Re: Hugh Lovel visits New Zealand July

2003-06-12 Thread Louise Berry

Does this mean that those in Australia will also 
get a copy???

Louise Berry

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  To: Biodynamic Food and Farming Discussion 
  Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 10:22 
  Subject: Re: Hugh Lovel visits New 
  Zealand July
  Thanks, Tony,I've got to work out my travel itinerary 
  yet, so this will help. When do you want me to arrive in Aukland?Still 
  working on the manual, but used it the first draft for my rain workshop in 
  Santa Fe, New Mexico this past weekend. We made almost an inch of gentle, 
  soaking rain at the target site--less the farther away it was. The site was 
  Kenny Ausubel's ranch in the Sangre de Christos mountains outside of Santa Fe. 
  He is the founder of Bioneers and one of the founders of Seeds of Change, and 
  needless to say he was highly pleased as they were having a 
  drought.Anyway the booklet needs much more work before I send you a 
  copy to publish for the workshops. I'll keep working on it, but it will be 
  good. Same deal as before you folks can publish and sell as a gift from me. 
  But this one will be way, way 
  Hi to NZ BD subcribers this is the programme for Hugh 
Lovel's visit to NZ in July.Hope to see you all there.Regards Tony 
to Make the BiodynamicPreparations Work 
Better.Hugh Lovel is the principal 
of the Union Agriculture Institute inBlairsville, Georgia, USA. He is one of 
the leading Biodynamicconsultants in the US. He visited NZ in 2000. Hugh 
says, "Much of whatI have to offer is my understanding of BD, and the 
various ways of using it."A compassionate, highly 
intelligent writer/consultant with a true, creative insight and a wonderful 
turn of phrase. He has tirelessly promoted his great passion - the science 
of biodynamics.Workshop 
for Northland /AucklandSAT 19 
July 10.00 am - 4.00pmKiawaka Memorial Hall. 
Mangawhai Rd Kaiwaka.Register with Anne Dodds 09 
435 3129 or Berndette Blair. 09 415 
9044.Waikato / Bay of PlentyWed 23rd July 10 am -4 
pmWaikato Waldorf School 54 Borman Rd 
HamiltonRegister with Tanja Benthien ph/fax 07 
Peter Bacchus 07 542 1914 e-mail 
BayFriday 25th July 9.30 
-3.30Havelock North Community Centre, Te Mata 
Rd, Havelock North.Register with Cleone Armon 06 
878 3128Horowhenua, 
Manawatu, Wairapapa, 
WhanganuiSunday 27th 
July.10.00-4.00Rambler Flowers 86 The Avenue 
[SH1]Please register with Enterprise Horowhenua 
06 3670524.OR EMAIL organiser Tony 
Robinson:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for more 
$60 PER PERSON includes a practical 
manualPlease BYO Lunch.Water, Tea, Coffee provided at all 
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Re: prep making illegal in the EU

2003-06-12 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Dear Michael,
Thankyou very much, hope you are having a great summer over there. We are 
approaching the shortest day so daylight is valuable at present. The pasture 
grass on the paddocks round us are still growing at full speed here as the soil 
hasn't cooled too much yet.

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Hughs NZ visit

2003-06-12 Thread Garuda

Apologies, e's senttoyour personal 
email addresskeeps coming back to me
If your timetable is still forming, and you have a 
spare day or night in Hawkes Bay, Caroline  Iwould like to invite you 
to stay with us at Ocean Beach, just near Hastings, by the vast Pacific ocean, 
for some R  R, which I am sure you will be deserving by then.
Glen A

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Re: Hughs NZ visit

2003-06-12 Thread Rambler Flowers LTD

Hi Glen 
Ihaven't finalized Hughs NZ itinary yet. He 
is speaking in KiawakaSat19July, Waikato Wed 23, Hawkes 
BayFriday 25, Levin Sunday 27th.
He has free days Sunday to Tues at the moment. 

Cheers Tony Robinson

  Apologies, e's senttoyour personal 
  email addresskeeps coming back to me
  If your timetable is still forming, and you have 
  a spare day or night in Hawkes Bay, Caroline  Iwould like to invite 
  you to stay with us at Ocean Beach, just near Hastings, by the vast Pacific 
  ocean, for some R  R, which I am sure you will be deserving by 
  Glen A

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Can Error be turned to Advantage?

2003-06-12 Thread Roger Pye
A SE NSW project to compare three methods of revegetation of degraded 
landscape, namely Biodynamic, Compost Assisted, and Conventional, was 
recently compromised by the inadvertent application of superphosphate to 
the biodynamic portion.

The project commenced in Nov 2001. Immediately prior to the application, 
the status of the trial was as follows:

Biodynamic Paddock, approx 20 hectares. Nineteen hectares of this has 
received seven sprays of BD500 at BACA recommended rates and three of 
501 ditto, the preps being supplied by the association and mixed using 
John Wilkes-style flowforms. The remaining hectare was included in the 
first of the above sprays (back-to-back 500/501) and then hand-sprayed 
with radionically prepared 500  501 at the same times as the others. In 
addition, the full paddock received  three sprays of liquid soil 
conditioner (compost tea) prepared on site and applied at 100L per 
hectare between August and December last year. All of these formulations 
were completely natural, none contained or were assisted by chemicals. 
The latest site report (24 May 03) by the consultants (leaders in their 
field in the SE region) stated in part There is a marked improvement in 
the fertility present as compared to the conventional section over the 
time of the trial. The soils are slightly softer and better able to 
absorb water compared to the conventional site and as it all was at the 

Compost Assisted Paddock, approx 10 hectares. This has had one 
application of 30 tonnes of commercially produced compost applied in 
June last year and three sprays of the same liquid conditioner as above.

Conventional Paddock, approx 10 hectares. This has had three sprays of 
the same liquid conditioner as above, mainly to keep it viable until 
seeding time. The plan called for weedicide to be applied before seeding 
(if required) and the application of superphosphate to encourage and 
facilitate growth.

It is pointless crying over spilt milk. It is equally pointless to 
expend $A16K on a trial and then just walk away from it with nothing to 
show for the exercise. Accordingly, Project Management has recommended 
the occurrence be treated as an 'act of God' and incorporated  into the 
plan, so that from now on the trial will be comparing the effect of 
Biodynamic substances plus a minimal amount of super with Compost 
Assisted and Conventional. This will give a four-way comparison at the 
scheduled end of the trial instead of three-way. The probability is that 
some farmers would decide to add super in any case to 'kick' any 
improvement along and this extended comparison could therefore be of 
considerable benefit one way or another.

The purpose of this email is to invite sane and constructive comments on 
how BDNOW! members would handle the above scenario if placed in the same 
position as Project Management.



Natural Earth Healing Circle
(Link 1, NSW)

Ph / Fax: +61 2 6255 3824
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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Re: Can Error be turned to Advantage?

2003-06-12 Thread Gil Robertson
Hi! Roger,
May I ask why superphosphate was applied to the reveg, assuming it is 
native veg, as most do not handle super at all well.

My guess is that the BD area will handle the super better than the other 
areas, thus giving the impression it was to right thing to include.

Is there any visual difference between the standard BD and the Radionic BD?

Care to tell me something about the Natural Earth Healing Circle? Off 
line if required.


Roger Pye wrote:

A SE NSW project to compare three methods of revegetation of degraded 
landscape, namely Biodynamic, Compost Assisted, and Conventional, was 
recently compromised by the inadvertent application of superphosphate 
to the biodynamic portion.

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Re: Can Error be turned to Advantage?

2003-06-12 Thread Roger Pye
Gil Robertson wrote:

May I ask why superphosphate was applied to the reveg, assuming it is 
native veg, as most do not handle super at all well. 

I said it was 'inadvertent', I cannot go further than that.

My guess is that the BD area will handle the super better than the 
other areas, thus giving the impression it was to right thing to include. 

Yes, I must admit I have had thoughts that it happened because it was 
needed to. Part of my philosophy is that the soil dictates its needs to 
the Universe. The Project Manager, however, thought the occurrence an 
absolute disaster and the consultant ain't too happy either!

Is there any visual difference between the standard BD and the 
Radionic BD? 

Visually, not much, but we are going into winter. Energetically I would 
say the radionic has an 'edge' on the standard. That is purely my 
impression from energies picked up walking the different areas. We could 
probably make a more valid comparison next spring.

Care to tell me something about the Natural Earth Healing Circle? Off 
line if required.

In its infancy as yet. The concept is groups (links) of people applying 
natural healing methods to land and water problems be they large or 
small, broadacre, smallholding or garden. In my opinion humankind has 
proved conclusively that there is far more to caring for/repairing our 
environment than the mere and continued application of chemicals and the 
scientific approach.

Take for example the current debate (on this list) on the legality or 
otherwise of 'standard' BD preps. Philosophically I have a great 
difficulty with having to kill animals to produce BD substances no 
matter how beneficial the end products might be. In this house even 
stray spiders and cockroaches get politely removed and placed elsewhere.

Neither do I believe that cow horns are the only container in which 
BD500/501 can be produced. What I do believe is that in the simplistic 
equation 'cow manure + cow horn + horn clay + 6 months burial in the 
ground = BD500' something vital is missing. Equally so if we change the 
equation to read 'energy + energy + energy + 6 months burial in the 
ground = BD500'.  Were we to identify that 'vital' something, the 
container question would likely resolve itself.

Let me apparently digress a moment. Walking through any patch of 
woodland, I will see trees that stand straight and true, that lean this 
way, that way and every which way, that have branch systems which 
resemble whirlpools in wood. To all intents and purposes, certainly to 
the majority of eyes that see them, these leaning and/or misshapen trees 
have grown naturally into these conformations. To a dowser or someone 
who works with natural energy, the truth is that trees grow according to 
the forces applied to them - and these include natural energy flows and 
vortices which cause trees to lean or whirlpool or writhe upwards.

Try this. Walk towards a growing tree your own height with a divining 
rod held at head height, it will react to the aura at a short distance 
from the trunk. Repeat the exercise 100mm down. Keep on doing it lower 
and lower at similar intervals, sooner or later you will reach a point 
near the trunk from which the next 'stop' will be further out. Write the 
results down. Repeat the exercise three times around the tree, write 
everything down and draw it on a graph. Then go and look at Glen 
Atkinson's 'Spiral Astrology' on his website; almost instantly you will 
see an image very like the one on your graph - a double spiral. Actually 
a double vortex. He is using it to demonstrate cosmic and earth forces - 
the same forces which shape trees.

What has this to do with BD preps?   We have just passed the time when 
multitudes of cow horns stuffed with cow manure and clay have been 
buried in the ground for their maturation. I venture to suggest that if 
a dowser were to conduct the above exercise with an imaginary tree 
growing at the centre of a maturation site, he/she would detect the top 
section of a double vortex. Being a dowser, he/she would be able to 
'read' below ground as well and find the bottom half.

Think about it.


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Darn it it's a graet speach!

2003-06-12 Thread Turtle Bend
Title: Darn it it's a graet speach!

This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On. 

by Bill Moyers

( IN part)
The Populists knew it was the government that granted millions of acres of public land to the railroad builders. It was the government that gave the manufacturers of farm machinery a monopoly of the domestic market by a protective tariff that was no longer necessary to shelter infant industries. It was the government that contracted the national currency and sparked a deflationary cycle that crushed debtors and fattened the wallets of creditors. And those who made the great fortunes used them to buy the legislative and judicial favors that kept them on top. So the Populists recognized one great principle: the job of preserving equality of opportunity and democracy demanded the end of any unholy alliance between government and wealth. It was, to quote that platform again, from the same womb of governmental injustice  that tramps and millionaires were bred. 

But how? How was the democratic revolution to be revived? The promise of the Declaration reclaimed? How were Americans to restore government to its job of promoting the general welfare? And here, the Populists made a breakthrough to another principle. In a modern, large-scale, industrial and nationalized economy it wasn't enough simply to curb the government's outreach. That would simply leave power in the hands of the great corporations whose existence was inseparable from growth and progress. The answer was to turn government into an active player in the economy at the very least enforcing fair play, and when necessary being the friend, the helper and the agent of the people at large in the contest against entrenched power. So the Populist platform called for government loans to farmers about to lose their mortgaged homesteads ­ for government granaries to grade and store their crops fairly ­ for governmental inflation of the currency, which was a classical plea of debtors ­ and for some decidedly non-classical actions like government ownership of the railroad, telephone and telegraph systems and a graduated ­ i.e., progressive tax on incomes and a flat ban on subsidies to any private corporation. And to make sure the government stayed on the side of the people, the 'Pops' called for the initiative and referendum and the direct election of Senators. 

Predictably, the Populists were denounced, feared and mocked as fanatical hayseeds ignorantly playing with socialist fire. They got twenty-two electoral votes for their candidate in '92, plus some Congressional seats and state houses, but it was downhill from there for many reasons. America wasn't ­ and probably still isn't ­ ready for a new major party. The People's Party was a spent rocket by 1904. But if political organizations perish, their key ideas don't - keep that in mind, because it give prospective to your cause today. Much of the Populist agenda would become law within a few years of the party's extinction. And that was because it was generally shared by a rising generation of young Republicans and Democrats who, justly or not, were seen as less outrageously outdated than the embattled farmers. These were the progressives, your intellectual forebears and mine. 

One of my heroes in all of this is William Allen White, a Kansas country editor ­ a Republican ­ who was one of them. He described his fellow progressives this way: 

What the people felt about the vast injustice that had come with the settlement of a continent, we, their servants ­ teachers, city councilors, legislators, governors, publishers, editors, writers, representatives in Congress and Senators ­ all made a part of our creed. Some way, into the hearts of the dominant middle class of this country, had come a sense that their civilization needed recasting, that their government had fallen into the hands of self-seekers, that a new relationship should be established between the haves and the have-nots. 


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