Re: untitled text files

2016-06-09 Thread WordWeaver777

> On Jun 10, 2016, at 11:19 AM, Rich Siegel  wrote:

> Untitled documents don't correspond to any location on disk. Periodically, a 
> snapshot of untitled (and unsaved) documents is created so that their 
> contents may be restored when starting up, but the snapshots are not 
> themselves used as a location for the document.
> There is no separate "creation date" property of documents, irrespective of 
> whether they were ever saved to disk.
> So, to answer your question more directly: there is no way to discover the 
> creation date of an untitled document.
> R.

Rich, I am rather confused by your response, because it does not seem to 
correspond with what I am seeing here . . . or perhaps I just don't understand 
what you are saying.

As I mentioned in my previous post, after we were advised to look in " 
~/Library/BBEdit/Auto-Save Recovery/Data", I created a brand new text document, 
and just typed some gibberish in it, but I did not save the file.

However, just as the previous person had stated -- sorry, I forget his name, 
and I already trashed that email -- within a minute of creating that new 
untitled file, a new text file did in fact appear in the aforementioned path. I 
assume that these are the snapshots you are referring to.

But the point is, those files do have a creation date and a last modified date 
in their "Get Info" window, if you do a command-i on them from the Finder.

Of course, the problem is that these snapshots -- assuming that is what they 
are -- only have file names consisting of a series of letters, numbers and 
dashes, which I am sure you personally understand.

However, if you open the file, you can see its contents, and thus know if that 
is the file, the creation date of which you want to know.

That is why I am having difficulty understanding what you are saying.

Also, by saying "Untitled documents don't correspond to any location on disk", 
are you confirming what I suggested earlier that untitled files are only stored 
in active memory, which is why they would not yet have an address on your hard 

Just trying to understand here.


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Re: untitled text files

2016-06-09 Thread WordWeaver777

> On Jun 10, 2016, at 8:00 AM, Jakob Peterhänsel  wrote:
> Hi,
> Well, it has to be stored Somewhere, as a temp file, and in fact it is:
> ~/Library/BBEdit/Auto-Save Recovery/Data/.txt
> ;-)
> /Jakob

Indeed!  A useful piece of information! :)

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Re: untitled text files

2016-06-09 Thread WordWeaver777

> On Jun 10, 2016, at 6:21 AM, Greg Reyna  wrote:
> Is there a way to learn the creation date of an unsaved, "untitled text" file?

Hello Greg. I read your question with curiosity, being as I had never 
considered this before. In fact, at first I thought it might be a joke, until I 
actually opened the message in and read the entire thing.

My personal assumption would be that until a BBEdit text doc -- or any file for 
that matter -- is actually saved to the hard drive, it cannot have a creation 
date, because it is only being stored in memory.

Led by my curiosity, I created a brand new text doc, typed some nonsense in it, 
and then looked at the status bar that is located at the bottom of its window.

Sure enough, it simply says "(never saved)", whereas with a saved document, it 
would actually show when it was last saved.

Next, I looked under BBEdit's various menus. The only thing there is the "Get 
Info" option under the "View" menu, which you can obviously do with a 
"command-i" as well.

But, as you may have already determined yourself, opening the Get Info window 
does not reveal the creation date, perhaps confirming that until a file is 
actually saved to your hard drive, it cannot have a creation date.

Perhaps someone -- Rich? Patrick? -- with more experience than I can offer a 
more satisfying response.

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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 11.6 (3927) pre-release

2016-06-01 Thread WordWeaver777
Dear Rich,

Thank you very much for fixing this one:

> *   [NFR] [322806] Fixed regression in which printing was unaware of
>the new internal line break representation.

I regularly print BBEdit documents as PDF documents by choosing File/Print/Save 
as PDF, and was taken back when in build 3925 I started getting one line of 
continuous text in the resulting PDF. The same thing was happening when I 
dropped a BBEdit document on Easy PDF.

I am actually glad that it was an easily-fixable regression in BBEdit, and not 
some system-wide problem with the OS itself.

So, we are back in operation.


Bill K.

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Re: [ANN] BBEdit 11.5.1 (3853) pre-release

2016-02-10 Thread WordWeaver777
On Feb 11, 2016, at 4:57 AM, Rich Siegel  wrote:

> *   Put in a workaround for an OS bug on 10.11 in which the state
>restoration progress window would appear blank or black for some
>period of time at startup.

Although I hadn't written in to you about this issue, I have been experiencing 
it for months now. Thanks for fixing it, Rich. It was rather annoying.

Bill K.

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Re: Email Address From BBEdit List Crashes Mail App

2015-10-17 Thread WordWeaver777
On Oct 17, 2015, at 9:47 PM, Gregory Shenaut  wrote:

> I am using mostly vanilla (although I do have a number of rules and 
> smart mailboxes active, plus the Letter Opener Pro plugin is installed) and 
> have experienced no problems with that email address on my system. Just now I 
> went back and looked at several instances of it that are currently in my 
> Trash mailbox, and didn't notice anything in particular. I moved one back 
> into another non-Trash mailbox to see if anything happened, and... nothing.
> Could there be some rule being applied in your set-up that (I'm just guessing 
> here) gets into trouble because it interprets the user-name portion of the 
> address as an additional, defective, email address?
> Cheers,
> Greg Shenaut

I honestly don't know Greg. I do use SpamSieve, and it has created a lot of 
rules over time. However, as far as I know, it is not touching any of the 
emails which contain the aforementioned address. After all, if it did, said 
messages would not even remain in my in box. They would be sent either to the 
"Spam" folder, or to the "Trash" folder. Neither is occurring. So I think it is 
something else. I just don't know what.

I do suspect, however, that maybe having that "@" at the beginning of the user 
name may possibly be the problem.

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Email Address From BBEdit List Crashes Mail App

2015-10-16 Thread WordWeaver777
Dear BBEdit list friends,

Let me start by saying that it is not my intention to start anything personal 
here, and I hope that the person who owns this particular email address does 
not take my comments as an attack on their person, because that is most 
certainly not the case. However, for those of you who likewise use OS X's 
default Mail app email client, I must ask you the following question:

Does the following email address cause you any problems when you click on an 
incoming message which contains this address?


In my case, for at least weeks now -- and perhaps for months now -- whenever I 
click on a new incoming message from the BBEdit list which contains that 
address, it immediately crashes Mail app without fail. I mean every single time.

Furthermore, if I select that message in order to send it to the trash, it 
likewise crashes Mail app.

The ONLY way in which I can get rid of such troublesome messages is by not 
selecting them at all, and by not reading them at all, but simply by 
right-clicking them, and selecting the "delete" option in the contextual menu.

Please note that this crashing problem ONLY occurs with messages that contain 
that particular email address.

Again, I do not know, and have never communicated with the person who owns said 
email address, so please do not interpret my words here as a judgment of their 
character, because that is most certainly not the case. He or she may not even 
know that this is happening.

Nevertheless, being as these crashes of the Mail app have been occurring for so 
long now, I thought that I should bring it up publicly here on the list, in 
order to determine if anyone else on this list is experiencing the same thing 
as I am.

Thanks for listening.

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Re: Email Address From BBEdit List Crashes Mail App

2015-10-16 Thread WordWeaver777
Hello David,

Thanks for your response, but I don't think right off hand that the issue I am 
having with this one single address is related to the problems that you are 
experiencing. Aside from the problem with this one BBEdit list email address, 
the only other issue I have been experiencing with Mail app is that I have to 
delete messages twice after I place them in the trash. However, I think this is 
more related to how the Mail app interacts with the Gmail server. I have 
disabled a lot of stuff on the Gmail server side in order to get the situation 
better under control, yet this problem with having to double-delete messages 

I know nothing about the troublesome email address that I posted in my original 
message, just that it is bad news, and crashes Mail app every time.

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Re: Shortcut for typing the square-symbol in BBEdit?

2015-10-08 Thread WordWeaver777

> On Oct 8, 2015, at 10:05 PM, Vlad Ghitulescu  wrote:

> I cannot remember / figure anymore how to type the square symbol (², 
> SUPERSCRIPT TWO, Unicode: U+00B2, UTF-8: C2 B2) in BBEdit.
> I can copy and paste it, but there used to be a shortcut somewhere…

It would be nice if Rich added a "Mathematical Symbols" table to Edit/Emoji & 

Just today I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the command key symbol, 
the shift key symbol, and the option key symbol are located right near the top 
of those tables.

Thanks Rich! I needed those  today, and I didn't know how to find them quickly 
in PopChar.

By the way, a very useful page which Ergonis Software just shared with me today 
in an email exchange:


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Re: Shortcut for typing the square-symbol in BBEdit?

2015-10-08 Thread WordWeaver777

> On Oct 8, 2015, at 11:09 PM, Patrick Woolsey  wrote:

> The Emoji & Symbols aka Character palette is actually an OS service, and if 
> you expand it by clicking the small square control in the upper right corner, 
> the full Character palette does contain sections for Arrows, Currency 
> Symbols, Math Symbols, etc. :-)
> Regards,
> Patrick Woolsey

Thanks Patrick. I was not aware of that.

I normally use PopChar when I need to find a special character for a BBEdit 
document, and only today more thoroughly checked out the character palette in 

But now your comment has me curious, and I have a simple question:

How would I normally bring up the built-in character palette outside of BBEdit?

Thanks again.

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Re: Shortcut for typing the square-symbol in BBEdit?

2015-10-08 Thread WordWeaver777
Thank you Patrick and Christopher.

You learn something new everyday.

Who said you can't teach an old horse new tricks???  :)

> You can bring up the Character palette within many/most apps via the same 
> menu command of Edit -> Emoji & Symbols.
> Alternatively, you can enable the system-wide Input menu (the 'flag' menu) 
> via the Input Sources pane of the Keyboard system prefs, and then open the 
> Character palette from that menu at any time.

> The system-wide keyboard shortcut is Cmd-Ctrl-Space.

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Re: Shortcut for typing the square-symbol in BBEdit?

2015-10-08 Thread WordWeaver777
Patrick, my friend, you are a wellspring of useful information. :)

> On Oct 9, 2015, at 3:54 AM, Patrick Woolsey  wrote:

> For reference, you can enter Unicode characters on a Mac by typing via the 
> "Unicode Hex Input" method (aka "source").
> To enable this method, bring up the Keyboard system prefs and select the 
> Input Sources pane, then make sure the "Show Input menu in menu bar" option 
> is enabled. Next, click the plus (+) button below the left-hand list, then 
> select and add the "Unicode Hex Input" method (you can search for it).
> Once you've set things up, you can select this method from the Input menu[*], 
> and then just press and hold down the Option key and type the 4-digit hex 
> code of the Unicode character you want to insert.
> [*: You can also use the key shortcuts defined in the Shortcuts -> Input 
> Sources section of the Keyboard system prefs to switch input methods ]
> PS: Once you've set things up, this is actually much easier to do than it may 
> sound... :-)

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Re: How to Force BBEdit to Display CP437 High ASCII

2015-04-09 Thread WordWeaver777
On Apr 10, 2015, at 3:59 AM, Rich Siegel wrote:

 Latin-US (DOS) is the system-supplied name for CP437, so that would be the 
 correct character set to use. It's not guaranteed that any given font will 
 have the correct glyphs to display the corresponding Unicode characters, but 
 I would assume that any of the system-supplied fonts would.

 So, then, what constitutes without success?


Hi Rich,

Latin-US (DOS) is not shown under File/ Reopen Using Encoding. Only 
Western (ISO Latin 1),  Western (ISO Latin 9) and Western (Windows Latin 
1) are included there.

If I open a text document in BBEdit, use the status bar at the bottom of the 
window, and choose Other in the encoding list there, then I am shown a longer 
list of encodings, among which is included Latin-US (DOS), which I can then 
select for that specific document.

However, as I noted earlier, from my research into this -- and web scrounging 
-- it seems that very few fonts actually contain the full CP437 set of high 
ASCII characters. I only found three of them:

Modern DOS 437

All three of the above fonts contain the full set of CP437 high ASCII 

Last month I installed all three of these fonts via the Font Book app.

In the OS X Terminal app, in my chosen theme -- Homebrew -- I can use any one 
of those three fonts, and PC-ANSI graphics will display properly when I visit 
my BBS, or any other BBS. ASCII.ttf definitely works the best of the three 
for me, in conjunction with other adjustments that I make in my Homebrew 

However, as I explained earlier, if I open one of my ANSI graphics files in 
BBEdit, and choose any of those three fonts, along with the Latin-US (DOS) 
encoding, or any of the others that I mentioned, the high ASCII characters do 
not display properly.

In other words, when I say without success I mean that I do not see these 
special characters, which, as you know, are what is used to draw PC-ANSI 
graphics for BBSes, such as mine. I see garbage instead:

Also of note is the fact that control-left bracket -- which is used to make the 
little arrow that is in front of PC-ANSI color codes -- cannot be used in 
BBEdit either. When I type that key combination. Nothing happens, and no symbol 
appears in the document.

I was really hoping that I could do this in BBEdit, because right now I use the 
Public Address BBS software -- which has a built-in PC-ANSI graphics viewer -- 
to make all of the graphics for my BBS. As with my BBS software -- Hermes II -- 
I am forced to run this in a virtual environment using SheepShaver. My vision 
has been rather poor all of my life, and even more so now that I am in my 
sixties, so making ANSI graphics in that environment places a real strain on my 
eyes. I was hoping that by using BBEdit, I could use a larger size font, and 
thus reduce the strain on my eyes when I make my graphics. In fact, in everyday 
use, I keep BBEdit set to 24-point Monaco font, because it is large and clear 
without serifs.


Bill Kochman

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Re: How to Force BBEdit to Display CP437 High ASCII

2015-04-09 Thread WordWeaver777

I almost forgot.

I also need control-k to work. Just as occurs when I type control-[, nothing 
likewise happens when I type control-k.

This key combination is used to make forced pauses in my BBS documents so that 
a long text file doesn't just keep scrolling beyond 24 rows per screen.

In my ANSI documents, this key combination produces what looks like the symbol 
for Mars, or the male:



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How to Force BBEdit to Display CP437 High ASCII

2015-04-09 Thread WordWeaver777

Does anyone know a way to force BBEdit to correctly display CP437 high ASCII 
characters, such as are used on old-style BBSes?

I normally create my BBS screens in another Mac Classic program, but it is a 
major strain on my eyes because the canvas in that program is so small. I have 
also looked at Pablo Draw, but I much prefer to create manually in a regular 
text editor where I can manually enter the various escape codes.

With BBEdit 11, I have tried switching to ISO Latin 1, ISO Latin 9, Windows 
Latin 1 and Latin-US (DOS) encoding without success.

These encodings have been used with three fonts which I have used with varying 
degrees of success to display PC-ANSI graphics in the OS X Terminal app. They 

Moder DOS 437

Despite trying a mixture of the above encodings and fonts, I haven't been able 
to get the CP437 characters to display properly in a BBEdit text file.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: How to Force BBEdit to Display CP437 High ASCII

2015-04-09 Thread WordWeaver777
On Apr 10, 2015, at 5:54 AM, Rich Siegel wrote:

 You can adjust which encodings are visible on the menu by using the Text 
 Encodings preferences. Marking the check box next to Latin-US (DOS) will 
 make it available on the encodings menu.

Excellent! I should have known to do that!

 So, start by adjusting your encoding settings so that you can choose Latin-US 
 (DOS) as encoding for Reopen Using Encoding, and see if that helps.

Bravo! 90% success rate!

All of the CP437 high ASCII characters are now displaying properly when I open 
a Public Address document in BBEdit, and choose File/Reopen Using 
Encoding/Latin-US (DOS) .

The only remaining problem is that the control character -- control-[ -- 
appears as upside-down Spanish question mark, or some other symbol, depending 
on which font I use. It is not appearing as the little arrow as it should be, 
in front of the color codes.

And, as I mentioned before, even with this new method of encoding, neither does 
anything appear when I type control-[. Without this working properly, I will 
still not be able to make my ANSI graphics in BBEdit.

We are almost there. Any other suggestions?



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Re: How to Force BBEdit to Display CP437 High ASCII

2015-04-09 Thread WordWeaver777
Hello John,

Thanks for the tip. However, I did not meet with success. As per your 
instructions, I tried Windows (Latin 1), as well as the other aforementioned 
encodings, and I changed the font several times to the three that I mentioned 
previously. Again, regardless of which ones I chose, using that menu  option 
did not make any difference. In some cases, a few of the characters displayed 
properly, but the vast majority did not.

Back to the drawing board.
 On Apr 9, 2015, at 8:00 PM, John Delacour wrote:
 On 9 Apr 2015, at 09:56, WordWeaver777 wrote:
 Despite trying a mixture of the above encodings and fonts, I haven't been 
 able to get the CP437 characters to display properly in a BBEdit text file.
 Open the file normally; then do menu: File::Reopen Using Encoding… and select 
 Windows (Latin 1). You can then change the encoding to UTF-8 and save.

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Re: Clipboard manager

2014-12-29 Thread WordWeaver777

 On Dec 30, 2014, at 9:41 AM, Greg Raven wrote:
 Well, it seems that OS X 10.10 has killed my favorite clipboard manager -- 
 What's everybody else using?

I've been using Paste Master for years:

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Re: CMD-L whitout CR?

2014-11-28 Thread WordWeaver777

 On Nov 28, 2014, at 12:49 PM, Vlad Ghitulescu wrote:
 There is a shortcut (CMD-L) in BBEdit for selecting a line that I use 
 However, this shortcut also selects the CR after the line, so I must 
 **always** delete this CR while copying and pasting the selected line.
 Is there a way to get rid of the CR while selecting the line with CMD-L? 
 Or perhaps another way to select a line - with a shortcut - and not selecting 
 the trailing CR as well?

Vlad, I don't know if this is helpful or not, but whenever I wish to select the 
entire contents of a line without including the line break, I just place the 
cursor at the beginning of the line and use shift-command-right arrow key.

Then I use command-v to copy the line.

Kind regards,

Bill Kochman
Endtime Prophecy Net

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Re: Make Text Files use HTML Syntax Coloring

2014-11-26 Thread WordWeaver777

 On Nov 26, 2014, at 10:29 AM, John Martellaro wrote:
 Rich Siegel showed me how to do a neat thing in BBEdit: trick a .TXT file 
 into using HTML syntax coloring.  He liked my write-up, so I thought I'd 
 Trick BBEdit Text Files into HTML Syntax Coloring
 John Martellaro

Thank you John, and Rich. Very useful tip. I have saved the info for future 
reference, should I forget in my old age.  :)

Bill Kochman
Endtime Prophecy Net

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Re: You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-10 Thread WordWeaver777

 On Nov 11, 2014, at 10:06 AM, Lee Hinde wrote:
 Markup/Utilities/Format.. might work for you...

Lee, as noted earlier, Markup/Utilities/Format only reformats an HTML document. 
It does not auto-correct the HTML code itself, which is what some of us are 
after, now that Tidy has been dropped from BBEdit.

As a quick update, I just downloaded the Balthisar Tidy 2.0.2 dev code from 
GitHub and compiled it in Xcode. As has been mentioned a few times, this will 
give you the for Work version of Balthisar Tidy, which enables you to use the 
app in batch mode, using an AppleScript which you can download from Jim's 

I just downloaded the AppleScript and tried it out, and it does indeed work. 
There are a few little bugs that Jim is currently working on, but if you want 
the for Work version without having to pay the measly $8.00 through MAS, this 
is the way to go.

Personally, this app will be so useful to me once a few things are worked out, 
that I will probably buy the MAS version anyway, just to support and encourage 
Jim in his endeavors.

Bill Kochman
Endtime Prophecy Net

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Re: You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-09 Thread WordWeaver777
Thank you Fritz. You for one perfectly understood what I meant by code 
structure. LuKreme obviously did not.

That is PRECISELY why I was so happy to find Balthisar Tidy; because it 
auto-corrects syntax, and does not just reformat.

Bill K.

 The content of the original post may not have been clear to you. Tidy is not, 
 and never was, just a pretty-printer. It flags, and optionally corrects, 
 syntax and best-practice errors. 
 It is reasonable to expect an indexing bot to take code quality into account 
 when assessing the quality of a page. In fact, we hear exactly that from the 
 direct experience of a professional, who turns out to be an enthusiast, but 
 not a fool. 
― F

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You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-08 Thread WordWeaver777
Dear BBEdit friends,

Like many of you, I was very disappointed to learn that Tidy has been dropped 
from BBEdit 11.0, because I have depended on Tidy's HTML code auto-correction 
feature for many years now, even though the Tidy code is quote outdated.

However, just today while again searching online for a suitable replacement, 
and after wading through pages which offered me Java-based apps which I 
couldn't get to work, source code, tarballs, binaries that failed to function 
under Yosemite, etc., I discovered a FREE gem called Balthisar Tidy.

Folks, I am a very happy man.

Aside from the fact that you have to run it outside of BBEdit, there is nothing 
to not like about this app, which is available both on their website -- -- as well as in the Mac App Store. The primary difference 
between the two, as you can imagine, is that the MAS version is sandboxed. 
Other than that, according to the developer's website -- his name is Jim Derry 
-- there are only minimal differences between the two.

Consider this:

• It is free.

• It is modern, up-to-date Tidy code with the latest W3C specifications, and 
not the old 2004 - 2008 Tidy code.

• It has a very simple, straightforward design with a lot of inline help.

• It is Yosemite compatible.

• You can tweak a long list of preferences to your heart's content so that your 
HTML docs look exactly the way that you want them to.

• If you require batch processing, there is a commercial version in the Mac App 
Store which only costs like $8.00, and that is cheap for this gem.

If you are a web designer and HTML coder who is picky about your HTML code, and 
who wants to make Googlebot happy, I recommend that you give this app a try. I 
don't think that you will be disappointed.

No, I do not work for these folks; I was just so happy to find this today after 
learning that Tidy has been dropped from BBEdit.

Rich and Patrick, I hope you don't mind me posting this being as it is for 
someone else's software, but I think a lot of HTML coders here will be happy to 
know that there is an easy and free way to fill the void that has been left by 
Tidy being dropped from BBEdit.

If I have broken any list rules, I apologize in advance. Just delete this 

Kind regards,

Bill Kochman
Endtime Prophecy Net

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Re: You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-08 Thread WordWeaver777

As a long-time webmaster, HTML coder, and member of Google's Webmaster Tools, 
it is my understanding that the Googlebot carefully scrutinizes everything in 
an HTML document, including code structure. The more perfect everything is, 
both in your code, as well as in your actual content, the higher rating its 
algorithm will give your page, and the higher your pages will appear in 
Google's SERP's.

The proof is in the pudding. Google my name Bill Kochman, or my primary 
website Endtime Prophecy Net and see what kind of results you get.

I have been very well placed in the Google universe for years. :)

But that is really all besides the point. My purpose in sharing my previous 
message here was to simply inform other concerned BBEdit users that I had found 
a free worthy replacement for BBEdit's built-in Tidy functions.

In fact, Jim Derry has been actively communicating with me regarding his app 
via email since yesterday. He is very responsive, and is even now making some 
improvements to Balthisar Tidy, based on some of my comments to him. He may 
roll out new versions in a matter of a few days, he hopes.

Oh, one other thing that he mentioned to me is that he is going to work on 
making his app a system service, which will more easily integrate it with 

 On Nov 9, 2014, at 9:40 AM, LuKreme wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2014, at 7:49 AM, WordWeaver777 wrote:
 If you are a web designer and HTML coder who is picky about your HTML code, 
 and who wants to make Googlebot happy,
 Since when does google care at all about how HTML is formatted?

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Re: You Will Love This: Balthisar Tidy

2014-11-08 Thread WordWeaver777

Exactly what is your problem, sir?

I tried to do a good thing by sharing my discovery regarding Balthisar Tidy 
with other BBEdit users here, and you are purposely making a mountain out of a 
mole hill, and being a real nitpicker. Do you just like to argue and debate 
over minutia just for the sake of arguing? If so, I am sorry, sir, but I am not 
interested in entertaining you.

Furthermore, you have obviously misunderstood what I wrote.

The phrase that I used in my previous message was CODE STRUCTURE, meaning the 
actual structure of one's HTML code; that is, proper syntax, opening and 
closing tags, etc. I said NOTHING about FORMAT. You are the one who brought 
that up in your original retort, which in fact detracted from what my original 
message was primarily about.

I fully understand that spiders such as Googlebot ignore white space, line 
breaks, etc. I also know that is why a lot of folks like to minimize their HTML 
code. However, if your actual HTML code -- THE CODE STRUCTURE -- is broken in a 
serious way, it is my understanding that Google will penalize the page. They 
will do the same thing for excessive misspelled words.

There is a clear and obvious reason regarding why there are W3C specifications 
for HTML documents. To suggest that they are not important, or that spiders 
such as Googlebot will ignore web pages which seriously break those 
specifications, is ludicrous, in my view.

You may agree or disagree as you like sir; but when someone does a good deed, 
as I have done here, please don't try to find fault with it.

Thank you.

We are done here.

Bill Kochman
Endtime Prophecy  Net

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