[Bacula-users] mariadb 10.5.15

2022-03-06 Thread Alan Polinsky
After many years of using the Bacula 5.X series on a Slackware14.2 
machine, I upgraded to Slackware Current with Mariadb 10.5.15 and Bacula 
9.6.7. I cannot connect to the database. I ran scripts from the scripts 
directory to create the Bacula database and set permissions.  Running 
bacula-dir -t I get:

bacula-dir: dird.c:1273-0 Could not open Catalog "MyCatalog", database 

bacula-dir: dird.c:1279-0 mysql.c:269 Unable to connect to MySQL server.
Database=bacula User=bacula
MySQL connect failed either server not running or your authorization is 

06-Mar 14:30 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: bacula-dir.conf

If I use mysql -U bacula, I cannot connect to the Bacula database. It 
seems to be a permission issue, but things were changed with version 
10.4 of MariaDB. Can someone suggest a solution?

Than you.

Alan Polinsky
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] poor utilization of tape space

2022-03-08 Thread Alan Polinsky
I have recently moved from an old version of Bacula FROM THE 5.X series 
to 9.6, along with my move from Slackware 14.2 to Slackware 15, along 
with a change to Mariadb 10.5. (I would first like to thank Phil 
Stracchino for his help in getting things configured properly.) I am 
backing up to LTO2 tapes which should have a minimum of about 200 gigs 
of storage. I seem to be getting requests to mount a new tape after 
about 80 gigs. Initially I thought that perhaps a tape had some sort of 
defect, but that was disproved when I put in a previously unused tape. 
Perhaps I have not configured some parameter properly. Can someone 
suggest what parameter I might be able to change or add to assure more 
complete tape utilization? (I should mention that the tape drive wrote 
complete tapes under the old release.)

Thank you.

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] poor utilization of tape space

2022-03-08 Thread Alan Polinsky


That is obviously the problem, but I'm not sure why it has occurred, or 
how to correct it. These are standard LTO2 tapes, that were previously 
used in a different setting. I used an mt command, mt -f /dev/nst0 weof 
to write an end of file mark at the begining so I could use bacula to 
re-label them. All of the tapes are marked with a maxvolbytes of 
53,687,091,200. volbytes is set to 64512 in each of them. I guess 
something was changed significantly between the 5.X version of bacula 
and 9.6, but it also might be the upgrade of Slackware. I also don't 
recall the shoeshine parameter being enabled in the prior release. In my 
current setup, which I  will probably have to re-create, my spool files 
grow quite large.

Thank you for pointing my search to a satisfactory solution.


On 3/8/22 11:31, Josip Deanovic wrote:

On 2022-03-08 15:23, Alan Polinsky wrote:

I have recently moved from an old version of Bacula FROM THE 5.X
series to 9.6, along with my move from Slackware 14.2 to Slackware 15,
along with a change to Mariadb 10.5. (I would first like to thank Phil
Stracchino for his help in getting things configured properly.) I am
backing up to LTO2 tapes which should have a minimum of about 200 gigs
of storage. I seem to be getting requests to mount a new tape after
about 80 gigs. Initially I thought that perhaps a tape had some sort
of defect, but that was disproved when I put in a previously unused
tape. Perhaps I have not configured some parameter properly. Can
someone suggest what parameter I might be able to change or add to
assure more complete tape utilization? (I should mention that the tape
drive wrote complete tapes under the old release.)

Hi Alan

I would suggest to use the bconsole command llist to check the
current media parameters.

Specifically, check for variables like maxvolbytes, maxvolfiles and


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] poor utilization of tape space

2022-03-08 Thread Alan Polinsky


Your help was stellar. All is working properly. Damned how I missed that 


On 3/8/22 15:12, Josip Deanovic wrote:

On 2022-03-08 19:43, Alan Polinsky wrote:


That is obviously the problem, but I'm not sure why it has occurred,
or how to correct it. These are standard LTO2 tapes, that were
previously used in a different setting. I used an mt command, mt -f
/dev/nst0 weof to write an end of file mark at the begining so I could
use bacula to re-label them. All of the tapes are marked with a
maxvolbytes of 53,687,091,200. volbytes is set to 64512 in each of
them. I guess something was changed significantly between the 5.X
version of bacula and 9.6, but it also might be the upgrade of
Slackware. I also don't recall the shoeshine parameter being enabled
in the prior release. In my current setup, which I  will probably have
to re-create, my spool files grow quite large.

Thank you for pointing my search to a satisfactory solution.

Ok, now that we know the cause we can devise a solution.

Check your Bacula configuration files for option Maximum Volume Bytes
and remove if from pool resources used for tapes. Don't forget to
reload or restart bacula-dir daemon.

After that, use the update command from bconsole tool. In the
prompt chose the option "Pool from resource".
That option will instruct Bacula to apply current pool configuration
to already created pools.

After that, use the update command again and chose "Volume parameters".
The next step will allow you to chose the option "Maximum Volume Bytes".
After that you will be allowed to chose the pool and the volume name
or ID.

If the number of volumes you need to update is too big for manual
fixing, check the bconsole documentation and help for its update
command. It is possible to select all volumes in a specified pool.


Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] turning on the alarm

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Polinsky
the proper way to completely turn on the alarm in the country house is 
non intuitive. The rear door MUST BE CLOSED  BEFORE YOU HIT THE ALARM 
AWAY BUTTON!. If it is open, the rear door sensor will be ignored. That 
means that if anyone were to open the rear door, the alarm would not be 


Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Sorry

2022-04-25 Thread Alan Polinsky


Unintentionally I included a email to the group, when I only meant it to 
go to my sons. Sorry.

Alan Polinsky

Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] simplifying backups

2023-01-25 Thread Alan Polinsky
For several years I have used two tape drives (an LTO2 and LTO3) and two 
Bacula instances backing up my Lan. As expected, the LTO2 drive finally 
failed. As a test, I moved all backups to the LTO3 with some success. I 
was wondering if I could unload the entire catalog from the LTO2 
environment, load it into the LTO3, and just abandon the failed LTO2 
one. Additionally, would I have to make any modifications to 
configurations so that the remaining LTO3 drive could read and write 
LTO2 tapes? I am on Bacula 9.6.7 using Slackware.

Thank you.

Alan Polinsky

Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] simplifying backups (2)

2023-01-25 Thread Alan Polinsky

Sergio responded but my reply was backed by his server. I wrote:


Thank you for your prompt reply. Pragmatically speaking that probably 
makes the most sense. I had thought about it but decided to pose the 
question to see what other people thought.


Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] moving from mysql (mariadb) to postgresql

2024-04-04 Thread Alan Polinsky
I am a retired programmer, with a small Lan at home; two Nas's, three 
Linux and one Windows client, and an old LTO3 tape drive. The smaller 
Nas gets backed up on a nightly basis, while the larger one, being used 
mostly as an archive, is backed up only as needed. I've been using 
bacula 9,6.7 with Mariadb as the database. Everything works perfectly. 
In order to push my learning, I'm thinking of migrating from Maria to 
Postgresql. My normal backup set has 31 tapes in the catalog; about an 
additional 15 are used for selected backups. Is there a relatively 
simple way to move from Maridb to Postgresql? I realize there may be a 
problem with the difference in column definition. Is there anything else 
I should consider?

Thank you.

Alan Polinsky

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] moving from mysql (mariadb) to postgresql

2024-04-05 Thread Alan Polinsky
Thank you everyone for your suggestions and links. Conversion has 
started, so far with no problems


On 4/5/24 06:59, Wanderlei Huttel wrote:


Take a look in this link

Em qui., 4 de abr. de 2024 21:40, Gary R. Schmidt 

On 05/04/2024 07:32, Alan Polinsky wrote:
> I am a retired programmer, with a small Lan at home; two Nas's,
> Linux and one Windows client, and an old LTO3 tape drive. The
> Nas gets backed up on a nightly basis, while the larger one,
being used
> mostly as an archive, is backed up only as needed. I've been using
> bacula 9,6.7 with Mariadb as the database. Everything works
> In order to push my learning, I'm thinking of migrating from
Maria to
> Postgresql. My normal backup set has 31 tapes in the catalog;
about an
> additional 15 are used for selected backups. Is there a relatively
> simple way to move from Maridb to Postgresql? I realize there
may be a
> problem with the difference in column definition. Is there
anything else
> I should consider?
Basically, set up the PostgreSQL database with the Bacula tables,
mysqldump the existing data, and then write scripts to massage the
until the PostgreSQL system accepts it.

That's what I did, you can grab my scripts from
<https://www.mcleod-schmidt.id.au/~grs/Bacula_to_PostgreSQL/> and try
them, but I did it back in 2018, so they're out of date, and I
have no
recollection of what order I did things in!  ;-)

                Gary    B-)

Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] advice about tape drives

2024-04-22 Thread Alan Polinsky
I have used Bacula for many years, since version 5. In the past, I have 
mentioned my two Nas's along with various Windows and Linux machines get 
backed up on a nightly basis to tape. Currently that tape drive is an 
LTO3 based drive. Some of the older backups are on LTO2 tapes. My tape 
drive is starting to show its age, and within a period of time it will 
have to be replaced. (Since I am a retired programmer on a fixed income, 
cost, as always becomes an issue.) I need to understand the backward 
capabilities of more recent drives. How high could I go with LTO based 
machines while still maintaining the ability to read (and hopefully 
write) those old LTO2 tapes?

Thank you everyone for your help.


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Tape drive repair recommendations?

2024-08-02 Thread Alan Polinsky
I, for one, have had great luck with Midwest Technical Services. You 
might give them a try (if they are still in business!) This is the 
contact I have for them:


It has been a bit of time since I have used them, but they were 
excellent and responsive.


On 8/1/24 22:17, B. Smith wrote:
Good point! USA, specifically the DC/MD/VA area. I'm willing to ship 
it somewhere if necessary... I can't seem to find any place local.

On Thu, Aug 1, 2024, 9:47 PM Gary R. Schmidt 

On 02/08/2024 04:14, B. Smith wrote:
> I know this isn't directly Bacula related, but there aren't too
> resources on the internet that I know of for tape drive enthusiasts.
> I have an HPE 1/8 G2 Autoloader with an HPE LTO-8 30750 drive.
> when attempting to load tapes, it would keep reading for a very
> time (probably to the end of the tape). The support ticket
generated by
> the RMI stated "may be having problems finding servo code after
> a cartridge." After upgrading the firmware to P381 (I don't have
> very latest as it is behind a paywall), the autoloader now
reports "HE:
> drive broken: needs repair Code: F3 01" and the drive status is
> "Exception F3 50 -  Error."
> Does anyone have any recommendations for a tape drive repair
Country??  State/Canton/Shire?? City???

Not much use pointing you at someone in Canberra.  :-)

                Gary    B-)

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