again they aren't
 using I2S either!. A master clock is always used to lock everything
 In comparison to what goes on in a studio, the act of playing back two
 channels of PCM over SPDIF is really REALLY trivial...and yet we
 agonise over it, without ever thinking what kind of processes have been
 applied (and yes even in spaced-pair purist classical recordings)
 before the CD ever got made.
 (sorry this has turned into a rant)
 I really think we need to put things back into a realistic perspective
 sometimes. :0)

Hmm, this isn't quite correct.

Digital signals are incredibly robust, and moving them around studios
or the home or almost anywhere else is really not that difficult. 
However, what is much more difficult is the process of converting
between the digital and analogue domains, where the smallest thing (in
particular the clock) can have a 'large' effect.  Only one of these
processes (ADC) takes place in the studio; the other (DAC) occurs in
your home and the quality of your replay will be directly dependent on

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Patrick Dixon;186177 Wrote: 
 Hmm, this isn't quite correct.
 Digital signals are incredibly robust, and moving them around studios
 or the home or almost anywhere else is really not that difficult. 
 However, what is much more difficult is the process of converting
 between the digital and analogue domains, where the smallest thing (in
 particular the clock) can have a 'large' effect.  Only one of these
 processes (ADC) takes place in the studio; the other (DAC) occurs in
 your home and the quality of your replay will be directly dependent on
 (It's a bit like flying really, the tricky bits are the take-off and
 landing, the bit in the middle is usually straightforward - however far
 you fly.) Patrick - whilst I generally agree, the signals do have to be 
into analogue for monitoring/mixing...

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread Patrick Dixon

Phil Leigh;186281 Wrote: 
 Patrick - whilst I generally agree, the signals do have to be rendered
 into analogue for monitoring/mixing...

For monitoring, but surely not for mixing?

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread Phil Leigh

Patrick Dixon;186285 Wrote: 
 For monitoring, but surely not for mixing?

Sorry - yes that's what I meant!

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread autopilot

Pale Blue Ego;185401 Wrote: 
 I could understand if they claimed they heard better bass definition of
 airier highs, but tempos dragged?  That just seems fishy.

What do you expect from a British review?

Us British have always tired to make ourselves look cleverer with the
way we does speak, you know :) Especially nice sounding original, yet
utterly meaningless, metaphors. 

If you think that's bad, you should listen you some of out wine
reviewers lol.


*SlimServer:* 6.5.1 (Windows XP) + AlienBBC, SlimScrobbler  Last.FM.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Denon MD30 (bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Harmony 525 (IR).
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-07 Thread Robin Bowes
Phil Leigh wrote:
 Patrick Dixon;186285 Wrote: 
 For monitoring, but surely not for mixing?
 Sorry - yes that's what I meant!

So, that won't affect the sound at all, right?


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread Patrick Dixon

pablolie;185834 Wrote: 
 They also clearly say they used a totally vanilla PC and did not
 optimize anything in the wireless network for the Transporter, and that
 they'd firmly expect that would make a positive difference on top. They
 used WAVs for their tests.
That's very odd, I wonder why they thought that?

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread cliveb

JJZolx;185897 Wrote: 
 That's two reviews within the course of a week that claim the
 Transporter used as a DAC and fed via S/PDIF sounds better than the
 Transporter fed via network stream.
So what can we deduce from this? We know that the network stream feed
*ought* to produce a lower distortion output. It seems entirely
plausible that some added distortion due to jitter might actually be
euphonic for some people (including experienced reviewers). This could
be similar to the fact that some people prefer the sound of vinyl over

If a firmware update ever appears that supports digital loopback (whose
main purpose would be to allow devices such as room correction modules
to be inserted into the path), an interesting experiment would be to
compare the Transporter's own SPDIF output fed back into its SPDIF
input versus a direct network stream.

A couple of nights ago I experienced something peculiar that could be
related to this. I don't often listen to classical music, and this was
the first time I put some on the Transporter to listen properly. What
struck me was that the finale of Pictures at an Exhibition
(orchestral version) didn't seem to get as loud as it used to on a CD
player. Crystal clear, and with superb resolution, but somehow
restrained. I had a similar feeling about Bax's Tintagel. Could this
be due to lower distortion (we all know that distortion makes things
sound louder)?


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread GeeZa

The outboard DAC argument via SPDIF is *so* old now it'll never die.
Bottom line I think is that a modern CD transport will get the data off
the CD effectively error-free, and that stream fed into a good modern
DAC over SPDIF (perhaps using a FIFO buffer and/or re-clocking) should
be pretty close to a perfect signal. Not as simple as a one-box
solution over I2S, but plenty good enough.

However, a strong WiFi feed doesn't have the inherent weaknesses of
SPDIF and is therefore technically the easier solution to achieve
better results. Music may be a creative endeavour and therefore highly
subjective, but audio is basically an engineering exercise. My guess
would be that under a level-matched blind listening test there would be
very little to choose between the two approaches but if any of the
options would prove to provide a cleaner signal it would be over WiFi
straight to the Transporter. It's just data. I would say those Hifi
reviews that prefer the sound of a CD transport are subtley biased
against the network solution. The only way to put that bias to the test
is to do it blind, horror-of-horrors, otherwise those findings are
interesting to read but ultimately valueless.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread Phil Leigh

GeeZa;186020 Wrote: 
 The outboard DAC argument via SPDIF is *so* old now it'll never die.
 Bottom line I think is that a modern CD transport will get the data off
 the CD effectively error-free, and that stream fed into a good modern
 DAC over SPDIF (perhaps using a FIFO buffer and/or re-clocking) should
 be pretty close to a perfect signal. Not as simple as a one-box
 solution over I2S, but plenty good enough.
 However, a strong WiFi feed doesn't have the inherent weaknesses of
 SPDIF and is therefore technically the easier solution to achieve
 better results. Music may be a creative endeavour and therefore highly
 subjective, but audio is basically an engineering exercise. My guess
 would be that under a level-matched blind listening test there would be
 very little to choose between the two approaches but if any of the
 options would prove to provide a cleaner signal it would be over WiFi
 straight to the Transporter. It's just data. I would say those Hifi
 reviews that prefer the sound of a CD transport are subtley biased
 against the network solution. The only way to put that bias to the test
 is to do it blind, horror-of-horrors, otherwise those findings are
 interesting to read but ultimately valueless.

GeeZa - I agree re: bias against network players in Hi-Fi mags. I'm
having some trouble following the rest of your post, since transporting
PCM over SPDIF is a totally different kettle of fish to moving TCP/IP
packets over Wi-Fi in almost every conceivable way. I'm not clear what
you are trying to compare. Are you saying there are two forms of
two-box solution:

1) computer+ sb
2) transport+DAC

and that linking a computer to an SB via Wi-FI (or cabled ethernet!) is
a better quality (more robust/accurate) audio solution? - in which case
I agree in the general case but we really aren't comparing apples to
apples here...

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread GeeZa

Sorry that wasn't clear. I was referencing the age-old one box vs two
box Hifi debate which traditionally involved the single box CD player
(typically using I2S internally) vs the two box Transport and DAC
players (typically linked using SPDIF).

Imo it used to be quite common in Hifi mags to prefer the two box
approach even though there are very good reasons for the single box
units (say the classic Meridian 508.20) to be the more elegant audio
solution. Hifi people tend to prefer more boxes and higher price tags.
I think this *may* account for the bias towards using the Transporter
as a DAC simply because Hifi reviewers might feel more comfortable with
a robust mechanical tranport for their data rather than thin air (Wifi).
Imho using a computer's Wifi signal as a data transport is almost a
faultless audio soltion for two channel data, just not sure everyone
sees it like that. So I guess I was saying that the Wifi-Transporter
method is more akin to the old one-box player solutions. Hey, at least
it's not SPDIF.

That probably isn't clear either is it? :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread pablolie

GeeZa;186035 Wrote: 
 ... Hifi people tend to prefer more boxes and higher price tags. I think
 this *may* account for the bias towards using the Transporter as a DAC
 simply because Hifi reviewers might feel more comfortable with a robust
 mechanical tranport for their data rather than thin air (Wifi). ...

HiFi people as a rule have a fetish for beautifully and robustly built
mechanics. The mechanical craft that goes into these devices is
admirable, and thus psychoacoustics kicks in - it is pleasing to look
at and touch, thus it sounds better to the ears. The more senses are
involved, the better. 

Slim Devices went a long way in making the Transporter pleasing as
hardware, supposedly the touch is very satisfying, and
remarked on the overall feel of the package.

GeeZa;186035 Wrote: 
 Imho using a computer's Wifi signal as a data transport is almost a
 faultless audio soltion for two channel data, just not sure everyone
 sees it like that. So I guess I was saying that the Wifi-Transporter
 method is more akin to the old one-box player solutions in that it's
 elegant and does away with SPDIF, which is long overdue imo.
 That probably isn't clear either is it? :-)

Indeed. One aspect to this is that one needs to stay uncompromisingly
true to what always seems to work at the end of the day in audiophile
environments: superb mechanical engineering, uncompromising isolation
of clean power to the different, visually modular subsystems, and a
full bag of additional secret sauce tricks to make the analog signal
that comes out as accurate and musical as conceivable.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread Phil Leigh

GeeZa;186035 Wrote: 
 Sorry that wasn't clear. I was referencing the age-old one box vs two
 box Hifi debate which traditionally involved the single box CD player
 (typically using I2S internally) vs the two box Transport and DAC
 players (typically linked using SPDIF).
 Imo it used to be quite common in Hifi mags to prefer the two box
 approach even though there are very good reasons for the single box
 units (say the classic Meridian 508.20) to be the more elegant audio
 solution. Hifi people tend to prefer more boxes and higher price tags.
 I think this *may* account for the bias towards using the Transporter
 as a DAC simply because Hifi reviewers might feel more comfortable with
 a robust mechanical tranport for their data rather than thin air (Wifi).
 Imho using a computer's Wifi signal as a data transport is almost a
 faultless audio soltion for two channel data, just not sure everyone
 sees it like that. So I guess I was saying that the Wifi-Transporter
 method is more akin to the old one-box player solutions in that it's
 elegant and does away with SPDIF, which is long overdue imo.
 That probably isn't clear either is it? :-)

No I get it now!

The thing we need to hang onto here is that in studios, digital signals
move all over the place between (digital desks, ADC's, DAC's,
processors, computers / workstations etc etc.

Generally these are using not plain SPDIF - but then again they aren't
using I2S either!. A master clock is always used to lock everything

In comparison to what goes on in a studio, the act of playing back two
channels of PCM over SPDIF is really REALLY trivial...and yet we
agonise over it, without ever thinking what kind of processes have been
applied (and yes even in spaced-pair purist classical recordings)
before the CD ever got made.

(sorry this has turned into a rant)

I really think we need to put things back into a realistic perspective
sometimes. :0)

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread pablolie

Phil Leigh;186049 Wrote: 
 I really think we need to put things back into a realistic perspective
 sometimes. :0)

Like, 80% of the CDs out there don't even merit to be ripped in FLAC?
:-) Seriously, I read somewhere in an audio mag that popular music now
basically is mixed to sound good as a 128k MP3, just like in the good
ole 60s Motown mixed stuff for it to sound good played on the radio...
not the best way to ensure subtleties make it to posterity... 

I am often shocked how flat and utterly poor some of the unavoidable
iTunes popular tunes sound when played over my main system, when they
sound plenty good in the car or in the portable device I use in the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread Phil Leigh

pablolie;186054 Wrote: 
 Like, 80% of the CDs out there don't even merit to be ripped in FLAC?
 :-) Seriously, I read somewhere in an audio mag that popular music now
 basically is mixed to sound good as a 128k MP3, just like in the good
 ole 60s Motown mixed stuff for it to sound good played on the radio...
 not the best way to ensure subtleties make it to posterity... 
 I am often shocked how flat and utterly poor some of the unavoidable
 iTunes popular tunes sound when played over my main system, when they
 sound plenty good in the car or in the portable device I use in the

There's a lot of truth in this. However I find it mostly applies to the
music my daughters and wife buy. They like modern stuff - I'm more
picky I guess. There are plenty of labels / artists putting out quality
product - just don't expect them to necessarily be top of the

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-06 Thread pablolie

Phil Leigh;186059 Wrote: 
 There's a lot of truth in this. However I find it mostly applies to the
 music my daughters and wife buy. They like modern stuff - I'm more
 picky I guess. There are plenty of labels / artists putting out quality
 product - just don't expect them to necessarily be top of the

I entirely agree - there are fantastic jazz recordings out there. Every
audiophile should own a copy of Kevin Mahogany's Pride  Joy, one of
the CDs I'd take onto a lonely island even if I only had a boombox...
and the recording is absolutely top notch. Good recordings are a total
joy... but there aren't many of them. Even some very enjoyable soft
jazz albums (Everette Harp, Marion Meadows, some Rippington's stuff)
don't sound different whether they are 320k MP3s or FLACs. Same with
older Deutsche Grammophon classical recordings, even. 

It is inevitable, though, to also play very poorly recorded popular
music over our systems - mine at least does that quite regularly. And
my wife will pick her latest Fergie CD over my Coltrane Favs playlist
every day. :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread opaqueice

GaryB;185590 Wrote: 
 Do you mean to say that listening results have no place in a review? 
 That's certainly not a view I would support.  For those of you old
 enough to remember Stereo Review magazine
 ( - towards the end it was
 only measurements and totally worthless in helping one decide what
 components were worthwile.

Well, they do have a place when they're controlled.  If the reviewer
thinks there's an audible difference, s/he should do a controlled
listening test to make sure, and if it's really there try to describe
it both subjectively and by a measurement.  For example in a speaker
review (where the differences with other speakers are typically easily
audible) it can be useful to describe the sound subjectively, to
complement and interpret measurements of frequency response.  Checking
your facts and backing them up with solid sources - that's just basic

Reviewing audio equipment based only on uncontrolled listening
impressions is a bit like a newspaper reporter basing a supposedly
factual article on their opinion instead of reliable sources.  News
journalists that do that get fired.

shane Wrote: 
 So do you need to understand how it works before you can hear a

He didn't say that.  He said the notion that the TP as a DAC could
sound better than TP as a source is absurd, because he designed and
tested the thing and he knows the TP as DAC will have a (slightly) more
distorted output.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread slimkid

AndyC_772;185365 Wrote: 
 Similarly, I don't think anyone can say they have no credibility
 because they choose to use Black Sabbath as a test track. Don't heavy
 metal fans get a vote too? Personally I couldn't give a stuff how a
 system sounds with jazz or classical - if it doesn't reproduce dark
 electro and industrial music with clarity, depth, power and aggression
 then it's no good to me. Plaintive cries about how smooth, relaxed or
 refined it is will fall (metaphorically speaking) on deaf ears -
 choosing music to suit the equipment is the tail wagging the dog.

Fair enough, and I didn't mean to start a war on music tastes. And,
certainly, if I was into the listening the crickets in the fields, I
would have chosen the gear that presents them in the best possible way.

However, this is supposed to be unbiased comaprison of the high
level/priced components. Everybody (who is into the music) knows how
the piano, bass, human voice or any natural recordable sound sounds. So
we know the criteria when it comes to judging the performance of the
piece of gear. I don't know how the electric guitar in Black Sabbath
(or Pink Floyd) really sounds and neither do you. So, we both can
choose the gear that we like best. And likely, they would be different.
But we can't credibly claim that one is better than the other only
because we like it better in presenting our preffered type of music.

So, my point in choosing the type of music in such tests is, since we
are testing High Fidelity gear, we have to have a criterion - fidely to

Again, no hard feelings towards metal fans :)



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread P Floding

cliveb;185345 Wrote: 
 This statement calibrates their credibility to zero. There is
 absolutely no way that the signal emerging from a Transporter fed from
 one of its SPDIF inputs can possibly be more accurate than from its
 network interface. So if we are to accept that HiFi News genuinely
 believed it sounded better that way, then we must conclude that they
 like a bit of added distortion. What might this have to say about their
 preference for the Townsend player?
 Afterthought: Wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if the reason for their
 preferring the SPDIF input turns out to be that they inadvertantly had
 bitrate limiting switched on in SlimServer?

In theory you are right, and it is an indication of their basic lack of
technical understanding that they did not question this result and look
for errors or bad judgement.

However, in practice it is possible that a wired interface introduces
noise into a system, noise which will depend on the wires, the way the
wires connect and what's hanging on the other end of the wires.

Reviewers everywhere seems almost universally technically challenged,
unfortunately. (At least when it comes to the digital world.)

P Floding

No, I didn't ABX it. And I won't even if you ask me. (Especially not if
you ask me.)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread AndyC_772

I do understand that, for many people, their goal when choosing a system
is to find one which reproduces sounds in a way that mimics the original
as closely as possible. That's absolutely fine and I've no problem with
that whatsoever.

However, I prefer to assess equipment based on how much I enjoy
listening to the sound it makes. The music I listen to is mostly
synthesized and/or distorted anyway - there's no real point of
reference to say that my system sounds 'right' or 'wrong'. So, when I'm
looking to buy a piece of equipment, its ability to reproduce a sound in
a way that's absolutely faithful to the original is not a criterion I'd
use to judge it. I'm more interested in soundstage depth, bass
extension, the ability to separate vocals clearly from a complex mix...
but if the same system would make a brass instrument sound like the
mating call of an elephant, I couldn't care less.

 But we can't credibly claim that one is better than the other only
 because we like it better in presenting our preffered type of music.

I disagree, I think that's exactly the way to assess whether or not one
piece of kit is better than another. I'd expect a good reviewer to try
any system with a variety of music, to then be able to give opinions
that will be meaningful to as many readers as possible.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread bobschneider

slimkid;185653 Wrote: 
 However, this is supposed to be unbiased comaprison of the high
 level/priced components. Everybody (who is into the music) knows how
 the piano, bass, human voice or any natural recordable sound sounds. So
 we know the criteria when it comes to judging the performance of the
 piece of gear. I don't know how the electric guitar in Black Sabbath
 (or Pink Floyd) really sounds and neither do you. 

Of course you can know how an electric guitar sounds in a real
acoustic.  You just have to consider the amplifier as part of the
instrument.  Musicians certainly do - guitarists put as much care into
the choice of amp as of guitar.  There are plently of web sites out
there discussing the sounds of guitar amps, and how they change with
different brands of tubes.  

This is analogous to saying that you can't really know how a violin
sounds, since it won't make any sound without a bow.  An electric
guitar isn't a complete instrument without an amp, just like a violin
isn't a complete instrument without a bow.

One of the ways I judge a system is how much it can make an electric
guitar sound the same as I hear in, say, a blues club.  This is just as
important as how it makes the horns or drums sound, or how it makes the
violins and piano sound on a classical recording.

However, as with any other sound, a guitar can only serve as an audio
reference if it's recorded without processing.  But that's the same as
with any instrument.  Even the human voice is not useful as a reference
if it's subject to the processing used on most pop recordings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread slimkid

bobschneider;185676 Wrote: 
 Of course you can know how an electric guitar sounds in a real acoustic.
 You just have to consider the amplifier as part of the instrument. 
 Musicians certainly do - guitarists put as much care into the choice of
 amp as of guitar.  There are plently of web sites out there discussing
 the sounds of guitar amps, and how they change with different brands of

Of course you're right  ... in '50s or '60s of the last century.
However, we are talking Black Sabbath here. Now, try to remember when
was it last time you saw heavy metal band playing on the Stratocaster
plugged in directly into Mashall/Fender tube amp. Likelier, there will
be like 20-ish different gadgets in the signal path before it even
reaches the amp if it even goes there rather than directly into the
mixer. And  the real fun is just starting there. 

And it's not true that all music gets significantly processed. It would
be a cold day in hell before Mr. Karajan lets some sound engineer boost
and then clipp highs in his rendetion of Mozart's requiem :)


The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread bobschneider

slimkid;185680 Wrote: 
 Of course you're right  ... in '50s or '60s of the last century.
 However, we are talking Black Sabbath here. Now, try to remember when
 was it last time you saw heavy metal band playing on the Stratocaster
 plugged in directly into Mashall/Fender tube amp. Likelier, there will
 be like 20-ish different gadgets in the signal path before it even
 reaches the amp if it even goes there rather than directly into the
 mixer. And  the real fun is just starting there. 
 And it's not true that all music gets significantly processed. It would
 be a cold day in hell before Mr. Karajan lets some sound engineer boost
 and then clipp highs in his rendetion of Mozart's requiem :)

Oh, I don't disagree that any music played in a hockey arena will be
amplified and processed to the point that it's useless as a reference,
whether it's Black Sabbath or Nora Jones.  I can't really say when the
last time I heard a heavy metal band playing on the Stratocaster
plugged in directly into Mashall/Fender tube amp, since I wasn't really
into that kind of music even when I was 15.  (The Ramones are more my
speed when I want to listen to something loud and stupid.)  But I
understand that certain heavy metal albums have very well recorded

I didn't mean to imply that all recordings are processed.  Classical
generally isn't, other than recording to multitrack rather than 2 mike
minimalist.  (I count about 16 mikes above the orchestra at the Chicago
Symphony at Orchestra Hall, and they aren't there for the live audience)
Most jazz and blues is similar.  But rock and pop is generally heavily
processed, and has been at least since the days of the Beatles.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread pablolie

I much prefer German audio mags to US mags because they're far more
pragmatic, and has been my favorite (it also was my Dad's
kinda runs in the family). Plus it's one way to keep my German fluent
while I live in California.

But enough of that - the March issue has a 3 page
review of the Transporter. It is a *very* favorable review, assigning
it 80% in absolute sound reference as a DA converter (100% would be
something like Accuphase's new $50k combo of separate CD transport and
DA), which is awesome for a $2,000 (surprisingly it seems to sell in
Europe for Euro 2,000, I know I'd buy mine in the USA :-)
It should also be noted that famed German Burmester's 980 SRC DA
converter, a Euro 8,500 piece, scored 81% in their absolute sound test.
A very favorable review indeed.

They also clearly say they used a totally vanilla PC and did not
optimize anything in the wireless network for the Transporter, and that
they'd firmly expect that would make a positive difference on top. They
used WAVs for their tests.

When they let the Transporter go against other systems, they fed the
original CD from the TEAC Esoteric player into the SPDIF interface on
the Transporter, basically testing if networked or direct sounds best
over the Transporter's DA, an interesting twist. They said the choice
came down to the preference in flavor, but that purely subjectively the
signal fed through the TEAC sounded better (thus disproving many SPDIF
jitter theories, I assume... or not!). They also use the Transporter
head-on against the Benchmark DAC1 as a DA, and the Transproter beats
the DAC1 with more smoothness and agility.

The review closes hoping that Slim Devices stays fully committed to
advance the high end audio streaming concept under its new ownership, a
great compliment by a very pragmatic and outspoken mag. 

From the lab, they report: linear frequency characteristics, but
without deemphasis. Good square and impluse behavior, negligble
distortion, very small .1% linearity deviation. Excellent 116dB SNR,
and better quantization noise of 98dB in the right channel compared
to the left.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread JJZolx

pablolie;185834 Wrote: 
 When they let the Transporter go against other systems, they fed the
 original CD from the TEAC Esoteric player into the SPDIF interface on
 the Transporter, basically testing if networked or direct sounds best
 over the Transporter's DA, an interesting twist.

Um, that's exactly what Hi-Fi News did.

 They said the choice came down to the preference in flavor, but that
 purely subjectively the signal fed through the TEAC sounded better
 (thus disproving many SPDIF jitter theories, I assume... or not!).

Given what you said above, is that a signal fed _from_ the TEAC or fed
_to_ the TEAC?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread pablolie

JJZolx;185844 Wrote: 
 Given what you said above, is that a signal fed _from_ the TEAC or fed
 _to_ the TEAC?

They compared the PC source to the TEAC Esoteric CD source through the
Transporter's DA, among some other tests they did.

I thought HiFi News had already explained it. :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-05 Thread JJZolx

pablolie;185886 Wrote: 
 They compared the PC source to the TEAC Esoteric CD source through the
 Transporter's DA, among some other tests they did.

That's two reviews within the course of a week that claim the
Transporter used as a DAC and fed via S/PDIF sounds better than the
Transporter fed via network stream.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread GaryB

opaqueice;185301 Wrote: 
 In my opinion reviews based on someone's subjective impressions of audio
 quality are totally meaningless.  On the other hand it sounds as though
 the parts of the review which are more objective (build quality etc.)
 are quite positive.

Do you mean to say that listening results have no place in a review? 
That's certainly not a view I would support.  For those of you old
enough to remember Stereo Review magazine
( - towards the end it was
only measurements and totally worthless in helping one decide what
components were worthwile.

Getting back to this review, I will admit that the results as presented
here do seem a bit odd.  I haven't read the actual review as I suspect
is true of most commenters.
My experience is that the Transporter is a very good transport when
feeding an external DAC and very close to a very high end transport. 
If the reviewer finds a big difference then it suggests there could
have been some issues with the way Slimserver was set up.

However, it doesn't surprise me to hear that the reviewer preferred an
external DAC to the DAC in the Transporter.  I had the same opinion.

Overall, it was still a rather positive review and should be taken that
way.  Sure the reviewer found some things to complain about but also
found many things to praise and stated that he expected even better in
the future.

Slim Devices should be pleased - this is good press.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread SuperQ

JJZolx;185304 Wrote: 
 I've always valued British audio reviews over most others.  Many of the
 British magazine reviews I've read over the years seem very
 level-headed in comparison to their American counterparts.  They tend
 to value system synergy and value for dollar, in comparison to the
 typically gushing, empty reviews published in American rags.

You used the word synergy, I consider your opinion questionable ;)

You're right about the gushing, empty reviews tho.  I've given up on
magazine reviews over the last few years.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread clarkc

There also appears to be a review in the April edition of Hi-Fi World
(also UK I think). Anybody seen this review?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread shane

seanadams;185293 Wrote: 
 The notion that s/pdif from a CD source could better than local playback
 is absurd. They don't seem to understand how the thing works. Typical
 neophobia.  :(

So do you need to understand how it works before you can hear a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread egd

norderney;185285 Wrote: 
 They used a Townshend TA565 Universal Player to compare the Transporter
 with a CD player.

Considering it is a £3000 transport I am not necessarily surprised, but
having regard to some of their other comments one has to wonder whether
they actually understand the technology.  Perhaps one day I'll meet
someone with said transport and can then compare it to the Transporter,
until then I'm chalking their comments down to bias.


Linux and loving IT!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Patrick Dixon

seanadams;185293 Wrote: 
 The notion that s/pdif from a CD source could better than local playback
 is absurd. They don't seem to understand how the thing works. Typical
 neophobia.  :(

Either that, or that there is something you don't yet understand

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread pablolie

egd;185337 Wrote: 
 ...  Perhaps one day I'll meet someone with said transport and can then
 compare it to the Transporter, until then I'm chalking their comments
 down to bias.

Well, I think a lot has been made of the Transporter's DA subsystem,
which is a top notch design according to what I have read, thus I would
think it fair to compare the Transporter to other systems including a
high end DA stage. Personally, I would not get the Transporter and use
a separate DA, I'd always regard it a finished system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread cliveb

norderney;185285 Wrote: 
 Just received the April 2007 issue of Hi-Fi News and they are reviewing
 the Slim Devices Transporter this month.
It's been many years since I last read a HiFi rag, but way back when I
did, HiFi News was probably the best of the bunch (of British mags).
Their reviews seemed to be a bit more rational than their competitors'.
Alas, it seems they have taken leave of their senses.

 Via the Townshend player, music was crucially better resolved and the
 enjoyment factor significantly enhanced. Performance had an infectious
 vitality that the Transporter only hinted at.  You could hear the
 difference in a split second, even on the raindrops and rolling thunder
 at the opening of Black Sabbath.
Translation: The Townsend player sounded different, and they preferred
the sound of the Townsend. Eveyone's entitled to a personal

 Hi-Fi News also thought that there was no question that the Transporter
 sounded better via S/PDIF feed than via the wired network connection
 used for streaming audio from the computer. In Stand Alone DAC mode the
 Transporter sounded crisper and musically more insightful and involving,
 where as via the network connection leading edges were fudged, tempos
 dragged and the sound became altogether less gripping.
This statement calibrates their credibility to zero. There is
absolutely no way that the signal emerging from a Transporter fed from
one of its SPDIF inputs can possibly be more accurate than from its
network interface. So if we are to accept that HiFi News genuinely
believed it sounded better that way, then we must conclude that they
like a bit of added distortion. What might this have to say about their
preference for the Townsend player?


Performers - dozens of mixers and effects - clipped/hypercompressed
mastering - you think a few extra ps of jitter matters?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread amcluesent

the reason for their preferring the SPDIF input

I was waiting for a 'golden eared' listener to claim that the S/PDIF
cable must be more euphonic than 802.11g and had 'lifted a veil' due to
some quantum effect ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Ron Olsen

I was especially amused by this part of the Hi-Fi News review:

In Stand Alone DAC mode the Transporter sounded crisper and musically
more insightful and involving, where as via the network connection
leading edges were fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became
altogether less gripping.

Fudged leading edges sound delicious, Are these different from
chocolate-covered leading edges? :-)

Could someone tell me what tempos dragged means? Maybe the
Transporter clock was running a little slow? :-)

Ahhh... subjective reviews; love 'em!

Ron Olsen

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread AndyC_772

In their defence, though, hi-fi is a subjective thing. Certainly there's
a correlation between measurable parameters and perceived sound quality,
but I don't think too many people choose their expensive setups with an
oscilloscope rather than their ears.

Similarly, I don't think anyone can say they have no credibility
because they choose to use Black Sabbath as a test track. Don't heavy
metal fans get a vote too? Personally I couldn't give a stuff how a
system sounds with jazz or classical - if it doesn't reproduce dark
electro and industrial music with clarity, depth, power and aggression
then it's no good to me. Plaintive cries about how smooth, relaxed or
refined it is will fall (metaphorically speaking) on deaf ears -
choosing music to suit the equipment is the tail wagging the dog.

That's one thing that makes me wary of spending a small fortune on a
Transporter without hearing it first - that its much applauded
improvements in sound won't actually translate into something I prefer
listening to. My Denon DVD-2900, for example, sounds too polite and
smooth through its internal DAC - so instead I connect it digitally to
my Yamaha DSP-A1, through which it rocks. So does my Squeezebox, also
connected digitally, so unless I prefer the sound of the Transporter
through its analogue outputs, it would be a waste of money.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread opaqueice

Patrick Dixon;185338 Wrote: 
 Either that, or that there is something you don't yet understand

It follows from the basics of the design that it's extraordinarily
implausible that the S/PDIF input on the TP could produce a signal with
less distortion than the TP functionng as a network player.  It would
require an elaborate, complicated and highly unlikely mechanism.

On the other hand we also know that the odds a given listener will fool
themselves into hearing a difference, or would prefer one to the other
due to bias, are very high.  

So there are two explanations for the reviewer's comments, one
extremely unlikely and complicated, and one very simple and very
likely.  Take your pick, and if you choose the first I've got some
prime lunar real estate to sell you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;185369 Wrote: 
 It follows from the basics of the design that it's extraordinarily
 implausible that the S/PDIF input on the TP could produce a signal with
 less distortion than the TP functionng as a network player.  It would
 require an elaborate, complicated and highly unlikely mechanism.

That is well and good, but bitrate limiting or replaygain is not
elaborate, complicated or unlikely.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Phil Leigh

Not that I'm cynical or anything but until Naim produce their
transporter (and it costs £15k!) , Hi-Fi News is not going rate a
network player over a cd spinner...

HFN is getting whackier each month as far as I'm concerned. It's almost
up there with Hi-Fi World (the funniest audio mag ever - if it's 30
years old, Japanese or anything to do with vinyl it's great. They are
generally so biased it's just hilarious. However in their defence they
gave the TP a good review).

Phil Leigh

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread opaqueice

Skunk;185377 Wrote: 
 That is well and good, but bitrate limiting or replaygain is not
 elaborate, complicated or unlikely.

I was assuming some basic level of competence on the part of the
reviewer.  If they are not even able to operate the equipment under
review properly we really are wasting our time discussing this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Skunk

opaqueice;185380 Wrote: 
 I was assuming some basic level of competence on the part of the

That would be a mistake, IMO, given the number of times it comes up on
the forums, even from those who might generally be good with

I guess we have no way of knowing unless settings were outlined in the
review, but it seems more likely than auditory hallucination to me.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread pablolie

AndyC_772;185365 Wrote: 
 ... In their defence, though, hi-fi is a subjective thing. ...

Amen to that.

It is subjective. Plus given the nature of discussions that quite
passionately flare up in this forum, I am not quite sure why anyone
would go up in arms. Then again, I'd know exactly why. :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Patrick Dixon

opaqueice;185369 Wrote: 
 It follows from the basics of the design that it's extraordinarily
 implausible that the S/PDIF input on the TP could produce a signal with
 less distortion than the TP functionng as a network player.  It would
 require an elaborate, complicated and highly unlikely mechanism.
 On the other hand we also know that the odds a given listener will fool
 themselves into hearing a difference, or would prefer one to the other
 due to bias, are very high.  
 So there are two explanations for the reviewer's comments, one
 extremely unlikely and complicated, and one very simple and very
 likely.  Take your pick, and if you choose the first I've got some
 prime lunar real estate to sell you.I prefer to keep an open mind thanks very 
 much.  It's easy to think you
know all the answers, when in fact you're just stuck in your own

I haven't read the review, but as it happens, the broad listening
conclusions reported above, seem reasonably close to my own.  I haven't
ever tried using the Transporter as just a DAC though.

BTW, for an alternative view on reviews, reviewers and Stereophile's
'lists', this is an interesting read

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Pale Blue Ego

I could understand if they claimed they heard better bass definition of
airier highs, but tempos dragged?  That just seems fishy.

Pale Blue Ego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread adamslim

It's always difficult to describe differences in sound; audio reviewers
will be criticised whether they try (and use vague, flowery language),
or if they stick to %age grades - neither really helps another.

What does help is getting to know a reviewer, his/her preferences and
so on.  Over the years I've been into this stuff, I've found some
reviewers that seem to like the same stuff as me, and that helps.  The
notion of accepting the word of someone blindly is a bit silly - until
you have seen what they have said over the years about equipment that
you know, they're pretty useless.

Similarly, when a new manufacturer comes on board, I like to remain
sceptical until I can spend a fair bit of time myself with the kit
(rare now), or it's reviewed by someone I trust.  This goes for Slim
Devices as much as any - while I love the SB3, it sounds good not
great.  I think they've done really well with the TP, but they are new
and have stuff to learn - they're unlikely to knock the Wadias, Mark
Levinsons and dcSs into second place with their first audiophile
product.  (Given the potentially superior technology in streaming over
CD replay, they may do it soon though.)

Anyway, when it comes to giving reasonably-priced equipment a fair
chance, I'd take HFN over Stereophile any day of the week :)



SB3 into Derek Shek d2, Shanling CDT-100, Rotel RT-990BX, Esoteric Audio
Research 859, Living Voice Auditorium IIs, Nordost and Anti-cables

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-04 Thread Phil Leigh

adamslim;185423 Wrote: 
 It's always difficult to describe differences in sound; audio reviewers
 will be criticised whether they try (and use vague, flowery language),
 or if they stick to %age grades - neither really helps another.
 What does help is getting to know a reviewer, his/her preferences and
 so on.  Over the years I've been into this stuff, I've found some
 reviewers that seem to like the same stuff as me, and that helps.  The
 notion of accepting the word of someone blindly is a bit silly - until
 you have seen what they have said over the years about equipment that
 you know, they're pretty useless.
That's very true...I've been reading Ken Kesslers reviews for years and
I know we don't share the same tastes (in equipment - in music we are
very similar!)
...and HFN is still (but only just) the most reliable UK Mag...

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread norderney

Just received the April 2007 issue of Hi-Fi News and they are reviewing
the Slim Devices Transporter this month.

They give it a rating of 17 out of 20.  
Five stars for features, 
three stars for sound quality, 
five stars for build quality 
and four stars for value for money.

The overall verdict is as follows:
A breath of fresh air in the world of network audio players and a
brave step for Slim Devices, which clearly beleives that a new
generation of audiophiles can be persuaded to take computer audio
delivery seriously, even if hi-fi traditionalists cannot.  In so many
ways it is admirable but, crucially, it fails the acid test of
providing comparable sound quality to the best disc based players.

Review system breakdown:
Amplifier: DACT stepped attenuator passive pre-amp. Exposure XVIII Mono
power amplifiers.
Speakers: BW 805S

They used a Townshend TA565 Universal Player to compare the Transporter
with a CD player.

They tested it straming uncompressed PCM files ripped from CD
(including apparently some 24/96 material too).

Via the Townshend player, music was crucially better resolved and the
enjoyment factor significantly enhanced. Performance had an infectious
vitality that the Transporter only hinted at.  You could hear the
difference in a split second, even on the raindrops and rolling thunder
at the opening of Black Sabbath.

Hi-Fi News also thought that there was no question that the Transporter
sounded better via S/PDIF feed than via the wired network connection
used for streaming audio from the computer.  In Stand Alone DAC mode
the Transporter sounded crisper and musically more insightful and
involving, where as via the network connection leading edges were
fudged, tempos dragged and the sound became altogether less gripping. 

As was the shortfall between the Transporter, even in DAC mode, and a
top flight player like the Townshend Audio TA565.

However, they do mention that the Transporter is the first audiophile
network music player to support file resolutions and sampling rates up
to 24/96.

All in all a bit of a disappointing review.  Any Transporter owners
wish to comment?  

I currently own a SB1 (which I have had for almost 3 years and have
been very happy with).  I actually find that my SB1 compares very
favourably with my Arcam Diva CD72, and in fact since buying my SB1 I
have hardly ever used my Arcam CD player  But then obviously my
Arcam CD player cannot be compared to the apparently faultless
Townshend TA565 Universal Player  

My amplifier is an Arcam Diva A85 (2001) and my speakers are BW CDM1NT
(2003).  I have been thinking about upgrading from my SB1 to a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread Anne

Pardon my french but this is a typical british review ! Read the loads
of other reviews, especially the one from Stereophile instead.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread seanadams

The notion that s/pdif from a CD source could better than local playback
is absurd. They don't seem to understand how the thing works. Typical
neophobia.  :(


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread opaqueice

In my opinion reviews based on someone's subjective impressions of audio
quality are totally meaningless.  On the other hand it sounds as though
the parts of the review which are more objective (build quality etc.)
are quite positive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread slimkid

The fact that somebody would use Black Sabbath to do any kind of audio
comparison seriously undermines their credibility.

Comparing S/PDIF and wireless without even mentioning the source of
S/PDIF probably means that they are confused between computer
networking and using digital soundcard output. 

This review simply doesn't tell me anything about the intended



The sound stage will open up, bass will tighten and the imaging will
improve. DVD performance will also increase substantially.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transporter Review in Hi-Fi News (UK)

2007-03-03 Thread JJZolx

Anne;185287 Wrote: 
 Pardon my french but this is a typical british review ! Read the loads
 of other reviews, especially the one from Stereophile instead.

I've always valued British audio reviews over most others.  Many of the
British magazine reviews I've read over the years seem very level-headed
in comparison to their American counterparts.  They tend to value system
synergy and value for dollar, in comparison to the typically gushing,
empty reviews published in American rags.



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