[AXIS2] Handling XML Document in parameters

2009-05-20 Thread Laurent Even

Hi all,

I've created a web service which takes a XML document in parameter (more 
precisely an OMElement).

This web service has 2 wsdl (message and document type) linked to a XSD.
I've generated stubs for each wsdl and they look fine to me
Then, I needed to test this web service from:

  1. a Internet explorer by passing the xml string to the web service
 like this:
  2. a the message stub from a test program
  3. a the document stub from a test program

So... :

  1. I call the web service from an Internet explorer
  2. I wrote a message test program:
 org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement soapObjReturn =
 Where xml is a org.w3c.dom.Document
  3. I wrote a Document test program in which I've just used the
 generated type to call the service

My web service method looks like this :

public OMElement read(OMElement xml){
Conversion of OMElement to org.w3c.dom.Document

So far so good  but  I've noticed that depending on the way I'm 
calling the stub, the OMElement in the web service method is populated 
For instance, to get the XML string in order to convert it into a 
org.w3c.dom.Document, I had to developp some ugly code

if (!xml.getText().equals()){
}else if (!xml.getFirstElement().getText().equals()){
}else if (!xml.toString().equals()){

It works fine but I think I'm missing something really important on how 
to handle org.w3c.dom.Document with OMElement

Does someone have best practices on OMElement and w3c document?


Here an extract of the message WSDL (type part)
schema targetNamespace=http://.com; 

element name=read type=xsd:anyType /

element name=readReturn type=xsd:anyType /
   wsdl:message name=readRequest
   wsdl:part name=part element=tns1:read/
   wsdl:message name=readResponse
   wsdl:part element=impl:readReturn name=readReturn /
   wsdl:portType name=XXXPortType
   wsdl:operation name=read
   wsdl:input message=axis2:readRequest wsaw:Action=urn:read/
   wsdl:output message=axis2:readResponse 


Here the extract for WSDL document wsdl:types part.
   schema xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; 
   xsd:import namespace=http://.com/schema/; 

   wsdl:message name=readRequest
   wsdl:part element=xsdXXX:XXX name=part /
   wsdl:message name=readResponse
   wsdl:part element=xsdXXX:XXX name=readReturn /
   wsdl:portType name=XXPortType
   wsdl:operation name=read
   wsdl:input message=axis2:readRequest wsaw:Action=urn:read/
   wsdl:output message=axis2:readResponse 



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fn:Laurent EVEN
org;quoted-printable:SAB Ing=C3=A9nierie Informatique;Service RIC - Bureau 203
adr;dom:Rue Henri Becquerel;;CP27 - P.I.B.S.;VANNES;;56038
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur d'=C3=A9tudes
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Re: [AXIS2] Accessing classes inside aar from a jar located in the lib directory

2009-05-15 Thread Laurent Even


thanks for your response.
Basically, my class in the WEB-INF/lib contains core functions which are 
used by all services.

Each service contains specific code.
for each service call, I have
service - core (web-inf/lib) - service
Is there a simple way to get the classloader dynamically for a class in 
WEB-INF/lib directory?


Andreas Veithen a écrit :


By design, there is a distinct class loader for each AAR. This is
important to isolate services from each other. The classes in the JARs
in WEB-INF/lib are loaded by the Web app class loader, which is the
parent of the AAR class loaders. It is therefore normal that a class
in WEB-INF/lib (or WEB-INF/classes) can't load a class from an AAR
file. There are ways around this, but first you should make sure that
you are not running into this issue because of a flaw in your design.
What is actually the use case for this?


2009/5/14 Laurent Even laurent-e...@sab2i.com:

Hi all,

I have some classes in a jar which is located in the WEB-INF/lib directory
of my application.
I deployed several services in this application.
So far so good but (always a but ;) )
I'm doing a classforname from my jar fil (WEB-INF/lib) that try to
instantiate a class inside a service (aar)
I'm getting a classnotfound exception.
I found several post on the internet talking of classnotfound exception but
only for service deployment
I also used the parameter ServiceTCCL for my service (parameter
name=ServiceTCCL locked=falsecomposite/parameter) without success.

If you have any clue on how to solve this problem, please, let me know



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fn:Laurent EVEN
org;quoted-printable:SAB Ing=C3=A9nierie Informatique;Service RIC - Bureau 203
adr;dom:Rue Henri Becquerel;;CP27 - P.I.B.S.;VANNES;;56038
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur d'=C3=A9tudes
tel;work:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 59
tel;fax:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 50

Re: [AXIS2] Accessing classes inside aar from a jar located in the lib directory

2009-05-15 Thread Laurent Even

it works!
Thanks Andreas!!

Andreas Veithen a écrit :

In that case you should change the code in WEB-INF/lib to use
Thread.getContextClassLoader(). If the ServiceTCCL parameter is set
correctly, then that method should return the appropriate class


2009/5/15 Laurent Even laurent-e...@sab2i.com:


thanks for your response.
Basically, my class in the WEB-INF/lib contains core functions which are
used by all services.
Each service contains specific code.
for each service call, I have
service - core (web-inf/lib) - service
Is there a simple way to get the classloader dynamically for a class in
WEB-INF/lib directory?


Andreas Veithen a écrit :


By design, there is a distinct class loader for each AAR. This is
important to isolate services from each other. The classes in the JARs
in WEB-INF/lib are loaded by the Web app class loader, which is the
parent of the AAR class loaders. It is therefore normal that a class
in WEB-INF/lib (or WEB-INF/classes) can't load a class from an AAR
file. There are ways around this, but first you should make sure that
you are not running into this issue because of a flaw in your design.
What is actually the use case for this?


2009/5/14 Laurent Even laurent-e...@sab2i.com:

Hi all,

I have some classes in a jar which is located in the WEB-INF/lib directory
of my application.
I deployed several services in this application.
So far so good but (always a but ;) )
I'm doing a classforname from my jar fil (WEB-INF/lib) that try to
instantiate a class inside a service (aar)
I'm getting a classnotfound exception.
I found several post on the internet talking of classnotfound exception but
only for service deployment
I also used the parameter ServiceTCCL for my service (parameter
name=ServiceTCCL locked=falsecomposite/parameter) without success.

If you have any clue on how to solve this problem, please, let me know



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Un geste responsable aujourd hui pour preserver demain.
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Please, consider the environment before printing this email.

fn:Laurent EVEN
org;quoted-printable:SAB Ing=C3=A9nierie Informatique;Service RIC - Bureau 203
adr;dom:Rue Henri Becquerel;;CP27 - P.I.B.S.;VANNES;;56038
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur d'=C3=A9tudes
tel;work:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 59
tel;fax:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 50

[AXIS2] Accessing classes inside aar from a jar located in the lib directory

2009-05-14 Thread Laurent Even

Hi all,

I have some classes in a jar which is located in the WEB-INF/lib 
directory of my application.

I deployed several services in this application.
So far so good but (always a but ;) )
I'm doing a classforname from my jar fil (WEB-INF/lib) that try to 
instantiate a class inside a service (aar)

I'm getting a classnotfound exception.
I found several post on the internet talking of classnotfound exception 
but only for service deployment
I also used the parameter ServiceTCCL for my service (parameter 
name=ServiceTCCL locked=falsecomposite/parameter) without success.

If you have any clue on how to solve this problem, please, let me know



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fn:Laurent EVEN
org;quoted-printable:SAB Ing=C3=A9nierie Informatique;Service RIC - Bureau 203
adr;dom:Rue Henri Becquerel;;CP27 - P.I.B.S.;VANNES;;56038
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur d'=C3=A9tudes
tel;work:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 59
tel;fax:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 50

[AXIS2] Web service that extends an abstract class

2009-05-12 Thread Laurent Even

Hi all,

Does someone managed to publish a web service in axis 2 that extends an 
abstract class containing the method to call.

Here's an example to illustrate:
package pack;
import pack.MyAbstractClass;
public class MyWebService extends MyAbstractClass{
public MyWebService (){

public abstract class MyAbstractClass{
   public OMElement read(OMElement xml){

my services.xml

   service name=mywebservice 
   parameter name=ServiceClasspack.MyWebService/parameter
   operation name=read

Here an extract of the wsdl generated by axis2
*wsdl:types /*
 wsdl:message name=*readRequest* /
 wsdl:message name=*readResponse* /
- # wsdl:portType name=*soldemvtPortType*

I'm getting the following error when calling the web service:
The ServiceClass object does not implement the required method in the 
following form: OMElement read(OMElement e)


Is there a constraint with abstract classes?

Thanks in advance


Un geste responsable aujourd hui pour preserver demain.
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Please, consider the environment before printing this email.

fn:Laurent EVEN
org;quoted-printable:SAB Ing=C3=A9nierie Informatique;Service RIC - Bureau 203
adr;dom:Rue Henri Becquerel;;CP27 - P.I.B.S.;VANNES;;56038
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur d'=C3=A9tudes
tel;work:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 59
tel;fax:+33 (0)2 97 01 59 50

Re: Handle org.w3c.dom.Document in parameters

2009-05-11 Thread Laurent Even

Hi again,

Does someone have a clue on how to solve this problem?
I managed to get it work with OMElement but I'm still stuck with this 

Thanks in advance

Laurent Even a écrit :

Hi all,

Here is a simple java program
package c;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class b{

public b(){

public Document testB(Document xml){
return xml;

AAR deployment was OK
I'm trying to interrogate the web service
Here the exception I'm getting in my tomcat logs
[ERROR] org.w3c.dom.Document
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.w3c.dom.Document
at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(AxisFault.java:430)

Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: org.w3c.dom.Document
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:340)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:308)

WSDL generated by AXIS2
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
- wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/; 
xmlns:ns1=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd; xmlns:ns=http://c; 

- wsdl:types
- xs:schema attributeFormDefault=qualified 
elementFormDefault=qualified targetNamespace=http://dom.w3c.org/xsd;

- xs:complexType name=Document
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=doctype nillable=true 
type=ax21ocumentType /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=documentElement nillable=true 
type=ax21:Element /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=documentURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=domConfig nillable=true 
type=ax21OMConfiguration /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=implementation nillable=true 
type=ax21OMImplementation /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=inputEncoding nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=strictErrorChecking type=xs:boolean /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlEncoding nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlStandalone type=xs:boolean /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlVersion nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=DocumentType
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=entities nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=internalSubset nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=name nillable=true type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=notations nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=publicId nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=systemId nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=NamedNodeMap
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=length type=xs:int /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namedItem nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namedItemNS nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /

- xs:complexType name=Node
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributes nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=baseURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=childNodes nillable=true 
type=ax21:NodeList /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=firstChild nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=lastChild nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=localName nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namespaceURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nextSibling nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeName nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeType type=xs:short /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeValue nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=ownerDocument nillable=true 
type=ax21ocument /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=parentNode nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=prefix nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=previousSibling nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=textContent nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=NodeList
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=length type=xs:int /
- xs:complexType name=Element
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributeNode nillable=true 
type=ax21:Attr /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributeNodeNS nillable=true 

Handle org.w3c.dom.Document in parameters

2009-04-30 Thread Laurent Even

Hi all,

Here is a simple java program
package c;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;

public class b{

public b(){

public Document testB(Document xml){
return xml;

AAR deployment was OK
I'm trying to interrogate the web service
Here the exception I'm getting in my tomcat logs
[ERROR] org.w3c.dom.Document
org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.w3c.dom.Document
at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(AxisFault.java:430)

Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: org.w3c.dom.Document
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:340)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:308)

WSDL generated by AXIS2
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
- wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/; 
xmlns:ns1=http://org.apache.axis2/xsd; xmlns:ns=http://c; 

- wsdl:types
- xs:schema attributeFormDefault=qualified 
elementFormDefault=qualified targetNamespace=http://dom.w3c.org/xsd;

- xs:complexType name=Document
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=doctype nillable=true 
type=ax21ocumentType /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=documentElement nillable=true 
type=ax21:Element /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=documentURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=domConfig nillable=true 
type=ax21OMConfiguration /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=implementation nillable=true 
type=ax21OMImplementation /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=inputEncoding nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=strictErrorChecking type=xs:boolean /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlEncoding nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlStandalone type=xs:boolean /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=xmlVersion nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=DocumentType
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=entities nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=internalSubset nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=name nillable=true type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=notations nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=publicId nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=systemId nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=NamedNodeMap
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=length type=xs:int /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namedItem nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namedItemNS nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /

- xs:complexType name=Node
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributes nillable=true 
type=ax21:NamedNodeMap /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=baseURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=childNodes nillable=true 
type=ax21:NodeList /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=firstChild nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=lastChild nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=localName nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=namespaceURI nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nextSibling nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeName nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeType type=xs:short /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=nodeValue nillable=true 
type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=ownerDocument nillable=true 
type=ax21ocument /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=parentNode nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /

xs:element minOccurs=0 name=prefix nillable=true type=xs:string /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=previousSibling nillable=true 
type=ax21:Node /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=textContent nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType name=NodeList
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=length type=xs:int /
- xs:complexType name=Element
- xs:sequence
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributeNode nillable=true 
type=ax21:Attr /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=attributeNodeNS nillable=true 
type=ax21:Attr /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=schemaTypeInfo nillable=true 
type=ax21:TypeInfo /
xs:element minOccurs=0 name=tagName nillable=true 
type=xs:string /

- xs:complexType