Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-31 Thread Mnyb

Intresting tread ? post your findings if the power supply actually
works? and also if it doesn't ;-)

I'm one off the por sods thats ordered one off these powersupplys but
didn't get anything (ordered in april)nobody answers my email. So i'm
asuming Welborne is f***ing me beware! do not order anything from them.
Go and search AA and other fora for accounts off wellbornes buissness

If i actually get my supply( i don't think so) i will be very carefull
before conecting it to my SB.
It seems like a god idea' to measure the output vs inputs and chassis
etc on your SB and Hifi.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-31 Thread Eric Seaberg

I have two supplies.  The first one was the one I had problems with and
have since fixed.  It works great, now!  After building that one and
LEARNING from the experience, the 2nd went together in NO TIME... heck,
I'll put yours together for less than the $100 Welborne wants to do it! 

By the way, I did confirm output voltage before plugging the first
supply into my White SB3.  It powered up fine, but the SB3 was HUMMING,
as I know now, because of the transformer leg shorting to the case.  It
fried my Black SB3 because the metal case was touching the metal legs
of the SB.  I'm letting them both 'cook' for a while.  G'luck with your

It's all fixable and NOT worth getting worked up over.  It's not like I
lost my house in the fires or anything... this is just STUFF!!  Funny
how a major disaster kind of puts your life values BACK in focus again.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-30 Thread ratso

i have one of the pre-assembled power supplies from welborne labs (i
haven't yet learned to solder that's my next project!). 
no their stuff isn't 'junk' they have consistently gotten great reviews
over the years. the problem seems to be their owner isn't really capable
of running his business correctly. i was one of many who had placed an
order and then shortly after the web site informed us that they were
moving and all orders were on hold. rumors on many boards also stated
that the owner was having some sort of personal problems but that's not
for me to say. many people suffered through loooggg delays and most
asked for refunds (which there also seemed to be problems recieving).
their was no phone numbers or email addresses given to customers
waiting for their paid for merchandise. some filed complaints with the
BBB. i recieved my power supply for my SB after approx. 3 month wait.
it came in the wrong color, i ordered red and got a black one. but
after reading so many horror stories i figured it was better to live
with black. it IS an excellent unit. i know when ordering kits their
have been complaints of parts missing. i would love to order from them
in the future as i really want some of their products, but i would be
hesitant to do so without some prior reassurances from their owner.
although these problems stem from this whole 'moving' issue, there
seems to be long standing problems with his customers per other audio
message bb's.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-30 Thread Eric Seaberg

OK, so I found the problem with PS #1.  I opened the box and discovered
the leads from the regulator and one of the leads from the transformer
were touching the center channel (support beam, of sorts) of the box!! 
Taking the card out and putting friction tape across the entire bottom
of the card, as well as trimming back the leads, solved the HUM
problem.  HOW I was still getting 5VDC out of it I'll never know!!

Also, looking back at what happened when my Black SB3 blew, I think the
case of the PS was touching metal of the rack the SB3 was sitting in. 
The SB3's metal legs were also touching, so KA-POW!! (especially with
the above mentioned contact from the transformer and regulator)

Anyway, the finished PS is great, clean and working.  I'll start on the
2nd one with the same precautions for the bottom of the board.  The
blown SB3 is being sent back to Logitech for repair at a cost of $90. 
My fault!!

I let both Ron Welborne and Wayne Waananen from Bolder Cable (who had
been helping off-line) know what I found.

If anyone is considering building this kit, it IS a tight fit inside. 
Make sure you follow ALL directions and keep the leads under the board
trimmed back and isolated with friction/electrical tape as necessary.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-29 Thread donwalker

If its from Welborne it is JUNK.

I have one.  Its in the storage room.  Don't waste anymore time on it.

And yes you are lucky you got anything at all from Welborne.

He sent you a kit that was missing parts!  No surprise.  I bought a
preamp kit.  I spent over 2 months and over 30 emails and never
received all the parts.

If you charge the item to a credit card, send the items back and have
the credit card people get your money back.  They will do it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-28 Thread andyg

3 threads merged into one.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-28 Thread tomjtx

CPC;238461 Wrote: 
 Why do you feel the need to post negative comments about something
 you've never purchased or listen to?

Why do you seem to be incapable of understanding my post?

I did not make negative comments concerning the efficacy of wellborne
gear. Therefore it is not germane whether or not I have listened to his

I simply alerted the OP to the many posts about wellborne on other fora
concerning the fact that wellborne takes the money and in many cases
never sends the product and doesn't give refunds, according to the many
complaints on these fora.

It appears Wellbone owes a lot of people momey and gear .

Perhaps you should read posts more carefully and make sure you
understand them before you respond to them.
Your response to mine clearly indicates you didn't understand it and it
seems your are the victim of your own sloppy thinking.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-27 Thread Eric Seaberg

I bought two of these for my SB3s.  Neither one came with the printed
circuit boards, so they had to ship those.  I put the first one
together last night and discovered the power cord is too big to fit
through the supplied strain relief, so I went to my neighborhood
hardware store today and bought two that would fit.

I just got the first one together, verified it was supplying 5.13V and
plugged it into my SB3 in the master bedroom.  This player feeds
Genelec powered monitors (model 8020).  As soon as I plugged in the
supply the Genelecs started 'humming', most likely due to the fact that
they are grounded and the Welborne supply isn't.  It's odd that Welborne
supplied a grounded AC cord but doesn't connect the chassis ground to

Is there any way to fix this?  Has anyone else had a problem with these
supplies?!  For the price of $185 each, I am NOT impressed with what
they sell!  Since I haven't built the second one yet, I'm asking for a
full refund including the two power cords I had to buy today!

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-27 Thread RioTubes

I haven't built this but I looked at what is published on Welborne's
site. It looks like the entire psu including transformer is mounted on
the circuit board which is isolated from the aluminum enclosure. Do you
have the safety earth pin of the IEC connector referenced to the
aluminum chassis? This is for your safety. The middle prong of the
3-prong IEC connector should have a short wire soldered to it, and the
other end of the wire should be referenced to the chassis. You can use
a captive O-ring for this and a good sized bolt with locking washers
and nuts. Best to use brass which is easy to source.  

Desipite Welborne's recent customer service troubles, the gear is high


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Welborne Power Supply for SB3

2007-10-27 Thread Eric Seaberg

Welborn does ship a grounded AC plug/cable but doesn't use the ground. 
They actually state in the directions to trim it back to the strain
relief and use only the HOT and NEUTRAL wires.

I'll attempt connecting the chassis to the gnd of the +5 output to see
if that helps.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego

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