Re: Disable/uninstall core languages?

2015-12-17 Thread Steve Samuels
Or construct your own list. See this 


On Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 2:14:07 PM UTC-5, Jason Huck wrote:
> Is there any way to remove unused languages from the language menu at the 
> bottom of the window? The size of the list makes switching between 
> languages unwieldy, and there are so many things in there that I never 
> use...
> Thanks,
> Jason

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Re: document won't save when using apple script menu scripts

2015-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels
Try logging in and out.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2015 at 8:56:49 AM UTC-5, Stephen wrote:
> Hello,
> I created an Apple script, named it File•Save and placed it in Menu 
> scripts. The script runs fine when I save a document but the actual file 
> doesn't ever save. Is this intended functionality or am I doing something 
> wrong?

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Re: Documents always grouped into a project

2014-12-14 Thread Steve Samuels
To compare two documents, one with the project list,  I hide the list  
("HIde Files" in the "View Menu") with a hot key.


On Thursday, December 11, 2014 10:05:50 AM UTC-5, Lewis Butler wrote:
> When I open a second document in BBEdit it always puts it into a project 
> window with the document I have previously open, making it impossible for 
> me to view both documents side-by-side without going through some 
> contortions. I searched for “proj” in the preferences pane, but nothing 
> came up. 
> I don’t mind if when I open multiple documents at the same time they get 
> grouped, but when I open one and then another, not so much. 
> -- 
> There are strange things done in the midnight sun/By the men who moil 
> for gold; The Arctic trails have their secret tales/That would make you 
> bloodrun cold; The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,/But the 
> queerest they ever did see Was the night on the marge of Lake Lebarge/ 
> When I cremated Sam McGee 

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Re: Assigning BBEdit Window Placemements with Multiple Displays

2014-11-23 Thread Steve Samuels

The open source application Spectacle can assign a designated window to  
either half of the screen,but can't it handle windows of Adobe Reader. 
Therefore for general use, I prefer SizeUp, by Irradiated Software:

On Saturday, November 22, 2014 1:40:40 PM UTC-5, wrote:

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Re: How to see all the HTML-files whitout the folders in a project?

2014-11-18 Thread Steve Samuels
Why not create a new Project; the use the Add button (+) and select all the 
files in the folders, but not the folders themselves. Unfortunately, this 
doesn't seem to be scriptable.


On Monday, November 17, 2014 9:38:11 AM UTC-5, tueren.reuss wrote:
> Hello! 
> I have a project in BBEdit with all of the files of a website I’m working 
> on. It contains all of my HTML-, JS, LESS- and CSS-files as well as the 
> non-text-files (PNG etc.). 
> I have created filters in the project in order to see only the HTML- , 
> JS-, LESS- or CSS-files. 
> When applying such a filter BBEdit shows me only the selected kind of 
> files and the folders of the project. 
> Is there a way to have only the files listed - whitout the folders - even 
> when contained in sub-folders? 
> As an example I have LESS-files in two locations (see at the end of the 
> mail for the whole list): 
> a) in the LESS-folder and 
> b) in the LESS/Bootstrap-folder. 
> and I have CSS-files in two locations as well: 
> 1.- in the CSS-folder and 
> 2.- in the LESS/CSS-folder. 
> I would like to see all LESS-files when applying the LESS-filter, that 
> means the files from the LESS-folder as well the ones from 
> LESS/Bootstrap-folder **but only the files, whitout all the folders 
> existing in the project (I see the whole path to the files in BBEdit, so I 
> will be able to identify the files)**! (and the same with the CSS-files) 
> Is this possible? 
> Thanks! 
> Regards, 
> Vlad 
> PS Here is the file-list of my LESS-folder: 
> less: 
> __main.less 
> _carousel-tweaks.less 
> _footer-tweaks.less 
> _navbar-tweaks.less 
> _page-contents.less 
> _variables-tweaks.less 
> bootstrap: 
> alerts.less 
> badges.less 
> bootstrap.less 
> breadcrumbs.less 
> button-groups.less 
> buttons.less 
> carousel.less 
> close.less 
> code.less 
> component-animations.less 
> dropdowns.less 
> forms.less 
> glyphicons.less 
> grid.less 
> input-groups.less 
> jumbotron.less 
> labels.less 
> list-group.less 
> media.less 
> mixins.less 
> modals.less 
> navbar.less 
> navs.less 
> normalize.less 
> pager.less 
> pagination.less 
> panels.less 
> popovers.less 
> print.less 
> progress-bars.less 
> responsive-utilities.less 
> scaffolding.less 
> tables.less 
> theme.less 
> thumbnails.less 
> tooltip.less 
> type.less 
> utilities.less 
> variables.less 
> wells.less 
> css: 
> bootstrap.css 
> theme.css 

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Re: Is BBEdit still using a PCRE version from 2004?

2014-08-17 Thread Steve Samuels
The Manual gives a complete description of  BBEdit's regex capabilities.

On Friday, August 15, 2014 12:25:42 AM UTC-4, Joe D wrote:
> When I try to use some very useful (but standard) PCRE syntax such as 
> branch reset or (*SKIP)(*F), BBEdit doesn't recognize the regex.
> This tipped me off that BB might be using an old version of PCRE. Sure 
> enough, the manual says PCRE (c) 1997-2004.
> A LOT has happened to regex and to the PCRE library since 2004...
> Can we please know what exact version of PCRE the software is using, and 
> when we might expect an up-do-date PCRE version?
> Just for comparison, Notepad++ uses the latest builds.
> Thanks!

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Re: BBEdit only prints first page of preview

2014-08-12 Thread Steve Samuels
Send this problem to Bare Bones technical support.

On Thursday, August 7, 2014 2:21:30 PM UTC-4, David Crowe wrote:
> I am previewing a PHP file in BBEdit that is 4 or 5 pages long depending 
> on portrait or landscape view.
> The Print dialog shows the correct number of pages but the little 
> right-triangle (which is black, not grey) to preview other pages it does 
> not work, the first page continues to show. And, when I actually print only 
> the first page comes out.
> When I view the same file in Safari, all pages are printed.

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Re: Is there any way to integrate BBEdit with Xcode ???

2014-05-27 Thread Steve Samuels

On Friday, May 23, 2014 9:37:47 PM UTC-4, Stede Troisi wrote:
> This is sort of like asking if I could legally not pay taxes for the rest 
> of my life. I kind of know the answer, but maybe, just maybe there are 
> miracles. :-)


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Re: UI scripting, works perfectly from Editor, doesn't work running from BBEdit's Script Menu.

2013-12-26 Thread Steve Samuels
Log out and log in usually clears this up.

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 1:39:32 AM UTC-5, Stefano wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm going really crazy :-( …
> These simple UI scripts work perfectly. And they work perfectly running 
> from Editor and running from BBEdit's Script Menu.
> *tell* *application* "BBEdit" *to* *activate*
> *tell* *application* "System Events"
> *tell* *process* "BBEdit"
> *click* *menu item* "Balance & Fold" *of* *menu* "View" *of* *menu bar* 1
> *end* *tell*
> *end* *tell*
> Or similar
> *tell* *application* "BBEdit" *to* *activate*
> *tell* *application* "System Events" *to* *tell* *process* "BBEdit"
> *keystroke* "B" using {command down, shift down}
> *end* *tell*
> *end* *tell*
> BUT … I create a script where I can find in sequence some tags ( or 
>  or even css declaration { } ... and so on) and then perform the 
> same UI action when a desidered tag has found.
> AND … this script ***works perfectly*** running it from Apple Script 
> Editor but doesn't work absolutely running it from BBEdit's Script Menu. It 
> finds correctly the sequence of all the desired tags, but then nothing 
> happens where instead from the Editor it folds in sequence all found tags.
> At the beginning I had that UI action in an handler. So I thought not to 
> use it in an handler, but nothing changed.
> Then I put different *delay *in the repeat's block and in different 
> positions … Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. And nothing again.
> So, have you any idea please?
> I don't like at all UI scripting, but unfortunately there is not any other 
> way to fold items.
> And it's a shame because sometimes folding can be rather useful.

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Re: Scripts to send command files to Stata/R & selected text to Stata

2013-07-01 Thread Steve Samuels

  There are other scripts around.  For R, see:

On Friday, June 28, 2013 5:40:28 PM UTC-4, Steve Samuels wrote:
> Stata 13 changed its scripting behavior and broke the previous scripts. 
> I've revised them to work with any Stata version.
> The scripts are written for StataMP; if you use a different flavor, 
> substitute its name.  The "Send_to_Stata_or_R" script
> checks the file extension ("do" for Stata, "R" or "r" for R)  to know 
> which app is the target.

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Re: Scripts to send command files to Stata/R & selected text to Stata

2013-06-28 Thread Steve Samuels

I should have added that Ben Hulley was the author of the originals of 
these scripts. See the header material of the "Send_to_Stata_or_R"  for 
some other sources of that script. I  modified or added only about six of 
58 lines in  Ben's original "Send_Selection_To_Stata" .


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Scripts to send command files to Stata/R & selected text to Stata

2013-06-28 Thread Steve Samuels
Stata 13 changed its scripting behavior and broke the previous scripts. 
I've revised them to work with any Stata version.
The scripts are written for StataMP; if you use a different flavor, 
substitute its name.  The "Send_to_Stata_or_R" script
checks the file extension ("do" for Stata, "R" or "r" for R)  to know which 
app is the target.

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Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Re: is there a way to set the location for "save as"

2013-05-18 Thread Steve Samuels
This non-predictable save behavior happens with other apps too.   I now 
rely on Default Folder X for saving and, occasionally, for opening 
documents.  Among the available save & read options is a list of recent 

On Tuesday, May 14, 2013 5:56:31 PM UTC-4, Karen Dozier wrote:
> I just upgraded to version 10.5.3.
> I find that when I open a file and do a "save as" it no longer defaults to 
> saving in the same directory as the original file. In the new version "save 
> as" defaults to the last folder where a file was saved. Is there any way to 
> set this in preferences? 

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Re: Arbitrary Keybindings in BBEdit

2013-05-13 Thread Steve Samuels
Take a look at bbautocomplete  .

On Monday, May 13, 2013 6:36:17 PM UTC-4, John Delacour wrote:
> On 13/5/13 at 21:16,  (Christopher 
> Finazzo) wrote: 
> >In an ideal scenario, I wouldn't have to use modifier keys 
> >(Command, Option, etc.) at all in order to invoke the clipping. 
> >It just seems odd to me that autocomplete is "pigeon-holed" 
> >into this relatively limited way of doing things... 
> I don't think typing control-tab is any more cumbersome than 
> typing tab.  Think of the apps (XCode) where you can use just 
> tab to autocomplete : what other options do you have for 
> assigning key shortcuts in them?  BBEdit is exceptional in 
> allowing you to do practically anything with key shortcuts and 
> even to customize the standard shortcut keys.  I think you're 
> making a mountain out of a molehill. 
> JD 

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Re: Radical changes to BB-EDIT 10's Search Dialogue box?

2013-04-18 Thread Steve Samuels
Here's an even shorter script to do what you ask. For using the script, 
follow the direction in Patrick Woolsey's post 



> tell application "BBEdit"
>> set _searchto to the text returned of (display dialog "Enter search 
>> string" default answer "")
>> find _searchto searching in text 1 of front document options {search 
>> mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap around:true, backwards:false, case 
>> sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:true} with selecting 
>> match
>> end tell
On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:56:39 AM UTC-4, David A. Lewis wrote:
> It seems to me that  BB has REMOVED several functions from the Search 
> Dialogue box that I (previously) found very very useful.
> One of them, the most irritating new ommission, is the checkbox, that 
> would "extend the selection", so that if I put the text-insertion point 
> into a document at the beginning of a section, had "extend selection" 
> checked-on, and then searched for a word at (for example) the end of that 
> section, the ENTIRE BLOCK OF TEXT would be highlighted.
> So, where have they hidden this feature in the new "improved" version 10? 
>   PLEASE bring it back, (or advise on where it went! :O)

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Re: Radical changes to BB-EDIT 10's Search Dialogue box?

2013-04-18 Thread Steve Samuels
I'm not sure what you mean by a "section", but here's a script that will 
select up to any characters. You can then search the selection.


(* Select up to any characters:
>> Opens a find window for the characters
>> Examples:
>> To select up to a double line break,  enter (unquoted) "\r\r"
>> To select up to "*/", enter "\*\/"
>> *)
>> tell application "BBEdit"
>> set _searchto to the text returned of (display dialog "Enter search 
>> string" default answer "")
>> set _sstring to "(?s).+?(?=" & _searchto & ")"
>> find _sstring searching in text 1 of front document options {search 
>> mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap around:true, backwards:false, case 
>> sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:true} with selecting 
>> match
>> end tell
On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:56:39 AM UTC-4, David A. Lewis wrote:
> It seems to me that  BB has REMOVED several functions from the Search 
> Dialogue box that I (previously) found very very useful.
> One of them, the most irritating new ommission, is the checkbox, that 
> would "extend the selection", so that if I put the text-insertion point 
> into a document at the beginning of a section, had "extend selection" 
> checked-on, and then searched for a word at (for example) the end of that 
> section, the ENTIRE BLOCK OF TEXT would be highlighted.
> So, where have they hidden this feature in the new "improved" version 10? 
>   PLEASE bring it back, (or advise on where it went! :O)

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 2:56:39 AM UTC-4, David A. Lewis wrote:
> It seems to me that  BB has REMOVED several functions from the Search 
> Dialogue box that I (previously) found very very useful.
> One of them, the most irritating new ommission, is the checkbox, that 
> would "extend the selection", so that if I put the text-insertion point 
> into a document at the beginning of a section, had "extend selection" 
> checked-on, and then searched for a word at (for example) the end of that 
> section, the ENTIRE BLOCK OF TEXT would be highlighted.
> So, where have they hidden this feature in the new "improved" version 10? 
>   PLEASE bring it back, (or advise on where it went! :O)

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Re: [3239] Bug Report

2012-12-04 Thread Steve Samuels
I'm referring to!topic/bbedit/h88NFkjS8d8

which stated:

"One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, 
about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please 
send a bug report to  and we will deal 
with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
topic and productive for all list members"


On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 9:53:54 AM UTC-5, Rich F wrote:
> Hiya kids.  Don't buy me anything for Christmas.
> Downloafed 3239, working in it.  I have had some lingering issues in the 
> past, but I'll submit what I have found.  Not sure if this is for everyone 
> else.
> - Window defaults not really working.  Restarted with windows open and 
> they came up skinny and overlapping.  
> - Dialog boxes for saving files snaps back to super small.  
> That's it.
> Cheers

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Re: [3239] Bug Report

2012-12-04 Thread Steve Samuels
Reread the 10.5 announcement: Bug reports on the 10.5 betas should not be 
reported here, but only to BareBones. 

On Tuesday, December 4, 2012 9:53:54 AM UTC-5, Rich F wrote:
> Hiya kids.  Don't buy me anything for Christmas.
> Downloafed 3239, working in it.  I have had some lingering issues in the 
> past, but I'll submit what I have found.  Not sure if this is for everyone 
> else.
> - Window defaults not really working.  Restarted with windows open and 
> they came up skinny and overlapping.  
> - Dialog boxes for saving files snaps back to super small.  
> That's it.
> Cheers

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels

I think that the only issue you've identified is that it's tedious it is to 
reveal a project file in the Finder.  Here's one way to do it quickly:  Put 
the following script in BBEdit's Scripts folder and assign it a keyboard 

tell application "BBEdit"
set fList to selected items of project window 1
end tell
tell application "Finder"
select every item of fList
end tell


On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:

Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar.

I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
locations, and get info.

I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then 
do any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do 
this in the Project side bar.

I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 


On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
> locations, and get info.
> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
> in the Project side bar. 
> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
> reasoning.
> Thanks,
> James

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels
Actually, you don't need the script if you use a trackpad and the Project 
List has focus:  A two-finger  tap on any selected item will open the 
contextual menu  and typing "r" will reveal and select  _all_ currently 
selected files. (Make sure you've checked "secondary tap" in the TrackPad 
Preferences Pane.)  

If you don't use a trackpad, here's a version of the script that will open 
the  folders of multiple items selected in the Project List.

tell application "BBEdit"
set fList to selected items of project window 1
end tell
tell application "Finder"
repeat with i from 1 to count fList
reveal item i of fList
end repeat
end tell


On Sunday, December 2, 2012 11:13:40 AM UTC-5, Steve Samuels wrote:
> I think that the only real issue you've identified is that it's tedious it 
> is to reveal a project file in the Finder.  Here's a way to do it quickly:  
> Put the following script in BBEdit's Scripts folder and assign it a 
> keyboard shortcut.
> Steve
> tell application "BBEdit"
> set Flist to selected items of project window 1
> set theFile to item 1 of Flist
> end tell
> tell application "Finder"
> activate
> reveal theFile
> end tell
> On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
>> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
>> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
>> locations, and get info.
>> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
>> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
>> in the Project side bar. 
>> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
>> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
>> reasoning.
>> Thanks,
>> James

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels
I think that the only real issue you've identified is that it's tedious it 
is to reveal a project file in the Finder.  Here's a way to do it quickly:  
Put the following script in BBEdit's Scripts folder and assign it a 
keyboard shortcut.


tell application "BBEdit"
set Flist to selected items of project window 1
set theFile to item 1 of Flist
end tell
tell application "Finder"
reveal theFile
end tell

On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
> locations, and get info.
> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
> in the Project side bar. 
> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
> reasoning.
> Thanks,
> James

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels
I agree that it's tedious it is to reveal a project file in the Finder.  
Here's a way to do it quickly:  Put the following script in BBEdit's 
Scripts folder and assign it a keyboard shortcut.  


tell application "BBEdit"
set flist to selected items of project window 1
set theFile to item 1 of flist
end tell
tell application "Finder"
reveal theFile
end tell

On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
> locations, and get info.
> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
> in the Project side bar. 
> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
> reasoning.
> Thanks,
> James

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels

As your only real concern is how tedious it is to reveal a project file in 
the Finder, here's a way to do it quickly:  Put the following script in 
BBEdit's Scripts folder and assign it a keyboard shortcut.  


tell application "BBEdit"
set flist to selected items of project window 1
set theFile to item 1 of flist
end tell
tell application "Finder"
reveal theFile
end tell

On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
> locations, and get info.
> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
> in the Project side bar. 
> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
> reasoning.
> Thanks,
> James

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Re: Finder functionality in projects side bar

2012-12-02 Thread Steve Samuels

As your only real concern is how tedious it is to reveal a project file in 
the Finder, here's a script to do that.  Put the script in BBEdit's Scripts 
folder and assign it a keyboard shortcut.  


tell application "BBEdit"
set flist to selected items of project window 1
set theFile to item 1 of flist
end tell
tell application "Finder"
reveal theFile
end tell

On Friday, November 30, 2012 12:49:49 PM UTC-5, digitalagua wrote:
> Is there any way to get finder functionality in the Project Sidebar. 
> I'd like to rename files and folders, drag and drop files to new 
> locations, and get info.
> I find it tedious to have to right click, then reveal in finder, then do 
> any operation that would be completely intuitive if I was able to do this 
> in the Project side bar. 
> I am wondering if this was a design decision on Bare Bones part or an 
> oversight. If it was a design decision, it would be great to find out their 
> reasoning.
> Thanks,
> James

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Re: BBEdit hangs with beach ball on every time I select "Search->Multi-File Search..."

2012-11-02 Thread Steve Samuels
Contact technical support. via the Help Menu. They will obviously want to 
know a lot more.  If this is the 10.5 pre-release, note the posted 

> One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, 
> about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please 
> send a bug report to  and we will deal 
> with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
> topic and productive for all list members. 

On Friday, November 2, 2012 1:54:47 PM UTC-4, Sceaga wrote:
> If I have a project open and I goto select "Search->Multi-File Search..." 
> I get a spinning beach ball from BBEdit for about 30-60 seconds. The files 
> are all local, no NFS mounts, no AFP mounts, etc. Also, during the hang the 
> Activity Monitor shows NO activity from BBEdit, so it's not even taxing my 
> system, it just hangs BBEdit, then eventually the Multi-File Search... form 
> appears, and the search works fine. However, this 30-60 sec. hang prevents 
> me from using it effectively, as I can't be having it hang like this.
> What is wrong?

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Re: BBEdit using >25% CPU doing "nothing" ?

2012-10-31 Thread Steve Samuels
To quote Rich's announcement about the 10.5 pre-release:

One final note: If you run into a bug in a pre-release version, 
> about whether others have seen the same problem. Instead, please 
> send a bug report to  and we will deal 
> with it there. This will help us keep the list discussion on 
> topic and productive for all list members. 


On Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:32:59 AM UTC-4, FrankS wrote:
> Restarting BBEdit makes the CPU-usage go down below 1% with the same 
> windows open...
> Definitely "something to keep an eye on" ;-) 
> Keep up the great work!
> Thanks, FrankS.
> On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:50:54 PM UTC-7, FrankS wrote:
>> Accidentally noticed in the Activity Monitor that BBEdit 10.5 3221 using 
>> >25% CPU doing "nothing"… 
>> meaning I'm not compiling anything, no scripts running, just waiting in 
>> the background with a number of files open.
>> Doesn't feel right (?).
>> -FrankS.
>> Model Name: MacBook Pro
>>   Model Identifier: MacBookPro6,2
>>   Processor Name: Intel Core i5
>>   Processor Speed: 2.53 GHz
>>   Number of Processors: 1
>>   Total Number of Cores: 2
>>   L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
>>   L3 Cache: 3 MB
>>   Memory: 8 GB

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Re: Clippings file not matching language

2012-10-26 Thread Steve Samuels
Peter, this is not a forum for 10,.5 issues.  That said,I saw the same 
problem in 10.5.  I wrote to support and Patrick Woolsey replied:

In order for a clipping set to have a language association, that set's 
> folder name must map to some recognized language type--and in general, this 
> means the folder name's suffix should map to a recognized language suffix.
> This is in the 10.1.1  Manual, p. 257.  So, rename the clipping folder to 
> "".


On Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:55:41 PM UTC-4, Peter Gallagher wrote:
> I select Markdown as a language in Prefs and ensure that the "match 
> clipping set to language" checkbox is set.
> But when I open a file with a .md extension and /or set the kind to 
> "Markdown" in the window menu, the "Markdown" clipping set is not enabled.
> Using 10.5 beta.
> Peter

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Re: Where do you keep projects?

2012-10-02 Thread Steve Samuels
See also  the discussion at:!msg/bbedit/RLuiXgV6IOQ/tiN4Yi-VscoJ

On Monday, October 1, 2012 3:18:34 PM UTC-4, Oliver Taylor wrote:
> Where do you save your projects? In the project's folder? In a "projects" 
> folder? 
> I know you can save them anywhere, I'm asking where the list prefers to 
> keep their BBEdit Project Files. Just curious. 

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Re: Change document window backgrounds or title bar based on file location?

2012-07-31 Thread Steve Samuels
For "Mercury" read "Mercurial"

On Friday, July 27, 2012 8:01:08 PM UTC-4, Steve Samuels wrote:
> Try  Git or Mercury which employ branches to handle differing versions of 
> the same files and folders. I avoid the command languages with  SourceTree, 
> which has a nice GUI implementation of both. 
> desertrat: SourceTree implements Git-Flow (and Hg-Flow) which was designed 
> specifically for production and development environments.  See: 
> <>
> These work very well with BBEdit. 
> On Friday, July 27, 2012 6:59:18 PM UTC-4, San wrote:
>> > Is  there a way to have BBEdit change something like 
>> > the window background color or title bar color based on... 
>> I've long hoped for something similar to this myself. I'd love to be 
>> able to, for example, have all "live" files (that live in my Internet 
>> server) have a pale blue background, but all "devel" files (that live 
>> in my local development server) have a pale green background. Also, 
>> I'm currently working on two related-but-distinct websites 
>> simultaneously (santhology and sanstudio) that share some code 
>> resources but are still mostly separate -- I'd love to be able to 
>> assign one background color for each of the two sites, plus a third 
>> background color for the shared resources. 
>> Sure, I can see the difference by looking at the top of the window, 
>> but when you're juggling a lot of files in the same BBEdit window, and 
>> rapidly shifting back and forth between them, having a slightly 
>> different pastel shade background would allow you to distinguish them 
>> at a glance -- much faster than looking up at URLs and icons. 
>> I'd also like my ponies to come in different colors, but we can 
>> discuss that another time. 

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Re: Crash in BBEdit under 10.8 printing to a Xerox 7435 printer

2012-07-31 Thread Steve Samuels
To quote the list header: 

"To make feature suggestions or request assistance with a problem, please 
Technical Support ." 

On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:33:10 PM UTC-4, Iceman wrote:
> Installed Mountain Lion and am getting a crash in BBEdit and TextWrangler 
> trying to print to a Xerox 7435 printer - even after reinstalling the 
> driver which is supposed to be 10.8 compatible.
> The test printer worked fine as did printing through TextEdit.
> Latest version of BBEdit - TextWrangler was 4.0.1.
> -- Thanks, Verne

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Re: Crash in BBEdit under 10.8 printing to a Xerox 7435 printer

2012-07-30 Thread Steve Samuels
Read the Patrick Woolsey's  post about "Requesting Support" at the top of 
the list. 

On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:33:10 PM UTC-4, Iceman wrote:
> Installed Mountain Lion and am getting a crash in BBEdit and TextWrangler 
> trying to print to a Xerox 7435 printer - even after reinstalling the 
> driver which is supposed to be 10.8 compatible.
> The test printer worked fine as did printing through TextEdit.
> Latest version of BBEdit - TextWrangler was 4.0.1.
> -- Thanks, Verne

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Re: Change document window backgrounds or title bar based on file location?

2012-07-27 Thread Steve Samuels
Try  Git or Mercury which employ branches to handle differing versions of 
the same files and folders. I avoid the command languages with  SourceTree, 
which has a nice GUI implementation of both. 

desertrat: SourceTree implements Git-Flow (and Hg-Flow) which was designed 
specifically for production and development environments.  See:

These work very well with BBEdit. 

On Friday, July 27, 2012 6:59:18 PM UTC-4, San wrote:
> > Is  there a way to have BBEdit change something like 
> > the window background color or title bar color based on... 
> I've long hoped for something similar to this myself. I'd love to be 
> able to, for example, have all "live" files (that live in my Internet 
> server) have a pale blue background, but all "devel" files (that live 
> in my local development server) have a pale green background. Also, 
> I'm currently working on two related-but-distinct websites 
> simultaneously (santhology and sanstudio) that share some code 
> resources but are still mostly separate -- I'd love to be able to 
> assign one background color for each of the two sites, plus a third 
> background color for the shared resources. 
> Sure, I can see the difference by looking at the top of the window, 
> but when you're juggling a lot of files in the same BBEdit window, and 
> rapidly shifting back and forth between them, having a slightly 
> different pastel shade background would allow you to distinguish them 
> at a glance -- much faster than looking up at URLs and icons. 
> I'd also like my ponies to come in different colors, but we can 
> discuss that another time. 

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Re: Ignoring paths within a project

2012-06-26 Thread Steve Samuels

You can use the same filters in a project's Files view.


On Jun 25, 12:43 pm, Jean-Baptiste Karageuzian
> For multi-file search, you can set filters. It's at the bottom of the 
> multifile search window.
> JB
> Le 25 Jun 2012 à 16:51, Fletcher Sandbeck  a écrit :
> > On Jun 25, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Gingi wrote:
> >> I'd like to have BBEdit completely ignore certain paths within a folder. 
> >> These paths are usually build artifacts that include a lot of 
> >> auto-generated files. Can I do this in BBEdit (as a project setting or a 
> >> system-wide setting)?
> >> Specifically, I'd like these paths disappear from (at least):
> >> the File Browser
> >> the "Open File By Name" dialog
> >> Multi-file Search
> > The traditional way to do this is to name the directories starting with a 
> > period or to hide them in the Finder.
> > [fletcher]
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the
> > "BBEdit Talk" discussion group on Google Groups.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at
> > 
> > If you have a feature request or would like to report a problem,
> > please email "" rather than posting to the group.
> > Follow @bbedit on Twitter: 

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Re: Editing Git projects in BBEdit (Branch awareness)

2012-02-29 Thread Steve Samuels
I use git via SourceTree, a local GUI app.  When I switch branches,
open (and closed) BBEdit documents change to the versions in the last
commit of the switched-to branch. Since SourceTree just issues git
commands (switching is "checkout"), I don't know why it doesn't happen
for you.


On Feb 29, 9:36 am, Pete Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I currently use BBEdit alongside GitHub for Mac to manage our projects.
> One of Git's killer features is the ease with which you can create new
> branches and then switch between them - it would be great if BBEdit had
> some awareness of the branch you're currently working on.
> The main feature I'm looking for is for the currently open files of a
> project to be branch-aware.
> For example, if I switch branches in git, it would be useful if BBEdit
> would change the currently open files to a set specific to that branch.
> That means if I have to create a new branch to deal with a specific issue,
> I can have a clean slate to work with, and then when I switch back, I can
> carry on from where I left off.
> Does this make sense?
> Thanks,
> Pete

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Re: Bad Crash with Finder Freeze

2011-10-03 Thread Steve Samuels
If this is for the 10.02 beta, please report to BareBones, not to the

On Oct 3, 10:28 am, Jefferis Peterson 
> >> BBEdit just froze up my finder big time.
> >> 10/3/11 10:02:34 AM    [0x0-0xa40a4].com.barebones.bbedit[5859]
> >> objc[5859]: Class CTGradient is implemented in both
> >> /Library/ColorPickers/Tangerine.colorPicker/Contents/MacOS/Tangerine and
> >> /Library/Frameworks/XRiteAppKit.framework/Versions/A/XRiteAppKit. One of 
> >> the
> >> two will be used. Which one is undefined.
> >>  10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0x1e62ec70 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0x1e62eca0 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0x1e6281c0 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0x1e631dd0 of class NSCFString autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0xa520f40 of class NSCFLocale autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:29 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0xa520f40 of class NSCFLocale autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:30 AM    GrowlHelperApp[5210]    ---
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:30 AM    GrowlHelperApp[5210]    BBEdit: Replace All 
> >> Completed
> >> (12 occurrence(s) of ³SellMy\tDiamond Buyers\t² were replaced with ³².) -
> >> Priority 1
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:30 AM    GrowlHelperApp[5210]    Reserving rect NSRect: 
> >> {{1645,
> >> 1093}, {270, 80}}
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:49 AM    BBEdit[5859]    *** __NSAutoreleaseNoPool(): Object
> >> 0xa520f40 of class NSCFLocale autoreleased with no pool in place - just
> >> leaking
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:49 AM    GrowlHelperApp[5210]    ---
> >> 10/3/11 10:03:49 AM    GrowlHelperApp[5210]    BBEdit: Replace All 
> >> Completed
> >> (24 occurrence(s) of ³\t\t\t\tActive\tControl and 
> >> Experiment\tActive\tPending
> >> Review² were replaced with ³².) - Priority 1
> Had to force restart my computer with the power button. Bad lock up.
> Jefferis Peterson, Pres.
> Web Design and Marketing
> (724)-482-2015

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Re: Change Size of Currently Open Documents in Project window?

2011-09-27 Thread Steve Samuels

Not what you asked for, but whole list is available in a pop-up menu
just below the BBEdit document icon in the Edit window.


On Sep 27, 11:43 am, TomP  wrote:
> I've read the two threads that mentioned this issue, but I didn't see
> any solution offered, so thought I'd ask myself.
> Is there some way to increase the size of the "Currently Open
> Documents" list in a Project window in BBEdit 10?  I don't have a
> problem with the open documents showing up on the left vs right, but I
> am having a very difficult time only being able to see 8 of the 30-40
> files I have open at any given time.  Having to scroll through that
> small list just to see and choose amongst files I have open is a
> pain.  If making the Project file list collapsible is not desirable/
> possible, then is there some way to resize the percentage of the left
> section that the "Currently Open Documents" list takes up?
> Thanks in advance for any help, suggestions, etc..

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Re: Rectangular Selection and Edit

2011-09-16 Thread Steve Samuels

Replacement in a rectangular selection doesn't work in V 9.63 either.
(OS X 10.6.6.)  I get Application error code 13200: "The operation is
not permitted in the current selection".  Perhaps this is a
"limitation" and not a bug.


On Sep 16, 2:41 pm, Christopher Stone 
> Hey Vj
> On Sep 15, 2011, at 16:01, VA wrote:
> > Coming from the UltraEdit world, I tried rectangular selecting lines and 
> > inserting characters at the beginning of each of the lines by just typing 
> > it (without using Prefix/Suffix Lines).
> I like UltraEdit on the PC but not so much on the Mac.
> That feature could be useful, but I'd be surprised to see it materialize in 
> BBEdit - especially since prefix lines exists and can be bound to a keyboard 
> shortcut.  But you never know.
> If you want to make a real feature request though make sure to contact 
> support: 
> > After the first character was typed the selection was unselected. This is 
> > not the problem. The problem is when you just undo this by typing 
> > Command+Z, the text is all lost and only reloading the file brought it back.
> Eew.  I just tried this out with very nasty results.
> I also tried doing a find/replace on the columnar-selection, and BBEdit 
> 10.0.2 (3089) choked.
> I think this deserves a bug-report, and that too should be sent to support.
> > Also another option I'd like is to have the ability to open the editor with 
> > the files table view always ON. Otherwise if I had the files view ON, but 
> > only one file open, when I close and the reopen the editor the editor size 
> > becomes just bigger taking up the previous files table space as well. And 
> > then reopening the files table only increases the editor size. Not a biggy, 
> > but hey we are all obsessed with details, right?
> I find the way open/close File List functions uncomfortable and wish the file 
> list would extend to the left rather than the edit area extending to the 
> right.
> To solve your issue there's an expert pref (see expert preferences in the 
> BBEdit Help):
> • On the other hand, if you want the file list to always be visible when you 
> make a new editing window, you can do that as well:
> defaults write com.barebones.bbedit AlwaysShowFileList -bool YES
> --
> Best Regards,
> Chris

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Re: Mourning the loss of Find extend selection option

2011-08-02 Thread Steve Samuels
A script here (
thread/47c18e29cb7139ad/) and here (
) will select all text up to (optionally through) a line containing a
specified search string.  I haven't tested it in BBEdit 10, but it
might get you started.


On Aug 2, 2:36 pm, Geoff Hicks  wrote:
> Yes, thanks Seth. I had not previously experimented with that level of 
> scripting, so was bemoaning the loss of a built-in function and familiar 
> process. Further reading of the documentation will be required...
> Regards,
>         Geoff Hicks
> On 02/08/2011, at 11:54 PM, Seth Dillingham wrote:
> > On 7/30/2011, Geoff Hicks said:
> >> Finding and replacing multiple blocks of text bounded
> >> by definable search strings that may be separated by many hundreds, if
> >> not thousands of arbitrary lines has never been possible (stack
> >> overflows, except when intervening lines < ~100) within TextWrangler
> >> or BBEdit. The files may be many hundreds of MB in size. My only
> >> workaround was to define a search expression for the start block and
> >> another for the end block then alternate the searches, toggling the
> >> extend selection checkbox in the modal find dialog. With key bindings
> >> for all the components of this replacement strategy, excluding the
> >> alternating search expressions, this process was reasonably efficient.
> > Geoff,
> > Have you considered using a script for this work?
> > You could certainly imitate the original behavior with a script. Run the 
> > first search, get the index of the result, run the second search, get the 
> > index of the result, set the selection to the full range.
> > No?
> > Seth
> > --
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Re: v10 Live Search Emacs Ctrl-S and Ctrl-R

2011-08-01 Thread Steve Samuels

On Aug 1, 12:29 pm, Andrea  wrote:
> I have emacs keybindings turned on and ctrl-s and ctrl-r don't seem to
> work with live search.  Am I missing something?

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Re: Forward Delete in 10.0?

2011-07-29 Thread Steve Samuels

I use  keyremap4macbook to
make shift+delete act as forward delete in every application. (And
it's not just for laptops.)


On Jul 29, 8:14 am, François Schiettecatte 
> I see the same behavior as Ridgeview on my MacPro & Apple Keyboard with 
> Numeric Keypad, running Lion  and 10.0 (obviously)
> F.
> On Jul 29, 2011, at 8:05 AM, Christopher Stone wrote:
> > On Jul 28, 2011, at 11:46, Ridgeview wrote:
> >> shift+delete doesn't forward delete in 10.0.  Function+delete does.
> >> Any way to change this behavior?
> > __
> > Odd.  It works on my machine.  (Newish MacBook Pro i7).
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Chris
> > --
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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-28 Thread Steve Samuels
I put a script set tab widths via a dialog at:


On Jul 27, 12:11 pm, Rod Buchanan  wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:23 PM, Watts Martin wrote:
> > Kendall Conrad wrote:
> >> I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> >> to get to those settings.
> > Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but that's 
> > not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML files to have 
> > tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping there was a way to 
> > set that for a *document,* not a language type, and have that setting be 
> > "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or whatever).
> > As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a 
> > document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the 
> > per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width 
> > isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little surprised 
> > those aren't saved with documents.)
> Look at View -> Text Display -> Show Fonts.
> --
> Rod

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-28 Thread Steve Samuels

Here's a script to change tab width via a dialog.

(* Set tab width in BBEdit
Almost all is copied from message #7 by  Marcus Garvey at*)
tell application "BBEdit"
set dialogResult to (display dialog "Enter tab width:" default answer
set tabWidth to (text returned of dialogResult) as number
if (class of tabWidth is integer) then exit repeat
end try
display dialog "The starting number needs to be a valid integer!"
buttons {"Enter again", "Cancel"} default button 1
end repeat
set tab width of window 1 of text document 1 to tabWidth
end tell

On Jul 27, 12:11 pm, Rod Buchanan  wrote:
> On Jul 26, 2011, at 8:23 PM, Watts Martin wrote:
> > Kendall Conrad wrote:
> >> I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> >> to get to those settings.
> > Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but that's 
> > not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML files to have 
> > tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping there was a way to 
> > set that for a *document,* not a language type, and have that setting be 
> > "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or whatever).
> > As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a 
> > document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the 
> > per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width 
> > isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little surprised 
> > those aren't saved with documents.)
> Look at View -> Text Display -> Show Fonts.
> --
> Rod

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-28 Thread Steve Samuels
Here's a script that to set the tab width for a document with a

(* Set document tab width in BBEdit
Most is copied from Marcus Garvey's message #7 at
tell application "BBEdit"
set dialogResult to (display dialog "Enter a starting number:" default
answer "")
set startNumber to (text returned of dialogResult) as number
if (class of startNumber is integer) then exit repeat
end try
display dialog "The starting number needs to be a valid integer!"
buttons {"Enter again", "Cancel"} default button 1
end repeat
set tab width of window 1 of text document 1 to startNumber
end tell

On Jul 27, 1:40 pm, Watts Martin  wrote:
> Bruce Van Allen wrote:
> > On 2011-07-26, Watts Martin wrote:
> >> As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a
> >> document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the
> >> per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width
> >> isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little
> >> surprised those aren't saved with documents.)
> > What? Those things work over here (BBEdit 10, OS X 10.7, and worked for
> > years).
> > I use this applescript saved in scripts folder, with Control-Tab set as
> > keyboard command:
> That will certainly work; thank you.
> I suppose to be precise I should have said there appeared to be no UI
> control to adjust the tab width on a document-level basis. It's great
> that BBEdit has the scripting support that it does, but I'm also bemused
> at times by how often scripting seems to be the *only* way to do
> something that seems relatively trivial, like set tab widths for the
> current document. :)
> In any case, this is reinforcing my earlier thought that there really
> needs to be a BBEdit "Tips & Tricks" wiki, that allows attachments for
> scripts, snippets (and now packages).
> --
> Watts Martin 
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: Search and replace multiple combinations at once?

2011-07-27 Thread Steve Samuels
You can use AppleScript, maybe in Version 8 (I don't know), certainly
in 9.   I opened Script Editor, and recorded a search, then just
modified it for the subsequent searches. Be aware that Google's Mailer
will break the search lines. Everything from "replace..." to "--End"
is on one line.

tell application "BBEdit"
-- This search was recorded

replace "alpha" using "beta" searching in text 1 of text document
"pi50.txt" options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, wrap
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}  -- End
-- Next search was just a copy & paste of the previous one
replace "beta" using "gamma" searching in text 1 of text document
"pi50.txt" options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, wrap
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false} --End

end tell

On Jul 27, 1:03 pm, jgold723  wrote:
> I'm using BBEdit 8 (but willing to upgrade if necessary). I have a
> series of search and replace strings that I need to perform on a
> document. I'd like to build these once, then have BBEdit run them all
> on the document. Can that be done? How?
> Thanks,
> John

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-26 Thread Steve Samuels
I don't know anything about PHP, but if the "documents" and
"templates" have different file extensions, you could write an
attachment script to "set tab width to" the number appropriate to the
extension and source language.
The actions will be triggered when you open or save a document. See
the Manual section on "Using Attachment Scripts".


On Jul 26, 9:23 pm, Watts Martin  wrote:
> Kendall Conrad wrote:
> > I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> > to get to those settings.
> Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but
> that's not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML
> files to have tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping
> there was a way to set that for a *document,* not a language type, and
> have that setting be "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or
> whatever).
> As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a
> document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the
> per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width
> isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little
> surprised those aren't saved with documents.)
> --
> Watts Martin 
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-26 Thread Steve Samuels
I don't know anything about PHP, but if the "documents" and
"templates" have different file extensions, you could write an
attachment script to "set tab width to" the number appropriate to the
extension. Write the script to run when a document is opened or saved.
See the Manual section on "Using Attachment Scripts".


On Jul 26, 9:23 pm, Watts Martin  wrote:
> Kendall Conrad wrote:
> > I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> > to get to those settings.
> Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but
> that's not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML
> files to have tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping
> there was a way to set that for a *document,* not a language type, and
> have that setting be "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or
> whatever).
> As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a
> document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the
> per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width
> isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little
> surprised those aren't saved with documents.)
> --
> Watts Martin 
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-26 Thread Steve Samuels
I don't know anything about PHP, but if  "documents" and "templates"
have different file extensions, you could write an attachment script
to "set tab width to" the number appropriate to the extension. Write
the script to run when a document is opened or saved. See the Manual
section on "Using Attachment Scripts".


On Jul 26, 9:23 pm, Watts Martin  wrote:
> Kendall Conrad wrote:
> > I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> > to get to those settings.
> Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but
> that's not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML
> files to have tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping
> there was a way to set that for a *document,* not a language type, and
> have that setting be "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or
> whatever).
> As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a
> document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the
> per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width
> isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little
> surprised those aren't saved with documents.)
> --
> Watts Martin 
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: Per document tab widths

2011-07-26 Thread Steve Samuels
I don't know anything about PHP, but if the "documents" and
"templates" have different file extensions, you could write an
attachment  script to "set tab width to" the number appropriate to the
extension. Write the script to run when a document is opened  or
saved. .See the Manual section on "Using Attachment Scripts".  (I
don't have the Version 10 page number, I'm afraid. I've reverted to 9
because I prefer the way projects behave there.)


On Jul 26, 9:23 pm, Watts Martin  wrote:
> Kendall Conrad wrote:
> > I don't have BBEdit 10, but for 9, you go to Languages, then Options
> > to get to those settings.
> Yep, there's an equivalent in BBEdit 10 (it's shuffled a bit), but
> that's not actually going to help with my use case: I need some HTML
> files to have tab width 4 and some to have tab width 2. I was hoping
> there was a way to set that for a *document,* not a language type, and
> have that setting be "sticky" (saved in the document's resource fork, or
> whatever).
> As near as I can tell, there's no way to adjust the tab width for a
> document at *all* -- you can only change the editor default and the
> per-language setting. I'm surprised, thinking about it, that tab width
> isn't adjustable via the per-document Text Options. (And a little
> surprised those aren't saved with documents.)
> --
> Watts Martin 
>  smime.p7s
> 5KViewDownload

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Re: How to deactivate project windows?

2011-07-24 Thread Steve Samuels

One more thing: the File List you originally asked about is not a
"Project Window".  See pp 59+ of the manual for information about

On Jul 20, 9:55 am, "Darrel E. Knutson"
> Hi Rich,
> >Oh. You asked for something different, I thought.
> >Please see the "Open documents into the front window when possible"
> >setting in the Application preferences.
> That did the trick!
> Now, if I could just have an "Arrange > Horizontal" and "Arrange >
> Vertical" feature for document windows that would make me a happy
> camper indeed.
> Darrel

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Re: Stata/R Applescript with BBEdit 10

2011-07-24 Thread Steve Samuels
Great! Thanks! Please send it privately and include your full name.
If you are talking about the "DoSelectionRorStata" script, you should
also send it to Josef.  I'll send the new versions to John Gardner at
DataNinja.  Make sure your script still works in BBEdit 9.

On Jul 24, 7:07 am, Christopher  wrote:
> Thanks again Steve, it works now.
> I've also updated the RSelector script, maybe I can send it to you and
> you can post them all together?

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Re: Stata/R Applescript with BBEdit 10

2011-07-24 Thread Steve Samuels
Great-please do that.

On Jul 24, 7:07 am, Christopher  wrote:
> Thanks again Steve, it works now.
> I've also updated the RSelector script, maybe I can send it to you and
> you can post them all together?

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Re: Stata/R Applescript with BBEdit 10

2011-07-23 Thread Steve Samuels
Sorry, that was the wrong version.  I'll upload again when I get a
chance. In the meantime, open the script up in AppleScript Editor and
add "as alias" to the line that begins "set the OriginalFile".  Hit
the compile button.  While the script is still open, select some text
in your do file and hit the run button.  When you are sure the script
is working,  close it and you should be good to go.

I should also add that the original send do-file to Stata and send
selection to Stata scripts were written by Ben Hulley.

On Jul 22, 11:12 pm, Christopher  wrote:
> Thanks Steve for your help.
> The send to R and Stata applescript works fine now, but I still have
> the same problem with the Send a Selection to stata (even in the
> updated file).
> Sorry, I'm not a huge Applescript user, so an help would be much
> appreciated.

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Re: Stata/R Applescript with BBEdit 10

2011-07-22 Thread Steve Samuels

 Scripts to: 1) send a file to R or Stata  and 2) send a selection to
Stata in BBEdit 10 are now at:

Consider the following script.

tell application "BBEdit"
set x to file of text document 1
end tell
In BBEdit 9, it will return an object of type "alias"
In 10 it returns an object of type "file".  ("type" might be the wrong
term). In the scripts I changed the set statement to the equivalent

set x to file of text document 1 as alias


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Re: Stata/R Applescript with BBEdit 10

2011-07-22 Thread Steve Samuels
This is the problem that I reported at

I just simplified to show the issue for people who don't use the Stata/
R script.

On Jul 21, 9:15 pm, Christopher  wrote:
> I just upgraded to BBEdit 10.0 and immediately had problems using
> Applescript to send commands to Stata and R.  The error message I get
> is
> Finder got and error: Can't get container of file . . .
> The Stata Applescript I'm using is 
> from:
> This is an entirely new problem that showed up after the update.  Any
> help would be much appreciated.

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Re: I'm not understanding File Filters

2011-07-21 Thread Steve Samuels
Change the filters to, e.g.
"file extension is"   "rb"   (not  ".rb")


The file name does not include the extension.

On Jul 21, 4:49 pm, Jason Young  wrote:
> I'm trying out BBedit again for the first time since the mid-90's  ( uphill both ways in the snow story about 56K modems and a PPC 6100AV>)
> I was hoping to replace TextMate, especially with a better multi-file
> search.  
> For the life of me I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with a file
> filter for .rb and other Rails2-ish line endings.  This is what I have, and
> it's finding NOTHING.  I've tried File name extension "Is" and "Ends with"
> as well.
> I get rid of the file filter, and just search the project, and it's fine
> (though exorbitantly slow while it search my log files in the project)
> What on earth am I doing wrong?

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Another AppleScript 9 to 10 problem

2011-07-21 Thread Steve Samuels
The following script works in 9.6.3 but not in 10. Can anyone suggest
a work around?



tell application "BBEdit"
set theOriginalFile to file of text document 1
end tell
tell application "Finder"
container of theOriginalFile as text
end tell

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Re: Text Coloring Question

2011-06-14 Thread Steve Samuels


Have you seen the section on Syntax Coloring on p. 212 of the Manual?
Make sure that Syntax Coloring is checked in the Editor Defaults
preference pane. If the built-in c and php coloring doesn't color
personally defined variables, then I doubt that it's a do-it-yourself

On Jun 13, 7:05 pm, Steve  wrote:
> I was wondering,Did I ask a stupid question concerning text  
> coloring?
> Steve
> On Jun 12, 2011, at 5:38 PM, Steve wrote:
> > Is there a way to add text coloring to specific text.
> > I would like to have separate text coloring for my
> > brackets, curly braces, parentheses, comparison operators,
> > equal and incremental operators, as well as (and here's
> > the big one for me) user defined variables,for my php
> > text. It would be nice to have it for my c stuff to.
> > I read the 'codeless language module' reference in
> > appendix D of the user manual, but I must confess,
> > I do not understand how it works.
> > So again, is there a way for me to color specific text
> > in my php files, and if so, is there a tutorial for stupid
> > people (like me) that I can access.
> > I'm guessing there is a way to do it but if not,
> > I guess I will have to make a feature request.
> > Many Thanks,
> > Steve
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the
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> >
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> > 
> > If you have a feature request or would like to report a problem,
> > please email "" rather than posting to the group.
> > Follow @bbedit on Twitter: 

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Re: Hotkeys for changing case?

2011-05-31 Thread Steve Samuels


My suggestion won't work, because the "change case" menu command will
do only the option last set in the "change case" menu pane  (e.g.
Upper case, Capitalize).  You'll have to assign a hotkey to a script,
and here is one that will change a selection to upper or lower case,
according to the case of the first letter in the selected text.
(* change case of selection

tell application "bbedit"
set _result to find "(?s)(.*?)([a-za-z])(.+)" searching in selection
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}
if found of _result then
set _found to grep substitution of "\\2"
display dialog "error... either nothing is selected or there are no
letters in the selection"
end if
set _lowcase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
considering case
if _found is in _lowcase then
change case selection of text window 1 making raise case with
replacing target
change case selection of text window 1 making lower case with
replacing target
end if
end considering
end tell

On May 22, 7:21 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
> Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..
> Steve
> On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen  wrote:
> > Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> > selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> > those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> > to.

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Re: Hotkeys for changing case?

2011-05-31 Thread Steve Samuels

rowen-- My suggestion won't work. The change-case menu command changes
case only according to the last-set option (e.g. to Upper, Lower,
Capitalize..).  Here's a script that will change case to the opposite
of that of the first letter in the selection.

--Script Begins---
(* Change case of selection

tell application "BBEdit"
set _result to find "(?s)(.*?)([a-zA-z])(.+)" searching in selection
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}
if found of _result then
set _found to grep substitution of "\\2"
display dialog "Error...either the selection is empty or it contains
no letters."
end if
set _lowcase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
considering case
if _found is in _lowcase then
change case selection of text window 1 making raise case with
replacing target
change case selection of text window 1 making lower case with
replacing target
end if
end considering
end tell
-Script Ends--
On May 22, 7:21 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
> Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..
> Steve
> On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen  wrote:
> > Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> > selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> > those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> > to.

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Re: Hotkeys for changing case?

2011-05-31 Thread Steve Samuels

My suggestion won't work. You can assign a hot key to the last "change
case" option.  Here's a script that will change the case of a
selection to upper case or lower case, based on the case of the first
letter. So you'll have to crowd your script menu a little bit more.

(* Change case of selection

tell application "BBEdit"
set _result to find "(?s)(.*?)([a-zA-z])(.+)" searching in selection
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}
if found of _result then
set _found to grep substitution of "\\2"
display dialog "Error.. either nothing is selected or there are no
letters in the selecton"
end if
set _lowcase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
considering case
if _found is in _lowcase then
change case selection of text window 1 making raise case with
replacing target
change case selection of text window 1 making lower case with
replacing target
end if
end considering
end tell

On May 22, 7:21 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
> Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..
> Steve
> On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen  wrote:
> > Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> > selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> > those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> > to.

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Re: Hotkeys for changing case?

2011-05-31 Thread Steve Samuels

It looks like you can assign a hot key via the Menus only for last set
change case option.  Here's a script that will change the case of a
selection, based on the case of the first letter.


(* Change case of selection

tell application "BBEdit"
set _result to find "(?s)(.*?)([a-zA-z])(.+)" searching in selection
of text window 1 options {search mode:grep, starting at top:false,
wrap around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match
words:false, extend selection:false}
if found of _result then
set _found to grep substitution of "\\2"
display dialog "Error! Either nothing is selected or there are no
letters in the selecton"
end if
set _lowcase to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
considering case
if _found is in _lowcase then
change case selection of text window 1 making raise case with
replacing target
change case selection of text window 1 making lower case with
replacing target
end if
end considering
end tell

On May 22, 7:21 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
> Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..
> Steve
> On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen  wrote:
> > Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> > selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> > those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> > to.

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"BBEdit Talk" discussion group on Google Groups.
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If you have a feature request or would like to report a problem, 
please email "" rather than posting to the group.
Follow @bbedit on Twitter: <>

Re: Hotkeys for changing case?

2011-05-22 Thread Steve Samuels
You can assign a hotkey to "Change Case" in the "Menus"
Preferences.pane ("Text" Menu)..


On May 19, 8:13 pm, rowen  wrote:
> Is there a trick to assigning hotkeys for changing the case of
> selected text? I realize I can write scripts and assign hotkeys to
> those, but I'd rather not clutter up the scripts menu if I don't have
> to.

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"BBEdit Talk" discussion group on Google Groups.
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please email "" rather than posting to the group.
Follow @bbedit on Twitter: 

Re: Range operations?

2011-03-18 Thread Steve Samuels
Not to beat a dead horse, but this script, based on one by Chris Stone
is much simpler than the one that depended on regular expressions.  To
include the line with "HELLO" remove the "-1"  from the -select-


tell application "BBEdit"
tell text of front text window
set topAnchor to startLine of selection
set bottomAnchor to startLine of (first line whose contents contains
select (lines (topAnchor + 1) thru (bottomAnchor - 1))
end tell
end tell

On Mar 16, 1:45 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> Looks great! Thank you again. I forgot BBedit was recordable.
> Definitely one of the nicer, real Mac apps out there. I find I've been
> using it for even non-programming work thanks to Hog Bays Quckcursor.
> Sort of a "Edit in BBedit" program that works with any text field.
> Mark
> On Mar 15, 1:04 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > To automate the process somewhat, here's an AppleScript that will
> > prompt for the search string. I've provided two versions of the
> > search, one that excludes, one that includes the line; just comment
> > out the one you want.   You will probably have to remove line breaks
> > in the "find" statement  that are inserted by Google Mail. If you put
> > this in BBEdit's Scripts folder, you can assign it a keyboard in the
> > Window /Palette/Scripts menu. (By the way, I started writing this
> > script by recording a simple search.)
> > Steve
> > ___
> > (* Search up to Line Containing Specified Text
> > *)
> > tell application "BBEdit"
> >         set _searchto to the text returned of (display dialog "Enter search
> > string" default answer "")
> >         set _sstring to "(?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*" & _searchto & ".*$))" 
> > --exclude
> > line with search text
> >         -- set _sstring to "(?s).+?((?-s)^.*" & _searchto & ".*$)"  --
> > include  the line
> >         open find window
> >         find _sstring searching in text 1 of front document options {search
> > mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap around:true, backwards:false,
> > case sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:false} with
> > selecting match
> > end tell
> > _
> > On Mar 14, 2:40 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> > > Thanks again Steve. Actually, I wanted to perform an operation within
> > > a selection to mimic what vi can do by specifying a range. i.e. do a
> > > search and replace but only in a certain range. While it appears you
> > > can't directly do this in BBedit, your tip will allow me to first
> > > create a selection region, and then I can operation on that region.
> > > thanks!
> > > On Mar 13, 10:39 am, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > > Mark, your original question was how to select  all text from the
> > > > cursor up to the _line_ that
> > > > contains specified text. Here are solutions.
> > > > Exclude the line from the selection: (?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$))
> > > > Include the line in the selection:   (?s).+?((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$)
> > > > These will fail if the current line contains the text.
> > > > Steve
> > > > On Mar 10, 5:39 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > > > You are welcome, Mark. To give you a head start, with manual
> > > > > references:
> > > > > "(?s)" extends the search over line endings (p. 188)
> > > > > ".+?HELLO" searches text up through the first occurrence of HELLO 
> > > > > (non-
> > > > > greedy matching, p. 177)
> > > > > "(?=HELLO)" says to search up to "HELLO" but not include "HELLO" in
> > > > > the found text (positive lookahead, pp. 187,190).
> > > > > Parentheses around "HELLO" are a stylistic choice and don't affect
> > > > > this search, though they might be important in other, more complicated
> > > > > searches.
> > > > > Steve
> > > > > On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> > > > > > Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> > > > > > And I guess it

Re: Range operations?

2011-03-15 Thread Steve Samuels
To automate the process somewhat, here's an AppleScript that will
prompt for the search string. I've provided two versions of the
search, one that excludes, one that includes the line; just comment
out the one you want.   You will probably have to remove line breaks
in the "find" statement  that are inserted by Google Mail. If you put
this in BBEdit's Scripts folder, you can assign it a keyboard in the
Window /Palette/Scripts menu. (By the way, I started writing this
script by recording a simple search.)

(* Search up to Line Containing Specified Text
tell application "BBEdit"
set _searchto to the text returned of (display dialog "Enter search
string" default answer "")
set _sstring to "(?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*" & _searchto & ".*$))" --exclude
line with search text
-- set _sstring to "(?s).+?((?-s)^.*" & _searchto & ".*$)"  --
include  the line
open find window
find _sstring searching in text 1 of front document options {search
mode:grep, starting at top:false, wrap around:true, backwards:false,
case sensitive:false, match words:false, extend selection:false} with
selecting match
end tell

On Mar 14, 2:40 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> Thanks again Steve. Actually, I wanted to perform an operation within
> a selection to mimic what vi can do by specifying a range. i.e. do a
> search and replace but only in a certain range. While it appears you
> can't directly do this in BBedit, your tip will allow me to first
> create a selection region, and then I can operation on that region.
> thanks!
> On Mar 13, 10:39 am, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > Mark, your original question was how to select  all text from the
> > cursor up to the _line_ that
> > contains specified text. Here are solutions.
> > Exclude the line from the selection: (?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$))
> > Include the line in the selection:   (?s).+?((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$)
> > These will fail if the current line contains the text.
> > Steve
> > On Mar 10, 5:39 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > You are welcome, Mark. To give you a head start, with manual
> > > references:
> > > "(?s)" extends the search over line endings (p. 188)
> > > ".+?HELLO" searches text up through the first occurrence of HELLO (non-
> > > greedy matching, p. 177)
> > > "(?=HELLO)" says to search up to "HELLO" but not include "HELLO" in
> > > the found text (positive lookahead, pp. 187,190).
> > > Parentheses around "HELLO" are a stylistic choice and don't affect
> > > this search, though they might be important in other, more complicated
> > > searches.
> > > Steve
> > > On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> > > > Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> > > > And I guess it's time to dig into the BBedit docs some more!
> > > > On Mar 10, 2:35 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > > > Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
> > > > > up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
> > > > > text up to first "HELLO">.
> > > > > Steve
> > > > > On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> > > > > > Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> > > > > > have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. 
> > > > > > Scripting
> > > > > > is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> > > > > > skills to be able to do this faster.
> > > > > > For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> > > > > > would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> > > > > > to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> > > > > > to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this 
> > > > > > with
> > > > > > a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to 
> > > > > > type
> > > > > > in that line!
> > > > > > Mark
> > > > > > On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28

Re: Range operations?

2011-03-13 Thread Steve Samuels
Mark, your original question was how to select  all text from the
cursor up to the _line_ that
contains specified text. Here are solutions.

Exclude the line from the selection: (?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$))
Include the line in the selection:   (?s).+?((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$)

These will fail if the current line contains the text.


On Mar 10, 5:39 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You are welcome, Mark. To give you a head start, with manual
> references:
> "(?s)" extends the search over line endings (p. 188)
> ".+?HELLO" searches text up through the first occurrence of HELLO (non-
> greedy matching, p. 177)
> "(?=HELLO)" says to search up to "HELLO" but not include "HELLO" in
> the found text (positive lookahead, pp. 187,190).
> Parentheses around "HELLO" are a stylistic choice and don't affect
> this search, though they might be important in other, more complicated
> searches.
> Steve
> On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> > Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> > And I guess it's time to dig into the BBedit docs some more!
> > On Mar 10, 2:35 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
> > > up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
> > > text up to first "HELLO">.
> > > Steve
> > > On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> > > > Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> > > > have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. Scripting
> > > > is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> > > > skills to be able to do this faster.
> > > > For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> > > > would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> > > > to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> > > > to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this with
> > > > a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to type
> > > > in that line!
> > > > Mark
> > > > On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28, Simdude wrote:> Is there a way in BBedit 
> > > > > to operate on ranges of data? For example, when I use vi, if I want 
> > > > > to do a search and replace on all text from my current cursor to the 
> > > > > line that contains "HELLO", I would do this:
> > > > > > :.,/HELLO/ s/this/that/g
> > > > > > Can BBedit do this sort of range stuff?
> > > > > __
> > > > > Hey Mark,
> > > > > Not directly.  But you can script that kind of search, or you can 
> > > > > find/replace in the current selection.  So you could find + 'extend 
> > > > > selection' to select your range and then find/replace *within* the 
> > > > > range.
> > > > > --
> > > > > Best Regards,
> > > > > Chris

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Follow @bbedit on Twitter: <>

Re: Range operations?

2011-03-13 Thread Steve Samuels
Mark,  your original question was how to select up to the _line_ that
contained "HELLO".  Here  is  a solution.

Exclude the line from the selection: (?s).+?(?=((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$))

Include the line in the selection:   (?s).+?((?-s)^.*HELLO.*$)


On Mar 10, 5:39 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> You are welcome, Mark. To give you a head start, with manual
> references:
> "(?s)" extends the search over line endings (p. 188)
> ".+?HELLO" searches text up through the first occurrence of HELLO (non-
> greedy matching, p. 177)
> "(?=HELLO)" says to search up to "HELLO" but not include "HELLO" in
> the found text (positive lookahead, pp. 187,190).
> Parentheses around "HELLO" are a stylistic choice and don't affect
> this search, though they might be important in other, more complicated
> searches.
> Steve
> On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> > Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> > And I guess it's time to dig into the BBedit docs some more!
> > On Mar 10, 2:35 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > > Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
> > > up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
> > > text up to first "HELLO">.
> > > Steve
> > > On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> > > > Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> > > > have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. Scripting
> > > > is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> > > > skills to be able to do this faster.
> > > > For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> > > > would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> > > > to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> > > > to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this with
> > > > a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to type
> > > > in that line!
> > > > Mark
> > > > On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28, Simdude wrote:> Is there a way in BBedit 
> > > > > to operate on ranges of data? For example, when I use vi, if I want 
> > > > > to do a search and replace on all text from my current cursor to the 
> > > > > line that contains "HELLO", I would do this:
> > > > > > :.,/HELLO/ s/this/that/g
> > > > > > Can BBedit do this sort of range stuff?
> > > > > __
> > > > > Hey Mark,
> > > > > Not directly.  But you can script that kind of search, or you can 
> > > > > find/replace in the current selection.  So you could find + 'extend 
> > > > > selection' to select your range and then find/replace *within* the 
> > > > > range.
> > > > > --
> > > > > Best Regards,
> > > > > Chris

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please email "" rather than posting to the group.
Follow @bbedit on Twitter: <>

Re: BBedit projects, symbolic links and Finder aliases

2011-03-11 Thread Steve Samuels
I haven't tried symbolic links, but Folder aliases show and work for
me in BBEdit 9.6.3, OS X 10.6.5.  Have you selected "Everything" in
the Enable drop-down,  when you open the folder?


On Mar 11, 11:32 am, Greg Shenaut  wrote:
> When I open a folder with BBedit to create an autoproject based on the 
> folder, or add a folder to a BBedit project, the project pane shows all 
> contents except for Finder aliases and symbolic links (in my case, almost 
> always pointing to folders). That's inconvenient. Is there some way to tell 
> it to include the Finder aliases and symbolic links? If not, are there any 
> plans to add such a capability? In my world, those things are critical parts 
> of the layout of projects, and it's very frustrating that I can't see them in 
> the project panel.
> Greg Shenaut
> PS I originally misstated this problem as occurring only with symbolic links; 
> in fact, the links in question can be either symbolic links OR Finder 
> aliases. I also mentioned autoprojects only; however, the problem occurs with 
> every BBedit project containing folders. Sorry for the repetition.

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If you have a feature request or would like to report a problem, 
please email "" rather than posting to the group.
Follow @bbedit on Twitter: 

Re: Range operations?

2011-03-10 Thread Steve Samuels
You are welcome, Mark. To give you a head start, with manual

"(?s)" extends the search over line endings (p. 188)

".+?HELLO" searches text up through the first occurrence of HELLO (non-
greedy matching, p. 177)

"(?=HELLO)" says to search up to "HELLO" but not include "HELLO" in
the found text (positive lookahead, pp. 187,190).

Parentheses around "HELLO" are a stylistic choice and don't affect
this search, though they might be important in other, more complicated


On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> And I guess it's time to dig into the BBedit docs some more!
> On Mar 10, 2:35 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
> > up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
> > text up to first "HELLO">.
> > Steve
> > On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> > > Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> > > have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. Scripting
> > > is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> > > skills to be able to do this faster.
> > > For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> > > would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> > > to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> > > to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this with
> > > a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to type
> > > in that line!
> > > Mark
> > > On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28, Simdude wrote:> Is there a way in BBedit to 
> > > > operate on ranges of data? For example, when I use vi, if I want to do 
> > > > a search and replace on all text from my current cursor to the line 
> > > > that contains "HELLO", I would do this:
> > > > > :.,/HELLO/ s/this/that/g
> > > > > Can BBedit do this sort of range stuff?
> > > > __
> > > > Hey Mark,
> > > > Not directly.  But you can script that kind of search, or you can 
> > > > find/replace in the current selection.  So you could find + 'extend 
> > > > selection' to select your range and then find/replace *within* the 
> > > > range.
> > > > --
> > > > Best Regards,
> > > > Chris

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Re: Range operations?

2011-03-10 Thread Steve Samuels
You are welcome, Mark.

To give you a head start, with references to the Manual for 9.6.3:
"(?s)"says to skip over line endings ( p.188)

".+?(HELLO) " says to match any characters up to the first HELLO (non-
greedy matching, p. 177)

"(HELLO)"  The parentheses aren't needed, but are useful for setting
off the search string. You could put parentheses around the "HELLO" in
the second string as well ( "(?s).+?(?=(HELLO))"

"(?=HELLO)"  says to match up to HELLO, but not include it in the
selection (positive lookahead, pp 187, 190)


On Mar 10, 2:49 pm, Simdude  wrote:
> Wow. Thanks Steve. I have to give this a try as soon as I get home.
> And I guess it's time to dig into the BBedit docs some more!
> On Mar 10, 2:35 pm, Steve Samuels  wrote:
> > Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
> > up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
> > text up to first "HELLO">.
> > Steve
> > On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> > > Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> > > have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. Scripting
> > > is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> > > skills to be able to do this faster.
> > > For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> > > would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> > > to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> > > to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this with
> > > a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to type
> > > in that line!
> > > Mark
> > > On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28, Simdude wrote:> Is there a way in BBedit to 
> > > > operate on ranges of data? For example, when I use vi, if I want to do 
> > > > a search and replace on all text from my current cursor to the line 
> > > > that contains "HELLO", I would do this:
> > > > > :.,/HELLO/ s/this/that/g
> > > > > Can BBedit do this sort of range stuff?
> > > > __
> > > > Hey Mark,
> > > > Not directly.  But you can script that kind of search, or you can 
> > > > find/replace in the current selection.  So you could find + 'extend 
> > > > selection' to select your range and then find/replace *within* the 
> > > > range.
> > > > --
> > > > Best Regards,
> > > > Chris

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Re: Range operations?

2011-03-10 Thread Steve Samuels

Searching for  "(?s).+?(HELLO)" will select all text from the cursor
up through the first "HELLO" and "(?s).+?(?=HELLO)" will select all
text up to first "HELLO">.


On Mar 10, 8:35 am, Simdude  wrote:
> Thanks Chris. I did know about the selection operations but when you
> have to do this repeatedly in a file, it's not as efficient. Scripting
> is probably a better option but I'll have to improve my Applescript
> skills to be able to do this faster.
> For any Barebones guys, adding something like to to a future BBedit
> would be a killer feature. With the help of some books, I've used vi
> to rearrange sections of large documents by using commands like this
> to find and move sections.  The problem is while you can do this with
> a single line in vi, it can take 30 minutes to figure out what to type
> in that line!
> Mark
> On Mar 9, 5:26 pm, Christopher Stone 
> wrote:
> > On Mar 09, 2011, at 10:28, Simdude wrote:> Is there a way in BBedit to 
> > operate on ranges of data? For example, when I use vi, if I want to do a 
> > search and replace on all text from my current cursor to the line that 
> > contains "HELLO", I would do this:
> > > :.,/HELLO/ s/this/that/g
> > > Can BBedit do this sort of range stuff?
> > __
> > Hey Mark,
> > Not directly.  But you can script that kind of search, or you can 
> > find/replace in the current selection.  So you could find + 'extend 
> > selection' to select your range and then find/replace *within* the range.
> > --
> > Best Regards,
> > Chris

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Re: Scheme for shortcuts

2011-01-16 Thread Steve Samuels
My Shortcut Scheme:

1. Use as few as possible.  Instead:

2. With iKey or other utility assign single letter control-key combos
to open menus by their name:  "ctrl-x" where x is "a" for "Apple", "f"
for "file", "t" for "text",and so on.  I assign "c" tothe clipping
menu and "2" to the scripts menu.

3. Once a menu is opened, type the first letters of an item to go to
that item.  So, for example, to zap gremlins, I key CTRLl + t + z

4. If  there are multiple entries that start with the same letter,  go
to a nearby entry and use an arrow key to move to the one I want.

This scheme will be familiar if you use Windows, where it is built-in
(or used to be): each menu entry has an underlined letter, no
necessarily the first; once the menu is open, typing that letter will
go to the entry.

On Jan 14, 4:54 pm, LuKreme  wrote:
> On 14-Jan-2011, at 09:57, LuKreme wrote:
> >  my arrives menu
> Autocorrect fail. That was "my services menu"
> --
> "In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily."
> Charles, Count Talleyrand

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Re: feature request: distinguish remote documents in text window

2011-01-04 Thread Steve Samuels

There are a couple of  existing visual cues for documents opened via
SFTP:  the large  BBEdit document icon next to the "i" button on the
tool bar is absent; less helpfully, the document icon itself is subtly
different.  If you want to close all the open  files on the remote
SFTP server,  you can do it via AppleScript:  close  documents whose
"is sftp" property is true.

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Re: HOWTO restore the pre-9.6.3 functionality for opening textClipping files

2010-12-25 Thread Steve Samuels

David privately wrote to me that he meant 9.6.2, not 9.6.3.  With the
pre-release version of 9.6.3 (2885), OS X 10.5.8, PB G4,  if I hold
down the option key when I open a clipping from the menu, the clipping
document opens in a new window, *with* contents.  David reported that
this doesn't work for him in 9.6.2.


On Dec 23, 5:24 am, David Kendal  wrote:
> BBEdit 9.6.3 removes a feature that, for me at least, was really
> useful:
> you could open a textClipping and its contents would appear in a new
> BBEdit window. I probably used this feature more than actually viewing
> clippings with the Finder or dragging them into a text-box.
> 9.6.3 takes this away and instead opens the text clipping file
> itself's
> data fork, which is empty. I can't imagine a single situation in which
> this useful, but I've emailed BBEdit support and they've made it clear
> that in order to avoid depending on undocumented data structures,
> they're not going to change back.
> Here's how to bring it back.
> 1. Grab the `clipcat` script I wrote back in November--preferably
> [this
>    modified one by Morgan Aldridge](
> and
>    install it somewhere. This script cats the contents of a text-
> clipping
>    on the command-line.
> 2. Copy this script:
>         on documentDidOpen(_doc)
>                 set _SCRIPT to "/Users/david/Library/Scripts/UNIX/clipcat"
>                 tell application "BBEdit"
>                         set _doc to document 1
>                         set _file to the file of _doc
>                 end tell
>                 if _file is missing value then
>                         return -- prevents an error when creating new 
> documents
>                 end if
>                 tell application "Finder"
>                         set _type to the file type of _file
>                 end tell
>                 tell application "BBEdit"
>                         if _type is "clpt" then
>                                 close document 1
>                                 set _path to POSIX path of _file
>                                 set _contents to (do shell script _SCRIPT & " 
> " & quoted form of
> _path)
>                                 make new text document with properties 
> {contents:_contents}
>                                 select insertion point before character 1 of 
> text window 1
>                         end if
>                 end tell
>         end documentDidOpen
>    and change the _SCRIPT variable to the path to where you saved the
>    script (this must be in UNIX/POSIX format, delimited by slashes,
> not
>    classic-Mac format using colons). Paste it into the Script editor
> and
>    save in `~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Attachment Scripts/`
> as
>    `Document.documentDidOpen.scpt`.
> 3. Open a text clipping file. Ta-da!
> I hope this is useful to some of you.
> — dpk.

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Re: HOWTO restore the pre-9.6.3 functionality for opening textClipping files

2010-12-24 Thread Steve Samuels

For me, with pre-release 9.6.3 (2885), OS X 10.5.8, PB G4, selecting a
clipping with the option key down will open it in a new window,
content intact.


On Dec 23, 5:24 am, David Kendal  wrote:
> BBEdit 9.6.3 removes a feature that, for me at least, was really
> useful:
> you could open a textClipping and its contents would appear in a new
> BBEdit window. I probably used this feature more than actually viewing
> clippings with the Finder or dragging them into a text-box.
> 9.6.3 takes this away and instead opens the text clipping file
> itself's
> data fork, which is empty. I can't imagine a single situation in which
> this useful, but I've emailed BBEdit support and they've made it clear
> that in order to avoid depending on undocumented data structures,
> they're not going to change back.
> Here's how to bring it back.
> 1. Grab the `clipcat` script I wrote back in November--preferably
> [this
>    modified one by Morgan Aldridge](
> and
>    install it somewhere. This script cats the contents of a text-
> clipping
>    on the command-line.
> 2. Copy this script:
>         on documentDidOpen(_doc)
>                 set _SCRIPT to "/Users/david/Library/Scripts/UNIX/clipcat"
>                 tell application "BBEdit"
>                         set _doc to document 1
>                         set _file to the file of _doc
>                 end tell
>                 if _file is missing value then
>                         return -- prevents an error when creating new 
> documents
>                 end if
>                 tell application "Finder"
>                         set _type to the file type of _file
>                 end tell
>                 tell application "BBEdit"
>                         if _type is "clpt" then
>                                 close document 1
>                                 set _path to POSIX path of _file
>                                 set _contents to (do shell script _SCRIPT & " 
> " & quoted form of
> _path)
>                                 make new text document with properties 
> {contents:_contents}
>                                 select insertion point before character 1 of 
> text window 1
>                         end if
>                 end tell
>         end documentDidOpen
>    and change the _SCRIPT variable to the path to where you saved the
>    script (this must be in UNIX/POSIX format, delimited by slashes,
> not
>    classic-Mac format using colons). Paste it into the Script editor
> and
>    save in `~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Attachment Scripts/`
> as
>    `Document.documentDidOpen.scpt`.
> 3. Open a text clipping file. Ta-da!
> I hope this is useful to some of you.
> — dpk.

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Re: editing css efficiently given BBEdit's auto complete assumptions?

2010-12-21 Thread Steve Samuels
Try logging out and back in.  Perhaps the information is cached.

On Dec 19, 2:39 pm, RickL  wrote:
> Renaming the files and relaunching BBEdit doesn't seem to change the
> behavior of the text completion for the individual rules. I'm sure the
> format is stored somewhere but I haven't been able to find it. Thanks!
> On Dec 18, 6:10 pm, Gabriel Roth  wrote:
> > > Anyone one know of a way to change BBEdit's assumptions about text
> > > completion in CSS?
> > Look in ~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Clippings/CSS.css. You should
> > see two files named 'rule set' and 'rule set - single line'.
> > Rename 'rule set' to 'rule set - multiple lines'.
> > Rename 'rule set - single line' to 'rule set'.
> > Relaunch BBEdit.
> > Does that work?

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Re: major bug on multiple files find/replace

2010-12-20 Thread Steve Samuels
I can confirm this on OS X !0.5.8, PB G4

On Dec 20, 4:43 am, stratboy  wrote:
> Hi, just found a major bug on the latest bbedit: if you try to do a
> find&replace on a folder, it correctly finds and replaces, BUT it
> opens all the folder files, even the ones not affected by the action,
> and it opens them as modified (and thus to be saved).
> Bye

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Re: Un/Comment Selection change in 9.6.1

2010-11-28 Thread Steve Samuels
I can't tell you what to do in BBEdit, but I wrote a script that will
comment/uncomment each line of a selection. The link is on this page:
. The script does have one advantage over BBE's comment/uncomment
function: if you want to comment/uncomment a single line, it's not
necessary to select it; it's only necessary to have the insertion
point in the line.  You'll have to enter the suffix of the object
pascal documents and the desired comment symbol by hand in the obvious
place in the script.


On Nov 27, 8:12 am, mgarrfl  wrote:
> Just updated to 9.6.1 and I am unhappy with a change to the Un/comment
> command for object pascal.
> Previously, the comments would be applied to each line in the selected
> text.
> Now, the comment characters are added only to the beginning and end of
> the selected text (with an extra return at the beginning and end}.
> Also, the uncomment does not remove the extra returns.
> I looked through the options and could not see a way to specify the
> type of comments (line-by-line vs block).
> Is there a way for me to avoid the extra work added in 9.6.1?
> Mike

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Re: Something changed with grep?

2010-11-21 Thread Steve Samuels
>From the release notes (
arch_bbedit9.html): ""Selected text only" affects only the "Find All"
and "Replace All" operations: if there is a selection range in the
front document, this option will search only the selection range if
turned on, or the entire document (starting from the top) if turned


On Nov 19, 10:17 am, Michael Wiik  wrote:
> Ah, thanks folks, the initial (?s) was the answer.
> Still curious re hitting the 'selected text only' checkbox didn't uncheck
> 'wrap around', iirc it used to do this.
>     -Mike

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