Re: Wrapping C style comments

2008-09-18 Thread Mike Conley

I'll just chime in with my own personal prejudice and point out that I
truly loath any style of comments that insists on putting something at
the beginning of each line (*, //, whatever) of comment text. It's
cluttered, makes it next to impossible to edit the text by hand, and
requires extra effort on the part of editor software to handle
correctly to do automatic reformatting.

Syntax-colouring is available, which serves to highlight comments. All
that's needed is a /* before the first line and a */ afterward, and
there you go. Simple and clean.

Assign a keyboard shortcut (mine's command-option-\) to Text > Hard
Wrap, and reformatting is straightforward.

In fact, I even have a script to reformat silly //-delimited comments
and convert them to my desired format. Use at your own risk.

Update this to match the default wrap width.
set wrapWidth to 80

tell application "BBEdit"
set selectedText to selection of text window 1 as string
if selectedText is not "" then
Record the starting and ending line numbers of the 
selection so
that we can restore the selection after the replacement. The
replacement will remove characters from the selection, and the
selected area may encroach upon the next line, which will screw up the
remaining replacement operations.
set startLn to startLine of selection of text window 1
set endLn to endLine of selection of text window 1
set endLn to endLn - 1

Get rid of the // comment delimiters.
replace "^(\\s*)//\\s*(.*$)" using "\\1\\2" searching in 
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}

Re-select the original lines.
select lines startLn thru endLn of text window 1

Trim trailing whitespace.
replace "\\s+\\r" using "\\r" searching in selection of text 
1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, wrap around:false,
backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match words:false, extend

Re-select the original lines.
select lines startLn thru endLn of text window 1

Trim all blank lines before or after the actual comment 
body. We
need to recalculate the index to the last line of the selection as
each blank line is deleted, and then reselect the text, since the
delete command deselects the text
repeat while (line startLn of text window 1) as string is ""
delete line startLn of text window 1
set endLn to endLn - 1
end repeat

repeat while (line endLn of text window 1) as string is ""
delete line endLn of text window 1
set endLn to endLn - 1
end repeat

It's often the case that the first character in the 
comment is not
capitalized as it should be; make it so. Search only the first line of
the commment, as we don't want to capitalize all of them.
select lines startLn thru startLn of text window 1
replace "^(\\s*)(\\w)" using "\\1\\u\\2" searching in selection 
text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}

It's also often the case that the last line of the 
comment does not
have a full stop or any other punctuation. If this is the case, add a
full stop.
select lines endLn thru endLn of text window 1
replace "(\\w)$" using "\\1\\." searching in selection of text
window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}

Reselect the entire set of comment lines and rewrap the 
text. Recalculate the line offsets, as the rewrap may have changed the
number of lines.
select lines startLn thru endLn of text window 1

hard wrap selection of text window 1 limit character width width
wrapWidth indentation same_as_first_line with paragraph fill and
set startLn to startLine of selection of text window 1
set endLn to endLine of selection of text window 1
set endLn to endLn - 1


Re: Wrapping C style comments

2008-09-18 Thread Carlton Gibson
2008/9/18 Marc Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sep 17, 11:19 am, "Carlton Gibson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I have a similar usage and what I do is to start the comment block, using
> a
> > clipping. I then type my comment, without the *s.
> Hi Carlton,
> That sounds like it would work when you first write the comment, but
> what about revising a comment that's already formatted this way?  Do
> you also have a text factory to remove the "*" prefixes so you can
> rewrap it?

You don't need to.

Say you've got a paragraph half way up your comment. Just edit it. Then
rewrap that bit and apply the text factory.

If you did need to, removing "*"s would be trivial -- just rework the search
and replace from my last post.

> All this seems like a lot of effort for something that Emacs deals
> with automatically.  (Hint hint, Bare Bones...)

A couple of key strokes ain't hard (IMHO :-)

BBEdit allows you to extend its functionality with a filter or an
AppleScript or a Text Factory to do anything you want -- add/remove C-style
block comments included. (It's either easy to implement filters etc or else
it's a good exercise, depending on experience.)

Bare Bones **definitely should not** (again IMHO) start implementing
multiple commenting styles as built-in commands unless they can specify in
advance where it would stop.

Just from this example, you use:

* This is the first line of the comment.
* This is the second line.
* This is the last line.

But I use:

* This is the first line of the comment.
* This is the second line.
* This is the last line.

A subtle difference but to keep us happy BB would have to implement both.
But commenting styles are a most personal thing; there are as many styles as
there are coders. So is BB going to implement them all?

Once started on this road, we might very well end up with the world's best
code comment generator (just the syntax mind) but it is very unlikely it
would still be the world's best text editor.


p.s. Whilst typing this it seems Mike has demonstrated my point.

p.p.s. Can BBEdit's balancing-thingy not recognise a smiley and stop
shouting "unmatched" at me...?

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Re: Wrapping C style comments

2008-09-18 Thread Carlton Gibson
I use:

   /*** This is the first line of the comment.
* This is the second line.
* This is the last line.


* This is the first line of the comment.
* This is the second line.
* This is the last line.

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Re: Completion

2008-09-18 Thread Mike Conley

On Sep 18, 1:48 am, NZIBIS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here I'm being put into an action I didn't ask for via a positive
> action of mine and now have to "escape" it. On top of that it messes
> up use of several widely-used normal editing keys because they now
> have differing meanings dependent on a time-evoked event out of my
> control, e.g.: up-arrow, down-arrow and Return. If, for example, the
> completion pops up in the fraction of a second before I press one of
> these keys, the effect is that these editing keys do not have the
> meaning I am intending them to have. The do not, respectively, move me
> up, down or start a new line of text. In fact, in cases they will
> change the document in way I then have to undo.
> The delay is a red herring: forget it. Increasing the delay before
> completion starts will reduce, but not eliminate these issues, as the
> underlying issues are still there.

This is precisely the problem, I agree 100%, and simply can't
understand why Dennis doesn't see this; apparently he has a radically
different typing style to that of NZBIS and my own.

Unfortunately, I don't see any straightforward way out of this
problem, which is why I've abandoned using automatic completion and do
this exclusively:

On Sep 18, 7:23 am, Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you want to trigger text completion with a positive action, set the
> preference to "only manually".

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Re: Completion

2008-09-18 Thread Dennis

On Sep 18, 2008, at 2:41 AM, Mike Conley wrote:

> This is precisely the problem, I agree 100%, and simply can't
> understand why Dennis doesn't see this; apparently he has a radically
> different typing style to that of NZBIS and my own.

Maybe my style is radically different, I don't know. :-)  But I can  
certainly see that automatic text completion might not be for  
everyone. That's why I said it's a personal thing several messages  
back. And fortunately, Bare Bones had the foresight to allow users to  
trigger the feature manually as well, so you have some choice in the  

I agree with Mike that there doesn't look like a straightforward way  
out of this. I'm not really clear on what alternative NZIBIS is  

And, FWIW, the automatic triggering of text completion is not unique  
to BBEdit. Apple's Xcode uses the same technique in its CodeSense  
feature. So apparently even Apple doesn't always follow the "positive  
action" concept with user interfaces that NZIBIS mentioned earlier.


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actionscript 3 CLM

2008-09-18 Thread Alan Watts

Hi all,

Does anyone have a CLM for AS3 that supports folding for BBEdit 9?  8
worked out of the box, but something is janked in 9 and it's not
recognizing functions once a return type is specified (  :void {  ).


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Re: saving folds set-up

2008-09-18 Thread stephen taylor
Thanks for the reply - - those preferences are indeed set as described- -
closed and re-opened and all folds were open on re-launch - - maybe this is
because I am saving to a server?

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 17, 2008, at 1:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Anyone know if it is possible to save the state of folds in a large
> > document?  I work with large php scripts that are organized with
> > "foldable" divs  - - that is, certain php logic is within html divs
> > that can be folded - - for ease of debugging.  It is really a pain to
> > "reformat" after each re-start - - Is it possible to save these
> > setting?
> Make sure you have the "Save document state" and "Honor saved state"
> options enabled in the Text Files preferences.
> -Dennis
> >

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread hkrems

> Well I just HATE the "new way" as it takes away that choice.  It seems
> so ridiculous that bbedit can't now remember the start at top setting
> in the modal dialog any more.  Is there a hack that can make it do
> it?  (rgh!)

Well - I don't 'HATE' the "new way", I simply turned it OFF. I have
some jobs to be done in rather short time, and I don't want to spend
time in learning new keyboard-shortcuts right now. maybe later.

In the meantime I am still using the "old style modal find" - and had
to accept that it "isn't the same as before": I cannot double-click a
word in the replace pattern and see it highlighted   Sometimes I
do not see the cursor in this field, cannot select a peace of text
(maybe it is selected bit I don't SEE that.
So I have to copy the string to and from a new document!

==>> under this circumstances I'd better use textWrangler for Search-

has anyone else noticed this stragne behaviour (MacOs 10.4.11) ??

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Find field contents change unexpectedly

2008-09-18 Thread mrogers

Hi all,
I'm having a strange problem with the Find FIeld (in the Find window).
If I type in a search string, then command-tab to Safari and search
for a term in Safari's search field, then command-tab back to BBEdit,
the term I searched for in Safari has mysteriously replaced my string
in BBEdit's find window.

Any advice on preserving my original string?


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Copy-paste in anchor-dialog

2008-09-18 Thread Jørgen Tietze

Hi, I just noticed, when using the anchor-dialog (cmd-ctrl-a or menu:
markup->inline->anchor...) in editing html I cannot paste in any of
the fields (href, id and title). I can copy (cmd-c) and then paste
(cmd-v) stuff in the anchor-dialog, but it is not possible to transfer
anything to or form the pasteboard accessible by other applications.

Does anyone have a clue how to work around this or is it a bug?

~ Jørgen, running OS X 10.5.5 & bbedit 9.0.1

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Public file for testing autocomple and other performance issues

2008-09-18 Thread David Cortesi

In re. the complaints about performance of auto-completion and other
performance issues, I suggest using one of the following files, which
are easily and publicly available, as a test-bed.

and others from the list at

I don't have BBEdit 9 yet, but when I edited the above in v.8, I could
not use BBEdit internal preview because every time it rendered, it
stalled a MacPro for over a second. Besides their length, these texts
also employ a very wide vocabulary which should stress any
autocomplete or spellcheck algorithm.

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Re: Copy-paste in anchor-dialog

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Jørgen Tietze wrote:

> Hi, I just noticed, when using the anchor-dialog (cmd-ctrl-a or menu:
> markup->inline->anchor...) in editing html I cannot paste in any of
> the fields (href, id and title). I can copy (cmd-c) and then paste
> (cmd-v) stuff in the anchor-dialog, but it is not possible to transfer
> anything to or form the pasteboard accessible by other applications.
> Does anyone have a clue how to work around this or is it a bug?

Jørgen, please write to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (with supporting  
information, including the precise steps you are taking) so we can  
look into the problem.

In a quick test here, I am able to copy from TextEdit and paste into  
the Anchor dialog, and vice versa.

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Re: actionscript 3 CLM

2008-09-18 Thread Seth Dillingham

On 9/17/2008, Alan Watts said:

>Does anyone have a CLM for AS3 that supports folding for BBEdit 9?  8
>worked out of the box, but something is janked in 9 and it's not
>recognizing functions once a return type is specified (  :void {  ).

Have you filed a bug? I know the guy who works on the 
JavaScript/ActionScript module, and will pester him mercilessly 
until he fixes this. But only if you report it to BareBones first.


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Re: Find field contents change unexpectedly

2008-09-18 Thread Rod Buchanan

On Sep 18, 2008, at 8:39 AM, mrogers wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm having a strange problem with the Find FIeld (in the Find window).
> If I type in a search string, then command-tab to Safari and search
> for a term in Safari's search field, then command-tab back to BBEdit,
> the term I searched for in Safari has mysteriously replaced my string
> in BBEdit's find window.
> Any advice on preserving my original string?

I think this is what you are looking for (from Help->Secret  

"Like many Mac OS X applications, BBEdit supports the "Find Scrap", a  
feature of the OS that enables sharing of the "search for" string  
between applications. Some applications put inappropriate content  
(such as Web search strings) on the Find Scrap, which can cause the  
"search for" string in BBEdit's Find dialog to be replaced when you  
didn't expect it."
"To tell BBEdit not to import the Find Scrap into its Find dialog, nor  
to export the "search for" string to the Find Scrap:"

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog:UsesFindScrap -bool NO

Rod Buchanan
Kelly Supply / KDSI / ISCO
308 382-8764 x220

What's the sense of being an adult, if you can't be childish once in a  
-- Dr. Who

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 17, 2008, at 4:13 PM, gocap wrote:

> It seems so ridiculous that bbedit can't now remember the start at  
> top setting in the modal dialog any more.  Is there a hack that can  
> make it do it?

The modal find dialog will remember the start at top setting.

There is no longer a switch in the GUI to control this. If you had set  
this with a previous version of BBEdit, it should have carried over.

If you need to flip the switch, you can so with with the following  
command in the Terminal:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog:RememberStartAtTop - 
bool YES

- Jim

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 12:31 PM, Jim Correia wrote:

> The modal find dialog will remember the start at top setting.

Bah. That is worded incorrectly. Let me try again...

The modal find dialog will *honor* the "Remember start at top"  
setting, if it exists.

There is no longer a switch in the GUI to control this. If you had  
set  this with a previous version of BBEdit, it should have carried  

If you need to flip the switch, you can so with with the following  
command in the Terminal:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog:RememberStartAtTop - 
bool YES

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PHP Clippings

2008-09-18 Thread Derek Belrose

Anyone know where the CURLOPT_* constants are set in the PHP clippings?

They should be uppercase, not lowercase.


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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Whiterock

There is definitely a difference between BBEdit 8 and 9. I think it
must be a bug. Searching a file (or multiple files) for something like
'name="I12345' using the pattern string "name=.I\\d+" used to do the
job. I've tried numerous other patterns and nothing seems to find the
string. The problem with this pattern lies in the "." symbol.

On Sep 5, 1:45 pm, Joe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GREPseems to have changed in BBEdit 9 - I'm wondering if I'm doing
> something wrong or if this a bug.
> I have a large number of text files that contain data from an optical-
> mark scanner, and due to an error on some of the forms we need to
> change one of the digits in some of the lines.
> In BBEdit 8.6, I was able to use this pattern to find the correct
> digits to replace
> ^(?P.{38})111908
> And replace it with this
> \P111708
> The data that I'm searching through looks like this:
> 81231064000170                   01022111908SMITH
> JOHN              HEADER
> So the above pattern would find the "111908" starting in exactly the
> 39th character, and the replacement pattern would keep those first 38
> characters unchanged, but replace the "111908" with "111708"
> Again, this worked in version 8, but in version 9 it fails to find
> anything when I do a multi-file search. What's strange is that if I
> open the files individually and do a regular search, the pattern still
> works.
> Any ideas?

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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Whiterock wrote:

> There is definitely a difference between BBEdit 8 and 9. I think it
> must be a bug. Searching a file (or multiple files) for something like
> 'name="I12345' using the pattern string "name=.I\\d+" used to do the
> job. I've tried numerous other patterns and nothing seems to find the
> string. The problem with this pattern lies in the "." symbol.

I'm lacking context here.

Why do you think the "." is the root of the problem?

Why are you escaping the backslash before the d?

Searching for


will match


- Jim

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Re: actionscript 3 CLM

2008-09-18 Thread Alan Watts

On Sep 18, 7:57 am, Seth Dillingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Have you filed a bug? I know the guy who works on the
> JavaScript/ActionScriptmodule, and will pester him mercilessly
> until he fixes this. But only if you report it to BareBones first.

I sent an email to support but I don't know if that constitutes filing
a bug.  Is there a formal way to submit one or is that all I have to

If anyone is in the same boat as me, I wrote a CLM that does function
marking and folding (using Isaac Rivera's CLM auto-completion).  It
doesn't do statement folding within functions, but it's a stop-gap
until BareBones fixes the ActionScript module.


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Re: actionscript 3 CLM

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 4:00 PM, Alan Watts wrote:

> I sent an email to support but I don't know if that constitutes filing
> a bug.  Is there a formal way to submit one or is that all I have to
> do?

Yes, sending mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is the official bug  
report channel.

- Jim

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Re: saving folds set-up

2008-09-18 Thread Dennis

On Sep 17, 2008, at 11:49 PM, stephen taylor wrote:

> Thanks for the reply - - those preferences are indeed set as  
> described- - closed and re-opened and all folds were open on re- 
> launch - - maybe this is because I am saving to a server?

By default, BBEdit stores state information in a central repository in  
the preferences folder. I'm not sure how BBEdit associates a saved  
state with a file, but presumably it's based on the file's name and  
location. So as long as the file's path stays the same, the folds  
should be preserved.

So in your case, it depends on how you're accessing the file on the  
remote server. If you mount the server's filesystem in the Finder,  
BBEdit should be able to honor the saved state because the file path  
will always be the same. The same goes for accessing the file with  
Interarchy via SFTP. Interarchy makes a temporary local version of the  
file when you edit it, but always uses the same path so BBEdit can  
find the file's state info. Using rsync is another good option for  
maintaining a local copy with preserved state.

On the other hand, some SFTP apps (e.g. Transmit) create a new path  
for the temporary local copy every time you open the file from the  
remote server. So it's impossible for BBEdit to associate the file  
with any saved state stored in its repository. I'm not sure how  
BBEdit's built-in SFTP browser works, but it apparently doesn't  
preserve the document state either.

If you don't want to switch to Interarchy or rsync, one thing you  
might try is telling BBEdit to store state information in the file's  
resource fork rather than in a central repository. This can be done  
with a hidden default:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit State:UseResourceFork -bool YES

Of course, this may lead to other issues if your server's filesystem  
is not HFS+.


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Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread DM666


I haven't done a lot of grep-ing lately, and I've just spun myself
into oblivion after trying to figure out what I thought was a simple
search pattern without any luck... ;-)

Anyway, I am trying to find something in a Final Cut Pro XML file (and
delete all instances of it). The pattern to match is a multiline block
of text that looks something like this (an actual example):
















I would like to match any occurrence of this chunk of text, i.e.,
everything between "" and "" tags, with a match on
the string "Shift Fields" (without the quotes). As you
can see, there are line breaks, tabs, and various chunks of text
before and after the string within the matching filter tags.

I have spend a few hours reading the BBEdit grep docs, and a few
others on the 'net without figuring anything out.

I _did_ find a neat little application called "RegExhibit" that you
can use to test grep search patterns.

Anyone got any ideas. I really appreciate any help (and fee bad, as
I'm sure this isn't a particularly difficult grep usage scenario).



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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Michael Richards
I forgot to mention I'm using Applescript. The original pattern works in
BBEdit itself but not when using BBEdit through Applescript. Thus the double
backslash. If I try searching for a similar string without the double quotes
e.g. 'name=I12345', the pattern minus the dot does work. However, I AM
searching for strings containing the double-quote and I can't think of
anything left to try.

2008/9/18 Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sep 18, 2008, at 3:04 PM, Whiterock wrote:
> > There is definitely a difference between BBEdit 8 and 9. I think it
> > must be a bug. Searching a file (or multiple files) for something like
> > 'name="I12345' using the pattern string "name=.I\\d+" used to do the
> > job. I've tried numerous other patterns and nothing seems to find the
> > string. The problem with this pattern lies in the "." symbol.
> I'm lacking context here.
> Why do you think the "." is the root of the problem?
> Why are you escaping the backslash before the d?
> Searching for
> will match
> - Jim
> >

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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread Ronald J Kimball

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 01:47:05PM -0700, DM666 wrote:
> I would like to match any occurrence of this chunk of text, i.e.,
> everything between "" and "" tags, with a match on
> the string "Shift Fields" (without the quotes). As you
> can see, there are line breaks, tabs, and various chunks of text
> before and after the string within the matching filter tags.

This is a bit tricky, actually.  You need to match  tags that
contain specific text, without matching across multiple  tags.

If you just do this:

(?s).*?Shift Fields.*?

Then you could match the beginning of one filter, and continue into the
next filter that has the appropriate name.

However, you can do this:

(?s)(?:(?!).)*Shift Fields.*?

The (?:(?!).)* part matches one character at a time, making sure
the next part of the string is not .


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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Michael Richards wrote:

> I forgot to mention I'm using Applescript. The original pattern  
> works in BBEdit itself but not when using BBEdit through  
> Applescript. Thus the double backslash. If I try searching for a  
> similar string without the double quotes e.g. 'name=I12345', the  
> pattern minus the dot does work. However, I AM searching for strings  
> containing the double-quote and I can't think of anything left to try.


It is difficult to offer concrete advice about this problem, because  
we still don't have a concrete context to work with. The best we can  
do is speculate, or try to setup a similar context to you, and hope it  
is close.

Can you post a small subset of the sample data from the file you are  
trying to search?

Can you also post a short form of the script you are using to search  
it? (If the script is part of a larger workflow, we really only need  
the search part and required setup.)

Also, please specify what you mean by "doesn't work". Does it fail to  
match? Return an error? Cause smoke to come out of the front of your  

- Jim

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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread DM666

The second version works, Ronald (in RegExhibit).

The first version doesn't work. The second version causes a stack full
error in BBEdit.


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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread DM666



It works in the RegExhibit application (selects only the correct
occurrences of the filter block of text).

However, in both BBEdit 8.7.2 and 9.0.1, it causes a "stack overflow/
full" error, so it's not much good there...


On Sep 18, 3:11 pm, Ronald J Kimball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 01:47:05PM -0700, DM666 wrote:
> > I would like to match any occurrence of this chunk of text, i.e.,
> > everything between "" and "" tags, with a match on
> > the string "Shift Fields" (without the quotes). As you
> > can see, there are line breaks, tabs, and various chunks of text
> > before and after the string within the matching filter tags.
> This is a bit tricky, actually.  You need to match  tags that
> contain specific text, without matching across multiple  tags.
> If you just do this:
> (?s).*?Shift Fields.*?
> Then you could match the beginning of one filter, and continue into the
> next filter that has the appropriate name.
> However, you can do this:
> (?s)(?:(?!).)*Shift Fields.*?
> The (?:(?!).)* part matches one character at a time, making sure
> the next part of the string is not .
> HTH,
> Ronald

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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Michael Richards
A test sample comes from an html file:
Chauvin Isabelle Marie

The applescript that used to work contains the line:

set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text document 1)
options {search mode:grep} with selecting match)
The Applescript opens a folder full of html files  and does examine the file
in question but fails to match the pattern. Also smoke comes out of the

2008/9/18 Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Sep 18, 2008, at 5:04 PM, Michael Richards wrote:
> > I forgot to mention I'm using Applescript. The original pattern
> > works in BBEdit itself but not when using BBEdit through
> > Applescript. Thus the double backslash. If I try searching for a
> > similar string without the double quotes e.g. 'name=I12345', the
> > pattern minus the dot does work. However, I AM searching for strings
> > containing the double-quote and I can't think of anything left to try.
> Michael,
> It is difficult to offer concrete advice about this problem, because
> we still don't have a concrete context to work with. The best we can
> do is speculate, or try to setup a similar context to you, and hope it
> is close.
> Can you post a small subset of the sample data from the file you are
> trying to search?
> Can you also post a short form of the script you are using to search
> it? (If the script is part of a larger workflow, we really only need
> the search part and required setup.)
> Also, please specify what you mean by "doesn't work". Does it fail to
> match? Return an error? Cause smoke to come out of the front of your
> machine?
> - Jim
> >

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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread Ronald J Kimball

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 02:23:27PM -0700, DM666 wrote:
> Ronald,
> Thanks!
> It works in the RegExhibit application (selects only the correct
> occurrences of the filter block of text).
> However, in both BBEdit 8.7.2 and 9.0.1, it causes a "stack overflow/
> full" error, so it's not much good there...

Well, crap.  I was hoping the stack overflow problem had been fixed...

I don't have BBEdit at hand at the moment, unfortunately.  Try this one:

(?s)([^<]+(?!)<)*[^<]+Shift Fields.*?

My understanding is that the stack overflow happens because (.)* pushes an
item onto the stack for each repetition.  This version of the regex reduces
the number of repetitions by matching more of the string in each


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Re: PHP Clippings

2008-09-18 Thread G. T. Stresen-Reuter

On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:22 PM, Derek Belrose wrote:

> Anyone know where the CURLOPT_* constants are set in the PHP  
> clippings?
> They should be uppercase, not lowercase.
> Thanks!
> Derek

Actually, I think those are coming out of BBEdit's internal PHP  
language module (note the little 'k' next to them, it stands for  
keyword). I suggest you log this as a bug by sending a note to  

Ted Stresen-Reuter

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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 18-Sep-2008, at 14:47, DM666 wrote:
> -1
> -1
> Shift Fields
> Shift Fields


> I would like to match any occurrence of this chunk of text, i.e.,
> everything between "" and "" tags, with a match on
> the string "Shift Fields" (without the quotes). As you
> can see, there are line breaks, tabs, and various chunks of text
> before and after the string within the matching filter tags.

You can brute force it, since you are getting a stack error with  
Ronald's suggestion:

+Shift Fields\s+[^<]+

etc etc.

\s matches all whitespace, including carriage returns and [^<]+  
matches any non < character, so I use it all the time to find the  
between tag data in XML and HTML files:

([^<]+) will get the title text of the document and put  
it into \1

NB: I had some weirdness trying to test that find/replace with the non- 
modal find dialog.  Something would work, then fail if I pasted the  
regex in, then it would work again.  Dunno why yet, but the modal find  
seemed to work. It's probably something I'm doing, but if you have  
issue, switch back the non-modal and see how it works.

"Katrina, $4 gas, a trillion dollar war, rising unemployment,
  deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"

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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 5:25 PM, Michael Richards wrote:

> A test sample comes from an html file:
>  Chauvin Isabelle Marie
> The applescript that used to work contains the line:
>   set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text  
> document 1) options {search mode:grep} with selecting match)
> The Applescript opens a folder full of html files  and does examine  
> the file in question but fails to match the pattern.


This script behaves identically for me both in 9.0.1 and 8.7.2.

set zContents to " Chauvin  
Isabelle Marie"

tell application "BBEdit"
make new text document with properties {contents:zContents}
set zMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text  
document 1) options {search mode:grep with selecting match)
end tell

In both cases, it fails to find a match.

Why? Because find starts searching from the insertion and stops at the  
first match, or the end of the document, when it isn't other explicit  

In my example, the insertion point is wherever BBEdit left it after  
the create operation. If I had opened a document, the insertion point  
may be at the top if there is no saved selection range, or it may be  
at some other indeterminate point in the file.

The way out of this is to specify wrap around if you are just looking  
for one match, and you don't care where it is, or, more probably, if  
you are working in a loop, specify "starting at top: true" in the  
options for the first loop iteration, and false for subsequent  

- Jim

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Re: Grep Search Pattern Help Request...

2008-09-18 Thread Ronald J Kimball

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 05:47:52PM -0400, Ronald J Kimball wrote:
> (?s)([^<]+(?!)<)*[^<]+Shift Fields.*?

Sorry, that should be:

(?s)([^<]+(?!)<)*[^<]*Shift Fields.*?

with * rather than + on the second [^<], to allow for cases where there's
nothing between the tags.


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Re: Public file for testing autocomple and other performance issues

2008-09-18 Thread Dennis

On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:54 AM, David Cortesi wrote:

> In re. the complaints about performance of auto-completion and other
> performance issues, I suggest using one of the following files, which
> are easily and publicly available, as a test-bed.

Thank you, David. That's an excellent suggestion.

For the record, the file contains about 1.8 million characters, 332K  
words, and 33K lines. My machine is an early 2008 model 15-inch  
MacBook Pro with 4GB of RAM running Mac OS X 10.5.5.

I tested automatic and manually-triggered text completion in the  
source HTML of the above file and found little or no impact on  
BBEdit's performance or usability. There's possibly a tiny increase in  
the delay before the auto match list appears, but if so, it's  
virtually imperceptible. It might just be my imagination.

I also don't see a problem with the number of matches appearing in the  
completion list. As expected, the number varies greatly depending on  
how many characters I type. But if I'm entering an HTML tag name,  
matched clippings are sorted at the top, so the length of the list is  

I can understand maybe not liking the automatic trigger and feeling  
annoyed by the match list when you don't want it (easily resolved by  
switch to a manual trigger). But beyond that, I don't see any  
problems. I think BBEdit's text completion is a fantastic feature.  
And, unlike Apple's NSTextView completion feature, BBEdit's is smart  
enough to not run the match list off the bottom of my display when  
editing at the bottom of a text window (I really hate that about  
Apple's implementation).

> I don't have BBEdit 9 yet, but when I edited the above in v.8, I could
> not use BBEdit internal preview because every time it rendered, it
> stalled a MacPro for over a second.

For extra credit, I also previewed the file in BBEdit as I added some  
arbitrary, nested tags. This produced a more noticeable performance  
hit than the text completion alone, but still not a full second to  
reload the preview page. Frequent source code changes caused the  
preview window to reload frequently, resulting in an occasional  
stutter in the editing window. But BBEdit was still quite usable.  
However, if I were really editing this document, I'd probably close  
BBEdit's preview window until I was tweaking the finishing touches.

I wonder if the rendering speed of BBEdit's preview window depends  
heavily on the performance of Apple's WebKit. Maybe it's improved  
since you last tested on your Mac Pro, David?


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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 18-Sep-2008, at 15:25, Michael Richards wrote:
> A test sample comes from an html file: name="I1267">
> Chauvin Isabelle Marie
> The applescript that used to work contains the line:
> set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text  
> document 1)
> options {search mode:grep} with selecting match)

[ one line ]

Can confirm that doesn't work as posted.  You know why?  It's the  
'start at top' setting that sorta vanished in BBEdit 9.  If the  
insertion point is at the top of the document, it works.

{found:true, found object:characters 22 thru 32 of text document 1 of  
application "BBEdit", found text:"name=\"I1267"}

This makes it work every time:

set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text  
document 1) options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true} with  
selecting match)

> Also smoke comes out of the computer.


"Katrina, $4 gas, a trillion dollar war, rising unemployment,
  deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"

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Re: Completion

2008-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 18-Sep-2008, at 04:42, Dennis wrote:
> I agree with Mike that there doesn't look like a straightforward way
> out of this. I'm not really clear on what alternative NZIBIS is
> proposing.

Having different keys than arrow/return for the menu, or perhaps at  
least to 'select in' to the completion list.

I know what annoyed me was that once the list was up, I was too often  
trapped into it.  If I went to add in a word to a sentence, for  
example, and then was arrowing down to the next line, suddenly I'd be  
in the completion list instead.  Doesn't happen as much with the 1.5s  

> And, FWIW, the automatic triggering of text completion is not unique
> to BBEdit. Apple's Xcode uses the same technique in its CodeSense
> feature. So apparently even Apple doesn't always follow the "positive
> action" concept with user interfaces that NZIBIS mentioned earlier.

I haven't used XCode that much, but I don't recall ever getting stuck  
in a completion list accidently.

In fact, looking at xcode right now, I have to hit opt-esc to get the  
completion list. Even enabling it to 'immediate' doesn't behave like  
BBEdit does, rather it shows the completion it is going to use on the  
line.  The drop down menu STILL doesn't appear unless you hit opt-esc,  
even if you hit ^. to cycle to the next completion option.

In fact, I'm glad you pointed out XCode, how it behaves is EXACTLY how  
BBEdit should behave (v3.0).

"Katrina, $4 gas, a trillion dollar war, rising unemployment,
  deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread gocap

That command returns this error:

defaults[8508:10b] Unexpected argument bool; leaving defaults

And here I was hoping for sanity

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread Jim Correia

On Sep 18, 2008, at 7:15 PM, gocap wrote:

> That command returns this error:
> defaults[8508:10b] Unexpected argument bool; leaving defaults
> unchanged.

The command got hard-wrapped in transit.

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog:RememberStartAtTop - 
bool YES

There should be no space between the hyphen and the word "bool".


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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread gocap

Yes caught the hard wrap but should have seen that.  But that's
wonderful.  I will open a bottle to celebrate.  Many thanks!!  (happy

On Sep 19, 12:21 am, Jim Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There should be no space between the hyphen and the word "bool".
> Jim
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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread Patrick Woolsey

>That command returns this error:
>defaults[8508:10b] Unexpected argument bool; leaving defaults
>And here I was hoping for sanity

Just email wrapping; the command should be entered on a single line
with the last part being "-bool YES" (hopefully :-) like this:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit FindDialog:RememberStartAtTop -bool YES


 Patrick Woolsey
Bare Bones Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 1048, Bedford, MA 01730-1048

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Re: What happened to "Start at Top"?

2008-09-18 Thread gocap

barebones wrote in their blog that the setting was shot and pushed
into a ditch.  well thanks for the resuscitation.  it's my hands that
are asking for it, not me!

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Re: Find field contents change unexpectedly

2008-09-18 Thread mrogers

That did it, thanks for the help!

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Re: grep patterns in multi-file search

2008-09-18 Thread Michael Richards
Thank you! Adding "starting at top: true" works. That doesn't change the
fact that the same script did work in the past on the same sort of files.


> On 18-Sep-2008, at 15:25, Michael Richards wrote:
> > A test sample comes from an html file: > name="I1267">
> > Chauvin Isabelle Marie
> >
> > The applescript that used to work contains the line:
> >
> > set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text
> > document 1)
> > options {search mode:grep} with selecting match)
> [ one line ]
> Can confirm that doesn't work as posted.  You know why?  It's the
> 'start at top' setting that sorta vanished in BBEdit 9.  If the
> insertion point is at the top of the document, it works.
> {found:true, found object:characters 22 thru 32 of text document 1 of
> application "BBEdit", found text:"name=\"I1267"}
> This makes it work every time:
> set aMatch to (find "name=.I\\d+" searching in (text 1 of text
> document 1) options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true} with
> selecting match)
> > Also smoke comes out of the computer.
> Heh.
> --
> "Katrina, $4 gas, a trillion dollar war, rising unemployment,
>  deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"
> >

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Re: Wrapping C style comments

2008-09-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On 18-Sep-2008, at 02:45, Carlton Gibson wrote:
>   /**
>* This is the first line of the comment.
>* This is the second line.
>* This is the last line.

I used to use this format, but with syntax coloring, it seems kind of  

   Comments go here
   on multiple lines

Shows up as an obvious comment not only in bbedit, but in vim as well.

"Katrina, $4 gas, a trillion dollar war, rising unemployment,
  deregulated housing market, global warming...NO MORE!"

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