Re: regex help

2001-08-23 Thread Jeffl

Well only you can be the judge if you are doing it right. But what that
expression tells me is:

$string matches, starting with either ( a word, a dot, a hyphen, a at sign,
a colon, a plus sign, a question mark, a bang) one or more times, and
ending in one of the afore mentioned.

So if that is what you want to check for then my guess is that you are
correct, however I would also check for ';' and '' and '' but then you
have all you're control characters to look out for, and you also have to
watch out for the back tick.

My suggestion would be to use #!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
Then scan to see if it contains the characters you do want, not the ones
you don't. I would guess that the characters you will allow is much
simplier than the ones you won't.

my( $string ) =~ $q-param( string ) =~ /^([\w.])$/;

unless ($string) {
   print BERROR, invalid characters used.! Character =

Just my two cents.


On 2001.08.23 00:48 Sergio Gonzalez wrote:
 Can anyone tell me if i'm doing this right?
 #check for dangerous characters
 unless ($string =~ /^[\w .-\@:+?!]+$/) {
 print BERROR, invalid characters used.! Character =
 thank you,
 Sergio Gonzalez
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Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread fliptop

Roger C Haslock wrote:
 Just an aside, but what is the point of  format = 'Application/msword' ?
 Anyone can rename their file to look like '*.doc', and you can only
 determine the file content when you have uploaded it ( at which point you
 SHOULD check).

not to mention you may offend those non-micro$oft users whose resumes
are plain text.

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Re: Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread ryepup

Roger C Haslock wrote:
 Just an aside, but what is the point of  format = 'Application/msword' ?
 Anyone can rename their file to look like '*.doc', and you can only
 determine the file content when you have uploaded it ( at which point you
 SHOULD check).

not to mention you may offend those non-micro$oft users whose resumes
are plain text.

In the end, they are going to put on a resume CD, with a VB front end, and Word 
is used to do keyword searches, and about 100% of the population involved have 
their resumes in word anyway.  

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Re: Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread ryepup

Roger C Haslock wrote:
 Just an aside, but what is the point of  format = 'Application/msword' ?
 Anyone can rename their file to look like '*.doc', and you can only
 determine the file content when you have uploaded it ( at which point you
 SHOULD check).

not to mention you may offend those non-micro$oft users whose resumes
are plain text.

In the end, they are going to put on a resume CD, with a VB front end, and Word 
is used to do keyword searches, and about 100% of the population involved have 
their resumes in word anyway.  

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Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Ryan Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I checked out the module, and so far, I'm having the same
 problem.  The script goes to Just about to get your resume!; then quits.
 I don't have access to server logs, so I don't know what is going on.  I
 think my server is running Apache, and I've been snooping to try and find
 the config files (I got a find / -name httpd.conf going right now)
 Is there anything perlish wrong here?  It works on Activestate/Apache/Win98,
 so I think it must be a server thing, but I dunno.

What do you mean by then quits?  Does it silently fail?  Does it hang?  Does it 
return an error

Wild guess:  Recently (like, two days ago), I had a problem with a script that worked 
fine on a
Windows box but then mysteriously 'hung' on a Linux box.  It was caused by the same 
problem that I
had for my recent question about my script dying when I turned off warnings:  Windows 
and Unix
have different line endings.  Since you mentioned that you had successfully run this 
on a Win98
box, I'm wondering if this is the problem.

Windows recognizes \12\15 as the end of line characters (\r\n).  Unix is looking for a 
\15 (\n). 
If you have shell access to your server, enter the following:

cat -vet script.cgi | more

This will display the end of line characters as a dollar sign.  If you see a ^M before 
the dollar
sign, then you know you have DOS line endings.  Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/perl -wT^M$

If you see that ^M, (ctrl-M, a.k.a. ASCII 12, a.k.a. \r), you can eliminate it with 
the following
in-place edit:

perl -pi -e 's/\r//g' script.cgi

Just make sure to back up your script, first.

To prevent this in the future, make sure you FTP your scripts to the server in ASCII 
mode, not
binary.  ASCII mode will fix the line endings for you.

If this doesn't resolve the problem, let us know.

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread John

Hi all,

I would appreciate some guidance in the use of CGI::POST_MAX. I've listed a
snippet of relevant code below from my program to illustrate.

When reading in data fields from an HTML form, I want to limit the size of
the data accepted from a TEXTAREA box. I don't want to depend upon my ISPs
timeouts and what-nots to stop a user from trying a DDOS on 'em.

The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the
$user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example.
This is good.

I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't
get rudely blown out of the water with a crude 500 Server message (this
would be gooder! g). I would like to: a)generate a useful message and, b)
set some flags, do some more processing, and send a message back to the user
to give them an opportunity to correct their input and atone for their sins.
(This would be more gooder! g)

I've read through the writeup, but I don't believe I'm applying it
correctly. I am having a problem understanding just how and where to make
use of CGI::POST_MAX, CGI::Carp, and probably cgi_error() in my code. Where
do I put 'em and can someone demonstrate with a similar snippet of code just
how and where these are used? For example, when this bombs with data  4096
bytes, I don't even see an error message in my error log file,
...cgi-log.txt -- that would be a nice diagnostic help, too.

If there is another prefered method to limit size of input, I would
appreciate learning about that, too!

Right now my code produces an 'accurate' result (a nuke will 'accurately'
kill a fly), but I would prefer to have it produce a 'precise' result
(perhaps a HOW-TO on using tightly focused gamma rays to zap that fly,
instead). It works, but its not elegant.

I'm looking for the state of most goodliness. g

(My apologies to non-native English readers of this list for my having fun
with the language, but its been a tough day...)

Thanks, all.



use strict;
#use diagnostics;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw/fatalsToBrowser/;
   BEGIN {
 use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
 open(LOG, $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/cgi-log.txt) or
   die(Unable to open $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/data/cgi-log.txt: $!\n);
$CGI::POST_MAX = 1024 * 4;  ## Max 4K post size
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1;  ## Disable file uploads

$formin = new CGI;

$user_name = ' ';
$user_addr = ' ';
$user_to   = ' ';
$user_subj = ' ';
$user_body = ' ';

$user_name = $formin-param('name');
$user_addr = $formin-param('from');
$user_to   = $formin-param('to');
$user_subj = $formin-param('subject');
$user_body = $formin-param('body');

## If good form data
##  process the form's input...and do good things...
##  else
##  create return HTML page and tell user where they've transgressed...

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Re: Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread ryepup

cat -vet script.cgi | more

^M's galore.  The 'auto' setting on WS_ftp must not do much.

in-place edit:

perl -pi -e 's/\r//g' script.cgi

Just make sure to back up your script, first.

worked like a charm, eliminating all the ^M's

When I tried it out, the program still crashed.  It executes most of the code, 
up to the (paraphrased)

$file = $cgi-get_upload(blah)

then stops executing.  

I think maybe I can do something with .htaccess files to adjust the limit on 
PUT, but that is a bit too OT for here, I think.


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Re: Re: File upload problems still!

2001-08-23 Thread Mo Holkar / UKG

At 17:31 23/08/01, Ryan wrote:
^M's galore.  The 'auto' setting on WS_ftp must not do much.

By default WS_ftp will only be expecting files with certain extensions (eg. 
.txt, .htm) to be ASCII. So 'auto' will upload your .cgi or .pl files as 
binary. You can change these defaults on the Options button, Extensions tab.

(I thought it was worth posting this response to the list, because I've had 
a few people puzzled by this in the past.)



Mo Holkar
Undying King Games

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Weekly list FAQ posting

2001-08-23 Thread casey

beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
(assuming [EMAIL PROTECTED] is your email address):


  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:


  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners-cgi list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl/CGI beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

May 31, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
* Lemurs
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

`perldoc perldoc'

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

3 - Other Resources
  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?

* Perl Home Page -
* PerlMonks -
* Perldoc -
* Perl Archives -
  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?

Anything having to do with the names Matt Wright, or Selena Sol. Why?
You may ask yourself. Well, their scripts are old and have been known to
be buggy, as well as have security issues. They were written in the days
of Perl 4. This means there is no scoping, stricture, warnings, idioms,
or file 

How does Apache invoke Perl interpreter

2001-08-23 Thread Qichao Dong (Leon)


I want to do some research on Perl's transplantability, so I would like to
know how an Apache server invokes Perl interpreter - in the case of
mod_cgi instead of mod_perl.

If anyone knows, or can redirect me to some documentation on the mechanism
of Apache, please give me a hint. Thank you.


Qichao Dong(Leon)

Graduate Research Assistant   Innovative Computing Lab 
Computer Science Dept.University of Tennessee, Knoxville
(865)974-9985 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: How does Apache invoke Perl interpreter: OT please don't reply

2001-08-23 Thread Mike Rapuano


-Original Message-
From: Qichao Dong (Leon) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:21 PM
Subject: How does Apache invoke Perl interpreter


I want to do some research on Perl's transplantability, so I would like
know how an Apache server invokes Perl interpreter - in the case of
mod_cgi instead of mod_perl.

If anyone knows, or can redirect me to some documentation on the
of Apache, please give me a hint. Thank you.


Qichao Dong(Leon)

Graduate Research Assistant   Innovative Computing Lab 
Computer Science Dept.University of Tennessee, Knoxville
(865)974-9985 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Advance Design - Vance

I have written some web pages incorporating Forms and Perl processing on the server. 
Everything works fine on my IE 5.5 Browser but when I use the Netscape 4.7 and Opera 
5.12 browsers, the HTML sent back from the Perl programme appears as (source) text.
Do you have any ideas why.


Re: How does Apache invoke Perl interpreter

2001-08-23 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, Qichao Dong (Leon) wrote:

 I want to do some research on Perl's transplantability, so I would like to
 know how an Apache server invokes Perl interpreter - in the case of
 mod_cgi instead of mod_perl.

Have you tried

-- Brett

In every non-trivial program there is at least one bug.

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RE: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread John



I synthesized from your answer and realized that my use of 'use CGI::Carp
qw/fatalsToBrowser/;' was having me die long before I could have the code
handle the problem. I commented out the '...Carp...' block and, indeed, my
builtin code handled the error the way I'd intended.

I was even able to see my 'friendly' ;-) user's error message: Because your
message was too long, we ran out of electrons. Please shorten your e-mail
message.. When I shortened the message to less than the 4K I spec'd, the
form and code did the right thing and produced the intended e-mail.

Follow-up question: Does POST_MAX measure the length of the incoming stream
as the code asks for it -- $recd_data = $form-param('sent_data'); -- and
then pulls the plug if 'sent_data' goes outside the bounds of acceptable
social behavior?

I ask because, while this change worked in my current program, I want to
more fully understand the working principles for my next system.



-Original Message-
From: Lisa Nyman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 1:20 PM
To: John
Cc: Beginners-CGI
Subject: Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control


On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John wrote:

 The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the
 $user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example.
 This is good.

 I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't
 get rudely blown out of the water with a crude 500 Server message (this
 would be gooder! g). I would like to: a)generate a useful message and,
 set some flags, do some more processing, and send a message back to the
 to give them an opportunity to correct their input and atone for their
 (This would be more gooder! g)

In general, you always want to die gracefully from within a web script so
the error is logged and the user doesn't get an icky 500 error page.

For example, in database apps I write, for any error, I tell the user the
database is unavailable and I log the error.

The following has worked for me when dealing with POST_MAX:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 10;
$| = 1;

my $page = new CGI;

print $page-header;

$run = $page-param('RUN');
if (!$run  cgi_error()) {
# do whatever you do for an error
dieWell (413: Max Posting surpassed.);

sub dieWell  {
my $message = shift;
# remember to print proper headers if not done by now
print $thanks_for_playing_message\n;
# do logging of $message if you want, send yourself email, whatever
footer;  # end my html -

Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IT Warrior Princess
Life is too short to wear ugly underwear.
Get the facts at

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RE: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread Moon, John

For myself I would prefer not to abort a script on this type of error... 
A simple JavaScript to check for the max size of a textarea and an alert
is a much better way to handle this type of error, in my option... see
OnSubmit in some JavaScript reference and you should be able to find an
example like ..

O'Reilly's JavaScript The Definitive Guide, Chapter 16: Forms and Form
Elements,  16.5 Form Verification Example

Hope this give you some ideas...


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Nyman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: August 23, 2001 13:20
To: John
Cc: Beginners-CGI
Subject: Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control


On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John wrote:

 The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the
 $user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example.
 This is good.
 I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't
 get rudely blown out of the water with a crude 500 Server message (this
 would be gooder! g). I would like to: a)generate a useful message and,
 set some flags, do some more processing, and send a message back to the
 to give them an opportunity to correct their input and atone for their
 (This would be more gooder! g)

In general, you always want to die gracefully from within a web script so
the error is logged and the user doesn't get an icky 500 error page.  

For example, in database apps I write, for any error, I tell the user the
database is unavailable and I log the error.

The following has worked for me when dealing with POST_MAX:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 10;
$| = 1;

my $page = new CGI;

print $page-header;

$run = $page-param('RUN'); 
if (!$run  cgi_error()) { 
# do whatever you do for an error
dieWell (413: Max Posting surpassed.);

sub dieWell  {
my $message = shift;
# remember to print proper headers if not done by now
print $thanks_for_playing_message\n;
# do logging of $message if you want, send yourself email, whatever
footer;  # end my html -

Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IT Warrior Princess
Life is too short to wear ugly underwear.
Get the facts at

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RE: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread John


Thanks for the idea.

I'd thought of using JavaScript, but I'm sunk if the user has Jscript turned
off on their PC and I felt I wanted a little more surety on this being
checked. I am going to re-visit the idea, however.

My current Perl code does catch the error and return a form to the user so
that they can reflect on their evil ways and correct their misdeeds. The
script won't abort on 'em. (I'm considering a file-based counter, so that
maybe the third time the same user flubs up I can really slap their paw,
however; but that's an enhancement g)



-Original Message-
From: Moon, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:22 PM
To: John
Cc: Beginners-CGI
Subject: RE: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

For myself I would prefer not to abort a script on this type of error...
A simple JavaScript to check for the max size of a textarea and an alert
is a much better way to handle this type of error, in my option... see
OnSubmit in some JavaScript reference and you should be able to find an
example like ..

O'Reilly's JavaScript The Definitive Guide, Chapter 16: Forms and Form
Elements,  16.5 Form Verification Example

Hope this give you some ideas...


-Original Message-
From: Lisa Nyman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: August 23, 2001 13:20
To: John
Cc: Beginners-CGI
Subject: Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control


On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John wrote:

 The current incarnation of my script blows itself out of the water if the
 $user_body variable (the TEXTAREA source) is greater than 4K, for example.
 This is good.

 I would like to be able to capture and control the process so that I don't
 get rudely blown out of the water with a crude 500 Server message (this
 would be gooder! g). I would like to: a)generate a useful message and,
 set some flags, do some more processing, and send a message back to the
 to give them an opportunity to correct their input and atone for their
 (This would be more gooder! g)

In general, you always want to die gracefully from within a web script so
the error is logged and the user doesn't get an icky 500 error page.

For example, in database apps I write, for any error, I tell the user the
database is unavailable and I log the error.

The following has worked for me when dealing with POST_MAX:

use CGI qw/:standard/;
$CGI::POST_MAX=1024 * 10;
$| = 1;

my $page = new CGI;

print $page-header;

$run = $page-param('RUN');
if (!$run  cgi_error()) {
# do whatever you do for an error
dieWell (413: Max Posting surpassed.);

sub dieWell  {
my $message = shift;
# remember to print proper headers if not done by now
print $thanks_for_playing_message\n;
# do logging of $message if you want, send yourself email, whatever
footer;  # end my html -

Lisa Wolfisch Nyman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  IT Warrior Princess
Life is too short to wear ugly underwear.
Get the facts at

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Re: Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Advance Design - Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written some web pages incorporating Forms and Perl processing on the server. 
 works fine on my IE 5.5 Browser but when I use the Netscape 4.7 and Opera 5.12 
browsers, the
 HTML sent back from the Perl programme appears as (source) text.
 Do you have any ideas why.

Newer versions of Internet Explorer have a feature that examines that beginning of 
the data that
it receives and attempts to render the data accordingly.  It completely violates W3C 
standards by
ignoring the content-type header.  Many, many developers have been bitten by this bug. 
accidently sent GIFs with a content type of image/pjpeg and IE still rendered it 
correctly but
Netscape didn't.  That was less than fun to debug.

In your script, find out what is responsible for printing the content-type header and 
post that
code snippet here.  It will be something like the following:

# If you're doing it by hand, it will resemble this:
print Content-type: text/html\n\n; 

# If you're using, it will resemble on of the two following lines:
print header();
# or (varies depending on the name of the CGI object)
print $query-header;

There are many different ways of printing the content-type header, but they will 
likely resemble
the snippets above.  Send that and we may have an answer for you.

Of course, you can also telnet to port 80 (assuming that's the telnet port) and view 
the headers
that way).  Most likely, you're sending a content type of 'text/plain'.  Here's what 
you'd enter
in telnet:

GET /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?foo=bar HTTP/1.1

Substitute your own host and path and make sure you have two newlines after the host 

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

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Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread Justin Simoni

  I'd thought of using JavaScript, but I'm sunk if the user has Jscript 
  off on their PC and I felt I wanted a little more surety on this being
  checked. I am going to re-visit the idea, however.never hurts to do 

never hurts to do both, your server will thank  you for the less POSTs 
you're giving it!


s k a z a t -

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Configuration Files

2001-08-23 Thread James Kelty


I would like to set up a configuration file for a CGI that I am writing
so that it will be portable without
editing the actual cgi. Stuff like administator email's, network
segments, and the like.

Is there a way to source the file for the cgi to read, or do I have to
add a require statment and make the file a user routine?


James Kelty
Sr. Unix Systems Administrator
The Ashland Agency

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Re: Configuration Files

2001-08-23 Thread darren chamberlain

James Kelty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something to this effect on 08/23/2001:
 I would like to set up a configuration file for a CGI that I am writing
 so that it will be portable without
 editing the actual cgi. Stuff like administator email's, network
 segments, and the like.
 Is there a way to source the file for the cgi to read, or do I have to
 add a require statment and make the file a user routine?

There are a few ways to do it.

Easiest is to have the config file be valid perl, and call it

require /path/to/;

There are plenty of modules on CPAN to read config files; my
favorite is Config::General, which allows for (among other
things) Apache-style config files.  Config::Ini is also supposed
to be good, and there is also the AppConfig package.


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Re: Configuration Files

2001-08-23 Thread Jeffl



On 2001.08.23 15:27 darren chamberlain wrote:
 James Kelty [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something to this effect on
  I would like to set up a configuration file for a CGI that I am writing
  so that it will be portable without
  editing the actual cgi. Stuff like administator email's, network
  segments, and the like.
  Is there a way to source the file for the cgi to read, or do I have to
  add a require statment and make the file a user routine?
 There are a few ways to do it.
 Easiest is to have the config file be valid perl, and call it
 require /path/to/;
 There are plenty of modules on CPAN to read config files; my
 favorite is Config::General, which allows for (among other
 things) Apache-style config files.  Config::Ini is also supposed
 to be good, and there is also the AppConfig package.
 Students achieving Oneness will move on to Twoness.
 -- Woody Allen
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Re: Fw: Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Advance Design - Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Joel,
 Thanks for the fast reply.
 This is the html document heads.
 I have tried messing about with these, but with
 no change in result.
 !doctype html public -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0
 meta name=Generator content=Edit Plus
 meta name=Author content=Vance
 meta name=Keywords content=keyword,keyword
 meta name=Description

Actually, that's the head of the HTML document.  What's needed are the headers that 
are sent
*prior* to that.  Those headers tell the user agent (the browser, in this case) what 
to do with
the document.

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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Re: Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Advance Design - Vance

Hello Curtis,

I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file using the following: 
(perl in blue, html in red) 

Start Perl stuff...
End Perl stuff...

!doctype html public -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN


Your email suggests I should have a content-type header included in here somewhere...

Thanks for your help.



--- Advance Design - Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have written some web pages incorporating Forms and Perl processing on the server. 
 works fine on my IE 5.5 Browser but when I use the Netscape 4.7 and Opera 5.12 
browsers, the
 HTML sent back from the Perl programme appears as (source) text.
 Do you have any ideas why.

 Newer versions of Internet Explorer have a feature that examines that beginning of 
the data that
 it receives and attempts to render the data accordingly.  It completely violates W3C 
standards by
 ignoring the content-type header.  Many, many developers have been bitten by this 
bug.  I've
 accidently sent GIFs with a content type of image/pjpeg and IE still rendered it 
correctly but
 Netscape didn't.  That was less than fun to debug.

 In your script, find out what is responsible for printing the content-type header 
and post that
 code snippet here.  It will be something like the following:

 # If you're doing it by hand, it will resemble this:
 print Content-type: text/html\n\n; 

 # If you're using, it will resemble on of the two following lines:
 print header();
 # or (varies depending on the name of the CGI object)
 print $query-header;

 There are many different ways of printing the content-type header, but they will 
likely resemble
 the snippets above.  Send that and we may have an answer for you.

 Of course, you can also telnet to port 80 (assuming that's the telnet port) and view 
the headers
 that way).  Most likely, you're sending a content type of 'text/plain'.  Here's what 
you'd enter
 in telnet:

 GET /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?foo=bar HTTP/1.1

 Substitute your own host and path and make sure you have two newlines after the host 

 Curtis Poe

 Senior Programmer
 Onsite! Technology (
 Ovid on

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger


Re: Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Advance Design - Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Curtis,
 I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file ...


It sounds like that could be the problem.  Generally, when printing a Web page from a 
CGI script,
you need to supply a content-type header to let the user agent (browser, in this case) 
know what
type of content it's dealing with.  If you're not doing that, your Web server might be 
doing that
for you and sending a default of 'text/plain', or perhaps it's not sending it at all 
the the
browsers are using defaults?  Tough to say what's going on here.

If you are not printing anything before the Web page, try printing the following:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

That will add the content-type header.

Even better, try this (tougher to make a typo with this method):

use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header();

It sounds like you may be a little unsure as to what is meant by headers, so I'll try 
to explain,
just in case.

Your browser, when you request a resource from a Web server, will issue a request.  
There are many
different request methods, but for CGI programmers, you will primarily be dealing with 
GET and
POST requests.  A typical request sent from your browser to the server may resemble 
the following:

POST /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi HTTP/1.1
Accept */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)
Connection: Keep-Alive


Note that this request is split into two sections.  The first section is comprised of 
the headers
and the second section is the entity body, or just body.  Since this is a POST 
request (see
first line), form data is put in the entity body.  If this were a GET request, there 
would be no
body and the first line would be something like (note the query string moved from the 

GET /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?color=redname=Ovid HTTP/1.1

For a get request like the one above, you'll see something like the following in the 
address bar
of your browser:

The Web server receives the request and passes your query information to the CGI 
script.  When the
CGI script responds, it is expected to send at least a Content-type header (unless 
your using
non-parsed header scripts, which I won't go into now) or a status header (which I also 
won't go
into now).  Your Web server supplies the rest of the headers.  Here's a typical 
response:  a Web
page sent by a script:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date:  Thu, 23 Sep 2001 06:23:19 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)
Last-Modified: Mon, 20 Sep 2001 08:19:56 GMT
ETag: 2f5cd-9640381-e1bd6
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-length:  4295
Connection: close
Content-type: text/html

!doctype html public -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN

Note that we again have headers and a body, just as an HTML document has a head and 
body, but
we're talking apples and oranges here.  Your script is expected to at least specify the
content-type (note the last line of the headers) and the Web server usually provides 
the rest of
the headers.  The two newlines between the headers allows your browser to know where 
the headers
stop and the entity-body begins.  Typically, when you view source in a Web browser, 
seeing *only the entity-body* of the document that's been returned.

Hope this clears up the confusion.  For more information, you can read

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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RE: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

2001-08-23 Thread John


Whoops! Hadn't thought of that.

Belt 'n suspenders is good. I'm sold. Besides, I'm am anthropomorphic enough
to understand that my server has feelings, too.


-Original Message-
From: Justin Simoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:51 PM
To: John
Cc: Moon, John; Beginners-CGI
Subject: Re: CGI::POST_MAX use and control

  I'd thought of using JavaScript, but I'm sunk if the user has Jscript
  off on their PC and I felt I wanted a little more surety on this being
  checked. I am going to re-visit the idea, however.never hurts to do

never hurts to do both, your server will thank  you for the less POSTs
you're giving it!


s k a z a t -

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Re: Browser Problem

2001-08-23 Thread Advance Design - Vance

Hello Curtis,

It works!!

Start Perl stuff...
End Perl stuff...
content-type: text/html
blank line
blank line
!doctype html public -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN

print Content-type: text/html\n\n; 
produced a error in the browser for some reason.

Many thanks for all your help.
(I am not entirely certain of what is going on but it works!)

Now I have to sort out the html/browser discrepancy problems. Opera and IE5.5 are 
pretty close but Netscape is doing strange things with my layout.

Thanks again, 


--- Advance Design - Vance [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello Curtis,
 I am just returning a complete html document from the perl file ...


It sounds like that could be the problem.  Generally, when printing a Web page from a 
CGI script,
you need to supply a content-type header to let the user agent (browser, in this case) 
know what
type of content it's dealing with.  If you're not doing that, your Web server might be 
doing that
for you and sending a default of 'text/plain', or perhaps it's not sending it at all 
the the
browsers are using defaults?  Tough to say what's going on here.

If you are not printing anything before the Web page, try printing the following:

print Content-type: text/html\n\n;

That will add the content-type header.

Even better, try this (tougher to make a typo with this method):

use CGI qw/:standard/;
print header();

It sounds like you may be a little unsure as to what is meant by headers, so I'll try 
to explain,
just in case.

Your browser, when you request a resource from a Web server, will issue a request.  
There are many
different request methods, but for CGI programmers, you will primarily be dealing with 
GET and
POST requests.  A typical request sent from your browser to the server may resemble 
the following:

POST /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi HTTP/1.1
Accept */*
Accept-Language: en-us
Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT)
Connection: Keep-Alive


Note that this request is split into two sections.  The first section is comprised of 
the headers
and the second section is the entity body, or just body.  Since this is a POST 
request (see
first line), form data is put in the entity body.  If this were a GET request, there 
would be no
body and the first line would be something like (note the query string moved from the 

GET /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?color=redname=Ovid HTTP/1.1

For a get request like the one above, you'll see something like the following in the 
address bar
of your browser:

The Web server receives the request and passes your query information to the CGI 
script.  When the
CGI script responds, it is expected to send at least a Content-type header (unless 
your using
non-parsed header scripts, which I won't go into now) or a status header (which I also 
won't go
into now).  Your Web server supplies the rest of the headers.  Here's a typical 
response:  a Web
page sent by a script:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date:  Thu, 23 Sep 2001 06:23:19 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.6 (Unix)
Last-Modified: Mon, 20 Sep 2001 08:19:56 GMT
ETag: 2f5cd-9640381-e1bd6
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-length:  4295
Connection: close
Content-type: text/html

!doctype html public -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN

Note that we again have headers and a body, just as an HTML document has a head and 
body, but
we're talking apples and oranges here.  Your script is expected to at least specify the
content-type (note the last line of the headers) and the Web server usually provides 
the rest of
the headers.  The two newlines between the headers allows your browser to know where 
the headers
stop and the entity-body begins.  Typically, when you view source in a Web browser, 
seeing *only the entity-body* of the document that's been returned.

Hope this clears up the confusion.  For more information, you can read

Curtis Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

sending @array as hidden variable

2001-08-23 Thread Simon K. Chan

Hi Everybody,

I am trying to send an array as a hidden value in my script as follows:

@array = (eggs, ham, bread, pop);

foreach $food (@array){
print INPUT TYPE=\hidden\ NAME=\food\ VALUE=\$food\;

My two questions are:

1.  Is this the most efficient way of sending an array as a hidden value?

2.  And if so, what is the corresponding $input{''} syntax?

Many thanks for your time, everybody!  

Warmest Regards,

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

-Albert Einstein

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Re: split a file

2001-08-23 Thread Ron Smith

Yet another way...:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

open (FILE, file_with_headings.txt) ||
die Couldn't open \file_with_headings.txt\ $!\n;
open (DIALIGN, dialign.txt) ||
die Couldn't create \dialign.txt\ $!\n;
open (FASTA, fasta.txt) || die Couldn't create \fasta.txt\ $!\n;
open (TREE, sequence_tree.txt) ||
  die Couldn't create \sequence_tree.txt\ $!\n;
while (FILE) {
print DIALIGN if (/DIALIGN/ .. /FASTA/);
print FASTA if (/FASTA/ .. /Sequence tree/);
print TREE if (/Sequence tree/ .. eof);
close (DIALIGN);
close (FASTA);
close (TREE);

Ron Smith

From: Pedro A Reche Gallardo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: split a file
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 18:24:44 -0400

Hi  All, I have a file (see below) that I would like to split in three
files: One file for the  information under  Alignment (DIALIGN
format), another for  the information under  the line Alignment (FASTA
format) and a third one for the information under sequence tree.
Any help to do this will be appreciated.


Alignment (DIALIGN format):



   ** ***** ** **

   ** * *** ** **

Alignment (FASTA format):


Sequence tree:


PEDRO a. RECHE gallardo, pHDTL: 617 632
Scientist, Mol.Immnunol.Foundation, FX: 617 632 3351
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,   EM:
Harvard Medical School, EM:
44 Binney Street, D610C,URL:
Boston, MA 02115

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RE: How to reference env variables.

2001-08-23 Thread Jim Conner

At 11:26 AM 08.22.2001 -0400, Bob Showalter wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Kingsbury, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 11:07 AM
  Subject: How to reference env variables.
  When running a command such as :
  `ls -la /some/directory`
   there is an envirornment variable called !EXITCODE that I want to
  reference.  I already have Use Env in place, but how do I
  keep perl from
  gagging on the bang in the variable name??

Based on a cursory glance at, it appears that it will skip
any names in the environment that dont match [A-Za-z_].

Theoretically you shouldn't be using any environment tokens with special 
characters in them anyway since the shell can and will misinterpret them at 
the most un useful times.  The '!' is a great example of this since bash 
will go crazy on it as well as many other shells.  In fact, you should 
really find out what is gagging, the Perl script or the shell.  You're 
probably right that it is the Perl interpreter but I'd double check to make 
sure.  It looks like the c shell is innocuous to the '!' based on HP 
example below.

I have to agree with the suggestion made here too, that you need to be 
specific about what your env var !EXITCODE does.  Perhaps there is a Unix 
mechanism or Perl mechanism already in place that will do what you are 
attempting (seem to anyway) do.

- Jim

You could get at it through the regular %ENV hash:


This command works on my (HPUX) system:

$ env !EXITCODE=hello perl -e 'print $ENV{q[!EXITCODE]}, \n'

Is this variable some artifact of your shell? Are you wanting to
test it following the ls backticks? If so, this isn't going to
work. The shell/ls will be executed in a child process, and the
child cannot affect the parent's environment. If you just want
the exit status from the backtics, you can use Perl's regular
$? variable. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole issue.
(Wouldn't be the first time).

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- Jim


Version: 0.01 Version: 3.12
P++*@$c?P6?R+++@$M  GIT/CM/J d++(--) s++:++ a-
 $O!MA-E! PU--+++BDC(+) UB$L$S$
$C-@D!(-)$S@$X?WP+MO!+++   P++(+)+ L+++()+$ !E*
+PP+++n-CO?PO!o G   W++(+++) N+ o !K w--- PS---(-)@ PE
 *(!)$A--@$Ee---(-)Ev++uL++*@$uB+   Y PGP t+(+++)+++@ 5- X++ R@
 *@$uS+*@$uH+uo+w-@$m!   tv+ b? DI-(+++) D+++(++) G()

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Re: Perl is amazing!!

2001-08-23 Thread Jim Conner

At 07:17 AM 08.21.2001 -0500, Randy5235 wrote:
I just started learning Perl about 2 days ago. I am totally blown away at
the power and ease. I am however trying to find as much reference as
possible. I have checked most of the popular sites thus far and managed to
find some docs there. Any links to documentation and how to's for a beginner
would be much appreciated. Thanks Randy5235

I absolutely *love*

I recommend that site to anyone.  Remember, the key to being monk is the 
ability to search. :)

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- Jim


Version: 0.01 Version: 3.12
P++*@$c?P6?R+++@$M  GIT/CM/J d++(--) s++:++ a-
 $O!MA-E! PU--+++BDC(+) UB$L$S$
$C-@D!(-)$S@$X?WP+MO!+++   P++(+)+ L+++()+$ !E*
+PP+++n-CO?PO!o G   W++(+++) N+ o !K w--- PS---(-)@ PE
 *(!)$A--@$Ee---(-)Ev++uL++*@$uB+   Y PGP t+(+++)+++@ 5- X++ R@
 *@$uS+*@$uH+uo+w-@$m!   tv+ b? DI-(+++) D+++(++) G()

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Re: counting

2001-08-23 Thread webmaster

yes but here the result of $count will always be 0, it should see the 
imput file and count tell me how many processed lines I hve in total, for 
the momento it is presentig all the precessed lines, so it gives an out 
put that says proceseed line 1 procesed line 2 and so on, but for th 
fineal report I would like to know how many in tootal were procesed 
how can I do that? here is the whole source 

use strict;
my $REPORT_FILE=report.htm;
my $blast_file=$ARGV[0]||'blast.dat';
unless (-e $blast_file)
  die $0: error:missing file: $blast_file;
#slurp all the seqs in to the scalar
my ($query_src,$sbjct_src);

#open the blast data file and end prg (DIE) if we can't find it open(IN,
#$blast_file) or die
open (IN, $blast_file) or die $0: ERROR: $blast_file: $!;

#go trought the blast file line by line, concat all the query and sbj seqs

my $line;
while ($line=IN)
  chomp $line;
  print processing line $. \n;
  my @words=split /\s+/, $line;
  if ($line=~ /^Query/)
$query_src .=$words[2];
  elsif ($line =~ /^Sbjct/)
$sbjct_src .=$words[2];
#next line closes the blast file
close IN;

#analysis part
my @patterns=('gtccca', 'gcaatg', 'cagct', 'tcggga', '-');

#find the patterns and sotore them in to the hashes
my (%query_counts, %sbjct_counts);

#search and store
foreach my $pattern (@patterns) 
  while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  while ($sbjct_src=~ /$pattern/g)
$sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;

#create an empty report fele
open (OUT, $REPORT_FILE) or die $0: ERROR: cant write $REPORT_FILE;

#print the header of the report file
#print OUT Seq report \n,
lo que sea , scalar localtime, \n,
\nnote in the sakasl saklkskfkdkskskjfkddkfj \n,
total lenght  of the 'Query' seq:  \n ,\nlenght $query_src,  
characters $

#adds agc
my $count=0;
while ( IN )
  print prsdf line $count\n;
print process $count lines\n;

my $thetime = scalar (localtime);

META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
META NAME=Generator CONTENT=MS Exchange Server version 5.5.2650.12
TITLEBlast report/TITLE
PFONT SIZE=2 FACE=ArialSeq report,/FONT
Plocal time for this report $thetime
pNote: A dash - represents missing data in the chromosomal seq
brtotal lenght of the query seq  $query_src
p Results for query
pnueva var $count


#print the query mathces

#foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
#  print OUT \t '$key' seen $query_counts{$key}\n;
#print OUT \nTOTAL lenght  of 'Sbjct' seq: ,\nlenght $sbjct_src, 

#print the sbjct mathces
#foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
#  print OUT \t'$key' seen  $sbjct_counts{$key}\n;

close OUT;

an imput file looks like this

Query: 1tcgggaaagaa--aatggtggc-ttcaagtttccagtcagctgctctctgtcccag

Sbjct: 1ctacaca-gaaagaatggtgg---tcaagtttcttcttgctctctctctgtcccag

so for example at the momento it is not giving me the number of 
characters on the quey line  again how can I do that?

On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Troy Denkinger wrote:

 Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:31:09 -0400
 From: Troy Denkinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: counting
 On Wednesday 22 August 2001 11:58, webmaster wrote:
  $ imput_file=$ARGV[0]||'imput.dat';
  unless (-e $imput_file)
  die $0: error:missing file: $imput_file;
  open (IN, $imput_file) or die $0 : error: $imput_file: $!;
 All of this ( except the #! line ) can be replaced by this:
   open( IN, shift ) or die( Open failed: $! );
  #print $imput_file;
  my $line;
  while ($line=IN)
chomp $line;
print processing line $. \n;
 If I understand the question, you want to be told by the while look what line 
 is processing and then, at the end, be told how many lines were processed.
 I'd use a counter to keep track of it all:
 my $count = 0;
 while( IN ){
   print Processing line $count\n;
 print Processed $count lines\n;
 Also, use strict and use warnings, you'll be happy to did - maybe not now, 
 but someday.

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Re: Perl is amazing!!

2001-08-23 Thread Jos I. Boumans

Hello Randy,

I wrote some beginners tutorials you might find usefull on
Also, I'd recommend the camel book (programming perl, by larry wall, published by 
and the llama book (learning perl, by randal schwartz, also published by o'reilly).


Jos Boumans

Randy5235 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 I just started learning Perl about 2 days ago. I am totally blown away at
 the power and ease. I am however trying to find as much reference as
 possible. I have checked most of the popular sites thus far and managed to
 find some docs there. Any links to documentation and how to's for a beginner
 would be much appreciated. Thanks Randy5235
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Administrators Mailing Groups ???

2001-08-23 Thread Veeraraju_Mareddi

Dear All,

I am new to PERL .Perl is very Interesting and Useful it seems. Please tell
me is there any Mailing List for Admin activities Using Perl(Windows NT 
UNIX environments). I am interested in writing some scripts using PERL on
Administrative purpose..

Please Help me in this regards, Please share any Well known links in this
Direction .

Thanx and Regards

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perl version

2001-08-23 Thread Rahul Garg

how could i know which perl version i am using : any command on unix/linux

RE: perl version

2001-08-23 Thread HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1)

| how could i know which perl version i am using : any command 
| on unix/linux

  perl -v

or (more verbose)

  perl -V

-- Marcus

| -Original Message-
| From: Rahul Garg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 1:14 PM
| Subject: perl version 
| how could i know which perl version i am using : any command 
| on unix/linux

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Re: perl version

2001-08-23 Thread N_Dinesh


 Useperl -v


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Perl/TK GUI IDE? Does one exist?

2001-08-23 Thread Pierre Smolarek


As some of you know... developing TK can be time consuming. Does anyone know, even in 
its simplest form,  of a perl TK IDE tool? Idealy on the windows platform. Perl 
Builder doesn't really have a VC++ style IDE where you can create yoru window look and 


Pierre Smolarek
Internet Production Manager

BBM Carlson,
Carlson Marketing Group

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RE: Debug help

2001-08-23 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Scott Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:46 PM
 Subject: Debug help
 Hi all,
 I snatched this guest book off some script site 

Be careful. A lot of that stuff on script sites is pure crapola.

 and it's 
 either gone now, 
 or I misplaced the bookmark, but anyhow, perhaps someone can 
 help me with 
 the syntax.  Something I changed at 3AM one morning now it 
 doesn't work 

Use RCS, CVS, or something. Make backups.

 , I know the MySQL parameters are fine, it's something I 
 deleted in here.
 $success returns this value: DBI::st=HASH(0x81a8280) at the line 
 if($success != 1) ...

Well, $success is the return from prepare(), which is a statement
handle. Why would you compare a statement handle to a 1?

 can anyone point out my obvious mistake?

Calling the handle $success implies that you mean for this
variable to be the result of the execute() method.

Read the DBI docs to see what prepare() and execute() return.

Note that the return of prepare() is not checked. You might
want to do that, otherwise the execute() call will barf ungracefully.

 sub insert_entry {
  my ($dbh, $success, $name, $email, $website, $comments,$time);
  $dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:mysql:database=$serverDb;
  $name = param(name);
  $email = param(email);
  $website = param(website);
  $comments = param(comments);
  $time = time;
  $SQL = INSERT INTO $serverTabl(name,email,website,comments,time)
VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?), undef, $name, 
  $success = $dbh-prepare($SQL);
  if($success != 1) {
   return $success Sorry, the database was unable to 
 add your entry.
Please try again later.
  } else {

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RE: How to tie a hash of arrays

2001-08-23 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: G Harper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:58 AM
 Subject: How to tie a hash of arrays
 Is there an easier way than MLDBM?  It's all I've found.  I need to
 store/retreive a DBM hash with 7 keys, each key storing an 
 array with up to
 40 entries.

It very much depends on the specific application. It really doesn't
get much easier than MLDBM. I don't understand what the problem is.

 Or can I tie multiple hashes to one DBM file?  Then I could 
 reference each
 entry as a key in it's respective hash.

No, a DBM ties to one hash. But that hash (using MLDBM) can
contain other hashes nested to any level.

Post some details about why MLDBM doesn't seem to be the right
tool for you.

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RE: Perl is amazing!!

2001-08-23 Thread Daryl J. Hoyt

This link takes you to a great beginner's page.  I find it very useful and
still reference it occasionally.

-Original Message-
From: Randy5235 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 7:18 AM
Subject: Perl is amazing!!

I just started learning Perl about 2 days ago. I am totally blown away at
the power and ease. I am however trying to find as much reference as
possible. I have checked most of the popular sites thus far and managed to
find some docs there. Any links to documentation and how to's for a beginner
would be much appreciated. Thanks Randy5235

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2001-08-23 Thread agc

I have

#search and store
foreach my $pattern (@patterns)
  while ($query_src=~ /$pattern/g)
  while ($sbjct_src=~ /$pattern/g)
$sbjct_counts{ $pattern }++;


foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
print OUT \t '$key' seen $query_counts{$key}\n;
#print OUT \nTOTAL lenght  of 'Sbjct' seq: ,\nlenght $sbjct_src, 
cahracters\n, resou$

#print the sbjct mathces
foreach my $key (sort @patterns)
  print OUT \t'$key' seen  $sbjct_counts{$key}\n;
 I want to have in a separate variable each match, it reads a file and 
searches for mathces, if fines one counst is and prints it out, that is 
doing now, now I do not want id to print it out but to store the value 
for a future use in any variable new, so I can decide later wich are 
worthful to have on a report, how canI do that?


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Using the B module?

2001-08-23 Thread Edwin Günthner

Hi there,

I would like to perform a special check on scripts 
before they are evaluated. We have this situation:

* we provide a set of functions 
* our users should use just these functions, nothing

Therefore, a typical script would look like this:

use Ourlib;

ourSub(arg1, 2, arg);
ourSubX(CONST1, CONST2);

The execution of this functions might take 
a lot of time. Therefore we would like to
ensure that all method calls are correct - 
before we start to execute the first call.

E. g. we know that ourSubX will accept only
2 strings from a set of 5 possible values or so.
Therefore if someone mistakely writes
ourSubX(CONSTL, CONST2) we would like to
stop right in the beginning. 

Of course we cant check for any kind of mistake - 
but we would like to avoid the situation where a script 
fails after  20 hours because someone 
wrote CONSTL instead of CONST1 in the last line of 
a script ...

I think the easiest solution for this requirement
is to use the perl compiler package and to check
any call to a method in the script  - before the script 
itself is executed.

Well, knowing what to do is not quite the 
same as knowing how to do it ... 
maybe someone can tell me where I can find
some SIMPLY examples/tutorials of how to use the B package - 
for example it would be really nice to see code that 
reads a perl script and then walks over the corresponding AST
and prints out all the nodes of the AST.


edwin günthner

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usage of require

2001-08-23 Thread Oliver Velten


I wrote a perl programm where i have a lot of strings defined and a lot 
of configuration data. To have a handy file where all configuration is 
stored and can be easily changed I want to use the require function. So 
I put after use CGI; a require config; I created a file called config 
and put it to the same directory where the script resides. The content 
is like this:

@year = (2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011);

But running the programm fails. What' wrong?


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More problems printing dereferencing an array within an struct

2001-08-23 Thread Craig Moynes/Markham/IBM

Wags helped me with the last problem (though we are still unsure of the
reason for the behavior).

This round I have encountered another similar problem.  The code sample
works for printing out the scalars, but when I attempt to print out the
arrays instead the size of the arrays are printed, causing no end to

If I print $MIB_TREE{$object}-children i get an array reference, so i try
to dereference it but then I can only get the size.

Any ideas ?

(Perl guru's please see the earlier note with the similar subject line to
see if you can help with that problem as well).

Truly confused,

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use Class::Struct;
select ( STDOUT );
$| = 1;

# my $wRX   = \[\\w\\-\];
# my $commentRX = qr/^--/;

struct Object = {
name= '$',
id  = '$',
children = '@',


my $node = Object-new();
@{$node-children} = (Craig, Scott, Cara);

$MIB_TREE{$node-name} = $node;

$node = Object-new();
@{$node-children} = (NA);

$MIB_TREE{$node-name} = $node;

foreach my $object ( keys %MIB_TREE )
print $MIB_TREE{$object}-name.\n;
print $MIB_TREE{$object}-id.\n;

print @{$MIB_TREE{$object}-children}.\n;

Craig Moynes
IBM Global Services, Canada

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Re: Using the B module?

2001-08-23 Thread Paul Johnson

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 03:22:54PM +0200, Edwin Günthner wrote:

 maybe someone can tell me where I can find
 some SIMPLY examples/tutorials of how to use the B package - 

Hardly for beginners, but you probably want to take a look at B::Utils.
As far as tutorials are concerned, I think you might be out of luck.

 for example it would be really nice to see code that 
 reads a perl script and then walks over the corresponding AST
 and prints out all the nodes of the AST.

I'd suggest looking at something like B::Deparse or B::Concise.

You might be better off simply parsing with Perl.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: More problems printing dereferencing an array within an struct

2001-08-23 Thread Paul Johnson

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09:31:52AM -0400, Craig Moynes/Markham/IBM wrote:

 This round I have encountered another similar problem.  The code sample
 works for printing out the scalars, but when I attempt to print out the
 arrays instead the size of the arrays are printed, causing no end to
 If I print $MIB_TREE{$object}-children i get an array reference, so i try
 to dereference it but then I can only get the size.

Here's your problem:

 print @{$MIB_TREE{$object}-children}.\n;

You are printing the array in scalar context, which gives its size.

Try either of these:

  print @{$MIB_TREE{$object}-children}, \n;
  print @{$MIB_TREE{$object}-children}\n;

Depending on whether you want the spaces between elements.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: usage of require

2001-08-23 Thread Jos I. Boumans

perhaps you want to 'use' or even 'do' your module
but it depends on the error you are getting
perhaps you can provide a bit more context?


- Original Message - 
From: Oliver Velten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:32 PM
Subject: usage of require

 I wrote a perl programm where i have a lot of strings defined and a lot 
 of configuration data. To have a handy file where all configuration is 
 stored and can be easily changed I want to use the require function. So 
 I put after use CGI; a require config; I created a file called config 
 and put it to the same directory where the script resides. The content 
 is like this:
 @year = (2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011);
 But running the programm fails. What' wrong?
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RE: Using the B module?

2001-08-23 Thread Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs

Paul brings up a good point.  You can do something like this:

package OurPackage;

  my $filename = (caller(2))[1];
  # now, open $filename and make sure it only uses what you want
  # and how you want it used.

 in their file
use strict;
use OurPackage; -- BEGIN is executed here

Good Luck!

-Original Message-
From: Paul Johnson
To: Edwin Günthner
Sent: 8/23/2001 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: Using the B module?

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 03:22:54PM +0200, Edwin Günthner wrote:

 maybe someone can tell me where I can find
 some SIMPLY examples/tutorials of how to use the B package - 

Hardly for beginners, but you probably want to take a look at B::Utils.
As far as tutorials are concerned, I think you might be out of luck.

 for example it would be really nice to see code that 
 reads a perl script and then walks over the corresponding AST
 and prints out all the nodes of the AST.

I'd suggest looking at something like B::Deparse or B::Concise.

You might be better off simply parsing with Perl.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RTF Generator vs. RTF Writer?

2001-08-23 Thread Birgit Kellner

  I am looking for a module that allows generation of RTF documents
  from perl. The idea is to take output from database searches and
  generate documents with specific fonts, so that users can print
  out (or do whatever else they want to do with) these documents.
  CPAN informs that there are two such modules:
  RTF-Generator-1.00 and RTF-Writer-1.06.
  Does anyone on this list use these modules and can share experiences?

  Thanks  regards,

  Birgit Kellner

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Re: Regex help

2001-08-23 Thread Michel Blanc

Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan a écrit :

 Someone else has already shown the general approach for ensuring a
 unique-character string:
   sub unique_characters {
 $_[0] =~ /(.).*?\1/s ? 0 : 1
 We can extrapolate upon this idea and test afterward that the string
 doesn't contain any unwanted characters:
   sub unique_char_set {
 my ($str, $chars) = @_;
 return 0 if $str =~ /[^\Q$chars\E]/;
 return !($str =~ /(.).*?\1/s);

Thanks for your response guys. This is very useful.

In fact, since I needed a one liner (I forgot to say that) for a
regex-based dispatch table, I tried to convert that to :

($str !~ /(c|C|d|e|E|f|G|h|i|I|k|K|l|L|m|M|r|R|s|t|T|v|V|x|X).*?\1/s);

But this doesn't fail if unwanted characters are in.

So I am afraid that we'll arrive at (??{ ... }) 
What I am trying to do is some kind of shell. Command dispatching is
done via a hash containing regex = coderef style data. That's why I
am looking for a one--liner.

Thanks ! 
Michel Blanc
Centre Multimédia Erasme/Parc d'activités innovantes
69930 Saint Clément-les-places
Tel : +33-(0)4-74-70-68-40 / Fax : +33-(0)4-74-70-68-40

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Append array in hash of arrays under strict

2001-08-23 Thread John Edwards

Here's some sample code

use strict;

my (%hash, @array, @results);

$hash{'name'}{'sub'} = qw(one two three four);

@array = qw(five six seven eight);

$hash{'name'}{'sub'} = ($hash{'name'}{'sub'}, @array);

print @{$hash{'name'}{'sub'}};

This produces an error Can't use string (4) as an ARRAY ref while strict
refs in use at line 11.

The Perl Cookbook says this causes a runtime exception under use strict
because you're dereferencing an undefined reference where autovivification
won't occur and suggests using...

use strict;

my (%hash, @array, @results);

$hash{'name'}{'sub'} = qw(one two three four);

@array = qw(five six seven eight);

$hash{'name'}{'sub'} = ($hash{'name'}{'sub'}, @array);

@results = exists( $hash{'name'}{'sub'} )
? @{ $hash{'name'}{'sub'} }
: ();

print @results;

Which I've tried, but it produces the same error. Does anyone have some
advice or a workround (other that removing the use strict pragma if

I've tried combining the arrays like this

push ($hash{'name'}{'sub'}, @array);


push (@{$hash{'name'}{'sub'}}, @array);

with similar errors.


John Edwards
IT Support
Runecraft Leeds

Phone: 0113 2206317
Fax: 0113 2206301
Mobile: 07961 356186

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Re: Regex help

2001-08-23 Thread Michel Blanc

Bob Showalter a écrit :

 If you want to match any of those characters (and no other) in any order,
 but at most once, here is a non-regex approach (not terribly efficient
 if you need to do it millions of times, but it works):
  use strict;
  my $key = 'cCdeEfGhiI'; # legal chars
  check('cCdE');  # match
  check('cCcE');  # no match
  check('xccE');  # no match
  sub check
 my $val = shift;
 print Testing $val: ;
 my %h = map { ($_ = 0) } split //, $key;
 for (split //, $val)
 print(No match\n), return
 unless exists $h{$_}  !$h{$_}++;
 print Match\n;

Thanks for this Bob, but I forgot to say that :

- I need a regexp,
- I need a one-liner
- The order of characters doesn't matter

Sorry for this oversight, and thanks for your help.

Michel Blanc
Centre Multimédia Erasme/Parc d'activités innovantes
69930 Saint Clément-les-places
Tel : +33-(0)4-74-70-68-40 / Fax : +33-(0)4-74-70-68-40

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RE: usage of require

2001-08-23 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Oliver Velten [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 9:32 AM
 Subject: usage of require
 I wrote a perl programm where i have a lot of strings defined 
 and a lot 
 of configuration data. To have a handy file where all 
 configuration is 
 stored and can be easily changed I want to use the require 
 function. So 
 I put after use CGI; a require config; I created a file called config 
 and put it to the same directory where the script resides. 
 The content 
 is like this:
 @year = (2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011);
 But running the programm fails. What' wrong?

Fails in what way? Why make us guess?

Did you carefully read the documentation on require? I can
think of two reasons why it might be failing:

   1. If config is a bareword, require will look for a file
  called, and it must exist in a location in

   2. If the last expression in the file does not evaulate
  to true, the require will fail.


   perldoc -f require
   perldoc -q require

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Perform a tar command on a directory

2001-08-23 Thread Baartmans, Hans

Does anyone have a good suggestion how to go about creating a tar ball of a
directory from within a Perl script?  I considered doing a change directory
just above the directory which I want to tar and then using the UNIX tar
command from within the script.  Is this the best approach?


Strip charactes from every element in array

2001-08-23 Thread John Edwards

Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every element in an

@array = qw(one1 two1 three1);

And I need the elements to be (one two three).

My only idea is copy to another array, run a foreach, s/// the char out and
push into another array, then after the foreach has finished empty the first
array and replace with the fixed one. There must be a better way, right

John Edwards
IT Support
Runecraft Leeds

Phone: 0113 2206317
Fax: 0113 2206301
Mobile: 07961 356186

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used by any person other than the intended recipient.  Unauthorised use,
disclosure or copying by whatever medium is strictly prohibited and may be
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sender immediately and delete the E-mail from your system.

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RE: Strip charactes from every element in array

2001-08-23 Thread HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1)

| Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every 
| element in an
| array?

@array = qw(one1 two1 three1);
chop @array;
print @array;

Hope this helps.

-- Marcus

| -Original Message-
| From: John Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:45 PM
| To: Perl Beginners (E-mail)
| Subject: Strip charactes from every element in array
| Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every 
| element in an
| array?
| @array = qw(one1 two1 three1);
| And I need the elements to be (one two three).
| My only idea is copy to another array, run a foreach, s/// 
| the char out and
| push into another array, then after the foreach has finished 
| empty the first
| array and replace with the fixed one. There must be a better 
| way, right
| John Edwards
| IT Support
| Runecraft Leeds
| Phone: 0113 2206317
| Fax: 0113 2206301
| Mobile: 07961 356186
| --Confidentiality--.
| This E-mail is confidential.  It should not be read, copied, 
| disclosed or
| used by any person other than the intended recipient.  
| Unauthorised use,
| disclosure or copying by whatever medium is strictly 
| prohibited and may be
| unlawful.  If you have received this E-mail in error please 
| contact the
| sender immediately and delete the E-mail from your system.
| -- 
| To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Strip charactes from every element in array

2001-08-23 Thread HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1)

| and if the character isn't there
| @array(one1 two three1);
| I end up with
| one tw three

@array = qw(one1 two1 three1);
s/\d+$// for @array;
print @array;

-- Marcus

| -Original Message-
| From: John Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:49 PM
| To: 'HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1)'
| Subject: RE: Strip charactes from every element in array
| and if the character isn't there
| @array(one1 two three1);
| I end up with
| one tw three
| -Original Message-
| From: HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1)
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 23 August 2001 15:49
| To: 'John Edwards'
| Subject: RE: Strip charactes from every element in array
| | Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every 
| | element in an
| | array?
| @array = qw(one1 two1 three1);
| chop @array;
| print @array;
| Hope this helps.
| -- Marcus
| | -Original Message-
| | From: John Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| | Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:45 PM
| | To: Perl Beginners (E-mail)
| | Subject: Strip charactes from every element in array
| | 
| | 
| | Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every 
| | element in an
| | array?
| | 
| | @array = qw(one1 two1 three1);
| | 
| | And I need the elements to be (one two three).
| | 
| | 
| | My only idea is copy to another array, run a foreach, s/// 
| | the char out and
| | push into another array, then after the foreach has finished 
| | empty the first
| | array and replace with the fixed one. There must be a better 
| | way, right
| | 
| | John Edwards
| | IT Support
| | Runecraft Leeds
| | 
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Re: Strip charactes from every element in array

2001-08-23 Thread Luke Bakken

When you do a for loop :

for (@array)

the implicit $_ in the loop becomes an alias for the real element - so by
modifying the element in the loop you're actually modifying the real one
in the array.


PS you could use map here as well, but it's in a void context - big no-no
:-)  I personally liked the s/// for @array expression.

On Thu, 23 Aug 2001, John Edwards wrote:

 Is there any easy way to strip a single character from every element in an

 @array = qw(one1 two1 three1);

 And I need the elements to be (one two three).

 My only idea is copy to another array, run a foreach, s/// the char out and
 push into another array, then after the foreach has finished empty the first
 array and replace with the fixed one. There must be a better way, right

 John Edwards
 IT Support
 Runecraft Leeds

 Phone: 0113 2206317
 Fax: 0113 2206301
 Mobile: 07961 356186

 This E-mail is confidential.  It should not be read, copied, disclosed or
 used by any person other than the intended recipient.  Unauthorised use,
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RE: perl version

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, HOLLAND-MORITZ,MARCUS (A-hsgGermany,ex1) said:

| how could i know which perl version i am using : any command 
| on unix/linux

  perl -v

Or, if you're sick like me,

  perl -version number, please

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Re: Regex help

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, Michel Blanc said:

   sub unique_char_set {
 my ($str, $chars) = @_;
 return 0 if $str =~ /[^\Q$chars\E]/;
 return !($str =~ /(.).*?\1/s);

Thanks for your response guys. This is very useful.

In fact, since I needed a one liner (I forgot to say that) for a
regex-based dispatch table, I tried to convert that to :

Ok.  Then use this:

  if ($str =~ /[^cCdeEfghiIkKlLmMrRstTvVxX]|(.).*?\1/) {
# it was a bad string

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Removing Modules

2001-08-23 Thread Danial Magid

Any ideas on how to remove unwanted modules?

And what happens if they have been intertwined with a DLL?


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2001-08-23 Thread Najamuddin, Junaid

If some one can help me out please
I am brand new to Perl
I wrote a prog which is working fine except for few glitches
It should read two text files compare the snap.txt with base.txt and spit
out the name of task which is not running in last hour or so
The snap log file has list of tasks which are either completed, running or
exited with error 
The snap log file carries log for more then a day or so
What I am interested in is about the tasks not running or rendering error in
last hour or so
My prog list it but since there is a repetition of the same tasks over a
period of time so it is not giving the right output
I want to get the very latest instance of the task when it is erroring out 
The Base.txt contains the tasks which I am interested in to check which are
like about 10 or so 
The log files are tab delimited 
Enclosed is the script along with the two text files
Another option is to only read one file and look for specific tasks which
are not running and the names of the tasks can  be incorporated in 
the script.
In the snap.txt file field 8 gives the task state 
If someone can help me out with the code in detail 
I appreciate it.

 snap.txt  base.txt 

# Monitoring script

use Win32;

my($snapshot, $baseline);   # Defining txt files

# First file
$snapshot = ./snap.txt; # List of Svcs currently running, file in c:\perl

# Second file
$baseline = ./base.txt;  # List of All Svcs which should be running

my(@arr1, @arr2, @result);  # Defining arrays
my($fld1, $fld2, $fld3, $fld4, $fld5, $fld6, $fld7, $fld8); # Defining
variables for fields
my($match, $cnt, $val1, $val2, $finalresult); # Defining scalar variables
$match = N;

#Open snapshot file and insert every line into @arr1
open(SNAPSHOT, $snapshot) or die Unable to open $snapshot.; # Open the txt
file and place it in filehandle   

$cnt = 0;
while ( SNAPSHOT ) # Looping thru the filehandle snapshot
$arr1[$cnt] = $_;
$cnt = $cnt + 1;
  close (SNAPSHOT); # close the filehandle snapshot

#Open baseline file and insert every line into @arr2
open(BASELINE, $baseline) or die Unable to open $baseline.; # Open the txt
file and place it in filehandle  

$cnt = 0;
while ( BASELINE ) # Looping thru the filehandle baseline
$arr2[$cnt] = $_;
$cnt = $cnt + 1;
  close (BASELINE); # close filehandle baseline

# Outer loop is for baseline file
# Inner loop is for snapshot file
# Taking one element from @arr2 (baseline) and comparing it with all the
elements in @arr1(snapshot) and 
# If their is no match then insert that name into @result.

$cnt = 0;

foreach $val2 (@arr2) # referring to baseline
foreach $val1 (@arr1) # referring to snapshot
if ($val1 eq $val2) 
$match = Y;
if  ($match eq N) 
$result[$cnt] = $val2;
$cnt = $cnt + 1;

$match = N;

$finalresult = 0; # initializing to zero
foreach $val1 (@result)
$finalresult = $finalresult + 1;

if ($finalresult   0 ) 
print \nList of SICK Siebel-Tasks \n\n; # If some svc is not
foreach $val1 (@result)
($fld1,$fld2,$fld3,$fld4,$fld5,$fld6,$fld7,$fld8) =
split(/\|/,$val1);# separating req fields for output
print Siebel-Task $fld4; related to Siebel-Component $fld3

print \nCheers! All Siebel-Tasks are Doing Well!\n; # When all
svcs are running fine


  -  -  -        
--  ---  ---  
S2_NXLKPRDServerMgr  ServerMgr  ServerMgr  47148 881   Session   
NotRunning  08/23/2001 11:14:25   Processing List Tasks command  

S2_NXLKPRDSynchMgr   SynchMgr   SynchMgr   47147   Session   Completed 
  08/23/2001 11:14:09  08/23/2001 11:14:09  COMPLETED : Wrote 0 Kbytes, read 0 Kbytes, 
sent 0 msgs, rcvd 0 msgs  
S2_NXLKPRDSynchMgr   SynchMgr   SynchMgr   47146   Session   Completed 
  08/23/2001 11:13:09  08/23/2001 11:13:09  COMPLETED : Wrote 0 Kbytes, read 0 Kbytes, 
sent 0 msgs, rcvd 0 msgs  
S2_NXLKPRDSynchMgr   SynchMgr   SynchMgr   47145   Session   Completed 
  08/23/2001 11:12:09  08/23/2001 11:12:09  COMPLETED : Wrote 0 Kbytes, read 0 Kbytes, 
sent 0 msgs, rcvd 0 msgs  

hash of ref to array of arrays, lost all but the last element in hash

2001-08-23 Thread Jennifer Pan

Dear all, 

I would like to construct a hash, whose value holds a reference to an
array of arrays,
however all the keys in my hash have the exact same value, which turns
out to be the value of the last element I put it!!

I felt that something is wrong in the data structure, that I should not
keep re-using @match or @splice, they get overwritten, so I only came
with the last one. But I am not sure how to fix it, or is there a way?

Any insight is much appreciated!!!


#! /usr/bin/perl -w

my %hash;
my $MatchLine;
my $SVLine;

while (STDIN) {
  chomp $_;
  if (/^Query=(\w+)$/) {

if ($key) {

@match = split (' ', $MatchLine);
@splice = split (' ', $SVLine);

$ref = [\@match, \@splice];

$hash{$key}= $ref;
$key = $1;
} else {
$key =$1
  } elsif (/^MA:(.+)$/) {
$MatchLine = $1;
  } elsif (/^SV:(.+)$/) {
$SVLine = $1;
  } else {

foreach $key (keys %hash) {
print $key\n;
print $_ for (@$mref);
print \n;
print $_ for (@$svref);
print \n;

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Re: Databases and Perl

2001-08-23 Thread Peter Scott

At 11:39 AM 8/23/01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I am in the process of developing perl code to create and populate a
oracle database.  Have anyone out there in PerlLand ever developed a
process that will create a oracle database, tablespaces and create tables
and indexes?  If yes, would you mind sharing your code?  DB2 would work
just as well.

Get Programming the Perl DBI by Tim Bunce and Alligator Descartes, from 
O'Reilly, and with your knowledge of SQL you'll be able to do anything you 
want with Oracle or DB2 from Perl.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: fatal subroutine

2001-08-23 Thread Peter Scott

At 03:06 PM 8/21/01 +0100, Andre P. wrote:

I am transfering a script which is calling the fatal subroutine. On the 
new machine I am getting the following error:
Undefined subroutine main::fatal called at

This happens when writing: fatal(blah);

Wher is the fatal function located.

In the code you transferred, or some module or other file it requires in 
order to work.

There is no function 'fatal' in core Perl.  It's something made up by the 
writer of the script you're copying, or by the writer of some file that 
that script imports.

Look in the original script for a definition of fatal, or look in it for 
use, require, or do statements that reference some file not in core 
Perl, and look in that file for it.

Do I need to include some modules??? I can't find any usefull info in the 
any help much appreciated.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Weekly list FAQ posting

2001-08-23 Thread casey

beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
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  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

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find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:


This is a high traffic list (100+ messages per day), so please subscribe
in the way which is best for you.

  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a week, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
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do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
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simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

July 11, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Monkeys
* Monkeys solicitating homework on non-Perl related SPAM.
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
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* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl, then it is allowed. You can ask
CGI, networking, syntax, style, etc... types of questions. If your
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If it has anything to do with Perl, it will likely be answered.

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

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answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

Please do not quote the documentation unless you have something to add
to it. It is better to direct someone to the documentation so they
hopefully will read documentation above and beyond that which answers
their question. It also helps teach them how to use the documentation.

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

`perldoc perldoc'

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

  2.8 Is this a high traffic list?

YES! You have been warned! If you don't want to get ~100 emails per day
from this list, 

RE: is this sub called correctly? am I missing something?

2001-08-23 Thread Daryl J. Hoyt

I do not believe that you need the  before the function call.

-Original Message-
From: Birgit Kellner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: is this sub called correctly? am I missing something?

I have a sub called and it doesn't return what it's supposed to return - am
I blind or is there something I am missing out on?
The script runs with use strict, and no errors are reported.

my ($db_key, %rec);
# %orderhash contains numeric keys and values, like ('43' = '5', '20' =
'17'); I want to call the sub get_record for each of these keys.
# NOTE: this works perfectly, with the same syntax, in other parts of the
same file.
# might the problem be that I'm embedding the call to the sub in a foreach
loop here?

foreach (keys %orderhash) {
$db_key = $_;
print Database key: $db_key; #this works fine, so $db_key HAS a 
%rec = get_record($db_key); # here's the problem: %rec doesn't get
print Number: $rec{'number'}; # ouch, no value.

# this is the called sub, contained in another file that we're requiring.
# other file also runs under use strict - no errors reported. all variables
not declared in the sub are declared globally.
# I won't give all explanations about what this does just yet - hoping that
this is a simple logic error which I'm too blind to see ...

sub get_record {
# Given an ID as input, get_record returns a hash of the
# requested record or undefined if not found.

my ($key, $found, $line, @data, $field, $restricted, $i, %rec);
$key = $_[0];
$found = 0;
($restricted = 1) if ($auth_modify_own and !$per_admin);

open (DB, $db_file_name) or cgierr(error in get_records. unable to
open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!);
if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); }
LINE: while (DB) {
(/^#/)  and next LINE;
(/^\s*$/)   and next LINE;
$line = $_; chomp ($line);
@data = split_decode($line);
next LINE if ($restricted and ($db_userid ne $data[$auth_user_field]));
if ($data[$db_key_pos] eq $key) {
$found = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i = $#db_cols; $i++) {  # Map the array columns 
to a hash.
$rec{$db_cols[$i]} = $data[$i];
last LINE;
close DB;
$found ?
(return %rec) :
(return undef);

I'd be really grateful for any hints as to what might be wrong - thanks in
I've also tried calling the sub without , but it doesn't make a

Birgit Kellner

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Sending emails: Question newbie

2001-08-23 Thread Mike Rapuano

Hi all -- 

I'm trying to send an email with an attachment from the below code (Gary
MacDonald posted the code on activestate. Thanks Gary:-). The code works
fine to send email to my Imail Server (type of nt mail server) but when
I try to send a message to either ny yahoo mail account or my exchange
mail server I don't get the body of the message OR the attachment. 

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



use Net::SMTP; 
use MIME::Base64; 

my $file = 'test.doc';
my $mediatype = 'msword'; 
open INPUT, $file or die Can't open INPUT file $file: $!\n; 
binmode INPUT; 
my $buffer; 
my $from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
my $to = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
my $server = '';
my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new($server) or die Can't create SMTP object\n; 
my @msg = MSG; 
From: $from 
To: $to 
Subject: word document attachment 
MIME-Version: 1.0 
Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Boundary $time 

--Boundary $time 
Content-type: text/plain 

This is a test email.

--Boundary $time 
Content-type: application/$mediatype; name=$file 
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$file 
Content-transfer-encoding: base64 


$smtp-datasend(encode_base64($buffer)) while(read (INPUT, $buffer,
$smtp-datasend(\n--Boundary $time--\n); 
close INPUT; 

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The symbol in a variable

2001-08-23 Thread Buffy Press


I am *very new* to Perl and to this list.  I have a question I am hoping
someone can answer.  I am looking over an existing Perl script and came
across this block of code:

 # Create the cmdfile
  my $runprog = $NexBase::idxBase/cmdfiles/$indexname  $cmdfile;
  exit $? if system($runprog);

Can anyone tell me what the  symbol means here:

my $runprog = $NexBase::idxBase/cmdfiles/$indexname  $cmdfile;
I have looked in O'Reilly's Programming Perl book and found lots of
information about the  symbol, but I could not see how it relates in
the above variable.

Any help is appreciated.  


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RE: is this sub called correctly? am I missing something?

2001-08-23 Thread Birgit Kellner

--On Donnerstag, 23. August 2001 13:01 -0500 Daryl J. Hoyt 

 I do not believe that you need the  before the function call.

I thought so, but leaving it out doesn't solve my problem either. - But 
thanks anyway.

Birgit Kellner

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Re: The symbol in a variable

2001-08-23 Thread Peter Scott

At 11:20 AM 8/23/01 -0700, Buffy Press wrote:

I am *very new* to Perl and to this list.  I have a question I am hoping
someone can answer.  I am looking over an existing Perl script and came
across this block of code:

  # Create the cmdfile
   my $runprog = $NexBase::idxBase/cmdfiles/$indexname  $cmdfile;
   exit $? if system($runprog);

Can anyone tell me what the  symbol means here:

my $runprog = $NexBase::idxBase/cmdfiles/$indexname  $cmdfile;

I have looked in O'Reilly's Programming Perl book and found lots of
information about the  symbol, but I could not see how it relates in
the above variable.

That symbol is not going to be used by Perl.  The variable $runprog is 
being initialized to contain a command to be passed to your OS' command 
line interpreter (the Bourne shell on Unix-y systems).  You'll see $runprog 
used later in that program in either a system() or exec() function call, or 
between backticks (``) (or, less likely, in an open() call).

If you're unfamiliar with the Bourne shell, consult a reference such as 
Unix Shell Programming by Kochan  Wood, Hayden Books (happens to be on 
the shelf in front of me).

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: is this sub called correctly? am I missing something?

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 07:52:04PM +0200, Birgit Kellner wrote:
 my ($db_key, %rec);
 # %orderhash contains numeric keys and values, like ('43' = '5', '20' = 
 '17'); I want to call the sub get_record for each of these keys.
 # NOTE: this works perfectly, with the same syntax, in other parts of the 
 same file.

 # might the problem be that I'm embedding the call to the sub in a foreach 
 loop here?


 foreach (keys %orderhash) {
   $db_key = $_;
   print Database key: $db_key; #this works fine, so $db_key HAS a 
   %rec = get_record($db_key); # here's the problem: %rec doesn't get 

What does get returned?

   print Number: $rec{'number'}; # ouch, no value.

Is this what you're using to verify %rec has no keys?  Have you tried doing
a dump of %rec to see what it does have?

For example:

use Data::Dumper;
print Data::Dumper-([\%rec])-Terse(1)-Useqq(1)-Dump;

 # this is the called sub, contained in another file that we're requiring.
 # other file also runs under use strict - no errors reported. all variables 
 not declared in the sub are declared globally.
 # I won't give all explanations about what this does just yet - hoping that 
 this is a simple logic error which I'm too blind to see ...
 sub get_record {
 # Given an ID as input, get_record returns a hash of the
 # requested record or undefined if not found.
   my ($key, $found, $line, @data, $field, $restricted, $i, %rec);
   $key = $_[0];   
   $found = 0;
   ($restricted = 1) if ($auth_modify_own and !$per_admin);
   open (DB, $db_file_name) or cgierr(error in get_records. unable to 
 open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!);
   if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); }
   LINE: while (DB) {
   (/^#/)  and next LINE;
   (/^\s*$/)   and next LINE;
   $line = $_; chomp ($line);  
   @data = split_decode($line);
   next LINE if ($restricted and ($db_userid ne $data[$auth_user_field]));
   if ($data[$db_key_pos] eq $key) {
   $found = 1;
   for ($i = 0; $i = $#db_cols; $i++) {  # Map the array columns 
to a hash.
   $rec{$db_cols[$i]} = $data[$i];
   last LINE;
   close DB;   

   $found ?
   (return %rec) :
   (return undef);

This can be simplified to simply: return %rec

If %rec has data, you'll get key-value pairs; if not, you get an empty list,
and thus an empty hash.  As it is, if a record couldn't be found, and you use
get_record() like you do above, e.g. %rec = get_record(), %rec will have one
key, undef, with a value of undef, and you'll get a warning.

I doubt if this has any bearing on your problem, I'm just suggesting it as a


 I've also tried calling the sub without , but it doesn't make a 

It won't.  In your case, the '' has no practical purpose.

Programmer, System Administrator

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RE: Sending emails: Question newbie

2001-08-23 Thread Mike Rapuano

HI --

Has anyone had a similar problem when sending email with attachments?? 



-Original Message-
From: Mike Rapuano 
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:07 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mike Rapuano
Subject: Sending emails: Question newbie

Hi all -- 

I'm trying to send an email with an attachment from the below code (Gary
MacDonald posted the code on activestate. Thanks Gary:-). The code works
fine to send email to my Imail Server (type of nt mail server) but when
I try to send a message to either ny yahoo mail account or my exchange
mail server I don't get the body of the message OR the attachment. 

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



use Net::SMTP; 
use MIME::Base64; 

my $file = 'test.doc';
my $mediatype = 'msword'; 
open INPUT, $file or die Can't open INPUT file $file: $!\n; 
binmode INPUT; 
my $buffer; 
my $from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
my $to = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 
my $server = '';
my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new($server) or die Can't create SMTP object\n; 
my @msg = MSG; 
From: $from 
To: $to 
Subject: word document attachment 
MIME-Version: 1.0 
Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Boundary $time 

--Boundary $time 
Content-type: text/plain 

This is a test email.

--Boundary $time 
Content-type: application/$mediatype; name=$file 
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$file 
Content-transfer-encoding: base64 


$smtp-datasend(encode_base64($buffer)) while(read (INPUT, $buffer,
$smtp-datasend(\n--Boundary $time--\n); 
close INPUT; 

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redirecting print output to a variable

2001-08-23 Thread Bas Bloemsaat


I've got this code:

#Example of generated code. I have little influence over the actual code in
the variable. It's generated from a template.
$generatedCode = '$test = some result; print test is: $test;';

open MYFILE, somefile;
my $testvar = eval $generatedCode;
close MYFILE;

this prints the result of the generated code in a file called somefile. Is
there any way in which I can store the output from the
eval $generatedCode;
in a variable, be it a string or an array, instead of in a file? I have to
do this a lot , and having a file in between slows the code quite a bit.


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Re: Sending emails: Question newbie

2001-08-23 Thread Ricardo Derbes

Hi all.
I´m sending attachments with the following code:
(it works ok with mailserver running MS Exchange, and other mailservers too)

use MIME::Lite;

use strict;

my $subject = Here goes the subject;

my $attachfile = File_to_Attach;

my $msg = new MIME::Lite (
  Subject =$subject,

Type ='TEXT',
Data =$subject);

Type ='TEXT',
Path =$attachfile,
Filename =$attachfile);

Let me know if it works for you... :)
Ricardo Derbes
Altec SE
Albarracín 157 - San Carlos de Bariloche
- Original Message -
From: Mike Rapuano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: Sending emails: Question newbie

HI --

Has anyone had a similar problem when sending email with attachments??



-Original Message-
From: Mike Rapuano
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 2:07 PM
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Mike Rapuano
Subject: Sending emails: Question newbie

Hi all --

I'm trying to send an email with an attachment from the below code (Gary
MacDonald posted the code on activestate. Thanks Gary:-). The code works
fine to send email to my Imail Server (type of nt mail server) but when
I try to send a message to either ny yahoo mail account or my exchange
mail server I don't get the body of the message OR the attachment.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Base64;

my $file = 'test.doc';
my $mediatype = 'msword';
open INPUT, $file or die Can't open INPUT file $file: $!\n;
binmode INPUT;
my $buffer;
my $from = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $to = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
my $server = '';

my $smtp = Net::SMTP-new($server) or die Can't create SMTP object\n;
my @msg = MSG;
From: $from
To: $to
Subject: word document attachment
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=Boundary $time

--Boundary $time
Content-type: text/plain

This is a test email.

--Boundary $time
Content-type: application/$mediatype; name=$file
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$file
Content-transfer-encoding: base64


$smtp-datasend(encode_base64($buffer)) while(read (INPUT, $buffer,
$smtp-datasend(\n--Boundary $time--\n);
close INPUT;

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a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread P lerenard

I can transform an ip a1.a2.a3.a4 to an integer using
b1=a1  24
b2=a2  16
b3=a3  8
int =b1+b2+b3+a4
now I want to do the opposite.
how can I get a1.a2.a3.a4 from this integer?
ok I get a1, but I start to have a headeach to get the rest



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a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread nfutter


P lerenard   
plerenard@hoTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   cc:   
 Subject: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer   
04:01 PM   

I can transform an ip a1.a2.a3.a4 to an integer using
b1=a1  24
b2=a2  16
b3=a3  8
int =b1+b2+b3+a4
now I want to do the opposite.
how can I get a1.a2.a3.a4 from this integer?
ok I get a1, but I start to have a headeach to get the rest



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Re: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, P lerenard said:

I can transform an ip a1.a2.a3.a4 to an integer using
b1=a1  24
b2=a2  16
b3=a3  8
int =b1+b2+b3+a4
now I want to do the opposite.
how can I get a1.a2.a3.a4 from this integer?
ok I get a1, but I start to have a headeach to get the rest


  while ($x) {
unshift @parts, $x % 256;
$x = 8;

and that will give you the parts you need.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Re: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread Scott Taylor

At 02:08 PM 08/23/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


That's not very productive for this list.  What pard of this link didn't 
you understand?
List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sen a blank email there.

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RE: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs

I think you can get it by shifting the correct number of bits and masking
off the lower 8 bits.

my $x = $b1+$b2+$b3+$b4;
$a4 = $x  0xFF;
$a3 = ($x8)  0xFF;
$a2 = ($x16)  0xFF;
$a1 = ($x24)  0xFF; 

Good Luck!

-Original Message-
From: P lerenard
Sent: 8/23/2001 4:01 PM
Subject: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

I can transform an ip a1.a2.a3.a4 to an integer using
b1=a1  24
b2=a2  16
b3=a3  8
int =b1+b2+b3+a4
now I want to do the opposite.
how can I get a1.a2.a3.a4 from this integer?
ok I get a1, but I start to have a headeach to get the rest



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RE: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs said:

$a4 = $x  0xFF;
$a3 = ($x8)  0xFF;
$a2 = ($x16)  0xFF;
$a1 = ($x24)  0xFF; 

D'oh, I forgot --  is faster than %.

  while ($x) {
unshift @parts, $x  256;
$x = 8;

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Looking for help with the Translate operator

2001-08-23 Thread Carl W Rogers

Good day;
I don't know if this is possible... But I'm trying to replace the high-hex 
symbol for one-half (\xBD) with 1/2

This is what I've tried so far:

$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/1/2/;  #tr doesn't like this, so I tried...

$replacement = 1/2;
$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/$replacement/;   #tr replaces \xBD with 'r', then I 

$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/\$replacement/;  # just to see if the \ in front of 
the $ would work.. It didn't

May be a total brainfart, but I'm stumped. I appreciate any advice.
Thank you very much for your time,

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Re: Looking for help with the Translate operator

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, Carl W Rogers said:

I don't know if this is possible... But I'm trying to replace the high-hex 
symbol for one-half (\xBD) with 1/2

No, you have to use a substitution (s///) for that.  tr/// is for
character-to-character translations.

$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/1/2/; #tr doesn't like this, so I tried...

Fails because of the / in 1/2.  You'd have to backslash it, but that
doesn't make the tr/// do what you expect.  Leave out the [...] in the
left-hand side of the tr///, because a tr/// is already using character

$replacement = 1/2;
$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/$replacement/;  #tr replaces \xBD with 'r', then I 

Fails because tr/// does not interpolate variables.

$variable =~ tr/[\xBD]/\$replacement/; # just to see if the \ in front of 
the $ would work.. It didn't

Fails as well.

You want:


Plain and simple:  find hex character BD, and replace it with '1/2'.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Re: a1.a2.a3.a4 - integer

2001-08-23 Thread Maxim Berlin

Hello P,

Friday, August 24, 2001, P lerenard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pl I can transform an ip a1.a2.a3.a4 to an integer using
Pl b1=a1  24
Pl b2=a2  16
Pl b3=a3  8
Pl int =b1+b2+b3+a4
Pl now I want to do the opposite.
Pl how can I get a1.a2.a3.a4 from this integer?
Pl ok I get a1, but I start to have a headeach to get the rest
if you interested in ip addresses conversions, you can use
use Socket;

sub ip2ul {
return inet_aton($_[0]);

sub ul2ip {
return inet_ntoa($_[0]);

or something like this:
sub ip2ul {
   return unpack( 'N', pack( 'C4', split( /\./, shift ) ) );
sub ul2ip {
   return join( '.', unpack( 'C4', pack( 'N', shift ) ) );

(receipts stolen from russian group)

Best wishes,
 Maximmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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sendmail and newlines

2001-08-23 Thread Wendy DeCora

Situation:  My perl script (see Code: below) is being
handed a flatfile (see File: below) generated from a
database to do a mass mailing that will send a message
generic to the flatfile but with each recepient
receiving a unique username and password.
The message part of the file is being input by a list
administrator through an oracle tool (I think, I
didn't develop that in anyway) and the ability to have
newlines is necessary for formatting.  The problem is
when this message is dumped into the flatfile, the
newlines are still in it and cause the script to go

My idea was to have the newlines in the message
replaced with \\n before being put into the flatfile
(which is what I have done in my test file).  I then
attempt to replace the \\n with \n in the $message
field for sending.

It kind of works. (see Output: below) I get the
newlines now, but i also get one \ just out there.  I
have tried many variations, but having \\n and
replacing with \n seems to be the only way to get a
newline to work, but how to get rid of the extra \?

Any suggestions would be very very appreciated.

$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t';
$subject=Testing the new mass mailer;
$file =
$number_sent = 0;
open(DATA, $file) || die Can't open $file;  # open
the file for reading

while($line = DATA)
chomp $line;
= split(/\|/,$line);

$message =~ s|\\n|\n|g;  #replace the escaped
newlines with newlines for formatting

open (MAIL, |$mailprog -t) || die Can't open
$mailprog! \n;
print MAIL Content-type:text/plain\n;
print MAIL From: $admin_email\n;
print MAIL To: $email\n;
print MAIL Subject: $subject\n;
print MAIL $message\n\n;
print MAIL URL: $survey_url\n;
print MAIL Login: $login\n;
print MAIL Password: $password\n;

|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|This is my message.\\nI hope
these returns will work this

This is my message.\
I hope these returns will work this time.\

URL: Login: 3
Password: 3


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Re: redirecting print output to a variable

2001-08-23 Thread Maxim Berlin

Hello Bas,

Thursday, August 23, 2001, Bas Bloemsaat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BB I've got this code:

BB #Example of generated code. I have little influence over the actual code in
BB the variable. It's generated from a template.
BB $generatedCode = '$test = some result; print test is: $test;';

open MYFILE, somefile;
BB select(MYFILE);
BB my $testvar = eval $generatedCode;
BB select(STDOUT);
BB close MYFILE;

BB this prints the result of the generated code in a file called somefile. Is
BB there any way in which I can store the output from the
BB eval $generatedCode;
BB in a variable, be it a string or an array, instead of in a file? I have to
BB do this a lot , and having a file in between slows the code quite a bit.
i'm not sure, that have correctly understand you.
may be you need this?
$generatedCode = '$test = some result; print test is: $test;';
$generatedCode =~ s/print /return /;
my $testvar = eval $generatedCode;
print testvar=$testvar;

Best wishes,
 Maximmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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string checks

2001-08-23 Thread Robert_Collins

What is the best way in Perl to do the following?

Check $string to see if the following path is found /this is right/
If found anywhere in the string return 1, if not return 0.  The whole 
pattern must be found just like written.

Robert ( Kent ) Collins:  IBM Certified Solutions Expert
Cell Phone:  214.632.3940
DBA Intranet Site:
Major advancements in technology are indistinguishable from Magic

Re: string checks

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 06:10:48PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What is the best way in Perl to do the following?

Define best.  Is it fastest?  Most readable?  Most clever?

 Check $string to see if the following path is found /this is right/
 If found anywhere in the string return 1, if not return 0.  The whole 
 pattern must be found just like written.

I'd either use:

index($string, /this is right/) != -1

if I'm being frugal with CPU cycles, or

$string =~ m|/this is right/|

if I'm not, or if I prefer readability at that point.

Programmer, System Administrator

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Re: is this sub called correctly? am I missing something?

2001-08-23 Thread Maxim Berlin

Hello Birgit,

Thursday, August 23, 2001, Birgit Kellner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

BK my ($db_key, %rec);
BK # %orderhash contains numeric keys and values, like ('43' = '5', '20' = 
BK '17'); I want to call the sub get_record for each of these keys.
BK # NOTE: this works perfectly, with the same syntax, in other parts of the 
BK same file.
BK # might the problem be that I'm embedding the call to the sub in a foreach 
BK loop here?

BK foreach (keys %orderhash) {
BK $db_key = $_;
BK print Database key: $db_key; #this works fine, so $db_key HAS a 
BK value
BK %rec = get_record($db_key); # here's the problem: %rec doesn't 
BK returned
BK print Number: $rec{'number'}; # ouch, no value.
BK }

BK # this is the called sub, contained in another file that we're requiring.
BK # other file also runs under use strict - no errors reported. all variables 
BK not declared in the sub are declared globally.
BK # I won't give all explanations about what this does just yet - hoping that 
BK this is a simple logic error which I'm too blind to see ...

BK sub get_record {
BK # 
BK # Given an ID as input, get_record returns a hash of the
BK # requested record or undefined if not found.

BK my ($key, $found, $line, @data, $field, $restricted, $i, %rec);
BK $key = $_[0];   
BK $found = 0;
BK ($restricted = 1) if ($auth_modify_own and !$per_admin);

BK open (DB, $db_file_name) or cgierr(error in get_records. unable to 
BK open db file: $db_file_name.\nReason: $!);
BK if ($db_use_flock) { flock(DB, 1); }
BK LINE: while (DB) {
BK (/^#/)  and next LINE;
BK (/^\s*$/)   and next LINE;
BK $line = $_; chomp ($line);  
BK @data = split_decode($line);
BK next LINE if ($restricted and ($db_userid ne 
BK if ($data[$db_key_pos] eq $key) {
BK $found = 1;
BK for ($i = 0; $i = $#db_cols; $i++) {  # Map the array 
columns to a hash.

Unfortunatelly, my telepathic abilities still seriously broken :)
please put
print key = $db_cols[$i], value = $data[$i];
here and show us output.
BK $rec{$db_cols[$i]} = $data[$i];
BK }
BK last LINE;
BK }
BK }
BK close DB;   
BK $found ?
BK (return %rec) :
BK (return undef);
BK }

Birgit, please, provide as more information as possible with your question, not only
piece of code. it's very hard to understand, what can be wrong.

Best wishes,
 Maximmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Strange foreach need..........

2001-08-23 Thread Gary Luther

I have a file that has paired lines, in other words I need to process them kinda like 
one line.

Let me 'splain.

I read a file into the array @rename

foreach $lines (@rename) {
  do a bunch of stuff here
  now I need to read the next line to get some info
  that needs to be processed with the first line info
  I want to be able to do something like???
  do some stuff on $line2
  write out some stuff

Seems simple enough. I am sure that this is where thinking in Perl comes into play. 
I am a relative newcomer to Perl, I can't quite make the leap
Any and all ideas are welcomed.  Be gentle. :-)


They that can give up essential liberty 
   to obtain a little temporary safety 
   deserve neither liberty  nor safety.  

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RGary Luther
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Re: Strange foreach need..........

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 05:28:42PM -0600, Gary Luther wrote:
 I have a file that has paired lines, in other words I need to process them kinda 
like one line.
 Let me 'splain.
 I read a file into the array @rename
 foreach $lines (@rename) {
   do a bunch of stuff here
   now I need to read the next line to get some info
   that needs to be processed with the first line info
   I want to be able to do something like???
   do some stuff on $line2
   write out some stuff

It'd be easier to accomplish this without using an intermediary array.

while (defined($line1 = FILE)) {
my $line2 = FILE;

Otherwise, there are various solutions to your problem.

If you don't mind being destructive:

while (my($line1, $line2) = splice(@rename, 0, 2)) {

Destructive and possibly a little more readable:

while (@rename) {
my($line1, $line2) = (shift(@rename), shift(@rename));

Destructive, readable, and possibly faster:

@rename = reverse(@rename);
while (@rename) {
my($line1, $line2) = (pop(@rename), pop(@rename));

Non-destructive for loop:

for (my $i = 0; $i  @rename; $i += 2) {
my($line1, $line2) = ($rename[$i], $rename[$i + 1]);

Programmer, System Administrator

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How to close ALL open file descriptors

2001-08-23 Thread Gupta, Ashish

I open lots of file descriptors in a script.
At one point,  I want to close all the opened file descriptors (except for
stdin, stdout, stderr).
Is there a way to close all the opened file descriptors without having a
list of the handles ?

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Re: Afew questions and request for help.

2001-08-23 Thread Michael Kelly

On 8/23/01 6:29 PM, Duston S. Horacek wrote:

 Hello, I'm looking to make a script that will load data into text boxes on a
 web page from a file off the web host, and then allow other text boxes to be
 modified by the user, then resaved to the same file..
 For instance
 GDP : 1,000,000 (This value is loaded from a text file off the host and is
 Tax Rate: (this is set by the person viewing the web page)
 Income: (This takes the loaded GDP and the user inputed Tax rate and figures
 the income)
 SAVE button: (this saves ALL the fields back to the text file)
 Now I'd also like another version of the same that allows the GM of a game
 to edit ALL the fields, but this should be easy once I know how to do the
 SO Can some one please tell me how I can read several different fields into
 text boxes on a web page from a text file from the server, then save them
 back to the server to be readable again.
 Your help is very much appreciated!
 Duston S. Horacek

I'm not quite sure what you want. Do you want to know how to read text
files? If so, it totally depends on the how the data is formatted on said
text files. Maybe you could give us examples of the files you're trying to

Once you have the data in variables you simply plug them into the value
attribute of an input tag, or in between textfield tags.

Perhaps if you could show us what you have so far, or be more specific.

-Michael Kelly

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RE: Afew questions and request for help.

2001-08-23 Thread Duston S. Horacek

ok, say the web page looks something like this (Very simple)

goto that and look it over it gicves a visual example of what I'm trying to
do. As for what type or format of file, it doesn't matter as I haven't made
it yet, as long as the same file can be read and saved to from this web page
it matters not.

Thanks for the help!

I'm not quite sure what you want. Do you want to know how to read text
files? If so, it totally depends on the how the data is formatted on said
text files. Maybe you could give us examples of the files you're trying to

Once you have the data in variables you simply plug them into the value
attribute of an input tag, or in between textfield tags.

Perhaps if you could show us what you have so far, or be more specific.

-Michael Kelly

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Reusing $1?

2001-08-23 Thread Rob Waggoner

In the below code, is the backreference $1 useable as I am intending?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Script :
# Purpose: to scan apache web server access log files and
# count the number or code red worm attempts
# Created: 08/19/2001
# Note:
# This script reads the apache access log in the common log format (CLF 
space delimited):
# %h - Remote host
# %l - Remote Log Name
# %u - Remote user
# %t - Time Date stamp in the form of [19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600]
# %\%r\ - First line of request
# %s - Status or request
# %b - Bytes sent

# path to default log file location
$LogFilePath = /var/log/apache/access.log.0;
$ProcessDate = ;
$DailyHitCount = 0;
$DailyCodeRedHits = 0;

# open log file for reading
open (LOGFILE, $LogFilePath) || die Can't open log file : $!\n;
while ($line = LOGFILE) {
 $line =~ /\[(.+)\] /;   # get date time value between []
 $ThisDateTime = $1; # should look like 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600

 # this works
 #($ThisDate, $Junk) = split(/:/, $ThisDateTime);

 # this is more elegant?  Turn 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600 into 
 $ThisDateTime =~ / (^.*?:) /;   # is this pattern bad?
 $ThisDate = $1; # or does $1 need to be 'reset'?



Rob Waggoner
Master Applications Craftsman
Web based Advanced Graphics and Graphing Solutions
Applying Old world craftsmanship to New world technologies

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Re: Reusing $1?

2001-08-23 Thread Jeff 'japhy/Marillion' Pinyan

On Aug 23, Rob Waggoner said:

while ($line = LOGFILE) {
 $line =~ /\[(.+)\] /;   # get date time value between []
 $ThisDateTime = $1; # should look like 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600

 # this works
 #($ThisDate, $Junk) = split(/:/, $ThisDateTime);

 # this is more elegant?  Turn 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600 into 
 $ThisDateTime =~ / (^.*?:) /;   # is this pattern bad?
 $ThisDate = $1; # or does $1 need to be 'reset'?

Your whitespace is killing the regex.  The regex

  / ^/

can never match -- there can never be ANYTHING BEFORE the beginning of the

Also, the $DIGIT variables are not set to undef on a failed match -- they
retain their previous values.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Re: Reusing $1?

2001-08-23 Thread Rob Waggoner

Thank-you. I don't recall that Camel mentioning the white-space subtlety, 
but I also haven't hit chapter 5 yet. /(.*?):/ gives me what I needed.

At 09:17 PM 08/23/01, you wrote:
On Aug 23, Rob Waggoner said:

 while ($line = LOGFILE) {
  $line =~ /\[(.+)\] /;   # get date time value between []
  $ThisDateTime = $1; # should look like 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 
  # this works
  #($ThisDate, $Junk) = split(/:/, $ThisDateTime);
  # this is more elegant?  Turn 19/Aug/2001:06:28:45 -0600 into
  $ThisDateTime =~ / (^.*?:) /;   # is this pattern bad?
  $ThisDate = $1; # or does $1 need to be 'reset'?

Your whitespace is killing the regex.  The regex

   / ^/

can never match -- there can never be ANYTHING BEFORE the beginning of the

Also, the $DIGIT variables are not set to undef on a failed match -- they
retain their previous values.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Rob Waggoner
Master Applications Craftsman
Web based Advanced Graphics and Graphing Solutions
Applying Old world craftsmanship to New world technologies

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