[beagleboard] 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread Ives van der Flaas
I'm running Robert C Nelson's latest 3.17 kernel (3.17.1-bone4) because I 
need the new TI musb babble recovery code. It seems however that I'm having 
some strange instability on my BBB. After somewhere between 10 and 24 
hours, the device seems to reset suddenly and without warning. There's no 
kernel panic as far as I can see (no kernel.panic time-out in my sysctl 
either) and nothing in the dmesg or kern log files. It suddenly resets. 

On the serial console, using my own FTDI cable, I was running "watch", and 
when I returned the next day the program wasn't refreshing as it should 
have been. I pressed enter and immediately a login prompt appeared. Uptime 
was also way shorter than it should have been. 

Any clues on what might cause this? This seems a bit like a power supply 
issue, but I've been running the same BBB for weeks using the same power 
supply on a 3.8.13 kernel and that's always worked fine, while on this 
kernel it can't even last a day. 


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[beagleboard] Re: OpenCV installation on BBB Debian Linux-steps

2014-10-30 Thread Allan Granados
You only need cmake on your BBB if you are compiling on it, I personally 
prefer to cross compile in a most powerful computer and after that send the 
binaries to the target, in this case BBB.
If you dont know how to do that perhaps a little investigation is the way 
to solve it.

For cmake on your BBB
tar xzf cmake-2.8.11.tar.gz
cd cmake-2.8.11
make install

For this you need developer packages on your BBB, which increment your 

By the way, you should probably only post on one thread and no 
all threads that say OpenCV, just to keep conversations clean.

--Allan Granados

El jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014 00:29:28 UTC-6, Lingesh Waran escribió:
> I want to perform Image processing tasks in BBB which runs Debian Linux... 
> so I need to install *OpenCV* on BBB.. It seems i should install *cmake * in 
> prior... I dont have direct internet connection to my BBB.. I tried to 
> download OpenCV from github.com 
>  as 
> a ZIP file and i copied it to BBB using pendriveCan anyone please guide 
> me how to install cmake on BBB?? i tried to download cmake and ended up in 
> incomplete build please help me  your ideas will be really 
> appreciated 
> Thanks in advance :)

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[beagleboard] Re: 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread jpschroer
 Hi Ives,
I am experiencing the same issue with our beaglebones (several of them). We 
are using Robert C Nelson's latest 3.17.1-bone4 kernel image, and after 
some time they reboot. Beside that the kernel is much more stable than any 
other I have tried.
The only clue I have come across was in this thread: 
There it was suspected that the USB controller could have undesired side 
effects when it is scanning for OTG devices. I disabled USB OTG in my test 
kernel but not luck. I am currently trying to add the patch to print the 
last reboot reason and hope to get more data with it.

Otherwise, I appreciate any ideas or suggestions how to debug it.


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[beagleboard] can't mount Beagle Bone Black -- connection lost

2014-10-30 Thread madsvincom
I'm not sure if this question is sent to the right class, but here goes.

Yesterday I made some scripts that store files on the microSD card as a 
simple base for communication between the host and the BBB. Today I can't 
mount the BBB in anyway.

LEDs are on, I can reset, I can power down/up. But I can't reach the 
microSD, nor can I ssh to BBB. 

Connection is lost!

Anyone with a clue to get connection??

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[beagleboard] U-boot

2014-10-30 Thread jeissongrajales98898

I am trying to setting mux through u-boot, but i tried and it has not done. 
I use the lastes images for Beagleboard xm that i found in the Beagleboard 
web page. 


Distribution information:

Linux beagleboard 3.0.14+ #1 Thu Dec 22 09:53:00 CET 2011 armv7l GNU/Linux

I am new in this topic, when i typed bitbake, it shows that:

-sh: bitbake: command not found

I am following the Beagleboardpinmux guide that i found in that web page


But, i am lost, someone can i help me?

I only need blink a led and using the GPIO.



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[beagleboard] Issue with sd boot

2014-10-30 Thread Matias Garcia
Hi all. First, sorry my bad english. I am having a problem that is killing 
me. I flashed ARM debian on a SD (4gb) and always I must to press USR 
button to boot from SD card. Yes, ALWAYS! I don't know if it is a firmware 
problem, SD problem or a power problem. This BBB is the second I have on 
production. The first works OK; once I boot from SD, it boots always. The 
first BBB I flashed *debian-7.4-console-armhf-2014-04-18.tar* image; the 
second *debian-7.6-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar* image. Both downloaded 
from the link that http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian provides.

No matter if I power up the BBB with USB on my laptop or DC Power Supply 
(2.5A), or both. Always the FIRST TIME I POWER UP I must to press USR 
button for boot from SD. Then BBB: turns on D2, D3, D4 user leds, D5 keep 
turned off, led ethernet port blink softly, and nothing more happens. On 
display (4DCAPE43-T) on black screen without showing Tux splashscreen and 
everything else... If If I disconnect USB or DC Power supply, and reset, 
BBB boots from SD (by RESETs, POWERs BUTTONS on board, or by commands on 
console). BUT If I remove totally current from BBB and reconnect any, then 
I must to press USR button.

The idea is not flash EEPROM with the seem image from SD, because I think 
it works like a life guard. Also I'm scared that bricks the BBB.

I am exhaust. No have concrete idea what it must to be. Any more, answer me 
plsss. Thanxx in advance.-

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[beagleboard] Re: libpruio-0.2

2014-10-30 Thread niroko89
Hey TJF,

Nice to see the update, I really happy with the new features :)

What would be the highest consistent samplerate possible with the c wrapper 
with 1 channel. Using the RB would be the nicest but using MM is also an 
option if the samplerate is higher with that.

I think if I know that I could figure out the rest myself, however it would 
be nice to have sample code of config&start rb/mm(possibly on max 
samplerate) and data retrieving in c.

Nils Kohrs
Am Sonntag, 26. Oktober 2014 18:17:02 UTC+1 schrieb TJF:
> libpruio-0.2 is out now:
> New:
>- Ring buffer (RB) run mode (samples analog input continously).
>- PWM output in IO and RB mode (variable frequency and duty cycles).
>- CAP input in IO and RB mode (analyses frequency and duty cycles of a 
>pulse train).
>- New examples *pwm_adc*, *pwm_cap*, *rb_oszi*.
>- Subsystem control (enable or disable single subsystems at run-time).
>- Device tree overlay included (universal pinmuxing at run-time).
>- Tools included to create, compile and install universal or 
>customized device tree overlays.
>- Advanced error messages from constructor.
> Changes:
>- Completely renewed source code (modular now, for easier expansions).
>- Completely renewed documentation (interferences between C and FB 
>source solved).
>- API adapted to modular structure (see file migration.txt.
>- Version 0.0 examples adapted (*1*, *analyse*, *button*, *io_input*, 
>*sos*, *stepper*, *oszi*, *triggers*).
>- Adaptions for new FreeBASIC compiler fbc-1.00.
>- Access to all subsystem registers supported.
> Bugfixes:
>- Pinmuxing now available.
>- GPIO output fixed (former gpio_set sometimes skipped a setting).
> Download (as in first post)

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[beagleboard] PRU device tree and running programs

2014-10-30 Thread josmfernandez
Hi guys,
I'm just starting with the BeagleBone Black and got very interested in the 
PRU module. So after a couple of headbanging research I've managed to 
narrow it down to these simple steps for usage.

First we need to setup the environment:
  (These steps where taken directly from Youngtae Jo in his Thread of 
ADC reading by PRU)

· [ Install compile environment ]

·  1. Get a copy of the am335x_pru_package -> 

· You also can download the am335x_pru_package here -> 

·  2. If you downloaded the archive, unpack it somewhere under your 
home directory.

·  3. Make a new directory /usr/include/pruss/ and copy the files 

· and pruss_intc_mapping.h into it (from 
am335x_pru_package-master/pru_sw/app_loader/include).  IMPORTANT: If you 
downloaded the .zip file it will show as am335x_pru_package-master, else it 
will just be am335x_pru_package 

· Check the permissions; if you used the .zip file, 
these headers will likely have the execute bits on. 

· It doesn't really hurt anything, but is certainly not 
what you want.

·  4. Change directory to 

· then run: CROSS_COMPILE= make (note the space between the = 
and the command).

·  5. The previous step should have created four files in 
am335x_pru_package-master/pru_sw/app_loader/lib: libprussdrv.a, 
libprussdrvd.a, libprussdrvd.so and libprussdrv.so. 

· Copy these all to /usr/lib then run ldconfig.

·  6. Change directory to 

· then run source linuxbuild to create a pasm executable one 
directory level up. [ #cd .. ]

·  - If linuxbuild doesn't have permission to 
execution, give the permission by run this

·: chmod +x linuxbuild

· Copy it to /usr/bin and make sure you can run it. 

· If you invoke it with no arguments, you should get a 
usage statement.


· [ Enable PRU ]

·  Before using PRU, we need to enable the PRU core, you can do it 
as shown below

·  # echo BB-BONE-PRU-01 > /sys/devices/bone_capemgr.*/slots

 So this is the part where I just stumbled into a "NOW WHAT?"

 we need to test the setup:  So for this step we go into the 
example_apps folder: (if you are still in a
m335x_pru_package-master/pru_sw/utils) #cd ../example_apps

Next you can go 
into any of the example folders, I will use the 
PRU_memAccess_DDR_PRUsharedRAM, so next we do : 
 gcc [the C file].c -lpthread -lprussdrv -o [output file name]

pasm -b [asm code].p 

 Ok now, we run it using:  # ./[output file name]

   If everything is ok, it will print something like this:

INFO: Starting PRU_memAcc_DDR_sharedRAM example.

INFO: Initializing example.

INFO: Executing example.

INFO: Waiting for HALT command.

INFO: PRU completed transfer.

Example executed succesfully.


 Now it's getting more exciting.  I wont go too much into the 
details, but what we did was compile a C code that ran a .bin file which we 
got from assembling the .p file. The .p file contains the assembly 
instructions and the .c file is the whole execution. I recommend using 
these links for a more complete reference:


· http://www.programering.com/a/MDMyETNwATk.html

 Ok now let's say you need to access more of the pins.  Matt 
Ranostay built a device tree overlay that lets you gain access into a 
single pin.. For more information about what is device tree and how it 
works please read the following links: 


one in particular is very good]



Matt made the device tree which we've used before 
BB-BONE-PRU-01-00A0.dts (we echoed it into slots).


 If you read the google docs file you'll see that we need to 
reserve pins for our usage and also change the pinmux. So what I did to get 
my 10 parallel output signals from PRU0 is modify the .dts so the final 
device tree overlay looks lik

Re: [beagleboard] Issue with sd boot

2014-10-30 Thread Robert Nelson
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 9:44 AM, Matias Garcia  wrote:
> Hi all. First, sorry my bad english. I am having a problem that is killing
> me. I flashed ARM debian on a SD (4gb) and always I must to press USR button
> to boot from SD card. Yes, ALWAYS! I don't know if it is a firmware problem,
> SD problem or a power problem. This BBB is the second I have on production.
> The first works OK; once I boot from SD, it boots always. The first BBB I
> flashed debian-7.4-console-armhf-2014-04-18.tar image; the second
> debian-7.6-console-armhf-2014-08-13.tar image. Both downloaded from the link
> that http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian provides.

I guess you failed to notice this note in the directions:

"Black: NOTE: You'll need to hold the BOOT button on powerup..."

>From the fat partition just rename "bbb-uEnv.txt" to "uEnv.txt" and
it''l boot just fine..

> No matter if I power up the BBB with USB on my laptop or DC Power Supply
> (2.5A), or both. Always the FIRST TIME I POWER UP I must to press USR button
> for boot from SD. Then BBB: turns on D2, D3, D4 user leds, D5 keep turned
> off, led ethernet port blink softly, and nothing more happens. On display
> (4DCAPE43-T) on black screen without showing Tux splashscreen and everything
> else... If If I disconnect USB or DC Power supply, and reset, BBB boots from
> SD (by RESETs, POWERs BUTTONS on board, or by commands on console). BUT If I
> remove totally current from BBB and reconnect any, then I must to press USR
> button.
> The idea is not flash EEPROM with the seem image from SD, because I think it
> works like a life guard. Also I'm scared that bricks the BBB.
> I am exhaust. No have concrete idea what it must to be. Any more, answer me
> plsss. Thanxx in advance.-

btw, the image i posted (12 hours ago 2014-10-29) has better support
for the 4dcape43-t

Just open /boot/uEnv.txt

and add:




Robert Nelson

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[beagleboard] Re: 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread david turvene
On Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:50:43 AM UTC-4, Ives van der Flaas wrote:
> I'm running Robert C Nelson's latest 3.17 kernel (3.17.1-bone4) because I 
> need the new TI musb babble recovery code. It seems however that I'm having 
> some strange instability on my BBB. After somewhere between 10 and 24 
> hours, the device seems to reset suddenly and without warning. There's no 
> kernel panic as far as I can see (no kernel.panic time-out in my sysctl 
> either) and nothing in the dmesg or kern log files. It suddenly resets. 
FWIW, I'm seeing similar behavior on Debian 7.7 on 3.17-0.rc7-bone4; it'll 
reboot somewhere between 2 and 48 hours for no apparent reason.  It doesn't 
seem to do it when I'm working on BBB so was suspecting something related 
to the watchdog and/or the PRCM module putting the processor in low-power 
suspend state.  I was thinking of going back to 3.8 in a little bit.


Linux version 3.17.0-rc7-bone4 (dturvene@growler) (gcc version 4.9.2 
20140904 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.9-2014.09 - Linaro GCC 
4.9-2014.09) ) #1 Wed Oct 8 10:48:15 EDT 2014

Nothing on uart console but ALWAYS the last syslog statement before reboot 
is the hourly cron job - but there is nothing in it.

Oct 29 01:17:01 beaglebone /USR/SBIN/CRON[31755]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Oct 29 02:17:01 beaglebone /USR/SBIN/CRON[1888]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Oct 29 03:17:01 beaglebone /USR/SBIN/CRON[4062]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Oct 29 04:17:01 beaglebone /USR/SBIN/CRON[6238]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Oct 29 05:17:01 beaglebone /USR/SBIN/CRON[8413]: (root) CMD (   cd / && 
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Jan  1 00:00:16 beaglebone kernel: imklog 5.8.11, log source = /proc/kmsg 


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread Robert Nelson
On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 11:34 AM, david turvene  wrote:
> On Thursday, October 30, 2014 5:50:43 AM UTC-4, Ives van der Flaas wrote:
>> I'm running Robert C Nelson's latest 3.17 kernel (3.17.1-bone4) because I
>> need the new TI musb babble recovery code. It seems however that I'm having
>> some strange instability on my BBB. After somewhere between 10 and 24 hours,
>> the device seems to reset suddenly and without warning. There's no kernel
>> panic as far as I can see (no kernel.panic time-out in my sysctl either) and
>> nothing in the dmesg or kern log files. It suddenly resets.
> FWIW, I'm seeing similar behavior on Debian 7.7 on 3.17-0.rc7-bone4; it'll
> reboot somewhere between 2 and 48 hours for no apparent reason.  It doesn't
> seem to do it when I'm working on BBB so was suspecting something related to
> the watchdog and/or the PRCM module putting the processor in low-power
> suspend state.  I was thinking of going back to 3.8 in a little bit.
> /proc/version:
> Linux version 3.17.0-rc7-bone4 (dturvene@growler) (gcc version 4.9.2
> 20140904 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1-4.9-2014.09 - Linaro GCC
> 4.9-2014.09) ) #1 Wed Oct 8 10:48:15 EDT 2014
> Nothing on uart console but ALWAYS the last syslog statement before reboot
> is the hourly cron job - but there is nothing in it.

Are you guys still seeing this with 3.18-rc2?

if you have my repo in /etc/apt/sources.list

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.18.0-rc2-bone1
sudo reboot


Robert Nelson

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Re: [beagleboard] Re: 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread david turvene

> Are you guys still seeing this with 3.18-rc2? 
> if you have my repo in /etc/apt/sources.list 
> sudo apt-get update 
> sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.18.0-rc2-bone1 
> sudo reboot 
> Regards, 
> -- 
> Robert Nelson 
> http://www.rcn-ee.com/ 
@Robert - I just upgraded to your image and it is running.  I'll let it 
soak.  BTW, very impressive work you're doing on the BBs  - I love the 
image-builder scripts.

@Jens -  Interesting about the USB connection.  I am running a 4-port USB 
hub with a couple wifi plugs.


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Re: [beagleboard] Re: 3.17.1-rc4 sudden reset

2014-10-30 Thread William Hermans
So I'm curious. Did all of you follow Roberts DebianOnARM kernel build
instructions, or are you all using a prebuilt image ?

Also, at some point I think the output of pstree from all of you *might* be
somewhat enlightening.

On Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 10:10 AM, david turvene  wrote:

>> Are you guys still seeing this with 3.18-rc2?
>> if you have my repo in /etc/apt/sources.list
>> sudo apt-get update
>> sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.18.0-rc2-bone1
>> sudo reboot
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Robert Nelson
>> http://www.rcn-ee.com/
> @Robert - I just upgraded to your image and it is running.  I'll let it
> soak.  BTW, very impressive work you're doing on the BBs  - I love the
> image-builder scripts.
> @Jens -  Interesting about the USB connection.  I am running a 4-port USB
> hub with a couple wifi plugs.
> Dave
> --
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[beagleboard] Re: libpruio-0.2

2014-10-30 Thread TJF
Hello Nils,

thanks for feedback!

The maximum sample rate is limited by the ADC subsystem. It's 159 kS/s (15 
cycles @ 2.4 MHz + safety buffer) for a single step (channel). It neither 
matters if you operate in RB or MM mode, nor if you use FB or C compilers.

For me, writing C examples is exhausting and time consuming. For an 
experianced C programmer it should be easy to translate the FB examples 
*rb_oszi* and *triggers*, where you can find the code you're loocking for. 
(I'd appreciate it if I can include such a translation in to the 

For maximum sample rate you've to configure a customized step with no 
delays and no avaraging. And you've to activate this step only, like

pruio_adc_setStep(Io, 9, 4, 0, 0, 0); // step 9 for AIN-4

pruio_config(Io, Samples, 1 << 9, 6285, 4); // '1 << 9' -> step 9, '6285' 
ns -> 159.1 kHz



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Re: [beagleboard] Re: color ball tracking with opencv on BBB

2014-10-30 Thread Brandon I
Seems like a lot of work! Use an indirect internet connection to your
beaglebone using the USB to your computer, then set up a bridge between
your internet and the USB connection.

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Lingesh Waran 

> Hi all...I want to perform Image processing tasks in BBB which runs Debian
> Linux... so I need to install *OpenCV* on BBB.. It seems i should install
> *cmake * in prior... I dont have direct internet connection to my BBB.. I
> tried to download OpenCV from github.com
>  as
> a ZIP file and i copied it to BBB using pendriveCan anyone please guide
> me how to install cmake on BBB?? i tried to download cmake and ended up in
> incomplete build please help me  your ideas will be really
> appreciated
> Thanks in advance :)
> --
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Re: [beagleboard] Re: color ball tracking with opencv on BBB

2014-10-30 Thread Jason Kridner
On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:23 AM,  wrote:

> That works.
> Another question is how to clone or replicate BBBs  eMMC? How to move it
> into microSD card and vice versa?
> If I need to have exactly the same image on another BBB as the one I am
> currently working on (when it's finished) what is the procedure then?

Can you start a new thread when you ask a new (not really related) question?

I see some places this wasn't answered, but here's where I tried to address
the issue:

More recently,
was updated with:

> On Friday, 12 September 2014 12:45:15 UTC+10, Brandon I wrote:
>> Or, cpufreq-set -f 1GHz
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 4:39 PM, William Hermans 
>> wrote:
>>> Oh, and for the uninitiated . . . setting your governor to performance /
>>> 1Ghz _all_the_time_ may not be a very good idea. For instance it has been
>>> in the mid to upper 80's F outdoor ambient here, and I've noticed my BBB
>>> getting pretty warm.
>>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 4:34 PM, William Hermans 
>>> wrote:
 From memory setting profile limits would be like this

 You change to a profile via
 $ sudo cpufreq-set -g 
 Check profile limits
 $ sudo cpufreq-info -p
 Change minimum profile range
 $ cpufreq-set -d 100 /*set minimum processor freq for active
 profile to 1 GHz */

 I do not know if these setting persist across reboots, but I think not.
 At least it did not see that was for me. Also settings seem to be a bit
 quirky. On one of my Linux support system for instance, manually changing
 anything did not work as expected. I could change profiles, governors etc,
 but actual frequency always stayed the same. Then with BBB when you set
 minimum ondemand profile to 1Ghz, it does not take. But when changing to
 performance profile, minimum freq is 300Mhz, but when you check actual
 processor freq it is 1Ghz . . .

 So yeah, anyhow the program is quirky.

 On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 4:26 PM, William Hermans 

> $ cpufreq-set --help. You may need to set you profile limits/
> performance is default 300MHz to 1Ghz just like ondemand, but for some
> reason it is always 1GHz whenever I look.
> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 3:47 PM, John Syn  wrote:
>> From: 
>> Reply-To: "beagl...@googlegroups.com" 
>> Date: Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 3:35 PM
>> To: "beagl...@googlegroups.com" 
>> Subject: Re: [beagleboard] Re: color ball tracking with opencv on BBB
>> I was able to build and install the same version of openCV (2.4.9) on
>> BBB debian as on my desktop Ubuntu by using an external USB memory stick.
>> Now I have a problem with changing CPU frequency (as I would like to
>> increase it from 300MHz to 1GHz)
>> debian@beaglebone:~$ cpufreq-info
>> cpufrequtils 008: cpufreq-info (C) Dominik Brodowski 2004-2009
>> Report errors and bugs to cpu...@vger.kernel.org, please.
>> analyzing CPU 0:
>>   driver: generic_cpu0
>>   CPUs which run at the same hardware frequency: 0
>>   CPUs which need to have their frequency coordinated by software: 0
>>   maximum transition latency: 300 us.
>>   hardware limits: 300 MHz - 1000 MHz
>>   available frequency steps: 300 MHz, 600 MHz, 800 MHz, 1000 MHz
>>   available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace,
>> powersave, performance
>>   current policy: frequency should be within 300 MHz and 1000 MHz.
>>   The governor "ondemand" may decide which speed to
>> use
>>   within this range.
>> *  current CPU frequency is 300 MHz.*
>>   cpufreq stats: 300 MHz:97.20%, 600 MHz:0.20%, 800 MHz:0.06%, 1000
>> MHz:2.55%  (35)
>> debian@beaglebone:~$ sudo cpufreq-set -g GOV
>> *Error setting new values*. Common errors:
>> - Do you have proper administration rights? (super-user?)
>> - Is the governor you requested available and modprobed?
>> - Trying to set an invalid policy?
>> - Trying to set a specific frequency, but userspace governor is not
>> available,
>>for example because of hardware which cannot be set to a specific
>> frequency
>>or because the userspace governor isn't loaded?
>> debian@beaglebone:~$
>> William just explained how to do this earlier today:
>> *sudo cpufreq-set -g performance*
>> Regards,
>> John
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Jan
>> On Wednesday, 10 September 2014 12:52:11 UTC+10, Brandon I wrote:
>>> And, here are some compile f

Re: [beagleboard] Re: Unable to deploy Android image on beaglebone black

2014-10-30 Thread Andrew Henderson
You can certainly write the Android image to the eMMC, though I have not 
set up the scripts to perform the partitioning and writing.  You'll also be 
limited to the 4GB of the newest BBB's eMMC.  Because the AOSP KitKat 
includes more software than JellyBean does, I don't think you'll be able to 
fit it onto the 2GB eMMC of earlier BBB revisions without removing some 
packages.  I follow the Rowboat project's partitioning scheme, which is a 
bit different than the default partitioning scheme of AOSP.  I combine the 
rootfs and system partitions into one, for example.  My suggestion would be 
to take a look at Chris Simmonds's fine tutorial to install KitKat to the 
eMMC and then change the kernel and bootloader to the ones from my image 
(with a modified uEnv.txt for eMMC booting and disabling SGX).  Take a look 
at his readme here to see how to get things set 
up: https://github.com/csimmonds/bbb-android-device-files/tree/kk4.4-fastboot

I have not looked into the details of writing Android to the eMMC because I 
try to package my Android images for ease of prototyping.  This means that 
you should be able to have multiple copies of Android on various microSD 
cards and be able to swap them quickly and easily to try different things. 
 It also means that you can always mount the microSD card on a desktop 
Linux system to make any modifications that you want without fighting to 
get into the eMMC to make your changes.  So, I don't have any plans to add 
writing to the eMMC in the immediate future.


On Thursday, October 30, 2014 2:47:46 AM UTC-4, Prasad Marathe wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your immediate response. I follow the steps mentioned by you 
> and try to deploy latest image on sd card. Now i am able to boot Android 
> 4.4 Kitkat on my Beagelbone black through Micro SD card. I follow the steps 
> mentioned in http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:Android but unable to deploy 
> image from micro sd card to eMMC. Could you help me to solve this issue?
> Is there any other way to deploy android image on eMMC?
> Kindly reply as early as possible. Awaiting for your response.
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 8:57 PM, Andrew Henderson  > wrote:
>> There is a newer version of Android available.  The version referenced on 
>> the elinux.org page is JellyBean 4.2.2, and the newer one is KitKat 
>> 4.4.4.  You can get the newer one at bbbandroid.org.
>> The easiest way to troubleshoot this sort of thing is to use an FTDI 
>> cable to monitor the BBB during boot.  This will allow you to capture the 
>> debug output from the bootloader and the kernel.  Since you are using 
>> Windows XP, you won't be able to natively mount the partitions of your 
>> microSD card and look at them to ensure that you wrote the image properly.  
>> You could try using an application like Linux Reader to see the partitions 
>> on your Win32 machine: http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader.
>> You need to verify two things: 
>> 1. Did you write the image properly to the microSD card?  There can be a 
>> few causes for this, including not decompressing the image prior to writing 
>> and getting a bad write to the microSD card.  If you can see the four 
>> partitions (one VFAT, three EXT4), then you probably wrote the image OK.
>> 2. Is the bootloader at least getting into kernel boot?  You'll need to 
>> see the FTDI output to determine this.
>> Andrew
>> On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:03:56 AM UTC-4, Prasad Marathe wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am trying to deploy Android image on beaglebone black as mentioned in 
>>> http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:Android this URL. But after following the 
>>> steps mentioned, User LED's are not blinking. So i am not able to deploy 
>>> the image on beaglebone black. kindly help to sort this issue.
>>> I am using following tools for deployment:
>>> Host machine - 32 bit Windows XP service pack 3
>>> Beaglebone black - rev 00A5 S/N 2014BBBK0661 running BoneScript 0.2.4 at 
>>> OS on eMMC - Debian
>>> Supply - 5V 2A Adapter
>>> SD card used for Android image deployment - 8GB class 4 SanDisk Micro SD 
>>> card
>>  -- 
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> Thanks and Regards,
> Prasad B. Marathe.

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