Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel


O que eu digo é que não há um óbito confiável do Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) 
casado com Bárbara da Ponte.


De: <> em nome de JR 
Enviado: terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016 08:35:44
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

Acho que este é obito de Manuel Costa Carreiro cc Isabel da Costa

Óbitos RGSP , em Abril de 25 a 1726, faleceu , Mel da Costa Carreiro ( Bartao 
na margem ) , de Idade de outenta annos , nao fez testamento...

Registro não indicar o nome da esposa

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:27 AM, JR 
<<>> wrote:

O segundo casamento de Manoel da Costa a Maria Ferreira, agosto 26- 1702, diz 
que nubentes foram batizados em Maia, " Onde os contrahentes foi baptizados. "

The second marriage of Manoel da Costa to Maria Ferreira, Aug 26- 1702, says 
both newllyweds were baptised  in Maia, "onde os contrahentes foi baptizados."


On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 6:45:04 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Yes JR, is what I'm doing, because there is no death of any child of this 
couple in Maya, or the death of Barbara da Ponte and there is no reliable death 
of Manoel da Costa also.

Another thing; I noticed is that with regard to female names, certain parishes 
prefer one to another . For example , Emilia. Where I found many Emilias ? In 
Rosto do Cão, where he sought my ancestress Emilia.

Barbara and Agada seems to be a preference of Ribeira Seca. I tell you if 


Cesar Pimentel

De: JR <>
Enviado: domingo, 10 de julho de 2016 18:33
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

The Pontes of Maia are most likely related to the Pontes of Ribeira Grande and 
may even originate there. The Ponte Vidals of Maia almost certainly originate 
in Ribeira Grande and go back to pre-1600. But this is difficult to prove 

When it come to end of line ancestors (end of records), we all face the same 
situation. We cannot go back any further. There are many examples where it 
appears a couple have only one surviving child. Because we may find one 
marriage. But my experience is that they usually had many children but only one 
survived and married, or we have no further information to link other people. 
Your only available choice is to look in Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca where 
there are pre-1660 baptisms. It is possible they lived in said places and 
eventually settled in Maia. In said villages, you will see a some references to 
Ribeirinha, a small villa just outside the main village. But there are no 
separate records for the older period of pre-1700, so again you have to look in 
Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca records.


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 8:07:25 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Hello guys,

Thus it is that down the couple Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) and Barbara da Ponte.

The difficulty in moving beyond this couple is that I have wanted for his life 
in Maia, and the earliest record of birth available there is 1665.

Well, here comes my doubts.

I also found the death of Manoel da Costa, Miller, occurred on 10/02/1698 in 
Maia, and that death is said that Manoel was buried in the grave of his father, 
Gaspar Lourensso (written with two "s" there ).

But how to make sure that this Manoel da Costa is even Manoel da Costa father 
of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and would have been married to Barbara da Costa?

I noticed a funny thing.

I looked ALL marriages registered in Maia, I began searching for a possible 
second marriage of Manoel da Costa, to see if, seeking in deaths, could find a 
death some Manoel someone widower, I would not have noticed, but what really 
got me It caught my attention is that in addition to her son's wedding, Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro with Izabel da Costa and then Maria Ferreira, there is no 
other wedding any other son of Manuel and Barbara.

It is not strange that? In those years an only child.

Reviewing Manoel marriage certificate Carreiro da Costa with Izabel da Costa, 
it is said that all were Maia, but in fact, the wording is ambiguous, may or 
may not be all but a few.

Is it not possible, in my view, that seek birth more children couple Manuel and 
Barbara Maia because the records do not make possible, but weddings, ah, that 
if there were, it would appear.

For now, my conclusion is that Manuel and Barbara couple did not live in Maia, 
but in some other place, and that woul

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel


Não, o óbito de Manoel da Costa Carreiro aponta ele como sendo casado com sua 
segunda mulher, Maria Ferreira.


De: <> em nome de JR 
Enviado: terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016 08:35:44
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

Acho que este é obito de Manuel Costa Carreiro cc Isabel da Costa

Óbitos RGSP , em Abril de 25 a 1726, faleceu , Mel da Costa Carreiro ( Bartao 
na margem ) , de Idade de outenta annos , nao fez testamento...

Registro não indicar o nome da esposa

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:27 AM, JR 
<<>> wrote:

O segundo casamento de Manoel da Costa a Maria Ferreira, agosto 26- 1702, diz 
que nubentes foram batizados em Maia, " Onde os contrahentes foi baptizados. "

The second marriage of Manoel da Costa to Maria Ferreira, Aug 26- 1702, says 
both newllyweds were baptised  in Maia, "onde os contrahentes foi baptizados."


On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 6:45:04 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Yes JR, is what I'm doing, because there is no death of any child of this 
couple in Maya, or the death of Barbara da Ponte and there is no reliable death 
of Manoel da Costa also.

Another thing; I noticed is that with regard to female names, certain parishes 
prefer one to another . For example , Emilia. Where I found many Emilias ? In 
Rosto do Cão, where he sought my ancestress Emilia.

Barbara and Agada seems to be a preference of Ribeira Seca. I tell you if 


Cesar Pimentel

De: JR <>
Enviado: domingo, 10 de julho de 2016 18:33
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

The Pontes of Maia are most likely related to the Pontes of Ribeira Grande and 
may even originate there. The Ponte Vidals of Maia almost certainly originate 
in Ribeira Grande and go back to pre-1600. But this is difficult to prove 

When it come to end of line ancestors (end of records), we all face the same 
situation. We cannot go back any further. There are many examples where it 
appears a couple have only one surviving child. Because we may find one 
marriage. But my experience is that they usually had many children but only one 
survived and married, or we have no further information to link other people. 
Your only available choice is to look in Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca where 
there are pre-1660 baptisms. It is possible they lived in said places and 
eventually settled in Maia. In said villages, you will see a some references to 
Ribeirinha, a small villa just outside the main village. But there are no 
separate records for the older period of pre-1700, so again you have to look in 
Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca records.


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 8:07:25 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Hello guys,

Thus it is that down the couple Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) and Barbara da Ponte.

The difficulty in moving beyond this couple is that I have wanted for his life 
in Maia, and the earliest record of birth available there is 1665.

Well, here comes my doubts.

I also found the death of Manoel da Costa, Miller, occurred on 10/02/1698 in 
Maia, and that death is said that Manoel was buried in the grave of his father, 
Gaspar Lourensso (written with two "s" there ).

But how to make sure that this Manoel da Costa is even Manoel da Costa father 
of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and would have been married to Barbara da Costa?

I noticed a funny thing.

I looked ALL marriages registered in Maia, I began searching for a possible 
second marriage of Manoel da Costa, to see if, seeking in deaths, could find a 
death some Manoel someone widower, I would not have noticed, but what really 
got me It caught my attention is that in addition to her son's wedding, Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro with Izabel da Costa and then Maria Ferreira, there is no 
other wedding any other son of Manuel and Barbara.

It is not strange that? In those years an only child.

Reviewing Manoel marriage certificate Carreiro da Costa with Izabel da Costa, 
it is said that all were Maia, but in fact, the wording is ambiguous, may or 
may not be all but a few.

Is it not possible, in my view, that seek birth more children couple Manuel and 
Barbara Maia because the records do not make possible, but weddings, ah, that 
if there were, it would appear.

For now, my conclusion is that Manuel and Barbara couple did not live in Maia, 
but in some other place, and t

[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Sim, assim como a primeira certidão de casamento de Manoel da Costa Carreiro e 
Izabel da Costa.

Contudo, o que me intriga?

1- Não há registro de nascimento de qualquer outro filho do casal Manoel da 
Costa e Bárbara da Ponte.

Mesmo considerando que o primeiro registro de nascimento disponível em Maia 
seja de 1665, imaginando que Manoel nasceu por volta de 1655.

2- Não há registro de qualquer outro casamento de eventuais filhos que o casal 
Manoel da Costa e Bárbara da Ponte possam ter tido, o que obrigatoriamente 

a) Eles não tiveram mais filhos (o que poderia ser confirmado pela ausência de 
registro de nascimentos)-Acho uma hipótese muito improvável para a época;

b) Eles tiveram filhos, mas nenhum dos demais filhos se casou- o que me parece 
igualmente improvável;

3- Não há registro de óbito de Bárbara da Ponte

4- Não há registro de óbito confiável de Manoel da Costa. Há um único registro, 
em 02/10/1698, que eu tenho usado como base de referência, de um Manoel da 
Costa, falecido, mas que o cura da época não registrou, como era costume, se 
ele era solteiro ou viúvo e de quem ele era viúvo, e nem a idade provável que o 
defunto teria.

5- Não há registro de eventual segundo casamento de Manoel da Costa após 
eventual morte de sua mulher, Bárbara da Ponte.

Então, o que há de registro em Maia são apenas duas certidões de casamento de 
seu filho Manoel da Costa Carreiro, a primeira com Izabel da Costa e a segunda 
com Maria Ferreira, casamento esse, aliás, que se deu pouquíssimo tempo depois 
da morte da primeira mulher, o que para mim não é estranho, porque notei que 
homens viúvos não permaneciam viúvos de modo algum.

Outra coisa que notei, é que certas freguesias tem preferências por alguns 
nomes de mulheres. Emília, por exemplo, você não encontra muitas Emílias por 
ai. Mas em Rosto do Cão vocês as encontra em grande número. E eu percebi isso 
porque leio muitos e muitos registros em minhas pesquisas, e uma de minhas 
ancestrais, Emília Júlia Carreiro, é de Rosto do Cão. Quando fui procura-la, 
por ser um nome "incomum", pensei que a encontraria logo, mas não foi assim, 
havia muitas e muitas Emílias ali. Bárbara parece ser um desses casos em 
Ribeira Seca.

Como último fato, Manoel da Costa Carreiro, descendente dos dois Manoéis sobre 
quem falamos até agora, casou-se em Ribeira Seca em 1710, com Maria da 
Ressurreição. Será que ele não teria primos, ou algo que o levassem até lá.

Primeiro, quero confessar que me frustraria muito chegar ao fim da minha 
linhagem masculina e não conseguir avançar por conta de não haver mais 
documentos, mas foi a mesma frustração que senti ao ver que minha linhagem 
masculina não é Pimentel, como pensei que fosse.

Mas de um modo ou de outro, a delícia do que fazemos me parece que é justamente 
isso, pesquisar, levantar hipóteses, testá-las e ir compreendendo o mundo em 
que viveram nossos antepassados, porque senão, nós seríamos meros 
colecionadores de nomes.

Estou fazendo pesquisas na Ribeira Seca ao invés de seguir em Maia, primeiro, 
porque ali não encontrarei respostas, e em segundo lugar, porque construí uma 
hipótese que me parece plausível.

Se conseguir avançar em algo, conto para vocês.

Um abraço,

Cesar Pimentel


Yes, just as the first marriage certificate of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and 
Isabel da Costa. However, what intrigues me?

1- There is no record of the birth of any child of the couple Manoel da Costa 
and Barbara da Ponte . Even though the first record of birth is available in 
Maya 1665, imagining that Manoel was born around 1655.

2- There is the record of any marriage of any children the couple Manoel da 
Costa and Barbara da Costa may have had , Which must Indicate :
a) They did not have more children ( Which Could be confirmed by the absence of 
registration of births )- I think a very unlikely hypothesis for the time ;
b ) They had children, but none of the children is casou- Which seems equally 
unlikely ;

3- There is no Barbara death record

4- There is no record of reliable death of Manoel da Costa. There is a single 
record , on 10/02/1698 , which I have used as a reference base, of Manoel da 
Costa , who died , but that the curing time not recorded , as was the custom , 
if he was single or widowed and whom he was a widower , nor the probable age 
that the deceased would have .

5- There is no any record second marriage of Manoel da Costa after eventual 
death of his wife, Barbara da Ponte.

So what's record in Maia are only two marriage certificates of his son Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro, the first with Izabel da Costa and the second with Maria 
Ferreira, marriage this, moreover, that took little time after the death of 
first woman, which to me is not strange, because I noticed that widowers 
remained widowers not at all.

Another thing; I noticed is that some parishes have preferences for some 
women's names. Emilia, for example, you do not

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Esta pode ser a certidão do Manoel casado com a Bárbara. Mas de novo, qual a 
segurança de se admitir isso?


De: <> em nome de JR 
Enviado: terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2016 08:35:44
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

Acho que este é obito de Manuel Costa Carreiro cc Isabel da Costa

Óbitos RGSP , em Abril de 25 a 1726, faleceu , Mel da Costa Carreiro ( Bartao 
na margem ) , de Idade de outenta annos , nao fez testamento...

Registro não indicar o nome da esposa

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 4:27 AM, JR 
<<>> wrote:

O segundo casamento de Manoel da Costa a Maria Ferreira, agosto 26- 1702, diz 
que nubentes foram batizados em Maia, " Onde os contrahentes foi baptizados. "

The second marriage of Manoel da Costa to Maria Ferreira, Aug 26- 1702, says 
both newllyweds were baptised  in Maia, "onde os contrahentes foi baptizados."


On Sunday, July 10, 2016 at 6:45:04 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Yes JR, is what I'm doing, because there is no death of any child of this 
couple in Maya, or the death of Barbara da Ponte and there is no reliable death 
of Manoel da Costa also.

Another thing; I noticed is that with regard to female names, certain parishes 
prefer one to another . For example , Emilia. Where I found many Emilias ? In 
Rosto do Cão, where he sought my ancestress Emilia.

Barbara and Agada seems to be a preference of Ribeira Seca. I tell you if 


Cesar Pimentel

De: JR <>
Enviado: domingo, 10 de julho de 2016 18:33
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

The Pontes of Maia are most likely related to the Pontes of Ribeira Grande and 
may even originate there. The Ponte Vidals of Maia almost certainly originate 
in Ribeira Grande and go back to pre-1600. But this is difficult to prove 

When it come to end of line ancestors (end of records), we all face the same 
situation. We cannot go back any further. There are many examples where it 
appears a couple have only one surviving child. Because we may find one 
marriage. But my experience is that they usually had many children but only one 
survived and married, or we have no further information to link other people. 
Your only available choice is to look in Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca where 
there are pre-1660 baptisms. It is possible they lived in said places and 
eventually settled in Maia. In said villages, you will see a some references to 
Ribeirinha, a small villa just outside the main village. But there are no 
separate records for the older period of pre-1700, so again you have to look in 
Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca records.


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 8:07:25 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Hello guys,

Thus it is that down the couple Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) and Barbara da Ponte.

The difficulty in moving beyond this couple is that I have wanted for his life 
in Maia, and the earliest record of birth available there is 1665.

Well, here comes my doubts.

I also found the death of Manoel da Costa, Miller, occurred on 10/02/1698 in 
Maia, and that death is said that Manoel was buried in the grave of his father, 
Gaspar Lourensso (written with two "s" there ).

But how to make sure that this Manoel da Costa is even Manoel da Costa father 
of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and would have been married to Barbara da Costa?

I noticed a funny thing.

I looked ALL marriages registered in Maia, I began searching for a possible 
second marriage of Manoel da Costa, to see if, seeking in deaths, could find a 
death some Manoel someone widower, I would not have noticed, but what really 
got me It caught my attention is that in addition to her son's wedding, Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro with Izabel da Costa and then Maria Ferreira, there is no 
other wedding any other son of Manuel and Barbara.

It is not strange that? In those years an only child.

Reviewing Manoel marriage certificate Carreiro da Costa with Izabel da Costa, 
it is said that all were Maia, but in fact, the wording is ambiguous, may or 
may not be all but a few.

Is it not possible, in my view, that seek birth more children couple Manuel and 
Barbara Maia because the records do not make possible, but weddings, ah, that 
if there were, it would appear.

For now, my conclusion is that Manuel and Barbara couple did not live in Maia, 
but in some other place, and that woul

[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-10 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Yes JR, is what I'm doing, because there is no death of any child of this 
couple in Maya, or the death of Barbara da Ponte and there is no reliable death 
of Manoel da Costa also.

Another thing; I noticed is that with regard to female names, certain parishes 
prefer one to another . For example , Emilia. Where I found many Emilias ? In 
Rosto do Cão, where he sought my ancestress Emilia.

Barbara and Agada seems to be a preference of Ribeira Seca. I tell you if 


Cesar Pimentel

De: JR <>
Enviado: domingo, 10 de julho de 2016 18:33
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

The Pontes of Maia are most likely related to the Pontes of Ribeira Grande and 
may even originate there. The Ponte Vidals of Maia almost certainly originate 
in Ribeira Grande and go back to pre-1600. But this is difficult to prove 

When it come to end of line ancestors (end of records), we all face the same 
situation. We cannot go back any further. There are many examples where it 
appears a couple have only one surviving child. Because we may find one 
marriage. But my experience is that they usually had many children but only one 
survived and married, or we have no further information to link other people. 
Your only available choice is to look in Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca where 
there are pre-1660 baptisms. It is possible they lived in said places and 
eventually settled in Maia. In said villages, you will see a some references to 
Ribeirinha, a small villa just outside the main village. But there are no 
separate records for the older period of pre-1700, so again you have to look in 
Ribeira Grande or Ribeira Seca records.


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 8:07:25 PM UTC-4, Cesar Pimentel wrote:

Hello guys,

Thus it is that down the couple Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) and Barbara da Ponte.

The difficulty in moving beyond this couple is that I have wanted for his life 
in Maia, and the earliest record of birth available there is 1665.

Well, here comes my doubts.

I also found the death of Manoel da Costa, Miller, occurred on 10/02/1698 in 
Maia, and that death is said that Manoel was buried in the grave of his father, 
Gaspar Lourensso (written with two "s" there ).

But how to make sure that this Manoel da Costa is even Manoel da Costa father 
of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and would have been married to Barbara da Costa?

I noticed a funny thing.

I looked ALL marriages registered in Maia, I began searching for a possible 
second marriage of Manoel da Costa, to see if, seeking in deaths, could find a 
death some Manoel someone widower, I would not have noticed, but what really 
got me It caught my attention is that in addition to her son's wedding, Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro with Izabel da Costa and then Maria Ferreira, there is no 
other wedding any other son of Manuel and Barbara.

It is not strange that? In those years an only child.

Reviewing Manoel marriage certificate Carreiro da Costa with Izabel da Costa, 
it is said that all were Maia, but in fact, the wording is ambiguous, may or 
may not be all but a few.

Is it not possible, in my view, that seek birth more children couple Manuel and 
Barbara Maia because the records do not make possible, but weddings, ah, that 
if there were, it would appear.

For now, my conclusion is that Manuel and Barbara couple did not live in Maia, 
but in some other place, and that would explain even not find even Barbara's 
death record , which will not found it.

It's more or less what I wanted to share with you to start our conversation.

A hug and be happy to know it.

Cesar Pimentel

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help with Groom's mother

2016-07-10 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Antonia DE Miranda.

De:  em nome de Joseph 
Enviado: sábado, 9 de julho de 2016 13:34:42
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Help with Groom's mother

Top-Right, 10th line.  I think it's Antonia do Miranda, but not sure?


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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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[AZORES-Genealogy] Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) e Bárbara da Ponte

2016-07-09 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hello guys,

Thus it is that down the couple Manoel da Costa (Carreiro) and Barbara da Ponte.

The difficulty in moving beyond this couple is that I have wanted for his life 
in Maia, and the earliest record of birth available there is 1665.

Well, here comes my doubts.

I also found the death of Manoel da Costa, Miller, occurred on 10/02/1698 in 
Maia, and that death is said that Manoel was buried in the grave of his father, 
Gaspar Lourensso (written with two "s" there ).

But how to make sure that this Manoel da Costa is even Manoel da Costa father 
of Manoel da Costa Carreiro and would have been married to Barbara da Costa?

I noticed a funny thing.

I looked ALL marriages registered in Maia, I began searching for a possible 
second marriage of Manoel da Costa, to see if, seeking in deaths, could find a 
death some Manoel someone widower, I would not have noticed, but what really 
got me It caught my attention is that in addition to her son's wedding, Manoel 
da Costa Carreiro with Izabel da Costa and then Maria Ferreira, there is no 
other wedding any other son of Manuel and Barbara.

It is not strange that? In those years an only child.

Reviewing Manoel marriage certificate Carreiro da Costa with Izabel da Costa, 
it is said that all were Maia, but in fact, the wording is ambiguous, may or 
may not be all but a few.

Is it not possible, in my view, that seek birth more children couple Manuel and 
Barbara Maia because the records do not make possible, but weddings, ah, that 
if there were, it would appear.

For now, my conclusion is that Manuel and Barbara couple did not live in Maia, 
but in some other place, and that would explain even not find even Barbara's 
death record , which will not found it.

It's more or less what I wanted to share with you to start our conversation.

A hug and be happy to know it.

Cesar Pimentel

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mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
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2016-07-02 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Maria Helena

This happened to me a month ago, more or less.

I sent an email and explained to me that they were feeding a European file to 
be created.

Can you imagine a website with certificates from all over Europe?

It's going to be very cool.

Cesar Pimentel

Looking for Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte in Maia, both born around 

De: <> em nome de Maria Lima 
Enviado: sábado, 2 de julho de 2016 00:03
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] ERROR MESSAGES

Just wanted to know if others were having error pages in Santa Maria island ; 
some pages come up so,e don't and sometimes if you go back to one that didn't 
come up, it will come up later.  Very frustrating

Maria Elena

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: A help, in RR´s Book

2016-06-23 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Estou aqui debruçado nas pesquisas para ver se compreendo esse quebra cabeças...



De: JR <>
Enviado: quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016 05:08
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: A help, in RR´s Book

Antonio Leite que se casou com Vitória Vultoa é filho de Manuel Leite Delgado e 
Barbara Dutra Ferreira e não Gaspar Lourenço. As crianças da referida Manuel e 
Barbara nasceram em Fenais da Vera Cruz (Ajuda) 1672-1684 . Há, talvez, mais 

Antonio Leite who married Vitoria Vultoa is child of Manuel Leite Delgado and 
Barbara Dutra Ferreira and not Gaspar Lourenco. The children of said Manuel and 
Barbara were born in Fenais da Vera Cruz (Ajuda) from 1672-1684. There are 
perhaps more children.


On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at 10:39:39 AM UTC-5, Júlio wrote:
Bom dia Cesar Pimentel<> no 
registo de Obito diz que ele foi enterrado da cova de sei pai Gaspar Lourenço, 
no Rodrigo Rodrigues não menciona o Manuel no Capitulo 394Descendentes de 

Primeira geração

1. Gaspar LOURENÇO [54514] 1 nasceu em Maia, e faleceu a 23 Jul 1686 em Maia.
Notas gerais: Capitulo 394 Moleiro

Gaspar casou com Maria da Costa DARGE [54515] 1 [MRIN: 25887] Bef 1651. Maria 
faleceu a 11 Jun 1679 em Maia.
Filhos deste casamento:

+ 2 M i. Manuel da Costa CARREIRO [31274] 1 faleceu a 2 Out 1698 em Maia.

+ 3 M ii. Miguel da Costa LEITE [11320] 1 nasceu em 1651, e faleceu a 12 Out 
1747 em Maia com 96 anos de idade.

+ 4 M iii. João LEITE [7213] 1 nasceu em 1656 em Maia, e faleceu Bef 22 Nov 
1715 com 59 anos de idade.
Gaspar a seguir casou com Maria Rodrigues da MAIA [26900] [MRIN: 13227], filha 
de André MARTINS [26901] e Maria RODRIGUES [26902], a 26 Out 1679 em Maia. 
Maria faleceu a 8 Mar 1687 em Maia.

o que encontro de Manuel Leite e Pode ser Possivel ser esse casal: 1. Manuel 
LEITE [10018] .1
Manuel casou com Barbara DUTRA [10017] 1 [MRIN: 5504]. Barbara nasceu em Fenais 
Da Ajuda, e faleceu Bef 4 Mai 1704.
Filho/a deste casamento:

+ 2 M i. António Leite DUTRA [10024] 1 nasceu em 1673, e faleceu a 29 Mai 1736 
em Maia com 63 anos de idade.

Segunda geração (Filhos)

2. António Leite DUTRA [10024] 1 (Manuel1) nasceu em 1673, e faleceu a 29 Mai 
1736 em Maia com 63 anos de idade.
Notas gerais:<>

António casou com Vitória BULHÕES [11467] 1 [MRIN: 5509], filha de Manuel 
Vultão GOUVEIA [20069] 1 e Ana VIEIRA [20070],1 a 4 Mai 1704 em Maia. Vitória 
nasceu a 8 Dez 1680 em Maia, e faleceu a 10 Jan 1747 em Maia com 66 anos de 
Filhos deste casamento:

3 M i. Pascoal Leite DUTRA [10822] .1 Pascoal também usou o nome Pascoal LEITE.
Pascoal casou com Catarina BULHÕES [10834] 1 [MRIN: 5923], filha de António da 
Costa ARRUDA [36428] 1 e Catarina BULHÕES [36427],1 a 26 Nov 1735 em Maia. 
Catarina faleceu a 4 Nov 1765 em Maia.
Centro de Conhecimento dos Açores - Registos 

quarta-feira, 22 de Junho de 2016 às 02:21:37 UTC, Cesar Pimentel escreveu:

Hello friends,

Me again , again calling for help for those who have or can access to Rodrigo 
Rodrigues book.

This time I ask for help to anyone who can help me on the couple Manoel da 
Costa and Barbara da Ponte, who lived in Maia.

Manoel died in Maia on 02/10/1698.

 They had at least one son, Manuel Carreiro da Costa , who was married to 
Izabel da Costa.

Thank you very much any help.

Cesar Pimentel

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: A help, in RR´s Book

2016-06-22 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Desculpe, eu de novo.

Não entendi porque você menciona no final do seu texto o casal Manoel Leite e 
Bárbara Dutra.

Obrigado novamente.


De: Júlio <>
Enviado: quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2016 07:53
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: A help, in RR´s Book

Bom dia Cesar Pimentel<> no 
registo de Obito diz que ele foi enterrado da cova de sei pai Gaspar Lourenço, 
no Rodrigo Rodrigues não menciona o Manuel no Capitulo 394Descendentes de 

Primeira geração

1. Gaspar LOURENÇO [54514] 1 nasceu em Maia, e faleceu a 23 Jul 1686 em Maia.
Notas gerais: Capitulo 394 Moleiro

Gaspar casou com Maria da Costa DARGE [54515] 1 [MRIN: 25887] Bef 1651. Maria 
faleceu a 11 Jun 1679 em Maia.
Filhos deste casamento:

+ 2 M i. Manuel da Costa CARREIRO [31274] 1 faleceu a 2 Out 1698 em Maia.

+ 3 M ii. Miguel da Costa LEITE [11320] 1 nasceu em 1651, e faleceu a 12 Out 
1747 em Maia com 96 anos de idade.

+ 4 M iii. João LEITE [7213] 1 nasceu em 1656 em Maia, e faleceu Bef 22 Nov 
1715 com 59 anos de idade.
Gaspar a seguir casou com Maria Rodrigues da MAIA [26900] [MRIN: 13227], filha 
de André MARTINS [26901] e Maria RODRIGUES [26902], a 26 Out 1679 em Maia. 
Maria faleceu a 8 Mar 1687 em Maia.

o que encontro de Manuel Leite e Pode ser Possivel ser esse casal: 1. Manuel 
LEITE [10018] .1
Manuel casou com Barbara DUTRA [10017] 1 [MRIN: 5504]. Barbara nasceu em Fenais 
Da Ajuda, e faleceu Bef 4 Mai 1704.
Filho/a deste casamento:

+ 2 M i. António Leite DUTRA [10024] 1 nasceu em 1673, e faleceu a 29 Mai 1736 
em Maia com 63 anos de idade.

Segunda geração (Filhos)

2. António Leite DUTRA [10024] 1 (Manuel1) nasceu em 1673, e faleceu a 29 Mai 
1736 em Maia com 63 anos de idade.
Notas gerais:<>

António casou com Vitória BULHÕES [11467] 1 [MRIN: 5509], filha de Manuel 
Vultão GOUVEIA [20069] 1 e Ana VIEIRA [20070],1 a 4 Mai 1704 em Maia. Vitória 
nasceu a 8 Dez 1680 em Maia, e faleceu a 10 Jan 1747 em Maia com 66 anos de 
Filhos deste casamento:

3 M i. Pascoal Leite DUTRA [10822] .1 Pascoal também usou o nome Pascoal LEITE.
Pascoal casou com Catarina BULHÕES [10834] 1 [MRIN: 5923], filha de António da 
Costa ARRUDA [36428] 1 e Catarina BULHÕES [36427],1 a 26 Nov 1735 em Maia. 
Catarina faleceu a 4 Nov 1765 em Maia.
Centro de Conhecimento dos Açores - Registos 

quarta-feira, 22 de Junho de 2016 às 02:21:37 UTC, Cesar Pimentel escreveu:

Hello friends,

Me again , again calling for help for those who have or can access to Rodrigo 
Rodrigues book.

This time I ask for help to anyone who can help me on the couple Manoel da 
Costa and Barbara da Ponte, who lived in Maia.

Manoel died in Maia on 02/10/1698.

 They had at least one son, Manuel Carreiro da Costa , who was married to 
Izabel da Costa.

Thank you very much any help.

Cesar Pimentel

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[AZORES-Genealogy] A help, in RR´s Book

2016-06-21 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hello friends,

Me again , again calling for help for those who have or can access to Rodrigo 
Rodrigues book.

This time I ask for help to anyone who can help me on the couple Manoel da 
Costa and Barbara da Ponte, who lived in Maia.

Manoel died in Maia on 02/10/1698.

 They had at least one son, Manuel Carreiro da Costa , who was married to 
Izabel da Costa.

Thank you very much any help.

Cesar Pimentel

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mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Terceira Marriage records

2016-06-21 Thread Cesar Pimentel

The correct name in Portuguese is Agostinho , like St. Augustine.

Cesar Pimentel

Looking at Barbara da Ponte's death record in Maia, married to Manoel da Costa 
, who died in 1698, approximately .

De: <> em nome de Lee 
Enviado: segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016 19:14
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Terceira Marriage records


My cousin is a descendant of Sebatiso Gonsalves Borges and Roza Maria through 
their daughter Maria a Nazarette who married Agistingho Coelho de Mello in 1818 
in Alyares.

When I went to search for their marriage all I can find is the one for this 
couple which is confusing (his name being sodifferent).  Is this the same man?  
I don't know, but do note thee is a Maria da Nazarette I his family (his mother 
I think) so it may be them.  Still working to figure this one out.

Sine zbill Seidler told me about the index this morning I've been finding all 
kinds of family for my cousin.

The search continues.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

2016-06-20 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Already resigned to it.

I sent an email to the administrators of files asking about eventual 
disappearance of the Mayan books, or alternatively , if there are some others 
who have not yet been displayed and after a restoration process.

I imagine that , to follow this line in my genealogy , only I discovered some 
ancient Mayan work of genealogists.

Thank you very much.

Cesar Rodrigues Pimentel

Looking at Barbara da Ponte's death record in Maia , where she lived , and was 
married to Manoel da Costa.

Death occurred approximately in 1700.

De:  em nome de Cheri Mello 

Enviado: sábado, 18 de junho de 2016 13:02
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!


It doesn't exist. Baptisms begin in 1665. Marriages begin in 1674, and deaths 
in 1673. It appears that there could have been other books since the years of 
1665 and 1674-1673 are 9 years apart. Wikipedia (in English) gives more history 
than the Portuguese version of Wikipedia:


Maia (Ribeira Grande) - Wikipedia, the free 
Maia is a civil parish in the municipality of Ribeira Grande in the Portuguese 
archipelago of the Azores. The population in 2011 was 1,900, in an area of 
21.97 km² ...

It sounds as if the church goes back to the late 1400s. Almost 150 years before 
the records.

This description from Guido de Monterey's "Santa Maria e Sao Miguel: As Duas 
Ilhas do Oriente" (page 191) seems to be similar to what Wikipedia says:
Anterior a 1522. Sofreu obras no decurso dos séculos XVII e XVIII. Todavia, a 
maior e mais flagrante reconstrução deu-se no final do século XVIII. 
Apresentou-se pronta no ano de 1812. Templo de consideráveis dimensões, corpo 
principal de tres naves. Capela-mor plena de graciosidade. Altar-mor extasiante 
pela valia da sua talha, ora dourada, ora pintada a azul. Igreja ataviada e 
augusta, centro do total arrebatamento.

I did not find your Manuel da Costa Carreiro married to Isabel da Costa in any 
volume of Rodrigo Rodrigues either.  I'm guess the Maia books were missing 
during Rodrigo Rodrigues' lifetime too.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

2016-06-19 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Tanks a lot.


De:  em nome de JR 

Enviado: sábado, 18 de junho de 2016 18:28
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

One thing to remember for pre-1800 obito records, is that they are often not 
accurate and can be off by more than 10 years. The church did not consider the 
age at death that important and so the priests wrote, "mais ou menos." That is, 
more or less.

In my experience, the correct  age at death is seldom correct for the pre-1800 
records. However, it still very useful to determine an approximate baptismal 


On Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 11:02:45 AM UTC-4, Cheri Mello wrote:

It doesn't exist. Baptisms begin in 1665. Marriages begin in 1674, and deaths 
in 1673. It appears that there could have been other books since the years of 
1665 and 1674-1673 are 9 years apart. Wikipedia (in English) gives more history 
than the Portuguese version of Wikipedia:


Maia (Ribeira Grande) - Wikipedia, the free 
Maia is a civil parish in the municipality of Ribeira Grande in the Portuguese 
archipelago of the Azores. The population in 2011 was 1,900, in an area of 
21.97 km² ...

It sounds as if the church goes back to the late 1400s. Almost 150 years before 
the records.

This description from Guido de Monterey's "Santa Maria e Sao Miguel: As Duas 
Ilhas do Oriente" (page 191) seems to be similar to what Wikipedia says:
Anterior a 1522. Sofreu obras no decurso dos séculos XVII e XVIII. Todavia, a 
maior e mais flagrante reconstrução deu-se no final do século XVIII. 
Apresentou-se pronta no ano de 1812. Templo de consideráveis dimensões, corpo 
principal de tres naves. Capela-mor plena de graciosidade. Altar-mor extasiante 
pela valia da sua talha, ora dourada, ora pintada a azul. Igreja ataviada e 
augusta, centro do total arrebatamento.

I did not find your Manuel da Costa Carreiro married to Isabel da Costa in any 
volume of Rodrigo Rodrigues either.  I'm guess the Maia books were missing 
during Rodrigo Rodrigues' lifetime too.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

2016-06-18 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hello Elizeu,

Yes, this marriage certificate is really it.

I had, what I seek about my Manoel is a certificate of baptism.

In his death certificate , it seems, it is written that he died at age 79, that 
in 02/23/1732 , then he was born in 1653, approximately.

They lived in Maya and Maya birth records do not reach that time , at least 
there are no books in the church for this time , so I'm trying to Ribeira Seca 
, and Matriz da Estrela to see if meeting .

Tanks a lot

Cesar Pimentel

De: <> em nome de Eliseu Pacheco 
da Silva <>
Enviado: sábado, 18 de junho de 2016 07:07
Assunto: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!


Please try to read the marriage  of 29.5.1679 at Maia, Ribeira Grande. I think 
you will find your Manuel da Costa Carreiro...


De: [] Em nome de Cesar 
Enviada: 17 de junho de 2016 02:35
Para: Abridged recipients <>; Cesar Pimentel 
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

Hello friends,

As I preached here, I'm looking for my ancestor Manoel da Costa Carreiro.

Manoel was the son of Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte.

As I can not find the baptismal certificate of Manoel da Costa Carreiro , I 
decided to see if there was the marriage certificate of his parents, to get a 
more precise idea of both frequesia that should do the search, here they lived 
in Maia, but at the time of his birth, he had not Moreover church.

So I was the star of the Matriz da Estrela, because it is in Ribeira Grande and 
has older records , and found a marriage between a Manuel and Barbara, who are 
the names that I seek , but I can not really read the last names to see if they 
are the Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte I seek.

The link with the marriage registration is as follows

The record is the last on the right. Does anyone could help me figure out the 
last names of Manuel and Barbara who married and contained in that record?

Tank You a Lot

Cesar Pimentel

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[AZORES-Genealogy] A help!

2016-06-17 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hello friends,

As I preached here, I'm looking for my ancestor Manoel da Costa Carreiro.

Manoel was the son of Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte.

As I can not find the baptismal certificate of Manoel da Costa Carreiro , I 
decided to see if there was the marriage certificate of his parents, to get a 
more precise idea of both frequesia that should do the search, here they lived 
in Maia, but at the time of his birth, he had not Moreover church.

So I was the star of the Matriz da Estrela, because it is in Ribeira Grande and 
has older records , and found a marriage between a Manuel and Barbara, who are 
the names that I seek , but I can not really read the last names to see if they 
are the Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte I seek.

The link with the marriage registration is as follows

The record is the last on the right. Does anyone could help me figure out the 
last names of Manuel and Barbara who married and contained in that record?

Tank You a Lot

Cesar Pimentel

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A little Help

2016-06-16 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Cheri , you're right . In fact I meant that he may have been born between 1645 
and 1665 . Thank you for correcting me .


De:  em nome de Cheri Mello 

Enviado: quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2016 18:27
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A little Help

Do you have the correct dates?

So your Manoel was born in about 1665 and married about the age of 14 in 1679 
to Isabel da Costa. How old was she supposed to be? A 14 year old male sounds 
rather young to be getting married.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Help with meaning of word in record.

2016-06-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel


EXPURIA, this is the word is write. It,s mean a dougther out of marriege.



De: Cesar Pimentel <>
Enviado: domingo, 12 de junho de 2016 16:35:46
Para: Azores Genealogy
Cc: Cesar Pimentel
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Help with meaning of word in record.

This is "expunha" ou "exponha".

Change "nha" fot "nia" is a very commum in Portuguese.


De: <> em nome de <>
Enviado: domingo, 12 de junho de 2016 16:28:51
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Help with meaning of word in record.

Possibly "expuria" as a spelling variant of "espuria" which is another word for 


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A little Help

2016-06-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hi all,

There is someone in the group who has the books of Rodrigo Rodrigues, or has 
access to them, and can verify that my ancestor Manoel

da Costa Carreiro , is quoted in it?

If this possibiliade , would it be too much to ask that I be sent the picture 
on page in question?

 I just file the documents.

Manoel da Costa was probably born around 1665 in Maia, married with Isabel da 
Costa, on 29.05.1679 , in Maia . He died in 23/02/1731/32 in Maia. It was the 
father of John Carreiro da Costa , born 05/18/17 . Thank you very much.

Cesar Pimentel

loockin for the baptism of the Manoel da Costa Carreiro, about 1665, in Maia

De: <> em nome de Cheri Mello 
Enviado: quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016 14:20
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] A little Help

HI Cesar,

As we go along, we learn which freguesias were formed from other freguesias. 
Someone researching Maia will have your answer.

However, you are in the 1660s - the records may have run out. You won't be able 
to go back further, unless you find your couple in the books of Gaspar 
Frutouso, Rodrigo Rodrigues, or Carlos Machado (NOTE: This is for Sao Miguel 
island researchers). If your couple is not mentioned in the books of other 
researchers, then you are out of luck. You have an "End of Line" ancestor. Your 
line has ended. So you get to go trace another line.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Tough Record to read

2016-06-12 Thread Cesar Pimentel

To me: Francisco Vieira (compare whit "f" two lines bellow- foram padrinhos)

 Margarida de Jesus (There is a " g" before "a" and a dash 
indicates that the word continues on the next line)

Cesar Pimentel

Looking for baptism certificate of the Manoel da Costa, about 1665, in Maia.

De: <> em nome de Cheri Mello 
Enviado: sábado, 11 de junho de 2016 19:56
Para: Azores Genealogy
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Tough Record to read

Francisco Vieira (paternal grandfather)
Antonio Morgado?? (matenral grandfathere)

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 2:49 PM, Richard Francis Pimentel 
<<>> wrote:
Hi I need some more eyes in reading this record. The ink is faded. What I 
cannot read is the first name of the Paternal grandfather 12th line down. It 
looks like it may be Francisco but it could be Ignacio. I also need the last 
name of the maternal grandfather on the 13th line.
This is on the left side of the image #43 Thanks


Richard Francis Pimentel
Epping, NH

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] My Family

2016-06-11 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hi Joe,

Tank you very much.

It´s so nice.

Cesar Pimentel
Loocking for baptism record of Manoel da Costa, about 1665, in Maia

De: <> em nome de Joe Matias 
Enviado: sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016 19:21
Para: azores
Assunto: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] My Family

Manuel Pedro number 75

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Joe Matias 
<<>> wrote:
Manuel Pedro Pimentel Passport registration .
This maybe your Manuel Pedro Pimentel.

Here is the main site.

On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Cesar Pimentel 
<<>> wrote:

Hi guys

I refer to you the result of my research , which at this point has focused in 
my direct line of male ancestors.

I refer because it may be that some of you may be researching some of these 
people , which at the same time , can help you in your research and help me in 

The person marked with the number 1 , David Pimentel , is my great-grandfather 
, my last ancestor born in the Azores.

After him , all born here in Brazil .

He immigrated here as a child with his father .

People marked with the letter A on, we are, their Brazilian descendants

D- Cesar Rodrigues Pimentel Filho (1997-São Paulo) e Vinícius de Miranda 
Pimentel (2000-São Paulo).

C- Cesar Rodrigues Pimentel (1966-Avaré) casado (08/04/1995) Luciana Bastos de 
Miranda Pimentel (1970-São Paulo)

B- David Pimentel Netto (1931-São Paulo) casado (17/06/1965) Maria Argentina 
Rodrigues Pimentel (1940-Avaré)

A- Raul David Pimentel (1900-Igarapava, 1968-Avaré) casado (12/06/1928) 
Magnólia Abs Pimentel (1903-Faveiro, 2003-Avaré)

1- David Pimentel (1877-Lomba da Maia, 1959-São Paulo) casado (01/10/1898) 
Adélia Pimentel (1881-Jabuticabal, 1969-São Paulo)

2- Manoel Pedro Pimentel (1850- Lomba da Maia, 1912- Igarapava) casado 
(06/10/1873) Maria Pereira de Jesus (1848-Lomba da Maia, 1892-Cravinhos)

3- Francisco Pedro Pimentel (1812-Maia, 1881-Lomba da Maia) casado (06/02/1850) 
Emília Júlia Carreira (1821-Rosto do Cão, 1881-Lomba da Maia)

4- Pedro da Costa (1756-Maia, 1835-Lomba da Maia) casado (05/11/1801) Quitéria 
de Pimentel (1776-Maia, 1857-Lomba da Maia)

5- Manoel da Costa Carreiro (1710-Ribeira Seca, 1779-Maia) casado (01/03/1750) 
Maria da Ressurreição (1731-Ribeira Seca, 1781-Maia)

6- João da Costa Carreiro (1685-Maia, 1766-Ribeira Seca) casado (06/01/1709) 
Maria de Medeiros (1691-Ribeira Seca, 1749-Ribeira Seca)

7- Manoel da Costa Carreiro (+/- 1665- Maia-1732-Maia) casado (29/05/1679) 
Izabel da Costa

8- Manoel da Costa (+/- 1645) casado () Bárbara da Ponte

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: A little Help

2016-06-10 Thread Cesar Pimentel
, João 
da Costa3, Manuel da Costa2, Manuel da Costa1).

Rosa casou com Caetano José de PAIVA [4664] 
1 [MRIN: 2656], filho de José de 
PAIVA [10886] 1 e Ursula Maria 
[10887],1 a 5 Dez 1791 em Ribeira 

Filho/a deste casamento:

   28 Fi. Luzia ROSA [4661] 1 
nasceu em 1794 em Maia, e faleceu em Maia.

Luzia casou com Jacinto José FURTADO [3621] 
1 [MRIN: 2098] a 22 Nov 1815 em 
Ribeira Seca. Jacinto nasceu em 1790 em Maia. Jacinto também usou o nome 
jacintho FURTADO.

19. Maria de Medeiros ALMEIDA 
1 (Rosa da Encarnação MEDEIROS4, João 
da Costa3, Manuel da Costa2, Manuel da Costa1).

Maria casou com Francisco da Ponte PACHECO [42530] 
1 [MRIN: 19932], filho de António da 
Ponte PACHECO [42529] 1 e Maria de 
SINTRA [42528],1 a 3 Out 1793 em 
Ribeira Seca. Francisco nasceu em Nordeste.

Filho/a deste casamento:

   29 Fi. Francisca Helena [13742] 
1 nasceu em 1796 em Ribeira Seca.

Francisca casou com Manuel RODRIGUES [13772] 
1 [MRIN: 7354], filho de Manuel 
RODRIGUES [30294] 1 e Maria dos Anjos 
Sousa FRIAS [30299],1 a 22 Ago 1814 
em Ribeira Seca. Manuel nasceu em 1793 em Ribeira Seca.

23. Maria da Conceição [27771] 
(Tomé da Costa4, João da Costa3, Manuel da Costa2, Manuel da Costa1).

Maria casou com António MONIZ [27770] [MRIN: 13626], filho de Manuel MONIZ 
[27768] e Maria MONIZ [27767], a 4 Jan 1761 em Ribeira Seca.

Filho/a deste casamento:

   30 Fi. Maria do Rosário MONIZ [27774] .

Maria casou com Laureano José Saudades MEDEIROS [27775] [MRIN: 13628], filho de 
José de Sousa Saudades MEDEIROS [27776] e Antónia de AMARAL [2], a 7 Nov 
1796 em Ribeira Seca.

quarta-feira, 8 de Junho de 2016 às 16:13:50 UTC, Cesar Pimentel escreveu:

Hello guys,

As a beginner in search through the Azores site certificates, I have a question 

How do you do to continue the search for an ancestor of you, that you know you 
were born in a certain location but there no records yet?

For example , in my case I had relatives who lived in Lomba da Maia , but born 
before the first record there, so I went to look at Maia, and it worked, but it 
was intuitive.

In my case , I try Manoel da Costa Carreiro , married to Isabel da Costa.

Manoel was the son of Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte .

All their life was spent in Maia , and there are no records of births that may 
be the time of birth of Manoel da Costa Carreiro ( 1662 ) , so I'm looking for 
in Ribeira Seca.

Does anyone have any cool tip about the case ?

Thank you.

Cesar Pimentel

In this moment loocking for a Baptism record os Manoel da Costa Carreiro, in 

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[AZORES-Genealogy] My Family

2016-06-10 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hi guys

I refer to you the result of my research , which at this point has focused in 
my direct line of male ancestors.

I refer because it may be that some of you may be researching some of these 
people , which at the same time , can help you in your research and help me in 

The person marked with the number 1 , David Pimentel , is my great-grandfather 
, my last ancestor born in the Azores.

After him , all born here in Brazil .

He immigrated here as a child with his father .

People marked with the letter A on, we are, their Brazilian descendants

D- Cesar Rodrigues Pimentel Filho (1997-São Paulo) e Vinícius de Miranda 
Pimentel (2000-São Paulo).

C- Cesar Rodrigues Pimentel (1966-Avaré) casado (08/04/1995) Luciana Bastos de 
Miranda Pimentel (1970-São Paulo)

B- David Pimentel Netto (1931-São Paulo) casado (17/06/1965) Maria Argentina 
Rodrigues Pimentel (1940-Avaré)

A- Raul David Pimentel (1900-Igarapava, 1968-Avaré) casado (12/06/1928) 
Magnólia Abs Pimentel (1903-Faveiro, 2003-Avaré)

1- David Pimentel (1877-Lomba da Maia, 1959-São Paulo) casado (01/10/1898) 
Adélia Pimentel (1881-Jabuticabal, 1969-São Paulo)

2- Manoel Pedro Pimentel (1850- Lomba da Maia, 1912- Igarapava) casado 
(06/10/1873) Maria Pereira de Jesus (1848-Lomba da Maia, 1892-Cravinhos)

3- Francisco Pedro Pimentel (1812-Maia, 1881-Lomba da Maia) casado (06/02/1850) 
Emília Júlia Carreira (1821-Rosto do Cão, 1881-Lomba da Maia)

4- Pedro da Costa (1756-Maia, 1835-Lomba da Maia) casado (05/11/1801) Quitéria 
de Pimentel (1776-Maia, 1857-Lomba da Maia)

5- Manoel da Costa Carreiro (1710-Ribeira Seca, 1779-Maia) casado (01/03/1750) 
Maria da Ressurreição (1731-Ribeira Seca, 1781-Maia)

6- João da Costa Carreiro (1685-Maia, 1766-Ribeira Seca) casado (06/01/1709) 
Maria de Medeiros (1691-Ribeira Seca, 1749-Ribeira Seca)

7- Manoel da Costa Carreiro (+/- 1665- Maia-1732-Maia) casado (29/05/1679) 
Izabel da Costa

8- Manoel da Costa (+/- 1645) casado () Bárbara da Ponte

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[AZORES-Genealogy] A little Help

2016-06-08 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hello guys,

As a beginner in search through the Azores site certificates, I have a question 

How do you do to continue the search for an ancestor of you, that you know you 
were born in a certain location but there no records yet?

For example , in my case I had relatives who lived in Lomba da Maia , but born 
before the first record there, so I went to look at Maia, and it worked, but it 
was intuitive.

In my case , I try Manoel da Costa Carreiro , married to Isabel da Costa.

Manoel was the son of Manoel da Costa and Barbara da Ponte .

All their life was spent in Maia , and there are no records of births that may 
be the time of birth of Manoel da Costa Carreiro ( 1662 ) , so I'm looking for 
in Ribeira Seca.

Does anyone have any cool tip about the case ?

Thank you.

Cesar Pimentel

In this moment loocking for a Baptism record os Manoel da Costa Carreiro, in 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy]

2016-06-03 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Em quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2016 13:59:06 UTC-3, Shirley Allegre 
> Was your Pedro da Costa married to Isabel Rodrigues?
> Shirley in jCA

Hi Shirley,

My Pedro da Costa not married to Isabel Rodrigues.

Pedro da Costa married twice , at least to my knowledge . The first with 
Antonia da Ponte and the second with Pimentel Quiteria , my ancestor

Cesar Pimentel
In this moment loocking for a baptism record of Pedro da Costa, in Maia.

> - Original Message - 
> *From:* Cesar Pimentel  
> *To:* Azores Genealogy  
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 02, 2016 5:23 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [AZORES-Genealogy]
> Cheri,
> Tanks, 
> In fact I took the hint to take a look at my mother's family , Rodrigues , 
> originating in Portugal , Guarda
> Cesar Pimentel
> In the moment, loocking for Pedro da Costa´s baptism Record, in Maia.
> Em quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016 12:39:01 UTC-3, Cheri Mello escreveu:
>> I do not know which freguesia you are researching. You can type in the 
>> freguesia name in the left column where it says "Pesquisar."
>> Or scroll down the left column. Pick Acores. Next, pick your island. 
>> Next, pick your concelho. Then pick your freguesia.
>> Good luck, Cheri
> -- 
> For options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail 
> (vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at 
> Click in the blue area on the 
> right that says "Join this group" and it will take you to "Edit my 
> membership."
> --- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "Azores Genealogy" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to .
> Visit this group at

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy]

2016-06-02 Thread Cesar Pimentel


In fact I took the hint to take a look at my mother's family , Rodrigues , 
originating in Portugal , Guarda

Cesar Pimentel
In the moment, loocking for Pedro da Costa´s baptism Record, in Maia.

Em quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016 12:39:01 UTC-3, Cheri Mello escreveu:

> I do not know which freguesia you are researching. You can type in the 
> freguesia name in the left column where it says "Pesquisar."
> Or scroll down the left column. Pick Acores. Next, pick your island. Next, 
> pick your concelho. Then pick your freguesia.
> Good luck, Cheri

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mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy]

2016-06-01 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Em terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2016 13:11:43 UTC-3, Cheri Mello escreveu:
> Yes. We call it the CCA. Many of us like to use as a portal or 
> gateway to the CCA. displays ALL the records for a freguesia on 
> one page. The CCA shows you only 10 at a time.
> Cheri Mello
> Listowner, Azores-Gen
> Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das 
> Tainhas, Achada

Hi Cheri,

 I was unable to view the files in is just showing up a 
description of what each topic.

Cesar Pimentel
In this moment looking for a baptism record of Pedro da Costa.

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2016-05-31 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Do you know this site?

Certainly yes.

For those not familiar, this site have every records of every church in 
Azores, everyone scanned.

I hope I have been helpful.

Cesar Pimentel

In this moment researching for baptism of Pedro da Costa, in Maia.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Hi.

2016-05-30 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Sim, estou achando muito legal.

Na verdade eu falo e leio inglês, mas não escrevo bem. Vamos ver como me 


Cesar Pimentel

Em sábado, 28 de maio de 2016 20:51:26 UTC-3, Cesar Pimentel escreveu:

> Hi, I'm Brazilian and don't speak english very well. 
> I am working in my family tree to, and my ancestry were born in Azores, 
> ilha de São Miguel. 
> So long 
> Cesar Pimentel.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] looking for da Ponte family from Povoação

2016-05-28 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Sandra, fala português?

Pedro da Costa is a name that Matt postes in his mensager. He, Pedro da Costa, 
is my 5th grandfather.

The information that had posted for Matt about he, Pedro da Costa, is correct.


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] looking for da Ponte family from Povoação

2016-05-28 Thread Cesar Pimentel

Pedro da Costa was my 5th grandfather.

Cesar Pimentel.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Hi.

2016-05-28 Thread Cesar Pimentel
Hi, I'm Brazilian and don't speak english very well.

I am working in my family tree to, and my ancestry were born in Azores, ilha de 
São Miguel.

So long

Cesar Pimentel.

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mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
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