[Bacula-users] Maximum Network Buffer Size warning

2005-12-14 Thread Steve Ellis
This should probably work its way into the manual, but a warning for
anyone who tries to move to significantly larger Maximum Network Buffer
Size numbers:

At least in bacula-1.38, Maximum Network Buffer Size _must_ be less than
51, or restores will crash the storage daemon.  I was playing with
Maximum Network Buffer Size and Maximum Block Size recently, and hit this

I naively assumed it would be beneficial to have 2 Maximum Block Size
bytes of data buffered, and was trying to see if increasing the Maximum
Block size helped my storage daemon throughput.  Some testing with btape
suggested that there was a performance benefit with larger block sizes
(although since that isn't 'real' data it might not be correct).

Anyway, I happily configured my bacula installation for 262144 maximum
block size and 524288 maximum network buffer size (256K and 512K). 
Backups seemed to be fine, but when I tried to restore, the storage daemon
kept crashing--I tracked it down to an ASSERT in src/stored/record.c
(about line 494), which presumably exists to prevent a malformed block
from chewing up too much memory.

I've now changed my maximum network buffer size to less than 51, but
now I'm uncertain what value for network buffer size leads to the best
performance--it may be that it is best if it is a precise multiple of
(Maximum Block Size - block overhead).  At any rate, without a source
change, restores won't work if it is more than 51--and, it may be that
any performance gains from using a larger than default block size are not
worth the trouble--at least now I have a work-around if I need to restore
my most recent set of backups.


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] btape test works, btape fill doesn't

2005-12-14 Thread Joe Dollard

  I'm in the process of setting up bacula for the first time for our 
network but am getting errors when I run btape fill.  I'm running bacula 
version 1.38.1 (installed from ports) on FreeBSD 5.4 with a Quantum SDLT 
110/220 tape drive (which is inside a Overland LoaderXPress).  If I run 
the btape test command the output indicates everything worked 
successfully, however when running btape fill using single tape mode 
btape gives me the following error:

btape: btape.c:2329 End of tape 108:0. VolumeCapacity=102,275,630,752. 
Write rate = 9689.8 KB/s

Done writing ...
Done filling tape at 108:0. Now beginning re-read of tape ...
ERROR! device at 1:1 count=1
ERROR! device at 1:1 count=1
Reposition from 1:1 to 106:10374

I waited about 30 minutes after receiving this last message but btape 
didn't display anything else.  Assuming it had hung I killed it with 
Output from btape fill, btape test and my bacula-sd.conf file are 
included below.

Does anybody have any ideas about what might be wrong here?  I'm trying 
to get bacula into production in the next few days, so any help would be 
greatly appreciated.


Here's the device definition from my bacula-sd.conf file:
Device {
Name = Overland
Description = "Overland on FreeBSD"
Media Type = SDLT-1
Archive Device = /dev/nsa0
AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = yes
Offline On Unmount = no
Hardware End of Medium = no   #FreeBSD secific
BSF at EOM = yes  #FreeBSD secific
Backward Space Record = no#FreeBSD secific
Fast Forward Space File = no  #FreeBSD secific
TWO EOF = yes #FreeBSD secific
#  Autochanger = yes
#  Changer Device = /dev/pass0
#  Changer Command = "/usr/local/sbin/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

The device has an autochanger but I want to get it working without an 
autochanger first.

Here's some of the output from btape fill:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] btape /dev/nsa0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:266 Using device: "/dev/nsa0" for writing.
btape: btape.c:338 open device "Overland" (/dev/nsa0): OK

This command simulates Bacula writing to a tape.
It requires either one or two blank tapes, which it
will label and write.

If you have an autochanger configured, it will use
the tapes that are in slots 1 and 2, otherwise, you will
be prompted to insert the tapes when necessary.

It will print a status approximately
every 322 MB, and write an EOF every 3.2 GB.  If you have
selected the simple test option, after writing the first tape
it will rewind it and re-read the last block written.

If you have selected the multiple tape test, when the first tape
fills, it will ask for a second, and after writing a few more
blocks, it will stop.  Then it will begin re-reading the
two tapes.

This may take a long time -- hours! ...

Do you want to run the simplified test (s) with one tape
or the complete multiple tape (m) test: (s/m) s
Simple test (single tape) selected.
Wrote Volume label for volume "TestVolume1".
Wrote Start of Session label.
Begin writing Bacula records to tape ...
Wrote blk_block=5000, dev_blk_num=4999 VolBytes=322,495,472 rate=10078.0 
Wrote blk_block=1, dev_blk_num= VolBytes=645,055,424 
rate=10239.0 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=15000, dev_blk_num=14999 VolBytes=967,615,368 
rate=10293.8 KB/s

Flush block, write EOF
Wrote blk_block=2, dev_blk_num=5000 VolBytes=1,290,175,312 
rate=10001.4 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=25000, dev_blk_num=1 VolBytes=1,612,735,264 
rate=10079.6 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=3, dev_blk_num=15000 VolBytes=1,935,295,208 
rate=9874.0 KB/s

Flush block, write EOF
Wrote blk_block=155, dev_blk_num=5000 VolBytes=99,993,519,128 
rate=9695.9 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=1555000, dev_blk_num=1 VolBytes=100,316,079,072 
rate=9697.1 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=156, dev_blk_num=15000 VolBytes=100,638,639,016 
rate=9699.2 KB/s

Flush block, write EOF
Wrote blk_block=1565000, dev_blk_num=5000 VolBytes=100,961,198,968 
rate=9692.9 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=157, dev_blk_num=1 VolBytes=101,283,758,912 
rate=9695.0 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=1575000, dev_blk_num=15000 VolBytes=101,606,318,864 
rate=9697.1 KB/s

Flush block, write EOF
Wrote blk_block=158, dev_blk_num=5000 VolBytes=101,928,878,808 
rate=9695.5 KB/s
Wrote blk_block=1585000, dev_blk_num=1 VolBytes=102,251,438,752 
rate=9697.6 KB/s
14-Dec 17:20 btape: End of Volume "TestVolume1" at 106:10375 on device 
"Overland" (/dev/nsa0). Write of 64512 bytes got 0.

btape: btape.c:2295 Last block at: 106:10374 this_dev_block_num=10375
btape: btape.c:2329 End of tape 108:0. VolumeCapacity=102,275,630,752. 
Write rate = 9689.8 KB/s

Done writing ...
Wrote state file last_block_num1=10374 last_block_num2=0

Done filling tape at 108:0. Now beginning re-read of tape ...
Reading the first 1 records.
ERROR! device at 1:1 count=1
ERROR! device at 1:1 count=1
Reposition from 1:1 to 106:10374

Here is the output from btape 

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Mixter

Thank you Kern! This debug flag gave me a lot of information and also a
hint to solve the problem!

I have two storage resources (with file as media type) specified in the
directors configuration file. One for a local file storage and one for
the storage daemon on the second server. When doing a restore the
director suggested the first of the two (the local one) and even though
I manually changed the restore job to use the other sd the job failed.
When looking at the debug output it became clear that the file daemon
tried to connect to the wrong storage daemon to get the files.
I commented out the local file storage and restarted the daemons. I
could now do a restore without any problems!

Is this a know issue? Howcome the file daemon tries to access the local
storage daemon even though I changed "storage" to another sd when
specifying the restore?
I didn't see this problem before my upgrade. Could it be a bug in the
new release or could I have a problem in the config somewhere? Is
anyone else running several storage daemons with bacula 1.38.2?

Best regards, Jonas Mixter

On 2005-12-14 23:15, Kern Sibbald wrote:

  Hello Jonas,

Using an IP address is fine.

Running with a -d400 on the SD and the FD would probably give you a much 
better idea what is going wrong ...

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 23:12, Jonas Mixter wrote:
On 2005-12-14 22:23, Kern Sibbald wrote:

  On Wednesday 14 December 2005 22:13, Jonas Mixter wrote:
On 2005-12-14 17:55, Attila Fülöp wrote:

  Jonas Mixter wrote:
On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:

Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
I have one machine running the director (with a connected
tape-station) and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage
daemon (this should later on be placed elsewhere, hence the
separation of the daemons). The director is named merry-dir and the
storage daemon is named pippin-sd. Before the upgrade I could backup
for example the catalog to a file storage on the machine with just
the sd. I could also restore files from
the backup.

After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK
and I
could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I
cannot restore...
When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
times out.

Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running
on the same server as the director):

14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see
for help.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  0
FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
Termination:*** Restore Error ***

14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  1
FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
Termination:*** Restore Error ***

Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
server running the director (tested only once though).
I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?

I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but
really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked
about the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do
have the /lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the st

Re: [Bacula-users] quantum px502

2005-12-14 Thread Phil Stracchino
Aditya Ivaturi wrote:
> We are looking to purchase a Quantum PX502 tape library with LTO-3
> drives. Any idea if this will be compatible with Bacula?

I know of no reason it shouldn't be.

 Phil Stracchino   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037 Landline: 603-886-3518

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] quantum px502

2005-12-14 Thread Aditya Ivaturi

We are looking to purchase a Quantum
PX502 tape library with LTO-3 drives. Any idea if this will be compatible
with Bacula?


Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
Hello Jonas,

Using an IP address is fine.

Running with a -d400 on the SD and the FD would probably give you a much 
better idea what is going wrong ...

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 23:12, Jonas Mixter wrote:
> On 2005-12-14 22:23, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >On Wednesday 14 December 2005 22:13, Jonas Mixter wrote:
> >>On 2005-12-14 17:55, Attila Fülöp wrote:
> >>>Jonas Mixter wrote:
> On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:
> >Hi!
> >Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
> >comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
> >I have one machine running the director (with a connected
> > tape-station) and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage
> > daemon (this should later on be placed elsewhere, hence the
> > separation of the daemons). The director is named merry-dir and the
> > storage daemon is named pippin-sd. Before the upgrade I could backup
> > for example the catalog to a file storage on the machine with just
> > the sd. I could also restore files from
> >the backup.
> >
> >After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK
> >and I
> >could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I
> > cannot restore...
> >When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
> >visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
> >Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
> >times out.
> >
> >Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running
> > on the same server as the director):
> >
> >14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job
> >RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
> >Please see
> >http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
> >for help.
> >14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
> >14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
> >14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
> >1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >JobId:  512
> >Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >Client: merry-fd
> >Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
> >End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >Files Expected: 1
> >Files Restored: 0
> >Bytes Restored: 0
> >Rate:   0.0 KB/s
> >FD Errors:  0
> >FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
> >Termination:*** Restore Error ***
> >
> >14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
> >1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >JobId:  512
> >Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >Client: merry-fd
> >Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
> >End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >Files Expected: 1
> >Files Restored: 0
> >Bytes Restored: 0
> >Rate:   0.0 KB/s
> >FD Errors:  1
> >FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
> >Termination:*** Restore Error ***
> >
> >
> >Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
> >I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
> >server running the director (tested only once though).
> >I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
> >also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?
> >
> >I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
> >RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but
> >don't
> >really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked
> > about the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do
> > have the /lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that
> > bacula provides. In that script the
> > "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is exported. (If running kernel
> > 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel 2.6 too?)
> >I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on
> >the sd
> >server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
> >Debian sarge.
> >Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
> >pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
> >director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
> >then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume,
> > or similiar?
> >
> >If

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Mixter

On 2005-12-14 22:23, Kern Sibbald wrote:

  On Wednesday 14 December 2005 22:13, Jonas Mixter wrote:
On 2005-12-14 17:55, Attila Fülöp wrote:

  Jonas Mixter wrote:
On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:

Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files
the backup.

After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK
and I
could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
times out.

Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
the same server as the director):

14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see
for help.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  0
FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
Termination:*** Restore Error ***

14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  1
FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
Termination:*** Restore Error ***

Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
server running the director (tested only once though).
I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?

I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but
really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
/lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
2.6 too?)
I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on
the sd
server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
Debian sarge.
Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or

If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
Automatically selected Job: JobId=515
Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.

The job is marked "has been canceled" in bconsole anyway. I don't
remember if I got errors like this before the upgrade.

What could be wrong in my setup? I've been banging my head to the wall
for quite a few hours now and I'm out of ideas.

Best regards, Jonas Mixter

I've doing some more tests today.
There seems to be no problems at all restoring from backups stored on
If I copy the entire backupfile from the server with running only the
sd, to the server running the bacu

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 22:13, Jonas Mixter wrote:
> On 2005-12-14 17:55, Attila Fülöp wrote:
> > Jonas Mixter wrote:
> >> On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:
> >>> Hi!
> >>> Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
> >>> comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
> >>> I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
> >>> and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
> >>> later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
> >>> director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
> >>> Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
> >>> storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files
> >>> from
> >>> the backup.
> >>>
> >>> After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK
> >>> and I
> >>> could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
> >>> restore...
> >>> When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
> >>> visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
> >>> Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
> >>> times out.
> >>>
> >>> Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
> >>> the same server as the director):
> >>>
> >>> 14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job
> >>> RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >>> Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
> >>> Please see
> >>> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
> >>> for help.
> >>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >>> Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
> >>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
> >>> Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
> >>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
> >>> 1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >>> JobId:  512
> >>> Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >>> Client: merry-fd
> >>> Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
> >>> End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >>> Files Expected: 1
> >>> Files Restored: 0
> >>> Bytes Restored: 0
> >>> Rate:   0.0 KB/s
> >>> FD Errors:  0
> >>> FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
> >>> Termination:*** Restore Error ***
> >>>
> >>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
> >>> 1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >>> JobId:  512
> >>> Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
> >>> Client: merry-fd
> >>> Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
> >>> End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
> >>> Files Expected: 1
> >>> Files Restored: 0
> >>> Bytes Restored: 0
> >>> Rate:   0.0 KB/s
> >>> FD Errors:  1
> >>> FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
> >>> Termination:*** Restore Error ***
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
> >>> I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
> >>> server running the director (tested only once though).
> >>> I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
> >>> also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?
> >>>
> >>> I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
> >>> RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but
> >>> don't
> >>> really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
> >>> the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
> >>> /lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
> >>> provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
> >>> exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
> >>> 2.6 too?)
> >>> I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on
> >>> the sd
> >>> server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
> >>> Debian sarge.
> >>> Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
> >>> pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
> >>> director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
> >>> then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or
> >>> similiar?
> >>>
> >>> If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
> >>> cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
> >>> *cancel
> >>> Automatically selected Job: JobId=515
> >>> Job=RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20
> >>> Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
> >>> 3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.
> >>>
> >>> The job is marked "has been canceled"

Re: [Bacula-users] clientrunbeforejob not working

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 21:04, Computer King wrote:
> I am tring to run the following 2 commands with bacula but them do not
> seem to work when i run them on the local machine it works fine however
> these commands must be run as root how can i get this to work with zimbra.
> ClientRunBeforeJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra stop
> ClientRunAfterJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra start

I suspect that you are missing quotes.

ClientRunBeforeJob = "/opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra stop"
ClientRunAfterJob = "/opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra start"

Best regards,



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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error "waiting to reserve a device" after upgrade to 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 04:22, Rick Knight wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >If you are able to reproduce this easily, could you turn on level 100 by
> >putting -d100 on the command line when you start it, then capture the
> > output. This may help me understand what is going on.
> >
> >I've tried everything I can to duplicate this, but all my tests run fine.
> >
> >Hmmm. Normally, it wouldn't be the OS that is causing problems, but I'm
> > open to almost any suggestion -- the goal being to fix it ...
> >
> >On Tuesday 13 December 2005 22:07, James Peverill wrote:
> >>I am also getting this error since upgrading to 1.38 from the 1.36
> >>branch... been trying to figure out why for a few days now.
> >>
> >>I am also running slackware 10... I wonder if this is related.  Not
> >>running 2.4 kernel though, running right now.  I am backing up
> >>to disk, not tapes.  Manually scheduled jobs run just fine, and
> >>automatic jobs run sometimes (the first job)... but most of the time
> >>they block indefinitely with "waiting to reserve a device".
> >>
> >>I figured I had just screwed up a configuration file somehow, but I have
> >>tweaked my configuration files with no improvement.  Maybe this is tied
> >>to a package in slackware 10?  Any other users running slackware 10 with
> >>1.38 successfully?
> >>
> >>james peverill
> >>
> >>Richard W. Knight wrote:
> >>>Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 December 2005 13:43, Rick Knight wrote:
> >Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>On Monday 12 December 2005 19:35, Richard W. Knight wrote:
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>
> >>>A couple of weeks ago I upgraded my Bacula installation from 1.34 to
> >>>1.38.1. I made a few other changes at the same time and everything
> >>>has
> >>>been working well since. Yesterday I decided to upgrade to 1.38.3. I
> >>>built from source using the same configuration options that I used
> >>> to build 1.38.1 with the addition of "--with-python". The build
> >>> went OK,
> >>>no errors. I stopped 1.38.1 and started 1.38.3. Everything seemed
> >>>to be
> >>>OK. I ran a couple of small test backups and there were no errors
> >>>so I
> >>>assumed that the upgrade went fine. Last night the scheduled
> >>>backup ran
> >>>and after the first job, instead of continuing on to the next job,
> >>>I got
> >>>this message ...
> >>>
> >>>12-Dec 07:29 MyJob-SMB-sd: Job MyJob.2005-12-12_01.05.01 waiting to
> >>>reserve a device.
> >>>
> >>>This morning, when I first saw this message, I just did a mount from
> >>>bconsole and the job continued, I have bacula configured for 6
> >>>jobs per
> >>>media and the tape wasn't full so the job should have just started
> >>>as it
> >>>hallways has. Now it's time to backup up the catalog, to file, and
> >>>I'm
> >>>getting the same message.
> >>>
> >>>I have an HP DDS2 drive, no changer, running on Slackware 10. I'm
> >>>using
> >>>the same conf files the worked fine on 1.38.1. Can anyone tell me
> >>> why I'm now getting this error message?
> >>
> >>You are not by any chance running on a 2.4 kernel with /lib/tls?
> >>
> >>Could you send me your bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf along
> >>with the
> >>job report that shows the jobs blocking?
> >>
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>RickKnight
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>---
> >>>This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
> >>>log
> >>>files for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that
> >>>makes searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web. 
> >>> http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click
> >>> ___
> >>>Bacula-users mailing list
> >>>Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> >>>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users
> >
> >Thanks Kern,
> >
> >I am running a 2.4.26 kernel, but I don't know about /lib/tls. I don't
> >have a /lib/tls on my system. How can I tell?
> Try:
>  ls -l /lib/tls
> If it exists, then that could explain why it *appears* that Bacula is
> not seeing some pthread broadcasts that would allow it to continue.
> This is a bit of a long shot, but at this point, I need to consider
> all possibilities ...
> In the mean time, I'll take a careful look at your config.  Perhaps I
> have missed something important that I can add to my test cases.  All
> my tests here succeeded perfectly ...
> By the way, getting the message that a job is waiting to reserve a
> drive is not in itself bad. This happens in my test case. However, at
> some point when the drive is available, the job should continue as it
> does in my test case.

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Mixter
On 2005-12-14 17:55, Attila Fülöp wrote:

> Jonas Mixter wrote:
>> On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
>>> comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
>>> I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
>>> and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
>>> later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
>>> director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
>>> Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
>>> storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files
>>> from
>>> the backup.
>>> After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK
>>> and I
>>> could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
>>> restore...
>>> When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
>>> visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
>>> Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
>>> times out.
>>> Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
>>> the same server as the director):
>>> 14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job
>>> RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>>> Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
>>> Please see
>>> http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
>>> for help.
>>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>>> Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
>>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>>> Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
>>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
>>> 1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>>> JobId:  512
>>> Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>>> Client: merry-fd
>>> Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
>>> End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>>> Files Expected: 1
>>> Files Restored: 0
>>> Bytes Restored: 0
>>> Rate:   0.0 KB/s
>>> FD Errors:  0
>>> FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
>>> Termination:*** Restore Error ***
>>> 14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
>>> 1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>>> JobId:  512
>>> Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>>> Client: merry-fd
>>> Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
>>> End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>>> Files Expected: 1
>>> Files Restored: 0
>>> Bytes Restored: 0
>>> Rate:   0.0 KB/s
>>> FD Errors:  1
>>> FD termination status: SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
>>> Termination:*** Restore Error ***
>>> Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
>>> I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
>>> server running the director (tested only once though).
>>> I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
>>> also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?
>>> I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
>>> RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but
>>> don't
>>> really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
>>> the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
>>> /lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
>>> provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
>>> exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
>>> 2.6 too?)
>>> I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on
>>> the sd
>>> server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
>>> Debian sarge.
>>> Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
>>> pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
>>> director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
>>> then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or
>>> similiar?
>>> If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
>>> cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
>>> *cancel
>>> Automatically selected Job: JobId=515
>>> Job=RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20
>>> Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
>>> 3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.
>>> The job is marked "has been canceled" in bconsole anyway. I don't
>>> remember if I got errors like this before the upgrade.
>>> What could be wrong in my setup? I've been banging my head to the wall
>>> for quite a few hours now and I'm out of ideas.
>>> Best regards, Jonas Mixter

Re: [Bacula-users] Error "waiting to reserve a device" after upgrade to 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald

Please copy the list ...

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 04:12, Rick Knight wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >If you are able to reproduce this easily, could you turn on level 100 by
> >putting -d100 on the command line when you start it, then capture the
> > output. This may help me understand what is going on.
> >
> >I've tried everything I can to duplicate this, but all my tests run fine.
> >
> >Hmmm. Normally, it wouldn't be the OS that is causing problems, but I'm
> > open to almost any suggestion -- the goal being to fix it ...
> >
> >On Tuesday 13 December 2005 22:07, James Peverill wrote:
> >>I am also getting this error since upgrading to 1.38 from the 1.36
> >>branch... been trying to figure out why for a few days now.
> >>
> >>I am also running slackware 10... I wonder if this is related.  Not
> >>running 2.4 kernel though, running right now.  I am backing up
> >>to disk, not tapes.  Manually scheduled jobs run just fine, and
> >>automatic jobs run sometimes (the first job)... but most of the time
> >>they block indefinitely with "waiting to reserve a device".
> >>
> >>I figured I had just screwed up a configuration file somehow, but I have
> >>tweaked my configuration files with no improvement.  Maybe this is tied
> >>to a package in slackware 10?  Any other users running slackware 10 with
> >>1.38 successfully?
> >>
> >>james peverill
> >>
> >>Richard W. Knight wrote:
> >>>Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 December 2005 13:43, Rick Knight wrote:
> >Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >>Hello,
> >>
> >>On Monday 12 December 2005 19:35, Richard W. Knight wrote:
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>
> >>>A couple of weeks ago I upgraded my Bacula installation from 1.34 to
> >>>1.38.1. I made a few other changes at the same time and everything
> >>>has
> >>>been working well since. Yesterday I decided to upgrade to 1.38.3. I
> >>>built from source using the same configuration options that I used
> >>> to build 1.38.1 with the addition of "--with-python". The build
> >>> went OK,
> >>>no errors. I stopped 1.38.1 and started 1.38.3. Everything seemed
> >>>to be
> >>>OK. I ran a couple of small test backups and there were no errors
> >>>so I
> >>>assumed that the upgrade went fine. Last night the scheduled
> >>>backup ran
> >>>and after the first job, instead of continuing on to the next job,
> >>>I got
> >>>this message ...
> >>>
> >>>12-Dec 07:29 MyJob-SMB-sd: Job MyJob.2005-12-12_01.05.01 waiting to
> >>>reserve a device.
> >>>
> >>>This morning, when I first saw this message, I just did a mount from
> >>>bconsole and the job continued, I have bacula configured for 6
> >>>jobs per
> >>>media and the tape wasn't full so the job should have just started
> >>>as it
> >>>hallways has. Now it's time to backup up the catalog, to file, and
> >>>I'm
> >>>getting the same message.
> >>>
> >>>I have an HP DDS2 drive, no changer, running on Slackware 10. I'm
> >>>using
> >>>the same conf files the worked fine on 1.38.1. Can anyone tell me
> >>> why I'm now getting this error message?
> >>
> >>You are not by any chance running on a 2.4 kernel with /lib/tls?
> >>
> >>Could you send me your bacula-dir.conf and bacula-sd.conf along
> >>with the
> >>job report that shows the jobs blocking?
> >>
> >>>Thanks,
> >>>RickKnight
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>---
> >>>This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
> >>>log
> >>>files for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that
> >>>makes searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web. 
> >>> http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click
> >>> ___
> >>>Bacula-users mailing list
> >>>Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> >>>https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users
> >
> >Thanks Kern,
> >
> >I am running a 2.4.26 kernel, but I don't know about /lib/tls. I don't
> >have a /lib/tls on my system. How can I tell?
> Try:
>  ls -l /lib/tls
> If it exists, then that could explain why it *appears* that Bacula is
> not seeing some pthread broadcasts that would allow it to continue.
> This is a bit of a long shot, but at this point, I need to consider
> all possibilities ...
> In the mean time, I'll take a careful look at your config.  Perhaps I
> have missed something important that I can add to my test cases.  All
> my tests here succeeded perfectly ...
> By the way, getting the message that a job is waiting to reserve a
> drive is not in itself bad. This happens in my test case. However, at
> some point when the drive is available, the job should continue as it

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread Richard (MQ)

Hi Ferdinando

> I have done something silmilar with tape
> magazines. I use normal backups on disks, with
> Full on sunday and Incr on weekdays.
> On saturday I schedule a Full copy on
> tapes (2 drives on a 19 slots changer). We keep
> 3 magazines wich are rotated,
> each containing some volumes of the 4 pools onto
> which we make the backups.
> Volumes expire after 24 days.
> On monday we can verify if all the backups
> were done correctly (eventually we have all the
> week to integrate failed ones).
> When we want to change the magazine
> we use a script (through WEBMIN) that unmount
> and unload the drives, then
> we change the magazine and run another script
> (really is the same with
> another argument) that disables the volumes in
> the previous mag and enable the new ones.
> I will attach the script, but it is
> not general and really not commented. Also it is
> working with 1.36.3 and messages are in Italian.
> If someone in the list is interested I could try
> to make it more general and usable.
> Ferdinando Pasqualetti
> G.T.Dati srl
> Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143

I think I can use this, no problem with the 
Italian messages. Another job for the holiday period!

Thanks and regards,
Richard (MQ)

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] clientrunbeforejob not working

2005-12-14 Thread Arno Lehmann


Computer King schrieb:
I am tring to run the following 2 commands with bacula but them do not 
seem to work when i run them on the local machine it works fine however 
these commands must be run as root how can i get this to work with zimbra.

ClientRunBeforeJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra stop
ClientRunAfterJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra start

Tried su, sudo or setting the file permissions to... erm... SETUID?


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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Sparc testing

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald

Is there someone on this list with a Sparc or any other machine that is 
running a Storage daemon other than Linux with kernel 2.6 or FreeBSD where I 
am able to test myself?  (e.g. Sparc, Linux with kernel 2.4, OpenBSD, 
IBM, ...)

I would like you to run about 10 minutes of tests with and without a tape in a 
drive (or autochanger).  If so, please let me know, and I'll send you the 
program and the commands to run.

Best regards,



This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] clientrunbeforejob not working

2005-12-14 Thread Computer King
I am tring to run the following 2 commands with bacula but them do not 
seem to work when i run them on the local machine it works fine however 
these commands must be run as root how can i get this to work with zimbra.

ClientRunBeforeJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra stop
ClientRunAfterJob = /opt/zimbra/bin/zimbra start

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Feature Request

2005-12-14 Thread Beren Gamble
I haven't seen it in the documentation in my travels, so i'll assume this isn't 
possible at the moment.

Kern, i'm backing up 49 servers at the moment and occasionally one of their 
network cards will get the wrong duplex setting, so the backup will go at 

Can we have a setting which cancels a job if it's not achieving a decent 

My problem is, if the 10th server screws up, I check it in the morning and that 
one server stops the rest from having a succesful backup.

Cheers and keep up the great work!


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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error "waiting to reserve a device" after upgrade to 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Rick Knight

Kern Sibbald wrote:


If you are able to reproduce this easily, could you turn on level 100 by 
putting -d100 on the command line when you start it, then capture the output. 
This may help me understand what is going on.

I've tried everything I can to duplicate this, but all my tests run fine.

Hmmm. Normally, it wouldn't be the OS that is causing problems, but I'm open 
to almost any suggestion -- the goal being to fix it ...

On Tuesday 13 December 2005 22:07, James Peverill wrote:


I modified the bacula startup script to start with -d100. Attached is
the output.

Also, I noticed that when the first job ends, Knight-Linux-SMB,
bconsole/status/dir shows the drive as not mounted. When I mount the
drive, bacula claims the drive is already mounted, but then the job
continues. My runafter script has not run at this point, but when it
does, it also ejects the tape so I don't think that it's causing this

Also, looking at the attached file, I can see a couple of python errors
"pythonlib.c:94 No script dir". Could this be the problem?

Thank again,

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/bacula# ./bacula start
Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
bacula-sd: stored_conf.c:613 Inserting device res: DAT-8
Starting the Bacula File daemon
knight-linux-SMB-sd: jcr.c:113 read_last_jobs seek to 188
knight-linux-SMB-sd: jcr.c:120 Read num_items=10
knight-linux-SMB-sd: pythonlib.c:94 No script dir. prog=SDStartUp
knight-linux-SMB-sd: stored.c:451 calling init_dev /tmp/bacula_cat
knight-linux-SMB-sd: dev.c:242 init_dev: tape=0 dev_name=/tmp/bacula_cat
knight-linux-SMB-sd: stored.c:453 SD init done /tmp/bacula_cat
knight-linux-SMB-sd: stored.c:451 calling init_dev /dev/nst0
knight-linux-SMB-sd: dev.c:242 init_dev: tape=2 dev_name=/dev/nst0
knight-linux-SMB-sd: stored.c:453 SD init done /dev/nst0
knight-linux-SMB-sd: bnet_server.c:83 Addresses host[ipv4:]
knight-linux-SMB-fd: jcr.c:113 read_last_jobs seek to 188
knight-linux-SMB-fd: jcr.c:120 Read num_items=10
knight-linux-SMB-fd: pythonlib.c:94 No script dir. prog=FDStartUp
knight-linux-SMB-fd: filed.c:238 filed: listening on port 9102
knight-linux-SMB-fd: bnet_server.c:83 Addresses host[ipv4:]
Starting the Bacula Director daemon
bacula-dir: dird.c:128 Debug level = 100
bacula-dir: mysql.c:81 db_open first time
bacula-dir: mysql.c:142 mysql_init done
bacula-dir: mysql.c:162 mysql_real_connect done
bacula-dir: mysql.c:164 db_user=bacula db_name=bacula db_password=passwd_deleted
knight-linux-SMB-dir: jcr.c:113 read_last_jobs seek to 188  

Re: [Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 16:28, Bruno Léon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm using bacula for 2 months now and I'm doing some restore tests now
> that the volume of data is quite big.
> Actually, I'd like to restore a file but this takes an extremely long
> time, more than 2 hours to read the catalog.
> The catalog is 500Mo and the server is only backup server, 1.3Ghz PIII
> with 256 Mb or RAM.
> Do you think that this duration is normal or not ?

Yes, that is abnormal.  Please read the Catalog Maintenance chapter in the 
development manual.  I just added a small section on database performance, in 
particular checking that you have the right indexes ...

> Thanks in advance.

Best regards,



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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Segmentation violation

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 15:59, Roger Kvam wrote:
> Now I`m really embarrassed, actually ,FreeBSD is protecting itself
> against runaway processes by allowing maximum memory size for one
> process to 512MB, I had to increase the maximum to 2 gig by adding
> kern.maxdsiz=2147483648 to /boot/loader.conf. witch is my physical
> amount of memory, but maxed out that to, so I had tried another job who
> only used 870MB RAM. Maybe there should be a warning in the
> documentation about this problem? I think my job would have required at
> least 2.3GB memory :D I will divide it now ;)

Well, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. I had no idea that FreeBSD 
limited the maximum memory.  I agree this should be in the doc, and I will 
add it.

> But the error messages from bacula was far out :p
> "Query failed: SELECT MediaType
>  >>> FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=2 AND
>  >>> JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId: ERR=Lost connection to MySQL server
>  >>> during query"
> Roger
> Roger Kvam wrote:
> > I have tried to run several restorejobs, and every job who is beneth 516
> > MB i memory consumption is a sucess, every job above 516 crash whith
> > same error message. MySQL is installed same way as when running bacula
> > 1.36.
> >
> > Bacula did crash earlyer when consuming more than fysical mermory, but
> > the box was upgraded to 2GB  prior to 1.36, and the versions prior to
> > 1.36 and 1.36 worked fine.
> >
> > Kern Sibbald wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I repeat what I said the last time: this looks like a MySQL problem.
> >> Given the new information you have presented, and the fact that you
> >> are having problems when working with almost 9 million files backed up
> >> (a lot), I would suspect that the problem is with your MySQL
> >> configuration.  If you used the standard MySQL installation, it is
> >> probably not configured for such large databases.
> >>
> >> See below for more ...
> >>
> >> On Monday 12 December 2005 10:52, Roger Kvam wrote:
> >>> I Tried to upgrade MySQL to 5. and recomile bacula (yes I did a make
> >>> distclean), but same error, have now installed MySQL 4.1.15 again, and
> >>> recompiled bacula again, deleted the database and deleted the tapes so
> >>> I could start fresh.
> >>>
> >>> When trying to restore from a large job, bacula crashes,
> >>
> >> From the message you show below, it looks to me like MySQL crashed or
> >> at least disconnected.
> >>
> >>> when trying to restore from a small job everything works fine. Does
> >>> bacula has
> >>> shortcomings when comes to enterprise systems?
> >>
> >> Bacula is not what I would call an enterprise system, so one could say
> >> it has that kind of shortcoming.   In your case, you are dealing with
> >> a quite large backup set, and it looks like you have not adapted MySQL
> >> to handle it appropriatedly.
> >>
> >> Perhaps some of the other users on the list can help you.  If I am not
> >> mistaken, the Bacula document also mentions some steps you might take
> >> for large databases, but your best bet is to look at the MySQL
> >> documentation.
> >>
> >>> Now I have run several backups of several servers and everything works
> >>> fine, until I wanted to do a restore from the biggest job,
> >>>
> >>> +---+---+---+-+-+--
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --+---+
> >>>
> >>> | JobId | Level | JobFiles  | JobBytes| StartTime   |
> >>>
> >>> VolumeName | StartFile |
> >>> +---+---+---+-+-+--
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --+---+
> >>>
> >>> | 2 | F | 8,759,302 | 821,505,476,167 | 2005-12-09 16:27:02 |
> >>>
> >>> 09L2   | 0 |
> >>> +---+---+---+-+-+--
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --+---+ You have selected the following JobId: 2
> >>>
> >>> Building directory tree for JobId 2 ...  Query failed: SELECT MediaType
> >>> FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=2 AND
> >>> JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId: ERR=Lost connection to MySQL server
> >>> during query
> >>>
> >>> There were no files inserted into the tree, so file selection
> >>> is not possible.Most likely your retention policy pruned the files
> >>>
> >>> Do you want to restore all the files? (yes|no):
> >>> ¤¤
> >>>
> >>> When trying to restore from a smaller job, everything works fine:
> >>>
> >>> +---+---+--++-+
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> +---+
> >>>
> >>> | JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes   | StartTime   |
> >>>
> >>> VolumeName | StartFile |
> >>> +---+---+--++-+
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> +---+
> >>>
> >>> | 3 | F |  833,832 | 52,358,007,603 | 2005-12-09 16:29:06 |
> >>>
> >>> 09L2   |29 |
> >>>
> >>> | 4 | I |1,434 |322,179,540 | 2005-12-

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Attila Fülöp

Jonas Mixter wrote:

On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:

Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files from
the backup.

After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK and I
could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
times out.

Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
the same server as the director):

14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
for help.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  0
FD termination status: 
SD termination status:  Waiting on FD

Termination:*** Restore Error ***

14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
JobId:  512
Client: merry-fd
Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
Files Expected: 1
Files Restored: 0
Bytes Restored: 0
Rate:   0.0 KB/s
FD Errors:  1
FD termination status: 
SD termination status:  Waiting on FD

Termination:*** Restore Error ***

Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
server running the director (tested only once though).
I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?

I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but don't
really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
/lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
2.6 too?)
I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on the sd
server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
Debian sarge.
Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or

If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
Automatically selected Job: JobId=515 Job=RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20
Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.

The job is marked "has been canceled" in bconsole anyway. I don't
remember if I got errors like this before the upgrade.

What could be wrong in my setup? I've been banging my head to the wall
for quite a few hours now and I'm out of ideas.

Best regards, Jonas Mixter

I've doing some more tests today.
There seems to be no problems at all restoring from backups stored on tape.
If I copy the entire backupfile from the server with running only the
sd, to the server running the bacula-dir I could do a restore files
without any problems.
Does anyone have any suggestions where continue trouble shooting?

Best regards, Jonas Mixter

Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-man

Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Segmentation violation

2005-12-14 Thread Attila Fülöp

Heigl Florian - Munich-MR - external wrote:

Hi Roger,

Now I`m really embarrassed, actually ,FreeBSD is protecting itself 
against runaway processes by allowing maximum memory size for one 
process to 512MB, I had to increase the maximum to 2 gig by adding
kern.maxdsiz=2147483648 to /boot/loader.conf. witch is my physical 
amount of memory, but maxed out that to, so I had tried 
another job who 
only used 870MB RAM. Maybe there should be a warning in the 
documentation about this problem? I think my job would have 
required at 
least 2.3GB memory :D I will divide it now ;)

You should still keep maxdsiz below Your physical memory or You'll end 
up either trashing Your paging space or getting random processes killed

by the OS.
Do some sizing of the mysql database configuration and let it know it
can't allocate more than 1GB physical memory and set maxdsiz to that.

Well this all depends on your hardware. On 32 bit systems physical address
space is limited to 4G (32 bit pointers), out of which the PCI address space
takes the half. Additional address space is needed for mmaping and shared
libraries. This means that on 32 bit platforms your limit per process is
below 2G. This is a physical limitation. The 512MB limit is documented and
explained in the manual.

I had to tweak a Xeon server with FreeBSD 4.8 to use 1.8G per process.
and found the information quite quickly googling around. (Sorry I've no
bookmark right now.)

I have no problems at all with a single process consuming more than 2Gig
on an AMD Opteron system running FreeBSD 5.4 without tweaking anything.



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Bacula-users mailing list

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Mixter
On 2005-12-14 10:29, Jonas Mixter wrote:

>Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
>comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
>I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
>and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
>later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
>director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
>Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
>storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files from
>the backup.
>After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK and I
>could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
>When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
>visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
>Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
>times out.
>Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
>the same server as the director):
>14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
>Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
>for help.
>14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
>14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
>Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
>14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
>1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>  JobId:  512
>  Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>  Client: merry-fd
>  Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
>  End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>  Files Expected: 1
>  Files Restored: 0
>  Bytes Restored: 0
>  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
>  FD Errors:  0
>  FD termination status: 
>  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
>  Termination:*** Restore Error ***
>14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
>1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>  JobId:  512
>  Job:RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
>  Client: merry-fd
>  Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
>  End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
>  Files Expected: 1
>  Files Restored: 0
>  Bytes Restored: 0
>  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
>  FD Errors:  1
>  FD termination status: 
>  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
>  Termination:*** Restore Error ***
>Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
>I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
>server running the director (tested only once though).
>I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
>also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?
>I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
>RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but don't
>really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
>the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
>/lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
>provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
>exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
>2.6 too?)
>I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on the sd
>server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
>Debian sarge.
>Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
>pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
>director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
>then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or
>If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
>cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
>Automatically selected Job: JobId=515 Job=RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20
>Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
>3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.
>The job is marked "has been canceled" in bconsole anyway. I don't
>remember if I got errors like this before the upgrade.
>What could be wrong in my setup? I've been banging my head to the wall
>for quite a few hours now and I'm out of ideas.
>Best regards, Jonas Mixter
I've doing some more tests today.
There seems to be no problems at all restoring from backups stored on tape.
If I copy the entire backupfile from the server with running only the
sd, to the server running the bacula-dir I could do a restore files
without any problems.
Does anyone have any suggestions where continue trouble 

Re: [Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Christoph Haas
Please always copy the list! Personal support is restricted to people who 
pay me or who are my father-in-law. Thanks.

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 16:51, Bruno Léon wrote:
> Well, I only have an Index on FilenameID at the moment.
> May be those new indexes come with bacula 1.38? I'm using 1.36.2 which
> comes as a Debian package.

I'm using the Debian/Sarge package, too. And it's true that the indexes are 
currently not created automatically. See my submitted bug report:


Create the indices and you will see a performance boost that will make you 

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searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Frank Sweetser
On Wed, Dec 14, 2005 at 04:56:08PM +0100, Alejandro Alfonso wrote:
> Witch database do you use? Try to dump and then restore the databasefile
> to rebuild the Indexes

As a quick sidenote, it's a lot easier and safer to use the optimize command
to rebuild indexes on tables.


Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Network Engineer  |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Alejandro Alfonso

Build a "restore enviroment" takes me about five minutes in a:

Gentoo Linux 2.6.11
1) Bacula 1.38.0
2) Mysql 4.1
3) ~2.000.000 files in the job
4) 1'5Gb /var/lib/mysql

Hardware... Pentium II (yes!!) 128Mb RAM (yes!!!) harddisk 8Gb

Witch database do you use? Try to dump and then restore the
databasefile to rebuild the Indexes

Best regards
I'm using bacula for 2 months now and I'm doing some restore tests now
that the volume of data is quite big.
Actually, I'd like to restore a file but this takes an extremely long
time, more than 2 hours to read the catalog.
The catalog is 500Mo and the server is only backup server, 1.3Ghz PIII
with 256 Mb or RAM.
Do you think that this duration is normal or not ?
Thanks in advance.




      Alejandro Alfonso Fernández 
      Dpto de Sistemas. Área Corporativa 


   Proción 7, Portales 1-2 Edificio América II 
28023 Madrid 
Tfn: 91 452 18 00 - Fax: 91 452 18 08
   Juan García Hortelano, 43 Edificio Telecyl 
47014 Valladolid 
Tfn: 983 428 200 - Fax: 983 428 223


Re: [Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Christoph Haas
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 16:28, Bruno Léon wrote:
> I'm using bacula for 2 months now and I'm doing some restore tests now
> that the volume of data is quite big.
> Actually, I'd like to restore a file but this takes an extremely long
> time, more than 2 hours to read the catalog.
> The catalog is 500Mo and the server is only backup server, 1.3Ghz PIII
> with 256 Mb or RAM.
> Do you think that this duration is normal or not ?

I don't think so. I had similar problems when the indices on my MySQL 
database haven't been created properly. Check that you have the following 
indices created on the `File` table:

#  INDEX (JobId),
#  INDEX (PathId),
#  INDEX (FilenameId),
#  INDEX (JobId, PathId, FilenameId)

Currently it takes me a maximum of 30 seconds to build the directory tree.
Without having these indices it took 5-10 minutes here.

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This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Retoring files very slow

2005-12-14 Thread Bruno Léon

Hi all,

I'm using bacula for 2 months now and I'm doing some restore tests now 
that the volume of data is quite big.
Actually, I'd like to restore a file but this takes an extremely long 
time, more than 2 hours to read the catalog.
The catalog is 500Mo and the server is only backup server, 1.3Ghz PIII 
with 256 Mb or RAM.

Do you think that this duration is normal or not ?

Thanks in advance.

Bruno LEON

fn;quoted-printable:Bruno L=C3=A9on
adr:Parc d'affaires Metropolis CS20 825;;14 E Rue Patis Tatelin;Rennes Cedex 7;;35708;FRANCE
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Administrateur Syst=C3=A8mes & R=C3=A9seaux

RE: [Bacula-users] Re: Segmentation violation

2005-12-14 Thread Heigl Florian - Munich-MR - external
Hi Roger,

> Now I`m really embarrassed, actually ,FreeBSD is protecting itself 
> against runaway processes by allowing maximum memory size for one 
> process to 512MB, I had to increase the maximum to 2 gig by adding
> kern.maxdsiz=2147483648 to /boot/loader.conf. witch is my physical 
> amount of memory, but maxed out that to, so I had tried 
> another job who 
> only used 870MB RAM. Maybe there should be a warning in the 
> documentation about this problem? I think my job would have 
> required at 
> least 2.3GB memory :D I will divide it now ;)

You should still keep maxdsiz below Your physical memory or You'll end 
up either trashing Your paging space or getting random processes killed
by the OS.
Do some sizing of the mysql database configuration and let it know it
can't allocate more than 1GB physical memory and set maxdsiz to that.


This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Re: Segmentation violation

2005-12-14 Thread Roger Kvam
Now I`m really embarrassed, actually ,FreeBSD is protecting itself 
against runaway processes by allowing maximum memory size for one 
process to 512MB, I had to increase the maximum to 2 gig by adding
kern.maxdsiz=2147483648 to /boot/loader.conf. witch is my physical 
amount of memory, but maxed out that to, so I had tried another job who 
only used 870MB RAM. Maybe there should be a warning in the 
documentation about this problem? I think my job would have required at 
least 2.3GB memory :D I will divide it now ;)

But the error messages from bacula was far out :p
"Query failed: SELECT MediaType
>>> FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=2 AND
>>> JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId: ERR=Lost connection to MySQL server
>>> during query"


Roger Kvam wrote:
I have tried to run several restorejobs, and every job who is beneth 516 
MB i memory consumption is a sucess, every job above 516 crash whith 
same error message. MySQL is installed same way as when running bacula 

Bacula did crash earlyer when consuming more than fysical mermory, but 
the box was upgraded to 2GB  prior to 1.36, and the versions prior to 
1.36 and 1.36 worked fine.

Kern Sibbald wrote:


I repeat what I said the last time: this looks like a MySQL problem. 
Given the new information you have presented, and the fact that you 
are having problems when working with almost 9 million files backed up 
(a lot), I would suspect that the problem is with your MySQL 
configuration.  If you used the standard MySQL installation, it is 
probably not configured for such large databases.

See below for more ...

On Monday 12 December 2005 10:52, Roger Kvam wrote:

I Tried to upgrade MySQL to 5. and recomile bacula (yes I did a make
distclean), but same error, have now installed MySQL 4.1.15 again, and
recompiled bacula again, deleted the database and deleted the tapes so I
could start fresh.

When trying to restore from a large job, bacula crashes, 

From the message you show below, it looks to me like MySQL crashed or 
at least disconnected.

when trying to restore from a small job everything works fine. Does 
bacula has

shortcomings when comes to enterprise systems?

Bacula is not what I would call an enterprise system, so one could say 
it has that kind of shortcoming.   In your case, you are dealing with 
a quite large backup set, and it looks like you have not adapted MySQL 
to handle it appropriatedly.

Perhaps some of the other users on the list can help you.  If I am not 
mistaken, the Bacula document also mentions some steps you might take 
for large databases, but your best bet is to look at the MySQL 

Now I have run several backups of several servers and everything works
fine, until I wanted to do a restore from the biggest job,



| JobId | Level | JobFiles  | JobBytes| StartTime   |

VolumeName | StartFile |


| 2 | F | 8,759,302 | 821,505,476,167 | 2005-12-09 16:27:02 |

09L2   | 0 |

--+---+ You have selected the following JobId: 2

Building directory tree for JobId 2 ...  Query failed: SELECT MediaType
FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=2 AND
JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId: ERR=Lost connection to MySQL server
during query

There were no files inserted into the tree, so file selection
is not possible.Most likely your retention policy pruned the files

Do you want to restore all the files? (yes|no):

When trying to restore from a smaller job, everything works fine:



| JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes   | StartTime   |

VolumeName | StartFile |


| 3 | F |  833,832 | 52,358,007,603 | 2005-12-09 16:29:06 |

09L2   |29 |

| 4 | I |1,434 |322,179,540 | 2005-12-10 00:05:01 |

01L2   | 0 |

+---+ You have selected the following JobIds: 3,4

Building directory tree for JobId 3 ...
Building directory tree for JobId 4 ...
2 Jobs, 828,824 files inserted into the tree.

Have I met any limitations in bacula?
The system status was like this the moment before the crash:

last pid: 34607;  load averages:  1.24,  0.58,  0.25  up 3+19:19:56
59 processes:  6 running, 53 sleeping

Mem: 572M Active, 1156M Inact, 212M Wired, 64M Cache, 112M Buf, 3008K 

Swap: 4096M Total, 500K Used, 4095M Free


Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Bacula BETA 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
Hello Arno,

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about this problem lately, trying to 
take in all the information you have supplied.  For the moment, the most 
promising idea is what you found with unloaded drives.   By the way, I am 
convinced that the problems Rick Knight are seeing are totally unrelated.

On Wednesday 14 December 2005 09:28, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> some more results. I was curious, so I found the opportunity to verify
> at least part of todays regular backup run.
> Arno Lehmann schrieb:
> > Kern -
> >
> > Kern Sibbald schrieb:
> >> Hmmm.  I think I am going to pack it in and take a year's vacation ...
> >
> > don't.

Yea, I won't, but I am sure getting annoyed with this problem.  Please don't 
take that to mean I am annoyed with you, quite the contrary, you have been 
very patient.  

> >
> > I was a little stupid when I tried to analyze the problem. Or rather, I
> > didn't really analyze.
> >
> > What I did this evening: Shutdown bacula. Use mtx to load a tape into
> > ONE of my TWO autoloaders (might be important later).
> > Start Bacula again.
> >
> > Start a job going to autoloader ONE.
> >
> > Voilà.
> >
> > New results now: When Bacula encounters an empty autoloader drive at
> > startup, I can't get it loading and using tapes. When the drive is
> > loaded when Bacula (SD, probably) starts, everything's ok.

Well, this is not at all good, but it is probably *very* important.  If I 
remember right, you are using SUSE, can you remind me of what kernel you are 
on.  I ask because with 2.6 kernels (actually 2.5.x) there was this major 
change that was discussed some time ago where if there is no tape in the 
drive, an open() in read/write mode waits for some period of time, then 
fails.  Now, perhaps (very unlikely) on your system, it waits forever.

Before anything else can work, Bacula needs to be able to open a tape drive 
correctly.  On my system Fedora FC4 (kernel 2.6.14), it works fine.  Perhaps 
at this point, I need to write a little test program that you can run for me 
that will report back what is going on.

> >
> > What I will / might / should test:
> > - What happens with the empty autoloader TWO? I suspect it will remain
> > blocked.
> > - What happens if I umount ONE and later mount it again?
> I had to change tapes. The normal umount - change magazines - update
> slots scan - mount worked. Jobs that go to the loaded volumes run,
> others wait. No jobs failed until now, but up till now my original
> problem situation didn't happen.
> > Tomorrow, I've got a job scheduled that should go to TWO - I'll report.
> This job is still waiting for Maximum Concurrent Jobs on the client...


Regards, Kern

> Arno
> > Arno
> >
> >> On Monday 12 December 2005 20:21, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Arno Lehmann schrieb:
>  Hi,
>  Kern Sibbald schrieb:
> >>>
> >>> ...
> >>>
> > Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you could try the 1.38.3
> > beta.  Please use the released tar file rather than the CVS -- the
> > HEAD CVS is now slightly behind the 1.38 branch in terms of fixes ...
>  I'll download it in a few minutes...
> > Although I haven't been able to reproduce the pool problems you are
> > having, I have been working on it nevertheless.  When I was able to
> > duplicate the two drive problem of not running jobs simultaneously on
> > both drives, I took the time to review the reservation system in
> > detail, and I found a few places where there *may* have been
> > problems.
>  I should see if the version 1.38.3beta fixes my problem on Tuesday -
>  that's still my jobs-to-different-pools-day. I'll report what happens.
>  And, of course, I've got one run of straight and usual backups before
>  that, although I don't think there will be any problems tomorrow.
> >>>
> >>> Unfortunately, I have to report something rather unexpected. The device
> >>> reservation system works a little too good ;-)
> >>>
> >>> I started my bachup server this morning (or rather, it started itself).
> >>> All tape drives Bacula itself loads were empty, magazines were filled
> >>> with the correct volumes. Basically, the same situation I have 5 out of
> >>> seven days for about a year now, with many versions of Bacula.
> >>>
> >>> Jobs were scheduled as usual and got triggered as usual, too.
> >>>
> >>> After that, not much progress since this morning, 8:20 (almost 12 hours
> >>>
> >>> ago):
>  12-Dec 11:21 goblin-sd: Job DracheStd.2005-12-12_08.20.00 waiting to
>  reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job
>  Goblin.2005-12-12_08.25.00
>  waiting to reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job
>  Ork.2005-12-12_08.25.03 waiting to reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26
>  goblin-sd: Job ElfSys.2005-12-12_08.25.01 waiting to reserve a device.
>  12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job ElfHome.2005-12-12_08.25.02 waiting to
>  reserve a device. 12-Dec 15:21 go

Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Bacula BETA 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Monday 12 December 2005 20:21, Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Arno Lehmann schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Kern Sibbald schrieb:
> ...
> >> Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you could try the 1.38.3
> >> beta.  Please use the released tar file rather than the CVS -- the
> >> HEAD CVS is now slightly behind the 1.38 branch in terms of fixes ...
> >
> > I'll download it in a few minutes...
> >
> >> Although I haven't been able to reproduce the pool problems you are
> >> having, I have been working on it nevertheless.  When I was able to
> >> duplicate the two drive problem of not running jobs simultaneously on
> >> both drives, I took the time to review the reservation system in
> >> detail, and I found a few places where there *may* have been problems.
> >
> > I should see if the version 1.38.3beta fixes my problem on Tuesday -
> > that's still my jobs-to-different-pools-day. I'll report what happens.
> > And, of course, I've got one run of straight and usual backups before
> > that, although I don't think there will be any problems tomorrow.
> Unfortunately, I have to report something rather unexpected. The device
> reservation system works a little too good ;-)
> I started my bachup server this morning (or rather, it started itself).
> All tape drives Bacula itself loads were empty, magazines were filled
> with the correct volumes. Basically, the same situation I have 5 out of
> seven days for about a year now, with many versions of Bacula.
> Jobs were scheduled as usual and got triggered as usual, too.
> After that, not much progress since this morning, 8:20 (almost 12 hours
> ago):

> Or, in other words, the tape which is loaded is still at BOT which
> indicates that the SD didn't actually try to read it.
> The debug log is filled with many thousand lines mostly created by
> reserve.c in case of the mount command.

I missed this comment about the debug log.  If you still have it, could you 
please send it to me?

Best regards,



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Wednesday 14 December 2005 12:14, Greg Cope, e-DBA Team wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 16:51 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I've seen requests like yours before, and never really answered them
> > because I didn't really know what to do with them.  However, for some
> > reason, this email peaked my interest, and I dug out an old 64MB USB
> > device that I received from Dell when I bought a computer some time ago. 
> > I plugged the silly thing into my laptop and after a bit of scrounging
> > around found that all I needed to do was mount it, and presto, I had a
> > removable filesystem.
> I am using 250/300Gb disks in enclosures.

Yes, I imagined this was the case, and it is certainly how most people will 
want to use it.  In my case, I now have two small 2GB USB gadgets in hand 
that I can play with.

> > Anyway, concerning Bacula working with these USB removable filesystems.
> > The big problem is that Bacula doesn't understand what a removable
> > filesystem is (except for DVDs) and hence expects *all* your Volumes to
> > be online all the time.
> Ah!
> > It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only could Bacula be made
> > to know what is and what is not online, but it could also automatically
> > mount the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal (well, adapt is a
> > better word) a bit of the DVD code.
> That would be great, but I know youre adding loads of other projects and
> the recent voting did not include this.

Well, don't hold your breath. In terms of my priorities: #1 is getting 1.38.3 
working satisfactorily, #2 is integrating, testing, helping other developers, 
#3 is getting the Migration code working, and #4 is projects that amuse me 
such as this one. I'll probably be able to work on it a bit in January. For 
the moment, #1 and #2 have me submerged.

> > In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be so simple for you.
> > What you need to do is write two little scripts that you run: 1. a script
> > that you run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script that you
> > run when you insert the device.
> Presently I can do this manually as we only swap once every few weeks.
> > The first script should find all the Bacula Volumes on the device (simple
> > if you only have Bacula Volumes on it) then mark them with status
> > "Disabled" in the catalog if the current catalog status is "Append".
> How can I do that - is there a command or bconsole argument?

I see you found it :-)

> > The second script would do the inverse -- for each Bacula Volume on the
> > device that is marked with status "Disabled" in the catalog, it would
> > change it to "Append".
> >
> > This would solve 90% of all the problems -- there will be additional
> > problems with Volumes that are marked Purged or Recycled.   If you really
> > want to handle those correctly, in the first script, you will mark all
> > the Volumes currently on the device as "Disabled", and save their prior
> > status (and Volume name) in a file on the device.  The second script
> > would then reverse the process by setting the catalog status back to what
> > it previously was.
> >
> > The above is a bit of a kludge, but I don't see any other way to do it
> > without modifying Bacula code -- perhaps some clever user knows a better
> > way.  I see no reason why Bacula could not be modified to handle this
> > automatically, but that requires some code and programming time ...
> Thanks for the answer/thoughts.
> I think that a few people are trying to use USB drives, and more would
> do so if bacula supported it better.

Best regards,



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread Greg Cope
Thanks for that the following is what I think I am after in bconsole

update Volume=$VOL VolStatus=$STS

I must have missed this in the docs.


On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 13:15 +0100, Ferdinando Pasqualetti wrote:
> I have done something silmilar with tape magazines. I use normal
> backups on disks, with Full on sunday and Incr on weekdays. 
> On saturday I schedule a Full copy on tapes (2 drives on a 19 slots
> changer). We keep 3 magazines wich are rotated, each containing some
> volumes of the 4 pools onto which we make the backups. Volumes expire
> after 24 days. 
> On monday we can verify if all the backups were done correctly
> (eventually we have all the week to integrate failed ones). 
> When we want to change the magazine we use a script (through WEBMIN)
> that unmount and unload the drives, then we change the magazine and
> run another script (really is the same with another argument) that
> disables the volumes in the previous mag and enable the new ones. 
> I will attach the script, but it is not general and really not
> commented. Also it is working with 1.36.3 and messages are in
> Italian. 
> If someone in the list is interested I could try to make it more
> general and usable. 
> --
> Ferdinando Pasqualetti
> G.T.Dati srl
> Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 14/12/2005 12.34.19:
> > Hi Kern,
> > 
> > (quoting may be a bit confused; sorry)
> > 
> >  >> It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only could
> Bacula be 
> > made to
> >  >> know what is and what is not online, but it could also
> automatically 
> > mount
> >  >> the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal (well, adapt is
> a 
> > better
> >  >> word) a bit of the DVD code.
> > 
> > That would be very useful to me too, trying to use an Iomega Rev as
> per 
> > earlier messages to this list.
> > 
> >  >> In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be so simple
> for 
> > you. What
> >  >> you need to do is write two little scripts that you run: 1. a
> script 
> > that you
> >  >> run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script that you
> run 
> > when you
> >  >> insert the device.
> > 
> > These scripts sound rather involved! Has anyone written anything
> similar?
> > 
> > Thanks again Kern and the other developers / list support crew for
> an 
> > excellent job!
> > 
> > -- 
> > Regards
> > Richard (MQ)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ---
> > This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
> log files
> > for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
> > searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD
> > http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click
> > ___
> > Bacula-users mailing list
> > Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users
> > 

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Re: Installation Problem

2005-12-14 Thread daniel
Hi Scott,

I've the same problem as you.
Did you already solve it and can you tell me how?

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread Ferdinando Pasqualetti

I have done something silmilar with
tape magazines. I use normal backups on disks, with Full on sunday and
Incr on weekdays.

On saturday I schedule a Full copy on
tapes (2 drives on a 19 slots changer). We keep 3 magazines wich are rotated,
each containing some volumes of the 4 pools onto which we make the backups.
Volumes expire after 24 days.

On monday we can verify if all the backups
were done correctly (eventually we have all the week to integrate failed

When we want to change the magazine
we use a script (through WEBMIN) that unmount and unload the drives, then
we change the magazine and run another script (really is the same with
another argument) that disables the volumes in the previous mag and enable
the new ones.
I will attach the script, but it is
not general and really not commented. Also it is working with 1.36.3 and
messages are in Italian.

If someone in the list is interested
I could try to make it more general and usable.
Ferdinando Pasqualetti
G.T.Dati srl
Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143

14/12/2005 12.34.19:

> Hi Kern,
> (quoting may be a bit confused; sorry)
>  >> It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only
could Bacula be 
> made to
>  >> know what is and what is not online, but it could also
> mount
>  >> the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal
(well, adapt is a 
> better
>  >> word) a bit of the DVD code.
> That would be very useful to me too, trying to use an Iomega Rev as
> earlier messages to this list.
>  >> In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be
so simple for 
> you. What
>  >> you need to do is write two little scripts that you
run: 1. a script 
> that you
>  >> run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script
that you run 
> when you
>  >> insert the device.
> These scripts sound rather involved! Has anyone written anything similar?
> Thanks again Kern and the other developers / list support crew for
> excellent job!
> -- 
> Regards
> Richard (MQ)
> ---
> This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through
log files
> for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine
that makes
> searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD
> http://ads.osdn.com/?ad_id=7637&alloc_id=16865&op=click
> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list
> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users

Description: Binary data

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread bacula

Hi Kern,

(quoting may be a bit confused; sorry)

>> It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only could Bacula be 
made to
>> know what is and what is not online, but it could also automatically 
>> the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal (well, adapt is a 

>> word) a bit of the DVD code.

That would be very useful to me too, trying to use an Iomega Rev as per 
earlier messages to this list.

>> In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be so simple for 
you. What
>> you need to do is write two little scripts that you run: 1. a script 
that you
>> run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script that you run 
when you

>> insert the device.

These scripts sound rather involved! Has anyone written anything similar?

Thanks again Kern and the other developers / list support crew for an 
excellent job!

Richard (MQ)

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Cycling a USB drive - confused...

2005-12-14 Thread Greg Cope, e-DBA Team
On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 16:51 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> I've seen requests like yours before, and never really answered them because 
> I 
> didn't really know what to do with them.  However, for some reason, this 
> email peaked my interest, and I dug out an old 64MB USB device that I 
> received from Dell when I bought a computer some time ago.  I plugged the 
> silly thing into my laptop and after a bit of scrounging around found that 
> all I needed to do was mount it, and presto, I had a removable filesystem.

I am using 250/300Gb disks in enclosures.

> Anyway, concerning Bacula working with these USB removable filesystems. The 
> big problem is that Bacula doesn't understand what a removable filesystem is 
> (except for DVDs) and hence expects *all* your Volumes to be online all the 
> time.


> It seems to me that with a bit of tweaking, not only could Bacula be made to 
> know what is and what is not online, but it could also automatically mount 
> the Volume if needed.  All I need to do is steal (well, adapt is a better 
> word) a bit of the DVD code.

That would be great, but I know youre adding loads of other projects and
the recent voting did not include this.

> In the mean time, dealing with these things won't be so simple for you. What 
> you need to do is write two little scripts that you run: 1. a script that you 
> run just before you remove a device, and 2. a script that you run when you 
> insert the device.

Presently I can do this manually as we only swap once every few weeks.

> The first script should find all the Bacula Volumes on the device (simple if 
> you only have Bacula Volumes on it) then mark them with status "Disabled" in 
> the catalog if the current catalog status is "Append".

How can I do that - is there a command or bconsole argument?

> The second script would do the inverse -- for each Bacula Volume on the 
> device 
> that is marked with status "Disabled" in the catalog, it would change it to 
> "Append".
> This would solve 90% of all the problems -- there will be additional problems 
> with Volumes that are marked Purged or Recycled.   If you really want to 
> handle those correctly, in the first script, you will mark all the Volumes 
> currently on the device as "Disabled", and save their prior status (and 
> Volume name) in a file on the device.  The second script would then reverse 
> the process by setting the catalog status back to what it previously was.
> The above is a bit of a kludge, but I don't see any other way to do it 
> without 
> modifying Bacula code -- perhaps some clever user knows a better way.  I see 
> no reason why Bacula could not be modified to handle this automatically, but 
> that requires some code and programming time ...

Thanks for the answer/thoughts.

I think that a few people are trying to use USB drives, and more would
do so if bacula supported it better. 


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Solaris 10 client change root password

2005-12-14 Thread Russell Howe
Phil Stracchino wrote:
> Didier Herrera wrote:

>>checking host system type... sparc-sun-solaris2.8
>>passwd: Changing password for root
>>New Password:
>>It continues asking me to change the password indefinetily, what's
>>wrong? I'll apreciate suggestions.
> Good question.  NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING, in the Bacula build process
> should be asking you to change the root password.

Nor should ./configure or the build process really be run as root, I'd

Russell Howe

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Storing job reports as files

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Björklund


On Tuesday 09 August 2005 12:22, Dominic Marks wrote:

Hello All,

Can I make Bacula write out its report for a job to a file, or store
it in a database? I'd like to import them into MySQL automatically.

How I did it in the end:

Direct E-Mails to an alias which delivers to a process, write a small
application which receives the reports, parses them and inserts them
into a table.

I could have also used the file output method, but this was quicker and
works over multiple hosts.

I made a perl script that get the job information from the database.
I have attached it if someone like to use it.

Description: Perl program

Re: [Bacula-users] Catalog Backup showing error

2005-12-14 Thread Michael Scherer

from the "make_catalog_backup" script:

# This script dumps your Bacula catalog in ASCII format
# It works for MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL
#  $1 is the name of the database to be backed up and the name
# of the output file (default = bacula).
#  $2 is the user name with which to access the database
# (default = bacula).
#  $3 is the password with which to access the database or "" if no password
# (default "")

Now compare that to the way you execute it.

Have a nice day,

Florian Schnabel wrote:
> Beren Gamble wrote:
>> I've got this error when bacula tries to backup the catalog:
>>  RunBefore: /usr/bin/mysqldump: option '-u' requires an argument
>> Here's my job:
>> Job {
>>   Name = "BackupCatalog-Daily"
>>   Type = backup
>>   Level = Full
>>   Client = BACKUP1-fd
>>   FileSet="Catalog"
>>   Schedule = "DailyCycleAfterBackup"
>>   Storage = AIT50-ST1
>>   Pool = AIT50-ST1-Daily
>>   Messages = Standard
>> # This creates an ASCII copy of the catalog
>>   RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/make_catalog_backup -u bacula"
>> # This deletes the copy of the catalog
>>   RunAfterJob  = "/etc/bacula/delete_catalog_backup"
>>   Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/BackupCatalog.bsr"
>>   Priority = 90   # run after main backup
>> }
>> Any ideas?
>> Also, when I get this script working, can I use it to back up other
>> mysql databases?
>> Cheers,
>> Beren
> am starting with the easiest one .. you amde sure you did reload your
> configuration ?
> also jobs already in queue don't get affected from reload
> Florian
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> This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log
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> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list
> Bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/bacula-users

   GiS - Gesellschaft fuer integrierte Systemplanung mbH
  Michael Scherer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 06201-503-74
  Junkersstr.2  69469 Weinheim  Fax: 06201-503-66
It is often easier to not do something dumb
   than it is to do something smart.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Re: Segmentation violation

2005-12-14 Thread Roger Kvam
I have tried to run several restorejobs, and every job who is beneth 516 
MB i memory consumption is a sucess, every job above 516 crash whith 
same error message. MySQL is installed same way as when running bacula 1.36.

Bacula did crash earlyer when consuming more than fysical mermory, but 
the box was upgraded to 2GB  prior to 1.36, and the versions prior to 
1.36 and 1.36 worked fine.

Kern Sibbald wrote:


I repeat what I said the last time: this looks like a MySQL problem. Given the 
new information you have presented, and the fact that you are having problems 
when working with almost 9 million files backed up (a lot), I would suspect 
that the problem is with your MySQL configuration.  If you used the standard 
MySQL installation, it is probably not configured for such large databases.

See below for more ...

On Monday 12 December 2005 10:52, Roger Kvam wrote:

I Tried to upgrade MySQL to 5. and recomile bacula (yes I did a make
distclean), but same error, have now installed MySQL 4.1.15 again, and
recompiled bacula again, deleted the database and deleted the tapes so I
could start fresh.

When trying to restore from a large job, bacula crashes, 

From the message you show below, it looks to me like MySQL crashed or at least 

when trying to 
restore from a small job everything works fine. Does bacula has

shortcomings when comes to enterprise systems?

Bacula is not what I would call an enterprise system, so one could say it has 
that kind of shortcoming.   In your case, you are dealing with a quite large 
backup set, and it looks like you have not adapted MySQL to handle it 

Perhaps some of the other users on the list can help you.  If I am not 
mistaken, the Bacula document also mentions some steps you might take for 
large databases, but your best bet is to look at the MySQL documentation.

Now I have run several backups of several servers and everything works
fine, until I wanted to do a restore from the biggest job,


| JobId | Level | JobFiles  | JobBytes| StartTime   |

VolumeName | StartFile |

| 2 | F | 8,759,302 | 821,505,476,167 | 2005-12-09 16:27:02 |

09L2   | 0 |
--+---+ You have selected the following JobId: 2

Building directory tree for JobId 2 ...  Query failed: SELECT MediaType
FROM JobMedia,Media WHERE JobMedia.JobId=2 AND
JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId: ERR=Lost connection to MySQL server
during query

There were no files inserted into the tree, so file selection
is not possible.Most likely your retention policy pruned the files

Do you want to restore all the files? (yes|no):

When trying to restore from a smaller job, everything works fine:


| JobId | Level | JobFiles | JobBytes   | StartTime   |

VolumeName | StartFile |

| 3 | F |  833,832 | 52,358,007,603 | 2005-12-09 16:29:06 |

09L2   |29 |

| 4 | I |1,434 |322,179,540 | 2005-12-10 00:05:01 |

01L2   | 0 |
+---+ You have selected the following JobIds: 3,4

Building directory tree for JobId 3 ...
Building directory tree for JobId 4 ...
2 Jobs, 828,824 files inserted into the tree.

Have I met any limitations in bacula?
The system status was like this the moment before the crash:

last pid: 34607;  load averages:  1.24,  0.58,  0.25  up 3+19:19:56
59 processes:  6 running, 53 sleeping

Mem: 572M Active, 1156M Inact, 212M Wired, 64M Cache, 112M Buf, 3008K Free
Swap: 4096M Total, 500K Used, 4095M Free

COMMAND 20584 mysql 9  200 57640K 33344K kserel 0 256:57 86.77%
mysqld 31511 root  6  200  5608K  2304K kserel 0 144:10  0.00%
31532 root  6  200   518M   513M RUN0  53:32  0.00%

Kern Sibbald wrote:

This looks to me like a problem with MySQL.  Did you by any chance load
pre-built binaries rather than build on your system.  My best guess at
the moment is that Bacula is built with version X of MySQL and you are
running with version Y on your machine. That means that some of the
packet fields have moved or are aligned differently.  Rebuiding Bacula
from source directly on your machine should resolve this, if I am right

To answer your question.  Yes, of course, you can do as many backup an

[Bacula-users] Backup to file OK, but restore fails

2005-12-14 Thread Jonas Mixter
Yesterday I upgraded my director, fd and sd from bacula 1.36.2 (that
comes with Debian sarge) to 1.38.2.
I have one machine running the director (with a connected tape-station)
and one machine with a lot of disks and a storage daemon (this should
later on be placed elsewhere, hence the separation of the daemons). The
director is named merry-dir and the storage daemon is named pippin-sd.
Before the upgrade I could backup for example the catalog to a file
storage on the machine with just the sd. I could also restore files from
the backup.

After the upgrade, I could backup just as before. The job exits OK and I
could see that the files that hold the backup are growing. But I cannot
When running a restore I could mark the files I want and the jobs is
visible underneath "Running Jobs" in bconsole. The job is "waiting for
Client merry-fd to connect to Storage File" and after a while the job
times out.

Here's the output when trying to restore a file to merry-fd (running on
the same server as the director):

14-Dec 09:03 merry-dir: Start Restore Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors
for help.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-fd: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Fatal error:
Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
  JobId:  512
  Client: merry-fd
  Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
  End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
  Files Expected: 1
  Files Restored: 0
  Bytes Restored: 0
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:  0
  FD termination status: 
  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
  Termination:*** Restore Error ***

14-Dec 09:13 merry-dir: RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.03.22 Error: Bacula
1.38.2 (20Nov05): 14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
  JobId:  512
  Client: merry-fd
  Start time: 14-Dec-2005 09:03:25
  End time:   14-Dec-2005 09:13:30
  Files Expected: 1
  Files Restored: 0
  Bytes Restored: 0
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  FD Errors:  1
  FD termination status: 
  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
  Termination:*** Restore Error ***

Note the job fails twice... Is that really correct?
I could backup and restore without any problems to a local file on the
server running the director (tested only once though).
I could check the status of the storage daemon from the director, and
also do backups so the passwords should be OK, right?

I've also seen this error sometimes "14-Dec 09:43 merry-sd: Job
RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_09.43.50 waiting to reserve a device." but don't
really know the meaning. In a previous post i saw that Kern asked about
the /lib/tls-directory when presented with this error. I do have the
/lib/tls, but start all my daemons with the startscript that bacula
provides. In that script the "LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"-variable is
exported. (If running kernel 2.4! is the /lib/tls a problem with kernel
2.6 too?)
I use kernel 2.4.27 on the server with the director, and 2.6.8 on the sd
server. The /lib/tls is there on both the servers which are running
Debian sarge.
Should really "merry-sd" be involved? I've selected the storage on
pippin-sd when running "restore" in bconsole. Could it be that the
director/fd is trying to restore from the wrong sd? Shouldn't the job
then fail with a "volume not found" error, ask me to mount a volume, or

If I try to cancel a job, the director from time to time complains it
cannot the job even though it's listed under running jobs.
Automatically selected Job: JobId=515 Job=RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20
Confirm cancel (yes/no): yes
3902 Job RestoreFiles.2005-12-14_10.18.20 not found.

The job is marked "has been canceled" in bconsole anyway. I don't
remember if I got errors like this before the upgrade.

What could be wrong in my setup? I've been banging my head to the wall
for quite a few hours now and I'm out of ideas.

Best regards, Jonas Mixter

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Re: Trouble using SSH tunnel with Bacula

2005-12-14 Thread Stephan Holl
Hello Joshua, 

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005 08:56:40 -0900 Joshua Kugler

> Well, what do you know. :)  That worked.  It would appear that the
> ssh-tunnel example script needs some work (I also had to change some
> other things to get it to find the PID correctly).  I'll write up a
> little document on how I got this up and running, and include my
> version of the ssh-tunnel script.

I am fine with this! Please feel free to add a modified version of the
ssh-tunnel.sh script to the sources.

Thanks for working on this


Stephan Holl

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Re: [Bacula-users] FileDaemon vs manual transfer

2005-12-14 Thread Ferdinando Pasqualetti

Ferdinando Pasqualetti
G.T.Dati srl
Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143

Florian Daniel Otel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on 14/12/2005 09.28.11:

> On 12/13/05, Ferdinando Pasqualetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I was giving that suggestion because, as far as I know bacula
is naot
> > capable of resuming a job aborted by a broken connection.
> So, if I read you correctly, a temporary drop in the connection btw.
> the FileDaemon and StorageDaemon will cause the job to be aborted.
> workarounds (in bacula) ?

AFAIK the only way you can try (to avoid the connection
breaking, not to resume the job) is to setup a "Hearthbeat Interval
= someseconds", if this can help.

> Florian

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Re: Bacula BETA 1.38.3

2005-12-14 Thread Arno Lehmann


some more results. I was curious, so I found the opportunity to verify 
at least part of todays regular backup run.

Arno Lehmann schrieb:

Kern -

Kern Sibbald schrieb:

Hmmm.  I think I am going to pack it in and take a year's vacation ...


I was a little stupid when I tried to analyze the problem. Or rather, I 
didn't really analyze.

What I did this evening: Shutdown bacula. Use mtx to load a tape into 
ONE of my TWO autoloaders (might be important later).

Start Bacula again.

Start a job going to autoloader ONE.


New results now: When Bacula encounters an empty autoloader drive at 
startup, I can't get it loading and using tapes. When the drive is 
loaded when Bacula (SD, probably) starts, everything's ok.

What I will / might / should test:
- What happens with the empty autoloader TWO? I suspect it will remain 

- What happens if I umount ONE and later mount it again?

I had to change tapes. The normal umount - change magazines - update 
slots scan - mount worked. Jobs that go to the loaded volumes run, 
others wait. No jobs failed until now, but up till now my original 
problem situation didn't happen.

Tomorrow, I've got a job scheduled that should go to TWO - I'll report.

This job is still waiting for Maximum Concurrent Jobs on the client...



On Monday 12 December 2005 20:21, Arno Lehmann wrote:


Arno Lehmann schrieb:


Kern Sibbald schrieb:


Anyway, I would really appreciate it if you could try the 1.38.3
beta.  Please use the released tar file rather than the CVS -- the
HEAD CVS is now slightly behind the 1.38 branch in terms of fixes ...

I'll download it in a few minutes...

Although I haven't been able to reproduce the pool problems you are
having, I have been working on it nevertheless.  When I was able to
duplicate the two drive problem of not running jobs simultaneously on
both drives, I took the time to review the reservation system in
detail, and I found a few places where there *may* have been problems.

I should see if the version 1.38.3beta fixes my problem on Tuesday -
that's still my jobs-to-different-pools-day. I'll report what happens.
And, of course, I've got one run of straight and usual backups before
that, although I don't think there will be any problems tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I have to report something rather unexpected. The device
reservation system works a little too good ;-)

I started my bachup server this morning (or rather, it started itself).
All tape drives Bacula itself loads were empty, magazines were filled
with the correct volumes. Basically, the same situation I have 5 out of
seven days for about a year now, with many versions of Bacula.

Jobs were scheduled as usual and got triggered as usual, too.

After that, not much progress since this morning, 8:20 (almost 12 hours


12-Dec 11:21 goblin-sd: Job DracheStd.2005-12-12_08.20.00 waiting to
reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job 

waiting to reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job
Ork.2005-12-12_08.25.03 waiting to reserve a device. 12-Dec 11:26
goblin-sd: Job ElfSys.2005-12-12_08.25.01 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Dec 11:26 goblin-sd: Job ElfHome.2005-12-12_08.25.02 waiting to
reserve a device. 12-Dec 15:21 goblin-sd: Job
DracheStd.2005-12-12_08.20.00 waiting to reserve a device. 12-Dec 15:26
goblin-sd: Job Goblin.2005-12-12_08.25.00 waiting to reserve a device.
12-Dec 15:26 goblin-sd: Job Ork.2005-12-12_08.25.03 waiting to 
reserve a
device. 12-Dec 15:26 goblin-sd: Job ElfSys.2005-12-12_08.25.01 
waiting to
reserve a device. 12-Dec 15:26 goblin-sd: Job 

waiting to reserve a device.

these are the latest messages.

Or, in other words, since I upgraded to 1.38.3 beta, nothing has been
backed up at all.

The current director status is

#sta dir
goblin-dir Version: 1.38.3 (09 December 2005) i586-pc-linux-gnu suse 

Daemon started 12-Dec-05 07:32, 1 Job run since started.

Scheduled Jobs:
Level  Type Pri  Scheduled  Name   

== IncrementalBackup10  13-Dec-05 08:20
DracheStdDLT-IV-0063 IncrementalBackup10  13-Dec-05 
   DLT-IV-0063 Differential   Backup10  13-Dec-05 08:25   
Goblin DLT-IV-0063 Differential   Backup10  13-Dec-05
08:25ElfSys DLT-IV-0063 Differential   Backup10 
13-Dec-05 08:25ElfHomeDLT-IV-0063 Differential   
Backup  10  13-Dec-05 08:25Ork*unknown* 
Differential  Backup30  13-Dec-05 08:25GoblinDB   
Differential   Backup10  13-Dec-05 08:30BackupMail
QIC-525-0046 Full   Backup   100  13-Dec-05 08:33   
BackupCatalog  DAT-120-0006 Admin999  13-Dec-05 09:00

Running Jobs:
JobId Level   Name