Re: Free Mac Private Perl server

2001-10-18 Thread RaFaL Pocztarski

Shannon Murdoch wrote:

 Couldn't find the AFAIK version of MacPerl (CPAN was down, as usual) using
 the link.

No, no, AFAIK means as far as I know.  :)

 Are you able to give me some direct binary links at all?

Sorry, I've never used Mac. I thought the links I gave you was what you
needed. Maybe using some cheap old box with Linux, Apache, perl etc., as
a second machine for testing would be a good solution for you? Just an
idea, I probably would do so if I couldn't have Apache and perl on my
desktop machine.

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Free Mac Private Perl server

2001-10-18 Thread Shannon Murdoch

 Couldn't find the AFAIK version of MacPerl (CPAN was down, as usual) using
 the link.
 No, no, AFAIK means as far as I know.  :)

Haha sorry- never seen that abbreviated before - guess I don't belong here
then... wimpers off to a corner :)

 Are you able to give me some direct binary links at all?
 Sorry, I've never used Mac. I thought the links I gave you was what you
 needed. Maybe using some cheap old box with Linux, Apache, perl etc., as
 a second machine for testing would be a good solution for you? Just an
 idea, I probably would do so if I couldn't have Apache and perl on my
 desktop machine.

Hmm, I do use a WinNT box to route my ISDN connection (built underneath the
staircase) throughout the house- maybe I should install Apache, Perl and an
FTP server on that... Wouldn't help if I was out of my LAN however.


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Re: XMLParser and Perl

2001-10-18 Thread Trent A Stephens

I too (a beginner in Perl) am looking for guidance on XML and Perl.  I am
having to read in an XML file, parse it for specific information (MIME
type, attributes and values), write the attributes/values to a hash (I am
assuming) and then use win32::OLE to persist the attribute/vlaues to the
custom properties of a Word or Excel document.
Also it would be nice to beable to determine the number of attribute/value
pairs in the XML file so as to presize the hash table.
Are there any example out there or code I can use to get a good start to
speed up my learning curve? There is a slight time constraint I am working

Thanks in advance


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Re: Parsing HTTP links

2001-10-18 Thread RaFaL Pocztarski

Dave Newton wrote:

 RaFaL Pocztarski wrote:
  I need to parse out all http links stored in a local file.
  You mean HTML links.

 Actually, while the answer doesn't change, we don't know that
 this is what he meant. For example, he might not want ftp://
 or mailto:, both of which are HTML links but not http links!

Well, in fact the answer does change. If Greg hasn't meant HTML links,
then he won't have much use of HTML::LinkExtor, which I told him to use.
But unfortunately we can't know that, as Greg hasn't answered yet.

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Free Mac Private Perl server

2001-10-18 Thread Stephan Tinnemeyer


I never did this myself but it should work for first tests to use
MacPerl for the scripts (you can save scripts as cgi-scripts) and try
them out with Web Sharing or, alternatively, with one of the web server
applications available for download on e. g. .
This, of course, will not substitute final tests with the working
system. (E. g. Unix systems discriminate between upper and lower case
characters - Windows and Mac do not; Unix uses '/', Windows '\' and Mac
':' for separating path elements etc.)


Stephan Tinnemeyer
Dipl.-Chem. Stephan Tinnemeyer
Lindenallee 20
24105 Kiel

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html editors

2001-10-18 Thread Boex,Matthew W.

are there any gui html editors out there that won't change HTML::Template
tags?  i am using star office for creating tables.  i can do most everything
else in xemacs but creating tables is so much easier with a gui editor.  

any ideas?


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Re: Parsing HTTP links

2001-10-18 Thread _brian_d_foy

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Froese) wrote:

 thanks for all the help with this.  I actually did mean HTML Links as I am 
 looking to parse out specific links from an HTML file.  I'm not only 
 concerned with HTTP link (a href) but also other HTML flags.  Right 
 now I'm using HTML::SimpleLinkExtor but I'm not sure that gives me exactly 
 what I want.

please let me know if HTML::SimpleLinkExtor could be improved ;)

 Essentially what I'm trying to do is parse out all info from a web page 
 that is in bold (btext/b).  I'm going to revisit LinkExtor but if 
 there is a better solution, I'm all ears.

HTML::SimpleLinkExtor and HTML::LinkExtor only extract information
for link-like tags (a, base, img, and so on).  if you want to extract
stuff in other tags, you'll need to subclass HTML::Parser directly.
brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perl services for hire
CGI Meta FAQ -
Troubleshooting CGI scripts -

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Re: XMLParser and Perl

2001-10-18 Thread Art Saucedo

Dear Evangelical Staff,

We here at Loyola are trying to develop a uPortal Site(test-mode), which requires IBM 
XML Parser for IBM Java2-SDK 1.3-9.0 under Linux RedHat 7.1. - There is documentation 
from O'REILLY called Java and XML Tips and Tricks, but, I don't think this is going 
to help us much, it seems that it is difficult to find such documentation, and realize 
that maybe in the PerlWorld could be an answer to speed things up. NOTE: (Sun-JAVA was 
not selected for several reasons)

Information toolbox:

Suggestions are welcomed.

--as/Loyola University Chicago

 Kevin Meltzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/17/01 06:07PM 
Hi Art,

What exactly are you looking for? You can look at the documentation for
XML::Parser, XML::Simple, or any of the other XML::* modules. There are
articles relating to XML and Perl on, and on 
(search for some XML QA). There are Perl/XML related mailing lists which you
can find on Hope this helps, some more detail of what you are
looking to do with Perl and XML could likely help us steer you in the right


On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 05:18:13PM -0500, Art Saucedo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said 
something similar to:
 Is there such information and where can we look it up.

[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -] 
I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence.
There's a knob called `brightness', but it doesn't work.
-- Gallagher 

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Weekly list FAQ posting

2001-10-18 Thread casey

beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners-cgi mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
(assuming [EMAIL PROTECTED] is your email address):


  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


To unsubscribe from the digest, send an email to:


  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a month, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners-cgi list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl/CGI beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

Sept 07, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners-cgi' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly
atmosphere. The topic of the list is, of course, CGI with Perl.

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Non Perl/CGI questions or issues
* Lemurs
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl/CGI , then it is allowed. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl/CGI, it will likely be

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

`perldoc perldoc'

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

3 - Other Resources
  3.1 - What other websites may be useful to a beginner ?

* Perl Home Page -
* PerlMonks -
* Perldoc -
* Perl Archives -
  3.2 - What resources may be harmful to a beginner?

Beware of Perl4-like code-- You might find some script archives and
unauthorized mirrors with old Perl4 versions of Selena Sol and Matt
Wright scripts. Don't use those scripts. They are outdated and may even
in some cases contain bugs or security problems since many may not have
been updated in 

need help in getting background images to show up in a cgi script

2001-10-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- FREE Perl CGI scripts add WEB ACCESS to your POP email accounts!
-- Download today!!

I have the following perl script which I'm currently using
successfully.  What I want to do is add a background image to the
html page when it comes up, but it's not showing.  Can Someone tell
me what the problem is?  I put the reference to the background image
in the


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use 5.004;
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Fcntl qw(:flock);

sub bail {
my $error = @_;
print h1(Unexpected Error), p($error), end_html;
die $error;



$TITLE = Hosting Ohio Chat Server,  version 1.1;
$HOME = a href=[main page]/a;
$CHATNAME = /home/admin/hostingohio-www/chat/chatfile2;
$WALL = /home/admin/hostingohio-www/balloons.jpg;
$MAXSAVE = 100;

print header, start_html(-title=$TITLE, -background=$WALL),
h2($TITLE), ($HOME);

$cur = CGI-new();
if ($cur-param(message)) {
 $cur-param(date, scalar localtime);
 @entries = ($cur);

open(CHANDLE,   $CHATNAME) || bail(cannot open $CHATNAME: $!);

flock(CHANDLE, LOCK_EX) || bail(cannot flock $CHATNAME: $!);

while (!eof(CHANDLE)  @entries  $MAXSAVE) {
$entry = CGI-new(\*CHANDLE);
push @entries, $entry;
seek(CHANDLE, 0, 0) || bail(cannot rewind $CHATNAME: $!);
foreach $entry (@entries) {
truncate(CHANDLE, tell(CHANDLE)) || bail(cannot truncate $CHATNAME:
close(CHANDLE) || bail(cannot close $CHATNAME: $!);

print hr, start_form;
print p(Nick:, $cur-textfield(-NAME = name));
print p(Say:, $cur-textarea(-NAME = message, -OVERRIDE = 1,
-ROWS = 5, -COLUMNS = 50));
print p(submit(Send/Refresh), reset(Start Over));
print end_form, hr;

print h3(Last Said:);
foreach $entry (@entries) {
printf(%s [%s], $entry-param(date), $entry-param(name));
print p();
printf(%s, $entry-param(message));
print p();
print hr;
print end_html;


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RE: Test if first character of a variable is a 0 (zero)

2001-10-18 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Rene Verharen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:43 PM
 To: Beginners-CGI List
 Subject: Test if first character of a variable is a 0 (zero)
 I need to delete the first character of a variable if this 
 (and ONLY this) 
 character is a 0 (zero).
 What I tried :
 $text =~ s/01/1/;
 $text =~ s/02/2/;
 $text =~ s/03/3/;
 Not what I want, because it also deletes the 0 (zero) if it 
 is NOT the 
 first character.
 What should I use ?


Use ^ to anchor the match to the beginning of the string.

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Re: Test if first character of a variable is a 0 (zero)

2001-10-18 Thread Brian Harring

try this
$text =~ s/^0//;

this should work, the ^ indicates that it must be the first character 
of the line or of the string...


I need to delete the first character of a variable if this (and ONLY 
this) character is a 0 (zero).

What I tried :

$text =~ s/01/1/;
$text =~ s/02/2/;
$text =~ s/03/3/;

Not what I want, because it also deletes the 0 (zero) if it is NOT 
the first character.

What should I use ?

Vriendelijke groet,

Rene Verharen

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Re: Test if first character of a variable is a 0 (zero)

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Rene Verharen wrote:

 I need to delete the first character of a variable if this (and ONLY this)
 character is a 0 (zero).

 What I tried :

 $text =~ s/01/1/;
 $text =~ s/02/2/;
 $text =~ s/03/3/;

 Not what I want, because it also deletes the 0 (zero) if it is NOT the
 first character.

$text =~ s/^0//;

-- Brett


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Re: Parsing HTTP links

2001-10-18 Thread Curtis Poe

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey guys, 
 thanks for all the help with this.  I actually did mean HTML Links as I am 
 looking to parse out specific links from an HTML file.  I'm not only 
 concerned with HTTP link (a href) but also other HTML flags.  Right 
 now I'm using HTML::SimpleLinkExtor but I'm not sure that gives me exactly 
 what I want.
 Essentially what I'm trying to do is parse out all info from a web page 
 that is in bold (btext/b).  I'm going to revisit LinkExtor but if 
 there is a better solution, I'm all ears.


I was playing around with a similar problem and subclassed HTML::TokeParser as
HTML::TokeParser::Easy.  To do what you're looking for, you could use that module and 
do this:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::TokeParser::Easy;

my $file;
local $/; 
$file = DATA;

# Note: If you pass it a file name instead of the file contents,
# pass the name directly and *not* as a reference!!!
# see perldoc HTML::TokeParser for more info.

my $p = HTML::TokeParser::Easy-new( \$file );

while ( my $token = $p-get_token ) {
if ( $p-is_start_tag( $token ) and $p-return_tag( $token ) eq 'b' ) {
my $bold_text = '';
$token = $p-get_token;
while ( ! ( $p-is_end_tag( $token ) and $p-return_tag( $token ) eq 'b' ) ) {
$bold_text .= $p-return_text( $token );
$token = $p-get_token;
print $bold_text\n;
!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN


  bThis is the first ibold/i text./b
  iThis should not appear./i
  bThis is the second bold text./b

The output from the above is:

This is the first ibold/i text.
This is the second bold text.

To use it, you would have to install HTML::TokeParser and my HTML::TokeParser::Easy 
module (which
I just uploaded at  I 
bothered to create a complete install package for it, so go into one of your Perl lib 
and in an HTML older (something like /usr/bin/perl/site/lib/html/) create a TokeParser 
and place in that directory.  Full POD is included so, after you install it, 
you can type
'perldoc HTML::TokeParser::Easy' to see how to use it.

Frankly, I think the module is a bit of a hack, but if it works...

Curtis Ovid Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

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Re: need help in getting background images to show up in a cgi script

2001-10-18 Thread Casey West

On Oct 18, 2001 at 04:14 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took the soap box and proclaimed:
: ---
: -- FREE Perl CGI scripts add WEB ACCESS to your POP email accounts!
: -- Download today!!
: ---
: I have the following perl script which I'm currently using
: successfully.  What I want to do is add a background image to the
: html page when it comes up, but it's not showing.  Can Someone tell
: me what the problem is?  I put the reference to the background image
: in the

You seem to have that part right.  Using the CGI module, if I

  print start_html( -background = foo.jpg );

it prints

  ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
  !DOCTYPE html
  PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.0//EN;
  html xmlns=; lang=en-USheadtitleUntitled 
  /headbody background=foo.jpg

I would venture a guess that the image you want to show isn't in the
location your script thinks it is.

Make sure the file that the value of $WALL refers to actually exists,
also check that permissions on that file are OK.

: print header, start_html(-title=$TITLE, -background=$WALL),
: h2($TITLE), ($HOME);

  Casey West

Shooting yourself in the foot with Smalltalk 
You send the message shoot to gun, with selectors bullet and myFoot. A
window pops up saying Gunpowder doesNotUnderstand: spark. After
several fruitless hours spent browsing the methods for Trigger,
FiringPin and IdealGas, you take the easy way out and create ShotFoot,
a subclass of Foot with an additional instance variable bulletHole. 

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Not working in Netscape, working in IE

2001-10-18 Thread Jimmy Lewis

I am having a similar problem to one that I saw you answer in a post.  I
have a project where the cgi form is being displayed in Netscape as raw HTML
but in IE it works fine.  This CGI does not use the print enter...
instead I see print qq~

If this doesn't help the beginning of where I believe the problem is goes
like this:

#Login Start Page  #

sub login_startpage
counter ($logdir/,fakecount_frontpage);
counter ($logdir/,realcount_frontpage);
read_file_content ($logdir/,fakecount_frontpage);

  foreach (split(/;\ /, $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'}))
   ($cookie,$value) = split(/=/);
   $Cookies{$cookie} = $value;
($un,$pw) = split(/\:/,$value);

print qq~
Any suggestions?

Jimmy Lewis
Web Programmer
IP Strategy Inc.
5353 Mission Center Road #212
San Diego, CA 92108

tel 619-308-0180 x206
fax 619-839-3652

Re: Read /etc/shadow...

2001-10-18 Thread Hengky Stevanus

oke thx RaFaL,

I'm trying to create the web base mail,
first thing to do is i'll like to create the authentication user first.

ok by simple does anybody using mailman...
i've been try to look at the script and i still don't understand how the
mailman login to another mailserver... if anybody had the script just to
login and read the /var/spool/mail please show it to me... pls... i need
it so...

just login and read the /var/spool/mail.

thx so much before...

Always be

- Mess With The Best - 
- Die Like The Rest  - 

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Re: need help in getting background images to show up in a cgi script

2001-10-18 Thread RaFaL Pocztarski


 I have the following perl script which I'm currently using
 successfully.  What I want to do is add a background image to the
 html page when it comes up, but it's not showing.

 $WALL = /home/admin/hostingohio-www/balloons.jpg;

 print header, start_html(-title=$TITLE, -background=$WALL),

It's not a Perl but HTML question. When a browser gets

  body background=/home/admin/hostingohio-www/balloons.jpg

it will try to download

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Passing Variables Between Modules...

2001-10-18 Thread Jos I. Boumans


 How do I get this to work?

well, let's try...

  package main;

if you define the package in the same file, you dont do 'use Simple': perl
will then look in @INC for a '' file,
which you dont have.
ALSO the syntax is 'use ModuleName' - so no '.pm' at the end!

  my $var = hello!;
  slog(This is my message: $var.);

you'll only have 'slog' if you actually put the module in a seperate file
and use it... otherwise you have to use a fully qualified name,
say: Simple::slog( 'vars' );

  package Simple;
  use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);
  require Exporter;
'use' would be appropriate here - it will be checked at compile time.
'use' is equivalent to: BEGIN { require Module; import Module LIST; } ###
perldoc -f use

  @ISA = qw(Exporter);
  @EXPORT = qw( slog );

  sub slog {

my $msg = @_;
 this will NOT do what you want
if you say $foo = @bar, $foo will hold the LENGTH of the array... in your
case, $msg will be '1', seeing you passed 1 string...

$msg_format =~ s/(\$\w+/$1/eeg;
i have NO clue what you want to do here...
but there's a syntax error in there: you never finish the ( ) capturing!
print $msg_format;

 Instead of module Simple seeing the main variable, it's trying to display
 one local to it's own package. Ultimately, what I'd like to do is:

ehm, no it's not... $var gets interpolated when you call the
slog(This is my message: $var.);
slog will only see: This is my message: hello!. as the first (and only)
element of @_

  - pass a localized variable to a module in a quoted string

You're doing that... well, sorta... 'package Simple' is not a module, but i
explained that above.
if you want some more insight in how modules work, and how you should write
them, perhaps my tutorial is a good place to start: has a few beginners tutorials, including
ones for OO programming.

  - the value of the quoted variable is then inserted in a message.
 that's no problem, see my example code below

 I've played around with (caller())[0], but couldn't find the magic combo.
what magic combo were you looking for?

### working code ###
#!/usr/bin/perl -w #ALWAYS use warnings!
use strict;# ALWAYS use strict!
package main;

my $var = hello!;
Simple::slog(This is my message: $var.);

package Simple;

sub slog {
   my ($msg) = @_; # dont forget the ( ) around $msg to force list context!
   print $msg;

   #$msg_format =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg; # this regexp is not matching!
   #print $msg_format;

   print \nI just got:\n --- $msg ---\n


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Re: XMLParser and Perl

2001-10-18 Thread Trent A Stephens

I (a beginner in Perl) am looking for guidance on XML and Perl.  I am
having to read in an XML file, parse it for specific information (MIME
type, attributes and values), write the attributes/values to a hash (I am
assuming) and then use win32::OLE to persist the attribute/vlaues to the
custom properties of a Word or Excel document.
Also it would be nice to beable to determine the number of attribute/value
pairs in the XML file so as to presize the hash table.
Are there any example out there or code I can use to get a good start to
speed up my learning curve? There is a slight time constraint I am working

Thanks in advance


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Re: Win32::Setupsup Vs Win32::GUITest -Which one is more suitable f or GUI or Functional Tesing of an application

2001-10-18 Thread Jenda Krynicky

 I have an application( no code is available with me). I have to do
 automated GUI or Functional testing of the application. I want to use
 perl script for the job. There are two module available in perl
 Win32::GUITest and Win32::Setupsup for the job.
 While  Win32::GUITest  support the latest version of
 perl,Win32::Setupsup does not. 

You may now install Win32::Setupsup for the last version of 
ActivePerl by PPM from

 Which module is more suitable for the GUI or Functional testing point
 of view ?
 I need expert comment from those who have done the similar job in perl

Sorry can't comment on this.


There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
--- me

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Win32::Setupsup -Can Mouse action be sent to a window as SendKeys sends some key strokes to a window

2001-10-18 Thread Abhra Debroy

Hi All
We can send some key strokes to a window by SendKeys function in
How can we send mouse action to a window ? Is there any function available
in win32::Setupsup for the mouse action job.
Thanking You

Abhra Debroy
Prabodhan Exports Pvt. Ltd.( - Join our QA Club!)
Tel: 91-20-5462035,543 1447

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Win32::Setupsup Vs Win32::GUITest -Which one is more suitable for GUI or Functional Tesing of an application

2001-10-18 Thread Abhra Debroy

Hi All

I have an application( no code is available with me). I have to do automated
GUI or Functional testing of the application.
I want to use perl script for the job. There are two module available in
perl Win32::GUITest and Win32::Setupsup for the job.

While  Win32::GUITest  support the latest version of perl,Win32::Setupsup
does not. Also I understand that Win32::Setupsup  is having more number of
function available with it than Win32::GUITest.

Which module is more suitable for the GUI or Functional testing point of
view ?

I need expert comment from those who have done the similar job in perl .

Thanking In advance for the help 

Abhra Debroy
Prabodhan Exports Pvt. Ltd.( )
Tel: 91-20-5462035,543 1447

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Warnings with strict and POSIX

2001-10-18 Thread josh hoblitt

I'm not sure exactly whats going on here.  It seems the combination of
strict and POSIX :sys_wait_h is fine... but just POSIX seems to stop
the strict bareword warnings.  Any idea whats going on here? (exporter

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use POSIX;
#use POSIX :sys_wait_h;
use strict;

sysopen(FILE,somefile.txt, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT,0664);

-Joshua Hoblitt


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Re:Dns and gethostbyaddr in Perl

2001-10-18 Thread Jorge Goncalvez

Hi, I parse a log file in Perl Tk and I have for exemple this line:

LOG_INFO : read request for /bootp/cygwin.bat: 

I have 2 labels to display the informations:
in one I put
in another I put only cabs41

My code is 

 open FILE,  $_Globals{SYSLOG} or die $!;
while (FILE) {
if (/([0-9a-z:]+)\s*via eth0/) {
$_Globals{MAC_ADDR} = $1;
} elsif (/read request for/) {
($_Globals{IP_ADDR}, $_Globals{INSTALL_FILE}) = 
($_Globals{CLIENT_NAME}) = $_Globals{IP_ADDR} =~ /^(\w+)/;
#$nom = gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($_Globals{CLIENT_NAME}),AF_INET)
#or die je ne peux résoudre $_Globals{CLIENT_NAME} :$!\n;
($_Globals{BOOT_FILE}) = $_Globals{INSTALL_FILE} =~ /([\w.]+)$/;
close FILE;

but sometines I don't have the Dns informations and I can have:
    : read request for /bootp/linux/pre2.2/linux.ram: success  
   so my first label will display
   but my second will display only 192 which is a nonsense.
   How can i do to retrieve from the ip address the name which corresponds if it 
is neccesary.
   with gethostbyaddr for example.

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Little help on hashes

2001-10-18 Thread Dominic_Talbot

 Hello all,
 I hope you can help, I have the following information
 Happy,[EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $2
 Bob, [EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $35000
 Jim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $5
 Charles, [EMAIL PROTECTED], sales, $28000
 Ann, [EMAIL PROTECTED], sales, $29000
 How would I load the above into hashes?
 How would I sort the information by position in company?
 How would perform a simple task sush as the average salary for the
 Please, if anyone could help

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Factory method

2001-10-18 Thread Nigel Wetters

I'm working through the design patterns book with some Java colleagues, 
trying to present Perl equivalents of their Java code - I call it 
pattern-oriented Perl ;)

At the moment, we're discussing the Factory method, and I've put together 
some sample code here:

I've built a test application (factory/, which sets up and 
calls some methods on two objects from the base class List (code for the 
List class is in factory/ In this particular example, the test 
script calls an object method 'content' which either lists a directory or 
lists a file, depending on what type of List object is instantiated.

The List class is nothing but a placeholder for its subclasses. When it's 
constructor method (sub new) is called, it creates an instance of one of its 
subclasses, the choice of subclass being based on one of the arguments to 
the constructor method. Thereafter, all calls to the List object redirect 
arguments to the subclass.

Inside the subclasses (List::Directory in factory/List/ and 
List::File in factory/List/, the methods are written as if they were 
being called directly, thereby ignoring the existence of a base class.

Is this the factory method, or am I deluding myself? Does anyone have any 
decent links for design patterns in Perl?

--Nigel Wetters

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Re: Little help on hashes

2001-10-18 Thread Jos I. Boumans


  Hello all,
  I hope you can help, I have the following information
  Happy,[EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $2
  Bob, [EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $35000
  Jim, [EMAIL PROTECTED], manager, $5
  Charles, [EMAIL PROTECTED], sales, $28000
  Ann, [EMAIL PROTECTED], sales, $29000
  How would I load the above into hashes?

depends on how you want it in a hash
if you'd want the keys to be their names, and the value an array ref of
email, position and salary, this would work:

my $hash;
my @list = split ',';
$hash-{ shift @list } = \@list;

  How would I sort the information by position in company?

you probably want to look at the 'schwartzian transform'
anyway, you can look this up in perlfaq 4, in the sub section How do I sort
an array by (anything)?

  How would perform a simple task sush as the average salary for the

add all the salaries together and devide them by the number of managers.
an example (assuming we did the 'hashing' as in my previous example)

my $cnt;
my $total;
for my $key ( %$hash ) {
if ( $hash-{$key}-[1] eq 'manager' ) {  # the emp type
$total += $hash-{$key}-[2];# the salary
++$cnt;# the

print The average salary is: , $total/$cnt, \n;

  Please, if anyone could help

i have to say i didnt run the code, but the example should be fairly obvious
i think

good luck,

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RE: Unix command in a Perl script

2001-10-18 Thread TOM TURPIN

I think I may have seen this one before myself.  If I'm right, you'll need
to correctly quote the quotation marks inside your variable which has the
email addresses.  You have to get the command to have the quotes if you
print it out to standard output.  For example:
$alert_email_address = 
 \foo\ foo2\\ mailto:foo2\\ ;
Essentially, your just escaping the quotes so that if you print
$alert_email_address to standard output you get quotes printed:
and not:

-Original Message-
From: Mark Sheinbaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 8:40 PM
To: 'Mike Rapuano'; 'Brett W. McCoy'
Cc: 'Perl Beginners (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: unix command in a perl script

Don't these require installation on your server? If yes, I'm not authorized
to do that. So, back to my original question... How to enter multiple
destinations when running mailx from a perl script? Thanks again.


-Original Message- 
From: Mike Rapuano [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 2:48 PM 
To: Brett W. McCoy; Mark Sheinbaum 
Cc: Perl Beginners (E-mail) 
Subject: RE: unix command in a perl script 

Here are some other mail modules I like: 
Net::Smtp or Mail::Sender 
have fun 

-Original Message- 
From: Brett W. McCoy 
Sent: Wed 10/17/2001 5:40 PM 
To: Mark Sheinbaum 
Cc: Perl Beginners (E-mail) 
Subject: Re: unix command in a perl script 

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, Mark Sheinbaum wrote: 

 I want to send email from a pl script using mailx. I'm having 
 adding multiple destinations.Only 1 destination is receiving 
the email.  I 
 suspect the problem has to do with the quoting rules. Here's 
an example. Any 
 help would be much appreciated. 
 $alert_email_address = 
 foo\ foo2\; 
 if ($alert_cnt  0) { 
$subject = Alerts; 
$file_name = alert.rpt; 
$result = `mailx -s $subject $alert_email_address  

There are better ways to accomplish this.  Have you looked at 
Mail::Mailer CPAN module?  It'll make your life a little easier. 

-- Brett  

Did you know the University of Iowa closed down after someone 
stole the book? 

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Image/Photo ?

2001-10-18 Thread Paul Roettgen


I've built my own Programmlauncher (App which reads an rc-file and creates 
depending buttons), and now I want to place an Icon on the left side of the 
I tried something like
$icon1 = $mw-Photo(-file=my.xpm)-pack;
but that didn't work (couldn't open file in mode 'r').

Could anybody please send me a piece of code?

Best regards,

Dummheit ist die einzige natürliche Begabung des Menschen.
- Wilhelm Busch -

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I Want To Read (INPUT) A TCP (Port80) Session - Then Mail That Report

2001-10-18 Thread Bill Fink

Simple (Probably VERY Trivial To Ya'll )

I merely want to send TWO lines to a remote host (via the Telnet program, OR
if there is an easier way), with the information that's returned to be
collected to a file.

(I'm creating reports from a web-server - and would like to send TWO LINES
to THAT server, and 'read' the results.)

i.e. If I did this:

$ telnet (space)  h.o.s.t/ip (space) port#80
(What gets returned is:)
Connected to blah.blah
Escape character is '^]'.

(then, if I send:)

get url http/1.1 (lf)
accept blah..blah.. (lf)

the web-server then sends the report/pages (in html format, of course) that
would normally be displayed to a web-browswer.
It is THIS text that I wish to capture to a file.

(Sorry, I know it may be very trivial for MOST of you, I apologize, but I'm
bound and determined to keep at it, and *GOING* to Learn (The Kewlest!)

Any help?

William A Fink - Network Engineer - NUWC
Instructor/Certifications: MCSE Networking Essentials
Linux+/Network+/A+(99/01)/INet+/Intra-Internet/Web Security

William A Fink - Network Engineer - NUWC
Instructor/Certifications: MCSE Networking Essentials
Linux+/Network+/A+(99/01)/INet+/Intra-Internet/Web Security

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Re: I Want To Read (INPUT) A TCP (Port80) Session - Then Mail That Report

2001-10-18 Thread RaFaL Pocztarski

Bill Fink wrote:

 Simple (Probably VERY Trivial To Ya'll )

 I merely want to send TWO lines to a remote host (via the Telnet program, OR
 if there is an easier way), with the information that's returned to be
 collected to a file.

 (I'm creating reports from a web-server - and would like to send TWO LINES
 to THAT server, and 'read' the results.)

What you need here is LWP::Simple module. Just say:

  use LWP::Simple;
  $page = get '';

and you have the HTML page in $page variable.
Thet works even with proxies, really great module.


- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re:Data structure for handling Binary Data

2001-10-18 Thread walter valenti

Hi, you can use two package: Socket, and Net::RawIP (needs libpcap);

With Net::RawIP you can built packet (ip,udp,tcp) how you want and to
analize the


use Net::RawIP qw(:pcap);
use Socket;
$a=new Net::RawIP;
$filtro='ip proto \\tcp and (dst host '.$host.' or src host '.$host.')';

##$host is a variabile that contains the host in dot , or simbolic nane
##you can read the packet;
($ipsg)=$a-get({ip=['saddr']});   ##(IP address source)
$ipsg=inet_ntoa(pack(N,$ipsg)); ## Trasform the bynary
in a dot

($ipdst)=$a-get({ip=['daddr']});  ##(IP address destination)

($portsg)=$a-get({tcp=['source']});  #port source
($portdst)=$a-get({tcp=['dest']});  ## port destination

($syn)=$a-get({tcp=['syn']});  #es: rst,ack,psh

($seq)=$a-get({tcp=['seq']});   ###seq number
($ack_seq)=$a-get({tcp=['ack_seq']});  ### ack number

($data)=$a-get({tcp=['data']});  ### data 
$d1=substr $data,0,1##extract the first byte
($h1)=unpack(H2,$d1);   ##convert in HEX format

you can built packet es:
$b=new Net::RawIP;



 I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out with some insight

 on building a data structure for sending and receiving binary data.

 Here is what I am doing:
 1.  building a tcp client to query a server with data
 2.  the client sends the binary data stream, and then receives binary
 data stream from server, and closes the socket
 3.  I would like to be able to build a structure where I can modify
 certain bytes (whether decimal, hex, or binary) before sending the
 stream, such as to create a message, and then sending the message to

the server.

 4.  When the message is received, I would like to be able to read it
 into an ordered structure so that I can retrieve certain bits after I
 have decoded the stream into decimal or hex ASCII representations.

 For example, my packet sniffer is showing the following:
 : 000a c844  f00a 0401 0008 0009 c844  ...D...D
 0010:  f00b   07c8 4080 00dc a000  ..@.

 I need to read each one of these bytes in a de-limited way.

 Has anyone done this before or can give me any kind of insight?  Is
 there another list that would be better for this?  I would GREATLY
 appreciate any and all insight.

 Jason O.

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BETWEEN Comparison Operator

2001-10-18 Thread Mark Martin

very simple question here I think. Trying to get an IF to test whether a
numeric variable is in a certain range  if it is then execute an action :

if ($variable -10) {

$sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL statement:

}elsif ($variable 10) {

$sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL statement:

}else { 

$sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL statement:


I can only seem to do this with 2 conditional statements(IF  ELSIF) and
the action repeated. What I want is a Between operator for the range -10
to 10.

Any ideas,

Mark Martin
Computer Centre
National University of Ireland Maynooth

Tel: (01)708 4716/3830
Fax: (01)628 6249

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Re: Factory method

2001-10-18 Thread _brian_d_foy


couldn't find this domain *shrug*

 The List class is nothing but a placeholder for its subclasses. When it's 
 constructor method (sub new) is called, it creates an instance of one of its 
 subclasses, the choice of subclass being based on one of the arguments to 
 the constructor method.

 Is this the factory method, or am I deluding myself? Does anyone have any 
 decent links for design patterns in Perl?

this is a factory since it creates objects in other packages. :)
brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perl services for hire
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symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread Ross Howard

I figured this one out using the camel book and brute force methods.  But if 
anyone could shed some light on symbolic references of the hash arrays I 
would appreciate it.

Specifically, in the subroutine below populate_hash(), the line:
${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
Seems kind of ugly saying heres a reference, really it's a hash, go ahead 
and put a new key/value pair in, cause I know it's a hash.

Is this the correct way of doing this?

Thanks in advance,

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Undefining the variables to be used as hash array
undef $hash1;
undef $hash2;

# Insertting some values just to start things off
$hash1{KEY0} = value0;
$hash2{DOWAP} = DOWAH;

# Populating each hash with more values using a subroutine
populate_hash (\%hash1, HEY1, value1);
populate_hash (\%hash2, HUMM, HAH);

# Outputting the hash contents for first array
foreach $key (keys %hash1) {
print hash1 $key - $hash1{$key}\n;

# Outputting the hash contents for second array
foreach $key (keys %hash2) {
print hash2 $key - $hash2{$key}\n;


# Simple subroutine to populate a passed hash array with values
sub populate_hash ($$\%) {
my $hash = $_[0];
my $key = $_[1];
my $value = $_[2];

${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;

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Re: BETWEEN Comparison Operator

2001-10-18 Thread walter valenti

If (($x-10)  ($x10)){
##cod to execute


 very simple question here I think. Trying to get an IF to test whether a
 numeric variable is in a certain range  if it is then execute an action :

 if ($variable -10) {

 $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL 

 }elsif ($variable 10) {

 $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL 

 }else {

 $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't execute SQL 


 I can only seem to do this with 2 conditional statements(IF  ELSIF) and
 the action repeated. What I want is a Between operator for the range -10
 to 10.

 Any ideas,

 Mark Martin
 Computer Centre
 National University of Ireland Maynooth

 Tel: (01)708 4716/3830
 Fax: (01)628 6249

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RE: BETWEEN Comparison Operator

2001-10-18 Thread Heely, Paul


The following if checks for variable between -10 and 10.
if ( $variable  -10 and $variable  10 ) {
# do something

The example you gave looks like it always executes though, so maybe I'm
missing something.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:31 AM
 Subject: BETWEEN Comparison Operator
 very simple question here I think. Trying to get an IF to 
 test whether a
 numeric variable is in a certain range  if it is then 
 execute an action :
 if ($variable -10) {
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 }elsif ($variable 10) {
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 }else {   
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 I can only seem to do this with 2 conditional statements(IF  
 ELSIF) and
 the action repeated. What I want is a Between operator for 
 the range -10
 to 10.
 Any ideas,
 Mark Martin
 Computer Centre
 National University of Ireland Maynooth
 Tel: (01)708 4716/3830
 Fax: (01)628 6249
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Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread Jos I. Boumans

i must be missing the point, but why are you using prototyped subroutines to
populate a hash ref?

what's wrong with:

my $href = {
foo = 'quux',
bar = [ qw( bleh yuck) ],


$href-{'baz'} = { foo = 'bar' }



- Original Message -
From: Ross Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:33 PM
Subject: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

 I figured this one out using the camel book and brute force methods.  But
 anyone could shed some light on symbolic references of the hash arrays I
 would appreciate it.

 Specifically, in the subroutine below populate_hash(), the line:
 ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
 Seems kind of ugly saying heres a reference, really it's a hash, go ahead
 and put a new key/value pair in, cause I know it's a hash.

 Is this the correct way of doing this?

 Thanks in advance,

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

 # Undefining the variables to be used as hash array
 undef $hash1;
 undef $hash2;

 # Insertting some values just to start things off
 $hash1{KEY0} = value0;
 $hash2{DOWAP} = DOWAH;

 # Populating each hash with more values using a subroutine
 populate_hash (\%hash1, HEY1, value1);
 populate_hash (\%hash2, HUMM, HAH);

 # Outputting the hash contents for first array
 foreach $key (keys %hash1) {
 print hash1 $key - $hash1{$key}\n;

 # Outputting the hash contents for second array
 foreach $key (keys %hash2) {
 print hash2 $key - $hash2{$key}\n;


 # Simple subroutine to populate a passed hash array with values
 sub populate_hash ($$\%) {
 my $hash = $_[0];
 my $key = $_[1];
 my $value = $_[2];

 ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;

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Re: Factory method

2001-10-18 Thread Nigel Wetters

Sorry, typo:

I've already amended the example to include some comments made by people who 
found my site despite my best efforts!

Still looking for sites that have any information about design patterns in 
perl. Anyone seen any?

--Nigel Wetters

_brian_d_foy wrote:

couldn't find this domain *shrug*

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RE: BETWEEN Comparison Operator

2001-10-18 Thread Brian Arnold

The code

if ( $variable  -10 and $variable  10 ) {
# do something

Will not catch -10 itself or 10, so this is really like saying from -9
to 9.

If you want to include -10 and 10, use this

if ( $variable = -10 and $variable = 10 ) {
# do something

But yeah, it looks like this code always executes the statement anyways.

Brian Arnold

-Original Message-
From: Heely, Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 9:40 AM
To: 'Mark Martin'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: BETWEEN Comparison Operator


The following if checks for variable between -10 and 10.
if ( $variable  -10 and $variable  10 ) {
# do something

The example you gave looks like it always executes though, so maybe I'm
missing something.


 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:31 AM
 Subject: BETWEEN Comparison Operator
 very simple question here I think. Trying to get an IF to 
 test whether a
 numeric variable is in a certain range  if it is then 
 execute an action :
 if ($variable -10) {
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 }elsif ($variable 10) {
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 }else {   
   $sth1-execute($variable) or die Can't 
 execute SQL statement:
 I can only seem to do this with 2 conditional statements(IF  
 ELSIF) and
 the action repeated. What I want is a Between operator for 
 the range -10
 to 10.
 Any ideas,
 Mark Martin
 Computer Centre
 National University of Ireland Maynooth
 Tel: (01)708 4716/3830
 Fax: (01)628 6249
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Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread Ross Howard

I'm actually just using this as a simplistic example, and it's a very simple 
example, which as you pointed out has a simpler alternative.

What I am trying to obtain is an explanation as to how hashes can be passed 
to a subroutine, populated and used within a subroutine, and used external 
to the subroutine with the data from the subroutine.

Specifically, the line:
 ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
This is the part I am not 100% clear on.


From: Jos I. Boumans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:49:21 +0200

i must be missing the point, but why are you using prototyped subroutines 
populate a hash ref?

what's wrong with:

my $href = {
 foo = 'quux',
 bar = [ qw( bleh yuck) ],


$href-{'baz'} = { foo = 'bar' }



- Original Message -
From: Ross Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 3:33 PM
Subject: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

  I figured this one out using the camel book and brute force methods.  
  anyone could shed some light on symbolic references of the hash arrays I
  would appreciate it.
  Specifically, in the subroutine below populate_hash(), the line:
  ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
  Seems kind of ugly saying heres a reference, really it's a hash, go 
  and put a new key/value pair in, cause I know it's a hash.
  Is this the correct way of doing this?
  Thanks in advance,
  #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  # Undefining the variables to be used as hash array
  undef $hash1;
  undef $hash2;
  # Insertting some values just to start things off
  $hash1{KEY0} = value0;
  $hash2{DOWAP} = DOWAH;
  # Populating each hash with more values using a subroutine
  populate_hash (\%hash1, HEY1, value1);
  populate_hash (\%hash2, HUMM, HAH);
  # Outputting the hash contents for first array
  foreach $key (keys %hash1) {
  print hash1 $key - $hash1{$key}\n;
  # Outputting the hash contents for second array
  foreach $key (keys %hash2) {
  print hash2 $key - $hash2{$key}\n;
  # Simple subroutine to populate a passed hash array with values
  sub populate_hash ($$\%) {
  my $hash = $_[0];
  my $key = $_[1];
  my $value = $_[2];
  ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
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Re: BETWEEN Comparison Operator

2001-10-18 Thread _brian_d_foy

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Martin) wrote:

 I can only seem to do this with 2 conditional statements(IF  ELSIF) and
 the action repeated. What I want is a Between operator for the range -10
 to 10.

 Any ideas,

Perl 6 will have this.  patience :)
brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perl services for hire
CGI Meta FAQ -
Troubleshooting CGI scripts -

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Tk::Button -underline not working?

2001-10-18 Thread Powell E. Barber


I'm trying to use the -underline option on a Button in a Tk::NoteBook to
implement keyboard mapping.  The character appears underlined, but the
callback function is not called.  Am I missing somthing?  (I've tried
anonymous callbacks as well).

Code Begin...

use Tk;
require Tk::NoteBook;

sub bail{ exit; };

$mw = MainWindow-new;

$mw-title(NoteBook Widget Test);

$f = $mw-NoteBook();
$page1 = $f-add(page1, -label = page1);
$page1-Button(-text = Exit,
   -underline = 0,
   -command = \bail
   )-pack(-side = 'bottom');

$p1_label1 = $page1-Label(-text = This is page number 1,
   -highlightbackground = yellow
   )-pack(-side = 'top',
   -anchor = 'n');

$page1-Button(-text = Select Page 1,
   -command = sub { $f-raise(page1); }
   )-pack(-side = 'left');
$page1-Button(-text = Select Page 2,
   -command = sub { $f-raise(page2); }
   )-pack(-side = 'left');
$page1-Button(-text = Select Page 3,
   -command = sub { $f-raise(page3); }
   )-pack(-side = 'left');
$page1-Button(-text = Select Page 4,
   -command = sub { $f-raise(page4); }
   )-pack(-side = 'left');

$page2 = $f-add(page2, -label = page2);
$page3 = $f-add(page3, -label = page3);
$page4 = $f-add(page4, -label = page4);


Code End...

Thanks in advance,

Powell E. Barber,  Sr. Engineer 850.644.6477 voice
Department of Nuclear Services  850.644.9848 fax
Florida State University
Tallahassee  FL  32306-4470

When you've got a Chautauqua in your head, it's extremely
 hard not to inflict it on innocent people.  R. M. Pirsig

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RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply numbers :How would I modify my file:

2001-10-18 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) wrote:

 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 my $function = shift @ARGV; 
 if( $function =~ /add/ ) {
   $rtn = add( @ARGV ); 
   print The sum is :$rtn;
 elsif( $function =~ /multiply/ ) {
   $rtn = multiply( @ARGV );
   print The product is :$rtn;
 sub add {
   my @list = @_; 
   my $sum = 0;
   $sum += $_ foreach (@list); 

}   # = This was missing

 sub multiply {
   my @list = @_;
   my $prod = 1;
   $prod *= $_ foreach (@list);

Dave Storrs

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newbie cgi problem

2001-10-18 Thread dan radom

I'm trying to print the contents of a file which is being passed from a html form.  
I'm pretty close (I think).  Here's what I have...

html form...

form method=post action=/cgi-bin/
Enter the hostname to view the configuraqtion file
input size=50 name=host
input type =submit value=submit

perl script...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use CGI qw(:all);
$s = quotemeta($s);
print header;
print start_html();
open(CONF, /opt/disk4/REDBACK-BACKUP/$s) or die(configuration file not found);
foreach (@t) { print $_BR };
print end_html();

Here are the errors...

String found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 
10, near foreach (@t) { print 
  (Might be a runaway multi-line  string starting on line 7)
(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
syntax error at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10, near foreach (@t) { 
In string, @t now must be written as \@t at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 7, near ;
Scalar found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 
10, near foreach (@t) { print $_
(Do you need to predeclare foreach?)
Can't find string terminator '' anywhere before EOF at 
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10.
httpd: [Thu Oct 18 14:47:10 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/

Any suggestions?


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Re: newbie cgi problem

2001-10-18 Thread Richie Crews

try this..

foreach (@t) { print $_BR; };

On Thu, 2001-10-18 at 10:54, dan radom wrote:
 I'm trying to print the contents of a file which is being passed from a html form.  
I'm pretty close (I think).  Here's what I have...
 html form...
 form method=post action=/cgi-bin/
 Enter the hostname to view the configuraqtion file
 input size=50 name=host
 input type =submit value=submit
 perl script...
 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 use CGI qw(:all);
 $s = quotemeta($s);
 print header;
 print start_html();
 open(CONF, /opt/disk4/REDBACK-BACKUP/$s) or die(configuration file not found);
 foreach (@t) { print $_BR };
 print end_html();
 Here are the errors...
 String found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 10, near foreach (@t) { print 
   (Might be a runaway multi-line  string starting on line 7)
 (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
 syntax error at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10, near foreach (@t) 
{ print 
 In string, @t now must be written as \@t at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 7, near ;
 Scalar found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 10, near foreach (@t) { print $_
 (Do you need to predeclare foreach?)
 Can't find string terminator '' anywhere before EOF at 
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10.
 httpd: [Thu Oct 18 14:47:10 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
 Any suggestions?
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 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Richie Crews

Unix Administrator / Internet Integrator


Cell: (706) 773 - 3436
Desk: (706) 634 - 3681
Fax: (706) 634 - 3831

When I take action, I'm not going to fire
a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent 
and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to
be decisive.   -  President George W. Bush


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RE: newbie cgi problem

2001-10-18 Thread Heely, Paul


 open(CONF, /opt/disk4/REDBACK-BACKUP/$s) or die(configuration file not
Try getting rid of the extra  on line 7.

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Re: XMLParser and Perl

2001-10-18 Thread Dave Storrs

Go to and type XML into the search box.  There
are a whole bunch of XML modules that will make your life much easier.

In general, go to CPAN and look for a module is the answer to most
problems in Perl...the number of modules is HUGE, and no matter what you
need, there is probably a module that can help.  Always check CPAN before
writing it yourself.


On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Trent A Stephens wrote:

 I (a beginner in Perl) am looking for guidance on XML and Perl.  I am
 having to read in an XML file, parse it for specific information (MIME
 type, attributes and values), write the attributes/values to a hash (I am
 assuming) and then use win32::OLE to persist the attribute/vlaues to the
 custom properties of a Word or Excel document.
 Also it would be nice to beable to determine the number of attribute/value
 pairs in the XML file so as to presize the hash table.
 Are there any example out there or code I can use to get a good start to
 speed up my learning curve? There is a slight time constraint I am working
 Thanks in advance

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Re: newbie cgi problem

2001-10-18 Thread dan radom

thanks too all who replied.  i knew i was close.  i can't believe i missed the extra  
on line 7.  duh.  thanks everyone!


* dan radom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm trying to print the contents of a file which is being passed from a html form.  
I'm pretty close (I think).  Here's what I have...
 html form...
 form method=post action=/cgi-bin/
 Enter the hostname to view the configuraqtion file
 input size=50 name=host
 input type =submit value=submit
 perl script...
 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
 use CGI qw(:all);
 $s = quotemeta($s);
 print header;
 print start_html();
 open(CONF, /opt/disk4/REDBACK-BACKUP/$s) or die(configuration file not found);
 foreach (@t) { print $_BR };
 print end_html();
 Here are the errors...
 String found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 10, near foreach (@t) { print 
   (Might be a runaway multi-line  string starting on line 7)
 (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
 syntax error at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10, near foreach (@t) 
{ print 
 In string, @t now must be written as \@t at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 7, near ;
 Scalar found where operator expected at /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ 
line 10, near foreach (@t) { print $_
 (Do you need to predeclare foreach?)
 Can't find string terminator '' anywhere before EOF at 
/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ line 10.
 httpd: [Thu Oct 18 14:47:10 2001] [error] [client] Premature end of 
script headers: /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/
 Any suggestions?
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Re: Unable to display output

2001-10-18 Thread Dave Storrs

On Wed, 17 Oct 2001, nafiseh saberi wrote:

 in perl ,
 if u want see in screen must write :
 print \n;
 before things you want to to print.
 I mean that you must print one empty line and then
 print things u wants
 Best regards . Nafiseh Saberi

Um, what?  Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but it simply isn't
true that you must print an empty line before you can print data to the
screen.  Here are two ways to prove this to yourself:

From the command line:
perl -e 'print Hello, World!';

Or, put the following in a file:
print Hello, World!;

Make sure execute permissions are set on the file, then run the file.

You will notice that neither of these examples includes a newline
(\n) anywhere, yet they still print to the screen.


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Re: newbie cgi problem

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, dan radom wrote:

 I'm trying to print the contents of a file which is being passed from
 a html form.  I'm pretty close (I think).  Here's what I have...

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

You should also have 'use strict' here.

 use CGI qw(:all);
 $s = quotemeta($s);
 print header;
 print start_html();
 open(CONF, /opt/disk4/REDBACK-BACKUP/$s) or
 die(configuration file not found);
You have an extra quote here

This is why you are getting unterminated string errors.


Grabbing up a file into an array isn't always a good idea.  You should do:

while(CONF) {

print $_BR;

 foreach (@t) { print $_BR };
 print end_html();

-- Brett

This is clearly another case of too many mad scientists, and not enough

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hash access issue

2001-10-18 Thread F.H

Hi there,

Here is my dilema:
%HoH = (
flintstones = {
lead1  = fred,
pal1   = barney,
jetsons = {
lead2  = george,
wife2  = jane,
his boy3 = elroy,
simpsons= {
lead3  = homer,
wife3  = marge,
kid3   = bart,

$HoH{$key1}{$key2} is the basic structure of my hash. while I am reading from another 
that provides 3 variables if $var1 eq flintsones and $var2 eq pal1, then:
$HoH{$var1}{$var2} = barney.
Is ther a way that if $var1 eq anything and $var2 eq pal1 I can still get barney.

Any help is highly appreciated


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RE: socket closed

2001-10-18 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Daniel Gardner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 6:50 PM
 Subject: socket closed
   i have code that looks something like this:
 my $sock = IO::Socket::INET-new(%args);
 my $sel = new IO::Select $sock;
 while (1) {
 my @ready = IO::Select-can_read(1);
 foreach my $socket (@ready) {
 # read a line
 my $line = $socket;
 } # end foreach
 # do other stuff
 } # end while
   which works just great, except for when the remote server closes the
   connection on the socket i've opened. IO::Select seems to return the
   handle as being ready to read from, and $socket 
 immediately returns
   so my question is, how do i tell if the remote server has closed the

That's how you tell. when $socket returns undef, that means you've
hit end of file, which on a socket means the other end has closed. At
that point, just break out of your loop.

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RE: hash access issue

2001-10-18 Thread Brian Arnold

You could probably do something like

sub checkanything {
  my $var2 = shift;
  foreach (keys %HoH) {
return $HoH{$_}{$var2} if $HoH{$_}{$var2};

Then in your main body of code, just say something like

if ($var1 eq anything) { $return = checkanything($var2); }

I think that should do it - good luck =)

Brian Arnold

-Original Message-
From: F.H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 11:59 AM
Subject: hash access issue

Hi there,

Here is my dilema:
%HoH = (
flintstones = {
lead1  = fred,
pal1   = barney,
jetsons = {
lead2  = george,
wife2  = jane,
his boy3 = elroy,
simpsons= {
lead3  = homer,
wife3  = marge,
kid3   = bart,

$HoH{$key1}{$key2} is the basic structure of my hash. while I am reading
from another file
that provides 3 variables if $var1 eq flintsones and $var2 eq pal1,
$HoH{$var1}{$var2} = barney.
Is ther a way that if $var1 eq anything and $var2 eq pal1 I can still
get barney.

Any help is highly appreciated


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Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread RaFaL Pocztarski

Ross Howard wrote:

 Specifically, the line:
  ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
 This is the part I am not 100% clear on.

$hash is a hash reference, right? Then try:

  $hash-{$key} = $value;

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Warnings with strict and POSIX

2001-10-18 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: josh hoblitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:01 AM
 Subject: Warnings with strict and POSIX
 I'm not sure exactly whats going on here.  It seems the combination of
 strict and POSIX :sys_wait_h is fine... but just POSIX seems to stop
 the strict bareword warnings.  Any idea whats going on here? (exporter
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 use POSIX;
 #use POSIX :sys_wait_h;
 use strict;
 sysopen(FILE,somefile.txt, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT,0664);

use POSIX; basically brings in the default set of symbols into
your name space (i.e. those defined in @EXPORT). use POSIX qw(:foo)
calls on an export tag which typically will import a basket of
symbols (although the arguments passed to import can do other
things besides importing symbols).

So use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h) is evidently importing O_WRONLY, etc.
into your namespace so use strict doesn't complain.

You can always access the symbols even if they aren't imported, as
POSIX::O_WRONLY for example.

Look at the docs for use and Exporter for the full poop.

BTW, those symbols are typically imported using the Fcntl module,
if I'm not mistaken.

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Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread Ross Howard

That's definately alot easier to read and understand!

From: RaFaL Pocztarski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 18:10:18 +0200

Ross Howard wrote:

  Specifically, the line:
   ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;
  This is the part I am not 100% clear on.

$hash is a hash reference, right? Then try:

   $hash-{$key} = $value;

- RaFaL Pocztarski, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Elusive Syntax

2001-10-18 Thread Scott Taylor

Anyone know how I can do this?  I can't seem to get past a syntax error 
near the 'while'.  (it worked up to the point I tried to put it into a 
table, and the table works fine by itself)

use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/;
require DBI;
require HTTP::Date;

print table({-border=undef},
 th(['First Name','Last Name','Title','Company','Work Ph.','Home Ph.',
 'Fax Number','Other Ph.','Email Addr.','City','Prov.','Postal',
 'Country','Custom 1','Custom 2','Custom 3','Custome 4','Notes',

 while ( @columns = $cursor-fetchrow ) {
 '$columns[0]', '$columns[1]', '$columns[2]', '$columns[3]',
 '$columns[4]', '$columns[5]', '$columns[6]', '$columns[7]',
 '$columns[8]', '$columns[9]', '$columns[10]','$columns[11]',

Scott Taylor
Systems Administrator
DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.

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RE: Elusive Syntax

2001-10-18 Thread Brian Arnold

I've not had luck calling a while loop (or any loop, for that matter)
during the creation of a table - I did something like this - hope this

my $table_data = ;
while ( @columns = $cursor-fetchrow ) {
$table_data .= td([
'$columns[0]', '$columns[1]', '$columns[2]', '$columns[3]',
'$columns[4]', '$columns[5]', '$columns[6]', '$columns[7]',
'$columns[8]', '$columns[9]', '$columns[10]','$columns[11]',
print table({-border=undef},
 th(['First Name','Last Name','Title','Company','Work Ph.','Home
 'Fax Number','Other Ph.','Email Addr.','City','Prov.','Postal',
 'Country','Custom 1','Custom 2','Custom 3','Custome 4','Notes',

Brian Arnold

-Original Message-
From: Scott Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 12:52 PM
Subject: Elusive Syntax

Anyone know how I can do this?  I can't seem to get past a syntax error 
near the 'while'.  (it worked up to the point I tried to put it into a 
table, and the table works fine by itself)

use CGI qw/:standard *table start_ul/;
require DBI;
require HTTP::Date;

print table({-border=undef},
 th(['First Name','Last Name','Title','Company','Work Ph.','Home
 'Fax Number','Other Ph.','Email Addr.','City','Prov.','Postal',
 'Country','Custom 1','Custom 2','Custom 3','Custome 4','Notes',

 while ( @columns = $cursor-fetchrow ) {
 '$columns[0]', '$columns[1]', '$columns[2]', '$columns[3]',
 '$columns[4]', '$columns[5]', '$columns[6]', '$columns[7]',
 '$columns[8]', '$columns[9]', '$columns[10]','$columns[11]',

Scott Taylor
Systems Administrator
DCT Chambers Trucking Ltd.

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Weekly list FAQ posting

2001-10-18 Thread casey

beginners-faq - FAQ for the beginners mailing list

1 -  Administriva
  1.1 - I'm not subscribed - how do I subscribe?

Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can also specify your subscription email address by sending email to
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  1.2 -  How do I unsubscribe?

Now, why would you want to do that? Send mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and wait for a response. Once you
reply to the response, you'll be unsubscribed. If that doesn't work,
find the email address which you are subscribed from and send an email
like the following (let's assume your email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]):


  1.3 - There is too much traffic on this list. Is there a digest?

Yes. To subscribe to the digest version of this list send an email to:


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This is a high traffic list (100+ messages per day), so please subscribe
in the way which is best for you.

  1.4 - Is there an archive on the web?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.5 - How can I get this FAQ?

This document will be emailed to the list once a week, and will be
available online in the archives, and at

  1.6 - I don't see something in the FAQ, how can I make a suggestion?

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your suggestion.

  1.7 - Is there a supporting website for this list?

Yes, there is. It is located at:

  1.8 - Who owns this list?  Who do I complain to?

Casey West owns the beginners list. You can contact him at

  1.9 - Who currently maintains the FAQ?

Kevin Meltzer, who can be reached at the email address (for FAQ
suggestions only) in question 1.6

  1.10 - Who will maintain peace and flow on the list?

Casey West, Kevin Meltzer and Ask Bjoern Hansen currently carry large,
yet padded, clue-sticks to maintain peace and order on the list. If you
are privately emailed by one of these folks for flaming, being
off-topic, etc... please listen to what they say. If you see a message
sent to the list by one of these people saying that a thread is closed,
do not continue to post to the list on that thread! If you do, you will
not only meet face to face with a XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual
roto-plooker, but you may also be taken off of the list. These people
simply want to make sure the list stays topical, and above-all, useful
to Perl beginners.

  1.11 - When was this FAQ last updated?

Sept 07, 2001

2 -  Questions about the 'beginners' list.
  2.1 - What is the list for?

A list for beginning Perl programmers to ask questions in a friendly

  2.2 - What is this list _not_ for?

* Homework
* Solicitation
* Things that aren't Perl related
* Monkeys
* Monkeys solicitating homework on non-Perl related SPAM.
  2.3 - Are there any rules?

Yes. As with most communities, there are rules. Not many, and ones that
shouldn't need to be mentioned, but they are.

* Be nice
* No flaming
* Have fun
  2.4 - What topics are allowed on this list?

Basically, if it has to do with Perl, then it is allowed. You can ask
CGI, networking, syntax, style, etc... types of questions. If your
question has nothing at all to do with Perl, it will likely be ignored.
If it has anything to do with Perl, it will likely be answered.

  2.5 - I want to help, what should I do?

Subscribe to the list! If you see a question which you can give an
idiomatic and Good answer to, answer away! If you do not know the
answer, wait for someone to answer, and learn a little.

  2.6 - Is there anything I should keep in mind while answering?

We don't want to see 'RTFM'. That isn't very helpful. Instead, guide the
beginner to the place in the FM they should R :)

Please do not quote the documentation unless you have something to add
to it. It is better to direct someone to the documentation so they
hopefully will read documentation above and beyond that which answers
their question. It also helps teach them how to use the documentation.

  2.7 - I don't want to post a question if it is in an FAQ. Where should I
look first?

Look in the FAQ! Get acquainted with the 'perldoc' utility, and use it.
It can save everyone time if you look in the Perl FAQs first, instead of
having a list of people refer you to the Perl FAQs :) You can learn
about 'perldoc' by typing:

`perldoc perldoc'

At your command prompt. You can also view documentation online at: and

  2.8 Is this a high traffic list?

YES! You have been warned! If you don't want to get ~100 emails per day
from this list, 

Re: symbolic reference of hashes in subroutines

2001-10-18 Thread Michael Fowler

RaFaL has answered the question you asked, but it should be mentioned that
you are not using symbolic references in your code.  \%hash is a hard

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 09:33:06AM -0400, Ross Howard wrote:
 populate_hash (\%hash1, HEY1, value1);
 populate_hash (\%hash2, HUMM, HAH);


 sub populate_hash ($$\%) {
   my $hash = $_[0];
   my $key = $_[1];
   my $value = $_[2];
   ${%{$hash}}{$key} = $value;

The prototype ($$\%) dictates the subroutine gets three arguments: a scalar,
a scalar, and a hash that is enreferenced.  Your example calls, however,
are: hash reference (which is a scalar), scalar, scalar.  The only thing
preventing this from becoming a fatal error is that your prototype is
declared too late, which perl warns you about if you have warnings turned

Perhaps you meant:

sub populate_hash (\%$$);

populate_hash(%hash1, HEY1, value1);
populate_hash(%hash2, HUMM, HAH);

sub populate_hash (\%$$) { 

Programmer, System Administrator

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RE: Elusive Syntax

2001-10-18 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Oct 18, Brian Arnold said:

$table_data .= td([
'$columns[0]', '$columns[1]', '$columns[2]', '$columns[3]',
'$columns[4]', '$columns[5]', '$columns[6]', '$columns[7]',
'$columns[8]', '$columns[9]', '$columns[10]','$columns[11]',

Are you sure you want single quotes here?!  I don't think you do.  And you
probably just want to use:

  $table_data .= td(@columns);

It looks MUCH cleaner that way.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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Select all files in a dir for processing?

2001-10-18 Thread Bill Akins

Hello All,

OK, I'm very new to Perl, so please don't flame me!

I need to read in every file in a dir into a new file.  I can do it like
below if I know the file names, but how can I specify *.CSV?  Actually there
will be only the data files I need to read in the dir so *.* would work as
well.  Perhaps I should also mention this is running on Win 2K.

Can I build an array (@Files)of file names and just call $Files[$i] instead
of each file and increment i between files?  If so, how would I build an
array from a dir *.* command and how would I be sure not to include
erroneous info returned?

Is there a much better way to combine these files in order by name?

Code I have now:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(F1,C:/Temp/0912.CSV) || die Couldn't open F1.\n; #Open File 1
open(F2,C:/Temp/0913.CSV) || die Couldn't open F2.\n; #Open File 2
open(F3,C:/Temp/0914.CSV) || die Couldn't open F3.\n; #Open File 3
open(F4,C:/Temp/0916.CSV) || die Couldn't open F4.\n; #Open File 4
# Yada yada ya...
open(STAT,C:/Temp/Stats.CSV) || die Couldn't open STAT.\n; #Create
Stats file
while(F1) {
print STAT; #Print F1 - Stats
while(F2) {
print STAT; #Print F2 - Stats
while(F3) {
print STAT; #Print F3 - Stats
while(F4) {
print STAT; #Print F4 - Stats
# Yada yada ya...

I would also like to strip the first row from every file EXCEPT the first,
or possibly from all and insert header row into Row 1 of resulting stats.csv
file.  Any suggestions on that?

Thanks for any insight!
Bill A.

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return a hash key

2001-10-18 Thread AL H

Let say I have a multikey hash:
If I am passing values to this hash Is there a function or a way to retrieve 
missing keys from it?
I know that if  (! exists %poeple -{$first}-{$Last}-{$MI}) will return 
false or true.
I want thes non valid keys temselves to be returned.


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2001-10-18 Thread Brian

Does any one have any good resources for processing SQL w/ Perl?
Just basic stuff, ie:

select * from table_name; type of statements??

Thanks Ya,


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2 questions on perl.

2001-10-18 Thread Amit Joshi


  I'm very new to perl. Have following two questions:

Q1: Do we have a standard way to generate random numbers in perl ?

Q2: How do we run system commands from a perl program ?

Thanks and regards,


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Re: Elusive Syntax

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:

 Anyone know how I can do this?  I can't seem to get past a syntax error
 near the 'while'.  (it worked up to the point I tried to put it into a
 table, and the table works fine by itself)

You have your while loop embedded in a print statement.  Can't do that.
You'll need to move it out and generate your columns before hand.

-- Brett

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Re: Greetings

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Brian wrote:

 Does any one have any good resources for processing SQL w/ Perl?
 Just basic stuff, ie:

 select * from table_name; type of statements??

Check out the DBI module:

That'll get you started.

-- Brett

Virtue is its own punishment.
-- Denniston

Righteous people terrify me ... virtue is its own punishment.
-- Aneurin Bevan

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Re: 2 questions on perl.

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Amit Joshi wrote:

 Q1: Do we have a standard way to generate random numbers in perl ?

perldoc -f rand
perldoc -q random

 Q2: How do we run system commands from a perl program ?

perldoc -f system
perldoc -q system

(perldoc -f gives you information on the usage of a specific function;
 perldoc -q gives you information from the FAQs)

-- Brett

You can't survive by sucking the juice from a wet mitten.
-- Charles Schulz, Things I've Had to Learn Over and
   Over and Over

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Re: Select all files in a dir for processing?

2001-10-18 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Oct 18, Bill Akins said:

I need to read in every file in a dir into a new file.  I can do it like
below if I know the file names, but how can I specify *.CSV?  Actually there
will be only the data files I need to read in the dir so *.* would work as
well.  Perhaps I should also mention this is running on Win 2K.

To get the entries from a directory, you can use the opendir(), readdir(),
and closedir() functions:

  opendir DIR, c:/files or die can't read c:/files: $!;
  @entries = readdir DIR;
  closedir DIR;

That will put all the entries (files AND directories and other things) in
the array.  Note that it only puts the NAME of the entry (not the path),
so you'll have foo and bar, not c:/files/foo and c:/files/bar.  If
you want those, you can add them like so:

  @entries = map c:/files/$_, readdir DIR;

You'll probably want to skip all the directories (like . and ..), so you
can add a grep() statement to filter them out:

  @entries = grep !-d, map c:/files/$_, readdir DIR;

The -d file-test checks a variable (in this case, $_) to see if it is a
directory, and we use ! to take the opposite.  This means, in english:

  get the entries from the directory...
  prepend the path to each of them...
  accept only non-directories...
  and store them in @entries

Notice how it reads backwards.

If you want, there's a shorter mechanism that may provide what you
need.  While you can use a regex to make sure the filename ends in .CSV:

  @entries = grep !-d  /\.CSV\z/, map c:/files/$_, readdir DIR;

you might find it easier just to use the glob() function:

  @entries = grep !-d, glob(c:/files/*.CSV);

That ONE line takes the place of the opendir(), readdir(), and
closedir() lines.  It also takes care of prepending the path name to the
files (so no map() is required).  The grep() is still there because I'm
paranoid, and you might have a directory named foo.CSV.  (I know you
probably don't, but like I said, I'm paranoid.)

To read more about these functions, check the 'perlfunc' documentation:

  perldoc perlfunc
  perldoc -f opendir
  perldoc -f readdir
  perldoc -f closedir
  perldoc -f glob

or go online to,, or

Now, for your file concatenation...

open(F1,C:/Temp/0912.CSV) || die Couldn't open F1.\n; #Open File 1

I'm glad you have error checking, but it's a good idea to include the
$! variable in the die() message -- it explains what went wrong.  See my
opendir() example above.

open(F2,C:/Temp/0913.CSV) || die Couldn't open F2.\n; #Open File 2
open(F3,C:/Temp/0914.CSV) || die Couldn't open F3.\n; #Open File 3
open(F4,C:/Temp/0916.CSV) || die Couldn't open F4.\n; #Open File 4
# Yada yada ya...
open(STAT,C:/Temp/Stats.CSV) || die Couldn't open STAT.\n; #Create
Stats file
while(F1) {
   print STAT; #Print F1 - Stats


Now you get to learn about some of the magic that Perl has to offer!  It
combines the @ARGV array with the use of an empty  operator.  When you
use , and @ARGV has values in it, Perl uses those values as names of
files to read from, one by one.  So let's prepare for the magic.

  @ARGV = grep !-d, glob c:/files/*.CSV;

Now we can read from them and print each file in sequence to some output

  open OUT,  c:/files/all.txt
or die can't create c:/files/all.txt: $!;

  while () {
print OUT;

  close OUT;

That was wonderfully simple!

I would also like to strip the first row from every file EXCEPT the first,
or possibly from all and insert header row into Row 1 of resulting stats.csv
file.  Any suggestions on that?

This requires some more effort, but can be explained without causing too
bad a headache. ;)

The eof() function tells us when we've reached the end of a file; there is
a special use of it -- eof -- that checks the last file we have read from.
In addition to this function, there is a builtin variable, $., which is
the line number of the line from the most recently read-from filehandle.

The problem with $. is it doesn't get reset if you open another
file... with the same filehandle... without closing the first one:

  open FOO, file_with_2_lines;
  while (FOO) { print $.: $_ }
  open FOO, file_with_4_lines;
  while (FOO) { print $.: $_ }

This will give output like:

  1: A first line
  2: A second line
  3: B first line
  4: B second line
  5: B third line
  6: B fourth line

If we had a close(FOO) before the second open() call, the numbers would
have started at 1 again for file_with_4_lines.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU?  Well, the magical  reads read from a
filehandle called ARGV, but ARGV doesn't get closed between files.  That
means that doing

  while () {
print $.: $_

would start with 1: and keep going up -- it would never reset to 1: again,
unless you manually closed the ARGV filehandle.  But how can we close ARGV
at the right time?

That's right -- eof.

  while () {
print $.: $_;
close ARGV if eof;

Now the numbering looks right.  Your problem is related to 

Re: return a hash key

2001-10-18 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 05:50:33PM +, AL H wrote:
 Let say I have a multikey hash:
 If I am passing values to this hash Is there a function or a way to retrieve 
 missing keys from it?
 I know that if  (! exists %poeple -{$first}-{$Last}-{$MI}) will return 
 false or true.
 I want thes non valid keys temselves to be returned.

There is nothing builtin to do what you want.  You'd have to test each key
to see if it's there.

Also, the syntax %people-{...}, while supported, should not be used.  It
should be $people-{...}.

Programmer, System Administrator

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Check for a process

2001-10-18 Thread Amar Patel

How do I replicate ps -awxx (berkly ps command )command on windows NT.
Basically I am trying to monitor cretain java processes on an NT/2000
machines with certain option(s)in the command line. I would like to know is
there a module or a command that I can execute and as the result, I would
like to get whole command line for a given process. If I were to tell the
command, I am looking for java process, it should return all the java
processes with their full command line.

Amar Patel

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Passing parameters to perl from C++

2001-10-18 Thread Lotto

I am not even sure if this is possible, though it seems like something
Perl would be capable of.  I have a C++ program with perl embedded in
it.  I want to pass two arrays to perl, one with keynames and the other
with values in it.  Once in the perl code, I want to make variables with
name from the keyname array, and then assign values to them from the
array of values.

Just in case that wasn't clear, let's say I have in the C++ program an
array with the elements i, j, and k in it, and an array with the
elements 1, 2, and 3 in it.  Once I am in the perl code, I want $i
= 1, $j = 2, and $k = 3.

Is this possible, and if so could someone give me a quick clip of code
for it?

Thank you much,

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RE: return a hash key

2001-10-18 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: AL H [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 1:51 PM
 Subject: return a hash key
 Let say I have a multikey hash:
 If I am passing values to this hash Is there a function or a 
 way to retrieve 
 missing keys from it?
 I know that if  (! exists %poeple -{$first}-{$Last}-{$MI}) 
 will return 
 false or true.
 I want thes non valid keys temselves to be returned.


   ! exists %poeple -{$first}-{$Last}-{$MI}

is not valid syntax. I assume you meant

   !exists $poeple{$first}-{$Last}-{$MI}

which can be shortened to

   !exists $poeple{$first}{$Last}{$MI}

This expression will auto-vivify $people{$first} and
$people{$first}{$Last} if they don't already exist
(but NOT $poeple{$first}{$Last}{$MI}).

Is this really your data model? Why all the nested
levels of hashes?

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Re: Newbie using Spreadsheet::ParseExcel

2001-10-18 Thread Lotto

I had the -w option on (!/usr/bin/perl -w).  When I took out the -w, the mystery
message went away.  I'm still a bit disturbed that I ever got it, but the
program runs fine.


P.S. Sorry about all of those reposts, it took forever for the posts to appear
for me, and I thought I was doing something wrong during posting.

Eric Lotto wrote:

 Forgive me if this post is a duplicate.  I tried sending it through my
 newsgroup reader first, and it did not seem to get through.

 I wrote a program (on linux platform) to read in an Excel file, and write
 the data out to a fixed-length field file.  I used the ParseExcel module,
 but it loads the entire Excel file into memory.  This works great for test
 files, but the files it will actually be used for are much too large.
 So I am now rewriting the program to use the CellHandler with Parse.
 Unfortunately Parse skips cells which are null, which leaves fields out.
 This does not work for a fixed-length file.  I think I found a way around
 it, and it is ugly.  Furthermore, I get the message Use of uninitialized
 value at when I am looping through the missing fields.  It is very odd
 behavior (or at least it seems so to me) because if I put the exact same
 line of code in another area, that line will not generate that message.

 Here is my subCellHandler:

 sub subCellHandler($) {
   my($ovBook, $ivSheet, $ivRow, $ivCol, $ovCell) = @_;
   if($ivSheet != $sheet){ return;}
   if(($skip != 0)  ($ivRow == 0)){  #skip cells in first
 row (headers)
 $iRow = 1;
   if($ivCol = $numCol){ return;}   #cell outside of
 requested fields
   while(($iCol != $ivCol) || ($iRow != $ivRow)){
 if($iCol  $numCol){#new row
   print OUTFILE \n;
   $iCol = 0;
 if(($iCol != $ivCol) || ($iRow != $ivRow)){ #if still unequal,
 have blank cell(s)
   print OUTFILE   x ($colWidth[$iCol]);
   }  #end of while($iCol...)
   $printValue = $ovCell-Value;
   $lengthDif = $colWidth[$ivCol];
   $lengthDif = $lengthDif - length($printValue);
   if($lengthDif  0){ $printValue = $printValue .   x $lengthDif; }   #pad
 field with spaces
   elsif($lengthDif  0){#cell value is too big to
 fit in fixed field
 $strChopped = ;
 for(my $i = 0; $i  $lengthDif; $i--){ $strChopped = chop($printValue) .
 $strChopped; }
 print STDERR String \$strChopped\ removed from end of Row:,
 $ivRow+1,  Column:, $ivCol+1, \n;
   print OUTFILE $printValue
or die Error printing cell: R:, $ivRow+1,  C:, $ivCol+1,\nAborting
 conversion.\nErrored out ;
 }  #End of subCellHandler()
 The mystery message seems to come from the line with the if still unequal,
 have blank cell(s) comment.

 Thank you much,

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Re: Passing parameters to perl from C++

2001-10-18 Thread Lotto

If it would be easier, I would like to make the variables (made from keyname
elements) into constants.  Otherwise I could just set them to indexes for
the value array.  That way, instead of assigning the value array elements to
the variables, I could just use the variables to reference the elements in
the array.  Eg. $value[$k] would be equal to 3.


Lotto wrote:

 I am not even sure if this is possible, though it seems like something
 Perl would be capable of.  I have a C++ program with perl embedded in
 it.  I want to pass two arrays to perl, one with keynames and the other
 with values in it.  Once in the perl code, I want to make variables with
 name from the keyname array, and then assign values to them from the
 array of values.

 Just in case that wasn't clear, let's say I have in the C++ program an
 array with the elements i, j, and k in it, and an array with the
 elements 1, 2, and 3 in it.  Once I am in the perl code, I want $i
 = 1, $j = 2, and $k = 3.

 Is this possible, and if so could someone give me a quick clip of code
 for it?

 Thank you much,

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array of arrays

2001-10-18 Thread Tyler Cruickshank


Im using a multidimensional array in the following way:

$array[$i][$j][$k] = [ @list ];   where, @list is a 2-D array ie. $list[][].

How do I access the individual elements of the array @list once Ive put it into the 
array @array?



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Fraction to integer.

2001-10-18 Thread Amit Joshi


Is there a way in perl to directly convert a fractional number to
its nearest integer value ??



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RE: Fraction to integer.

2001-10-18 Thread Bob Showalter

 -Original Message-
 From: Amit Joshi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 4:58 PM
 Subject: Fraction to integer.
 Is there a way in perl to directly convert a fractional number to
 its nearest integer value ??

perldoc -q round

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Re: Fraction to integer.

2001-10-18 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 08:57:40PM +, Amit Joshi wrote:
 Is there a way in perl to directly convert a fractional number to
 its nearest integer value ??

See perldoc -q round.

Programmer, System Administrator

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Re: array of arrays

2001-10-18 Thread Michael Fowler

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 02:28:41PM -0600, Tyler Cruickshank wrote:
 $array[$i][$j][$k] = [ @list ];   where, @list is a 2-D array ie. $list[][].
 How do I access the individual elements of the array @list once Ive put it
 into the array @array?

$array[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] eq $list[$l][$m]

However, this is the first time I've seen someone intentionally using such a
large-dimension array.  What is this for?

Programmer, System Administrator

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Re: Fraction to integer.

2001-10-18 Thread _brian_d_foy

In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Amit Joshi) wrote:

 Is there a way in perl to directly convert a fractional number to
 its nearest integer value ??

use the int() function.
brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perl services for hire
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Re: array of arrays

2001-10-18 Thread _brian_d_foy

(Michael Fowler) wrote:

 $array[$i][$j][$k][$l][$m] eq $list[$l][$m]

 However, this is the first time I've seen someone intentionally using such a
 large-dimension array.  What is this for?

i've used many more dimensions than that ;)
brian d foy [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Perl services for hire
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Troubleshooting CGI scripts -

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Special characters from perl to MySQL

2001-10-18 Thread Matt Klicka

I'm trying to enter data into MySQL and can't seem to
be able to enter the question mark and the quote
characters. I've tried every way of quoting (and
backslashing) I can think of to no avail. With the
quote I get an error from MySQL saying the query was
bad (i.e. the query ended at the quote) and with the
question mark it gets entered as a funky block that,
when read from mysql and printed by perl, is NULL.
This is probably more of a MySQL question than perl
but I haven't been able to find anything in any of the
MySQL documentation about it so I'm not so sure. 

I've currently sidestepped the problem by using the
HTML special character notation (the text is HTML
content) but it's a duct-tape/coat-hanger solution
that doesn't work for me in the long term.

Any help is appreciated.


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Re: Special characters from perl to MySQL

2001-10-18 Thread Casey West

On Oct 18, 2001 at 04:03 -0700, Matt Klicka took the soap box and proclaimed:
: I'm trying to enter data into MySQL and can't seem to
: be able to enter the question mark and the quote
: characters. I've tried every way of quoting (and
: backslashing) I can think of to no avail. With the
: quote I get an error from MySQL saying the query was
: bad (i.e. the query ended at the quote) and with the
: question mark it gets entered as a funky block that,
: when read from mysql and printed by perl, is NULL.
: This is probably more of a MySQL question than perl
: but I haven't been able to find anything in any of the
: MySQL documentation about it so I'm not so sure. 

Are you using the $dbh-quote() method?  This will quote data to the
underlying databases requirements.

my $data = $dbh-quote( $rawdata );

$sth-do( INSERT INTO foo VALUES $data );

  Casey West

Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil?
You're crazy.
 -- Drillers who Edwin L. Drake tried to enlist to his project to
drill for oil in 1859.

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What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread RArul

Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.

A simple example to prove the point would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread Curtis Poe

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
 seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.
 A simple example to prove the point would be greatly appreciated.


Auto-vivification is trying to access a hash entry that doesn't exit.  If that is 
done, the hash
entry is typically created with an 'undef' value.

my %hash = ( foo = 'bar', baz = 'qux' );

print $hash{ 'foo' }; # prints 'bar'
print $hash{ 'stuff' }; # prints nothing, but now $hash{ 'stuff' } exists and is equal 
to undef

To check for a hash entry without auto-vivifying it, use 'exists'.

if ( exists $hash{ 'stuff } ) {
print $hash{ 'stuff' };
} else {
print q|No %hash entry for 'stuff'.|;

Curtis Ovid Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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Re: What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan

On Oct 18, Curtis Poe said:

 Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
 seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.

Auto-vivification is trying to access a hash entry that doesn't exit.  If that is 
done, the hash
entry is typically created with an 'undef' value.


my %hash = ( foo = 'bar', baz = 'qux' );

print $hash{ 'foo' }; # prints 'bar'
print $hash{ 'stuff' }; # prints nothing, but now $hash{ 'stuff' } exists and is 
equal to undef

No.  Auto-vivification refers to the automatic generation of a reference
where there was originally undef (or nothing).  It is not related (or at
least restricted) to hashes.

Here is an example:

  %foo = ( this = [10,20,30], that = [40,50,60] );
  print @{[ %foo ]}\n;  # this ARRAY(...) that ARRAY(...)
  print $foo{this}[1];  # 20
  print $foo{that}[2];  # 60
  print $foo{those}[3]; # nothing
  print @{[ %foo ]}\n;  # this ARRAY(...) that ARRAY(...) those ARRAY(...)

Notice how using $foo{those} as a reference caused it to become an array
reference (albeit an empty one)?

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RPI Acacia brother #734
** Look for Regular Expressions in Perl published by Manning, in 2002 **

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RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply numbers :How would I modify my file:

2001-10-18 Thread AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1)

I don't get any output:
I'm using at the 1st line within the script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Which has included the below script.
To execute from command line I input  This scripts name add 2 4 ret
Still get a syntax error:(

Juan Amore HPCS ENGINEERING 1-748-8789

-Original Message-
From: Peter Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:55 PM
To: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1); 'Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs'; AMORE,JUAN
(HP-Roseville,ex1); 'Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
numbers :How would I modify my file:

At 04:28 PM 10/17/01 -0700, AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) wrote:
Hello Tanton or Perl Gurus,
I attempt to run this file but I get a syntax error in the location of
foreach (@list)..?

What is your output from

 /usr/bin/perl -v

?  I'll bet it says 5.004 or earlier.

Can someone advise if I do have a syntax error, I tried many ways of
adjusting that area but no luck:(
Please Help!!

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $function = shift @ARGV;

if( $function =~ /add/ ) {
   $rtn = add( @ARGV );
   print The sum is :$rtn;
elsif( $function =~ /multiply/ ) {
   $rtn = multiply( @ARGV );
   print The product is :$rtn;

sub add {
   my @list = @_;
   my $sum = 0;
   $sum += $_ foreach (@list);

sub multiply {
   my @list = @_;
   my $prod = 1;
   $prod *= $_ foreach (@list);

file 35 lines, 795 characters
prompt file add 2 2 ret # this is the command line.

syntax error at file line 27, near $_ foreach 
syntax error at file line 33, near $_ foreach 
Execution of file aborted due to compilation errors.

Juan Amore HPCS ENGINEERING 1-748-8789

-Original Message-
From: Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:38 PM
To: 'AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1)'; Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
numbers :How would I modify my file:

You probably want to do something like:

my $function = shift @ARGV; # function is now add or whatever and @ARGV
has one less
 # argument in it (e.g. $ARGV[0] == 1 
== 2)

if( $function =~ /add/ ) {
   $rtn = add( @ARGV ); # pass the remaining arguments to the function
elsif( $function =~ /multiply/ ) {
   $rtn = multiply( @ARGV );

sub add {
   my @list = @_; # make list be the arguments passed in to add
   my $sum = 0;
   $sum += $_ foreach( @list ); # loop through each element and add it to

sub multiply {
   my @list = @_;
   my $prod = 1;
   $prod *= $_ foreach( @list );

Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:31 PM
To: Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
Cc: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1)
Subject: FW: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
numbers :How would I modify my file:

Hello Perl gurus;
Can anyone help me show what to add in the sub routine area using a
length array $len=@ARGV so that I can add or multiply numbers.
Command line is This file add 1 2 ret

I trying to use
if ($ARGV[0]=~/add/){
print The sum is:$rtn;
elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/multiply/){
print The product is:$rtn;

sub add {


sub mulitply {



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Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: Special characters from perl to MySQL

2001-10-18 Thread Brett W. McCoy

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Matt Klicka wrote:

 I'm trying to enter data into MySQL and can't seem to
 be able to enter the question mark and the quote
 characters. I've tried every way of quoting (and
 backslashing) I can think of to no avail. With the
 quote I get an error from MySQL saying the query was
 bad (i.e. the query ended at the quote) and with the
 question mark it gets entered as a funky block that,
 when read from mysql and printed by perl, is NULL.
 This is probably more of a MySQL question than perl
 but I haven't been able to find anything in any of the
 MySQL documentation about it so I'm not so sure.

You need to escape the characters in question with a \

INSERT INTO names VALUES ('O\'Connor', 'question\?');

This is pretty standard with all SQL servers.  I think you can also escape
the ' with a ':


-- Brett

Like punning, programming is a play on words.

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RE: What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread RArul

Thanks Curtis. However, I am not seeing what you had mentioned in your
response. When I tested this code, it did not create a key called 'key3'.

# Test Auto-vivification

use strict;
%hash   = ( 'key1'='val1',
#Please note that I am trying to access a new non-existing key called 'key3'
print (\n $hash{'key1'}\n\n $hash{'key2'}\n\n $hash{'key3'});
while(my($key,$val) = each %hash){
print ($key == $val\n\n);

-Original Message-
From: Curtis Poe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 7:23 PM
Subject: Re: What is Auto-Vivification

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
 seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.
 A simple example to prove the point would be greatly appreciated.


Auto-vivification is trying to access a hash entry that doesn't exit.  If
that is done, the hash
entry is typically created with an 'undef' value.

my %hash = ( foo = 'bar', baz = 'qux' );

print $hash{ 'foo' }; # prints 'bar'
print $hash{ 'stuff' }; # prints nothing, but now $hash{ 'stuff' } exists
and is equal to undef

To check for a hash entry without auto-vivifying it, use 'exists'.

if ( exists $hash{ 'stuff } ) {
print $hash{ 'stuff' };
} else {
print q|No %hash entry for 'stuff'.|;

Curtis Ovid Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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Re: What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread Kevin Meltzer

On top of what Jeff said, here is an article on autoviv:


On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 07:10:45PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said something similar to:
 Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
 seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.

[Writing CGI Applications with Perl -]
I find this a nice feature but it is not according to the documentation.
   Or is it a BUG?Let's call it an accidental feature. :-) 
-- Larry Wall in [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Fraction to integer. novice 2 cents

2001-10-18 Thread Juan Ramon

Joel R Stout wrote:
 printrand: $p \n;
 print int: $q \n;
 printceil: $r \n;
 print   floor: $s \n;
 if ( $p - $s = .5 ){
 $t = $r
 } else {
 $t = $s
 print rounded: $t\n;

Another novice's 2 [euro] cents:

$round = ($number0)?floor($number+.5):ceil($number-.5);

Results of this are:
$number -5.6 -5.5 -5.4 -5.0 +0.0 +0.4 +0.6 +1.0 +1.1 +1.5 +1.7
$round  -6.0 -6.0 -5.0 -5.0 -0.0 +0.0 +1.0 +1.0 +1.0 +2.0 +2.0

Juanra ||

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RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply numbers :How would I modify my file:

2001-10-18 Thread Peter Scott

At 07:33 PM 10/18/01 -0400, AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) wrote:
I don't get any output:
I'm using at the 1st line within the script
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
Which has included the below script.
To execute from command line I input  This scripts name add 2 4 ret
Still get a syntax error:(

Juan Amore HPCS ENGINEERING 1-748-8789

Sorry, the syntax error was due to a missing } as someone else pointed out.

But if you type

 /usr/bin/perl -v

at a shell prompt you will get output that you will find useful to know in 
the future.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:55 PM
To: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1); 'Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs'; AMORE,JUAN
(HP-Roseville,ex1); 'Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
numbers :How would I modify my file:

At 04:28 PM 10/17/01 -0700, AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) wrote:
 Hello Tanton or Perl Gurus,
 I attempt to run this file but I get a syntax error in the location of
 foreach (@list)..?

What is your output from

  /usr/bin/perl -v

?  I'll bet it says 5.004 or earlier.

 Can someone advise if I do have a syntax error, I tried many ways of
 adjusting that area but no luck:(
 Please Help!!
 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
 my $function = shift @ARGV;
 if( $function =~ /add/ ) {
$rtn = add( @ARGV );
print The sum is :$rtn;
 elsif( $function =~ /multiply/ ) {
$rtn = multiply( @ARGV );
print The product is :$rtn;
 sub add {
my @list = @_;
my $sum = 0;
$sum += $_ foreach (@list);
 sub multiply {
my @list = @_;
my $prod = 1;
$prod *= $_ foreach (@list);
 file 35 lines, 795 characters
 prompt file add 2 2 ret # this is the command line.
 syntax error at file line 27, near $_ foreach 
 syntax error at file line 33, near $_ foreach 
 Execution of file aborted due to compilation errors.
 Juan Amore HPCS ENGINEERING 1-748-8789
 -Original Message-
 From: Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 1:38 PM
 To: 'AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1)'; Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
 Subject: RE: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
 numbers :How would I modify my file:
 You probably want to do something like:
 my $function = shift @ARGV; # function is now add or whatever and @ARGV
 has one less
  # argument in it (e.g. $ARGV[0] == 1 
 == 2)
 if( $function =~ /add/ ) {
$rtn = add( @ARGV ); # pass the remaining arguments to the function
 elsif( $function =~ /multiply/ ) {
$rtn = multiply( @ARGV );
 sub add {
my @list = @_; # make list be the arguments passed in to add
my $sum = 0;
$sum += $_ foreach( @list ); # loop through each element and add it to
 sub multiply {
my @list = @_;
my $prod = 1;
$prod *= $_ foreach( @list );
 Hope this helps.
 -Original Message-
 From: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:31 PM
 To: Beginners@Perl. Org (E-mail)
 Cc: AMORE,JUAN (HP-Roseville,ex1)
 Subject: FW: Anyone know to how use subroutines to add or multiply
 numbers :How would I modify my file:
 Hello Perl gurus;
 Can anyone help me show what to add in the sub routine area using a
 length array $len=@ARGV so that I can add or multiply numbers.
 Command line is This file add 1 2 ret
 I trying to use
 if ($ARGV[0]=~/add/){
 print The sum is:$rtn;
 elsif ($ARGV[0]=~/multiply/){
 print The product is:$rtn;
 sub add {
 sub mulitply {
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Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: Listing directory contents

2001-10-18 Thread rich+ml

Mebbe something like this?

sub ls { for ($_[0]/*) { print $_\n; ls($_) if -d; } }

ls .;

On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, The Black Man wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 08:10:31 -0700 (PDT)
 From: The Black Man [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Listing directory contents

 Hi all,

 Is there a command to recursively list the contents of
 a directory, and all subdirectories?



 Still pond, frog jumps in. Splash!

 There he of God's own prototypes.
 A high-powered mutant of some sort, never meant for mass production...
 Too weird to live, and too rare to die...

 AIM: TaoJonesin

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output from system call

2001-10-18 Thread Gregory Nicholls

I've got a perl script that is front-ending a group of makefiles.
The makefiles have 'echo' progress msgs in them. Now if I run the makes
from the cmd line I (obviously) get the progress msgs on the terminal.
I'd like to know how I can coerce perl into the same behaviour. I know I
can get the msgs in a result variable but I'd like them to appear at the
time they're issued.
Thanks for any help you can give me on this.
Gregory Nicholls,

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Perl Project - Suggestions

2001-10-18 Thread Paul Stewart

Hi there...

Please cc reply to my email address. :)

I have the following project to complete ASAP and am looking for guideance.
I am a complete Perl novice but understand little tidbits about Perl...
Any pieces of information would be most helpful or some software that helps
get things rolling..:)

I have a flat file database (perhaps will import to MySQL in future) which
contains a list of phone numbers and a few other small fields.  The database
needs to be queried via a web page.  It's a DSL phone number database and
will tell web visitors whether or not a company can provide DSL service to
them or not.

So the software runs the phone number and then depending on the results
returns one of four possibilities:

Phone number is residential and can get DSL service
Phone number is business and can get DSL service
Phone number *may* be in an area that can get DSL service
Phone number cannot get DSL service

Any ideas on how to get started?

Thanks in advance,


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Moving Net::Ftp to another server

2001-10-18 Thread Epperson, Randall W


I have just installed gnu-make on a test AIX server in order to install
and test Net::Ftp. 
This module installed fine and my program works using it. 
Now its time to move my program over to the production server. How can I
Net::Ftp along without reinstalling make and Net::Ftp again?

thanks...randy epperson
Lands' End Unix sysadmin / VM support

Don't anthropomorphize computers. They hate that.

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Re: What is Auto-Vivification

2001-10-18 Thread Curtis Poe

--- Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Oct 18, Curtis Poe said:
  Friends -- Could you briefly explain the term auto-vivification? I have
  seen this quite a few times in some of the responses.
 Auto-vivification is trying to access a hash entry that doesn't exit.  If that is 
done, the
 entry is typically created with an 'undef' value.

Oops! :)  Blew that one.  Actually, the first part of my answer might have been 
*almost* correct
if I hadn't restricted it to hashes and if I didn't, for some boneheaded reason, 
describe it as
trying to 'access' something.

Clearly, I am smoking crack.  I'll just put the pipe down and step away from the 
keyboard now :)

Curtis Ovid Poe

Senior Programmer
Onsite! Technology (
Ovid on

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