On Sep 18, 2008, at 2:41 AM, Mike Conley wrote:

> This is precisely the problem, I agree 100%, and simply can't
> understand why Dennis doesn't see this; apparently he has a radically
> different typing style to that of NZBIS and my own.

Maybe my style is radically different, I don't know. :-)  But I can  
certainly see that automatic text completion might not be for  
everyone. That's why I said it's a personal thing several messages  
back. And fortunately, Bare Bones had the foresight to allow users to  
trigger the feature manually as well, so you have some choice in the  

I agree with Mike that there doesn't look like a straightforward way  
out of this. I'm not really clear on what alternative NZIBIS is  

And, FWIW, the automatic triggering of text completion is not unique  
to BBEdit. Apple's Xcode uses the same technique in its CodeSense  
feature. So apparently even Apple doesn't always follow the "positive  
action" concept with user interfaces that NZIBIS mentioned earlier.


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