Re: What is Willard Water / human ingestion of the preps

2002-12-15 Thread Glen Atkinson
How many bacteria or the like are going to survive an alcohol tincture
process do you reckon?

Are the spiritual activities of the soil and plant different to those
active with humans?

After 20 years of ingesting them on a regular basis I have no fear of
them or their activity, in fact I believe them to be one of the simplest
and best type of human health prevention and cure. A true gift by RS.


Chris Shade wrote:
 I feel the same way about preps for breakfast.  They
 are a decomposed product mad for the decompostition
 zone (the soil).  Yes, recompostition is a big part of
 plant feeding, but this stuff is still for the dark
 side.  As per indications, they are meant to help
 the soil to help the plants gather these forces from
 the SOIL into the PLANT.
 On the other hand, though, the soilish effect could
 be altered by homeopathic potentising to specific
 levels.  But, why not just make preparations along
 spagyric method lines, with the same plants, but
 meant, in origin, for human consumption.
 Maybe I am just square, but I won't put BD500 in my
 mouth.  I did by accident once and it felt mighty
 strange.  A more sensitive friend of mine got a drop
 slashed into his mouth and had all his throat glands
 swell up on him.
 --- Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So Steve, I don't understand. If the preps are good
  medicine, why did
  steiner tell us to eat traditional foods that were
  grown in soils and
  atmospheres enlivened by the preps rather than to
  eat the preps
  Like most BD practitioners, I drink a gulp or so
  from every batch of
  whatever I stir, but, I'll tell you brother, I often
  feel more energy
  from a mouthful of BD kale than I do from a mouthful
  of bd501 stirred
  in water.
  My personal experience and my personal sense is that
  the preps are
  part of the bigger picture and not super medicine in
  and of
  themselves. The enliven soil and food in harmony
  with the totality of
  Nature and are not an end in and of themselves.
  Of course, I remain very interested in your
  sensibilities and your experiences.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Transplanting remedies ?

2002-12-09 Thread Glen Atkinson
Garuda BD Rooting Compound works wonderfully well

I hope top have some pictures of broad beans using rooting comp as
opposed to our combination spray Etherics on the web site very soon.
Most interesting
Glen A

 - Original Message -
 From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 9:28 PM
 Subject: Re: Transplanting remedies ?
  Dear Per,
  Not quite. Like cures.
  And Bach Flower Remedies are sold everywhere, presumably at your city
  organic food place. You put a few drops of this remedy in a bucket of
  and stir like a BD remedy. Use for transplants.
  If you want to know specifically what grasses walnut allows to grow, look
  under a walnut tree. It inhibits ALL others.
  But walnut remedy does not inhibit growth. You use walnut REMEDY to
  growth. That goes for grapes too.
  Precision in language has its desirable side.
  Hi Hugh
  Opposite cures ?
  Interesting, what dilution of remedy's are you suggesting, and can you
  recommend a more economic source than the city organic food place. How do
  you apply this solution ?
  Rescue remedy is English do any one make it the USA ?
  Bach Flower Remedy, Walnut who ??
  Is it know what grasses walnut remedy promotes ?
  Do's walnut remedy inhibit growth of grapes ??
  Why would you select a homeopathic remedy's rater than a BD prep 501/or
  in addition to BD prep ??  (I have not yet understood all BD preps and
  function of them,  I'm a slow reader)
  Per Garp/NH
  - Original Message -
  From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 02:50 PM
  Subject: Re: Transplanting remedies ?
   Hi All
   Can some one explain the transplanting function of this
   rescue remedy and the Bach Flower Remedy, Walnut
   I'm familiar with rescue remedy, but have no information
   abut :Bach Flower Remedy, Walnut:
   Normally Walnut inhibit growth of other plants ??
   Per Garp/NH
   Dear Per,
   You are right on the money that walnut inhibits the growth in almost
   everything except one or two grasses and black raspberries. That is
   precisely why it is used.
   Homeopathy is the treatment of conditions with materials--taken out to
   dilute potencies--that would otherwise cause the same condition in
   organisms. Thus to treat cancer, the usual treatment is homeopathic
   (mistletoe) which amounts to a cancerous growth when it occurs
   oak trees.
   In this case to get the transplants over their shock, use rescue
   send them off into growth give them walnut, a Bach Flower Remedy.
   Hugh Lovel
   Visit our website at:
  Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

2002-11-11 Thread Glen Atkinson
Elaine outlined at the Bioneers conference the unscientific ness of the
2 tests they used and also the ludicriousness of having ecoli in an
aerobic solution.
This situation is just another example of bad science being used for
capitialist ends. Need I go on about the corruptness of science in our
present age. Science has become a joke. Until there is a united NAtions
of science where sciences' own criteria are actually applied to itself
and all branches of science are forced to keep up with each other, then
science has lost its relevance as any form of authority. It is just yet
one more prostitute of business. And this time its Elaine getting
screwed by it.

Elaine is the biggest threat to the chemical companies that has come
along in a long time. She may have felt she was part of the
establishment enough to have her work accepted. There are enough
examples of 'expelled' scientisits around to show she may well be (is)
getting the same treatment.

Yet again the rich doing what they can (Joni Mitchell)

Glen A 

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 Dear Frank,
 The E. coli scare is absurd. I question whether there is a single human on
 this continent that doesn't have E. coli in their intestines. On the other
 hand, the HR 157:H7 strain that is so pathogenic is a feed lot breed. It
 isn't cattle herds on pasture that have it, it is herds in confinement
 being fed on grain by-products. This produces a chronic diarhea condition
 in the cattle and hence they get HR157:H7. My local slaughter house that
 only slaughters local pastured beef gets tested twice a week and has never
 had any HR157:H7 show up.
 It is pathetic when fear stampedes people and they ignore the science of
 the subject.
 Hugh Lovel
 Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Peppering

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson

Most anytime especially for mammals etc.
I believe the planting calendar etc has been overemphasised by those
looking for some meaning, to cover up their lack of understanding of
what RS indicated Biodynamics to be.

Remember, RS said when it is hot Saturn works more strongly when wet the
Moon. Hence the atmosphere and other layers lower down than the planets
effect their working on the Earth. Better to spray by the weather than
the planets.

Allan Balliett wrote:
 Glen, Lloyd, et al -
 Over the years I've run into more and more farmers who simply make
 peppers whenever they collect 'enough pests.' They do this without
 concern for celestial aspects. All that have reported to me have been
 successful beyond their expectations.
 Ignoring these good results, as is often the limitation of my own
 logic,  I have to ask if you folks only pepper according to Steiner's
 instructions for planetary position or if you've found that the
 peppers are effective made most any time.

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Peppering

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson

Lloyd Charles wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Having said this we do try and do weed peppers with the moon otherwise
as it fits.

 Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 4:17 AM
 Subject: Re: Peppering
  Most anytime especially for mammals etc.
  I believe the planting calendar etc has been overemphasised by those
  looking for some meaning, to cover up their lack of understanding of
  what RS indicated Biodynamics to be.
 Hi Glen
 Is this application ? or making of the peppers?  or both ?
 Lloyd Charles

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson
Thank you for this. I have only today had this sent to me.
Great isn't it. 
I have sent Owen two of my recent articles for his consideration. 
Planting by the Moon, How can it not work? and Peppering - Scientists
Bane  Societies Dilemma.
They have been published in my column 'Wholistic Agriculture' in the
local ag paper. Both have gone completely unanswered by any

I am looking forward to replying to the newspaper on many of its points,
not least the inaccuracy of the correspondants information.

for further clarification
After the mentioned meeting I have heard nothing at all from
officialdom, so I am amazed how far this enquiry got. I would have
thought that given they have now decided to spend $90 million dollars
eradicating this pest, that they would have spent a few more dollars,
and actually got me to provide the right information for 'their
brightest minds' to consider.

The investigation costs by the NZ government agencies to date was a $300
payment for my costs in attending the meeting, and these came from the
Waitakere city council. I have had no copy of notes or minutes from this
meeting, to review as correct, before they obviously wound their version
of the proposal into their corridors.

Is this a scientific approach to investigating a proposal? Sadly this
appears to be the state of 'their' integrity and science.

We proposed a spray program over as wide an area as needed, for at least
a few life cycles of the insect. It is highly likely that from that time
on their numbers would decrease and become extinct. The field
broadcaster was added only as a secondary experiment to the primary
spray program. 

This program could easily have been accompanied by a pheromone program
from the mentioned scientist, who actually worked on the extinction of
another moth in another part of Auckland a few years ago. Interestingly
he too has not been contacted to be part of the official project this

It could have also been a cheap addition to the BT sprays they are
applying. I am sure I would have been happy with a $10,000s fee for my
part of their 90 mill. 

The phenomena this letter portrays of NZ science is a wonderful
expression of the privatised science situation we have. Once an
organisation gets the contract to deal with this pest, everyone else is
seen as a competitior, in need of slaying at all costs. So wastage of
resource, both intelligence and financial  abounds in all aspects of our
economy and culture.

In all these public forays, it seems the degree of deceit and untruth
expounded by the correspondant indicates the degree of fear and concern
'they' have. By the looks of this document 'they' are shit scared and
running. I can but smile and keep chasing them. What fun. Peppering will
not be going away anytime soon, as it works and is cheap - the basis of
the NZ farmers budgeting.

The real humour is that I have recently moved a long term infestation of
possums away from my house and garden without peppering them, just the
BD preps. Wait till they try and wrap their heads around that one.
Peppering is comparatively easy to understand compared to this. 
Vegetables now grow unprotected where in the past they only grew in

Anytime, anywhere. 
A block (aussie for male person) needs a hobby while on the planet.

loving these transits

Rex Teague wrote:
 On 26 Sep 02, Don/Eve Cruse wrote:
  What I really meant, however, was a battle between ideas. Such a
  battle should not ever descend into physical conflict, although it can
 Call me naive but the sentiments of the following article - not to
 mention the motivation for writing such an attack - bewilder me. I
 hesitate to pass it along, it may however be grist to Don's mill?
 NBR = 'National Business Review' a New Zealand newspaper and
 McShane's website is listed at the end, in his signature file.
 ---Cut 'n paste begins---
 From: Owen McShane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Newsgroups: nz.politics
 Subject: My NBR column on Biodynamics
 Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:23:09 +1300
 Taking Pepper with a Grain of Salt
 The New Zealand Skeptics awarded this year’s “Bent Spoon Award”
 to Jeanette Fitzsimons. The Green Party Co-leader had been

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin - Planting by the Moon - How can it NOT work article

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson
Planting by the Moon
How can it NOT work?
by Glen Atkinson

There appears to be a very popular belief about that life on Earth
exists in some kind of isolation to the rest of the Universe and that
plants and especially humans are unaffected by all that goes on about
us. An examination of some simple astronomical realities however would
suggest the opposite view to be the more rational conclusion.

In recent years the Hubble telescope has allowed us to view the stars
and therefore the process of creation in a new light. One of the big
steps forward has come from pictures of stars which show they are 'made'
through a process of movement over a long period of time which forms
them into the shape of a gyroscope.  A gyroscope is any structure that
has a vertical axis around which a flat horizontal plane spins.  The
essential element of this form though is that it exists only as a
structure of movement. All gyroscopic bodies, be they stars or planets,
spin at incredible speeds which in turn leads to the formation of
spiralling vortexes on their vertical axis. 

Our Earth has these vortexes coming from its poles. They are the cause
of the Aurora phenomena that sees different colours waving across the
sky at the higher latitudes. The colours are caused by the mineral
elements of the solar wind being drawn down the vertical vortexes and
into the Earth atmosphere.

In all the various astronomical gyroscopic structures the vertical
vortexes suck matter and gases down into the centre of the body.  Once
in the centre it depends on the type of body what happens next. Galaxies
and stars compress the gases and matter to such a state that the
hydrogen ignites and an outwards explosion occurs, squirting gases and
newly made substances out across the flat horizontal plane.  On Earth,
the substance is held by the planet while only energy forces are spun
off along a horizontal plane.

Movement creates several responses. Not only does it create gyroscopic
spinning objects but it also creates electricity. Something as simple as
a water droplet falling through the atmosphere leads to it spinning,
which in turn forces it into becoming a positively and negatively
charged substance. Once so charged it then has the ability to attract to
it other charged elements such as nitrogen, which is then conveyed to
the soil and plants upon hitting the Earth. Science tells us almost
everything has an electrical charge of some kind and our  experience of
most things occur due to electro-magnetic interchanges. From soil
science to the human nervous system it is the electric interchange which
makes things happen. 

This development of an electrical charge by a moving object takes on
gigantic proportions once we look into space. Stars which have been
moving at enormous speeds for some billions of years ( our Sun moves
around the Galaxy at approximately 64,000 mph ) create huge
electro-magnetic fields around themselves. Our Suns EM field is around
12 light hours across the centre while our Galaxy's EM field has a
diameter of some 100,000 light years. 
The organization of matter inside these fields occurs according to the
nature of the electro magnetic field it exists in. Planets do not just
appear in any old place in the sky, they appear firstly along the
horizontal axis of the Suns gyroscope, and secondly at highly
predictable rhythmical spacings along this plane in sync with the
electro magnetic bands of the Suns EM field. The spacing of the planets
is so ordered that it has lead to the formulation of 'Bodes law' which
was further used to establish the positions of Uranus and Neptune prior
to their discovery. Most school children are shown the experiment with a
magnet placed under a sheet of paper which has a heap of iron filings
placed upon its surface. Once the magnet is placed under the paper, the
iron filings move to mirror the EM fields of the magnet. Now it is not
too difficult to imagine that if this paper was spinning at 46,000 mph
as we are around our Sun, that these lines of iron filings would
themselves spin and draw the matter of each band into little balls,
spinning around the central magnet and held in place by the EM field.
Hence our Solar systems order.  

One thing to remember when viewing Astronomy is that is moving, both
through spin and forward movement. It is this movement which organises
things and which produces the electro-magnetic (EM) forces that hold
everything in relationship to each other.

Here on earth we are confronted with lots of physical forms, of which we
can not see the EM field which organises them. Yet every living thing
and even the soil particles has an EM charge. We humans resonate at
8.7.hertz. As farmers we know that plants only take up elements that are
made up of a positively and negatively charged elements and that they
combine due to these electric charges. 

Astronomy thus supports soil science in showing us that everything in
creation is electro magnetically sensitive and that where the

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin - peppering article

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson
Peppering: Science's Bane and Societies Dilemma
By Glen Atkinson

Dr Rudolf Steiner's 'Peppering' method of pest control has hit the
national news again, followed quickly by detractors waxing lyrical in
editorials and letters to the editor filled with half-truths against it.

Peppering is one of the methods Dr Steiner suggested in 1924 that could
be used to control many forms of pest. It entails burning the pest or
parts thereof and sprinkling around the ashes. This was said to create
infertility within the target species - they will either move away or
die out. 

It has been used continuously since 1924 on a small scale within the
Biodynamic farming community with some startling success. I, personally,
have had many positive experiences using the method. An early and
convincing experience was in 1978 when Scotch thistle plants set heads
with no seeds at the bottom of the fluff. This occurred in the season
following the spreading of ash.

This latest ripple caused by peppering comes from an article in the NZ
Herald on March 25. 
It reported Coromandel MP Jeanette Fitzsimmons' suggestion to a
conference of Engineers for Social Responsibility that peppering should
be investigated with some proper trials. She supported this request
with a reference to the antics of yours truly, my colleague Peter
Bacchus  and some 75 orchards using peppers commercially in the Bay of
Plenty. She also mentioned the 200ha possum peppering trial carried out
in the Coromandel Peninsular in 1999.

Naturally I fully support her suggestion however, there appears to be
some significant hurdles to overcome before this cheap, environmentally
friendly and effective method can be used to replace the present 1080
based mass extermination of our wildlife every four years.

What are the blocks in the way? 
A few which come to mind are  mainstream acceptability, lack of
'scientific' data (only one existing trial),
peppering being a 'free' method with no patents possible,  and probably
most importantly it challenges the scientific materialistic worldview at
its core.

Scientific Acceptability

Like real estate agents want  Location, Location, Location, scientific
authorities want, Data, Data , Data, which costs Dollars, Dollars,
Science is a rich mans'/rich corporations game and with the present
state of disarray among the scientific authorities in our society, it is
virtually impossible to provide data that is universally acceptable
anyway. Just look to the GE debate for an example.  Even if satisfactory
data could be gathered who is going to pay for it.

So who is going to pay for it?

Peppering is a method freely available to anyone who reads Dr Steiner's
agricultural course, so no business of any size can 'own' the method.
Anyone can do it and with the Kiwi do-it-yourself spirit alive and
well,  people will. The more it is proved effective the more competition
there will be to make a dollar from it.  This is a 'social' method and
so society must fund its research.

Ah, public good funding, you shout.  This illusive beast of NZ
government funding is indeed a possibility. However, we are then
confronted with the problem of finding an independent scientific
institution unconnected to the corporates presently benefiting from
poisoning our country.

A Landcare scientist offered to do the trials but Landcare has been
working on a GE possum bait since 1993. Independent science within a
corporatised scientific culture - is this not a contradiction in terms? 

The existing 'science' on peppering.

In 1991, the Forest Research Institute carried out a possum peppering
trial done in co-operation with the Biodynamic Association of NZ.
This trial is held up as THE definitive trial of peppering's failure,
however an examination of the trial's parameters shows that it was
testing for repellent effects not infertility and that while bait
stations were fed for 16 days prior to the spreading of the ash, the
following monitoring was for only two days.
This is hardly enough time for the possums' habitual routines to change.
When possums returned after two days the trial of peppering as a whole
method was considered a failure. And so it should be ina trial using
this criteria.
To proclaim this as THE definitive study, though,  and to stop all
further research on this basis is surely highly unscientific. Is a drug
approved for use after one small inadequate experiment? Naturally, its
effects have to be repeatable. So how many repeats and variations have
been carried out? By which scientific standards can this trial be
considered definitive?
We have $100 million a year spent on 1080 and not one cent spent on
further research of this very cost-effective and non-toxic method. This
trial was based on the wrong criteria and the wrong time scale and all
it has proven is the lack of understanding of the method and the
personal foolishness of its perpetrators.
May the present, albeit circumstantial evidence, stand as a light beam
pointing to the need

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin -The peppering proposal to the Waitakare City Council

2002-09-27 Thread Glen Atkinson
Rex Teague wrote:
 On 26 Sep 02, Don/Eve Cruse wrote:
For those who might be interested in the real thing. Note no mention of
the field broadcaster as made a central issue of by the NBR

Harry O'Rouke,
Waitakere City Council,
PB 93109,
Waitakere City.

9th July 2001

Dear Mr O'Rouke,
After a discussion with a member of Mr Bob Harvey's staff I am writing
to you with information regarding the work our company has done with the
organic control of insect and mammal pests over the last 5 years.

The method we have used in this work was suggested by the philosopher Dr
Rudolf Steiner in 1924, and is called peppering, due to the sprinkling
of the burnt ash of the said pest over the ground 'as one would sprinkle
pepper over a meal'. Since 1924 this method has been used in many ways
with very beneficial effects. Regrettably it has also been the subject
of some inadequate trials which have not produced positive results. In
New Zealand two such trials have been carried out, one by the FRI in
1991 and a second I believe was carried out on Rangitoto island by DOC.
We have not been associated with either of these trials and are on
record criticising both the method used and the duration of these
trials. Our methodology has been developed on from Dr Steiner's initial
suggestions and now provides a superior result to that achieved by those
engaged in the above mentioned trials.

Enclosed is a letter from one of our clients, Tim Oliver of Cambridge,
which outlines the effects he has experienced over a five year period.
Approximately 50 orchards in the Bay of Plenty region regularly use
'peppers' for the control of Passion Vine Hopper. We have also peppered
Fuller Rose Weevil this last season. Early results suggest good results
with several orchards that had infestations last year - which prohibited
their entry into the Japanese market - reporting no infestation this
year. We have also peppered Gold Finches and Sparrows, which attack the
flowers of the Gold kiwifruit, for one client with good results.

Also enclosed is the preliminary results of a 200 ha. possum trial
carried out in 1999 on the Coromandel Peninsular. This trial has
confirmed the effectiveness of the method used for forested areas. 
Further counting is planned for the area to see the duration of
effectiveness. Reports from people living near the treated area suggests
far lower numbers of possums exist in the treated area compared to the
surrounding areas, even to this day.
This confirms earlier work we have done with possums, where four years
control from one application of the pepper is not unusual.  
We understand your council is presently facing an infestation from an
apple moth and that you are looking for 100% annihilation of this pest. 

Sadly we can not guarantee this level of eradication in the first
season, however we can see a place for peppering as a longer term
control of this pest and any other such as rats, possums, ferrets,
stoats, rabbits etc you might be needing to control in the areas you are
planning to spray. We understand you are planning to spray BT for the
Apple Moth. The peppers would be compatible with this spray and a liquid
form of the peppers could be added to the BT application.  This would in
effect be 'killing several birds with one stone. As the letter from Tim
Oliver shows our methods and services are very cost effective for the
returns gained.

Dr Steiner suggested that Peppering works by making any insect or mammal
of the designated species infertile if they stay in the treated area, so
while we note a relatively immediate drop in the numbers of pests after
application, from them moving out of the area, any that do stay are
rendered infertile over the following period. This we have seen in work
on Thistles, were no seeds are set in the flower heads of thistles which
grew in the following seasons on the treated site. This process limits
the area the insects have to breed in, while in the case of  mammals
allows for them to be moved towards sites they can be easily trapped in.
This offers  a significant advantage over poisoning especially for the
presently lucrative possum industry.

If you wish to discuss the use of our services further we can be
contacted at the above addresses.

Yours sincerely,

Glen Atkinson

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Biodynamics and Darwin

2002-09-26 Thread Glen Atkinson

In the early part of your article you mention 'a new and significant
impulse to the spiritual life of mankind'

What do you belive this is?

Your other points regarding the two streams of Anthroposophy not working
together and the rejection and exclusivity you experience, as a long
term member of that community, may well be linked together.

It seems this chism in the physical body of anthroposphia extends into
her spiritual bodies some way. I have often wondered about the immense
resistance I have experienced to my own work, from Anthroposophists, and
the fervour by which the sects seems to combat with  another. 
In many ways this seems to be a general human tendancy, however for a
'spiritually' inclined group, the A team sure  find the astrality a

Good luck with your pursuits.
Glen A  

Eve Cruse wrote:
 In the lecture series Karmic Relationships Vol. IV, Rudolf Steiner clearly
 indicates that he expected the Platonic and Aristotelian streams to work
 together at the end of the 20th century in order to bring a new and
 significant impulse to the spiritual life of mankind. This expectation
 prompts us to ask: what kind of impulse had he in mind? Certainly it would
 need to be something in keeping with his own striving, but it would need
 also to go beyond that which is explicit in his legacy, otherwise it could
 not be considered a 'new' impulse.
 Don Cruse

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Good sense and bad habits.

2002-09-10 Thread Glen Atkinson

Are dogs not a good deterent for deer??

Peter Michael Bacchus wrote:
  broadcasters ensured good crops and we had the best produce at the market.
  Isn't it hard to argue with results?
  We had a lot of deer problems this year. Come to find out I thought we had
  a deer pepper in the broadcaster but we didn't. So I don't know where we
  stand there. But our okra was wiped out, half the cukes were eaten, all
  beans, even the tomatoes and potatoes were eaten some. They pawed up the
  potatoes and ate them and decimated the beets once they discovered them.
  Still we've had a good year so far. 3 more months to go. I'm amazed people
  would put poison on food. Or gow it with expensive chemicals when no
  chemicals gets good yields of superior quality. Why? It's amazing.
 Hi Hugh,
   Human beings are beings of habit, like animals, Just look how
 hard it is for a smoker to give up or what an alcoholic has to go through
 before (s)he sees the light.
 Warm regards,
  Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: [globalnews] Opening Markets Is Not Sustainable, Says BritishGuru

2002-09-02 Thread Glen Atkinson

I am not sure if you have noticed that Australia is the US's little
brother and that it is becoming more like the US every day and the
people are so party orientated or lethargic that they have not even
noticed some of the most draconion legislation in the world against
natural health and in support of rampant GE is in OZ. All with out a
wimper. As long as no one notices I guess it is not going on. A little
like the tree falling in the forest -yeah right.
The real axis of evil claims from the EArth Summit has been aimed at
Aus. Canada and the US. Ra RA the great aussie rip shit and bust spirit.
Yes it is there as it is in the US but the government is doing the same
things with the same attitudes with the same outcomes. It only a matter
of time and the US and Aussie will be indestinguishable.

(expat aussie) 


James Hedley wrote:
 Dear Allan,
 You sound very cynical about society in  the US. As I have said many times
 before if the kitchen gets too hot you can always come to Australia, which
 is generally recognised as being a tolerant society.Come to Australia before
 the bottom falls out of the $US.
 You wont see such a high proportion of Australians who would support  such
 draconian measures as removing the right of free speech for anyone who is
 critical of the government.
 In the end it is the people who allow governments to terrorise them, not the
 terrorists. Support more  of your politicians to get a passport and see what
 goes on in the real world. It would also help if you got more people to
 vote. Somewhere I saw that no more than 30% of Americans vote. If you put
 out that you dont care what happens to you, then you must take what you get.
 The only way that you are going to recover what you see as the traditional
 relationships is to change it person by person. All that you can do is to
 change your perceptions, and treat other people the way that you would like
 to be treated.
 Maybe what is needed is another revolution to allow the new society in.
 Remember that it is people who have defined the American dream for you, not
 some amorphous multinational.
 James Hedley
   Original Message -
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [globalnews] Opening Markets Is Not Sustainable, Says
  Moen Creek wrote:
but what do the multi-national
  corporations care. They will be able to buy clean food.
  What do corporations eat?
  To stealthily make all people vulnerable to them in the very future,
  they devour the traditional relationships between people and between
  people and the world around them, relationships that have sustained
  human cultures for eons.
  Gone or going are the traditional relationship between person and
  family of birth, person and teacher, person and physician, person and
  strangers, person and friends, person and the opposite sex, person
  and life mate, person and food, person and nutrition, person and
  personal property, person and public property, person and livelihood,
  and on and on. In the end we will all stand exposed, with nothing but
  the corporate teet to turn to for the support of our lives...or die
  young, a scenario that works well for the corporations.
  Many of these devoured relationships, relationships where
  traditionally we have  found support for our human being, are
  consumed as we cheer in happiness for the convenience that has been
  brought to us in exchange.

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Field Broadcaster

2002-09-02 Thread Glen Atkinson

How big a radius does your rabbit work for from the source of the

James Hedley wrote:
 Dear Louise,
 We have a rabbit pepper that you will find very effective without having to
 go down the path of a field broadcaster. Send an Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 and I will see how we can get it to you.
 You must live somewhere near us at Running Stream, halfway between Lithgow
 and Mudgee.
 James Hedley
 - Original Message -
 From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 2:03 AM
 Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster
  - Original Message -
  From: Louise Berry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 6:04 PM
  Subject: Re: Field Broadcaster
  Re: Field BroadcasterI want to keep rabbits off my property, away from my
  plants  and out of my do I make contact
  Hi Louise
  I have made some field broadcasters for people - but have
  not tried them on rabbits yet. Where are you and what size area are you
  looking to protect?
  Lloyd Charles

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

[Fwd: Bt cotton -- bitter harvest]

2002-08-27 Thread Glen Atkinson

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site



---End Message---

Bt cotton -- bitter harvest

2002-08-27 Thread Glen Atkinson

Bt cotton -- bitter harvest
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 17:11:23 +1200

The Bt cotton bubble is beginning to burst. Reports reaching from
Khargone distrct in Madhya Pradesh, in
the heart of the cotton-growing belt in India, indicate 100 per cent
crop failure. Farmers are naturally
demanding compensation from the company. In the northern regions of the
country, Bt cotton has been
afflicted with the 'leaf curl virus'. Elsewhere, the economics that was
worked out by the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) to promote the unsustainable technology has
turned out to be untrue.

In Indonesia, Agri Research Station for Tobacco and Fibre (Balittas) of
the Department of Agriculture has
accepted that Bt cotton yields less than the popular cotton (and
non-transgenic) variety Kanesia 7. To
know more about Indonesian findings, click here:

 Another hidden cost of the Bt cotton cultivation is its water
requirement. Neither the ICAR nor the
department of biotechnology is willing to tell us that the water
requirement for Bt cotton is much more than
the traditional varieties.

The Bt cotton story has been mired in controversy from the very
beginning. We have repeatedly said that
entire exercise to approve Bt cotton for commercial cultivation was
scandalous. While the distinguished
panelists on the three committees that accorded clearance at different
stages --GEAC, RCGM, and MEC --
will go scot-free, the resulting cost of the bitter harvest will have to
be borne by the farming communities.

1. Bt cotton: bitter harvest
2. Bt cotton prone to leaf curl virus in north India. 

1. Bt cotton - bitter harvest

By Mihir Shah  Debashis Banerji

The Bt cotton story in India had all the makings of a terrible tragedy,
even before official permission was
granted for its cultivation.

First reports from Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh, one of the
cotton headquarters of India, endowed
with fertile black cotton soil, speak of a 100 per cent failure of the
Bt cotton crop. Farmers are up in arms
demanding compensation from the company that supplied these seeds. While
other cotton varieties have
also been adversely affected by the drought, they report a failure rate
of only around 20 per cent. This is a
performance that has shocked even the worst critics of
genetically-modified (GM) crops. We do not expect
such a complete disaster to be repeated everywhere. But the Bt cotton
story in India had all the makings of
a terrible tragedy, even before official permission was granted for its
cultivation in March 2002.

The tragedy began unfolding in Gujarat where over ten thousand acres of
Bt cotton were planted illegally
last year. The Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) of the
Union Ministry of Environment and
Forests, whose permission is required for cultivation of any GM crop,
ordered the destruction of this illegal
Bt cotton. But the decision was never implemented.

In March this year, three hybrid Bt cotton seeds supplied by the
Mumbai-based company, Mahyco, were
approved by the GEAC for cultivation in central and south India. The
U.S. multinational Monsanto has a 27
per cent stake in Mahyco. Bt cotton seeds have been genetically
engineered to produce a toxin that can
kill the bollworm, a major headache for cotton farmers. They are
ineffective against other pests and even
according to their suppliers do not have any mechanism to raise yields.
The idea is that they would raise
the net incomes of farmers since they are expected to reduce spending on

But a simple calculation shows that the economics does not quite work
out. Seeds currently being used
by farmers cost an average of Rs. 325 per hectare. The pesticide cost is
around Rs. 400 per hectare. The
Bt cotton seeds are about four times as expensive as existing seeds,
i.e., Rs. 1,300 per hectare. Some
pesticide has to be used even with Bt seeds, particularly because 20 per
cent of Bt cotton fields need to
be covered with non-Bt seeds (to ensure that pest resistance to Bt
cotton does not rapidly develop). Even if
Bt seeds are presumed to lead to a dramatic reduction in pesticide costs
to say Rs.150 per hectare, the
total cost of seeds and pesticides would still be double in the Bt case
- Rs. 1,450 compared to Rs. 725 per
hectare for seeds currently in use.

The mandatory requirement of growing non-Bt cotton in each Bt cotton
plot is based on resistance
management plans devised in the U.S., where farmers have huge land
holdings. The idea is that the
surviving resistant insects to the Bt crop will intermate with
susceptible ones on the non-Bt crop. But Indian
cotton farmers with much smaller land holdings have found it quite
impossible to set aside land for these
refugia. Their inability to do so will only accelerate the development
of pest resistance to Bt cotton. There
are also a large number of technical 

Re: Eco-Footprints

2002-08-14 Thread Glen Atkinson

mroboz wrote:
 In case anybody is intrested, I got a nice low Ecological Footprint
 total of 4.92, well below the average for the US (and presumably
 Canada). Michael
  - Original Message -
  From: Robin Duchesneau
  Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 9:59 AM
  Subject: Re: Eco-Footprints
  I got 7.1 from the quiz.
  Although it seems like eco-footprints might also have a
  different meaning.  I'd learned that an eco-footprint was
  the legacy that nature left behind at the moment of human
  intervention.   For example, if you open a clearing in a
  forest for agricultural purposes, then the ecological
  footprint would be that of a forest along with all its site
  factors (e.g. high pH...).  The historical account of a site
  under ecological influence.
  I guess, as in many cases, this is another example of a word
  having different meanings.
   - Original Message -
   From: Roger Pye
   Sent: August 13, 2002 6:48 PM
   Subject: Eco-Footprints
   You might like to check this out - even if you
   don't live in Oz:
   link on right hand side of page.
I believe New Zealand is the only country that has a higher Eco
footprint rating higher that the US (8.7). NZ is 9.2 I understand
Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-30 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh  Barbara
Yes I can concure with Barbaras experience and observations and Hughs
suggestion that these are some of the best remedies available for human
How are we different to the soil or plants. We have the same spiritual
bodies, made of the same fabric yet woven together in slightly different
patterns. What works in the soil has to work for humans.
I started taking 503 in 1990. I have taken too much of it over a
extended period and can only describe the experience as developing the
consciousness of a pregnant women. In moderation though it does
wonderful things

Re: October BD Conference Update

2002-07-15 Thread Glen Atkinson

Do you expect to have a Power Point presentation projector available?

I have just got my talks PP ready.
Looks like a great conference

Allan Balliett wrote:
 Please x-post!!
 The  Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference:
 Traditional Nutrition and Restorative Farming
 The conference that combines Secrets of the Soil with Growing for
 Market - exploring the wonders of the Universe while  learning to
 make a Better Living by  Living Better! 
   October 4 - 6, 2002 * Loudoun Co, VA
 Three days of fun, food, and wisdom near the Blue Ridge Mountains.
 Presented with Support from the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental
 Stewardship and the Biodynamic Association of America
 Howard Shapiro, Founding member of Seeds of Change and author of the
 inspirational  Bantam Press book,  Gardening for the Future of the
 GLEN ATKINSON (Garuda Biodynamic Consulting)  Glen spoke for us in
 Charles Town, WV a  couple of years back. Many people who attended
 that event have already signed up for this conference for a chance to
 spend more time listening to the  wisdom of this prominent New
 Zealand progressive biodynamic practitioner.  His interest has been
 mostly focused towards developing Steiner's Biodynamic agriculture
 and medical indications using his understanding of traditional
 Astrology. This has lead to a simple yet innovative theory and
 philosophy as a basis for many practical activities, which take the
 form an astrological and biodynamic horticultural consulting
 business, using a specially developed homeopathic essences system to
 bring out the best in both people and plants.  from his web page
 ( Put succinctly, Glen will teach you how to
 make homeopathic remedies of Steiner's preps that will make your
 agricultural prep applications faster and more effective.
 Dr. ELAINE INGHAM (Soil Foodweb Inc)  Leading researcher in methods
 of enhancing the life in the soil to the benefit of the crops growing
 in it and the people eating those crops. All the buzz about compost
 tea has come from Elaine's work and evangelism.
 MARK SHEPARD Mark has much practical experience in developing
 perennial food systems (tree crops) for both animals and the human
 MARK PURDEY  A tireless researcher, Mark is an organic dairyman from
 the U.K. who has found the real source of Mad Cow disease. What he
 has discovered will both relieve you and terrify you. Mark was the
 recipient of  ACRES USA's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001.
 WILL WINTER  A featured speaker at last year's ACRES USA conference
 and a leading writer and speaker on holistic animal health
 JERRY BRUNETTI,  (Agri-Dynamics) Maximizing pasture health and human health.
 HUGH COURTNEY, (The Josephine Porter Institute) Hugh makes most of
 the quality  BD preps used in America. Brewer of the Pfeiffer field
 spray and compost starter. He will teach you how - - and WHY! - - to
 use them!
 Dr. JAMES DeMEO, (Orgone Biophysical Research Lab) Author of
 Saharasia. Leading researcher with the Reich Cloudbuster
 HUGH LOVEL (Union Agricultural Institute) America's foremost
 biodynamic teacher, author of  A Biodynamic Farm for Growing Healthy
 Vegetables and America's leading practitioner of Cosmiculture,
 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE FEE $125 for full-paid pre-registration.
 $150 at the door. The conference is located 70 miles from Washington
 DC and 20 minutes from Dulles Airport. To make reservations: Call
 (540) 668-6165 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Late
 breaking information at our web page: (still under construction at the
 time of this announcement)
 OPENINGS STILL EXIST FOR Workstudy exchange for  Conference Fees !!!
 The Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference
 36824 Pinehill Lane, Purcellville, VA 20132 (540) 668-6165
  Part 1.2  Type: Macintosh File
Part 1.2.2   Type: unspecified type
 Encoding: base64

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: The Wizards weekend

2002-07-10 Thread Glen Atkinson

From what I can understand it is the formation and use of the current
which is the step of the etheric depleting, as opposed to the Irish tors
which are concentrators and organisors of existing force.

It is good to hear the question was at least asked.
I have written some about this in my books available at my website.
It is also good that you support the use of reminerialisation with the
broadcaster. As there is some evidence to suggest radionic devices
activate elements alright but ultimately lead to major deficiencies of
mineral reserves occuring, which is the main problem in OZ for your
'ease of use' approach, which I fully appreciate.

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 Dear Glen,
 It appears Dennis Klocek's thoughts on field broadcasters and radionics are
 in sync with many other high muckity mucks in BD in America--Walter
 Goldstein, Herbert Koepf, et. al. That's what I was trying to explain--they
 are quite sure radionics and field broadcasting works, but they fear the
 way it works. I question, of course, whether they understand how these
 things work. It doesn't seem so. Dennis' depiction of a cosmic pipe in his
 article bears no resemblance to Hieronymus's original design or to my own
 field broadcaster, so I wouldn't venture to say what he is talking about.
 It is true, however, that strong flows such as pipelines, underground
 streams, electric power lines and even fault lines are things to avoid in
 seeking a place to lie down to sleep.
 In general what Dennis says about electricity and living organisms is true.
 They do, in fact, require a weak (I wouldn't say static as that implies no
 dynamics) form of electricity, such as flows along our nerve fibers. To
 jump off from there to condem radionics and/or field broadcasting as though
 it works by way of the kind of electricity on our light poles and electric
 motors doesn't show much understanding. Radionic devices that plug into
 wall current or that run on small batteries do indeed make use of
 electricity, but they do not do so in the way radios, computers or electric
 machinery do.
 For example, I took the panel off my Hieronymus analyser for the benefit of
 two physicists at Georgia State U. We mapped the components and circuits
 easily enough. Their frustrated summation? But it doesn't DO anything.
 meaning it did no work electrically. That is to say its force vectors
 didn't go in any particular direction, they just set up a field. In other
 words it was a scalar electromagnetic device--scalar meaning the force
 vector sum was zero in terms of electromagnetism. Unlike Dennis, however,
 they suspected the radionic instrument did NOT work since they couldn't
 explain with electromagnetic theory where the instrument did anything.
 On that occasion we didn't get anywhere discussing Bell's Theorem and
 tachyons, but we did get into an interesting discussion of Schroedinger's
 ideas. The trouble was that such things as Bell's Theorem, while widely
 accepted, doesn't have much history of being applied to everyday
 circumstances. It sits there on the blackboards and textbooks as an
 interesting oddity, a wonderful abstraction. Rather a pity.
 Anyway, I suggest if you want to get a good idea whether a field
 broadcaster depletes the etheric vitality like an electric power line does,
 go to my website and look at the picture of corn growing under the electric
 power line as well as on both sides of it. It had no fertilizer, only the
 field broadcaster. Under the power line it grew like it had no fertilizer,
 and it made no corn. Elsewhere a bumper crop.
 Of course, you may have hit on it that the field broadcaster triggers the
 fatal prejudice of modern technology. I really don't think any of the
 opponents of field broadcasting have an adequate understanding of how it
 Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
 See our web site
 Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Vam and boron

2002-06-27 Thread Glen Atkinson

Here in NZ we are allowed (by org. certifier) around 10kgs of Borax per
ha per annum and in our 6 pH soils this appears to have a very minimal
influence on the B levels even when applied over several years.

Robin what ppm B levels do you consider 'normal'?

Robin Duchesneau wrote:
 Perhaps it would be wise to consider finding the source of the problem
 and a long-term solution rather then a quick fix (a.k.a. adding an
 external fertilizer source).
 Here is a few items for you to ponder.
 First why is your soil low on boron?
 1. It's been shown that Alkaline soil conditions (pH  7) limit the
 availability of iron, zinc, manganese and BORON.  How is your pH
 2. Most plant available boron (B) is derived from the organic matter
 and minerals.  Because boron is water soluble, it can be leached into
 the subsoil beyond the reach of root tips.  How is your soil porosity
 and organic content input?
 3. Boron is also linked to Calcium levels.
 Is your low boron a serious problem?
 1. Boron is involved in the uptake of calcium and is essential for
 fruiting (note: other unknown effects too?!).  Boron deficiency causes
 a breakdown of the growing tips tissue or a softening of the terminal
 growth.  Internal tissues of beets, turnips, and rutabagas show
 breakdown and  corky, dark discoloration.  What is it exactly that
 you've observed on your crops?
 Correcting Boron Deficiency
  The boron recommendations for soil applications are 1.5
 to 3 pounds for highly responsive crops and 0.5 to 1
 pound per acre for medium responsive crops. Occasionally,
 certain deficient soils may require up to 5 pounds of
 boron per acre for cauliflower and table beets. The
 suggested rate for foliage application is 0.3 pound of
 boron per acre in 30 gallons of water for highly
 responsive crops and 0.1 pound for low to medium
 responsive crops.
 The boron carrier most frequently used in fertilizer is
 sodium borate, which ranges from 10 to 20 percent boron.
 Solubor is a trade name for a sodium borate that is
 20.5 percent boron. This compound is commonly used in
 foliar sprays or in liquid fertilizers.
 Because boron is fairly mobile in soils, several methods
 of application can be used. Boron may be mixed with
 regular N-P-K fertilizer, applied  separately on the
 soil, sprayed on the plant, topdressed (for alfalfa) or
 sidedressed (for row crops). Be sure to mix completely
 when boron is combined with other fertilizers.
 Segregation due to particle size differences is often a
 problem. Boron should never be used in combination
 seedings containing legumes and grass or small grains
 because it will injure the grass or small grains. Boron
 for the legume should be topdressed after the grass has
 become well established or the small grain companion crop
 has been harvested. Be careful when banding fertilizers
 containing boron near the seed or plants. Too much boron
 near the seed or plant may be toxic to young plants or
 germinating seeds.
 Good luck
  - Original Message -
  From: Dorothy O'Brien
  Sent: June 27, 2002 10:50 AM
  Subject: Re: Vam and boron
  Hugh and others--
  Our soils test consistently low on boron.  How would
  you go about adding boron?  A couple of people have
  suggested spraying diluted borax but I am concerned
  the other ingredients of borax would not be considered
  organic.   Plus, I can't tell from the borax box what
  the other ingredients are.  Thanks, Dorothy
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh and Tony

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 People ought to know that everything in the universe is in synch or it
 would not exist and could not manifest.

I am continually struck by this reality the more and more I look at what
is real from Astronomy. How can it be any other way. Where is the
impermeable membrane that must be there for the scientists world view to
work. It is false as they say 'the ether' is. How can humans be the only
creature in creation separate and uneffected by creation? Is this not
the ultimate in arrogance and madness?

Tony wrote
certainly worth quoting at those scoffers who conveniently assume that the only 
influence such a body
could have is by its gravity, and thus 'demolish' astrology by showing
that a passing vehicle has a stronger local gravitational effect
than the nearest planet.

Does this statement of the scoffers not suggest that gravity is a
function of movement rather than mass?
Where does gravity function without movement?

The more I look the more I see 'movement' as the forgotten element in
most views of creation.
Are you standing still right now or are you moving/spinning at 115,000
mph through space?
If so whats gravity? Are you being pulled to the Earth or are you being
I say you are being pushed tot he Earth by the spinning, like the
millions of tons of cosmic dust sucked into the Earth each year due to
our spin thru space, not the mysterious gravity which somehow 'attracts'
us from the centre of the Earth. 
And what spinning object does not have an electro magnetic field?
and how does this field influence the attraction so often allotted to

Glen A


Re: OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-03 Thread Glen Atkinson


Below are the significant relationships and therefore dates to watch
You might need to maximise your screen to get this properly.

The asterix dates are the most sensitive ones.

In May 26 Saturn and Pluto do their last opposition however Mars sits on
Saturn from the 4th till the 8th May so this should kick this tension
into gear from then onwards.
Once the opposition is over on the 26th we have the Sun and Moon as a
New Moon coming into spark it off around the 10th May.

This is what happened on Sept 11. The opposition occurred in August and
it was the Sun and Moons transits that set things in motion on Sept

This then is the third pass for August and then Novembers Saturn oppose
The 3rd pass brings the outcome, the finale.

So we certainly should expect round 3 to take place
This can easily indicate another (final) assult on the Al Qeda, or Iraq,
even Bin Ladens death??, seeing as though the Nov. event -round 2 - saw
the US hammer Afghanistan and chase them out of there. It can also be a
Arab relatiation point possibly.

Palestine can be easily seen as the new touchstone of Arab / US
conflict. Just watch the US stay away from Israel during May June. 

The Astro-Carto-Graphy of the Sat opp Plu (May 26) says West Africa,
India/Pakistan, Solomen Islands and West coast USA are the hot spots

Iraq has the New Moon on the 10th June all over its Republic chart and
so could easily be the target then.

Interestingly G W Bush has Pluto MC line thru Iraq. JFK had this line
going thru Dallas. So ol GW could get his arse kicked if he tries to
redo his dads game there. He could easily loose alot of domestic support
due to Iraq. The red necks will love him but the rest of the country
could easily abandon him over it. His 'axis of evil' statement has
already bitten him rather severely.
GW has Jupiter on his Sun at present and Uranus is coming to stir it up
mid May, so he can easily be overly confident and overly adventurous
from now on and thru June. (I appreciate he is not the USA and many
other folk make the decisions)

All very interesting, we can but wait and see how it unfolds

Glen A

May 2002 - Natal Chart
 NZT -12:00
Planet 1Planet 2DateTimeDegree of 1 Degree 
of 2

Mar Cnj Sat  *  (X) Tr-Tr   May 4 2002  05:56   13°Ge53' D  
13°Ge53' D
Mar Opp Plu  *  (X) Tr-Tr   May 8 2002  22:07   17°Ge01' D  
17°Sg01' R
Mar Cnj Nod (X) Tr-Tr   May 10 2002 11:48   18°Ge04' D  
18°Ge04' R
Sat Opp Plu  *  (X) Tr-Tr   May 26 2002 02:19   16°Ge36' D  
16°Sg36' R
Sat Cnj Nod (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 5 2002  00:43   17°Ge53' D  
17°Ge53' R
Mon Opp Sun (X) Tr-Tr   May 26 2002 11:51   05°Sg04' D  
05°Ge04' D
Sun Cnj Mer (X) Tr-Tr   May 27 2002 07:10   05°Ge50' D  
05°Ge50' R
Mon Cnj Plu (X) Tr-Tr   May 27 2002 07:28   16°Sg34' D  
16°Sg34' R
Mon Opp Sat (X) Tr-Tr   May 27 2002 07:48   16°Sg45' D  
16°Ge45' D
Mon Opp Nod (X) Tr-Tr   May 27 2002 09:40   17°Sg50' D  
17°Ge50' D
Mon Sqr Sun (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 3 2002  00:04   12°Pi16' D  
12°Ge16' D
Mon Sqr Plu (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 3 2002  08:21   16°Pi23' D  
16°Sg23' R
Mon Sqr Sat (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 3 2002  10:57   17°Pi40' D  
17°Ge40' D
Mon Sqr Nod (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 3 2002  11:23   17°Pi53' D  
17°Ge53' R
Ven Cnj Jup (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 3 2002  23:11   17°Cn10' D  
17°Cn10' D
Sat Cnj Nod  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 5 2002  00:43   17°Ge53' D  
17°Ge53' R
Sun Opp Plu  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 7 2002  04:39   16°Ge16' D  
16°Sg16' R
Mar Opp Chi (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 8 2002  17:25   07°Cn23' D  
07°Cp23' R
Sun Cnj Nod (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 8 2002  20:29   17°Ge52' D  
17°Ge52' D
Sun Cnj Sat  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 9 2002  11:21   18°Ge27' D  
18°Ge27' D
Mon Opp Plu  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 10 2002 16:52   16°Ge11' D  
16°Sg11' R
Mon Cnj Nod (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 10 2002 19:59   17°Ge52' D  
17°Ge52' D
Mon Cnj Sat  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 10 2002 21:25   18°Ge38' D  
18°Ge38' D
Mon Cnj Sun  *  (X) Tr-Tr   Jun 10 2002 23:45   19°Ge54' D  
19°Ge54' D

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 Dear Glen,
 Would you mind writing further more about the BIG events in June?
 Visit our website at:

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-02 Thread Glen Atkinson

There are several very interesting Astro events occurring at present.
Two of which are of special note given the present world situation.

Some will remember that we are now coming into the last Saturn
Opposition to Pluto in May 2002. The last pass is when 'the outcome' of
the whole transit (last 2 years) manifests.  We are now in the 'wind up
' period to this event. 
The asteroid Ceres -goddess of fruitful Earth- is crossing
over this event now and has a 90 angle -tense- to Pluto on the 9th (NZ
I have noticed these events to be associated to the GE issue, so watch
for a major development on this front. Ceres is also homeland so fights
to the death for homeland is easy to see coming from this. (Is this not
what the GE fight is about) The Moon has been over this in the last 12
hours and Arafat is being exciled and Palistine reoccupied.

The event which sparks my writing though comes from Mars coming into a
90 angle to the Uranus opposite Persephone on the 10th. Mars and Uranus
both create sudden impulsive and aggressive actions and accidents.
Persephone is a planet dealing with humanity as one species and thus
international relations which effect the whole world (as well as
unconditional love to all beings regardless of race colour creed etc.) 
The tension between them suggests sudden actions of 'earthquake'
proportions are likely during this time which will effect the whole of
humanity. Mars / Persephone 7th, Mars/ Uranus/Vulcan 10th.  

We are fortunate that there are several easing aspects to these tensions
and so some of the sting can be taken out of this dangerous potential
certainly through international negoitiations.

These are touchstone moments which are setting us up for the BIG events
of early June. 

Get out your popcorn the show is beginning.


Glen A
Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-12 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 Dear Glen, Lloyd, David and felow list members,
 The eight pointed star exercise raises some interesting questions as to why
 you can stand on this pattern and actually feel that there is a difference
 between different spots on the star. 

What is the difference in the experience you have when you stand on the
primary cross as opposed to the secondary cross?

Big hint
Observe your ability to stand still.


Re: Agri-Synthesis ® short-lived and overpriced ? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-11 Thread Glen Atkinson

Moen Creek wrote:

  This a posting curious given we are at the tail end of
  Mercury's conjunction with Uranus.  {%*)

Uranus is in opposition to Persephone, (the planet not asteroid) now as
well (early March, late September and keep an eye on January as Mars 
Chiron and Athene all get in on the act as well. ) 
The Uranus Sqr 90 Persephone was in 1978 ish.. The planetary form of
that time is now being actively aspected by Pluto. 

Definitely a great time to speak of consciousness issues. 


  Love  Light

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-08 Thread Glen Atkinson

D  S Chamberlain wrote:
 Glen: Thank you for posting this insight, it explains some happenings when I
 am dowsing. If I have the message right, we should be able to ask the
 question and receive an answer in our next thought, am I correct?

Pretty much, this is as I experience it.

 Do Devas and other beings have any participation in this?

Between here and the edge off the Solar System there is plenty of
participatory beings, why limit your options by just 'talking' with

 Tried the cross exercise, nothing experienced, has this any significance?

The significance of not experiencing something from this?

Who am I to say.

Try it again and turn out away from the centre of your cross. Do not
focus on the centre.
Generally all one needs do is stand on one point for a minute or two,
then stand on one point 90 deg. away and then stand on the centre point
between them.

Have another go.

The significance and connotation of the experience though can be huge.
In fact it could be considered an essential experience for truly
understanding the inner nature of the 'Periodic table of Elements', the
Agriculture course and Gyroscopic physics generally. :}
Good luck

 David C

Dowsing Intuition - Having the Octagon Experience

2002-03-08 Thread Glen Atkinson

This is a better thread to continue this conversation.

Have you done this yet?

The 'Octagon Experience'
Stand on the 4 cardinal points of the cross and then stand on the in
between points and tell me what you experience.

Turning out away from the centre of your cross in probably best. Do not
focus on the centre.

Generally all one needs do is stand on one point for a minute or two,
then stand on one point 90 deg. away and then stand on the centre point
between them.

Glen A

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site

Re: Recordings of Will Brinton on the Value of Compost and Sally Fallon on the Dangers of the Food Processing Industry

2002-03-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Are these folks OK with you public broadcasting their tapes?

Allan Balliett wrote:
 Hi Allan,
 I don't have the equipment for audio myself but would vote that you
 go ahead with putting the lectures on line, it would be a valuable
 addition to BDNow I guess it would be available in the future
 through the archives?
 I did have audio tapes of Sally Fallon from the Acres Conference -
 she was great
 The streaming audio from the tapes would be available on the
 gardeningforthefuturecom webpage
 It sure is easy recommending work for other people! Hope you get the
 help you need to accomplish it, sorry I can't contribute
 Nancy Geffken
 The issue right now is not the work The issue I'm trying to get over
 is determining if people would want, need, use such a resource or
 would I be expending time and resources imagining a 'perfect
 audience' that doesn't really exist?
 Thanks for your input, Nancy -Allan

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site  http://getto/garuda

Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-03-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Pam DeTray wrote:
 Did you buy the potentizer to make your own reagents?
 Pam DeTray
What is this potentiser. Is it a two well radionics box or similiar???
Is it portable. I imagine this might solve my problems of manifesting
essences while travelling and the need for a lab.
Glen A

 -Original Message-
 From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 10:38:06 +1100
  Hi James: I'll try to keep it short. I started using the FB in May 2000, at
  first I had no idea how to use it, beyond  how I used the cosmic pipe it
  replaced. So I just dowsed once a month and added or removed the reagents
  supplied by Hugh.
  Nothing much happened initially as we at that stage were going into our
  usual dry winter. Come Spring though WOW!
   I don't know whether it was the reagents or my intentions but things
  started to go bad fairly quickly. The citrus seemed to get every bug known
  to man, together with the veggies which were a disaster, some trees not all
  just dropped their fruit, all this despite it being a good summer weather
  About January February 2001 Hugh came up with a new combination of reagents
  which made sense to me so I bought a potentiser and started dowsing weekly
  to check the potencies.
  Since then things have been great except for the weather.
 Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-03-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Sounds great Lloyd, do you have an address for purchase?
I am liking the imaginations of its potential and I look forward to
experimenting with one

Lloyd Charles wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Atkinson  
  What is this potentiser Is it a two well radionics box or similiar???
  Is it portable I imagine this might solve my problems of manifesting
  essences while travelling and the need for a lab
  Glen A
 Hi Glen
 Mine is a Prue instruments M4  - has a silver source plate, recipient well,
 2 card slots (takes the Malcolm Rae cards), an extender lead so you can do
 bottles or a large tank, fits easily in a kids shoe box, cost a bit over
 $A500, dial settings go all the way from 1X to 10MM An experienced
 homeopath and dowser told me you have bought the rolls royce of
 potentisers In your line of work I think you would very quickly pay for
 one of these
 Lloyd Charles

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site  http://getto/garuda

Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-03-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Thanks for this David

D  S Chamberlain wrote:
 The potentiser is a Prue Instruments Multipotentcy Simulator Master Module
 M4. It can use two card sources or a plate source, it can be extended.
 Prue Instruments 8 Lucinda Ave Springwood NSW 2777 Australia Telephone from
 outside Aust 612 4751 2904 Fax 612 4751 2903 Cost Au$525
 Very portable measures about 8 x 5 x 2 !/2  high.
 You will need your own cards as these are not supplied.
 Hope this helps
 David C
 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 5 March 2002 6:57 AM
 Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)
  Pam DeTray wrote:
   Did you buy the potentizer to make your own reagents?
   Pam DeTray
  What is this potentiser. Is it a two well radionics box or similiar???
  Is it portable. I imagine this might solve my problems of manifesting
  essences while travelling and the need for a lab.
  Glen A
   -Original Message-
   From: D  S Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 10:38:06 +1100
Hi James: I'll try to keep it short. I started using the FB in May
 2000, at
first I had no idea how to use it, beyond  how I used the cosmic pipe
replaced. So I just dowsed once a month and added or removed the
supplied by Hugh.
Nothing much happened initially as we at that stage were going into
usual dry winter. Come Spring though WOW!
 I don't know whether it was the reagents or my intentions but things
started to go bad fairly quickly. The citrus seemed to get every bug
to man, together with the veggies which were a disaster, some trees
 not all
just dropped their fruit, all this despite it being a good summer
About January February 2001 Hugh came up with a new combination of
which made sense to me so I bought a potentiser and started dowsing
to check the potencies.
Since then things have been great except for the weather.
   Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at
  Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
  See our web site @

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-28 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 Study of the intellectual acuity of the Lievegoods and Kolisko's of this
 world this does not help us to become conscious participants and living
 in our environment.

And why not?

 I submit that the insights dowsers acquire from active participation in
 trying to understand the phenomenal world are as relevant, if not more
 relevant, as those acquired from reading about someone else's insights.

Submitment noted, however is dowsing really active participation or
passive response?
Certainly reading will get you no where, as so many of our BD ideologs
are a testament, but using Koliskos, Peliken or Lievegeods insights as a
basis for active observation is a very worthwhile activity, or so it has
seemed to me. 

 Your statement saying that I may as well have said, How can any body use
 Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my comphrehension is a point
 worthy of discussion. Are you saying that dowsing has no part in
 understanding what our BD preps are doing, or as a comparative guide to what
 they are likely to do.

Naturally 'use' and 'outcome' depends on the user and so absolutes are
difficult here. 
However there is whole lot of difference between actively participating
in a process of cognition through interaction with the environment in
many ways, than passively asking your unconscious a yes no answer. You
may get an answer but you have not had the soul experience of the
journey. Do you 'really know' what the astral body is doing or what it
feels like personally or in the earth when it manifests as a groundhog,
once you have asked your pendulum for a remedy to rid them? Do you know
what the possible side effects of this remedy might be on the people,
animals and other plants and what these are going to look like? 

Use and practise develop 'muscles', imagining excercise does not. 

 As for developing into conscious angels I would rather live in this world
 right now and evolve as the rest of mankind develops than to try and be the
 first one there. No future in that. We dont have to change the world , just

I do not believe I said anything about not living in the present. All
humankind have the chance to develop towards being conscious angels. The
joke of our present time and situation is that this will not be
happening in 4000 years as RS suggested, but quiet possibly by 2025. So
the process is on right now for those who want it. RS has pointed out
that just as there are folks who make evolutionary jumps, there are
folks who are left behind as 'laggard beings'. The choice is yours. Pick
up the old atavistic clairvoyance or grow a conscious clairvoyance. RS
worked towards the latter and encouraged others to do the same. This is
why he bothered to outline the workings of the spiritual activities in
the Agriculture lectures and not just tell us about the preps and their
use. He hoped we would make use this information as a basis for us to
develop a conscious relatonship with them. And I believe we easily can
from the base he laid. 

Just as attending an elementary course such as provided by most BDAs is
a start on the road of Steiner Ag, so may dowsing be for some. The trap
of both is to stop there and believe 'you have got it'. Dowsing may well
be enough to turn a 'BD' buck and there is no shame in that. 
While I disagree with your suggestion one can not use a field
broadcaster without dowsing, as I do, I also appreciate it can be beyond
your comphrehension.

Glen A

 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e:
 Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI
  James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
   How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is
 beyond my
   Sincere regards
  Through conscious observation and understanding.
 Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
  Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
  consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants
  The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
  the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
  Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
  this way.
  RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
  present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
  walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
  prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels.
  It is yours and each of our choice.
  The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
  spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
  This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
  bits on how to make the preps.
  This is the REAl challenge I see put before us

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-26 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
 Sincere regards

Through conscious observation and understanding.

Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
be How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants

The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
this way.
RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels. 
It is yours and each of our choice.
The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
bits on how to make the preps. 
This is the REAl challenge I see put before us by Biodynamics.
This is also be one of the HUGE differences between the BD buck turners
and some other BD practioners. The BDAs seem to have a small
appreciation of this need and difference however they do not seem to
have or promote the skills necessary to make conscious spiritual
perception a every day reality. So they sit on high and isolate quietly. 

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-24 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh, Alan, Gil and Chris
Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I see the value in Hugh and
Alans approaches and will work with them and see what I can do with
Gils comments on 'unknowing messing around' are true to a point however
dowsing and a radionics box could do some wild things. The uniqueness I
see is in the original mixing for a specific task.
This was a question that needed to be asked publically for the community
to consider. 
While I have made general mixes of things, with our 'personal clients'
the mixes are most often specific for the situation, time and weather
circumstance. These would be silly to generally copy.
I am sure there is a way forward, just in a different direction to that
already travelled and that imagined to be travelled. Sounds like another
bit of 'life' taking place.

Chris Shade wrote:
 Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
 that Allan so openly suggested that.
 On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
 already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
 position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
 potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
 would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
 just have to figure that your market is those who
 aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
 some good preps.
 Wishing you market protection and good will from your
 --- Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Allan Balliett wrote:
   A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's
  remedies be readily
   propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized,
  are they not now
   the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
  I would think they
   are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
   potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
  unit from Greg, if
   you don't spill it, you need never purchase
  another, but simply dose
   your own units from that point on.
  This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
  these are compounds
  which when further potentised can change their
  effectiveness and
  secondly potentising develops in waves and so
  further potentising can
  indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
  found that reducing
  the desired application rate leads to reduced
  effect. 'Stealing them'
  thru a radionics device, without changing the
  potency should work within
  that sphere I guess.
  This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
  this discussion. With
  Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
  being 'potentially' so
  easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
  us to continue
  working on furthering preparation applications. Why
  would we bother? and
  how are our overheads and life expenses to be
  covered by the community
  benefiting so freely from our work?
  in anticipation of the solution
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Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: future of the bd remedies

2002-02-23 Thread Glen Atkinson

  It is already illegal in Europe
 to possess the sheath material, USA is just a little behind, when they have
 to admit the reality of Mad Cow that will be next.  

Is this not all the more reason potentised preps should be at the top of
the list of discussions of BD preps for the future?

Re: Fwd: Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-02-18 Thread Glen Atkinson

I support your concerns here. The little amount of playing around with
my pipe tells me it is a very powerful instrument that can very easily
be abused, consciously or unconsciously. And my experiements with the BD
preps show me they are also very powerful and can create chaos if used
Given that very few people on the planet actually understand the
spiritual activity of each of the preps and what they do at various
potencies, I am a tad afraid of what this sudden burst of broadcasting
of them will ultimately be doing to themselves and every living being in
their environment. Given the relatively little ability folk have for
viewing life Biodynamically - seeing what the preps do to plants and
animals - then they will probably allow any inbalance to perpetuate for
much longer than is healthy and so on.
So yes highly skilled practitioners are needed for these devices.
For many years I was not inclined to spread potentised prep knowledge
to  BDers as they do not have or seem interested in gaining the skills
to use them. The 'cat is out of the bag' though now, so it is better
people have access to how to understand them, if they wish, than not.
WHich is why I am prepared to travel about the planet showing my basic
understanding and making my books and diagrams available for free on the
web in the vain hope that they will be read, understood and applied in a
manner that can make for conscious preparation usage.  
Dowsing I am concerned though does not take steps toward conscious
understanding, it sets folk free with an inexact technique for diagnosis
to apply powerful substances thru a powerful instrument to a wide area
of land. Scarey  
 Interestingly there is little chance any form of 'legislation' of this
practise will arise soon as this will neccessitate scientific
acknowledgment that a highly dilute water sample contained in a closed
bottle can influence a simple copper circuit powered by the earth.
Yeah right.
So folks this is a self regulating society. Do 'we' have the morality to
actually learn consciously what we are doing and exercise some level of
caution and restraint on its development and distribution or is it every
being for themselves regardless of outcome?
Glen A

Gil Robertson wrote:
 Hi! Jane, Hugh and the List.
 I agree with your concerns about some one driving a Cosmic Pipe or other
 Radionic Device and putting out energy other than that which is desired.
 I could make your skin crawl with stories about inappropriate use and
 miss use
 of these devices. That is one of the reasons that there is specialised
 that is not in the public domain. While one can open up a Radionic
 Instrument or
 Device and copy it, there are some things that are not apparent, that
 unlikely to be observed and the resulting instrument will not be as
 powerful as
 is possible.
 This is an area in which I differ from Hugh. I do not think that devices
 his Field Broadcaster should be in the public domain. I think it
 specialist knowledge along with a high degree of  responsibility for the
 resulting broadcast. I note that I do not know of anyone who has
 followed his design to the last turn on a coil. It seems to be human
 nature to
 improve things. Every deviation from hugh's design, be it the number
 of turns,
 the diameter of a coil or the wire gauge, changes the function of the
 device. If
 you have ever built an old style radio, you will know how important this
 When one gets to making Preps and setting the boundary of the broadcast,
 where knowledge and taking responsibility really become important. You
 may be
 growing a vegetable crop, such as grass to be grazed, and want to pile
 nitrogen, but the next farm may be into a fruit crop, if your broadcast
 trespasses, you could wipe out his income!!!
 I really think these things should be operated by trained, accredited
 possibly supplying the service in some form of profit sharing, based on
 the crop
 produced above average.
 Do you demand the right to have access to an operating theatre and doing
 own surgery? When you fly between countries, do you insist on sitting up
 and driving, while taking an active part in weather prediction and air
 movement control, or do you accept that there are some specialist jobs,
 let to others?
 I am suspicious of radionics or any other medical procedure performed
 I assure you that a properly trained Radionic Practitioner works within

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-02-16 Thread Glen Atkinson

HUGH wrote..

Yes point taken. In the US the term Biodynamics is owned by an
organisation and thus they can define it. Here in NZ it is a generic
word and one of its meaning is 'a agricultural system based on the
indications of RS'. Which according to my reading allows for all things
If we - elsewhere in the world- allow it to be defined by the
organisiations then thats all it will be, however RS work is so
completely wholistic it deserves more than to be left to 'them'. 
So yes in the US its a dead word and Gils comment stands, elswhere it is
what we the practioners make it and the Associations are just monuments
to certain individuals egos and near on irrelevant except to a fanatical
Im for holding the vision of BD as wholistic and continuing on. When in
the US I guess I will have to use Quantum Ag or some such term. hum

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 Gil Robertson wrote:
  While BD is the best Ag System we have to date. It is at this time, not
  complete system. We also have to consider Paramagnetics, water
  mineral balance, clay spreading, gypsum spreading, ameliorating salinity
 I d like to suggest BD is a complete system and the above are just part
 of it.
 Dear Glen, et. al.,
 I might amend that suggestion. If we stick with the nomenclature of BD or
 biodynamic we have to deal with a long entrenched cult mentality that is
 close-minded to certain innovations. Despite the work of Lily Kolisko the
 BD mentality has largely stuck with and insisted upon an antiquated system
 of stirring and spraying that the vast majority of farmers simply are
 unable to accomplish. I believe that's the position of the Demeter
 organizations worldwide. To be certified BD you have to stir each remedy
 separately for an hour and then spray.
 You don't do this. Greg doesn't do this. I don't do this. Each in our own
 ways we use homeopathic potencies and at the very least we combine remedies
 and eliminate the lengthy stirring process. I'm told here in the states
 that isn't acceptable for BD certification.
 And you've seen how the horn manure remedy has been overused, liming has
 been discouraged, etc. by BD pedagogues. Horn clay is not accepted in
 orthodox circles here in the states. Radionics is not accepted. Dowsing is
 given the hex sign by many in the old guard.
 Somehow rotational grazing and compost tea has slipped past all the censors
 I'm aware of but I'm not so sure about paramagnetics, water restructuring,
 cloudbusting,  weather patterning, etc.
 What I'm saying is we can't use the term BD or biodynamic to indicate a
 complete system way of thinking because the owners of these terms aren't
 all-embracing enough to let such a thing happen. We may use these terms as
 all-embracing on our own behalf, but somewhere along the line we will run
 into flak for it. This gives an appearance to outsiders that, yes, BD is a
 somewhat narrow cult, and how many are willing to submit to passing the
 litmus tests for BD certification when these tests are to say the very
 least arcane? Do you pass the tests in NZ? I don't pass the tests here in
 the states, I assure you. Shucks. BD has ended up with some all-embracing
 folks involved in it, I think because one has to be pretty all-embracing to
 get to BD. But as it stands I think the die-hard BD organizations will
 never be all-embracing.
 Best wishes,

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Radionics (Drought update)

2002-02-14 Thread Glen Atkinson

Gil Robertson wrote:
 While BD is the best Ag System we have to date. It is at this time, not
 complete system. We also have to consider Paramagnetics, water
 mineral balance, clay spreading, gypsum spreading, ameliorating salinity

I d like to suggest BD is a complete system and the above are just part
of it.

Re: Fwd: Re: ELAINE: BD NOW! What is the future of compost tea?

2002-01-09 Thread Glen Atkinson

Allan Balliett wrote:
  BD preps work the same way, I think.  Why?  They have the
 organisms in them that inhibit, compete with and consume the
 disease-causing organisms.  I think we could do alot to making certain
 that  the BD preps work every time if we understood the organisms in
 the preps better.  Just as we have done for compost tea.
How do you explain the success of potentised BD preps as fungal or pest
protection when they are firstly in 12% alcohol and diluted to 10X 30???

Whats doing it?

Glen Atkinson

Re: Plant brix testing

2002-01-03 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh Lovel wrote:
  A good case in point
 is alfalfa, which is particularly boron sensitive. When deficient its
 leaves will be deformed, when toxic it's leaves will discolor.

Boron deficiency results in 'hollow heart' in many crops, a state
occurring more and more often in organic produce in NZ.
