Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-02-04 Thread D S Chamberlain
Roger: Sorry to have taken so long to reply to this thread, been busy
lurking. The story as I have been told is that the preps were numbered by
the powers that were, not Steiner and the numbers have no significance other
than identification. In fact they have been numbered in the sequence that
Steiner spoke of them in Lectures 4  5. Steiner specifically mentioned
502 - 507 as compost preps,
The prep numbering started at 500 because up to 499 was allocated to other
potions, medicinal ones I think.
508 was mentioned as a tea for rust or similar plant diseases and Steiner
suggested they use homeopathic quantities on acreage.
509? would appear to be horn clay to me, as discussed on the list previously
Steiner mentioned clay in passing but never went back to explain further.
There are a number of other horn remedies used at various times by
practitioners that have not been accepted by those who allocate the numbers,
if such persons still exist, such as sulphur, copper  basalt.
Lastly it is my belief that it shouldn't matter where preps are placed in
the compost heap, we are after all, seeking to transfer the energies of the
preps to the compost as a whole and as they naturally complement each other
why should their position matter?
David C

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, 31 January 2003 2:56 PM
Subject: BD Brain Teasers

 1. Did Steiner really intend BD502-507 to be used solely in compost

 2. Did he identify equisetum as BD508 or was it someone else?

 3. Is there a 'missing' BD509? If so, what might it and its purpose be?


 Someone told me once, or I have read it and forgotten where, that the
 preps are not numbered sequentially but that 502-508 actually fall
 between 500 and 501. That is, the 'sequence' could be 500, 502, 503,
 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 501.

 The plant growth cycle is divisible into nine stages - mature seed,
 cotyledons, buds, leaves, calyx, petals, pistils, fruit, immature seed.

 There are at least twelve major building blocks of life - eg calcium,
 magnesium, potassium, sulphur, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus,
 silicon, sodium, chlorine, manganese.

 There are also trace elements and other minerals that life needs - eg
 copper, mercury, iron, silver, tin, zinc, lead, aluminium.

 Now if we look at the preps we find that some of these are represented
 and the plant stages fit conveniently as well.

 500 - horn manure - calcium - (balances soil, encourages microbial life)
 502 - yarrow - sulphur - copper - (seed)
 503 - chamomile - oxygen - mercury - (cotyledons)
 504 - nettle - nitrogen - iron - (bud)
 505 - oak bark - carbon - silver - (leaves)
 506 - dandelion - hydrogen - tin - (calyx)
 507 - valerian - phosphorus - lead - (petals)
 508 - equisetum - silica -  (pistils, stamen)
 (509)  - ?? - ?? - (fruit)
 501 - horn silica - light energy - (seed)

 Given the exactitude of scientists it seems unlikely that Steiner
 numbered his preparations in the order they 'came off the shelf' but
 that he had a reason for assigning the numbers as he did.  One attribute
 all the preps have in common is energy. Could it be that in some way he
 assessed the amount of energy held within each prep, aligned it with the
 appropriate stage of plant growth, and numbered it accordingly?

 Back in 1924 the soils of Europe held a natural fertility that isn't
 there any more. Germany and Austria had been saddled with a reparations
 bill for world war I which was virtually impossible to pay (no prizes
 for guessing which country was behind that). Farmers were under pressure
 to produce more with less, added to which commodity prices were falling
 and would not recover for at least ten years. Hence the use of
 artificial fertilisers which were adversely affecting soil fertility.

 Steiner produced his preparations to counter those effects and take the
 soil back to its original fertility. How did he do that? Indeed, how did
 he know what that 'fertility' state was?

 Let us now enter the realm of fantasy. Let us suppose Steiner had a
 device which enabled him to measure the amount of 'standing' energy held
 in things and that at some time pre-superphosphate era he had measured
 the soil and come up with an amount I shall call X enertrons. In 1924 he
 remeasured the soil and it had a reading of X minus 100 enertrons. In
 developing the preps, he conceived that:
  horn manure would restore the level to X,
  seed germination required an additional 200en,
  cotyledrons another 300en
  buds another 400
  leaves another 500
  calyx another 600
  petals another 700
  pistils another 800
  fruit another 900
  mature seed another 1000

 His insights and experience led him to the development of matching preps
 and initially he numbered them to suit: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600,
 700, 800, 900, 1000.

 However he already had 499 homeopathic remedies. So he kept the capital
 figures, prefixed them with '50' and 

Re: BD Brain Teasers (2)

2003-02-03 Thread Roger Pye
Lloyd Charles wrote:

This is just a game OK?

Near the dam are four black plastic 200 litre drums with push-fit lids,
all were filled from the dam:

No 1 was filled 10 Oct 02 when the dam was full and the water
comparatively clear. (Vitality rating (VR) about 1500).

No it isn't a game, Lloyd, sorry. I really am looking for answers here 
from the different perspectives demonstrated on this list.


Re: BD Brain Teasers (2)

2003-02-03 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:45 PM
Subject: Re: BD Brain Teasers (2)

 Lloyd Charles wrote:

 This is just a game OK?
 Near the dam are four black plastic 200 litre drums with push-fit lids,
 all were filled from the dam:
 No 1 was filled 10 Oct 02 when the dam was full and the water
 comparatively clear. (Vitality rating (VR) about 1500).
 No it isn't a game, Lloyd, sorry. I really am looking for answers here
 from the different perspectives demonstrated on this list.

I'm not into competitions but -
you have my answers as to what I would expect to find in those barrels right
1 good clean water (could drink it)
2 weed pepper thats run out of steam and needs re potentising
3 slow brew compost tea thats gone off a bit but still usable and beneficial
to the plants (because of the way it was made)
4 'off'  water a bit smelly / stale (I'm not gonna drink from this barrel)
I have reasons that make sense to me - based on the very limited information
you provided - for these answers
I have very good reasons for my opinion on the tea barrel that I think James
would agree with and Elaine Ingham would not.
More later if you like
Lloyd Charles

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-02-02 Thread Prkrjake
how does one contact Joe Stevens?

Re: BD Brain Teasers (2)

2003-02-02 Thread Lloyd Charles

This is just a game OK?
 Near the dam are four black plastic 200 litre drums with push-fit lids,
 all were filled from the dam:

 No 1 was filled 10 Oct 02 when the dam was full and the water
 comparatively clear. (Vitality rating (VR) about 1500).
No 1 good clean water still - Energy rating 27/36
No 2 as a potentised weed pepper its kaput! activity level against the
intended weeds 20/180, general water energy rating 50/180 (needs
repotentising to work)
No 3 stinky tea - if its been left undisturbed there should be a layer of
white mold or similar covering the top - the liquid will be a little 'off'
slight vinegary smell, with some anaerobic poop in a layer at the bottom
(dont disturb that) - but still usable for the plants on the reserve - ER of
plants50/180 plants plus tea 70/180 -
No 4 This water is tired but ok ER 50/180
Just a game right!!


Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Hi Roger,
My fantasy is a little differnt to yours.
Perhaps Steiner wasn't the one who gave the numbers, perhaps
he just gave the recipies. Steiner was concerned that we had active links
with the cosmos, the closer part of which are the seven visible planetry
Perhaps the two preparations matured in cows horns relate to the winter Sun
and its digestive activity and the summer Sun and its ripening capacity.
Perhaps these two were given as a duality.
Then we might have
Moon / oakbark in skull in water / condencing calcium into carbon 505
Venus / Yarrow florets in a stags bladder / condencing the airy senitive
into the watery element of the bladder and urine. potasium, cu. sulfer.
Mercury / Chamomile that grows as a weed in anaerobic places and whose
flowers bring health to an unsettled digestive tract, oxygen, growth and
expansion. Is able to quell smells in anaerobic rotting processes. Cacium
and sulfer as a catalyst.
Mars / where light penetrates into plant tissue bringing a finenes and
delicacy to plant growth. Magnesium plus nitrogen iron calcium etc.
Jupiter the dandelion flower is tenuously attached by a delicate hollow
tube, almost not of this world. Wrapped in a messentry which is the message
centre of the body. The sola plexus divides the upper from the lower Is a
messanger from the cosmic world to the plant world as well as from the plant
world to the cosmic.One might describe it as a cosmic breathing. To help the
plants find what they need. Tin, zinc and hydrogen.
Saturn. the lord of warmth and cool. The boundary of the visible planets so
intended to form a boundary or skin to a compost or manure heap. To be an
individual one needs a boundary or a skin. Lead, phosphorus.
You ask the question as to what might correspond to the fruit; what about
I present this as another view and I'm sure others have their veiws that are
different than these two.
Well thats my brain gym for today!!
Best wishes,

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:56 PM
Subject: BD Brain Teasers

 1. Did Steiner really intend BD502-507 to be used solely in compost

 2. Did he identify equisetum as BD508 or was it someone else?

 3. Is there a 'missing' BD509? If so, what might it and its purpose be?


 Someone told me once, or I have read it and forgotten where, that the
 preps are not numbered sequentially but that 502-508 actually fall
 between 500 and 501. That is, the 'sequence' could be 500, 502, 503,
 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 501.

 The plant growth cycle is divisible into nine stages - mature seed,
 cotyledons, buds, leaves, calyx, petals, pistils, fruit, immature seed.

 There are at least twelve major building blocks of life - eg calcium,
 magnesium, potassium, sulphur, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, phosphorus,
 silicon, sodium, chlorine, manganese.

 There are also trace elements and other minerals that life needs - eg
 copper, mercury, iron, silver, tin, zinc, lead, aluminium.

 Now if we look at the preps we find that some of these are represented
 and the plant stages fit conveniently as well.

 500 - horn manure - calcium - (balances soil, encourages microbial life)
 502 - yarrow - sulphur - copper - (seed)
 503 - chamomile - oxygen - mercury - (cotyledons)
 504 - nettle - nitrogen - iron - (bud)
 505 - oak bark - carbon - silver - (leaves)
 506 - dandelion - hydrogen - tin - (calyx)
 507 - valerian - phosphorus - lead - (petals)
 508 - equisetum - silica -  (pistils, stamen)
 (509)  - ?? - ?? - (fruit)
 501 - horn silica - light energy - (seed)

 Given the exactitude of scientists it seems unlikely that Steiner
 numbered his preparations in the order they 'came off the shelf' but
 that he had a reason for assigning the numbers as he did.  One attribute
 all the preps have in common is energy. Could it be that in some way he
 assessed the amount of energy held within each prep, aligned it with the
 appropriate stage of plant growth, and numbered it accordingly?

 Back in 1924 the soils of Europe held a natural fertility that isn't
 there any more. Germany and Austria had been saddled with a reparations
 bill for world war I which was virtually impossible to pay (no prizes
 for guessing which country was behind that). Farmers were under pressure
 to produce more with less, added to which commodity prices were falling
 and would not recover for at least ten years. Hence the use of
 artificial fertilisers which were adversely affecting soil fertility.

 Steiner produced his preparations to counter those effects and take the
 soil back to its original fertility. How did he do that? Indeed, how did
 he know what that 'fertility' state was?

 Let us now enter the realm of fantasy. Let us suppose Steiner had a
 device which enabled him to measure the amount of 'standing' energy held
 in things and that at some time pre-superphosphate era he had 

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread Lloyd Charles
Gday  Roger
Lets have a bit of fun with this

 1. Did Steiner really intend BD502-507 to be used solely in compost
 manufacture?  No

 2. Did he identify equisetum as BD508 or was it someone else?
 Someone Else
 3. Is there a 'missing' BD509? If so, what might it and its purpose be?
 Yes Horn Clay
 I have absolutely no experience or background knowledge to back this up -
just a mental picture of Steiner lecturing to those farmers years ago and I
dont think the numbers were part of the deal at that stage I reckon they
were someone else's invention at a later time. There is no number system
used in the Kolisko book , they refer to the various preparations as
dandelion prepared as indicated by Dr Steiner or similar terminology. I'm
a raw newcomer to this but for me the numbers dont fit for the man and what
he was doing at the time. I guess there will be a bunch of people come out
to prove me wrong - good - I'll stand corrected (and unconvinced)
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75
The bd remedies took up the numbers 500-508 because the medecal remedies 
ended at 499.  If you arrange them in the compost heap energetically:

#  according to the research from Joe Stevens and his careful look at the 
original German and other notes from Rudy, it really sez to add the valerian 
when the compost is finished.   I have done several batches this way, as 
reported to bdnow, and have increasingly dramatic results from past 
experiences.  Try it.

I have been working with different clay remedies, not horn clay.  I feel 
there is definite need for clay, Hugo Erbe has described a clay remedy with 
wheat groats and clay in a bovine esophagus.  We will be making some at JPI 
this year.  The compost remedies themselves take on a clay like property.  
Are we not the clay in the bd remedies ourselves???

I prepare all my composts with this arrangement of remdies.  Notice how the 
last digits add up to nine, that i how the preps energetically compliment 
eachother.  I have been adding the 500 and 501 for over a year and like the 
results.  The 508 adds great fungal activity to the compost. 

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread Allan Balliett
I have been adding the 500 and 501 for over a year and like the
results.  The 508 adds great fungal activity to the compost.

Steve - Do you place 500 and 501 in the pile as you would any of the 
(non-liquid) preps in the pile otherwise? -Allan

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/31/03 8:20:51 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Steve - Do you place 500 and 501 in the pile as you would any of the 
(non-liquid) preps in the pile otherwise? -Allan 

Yes.  That diagram represents the way the remedies go in the pile!!!  sstorch

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread Lloyd Charles

 If you arrange them in the compost heap energetically:








Hi Steve
Do you (or would you) use this same pattern and the main
preps too (500,501,508) when you make barrel compost, and BD fish and kelp
Lloyd Charles

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread laura_s

which device do you use to measure engery ? 
509 is horn clay, mediator between 500 and 501

As I said before, this is a fantasy. However, I do have a device which 
measures energy and this tells me that BD500 = 100, BD501 = 1000, and 
chamomile, nettle and dandelion = 200, 300 and 600 respectively. I can't 
measure the others because I don't have any but 5 out of 10 seems pretty 
good to me!

So - what is BD509 and what does it do?


Laura Sabourin
Feast of Fields Inc
Demeter Certified Vineyard  Farm
EcoVit Aerobic Compost Tea
R R # 1
St Catharines, Ontario L2R 6P7

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread laura_s
BD fish and kelp solutions ?? 
me tell me about these. 

Hi Steve
Do you (or would you) use this same pattern and the main
preps too (500,501,508) when you make barrel compost, and BD fish and kelp
Lloyd Charles

Laura Sabourin
Feast of Fields Inc
Demeter Certified Vineyard  Farm
EcoVit Aerobic Compost Tea
R R # 1
St Catharines, Ontario L2R 6P7

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 1/31/03 8:33:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Steve
Do you (or would you) use this same pattern and the main
preps too (500,501,508) when you make barrel compost, and BD fish and kelp
Lloyd Charles 

Yes, all compost and bc, and tea...sstorch

Re: BD Brain Teasers

2003-01-31 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 12:40 AM
Subject: Re: BD Brain Teasers

 BD fish and kelp solutions ??
 me tell me about these.
Another way for broadacre farmers to get the influence of the compost preps
working over their farms - contact Cheryl Kemp for more info on this
Lloyd Charles