
2006-05-11 Thread Magnus Karlsson

Is it possible to use ISO-8859-1 as encoding instead of UTF-8? If so, where can I set this up?
I've changed encoding in the wsdl-file from which the server side stubs are generated. Is this enough? After the server side code is built there are other files (as deploy.wsdd for example)still containing UTF-8 encoding. Do I have to change in these files as well?


Link to WSDL files

2006-05-11 Thread Magnus Karlsson

I've exactly the same problem as someone else on this mailing list (06 Jan 2006). That is:
I can see the services with http://localhost/axis but the link to the WSDL files is not setup properly so I cannot click the link to see the WSDL files.What do I have to do in my setup to fix this problem?


Re: AXIS C++ thread-safety

2006-05-11 Thread Nadir Amra
Theoretically I think it is thread-safe.  But the routines being used are 
not and obviously should be replaced with the thread-safe ones.  Open a 
JIRA issue.

Nadir K. Amra

Yury Novitsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/04/2006 08:41:17 AM:

 Hi All,
 My question relates to AXIS C++ client: is it thread-safe?
 I noticed that it uses gmtime() and localtime() methods which are 
 not thread-safe (there are thread-safe versions of the methods: 
 gmtime_r() and localtime_r() respectively).
 Do I miss something? Please advice.
 Thank you in advance,
 This message and the information contained herein is proprietary and
 confidential and subject to the Amdocs policy statement,
 you may review at http://www.amdocs.com/email_disclaimer.asp

Re: [Axis2 1.0] SGCCalculator sample

2006-05-11 Thread Eran Chinthaka
Rob Henley wrote:
 Hi Eran
 excellent - actually i had read it, but I'd forgotten :-(. I've got this
 working in 2 ways:
 1. (as described in http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_0/userguide3.html), by
 setting ConfigurationContext.
 2. by setting -Daxis2.repo on the java command line


 BUT the above page also says .. There are two ways of (engaging
 addressing for the Client). One is to get the addressing-version.mar
 from modules folder of the std-bin distribution. And then making that
 available in your classpath.
 I added addressing-1.0.mar to the classpath I supply on the java command
 line and it doesn't help. I guess I'm missing something?

Strange, I got it working. I think this is something we better look in to.

 I also had to edit the supplied client to give the full (versioned) name
 of the module, i.e.
 serviceClient.engageModule(new QName(addressing-1.0));

I think you don't need to do this as when user had not supplied a
version we pickup the latest one.

I will look in to this.


 I'm not sure this is explained anywhere (?). All good stuff though ...
 thanks again!
 - Original Message - From: Eran Chinthaka
 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
 Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 5:17 PM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2 1.0] SGCCalculator sample

Description: OpenPGP digital signature


2006-05-11 Thread Anne Vetter
Hi everyone,I'm trying to include some basic information in the header - as far as I know I've to do that with a message handler. And here comes the problem.Where do I have to pack that handler? How do I have to deploy it? I really didn't find much info about that topic anywhere ...
Thanks in advance,Annette

Re: Loosing bytes with MTOM

2006-05-11 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
At first look seems there's a problem with the image utility
classes.. It's better to use the FileDataSource in any case,
since it's the most generic one and it'll make sure to send what ever
the bytes in your original file...

~ThilinaOn 5/10/06, Patric Fornasier [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,I've found the problem.First of all, I didn't explicitly set the content type to image/pngwhich explained the additional size, as jpeg headers were added:DataSource ds = new ImageDataSource(
image.png, image/png, image);Then however I had the problem that the received file size was smaller!I compared the binaries and realized that some meta data was strippedout. In some cases you might not care, but I think this can be quite
dangerous. I then used a FileDataSource instead of a ImageDataSource,which solved the issues and now both files are exactly the same.Server:DataSource ds = new FileDataSource(file);DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(ds);
OMText textData = factory.createOMText(dh, true);Client:DataHandler dh = (DataHandler) out.getDataHandler();InputStream is = dh.getDataSource().getInputStream();OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(c:/dynamic-
axis.png);Anybody came across similar issues?Cheerio,patric-Original Message-From: Patric FornasierSent: Thursday, 11 May 2006 2:06 PMTo: 
axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Loosing bytes with MTOMHi,I'm sending a small png image from one server to another via MTOM. Theservice and the client are both on the same machine.The original size of the image is 6450 bytes. When the clients copies
the file to the file system however, the size of this copy is now 15083bytes!Funny enough, the received picture looks fine. It's just roughly 3 timesbigger.Anybody got an idea what's going on here?
Here's the code for the server:---Image image = new ImageIO().loadImage(new FileInputStream(file));DataSource dataSource = new ImageDataSource(image.png, image);DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource); // create an
optimized OMText node with the above DataHandler OMText textData =factory.createOMText(dataHandler, true); out.addChild(textData);And for the client:---OMText out = (OMText) response.getFirstOMChild
();DataHandler actualDH = (DataHandler) out.getDataHandler(); ImageIO io =new ImageIO(); Image img =io.loadImage(actualDH.getDataSource().getInputStream());FileOutputStream imageOutStream = newFileOutputStream(c:/dynamic-
axis.png);io.saveImage(image/png, img, imageOutStream);Any hints are greatly appreciated!Cheers,patric
--This email and any attachments may be confidential. They may containlegally privileged information or copyright material. You should notread, copy, use or disclose them without authorisation. If you are not
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Re: [axis2]axis2 + mtom

2006-05-11 Thread Thilina Gunarathne
Have you tried with Axis2 1.0.. I fixed a content type issue lately,
but wasn't able to check whether it'll solve the Java Mail issue... 

Gerenimo java Mail  Sun's Java mail are different implementations
of Java Mail spec. We can't use Sun's Java mail through Maven
repositories due to licensing issues...

~ThilinaOn 5/10/06, Stefan Vladov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi,sorry to bother you again with the same old stuff... my problem was thejavamail implementation... an exception of type ParseException is thrownsomewhere injavax.mail.internet.ContentType#ContentType
(String type), which is called bypublic Attachments(InputStream inStream, String contentTypeString,
boolean fileCacheEnable, String attachmentRepoDir,
String fileThreshold)in org.apache.axiom.attachments.Attachments,called from TransportUtils and so on...I wasn't able to debug javamail further to see the exact cause.Anyway my question is: is MTOM in axis2 meant to work only with geronimo
mail implementation and if you are familiar with the issue, have youcome up with some workaround.As I am totally unfamiliar with the differences between geronimo's andsun's implementations I thought the problem might be in the registered
handlers in the mailcap-s of the jars, however now I saw that the code isdifferent althogh packages, classes and methods are the same :( .geronimo source is looks like that:public ContentType(String type)
throws ParseException{int slash = type.indexOf(/);int semi = type.indexOf(;);try{
= type.substring(0, slash);if(semi
== -1){_minor
= type.substring(slash + 1);} else{_minor
= type.substring(slash + 1, semi);_list
= new ParameterList(type.substring(semi + 1));}}catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e){throw
new ParseException(Type invalid:  + type);}},whereas sun's javamail 1.4 as well as 1.3.1 are:public ContentType(String s)throws ParseException
{HeaderTokenizer headertokenizer = new HeaderTokenizer(s,()@,;:t []/?=);HeaderTokenizer.Token token = headertokenizer.next();if(token.getType() != -1)
throw new ParseException();primaryType = token.getValue();token = headertokenizer.next();if((char)token.getType() != '/')throw new ParseException();token = 
headertokenizer.next();if(token.getType() != -1)throw new ParseException();subType = token.getValue();String s1 = headertokenizer.getRemainder();if(s1 != null)
list = new ParameterList(s1);}Anyway I am serving the web services on Jetty embedded in an application(which actually provides the services ) and I somehow don't want to switchto geronimo's implementation, so please if somebody has been through this
HEEELP! I have fixed the SOAP version issue+a potential content type issue recently. Are you using Sun's impl of Java Mail? Please try with the latest svn heads.. Even the latest Axis2 RC + Axiom
 RC would be fine.. ~Thilina On 5/2/06, Stefan Vladov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi guys,
 This is probably a very stupid problem, however since I consider myself a newbie and I've been using web services for about 2-3 weeks the issue has turned out to be quite a bottleneck for me. So here is my problem: I was
 trying to make the following scenario with apache axis2 0.95 - a client requests a file from by providing a name and a web service sends it (the file) as a binary attachment. However since things did not work I tried
 rewriting the sample and I still have the same problem. My version that is quite similar to the original looks like that: public class MTOMClient {
private static EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference(http://localhost:8011/services/WSMTOMTest);private static imageFileName = some image name;
public static void main (String[] args){try{OMFactory
fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();OMNamespace
omNs = fac.createOMNamespace(http://blabla, bla);OMElement
method = fac.createOMElement(handle, omNs);Image image;image = new ImageIO().loadImage(new FileInputStream(imagefilename));ImageDataSource dataSource = new
dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource);OMText
textData = fac.createText(dataHandler, true);OMElement
imageElement = fac.createOMElement(imageElement, omNs);imageElement.addChild(textData);method.addChild(imageElement);Options options = new Options();
options.setTo(targetEPR);options.setSoapVersionURI( SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI);options.setTransportInProtocol(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP
);options.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.ENABLE_MTOM, Constants.VALUE_TRUE);//Blocking invocationServiceClient
serviceClient = new ServiceClient();serviceClient.setOptions(options);OMElement
result = serviceClient.sendReceive(method);StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();result.serialize(XMLOutputFactory.newInstance ().createXMLStreamWriter(writer));
writer.flush();System.out.println(writer.toString());}catch (Exception e){
e.printStackTrace();}} } and I got the following exception: Transport level information does not
 match with SOAP Message namespace URIat 

Re: Loosing bytes with MTOM

2006-05-11 Thread Deepal Jayasinghe
Why do we want ImageDateSource ?

 I went trough IDS class and found that using that you can not even get
image so I can not understand why we use IDS . If we are going to have
IDS e we have to add a convenient API to IDS to get image directly out
of that rather than getting out/in stream while we are fixing errors in

Thilina Gunarathne wrote:

 At first look seems there's a problem with the image utility
 classes..  It's better to use the FileDataSource in any case, since
 it's the most generic one and it'll make sure to send what ever the
 bytes in your original file...


 On 5/10/06, *Patric Fornasier* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've found the problem.

 First of all, I didn't explicitly set the content type to image/png
 which explained the additional size, as jpeg headers were added:

 DataSource ds = new ImageDataSource( image.png, image/png, image);

 Then however I had the problem that the received file size was
 I compared the binaries and realized that some meta data was stripped
 out. In some cases you might not care, but I think this can be quite
 dangerous. I then used a FileDataSource instead of a ImageDataSource,
 which solved the issues and now both files are exactly the same.

 DataSource ds = new FileDataSource(file);
 DataHandler dh = new DataHandler(ds);
 OMText textData = factory.createOMText(dh, true);

 DataHandler dh = (DataHandler) out.getDataHandler();
 InputStream is = dh.getDataSource().getInputStream();
 OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(c:/dynamic- axis.png);

 Anybody came across similar issues?


 -Original Message-
 From: Patric Fornasier
 Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2006 2:06 PM
 To: axis-user@ws.apache.org mailto:axis-user@ws.apache.org
 Subject: Loosing bytes with MTOM


 I'm sending a small png image from one server to another via MTOM. The
 service and the client are both on the same machine.

 The original size of the image is 6450 bytes. When the clients copies
 the file to the file system however, the size of this copy is now

 Funny enough, the received picture looks fine. It's just roughly 3

 Anybody got an idea what's going on here?

 Here's the code for the server:
 Image image = new ImageIO().loadImage(new FileInputStream(file));
 DataSource dataSource = new ImageDataSource(image.png, image);
 DataHandler dataHandler = new DataHandler(dataSource); // create an
 optimized OMText node with the above DataHandler OMText textData =
 factory.createOMText(dataHandler, true); out.addChild(textData);

 And for the client:
 OMText out = (OMText) response.getFirstOMChild ();

 DataHandler actualDH = (DataHandler) out.getDataHandler(); ImageIO
 io =
 new ImageIO(); Image img =
 FileOutputStream imageOutStream = new
 FileOutputStream(c:/dynamic- axis.png);
 io.saveImage(image/png, img, imageOutStream);

 Any hints are greatly appreciated!



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 May the SourcE be with u


~Future is Open~ 

[Axis2 1.0] WSDL2Java producing garbage

2006-05-11 Thread Ken Campbell

I've upgraded my (working) web service from 0.95 to 1.0; I regenerated my
code using WSDl2Java taken from axis2-std-1.0-bin at the command line with:
WSDL2Java -uri wsdl_location -ss -sd -g -d xmlbeans -o output_path -p

However, the built code contains an uncompilable mass of errors caused by
my/package/hierarchy/structure.generated.GeneratedClasses littered
throughout the code.

This seems to be related directly to the declared targetNamespace in the
wsdl definition which includes both '.' and '/'

Might this constitute a bug?


Re: [Axis2 1.0] WSDL2Java producing garbage

2006-05-11 Thread Ajith Ranabahu

Hi Ken,
Yes Seems a bug to me. could you report a jira and attach the WSDL there ?


On 5/11/06, Ken Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've upgraded my (working) web service from 0.95 to 1.0; I regenerated my
code using WSDl2Java taken from axis2-std-1.0-bin at the command line with:
WSDL2Java -uri wsdl_location -ss -sd -g -d xmlbeans -o output_path -p

However, the built code contains an uncompilable mass of errors caused by
my/package/hierarchy/structure.generated.GeneratedClasses littered
throughout the code.

This seems to be related directly to the declared targetNamespace in the
wsdl definition which includes both '.' and '/'

Might this constitute a bug?


Ajith Ranabahu

Re: [AXIS2] Replication For High Availability

2006-05-11 Thread Kensky Schulz

Hie Deepal,
Thanks for response.

In my scenario its an axis2 web application and on back I am using
native xml database. From your reply I can assume axis2 provides high
availability feature, but what if embedded database crashes, coz it
provides its own mechanism of replication and master election

I think one solution could be to handle the database and webservice
replica by tomcat cluster. e.g we have A,B and C nodes each with axis
and db. Firstly if anything goes wrong with webservices then
presumably any tomcat cluster will take up as master. Secondly if xml
db crashes where and how the subsequent requests transferred to the
replica? And, this native xml db provides its own replication

For this application I want to use passive(with state) replication.

Lastly, does axis2 provide any security mechanism for intermediate
messaging between clients and master in the course of replication.


On 5/11/06, Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Kensky ;

I did some work sometimes ago to support FT for Axis1
Axis2 to has all the guts to support FT so you can use same kind of
approach for Axis2 too.

I honestly know to have better FT one part missing in Axis2 , that is it
does not save the run time when it shout down, but still you can have FT
with Axis2 w,o having any problem.

btw which FT scenario you are going to use , is that Active or passive ?

kensky wrote:

In my application I want to provide high availability and fault tolerance of
web services deployed on axis2 and tomcat.

Is it possible to have this featrue using Axis2 with Tomcat. if so how?

Thanks and Regards
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Axis - User forum at Nabble.com.


~Future is Open~

RE: [Axis2 1.0] WSDL2Java producing garbage

2006-05-11 Thread Ken Campbell

-Original Message-
From: Ajith Ranabahu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 May 2006 11:18
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: [Axis2 1.0] WSDL2Java producing garbage

Hi Ken,
Yes Seems a bug to me. could you report a jira and attach the WSDL there ?


On 5/11/06, Ken Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've upgraded my (working) web service from 0.95 to 1.0; I regenerated my
 code using WSDl2Java taken from axis2-std-1.0-bin at the command line
 WSDL2Java -uri wsdl_location -ss -sd -g -d xmlbeans -o output_path -p

 However, the built code contains an uncompilable mass of errors caused by
 my/package/hierarchy/structure.generated.GeneratedClasses littered
 throughout the code.

 This seems to be related directly to the declared targetNamespace in the
 wsdl definition which includes both '.' and '/'

 Might this constitute a bug?


Ajith Ranabahu

Re: [Axis2 1.0] Data binding Error after WSDL2Java code generation

2006-05-11 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
This WSDL looks fine.On 5/10/06, robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anne, might you be able to take a look at the attached wsdl ? It
validates fine, but I see the same error, created a jira, and I'd like
to track it down. Don't think this wsdl has changed - I thought
it was working in previous axis2 versions. 

On 5/10/06, Anne Thomas Manes 
Sebastian,There are errors in your WSDL. You must remove
the namespace attributes from the soap:body binding
descriptions. (The namespace attribute must be use only with RPC style.)Anne
On 5/10/06, Sebastian J. Schultheiss [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi there!We've used the attached WSDL to create a service  client by means ofthe WSDL2Java tool (xmlbeans databinding). After implementing thesimplest of business logics in the server, we deployed the service .aar
in the axis2 install inside a tomcat server. According to the statuspage, the service is running error free.The client was also created by WSDL2Java, where we wrote a simple main()class to test the client. We've pasted it below.
public static void main(String[] args) {try {PredictLocalizationRequestDocument pdoc =PredictLocalizationRequestDocument.Factory.newInstance();pdoc.addNewPredictLocalizationRequest

pdoc.getPredictLocalizationRequest().setSequence(ASDF);pdoc.getPredictLocalizationRequest().setOrganism(ANIMAL);TextLocServiceStub sender = newTextLocServiceStub(
http://localhost/axis2/services/TextLocService);PredictLocalizationResponseDocument res =
System.out.println(res.toString());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}The client now runs up until the document is being sent, where it throwsan Exception. The stack trace is below. We think it is still a
client-side problem, although the client does complain if it is notconnected to the server and doesn't throw this exception.Please let us know if we should change anything about our clientgeneration procedure, or how we can use the test client jar that is also
generated by the WSDL2Java tool.Thanks a lot for your time!Greetings,-- Sebastianorg.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding erroratorg.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execute

(OutInAxisOperation.java:287)atorg.apache.axis2.TextLocServiceStub.predictLocalization(TextLocServiceStub.java:133)at org.apache.axis2.runLoc.main(runLoc.java:26)Caused by: java.lang.Exception

: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data bindingerror; nested exception is:java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding errorat org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(AxisFault.java:318)at

(TextLocServiceMessageReceiverInOut.java:66)atorg.apache.axis2.receivers.AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver.receive(AbstractInOutSyncMessageReceiver.java:37)at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.receive

(AxisEngine.java:454)atorg.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPTransportUtils.processHTTPPostRequest(HTTPTransportUtils.java:284)at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.doPost(AxisServlet.java

:136)at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:709)at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:802)atorg.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter





org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$ControlRunnable.run(ThreadPool.java:684)at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding erroratorg.apache.axis2.TextLocServiceMessageReceiverInOut.fromOM

(TextLocServiceMessageReceiverInOut.java:158)atorg.apache.axis2.TextLocServiceMessageReceiverInOut.invokeBusinessLogic(TextLocServiceMessageReceiverInOut.java:50)... 20 moreCaused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.store.Cur$CurLoadContext.attr(Cur.java:3041)at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.store.Cur$CurLoadContext.attr(Cur.java:3058)at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.store.Locale.doNamespaces

Re: [axis2]axis2 + mtom

2006-05-11 Thread Stefan Vladov

yes I wrote the previous mail before being well familiar with the problem
I'm using axis2 1.0 as you suggested... also I saw there was a similar
thread  in the developer mailing list -
and i also tried using the same javamail implementation in the client and
the server side... again no use. Every time the same exception thrown in
the ContentType constructor... actually in the content type costructor the
content type is correctly parsed as multipart/related but then from the
rest of the string while populating the ParameterList a ParseException is
thrown. I wasn't able to see on which exactly parameter... somehow the
values of the variables are not shown in eclipse while debugging...
actually I checked out the glassfish project and there is no debuglevel
set in the compile task of the ant script... anyway maybe I'm doing sth
I tried several versions of sun's javamail implementation but this part is
all the same... for now I have no idea what to do except for using
geronimo implementation... I haven't tried sun's WS implementation but I
plan to look through java wsdp 2.0 and see how are attachments dealt with
there... after all my http header looks fine:

POST /services/WSMTOMTest HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Axis/2.0
Content-Length: 1660
Content-Type: multipart/related;
start=0.urn:uuid:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
start-info=application/soap+xml; charset=UTF-8;action=;

and I'm curious what would a similar header generated with their ws
framework look like. Thanks for the reply again!

Best wishes!

 Have you tried with Axis2 1.0.. I fixed a content type issue lately, but
 wasn't able to check whether it'll solve the Java Mail issue...

 Gerenimo java Mail  Sun's Java mail are different implementations of Java
 Mail spec. We can't use Sun's Java mail through Maven repositories due to
 licensing issues...


 On 5/10/06, Stefan Vladov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 sorry to bother you again with the same old stuff... my problem was the
 javamail implementation... an exception of type ParseException is thrown
 somewhere in
 javax.mail.internet.ContentType#ContentType(String type)
 , which is called by
 public Attachments(InputStream inStream, String contentTypeString,
boolean fileCacheEnable, String
String fileThreshold)
 in org.apache.axiom.attachments.Attachments,
 called from TransportUtils and so on...
 I wasn't able to debug javamail further to see the exact cause.
 Anyway my question is: is MTOM in axis2 meant to work only with geronimo
 mail implementation and if you are familiar with the issue, have you
 come up with some workaround.
 As I am totally unfamiliar with the differences between geronimo's and
 sun's implementations I thought the problem might be in the registered
 handlers in the mailcap-s of the jars, however now I saw that the code
 different althogh packages, classes and methods are the same :( .
 geronimo source is looks like that:

 public ContentType(String type)
 throws ParseException
 int slash = type.indexOf(/);
 int semi = type.indexOf(;);

 _major = type.substring(0, slash);
 if(semi == -1)
 _minor = type.substring(slash + 1);
 } else
 _minor = type.substring(slash + 1, semi);
 _list = new ParameterList(type.substring(semi +
 catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
 throw new ParseException(Type invalid:  + type);
 ,whereas sun's javamail 1.4 as well as 1.3.1 are:

 public ContentType(String s)
 throws ParseException
 HeaderTokenizer headertokenizer = new HeaderTokenizer(s,
 ()@,;:t []/?=);
 HeaderTokenizer.Token token = headertokenizer.next();
 if(token.getType() != -1)
 throw new ParseException();
 primaryType = token.getValue();
 token = headertokenizer.next();
 if((char)token.getType() != '/')
 throw new ParseException();
 token = headertokenizer.next();
 if(token.getType() != -1)
 throw new ParseException();
 subType = token.getValue();
 String s1 = headertokenizer.getRemainder();
 if(s1 != null)
 list = new ParameterList(s1);
 Anyway I am serving the web services on Jetty embedded in an application
 (which actually provides the services ) and I somehow don't want to
 to geronimo's implementation, so please if 

Re: [Axis2] Http Basic Authentication

2006-05-11 Thread Saminda Abeyruwan
Hash: SHA1

Saminda Abeyruwan wrote:
 Lothar Nieswandt wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to write a *simple* web service client with axis2. The server
side requires http basic authentication. I can't find out how this is done
*easily* with axis2. Somebody on the list advised to do

call.setProperty(Call.USERNAME_PROPERTY, user);
call.setProperty(Call.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, pass);

but this seems to be deprecated. What is the proper way of doing this?

I took a look at the security example and read something about password
callbacks but that seemed too complicated.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,

 Hi Lothar,
 Axis2 does transport level basic authentication as follows.
 / code snipet
 OMElement payload = TestingUtils.createDummyOMElement();
  * Proxy setting in runtime
 HttpTransportProperties.ProxyProperties proxyproperties = new
   HttpTransportProperties().new ProxyProperties();
 Options options = new Options();
 options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.PROXY, proxyproperties);
 ConfigurationContext configContext =
null, null);
 ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient(configContext, null);
 OMElement result = sender.sendReceive(payload);
 For more information please see the test case,
 Thank you

Hi Lothar,

Sorry for misinterpretation. In Axis2 1.0 we do proxy authentication.
For http server authentication we'll have to do a little fix.
I'll attend to this asap.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: Logger

2006-05-11 Thread robert lazarski
Axis 1.x userguide shows a LogHander. The axis2 userguide does as well. 

http://www.braziloutsource.com/On 5/11/06, Anne Vetter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hi everyone,I'm trying to include some basic information in the header - as far as I know I've to do that with a message handler. 
And here comes the problem.Where do I have to pack that handler? How do I have to deploy it? I really didn't find much info about that topic anywhere ...
Thanks in advance,Annette

Attachment to webservice...

2006-05-11 Thread Pierre NOTEL

Hi all,

I would like to send a mail (with a jpeg image in attachment) to a 

I have a multipart soap request :
- 1st part : soapPart which tell the good operation on the webservice 
and give the first parameter of my operation (string)

- 2nd part : image/jpeg part which contains my picture.

I made my owner WSDL file (document/literal) in order to integrate the 
mimemultipart input.
So my java file created by wsdl2java provide an operation as : 
myOperation(String in java.awt.Image picture).

The WSDL file and the SOAP request are present at the bottom of this mail.

I can use the string parameter in the operation, but the problem is that 
no picture is present (picture==null) when I try to use it !

No problem is found in Tomcat logs.

Can anyone help me ?

Pierre NOTEL

SOAP request :
POST /axis/services/myWS?wsdl HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: multipart/related; type=text/xml; 

Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Axis/1.3
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 9658
org.apache.servicemix.email.from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

org.apache.servicemix.email.text: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
ns1:myWS xmlns:ns1=http://localhost:8080/axis/services/myWS?wsdl;
my string parameter
org.apache.servicemix.email.sentDate: 5/11/06 3:02 PM
org.apache.servicemix.email.to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
org.apache.servicemix.email.replyTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: FD273AAD052FCB9ACF5D9E8300E723BC

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope 

my string parameter
Content-Type: image/jpeg;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Id: picture.jpg
 �  ���
� ���
WSDL file :
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8 ?

xsd:element name=myString type=xsd:string/
xsd:element name=myBinary type=xsd:base64Binary/
wsdl:message name=In
wsdl:part name=in element=tns:myString/
wsdl:part name=picture element=tns:myBinary/
wsdl:message name=Out
wsdl:part name=out element=tns:myString/
wsdl:portType name=PortType
wsdl:operation name=myWS
wsdl:input message=tns:In/
wsdl:output message=tns:Out/
wsdl:binding name=monWSBinding type=tns:PortType
soap:binding style=document
wsdl:operation name=monWS
soap:operation soapAction=mySoapAction style=document/
soap:body use=literal/
mime:content part=picture type=image/jpeg/
soap:body use=literal/
wsdl:service name=monWSService
wsdl:port binding=tns:monWSBinding name=monWS
soap:address location=http://localhost:8080/axis/services/myWS?wsdl/

Server error 500 in AXIS response

2006-05-11 Thread Roy
  Hello,I use an AXIS client application 1.3 to call a service the response i get is this below:?xml version='1.0' ? SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:Fault faultcodeSOAP-ENV:Client/faultcode faultstringHttpListeningConnectorUtility.initializeISRequest(): SOAPAction HTTP header value has an invalid format./faultstring detail IBResponse 
 type="error" DefaultTitleIntegration Broker Response/DefaultTitle StatusCode20/StatusCode MessageSet158/MessageSet MessageID10502/MessageID DefaultMessageSOAPAction HTTP header value has an invalid format./DefaultMessage 
 /IBResponse /detail /SOAP-ENV:Fault /SOAP-ENV:Body /SOAP-ENV:EnvelopeIn the java console i see this exception:AxisFaultfaultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}ClientfaultSubcode: faultString: HttpListeningConnectorUtility.initializeISRequest(): SOAPAction HTTP header value has an invalid format.faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail:  {}IBResponse:DefaultTitleIntegration Broker Response/DefaultTitleStatusCode20/StatusCodeMessageSet158/MessageSetMessageID10502/MessageIDDefaultMessageSOAPAction HTTP header value has an invalid format.
 HttpListeningConnectorUtility.initializeISRequest(): SOAPAction HTTP header value has an invalid format. at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.createFault(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:222) at org.apache.axis.message.SOAPFaultBuilder.endElement(SOAPFaultBuilder.java:129) at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.endElement(DeserializationContext.java:1087) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Parser2.java:1712) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.content(Parser2.java:1963) at org.apache.crimson.parser.Parser2.maybeElement(Parser2.java:1691)This means that the request message i send contains invalid SOAP header data or that the server can't handle AXIS requests? Which would be a possible solution?Any help would be appreciated.Thanks ,Roy.
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Re: [Axis2 1.0] Data binding Error after WSDL2Java code generation

2006-05-11 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss

Hi Anne,

thanks for your response. We re-run the WSDL2Java Tool after removing
the namespace attribute from the soap:body tags. However, the WSDL
that is generated by the WSDL2Java tool (the one you find in the
specified -o directory/resources) is not formatted like that, I've
attached it.

Why does the WSDL2Java Tool not just use the WSDL file given to it by
the -uri switch and instead creates its own?

Can you please check and see if it is valid? If not, maybe that is the
source of the problem: even if you give the WSDL2Java a valid WSDL file,
it creates one itself that has errors.


-- Sebastian

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

  There are errors in your WSDL. You must remove the namespace attributes  from the 
soap:body binding descriptions. (The namespace attribute must  be use only with RPC 

Description: WSDL2Java generated file

Strange Codegen for RPC

2006-05-11 Thread mmacfadden

I have a wsdl that I have written that
describes an rpc style web service. When I generate the code using
WSDL2Java I get some strange results. Or at least it looks strange
to me. the first thing I notice is that I get the following classes:

Item - This represents the complex type
I have defined in the WSDL.
Item0 - This seems to be a wrapper class
that just has a setItem and getItem method
ItemManagerServiceStub - has a createItem
method that takes and Item0

This seems odd to me, I would have expected
to see the ItemManagerServiceStub class to have a method called createItem(
Item param1 ). Meaning that the client could create a Item object
and submit it to the service without having to wrap it in an Item0 object
first. If there is a way to achieve this I would like to know how.

Another thing I noticed is that in the
ItemManagerServiceStub class that I have submitted I see the following
  //Style is Doc.
  env = toEnvelope(getFactory(_operationClient.getOptions().getSoapVersionURI()),
param2, optimizeContent(new javax.xml.namespace.QName(, createItem)));
This seems strange because the comment
says style is doc, when I have set the style to rpc. This code was
in the createItem method.

Basically, it just doesn't look like
I am really getting a client that looks like a RPC client. The generated
API that uses the Item0 class and the //Style is Doc comment are both making
me suspicious. Just want to know if I am looking at a defect and/or
if there is a way to get what I want. Thanks

Michael MacFadden
Tomax Corp - http://www.tomax.com

The views or opinions expressed here
are not endorsed by Tomax Corp. They are purely the opinions of the
email author.

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: Strange Codegen for RPC

2006-05-11 Thread Nicolas Guaneme

I have a wsdl when I done the delpy show me the service, but I try to
access to url?WSDL show me this error:
AXIS error
Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:
Fault - makeTypeElement() was told to create a type "{http://co.com.www.avisortech/MPPWebServices/}getBankListRequest", with no containing element

 faultCode: {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.generalException
 faultString: makeTypeElement() was told to create a type "{http://co.com.www.avisortech/MPPWebServices/}getBankListRequest", with no containing element

but in the wsdl the getBankList has the element for this method.
What do I do?


How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Joshua . White

I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java
ant task specifying a username/password. When the service was unsecured,
I used to be able to call it like this:

myService = new MyServiceLocator();
URL serviceUrl
= new URL(http://localhost:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);
mspt = myService.getMyServicePortTypeSoapPort(serviceUrl);

result =

Now that the service has been secured
using basic authentication (username/password), how do I specify my username/password
when connecting to the service?



This communication, including attachments, is
for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
confidential and/or privileged information.  If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is
strictly prohibited.  If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
destroy all copies.

Want help in Validation in Handler

2006-05-11 Thread Kanojia, Jogesh \(GE Cons Fin, consultant\)
Title: Want help in Validation in Handler


I am doing some validation in Handler. 

The Control is return back to client as soon as I throw Axis Exception.

I want to return my error information in soap response message rather then throwing exception.

The Structure of error is 


 ErrorMsg Insufficient Information /ErrorMsg


Is there a way in handler where I can generate my error information and attach it to soap response and return back control to cleint.

Waiting for reply.


Jogesh Kanojia.

Get SOAP header from Call instance?

2006-05-11 Thread Axel Bock
Hi, I am having BIG problems with a very, very, very simple Axis WS call. Basically I am trying to get a String back from a web service, which has only one method without parameters. I managed to generate stubs and call it, but I would really like to call it without having to build stubs. 
problem is, the web service requires (!) a username and a password in the soap header (I can't do nothing about that). My code so far looks like this:  String endpoint = 
http://localhost/webservice/services/SessionManagement;  Service service = new Service();  Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(endpoint); call.setOperationName
(new QName(http://my.namespace.setting, openSession)); String ret = (String) call.invoke(null); System.out.println(got:  + ret);
basically that is just fine, but I cannot get access to the soap header. the XML generated is exactly this: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema xmlns:xsi=
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance soapenv:Body  ns1:openSession soapenv:encodingStyle=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ xmlns:ns1=http://my.namespace.setting / /soapenv:Body/soapenv:Envelope... but I need something like this (this is actually working):
SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ xmlns:SOAP-ENC=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xmlns:xsd=
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema SOAP-ENV:Header  usernamevdbvdb/username  passwordvdbvdbvdb/password /SOAP-ENV:Header SOAP-ENV:Body
  m:openSession xmlns:m=http://my.namespace.setting SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/
 / /SOAP-ENV:Body/SOAP-ENV:Envelopecan you maybe (pretty please :) help me out?Greetings  thanks in advance, Axel.

Re: Get SOAP header from Call instance?

2006-05-11 Thread Davanum Srinivas

use call's addHeader

-- dims

On 5/11/06, Axel Bock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am having BIG problems with a very, very, very simple Axis WS call.

Basically I am trying to get a String back from a web service, which has
only one method without parameters. I managed to generate stubs and call it,
but I would really like to call it without having to build stubs.

problem is, the web service requires (!) a username and a password in the
soap header (I can't do nothing about that). My code so far looks like this:

  String endpoint = 
  Service service = new Service();
  Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
  call.setOperationName (new QName(http://my.namespace.setting;,
  String ret = (String) call.invoke(null);
  System.out.println(got:  + ret);

basically that is just fine, but I cannot get access to the soap header. the
XML generated is exactly this:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=
xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; xmlns:xsi=
ns1:openSession soapenv:encodingStyle=
xmlns:ns1=http://my.namespace.setting; /

... but I need something like this (this is actually working):

xmlns:SOAP-ENC= http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/;
xmlns:xsd= http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;
m:openSession xmlns:m=http://my.namespace.setting;

can you maybe (pretty please :) help me out?

Greetings  thanks in advance,

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

Re: Get SOAP header from Call instance?

2006-05-11 Thread Axel Bock
Oh, sorry - I didn't mention. I guess you're assuming I'm using Axis 2. I'm not :)And my call does not have an addHeader() method, as much as I wish for it :))Greetinsg  thanks, Axel.
On 5/11/06, Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
use call's addHeader(http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-tipsoap.html)-- dimsOn 5/11/06, Axel Bock 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I am having BIG problems with a very, very, very simple Axis WS call. Basically I am trying to get a String back from a web service, which has
 only one method without parameters. I managed to generate stubs and call it, but I would really like to call it without having to build stubs. problem is, the web service requires (!) a username and a password in the
 soap header (I can't do nothing about that). My code so far looks like this: String endpoint =  http://localhost/webservice/services/SessionManagement
; Service service = new Service(); Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(endpoint); call.setOperationName (new QName(
http://my.namespace.setting, openSession)); String ret = (String) call.invoke(null); System.out.println(got:  + ret); basically that is just fine, but I cannot get access to the soap header. the
 XML generated is exactly this: ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= 
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema xmlns:xsi= 
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance soapenv:Body ns1:openSession soapenv:encodingStyle= http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/
 xmlns:ns1=http://my.namespace.setting / /soapenv:Body /soapenv:Envelope ... but I need something like this (this is actually working):
 SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ xmlns:SOAP-ENC= 
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance xmlns:xsd= 
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema SOAP-ENV:Header usernamevdbvdb/username passwordvdbvdbvdb/password /SOAP-ENV:Header
 SOAP-ENV:Body m:openSession xmlns:m=http://my.namespace.setting SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=
http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/  / /SOAP-ENV:Body /SOAP-ENV:Envelope can you maybe (pretty please :) help me out?
 Greetings  thanks in advance, Axel.--Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

Re: Get SOAP header from Call instance?

2006-05-11 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Nope. i made no such assumption :) Please read the url carefully. note
the package names.

-- dims

On 5/11/06, Axel Bock [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh, sorry - I didn't mention. I guess you're assuming I'm using Axis 2.
I'm not :)
And my call does not have an addHeader() method, as much as I wish for it

Greetinsg  thanks,

 On 5/11/06, Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 use call's addHeader


 -- dims

 On 5/11/06, Axel Bock  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am having BIG problems with a very, very, very simple Axis WS call.
  Basically I am trying to get a String back from a web service, which has
  only one method without parameters. I managed to generate stubs and call
  but I would really like to call it without having to build stubs.
  problem is, the web service requires (!) a username and a password in
  soap header (I can't do nothing about that). My code so far looks like
String endpoint = 
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setOperationName (new QName( http://my.namespace.setting;,
String ret = (String) call.invoke(null);
System.out.println(got:  + ret);
  basically that is just fine, but I cannot get access to the soap header.
  XML generated is exactly this:
  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=
  ns1:openSession soapenv:encodingStyle=
  xmlns:ns1=http://my.namespace.setting; /
  ... but I need something like this (this is actually working):
  xmlns:xsd= http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;
  m:openSession xmlns:m=http://my.namespace.setting;
  can you maybe (pretty please :) help me out?
  Greetings  thanks in advance,

 Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Joshua . White

I tried the following and I still get
a 401 error:

myService = new MyServiceLocator();
URL serviceUrl
= new URL(http://localhost:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);

mspt = myService.getMyServicePortTypeSoapPort(serviceUrl); 
stub = (Stub)mspt;

result =

Is there something else I need to do?

05/11/2006 02:08 PM
Please respond to axis-user

   How to do basic http authentication
with axis 1.3 client?

I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying a username/password.
When the service was unsecured, I used to be able to call it like

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
URL serviceUrl = new URL(http://localhost:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);

MyServicePortType mspt = myService.getMyServicePortTypeSoapPort(serviceUrl);

result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication (username/password),
how do I specify my username/password when connecting to the service?



This communication, including attachments, is
for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
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strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
destroy all copies.

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread James Gough
I am new to this, so by all means this may not be the way to do it, but 
perhaps you can try:

   URL serviceUrl = new 
URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);



I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();  
URL serviceUrl = new 
MyServicePortType mspt = 

   * Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*
result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

Is there something else I need to do?


05/11/2006 02:08 PM
Please respond to axis-user

Subject:How to do basic http authentication with axis 
1.3 client?

I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying a 
username/password.  When the service was unsecured, I used to be able 
to call it like this:

   MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();  
   URL serviceUrl = new 
   MyServicePortType mspt = 

   result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication 
(username/password), how do I specify my username/password when 
connecting to the service?



This communication, including attachments, is
for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is
strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
destroy all copies.

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Joshua . White

Thanks for the reply James. No
dice though. Any other ideas?


05/11/2006 02:39 PM
Please respond to axis-user

   Re: How to do basic http authentication
with axis 1.3 client?

I am new to this, so by all means this may not be
the way to do it, but 
perhaps you can try:

URL serviceUrl = new 
URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);



 I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:

 MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
 URL serviceUrl = new 
 MyServicePortType mspt = 
* Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*

 result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Is there something else I need to do?


 05/11/2006 02:08 PM
 Please respond to axis-user

to do basic http authentication with axis 
 1.3 client?

 I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying
 username/password. When the service was unsecured, I used to
be able 
 to call it like this:

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
URL serviceUrl = new 
MyServicePortType mspt = 

result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication 
 (username/password), how do I specify my username/password when 
 connecting to the service?



 This communication, including attachments, is
 for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
 confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
 recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution
 strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please
 the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication
 destroy all copies.

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Joshua . White

Never mind!

05/11/2006 02:45 PM
Please respond to axis-user

   Re: How to do basic http authentication
with axis 1.3 client?

Thanks for the reply James. No dice though. Any other ideas?



05/11/2006 02:39 PM

Please respond to axis-user 



Subject:Re: How
to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

I am new to this, so by all means this may not be the way to do it, but

perhaps you can try:

URL serviceUrl = new 
URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);



 I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:

 MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
 URL serviceUrl = new 
 MyServicePortType mspt = 
* Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*

 result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Is there something else I need to do?


 05/11/2006 02:08 PM
 Please respond to axis-user

to do basic http authentication with axis 
 1.3 client?

 I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying
 username/password. When the service was unsecured, I used to
be able 
 to call it like this:

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
URL serviceUrl = new 
MyServicePortType mspt = 

result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication 
 (username/password), how do I specify my username/password when 
 connecting to the service?



 This communication, including attachments, is
 for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
 confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
 recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution
 strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please
 the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication
 destroy all copies.

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread James Gough

So that worked?


Never mind!


05/11/2006 02:45 PM
Please respond to axis-user

Subject:Re: How to do basic http authentication with 
axis 1.3 client?

Thanks for the reply James.  No dice though.  Any other ideas?



05/11/2006 02:39 PM
Please respond to axis-user

   Subject:Re: How to do basic http authentication with 
axis 1.3 client?

I am new to this, so by all means this may not be the way to do it, but
perhaps you can try:

  URL serviceUrl = new
URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);



 I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:

 MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();  
 URL serviceUrl = new

 MyServicePortType mspt =
* Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*

 result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Is there something else I need to do?


 05/11/2006 02:08 PM
 Please respond to axis-user

 Subject:How to do basic http authentication with axis

 1.3 client?

 I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying a
 username/password.  When the service was unsecured, I used to be able
 to call it like this:

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();  
URL serviceUrl = new

MyServicePortType mspt =

result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

 Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication
 (username/password), how do I specify my username/password when
 connecting to the service?




 This communication, including attachments, is
 for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
 confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
 recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or 
distribution is
 strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please 

 the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
 destroy all copies.

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Joshua . White


It was a PEBCAK error.  I mistyped
the username. =)


05/11/2006 02:53 PM
Please respond to axis-user

   Re: How to do basic http authentication
with axis 1.3 client?

So that worked?


 Never mind!


 05/11/2006 02:45 PM
 Please respond to axis-user

How to do basic http authentication with 
 axis 1.3 client?

 Thanks for the reply James. No dice though. Any other



 05/11/2006 02:39 PM
 Please respond to axis-user

How to do basic http authentication with 
 axis 1.3 client?

 I am new to this, so by all means this may not be the way to do it,
 perhaps you can try:

URL serviceUrl = new
 URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);


  I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:
  MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
  URL serviceUrl = new
  MyServicePortType mspt =
 * Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*
  result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);
  Is there something else I need to do?
  05/11/2006 02:08 PM
  Please respond to axis-user
to do basic http authentication with axis
  1.3 client?
  I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying
  username/password. When the service was unsecured, I used
to be able
  to call it like this:
 MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();
 URL serviceUrl = new
 MyServicePortType mspt =
 result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);
  Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication
  (username/password), how do I specify my username/password when
  connecting to the service?
  This communication, including attachments, is
  for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
  confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the
  recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or 
 distribution is
  strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please

  the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication
  destroy all copies.

Re: Get SOAP header from Call instance?

2006-05-11 Thread Roman Weidlich

Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found) getting:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

[Axis2 1.0] ADB version has problems, too

2006-05-11 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss

Hi there,

We've tried to go with a new approach and created an ADB version of our 
service, since the databinding with xmlbeans seemed to be the problem 
before. We are still using a similar WSDL file as before, but now we get 
an error early on with the ServiceStub initialization. This is our main 

public static void main(String[] args) {
  try {
String str = 
XMLStreamReader x = 
XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(str));
TextLocServiceStub.PredictLocalizationRequest pdoc = 
TextLocServiceStub sender = new 
TextLocServiceStub.PredictLocalizationResponse res = 

} catch (Exception e) {
This is our stack trace:
Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.apache.axis2.Run.main(Run.java:19)
Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: 
java.lang.NullPointerException (Caused by 
java.lang.NullPointerException) (Caused by 
java.lang.NullPointerException (Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException))

at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(LogFactory.java:351)

... 3 more
Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: 
java.lang.NullPointerException (Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException)

... 7 more
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

... 8 more


Please let us know if this is something we've done wrong or if there is 
a general bug in the WSDL2Java code generation part... We somehow 
weren't able to create a non-RPC style service with it ever since AXIS2 


-- Sebi

EchoNonBlockingDualClient -- JVM_Bind

2006-05-11 Thread Roman Weidlich

Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found) getting:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

[Axis2 1.0] Request for ANY working WSDL with Axis2 1.0 and WSDL2Java

2006-05-11 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss

Hi there!

Does anyone have *any* WSDL file that can be passed to WSDL2Java in 
Axis2 1.0 that uses non-RPC style messaging and produces a valid service 
and client?

We've been having problems with our valid WSDL files ever since Axis2 
0.95. All we need is one working WSDL that has been tested with WSDL2Java.

We're building a service from scratch that uses some xs:complex-types as 
input and returns some of those as output. Therefore we cannot use RPC.
If there is a way to circumvent the WSDL2Java program altogether, we 
would be happy with that as well.

Please let us know if there is someone who got it all working already :)

Thanks for your time

-- Sebastian


2006-05-11 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss

Hi there,

sorry for the many emails, there seem to be a lot of questions today...

Whenever you create a service with WSDL2Java and first build it, there 
is always a .jar file in addition to the .aar file in the build/lib/ 
directory, called servicename-test-client.jar

Is this really intended to be a test client for the service you just 
created? How do you call it? It doesn't seem to have a main function, at 
least when you run it with the command

java -jar service-test-client.jar
you get the message
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from

Can anyone tell us more about this file?


-- Sebastian

Re: [Axis2 1.0] ADB version has problems, too

2006-05-11 Thread robert lazarski
This time it seems like its just a commons-logging issue - though I
can't remember ever seeing it fail like you show. Make sure you have
commons-logging jars in place and the default
commons-logging.properties in place. The last few axis2 releases have
had log4j as the commons-logging implementation, so you may need the
log4j.jar and log4.properties as well. 

BTW, I'm also stuck on xmlbeans. I've done some digging, and hope to get back on it this weekend. 

http://www.braziloutsource.com/On 5/11/06, Sebastian J. Schultheiss 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hi there,We've tried to go with a new approach and created an ADB version of our
service, since the databinding with xmlbeans seemed to be the problembefore. We are still using a similar WSDL file as before, but now we getan error early on with the ServiceStub initialization. This is our main
class:===public static void main(String[] args) { try { String str =xml-fragmentsequenceASDF/sequenceorganismANIMAL/organism/xml-fragment;
 XMLStreamReader x =XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(str)); TextLocServiceStub.PredictLocalizationRequest pdoc =TextLocServiceStub.PredictLocalizationRequest.Factory.parse
(x); TextLocServiceStub sender = newTextLocServiceStub(http://localhost/axis2/services/TextLocService); TextLocServiceStub.PredictLocalizationResponse
 res =sender.predictLocalization(pdoc); System.out.println(res.toString());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}===
This is our stack trace:===Exception in thread main java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerErrorat org.apache.axis2.TextLocServiceStub.init(
TextLocServiceStub.java:88)at org.apache.axis2.TextLocServiceStub.init(TextLocServiceStub.java:80)at org.apache.axis2.Run.main(Run.java:19)Caused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException
:org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:java.lang.NullPointerException (Caused byjava.lang.NullPointerException) (Caused byorg.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:java.lang.NullPointerException
 (Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException))atorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.newInstance(LogFactoryImpl.java:543)atorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.getInstance
(LogFactoryImpl.java:235)atorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.getInstance(LogFactoryImpl.java:209)at org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.getLog(LogFactory.java:351)at
org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory.clinit(ConfigurationContextFactory.java:24)... 3 moreCaused by: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException:java.lang.NullPointerException
 (Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException)atorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.getLogConstructor(LogFactoryImpl.java:397)atorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.newInstance
(LogFactoryImpl.java:529)... 7 moreCaused by: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionatorg.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl.getLogConstructor(LogFactoryImpl.java:374)... 8 more
===Please let us know if this is something we've done wrong or if there isa general bug in the WSDL2Java code generation part... We somehowweren't able to create a non-RPC style service with it ever since AXIS2
0.95.Thanks,-- Sebi

Re: EchoNonBlockingDualClient -- JVM_Bind

2006-05-11 Thread Eran Chinthaka
Roman Weidlich wrote:
 Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found) getting:
 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Do u have any listener opened in port 6060 ?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Axis2 1.0] Request for ANY working WSDL with Axis2 1.0 and WSDL2Java

2006-05-11 Thread Eran Chinthaka
Interesting comments :).

Can you please create a bug report in JIRA
(http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2) with your valid WSDL
please. We might be able to help you.

-- Chinthaka

Sebastian J. Schultheiss wrote:
 Hi there!
 Does anyone have *any* WSDL file that can be passed to WSDL2Java in
 Axis2 1.0 that uses non-RPC style messaging and produces a valid service
 and client?
 We've been having problems with our valid WSDL files ever since Axis2
 0.95. All we need is one working WSDL that has been tested with WSDL2Java.
 We're building a service from scratch that uses some xs:complex-types as
 input and returns some of those as output. Therefore we cannot use RPC.
 If there is a way to circumvent the WSDL2Java program altogether, we
 would be happy with that as well.
 Please let us know if there is someone who got it all working already :)
 Thanks for your time
 -- Sebastian

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: WSE 817 error - bad wsdl or just newbie stupidity?

2006-05-11 Thread James Gough
Thanks, Anne. 

I'm wondering if there is a way on the client side to signal to the 
server that you want it to use the Action in the body of the SOAP 
message and ignore the SOAP Actor in the headers?


Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
Wed, 10 May 2006 06:06:02 -0700

So you should tell the folks that built the service that they should 
define a more reasonable Actor attribute. To make it easier for 
consumers, the Actor attribute should be the same as the service 
endpoint URL.

The wsa:To value specifies the destination property, which is a URI 
that represents the Actor to whom the request is targeted -- not the 
physical location of the service. (The physical location may change, 
after all.)

Based on your error message, you should specify the destination property 
as urn:AWordICannotFindAnywhereInMyCode.


Re: [Axis2 1.0] Data binding Error after WSDL2Java code generation

2006-05-11 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
For some reason the tool put a line break between the l and ocation in the location attribute in the service definition. Please file a JIRA.Anne
On 5/11/06, Sebastian J. Schultheiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Anne,thanks for your response. We re-run the WSDL2Java Tool after removingthe namespace attribute from the soap:body tags. However, the WSDLthat is generated by the WSDL2Java tool (the one you find in the
specified -o directory/resources) is not formatted like that, I'veattached it.Why does the WSDL2Java Tool not just use the WSDL file given to it bythe -uri switch and instead creates its own?Can you please check and see if it is valid? If not, maybe that is the
source of the problem: even if you give the WSDL2Java a valid WSDL file,it creates one itself that has errors.Thanks,-- SebastianAnne Thomas Manes wrote:  Sebastian,   There are errors in your WSDL. You must remove the namespace attributes  from the soap:body binding descriptions. (The namespace attribute must  be use only with RPC style.)

Re: How to do basic http authentication with axis 1.3 client?

2006-05-11 Thread Dies Koper

Hello James, Joshua,

Just in case, I'll quote the example from the JAX-RPC 1.1 spec that 
explains the way to do this.

StockQuoteProvider_Stub sqp = // ... get to the stub;
sqp._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
sqp._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password);
float quote = sqp.getLastTradePrice(ACME);

This will make your client also work with any other (JAX-RPC1.1 
compatible) SOAP engine.


James Gough wrote:
I am new to this, so by all means this may not be the way to do it, but 
perhaps you can try:

   URL serviceUrl = new 
URL(http://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL);



I tried the following and I still get a 401 error:

MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator();  URL 
serviceUrl = new URL(http://localhost:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL;);
MyServicePortType mspt = 

   * Stub stub = (Stub)mspt;*
   result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

Is there something else I need to do?


05/11/2006 02:08 PM
Please respond to axis-user

cc:Subject:How to do basic http 
authentication with axis 1.3 client?

I generated my stubs using the axis-wsdl2java ant task specifying a 
username/password.  When the service was unsecured, I used to be able 
to call it like this:

   MyService myService = new MyServiceLocator(); URL 
serviceUrl = new URL(http://localhost:7001/webservice/MyService?WSDL;);
   MyServicePortType mspt = 

   result = mspt.getSomeResult(79744);

Now that the service has been secured using basic authentication 
(username/password), how do I specify my username/password when 
connecting to the service?



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the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
destroy all copies.

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Tel. +81(45)-473-9392  (internal 7124-3023)

Axis2: Unexpected subelement fees

2006-05-11 Thread Dan Washusen
Hi All, I'm getting a weird error and I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong because I have no idea what's going on...I've generated a client using the org.apache.axis2.tool.ant.AntCodegenTask class and filled in the todos in the generated test case, however when I run the test Axis spits out the following error:
 [junit] Testcase: testprocess(org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest): Caused an ERROR
 [junit] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM
(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:345) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.process(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:114) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest.testprocess
(RetrieveClientDetailsTest.java:24) [junit] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] at au.com.nxf.www.nxfmessagetypes.ClientDetailsType$Factory.parse(ClientDetailsType.java
:579) [junit] at au.com.nxf.www.retrieveclientdetails.RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponse$Factory.parse(RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponse.java:149) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM
(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:337) [junit] ... 17 moreMy XSD looks like this (well here's the relevant bit of it):
xsd:complexType name=ClientDetailsType xsd:sequence xsd:element name=partyId type=xsd:long/ xsd:element name=externalId type=xsd:string/
 xsd:element name=description type=xsd:string nillable=true/ xsd:element name=company type=xsd:string nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=abnacn type=xsd:string nillable=true/ xsd:element name=cmtAccount1Id type=xsd:long nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=cmtAccount2Id type=xsd:long nillable=true/ xsd:element name=contact type=ContactType nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/
 xsd:element name=address type=SiteType nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/ xsd:element name=fees type=ClientFeesType/ 
 xsd:element name=lastStatement type=xsd:date nillable=true/ xsd:element name=status type=status nillable=true/
 /xsd:sequence /xsd:complexType xsd:complexType name=ClientFeesType xsd:sequence xsd:element name=lineFee type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=shortFee type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/ xsd:element name=brokerage type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=interestRate type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/ xsd:element name=rebate type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 /xsd:sequence /xsd:complexTypeAnd the SOAP envelope looks like this:
Client 1/ns1:descriptionns1:company

/ns1:mobile  99/
ns1:mobilens1:email[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ns1:line21 Elizabeth Street/ns1:line2
/RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponseI found a Jira issue that seems to be related but I don't really follow the comments:
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-632?page=comments#action_12377038Any ideas?Cheers,Dan
p.s. I'm running Axis2 1.0 on a Windows XP machine with JDK 1.4.2_11. 

pivot handler

2006-05-11 Thread Yev Kelman
does anybody know how to setup pivot handler programmatically (similar to
client-config.wsdd) on a client side of web service?

Yevgeniy Kelman

Re: pivot handler

2006-05-11 Thread robert lazarski
Do you mean invoke a handler on the client side programatically, without a client.wsdd ? That would be: 

//pre-populated, pass any set of vars as a Map to handler for custom use
HashMap invokeProps;
QName portQN = new QName(endpoint, pq);
ServiceFactory sf = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
Service svc = sf.createService(svcQName);
//add ClientHandler to chain of events
java.util.List list = svc.getHandlerRegistry().getHandlerChain(portQN);
list.add(new javax.xml.rpc.handler.HandlerInfo(ClientHandler.class,this.handlerConfig,null));

In this case ClientHandler implements javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler . 

If that's not what you meant - I guess I don't understand what you mean by pivot. 

http://www.braziloutsource.com/On 5/11/06, Yev Kelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hi,does anybody know how to setup pivot handler programmatically (similar to
client-config.wsdd) on a client side of web service?ThanksYevgeniy Kelman

Re: Axis2: Unexpected subelement fees

2006-05-11 Thread robert lazarski
Even though it may be big, could you attach your entire wsdl ? It
also may help us figure out the problem is you show us you params you
passed to wsdl2java. One other thing: Is the client request making it
to the server, and perhaps returning a reponse the client can't parse?
(late here, sorry if I'm not making sense ;-) ) 

On 5/11/06, Dan Washusen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi All, I'm getting a weird error and I was hoping someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong because I have no idea what's going on...I've generated a client using the org.apache.axis2.tool.ant.AntCodegenTask

class and filled in the todos in the generated test case, however when
I run the test Axis spits out the following error:
 [junit] Testcase: testprocess(org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest): Caused an ERROR
 [junit] java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM

(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:345) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.process(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:114) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest.testprocess

(RetrieveClientDetailsTest.java:24) [junit] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected subelement fees [junit] at au.com.nxf.www.nxfmessagetypes.ClientDetailsType$Factory.parse(ClientDetailsType.java

:579) [junit] at au.com.nxf.www.retrieveclientdetails.RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponse$Factory.parse(RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponse.java:149) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM

(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:337) [junit] ... 17 moreMy XSD looks like this (well here's the relevant bit of it):

xsd:complexType name=ClientDetailsType xsd:sequence xsd:element name=partyId type=xsd:long/ xsd:element name=externalId type=xsd:string/
 xsd:element name=description type=xsd:string nillable=true/ xsd:element name=company type=xsd:string nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=abnacn type=xsd:string nillable=true/ xsd:element name=cmtAccount1Id type=xsd:long nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=cmtAccount2Id type=xsd:long nillable=true/
xsd:element name=contact type=ContactType nillable=true
minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/
 xsd:element name=address
type=SiteType nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/ xsd:element name=fees type=ClientFeesType/ 
 xsd:element name=lastStatement type=xsd:date nillable=true/ xsd:element name=status type=status nillable=true/
 /xsd:sequence /xsd:complexType xsd:complexType name=ClientFeesType xsd:sequence xsd:element name=lineFee type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=shortFee type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/ xsd:element name=brokerage type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 xsd:element name=interestRate type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/ xsd:element name=rebate type=xsd:decimal nillable=true/
 /xsd:sequence /xsd:complexTypeAnd the SOAP envelope looks like this:

Client 1/ns1:descriptionns1:company

/ns1:mobile  99/
ns1:mobilens1:email[EMAIL PROTECTED]


ns1:line21 Elizabeth Street/ns1:line2
/RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponseI found a Jira issue that seems to be related but I don't really follow the comments:
Any ideas?Cheers,Dan
p.s. I'm running Axis2 1.0 on a Windows XP machine with JDK 1.4.2_11. 

RE: pivot handler

2006-05-11 Thread Yev Kelman
it is not an a soap rpc handler. I refer to a handler similar to JMSSender
class. The problem is that under IBM i have a conflict - IBM also use
client-config.wsdd, but they keep it inside one of there jars.

-Original Message-
From: robert lazarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:47 PM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org; Yevgeniy K
Subject: Re: pivot handler

Do you mean invoke a handler on the client side programatically, without a
client.wsdd ? That would be:

//pre-populated, pass any set of vars as a Map to handler for custom use
HashMap invokeProps;
QName portQN = new QName(endpoint, pq);
ServiceFactory sf = ServiceFactory.newInstance();
Service svc = sf.createService(svcQName);
//add ClientHandler to chain of events
java.util.List list = svc.getHandlerRegistry().getHandlerChain(portQN);

In this case ClientHandler implements javax.xml.rpc.handler.Handler .

If that's not what you meant - I guess I don't understand what you mean by


On 5/11/06, Yev Kelman [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
does anybody know how to setup pivot handler programmatically (similar to
client-config.wsdd) on a client side of web service?

Yevgeniy Kelman

Re: Axis2: Unexpected subelement fees

2006-05-11 Thread Dennis Sosnoski
And the new error is very likely because your SOAP message has an empty 
ns1:brokerage/ element, which is not valid for an xsd:decimal value.

 - Dennis

Dan Washusen wrote:

Thanks for that Sanjiva, you were spot on.  I did have the elements 
out of order in the SOAP envolope...

I'm not getting:

[junit] Testcase:
testprocess(org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest):  Caused
[junit] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: 
[junit] java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NumberFormatException : For input string: 
[junit] at

[junit] at

[junit] at

[junit] Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
[junit] at

[junit] at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:415)
[junit] at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:452)
[junit] at

[junit] at

[junit] at

[junit] at

[junit] ... 17 more

But that's probably a whole new issue...

As a side note, if any of the Asix2 developers are listening.  You 
could possibly improve the user friendliness of Axis by making the 
exceptions a bit more informative...

e.g. Unexpected subelement fees, expected element contact.  It's 
possible the SOAP envelope doesn't adhere to the XSD or something...

On 5/12/06, * Sanjiva Weerawarana* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 12:21 +1000, Dan Washusen wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm getting a weird error and I was hoping someone could tell me
 I'm doing wrong because I have no idea what's going on...

   xsd:element name=company type=xsd:string
   xsd:element name=abnacn type=xsd:string
   xsd:element name=cmtAccount1Id type=xsd:long
   xsd:element name=cmtAccount2Id type=xsd:long
   xsd:element name=contact type=ContactType
 nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/
   xsd:element name=address type=SiteType
 nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/
   xsd:element name=fees type=ClientFeesType/

So according to your schema, before the fees element, there must
be at
least one contact element and an address element.

 ns1:interestRate 5.75/ns1:interestRate

But the SOAP message doesn't have it. It looks like whoever generated
the SOAP envelope is not adhering to the schema.


Re: Axis2: Unexpected subelement fees

2006-05-11 Thread Dan Washusen
Interesting, so how do I specify a null value for brokerage?I found http://redrice.com/schemavalid/faq/xml-schema.html#c2 but it seems a little cumbersome/crap... 
On 5/12/06, Dennis Sosnoski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
And the new error is very likely because your SOAP message has an emptyns1:brokerage/ element, which is not valid for an xsd:decimal value.- DennisDan Washusen wrote: Thanks for that Sanjiva, you were spot on.I did have the elements
 out of order in the SOAP envolope... I'm not getting: [junit] Testcase: testprocess(org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest):Caused an ERROR
 [junit] java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string:  [junit] java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NumberFormatException : For input string:  [junit] at
 org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java:345) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.process(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java
 :114) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsTest.testprocess(RetrieveClientDetailsTest.java:24) [junit] Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input
 string:  [junit] at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48) [junit] at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:415)
 [junit] at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:452) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil.convertTolong(ConverterUtil.java:269) [junit] at
 au.com.nxf.www.nxfmessagetypes.ClientDetailsType$Factory.parse(ClientDetailsType.java:571) [junit] at au.com.nxf.www.retrieveclientdetails.RetrieveClientDetailsProcessResponse$Factory.parse
(RetrieveClien tDetailsProcessResponse.java:149) [junit] at org.apache.axis2.RetrieveClientDetailsStub.fromOM(RetrieveClientDetailsStub.java :337) [junit] ... 17 more
 But that's probably a whole new issue... As a side note, if any of the Asix2 developers are listening.You could possibly improve the user friendliness of Axis by making the
 exceptions a bit more informative... e.g. Unexpected subelement fees, expected element contact.It's possible the SOAP envelope doesn't adhere to the XSD or something...
 On 5/12/06, * Sanjiva Weerawarana* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 12:21 +1000, Dan Washusen wrote:  Hi All,  I'm getting a weird error and I was hoping someone could tell me what  I'm doing wrong because I have no idea what's going on...
   xsd:element name=company type=xsd:string  nillable=true/  xsd:element name=abnacn type=xsd:string
  nillable=true/  xsd:element name=cmtAccount1Id type=xsd:long  nillable=true/  xsd:element name=cmtAccount2Id type=xsd:long
  nillable=true/  xsd:element name=contact type=ContactType  nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/
  xsd:element name=address type=SiteType  nillable=true minOccurs=1 maxOccurs=unbounded/  xsd:element name=fees type=ClientFeesType/
 So according to your schema, before the fees element, there must be at least one contact element and an address element.  ns1:company/
  ns1:abnacn/  ns1:fees  ns1:lineFee7.5/ns1:lineFee  ns1:shortFee10/ns1:shortFee
  ns1:brokerage/  ns1:interestRate 5.75/ns1:interestRate  ns1:rebate/  /ns1:fees
 But the SOAP message doesn't have it. It looks like whoever generated the SOAP envelope is not adhering to the schema. Sanjiva.

Re: EchoNonBlockingDualClient -- JVM_Bind

2006-05-11 Thread Roman Weidlich

It seems port 6060 was occupied by something, thx.

Eran Chinthaka wrote:

Roman Weidlich wrote:

Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found) getting:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

Do u have any listener opened in port 6060 ?

How to save my changes after executing wsdl2java

2006-05-11 Thread Bali, Vikas
I have one question...
1) I have created one Java class with say 2 methods A() and B().
2) Then I executed Java2WSDL to generate the wsdl file.
3) and then I executed wsdl to java to get all set of java files like
*Service.java;*SoapBindingImpl.java etc.
4) In the SoapBindingImpl.java I made changes related to the
implementation things required in methods A() and B();
5) If I want to add another method C() to my exiting java class and If I
execute the steps from 1-3
then either 
a) all my existed implemetation got vanished for moethods
A() and B() 
b) my *SoapBindingImpl.java does not contain the added
method C() skeleton into this classs.
How can I solve this problem...I want if I make any change in my started
java class only the changed methods got afffected and the newly 
added methods got also added without affecting my existed

Re: EchoNonBlockingDualClient -- JVM_Bind

2006-05-11 Thread Eran Chinthaka
I sitll consider this as a bug, as if IIRC, we implemented to switch to
the next port if one port is not available.

Will create a JIRA out of this.

Roman Weidlich wrote:
 It seems port 6060 was occupied by something, thx.
 Eran Chinthaka wrote:
 Roman Weidlich wrote:
 Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found)

 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind

 Do u have any listener opened in port 6060 ?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Axis 2 v1.0 security sample

2006-05-11 Thread Nathan West
my Problem is that i get a URL Exception. My first Problem was, that the axis 
security sample client cant find his axis2.xml in the repository. So i used 
-Daxis2.xml... to solve that problem. But now i get this exception:

0[main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  - no services 
directory found , new one created
80   [main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  - Deploying 
module : addressing-1.0
2133 [main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  - Deploying 
module : rampart-1.0
Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:381)
at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:473)
at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send(AxisEngine.java:572)
at sample.security.Client.main(Client.java:61)

I followed these instructions:

Please follow each of the following steps:
Note - These instructions assume that the Axis2.war is already deployed in 

1.) Download the rampart-1.0.mar and addressing-1.0.mar from 
2.) To engage the rampart (WSS4J) module add the following line to axis2.xml in 
module ref=rampart/
3.) Copy samples/security/SecureService.aar to axis2/WEB-INF/services/ directory
4.) Copy all jars other than the secUtil.jar in the samples/security/lib 
directory to axis2/WEB-INF/lib/
5.) Copy the downloaded rampart-1.0.mar to Axis2/WEB-INF/modules/ directory
6.) Start Tomcat

Run the sample

And i am using:
-tomcat 5.5
-java 1.4
-axis 2 version 1.0
-security sample: \axis2-std-1.0-bin\samples\security

Best regards
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Re: EchoNonBlockingDualClient -- JVM_Bind

2006-05-11 Thread Ali Sadik Kumlali
Hi Eran,

I also reported -but didn't create a jira log :)- related with this
problem. So, if you want, you may also add information found in
postings with Re: [Axis2] SimpleHTTPServer port conflict for multiple
EchoNonBlockingDualClient threads subject.


Ali Sadik Kumlali

--- Eran Chinthaka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I sitll consider this as a bug, as if IIRC, we implemented to switch
 the next port if one port is not available.
 Will create a JIRA out of this.
 Roman Weidlich wrote:
  It seems port 6060 was occupied by something, thx.
  Eran Chinthaka wrote:
  Roman Weidlich wrote:
  Trying the EchoNonBlockingDualClient (addressing module is found)
  org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
  Do u have any listener opened in port 6060 ?

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